
Chocolate fondue at home without a fondue maker. Chocolate fondue is the most romantic treat! Cooking delicious white and dark chocolate fondue for fun

Chocolate fondue is the most romantic dish you can imagine. Such a treat can be prepared for Valentine's Day, March 8, or just arrange friendly gatherings, dipping sweets into melted chocolate. Fondue in translation means "melted". The mass is semi-liquid, viscous, ideally envelops pieces of fruit, cookies, marshmallows. But strawberries are especially delicious. It's time to plunge into the world of chocolate delight!

Chocolate fondue - general principles of preparation

Traditional melted chocolate is prepared and served on the table in a special fondue pot. The device is a burner with a pot, sometimes a candle is placed for a small flame. But more and more often, chocolate is heated on the stove in a saucepan, in a microwave, in a water bath, and only after that it is poured into a special pot. So it turns out much faster and better.

The main ingredient is chocolate and in no case should you save money. Cheap tiles do not taste very good, do not give a good aroma, and may curl when heated. Also, porous chocolate of the “Air” type is not suitable for melting. It is advisable to choose tasty and high-quality tiles, you can use white chocolate, but it is a little capricious, below is a recipe with it.

What can be added to chocolate:


Cream or milk;

Cognac, liquor, etc.

Some ingredients are added for consistency and better melting. They do not allow the mass to solidify quickly, make it more fluid. Something is added for flavor and aroma.

In addition to the fondue maker, there are usually special skewers. But you can use chopsticks or forks. Pieces of fruit, berries, marshmallows or marshmallows, cookies, dried biscuit cubes are put on them, then all this is dipped into a viscous mass and consumed. Chocolate does not need to be cooled, otherwise very thick layers will be obtained, but it should not burn lips either.

Easy Chocolate Fondue Recipe on the Stove

This is the simplest and most common version of chocolate fondue. It is prepared on ordinary cream. We use medium fat content, 10% will not be enough, it is better to take a little more.


200 g dark chocolate;

200 ml cream 15 is better than 20%;

1 st. l. liquor.


1. Wash and dry fruits, berries in advance, prepare cookies and other sweets, then there will be no time for this.

2. We use a saucepan, to the walls of which milk does not stick. In such dishes, porridge is usually boiled. You can take a small cauldron. Pour the cream, put it on the stove to heat up.

3. Open chocolate. You will need two standard tiles. We break it into cubes. Can be chopped into smaller pieces with a large knife.

4. Pour chocolate into cream, start melting.

5. Since fondue is cooked right on the stove, we don’t leave for a minute, we constantly stir the mass. This will prevent it from burning and provide more even heating.

6. As soon as all the pieces of chocolate dissolve, the mass will become homogeneous and will resemble liquid glaze, turn off the stove, add liquor.

7. Pour liquid chocolate into a pot from a fondue pot or into any other bowl under which heating can be built.

8. We install on special stands. From below, turn on the burner or light a small candle.

9. We put this whole structure on the table, move the prepared sweets, stick them on sticks and try!

Chocolate fondue in the microwave

One of the easiest chocolate fondue recipes. The treat will be cooked in the microwave. You also need to prepare sweets in advance so as not to be distracted later, decorate and serve the table, put sticks or skewers for stringing pieces.


150 g of chocolate;

100 ml cream;

1 tsp butter.


1. Pour the cream into a microwave-safe bowl, put it on for a minute to heat up.

2. We quickly crumble chocolate and butter.

3. We take out the cream, pour in the chocolate cubes and put the butter, stir so that the pieces begin to melt slightly.

4. Put the chocolate in the microwave for 10 seconds.

5. Take out the bowl, stir.

6. Heat for another 10 seconds and stir again.

7. Repeat until all the pieces have melted.

8. After that, pour liquid chocolate into a fondue bowl or just into a bowl, serve to the already served table.

Chocolate fondue with milk

Cream is not always available, milk is in the refrigerator more often. You can also make fondue with it, but only if you have good butter. Spreads and margarines will not work.


200 g dark or good milk chocolate;

50 g butter;

150 ml of milk 3.2-4%.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on the stove.

2. Cut the butter into small pieces, add to milk, melt it all over low heat, but do not boil. We heat up to a homogeneous liquid and remove the fire to the very minimum.

3. Now crumble black or milk chocolate, add to milk and stir.

4. We continue to warm up on the smallest fire so that the mixture melts slowly, becomes smooth, shiny.

5. As soon as all the pieces are dissolved, you can add a little cognac, vanilla, cinnamon to your taste. We stir well.

6. Pour the chocolate mass into a fondue bowl, send it to the table.

White chocolate fondue in a water bath

White chocolate is one of the most capricious types and it is not always possible to melt it. It is very important to use good tiles for cooking, as well as absolutely dry dishes. If even a drop of water gets into the glaze, the mass may curl up in flakes.


150 g of white chocolate;

30 g butter 72% fat;

100 ml cream 25-30% fat.


1. You need to make a water bath. To do this, we select two such saucepans so that one freely enters the second, but at the same time does not fall through, but is held by handles.

2. Pour water into a large saucepan, put it on the stove. You can't just melt white chocolate on the stove.

3. Place a small saucepan on top and add cream to it, add a piece of butter. We start to heat up.

4. We crumble chocolate, we throw it into a saucepan. We warm on a small fire. Neither this mass nor the liquid in the pan should boil.

5. As soon as all the pieces disperse, pour the white chocolate mass into a serving dish. We put it on the table.

6. White chocolate is also served with strawberries, cookies, bananas are especially well combined with it, it turns out delicious with prunes.

Chocolate fondue with cream 30% in a fondue bowl

This recipe also belongs to the simplest options, as it is prepared on the basis of heavy cream and does not require transfusion, but the process will take longer. Chocolate will melt even in a fondue pot with a small candle, if done according to the rules.


1 chocolate bar with 70% cocoa;

50 ml heavy cream.


1. Cream needs to be warmed up. You can pour them into a saucepan and hold a little on the stove or put them in the microwave for half a minute. Since the product is used little, it will not take much time.

2. Pour the cream into a bowl of fondue, well, or into a bowler hat, everyone calls this bowl differently.

3. Install on a special stand.

4. We place a candle from below, set it on fire.

5. Break the chocolate into small cubes. The more cocoa it contains, the better it will melt. That is why it is not recommended to take cheap tiles for fondue.

6. Pour the chocolate to the cream, start melting.

7. Periodically stir the mass. For this, it is best to use a wooden spatula. The mass must be lifted from the bottom. In general, the Swiss shepherds, who were the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​melting food, made movements describing the figure eight, that is, the sign of infinity.

8. As soon as all the pieces of chocolate are melted, combined with cream, you can start eating fondue.

Chocolate fondue with orange syrup

Similarly, you can use cherry syrup, it also goes well with chocolate. If the delicacy is prepared exclusively for adults, then feel free to replace the syrups with liqueurs.


180 g of chocolate;

80 g cream;

40 g of oil;

25 ml syrup.


1. Pour the cream into a saucepan or bowl, put in a water bath.

2. As soon as the mass warms up a little, add softened or cut into pieces butter.

3. We crumble the chocolate, send it to the cream. We stir.

4. Warm up the fondue until all the pieces are completely melted. Stir to distribute the heat evenly.

5. Pour in the syrup, stir quickly. Or we use orange or cherry flavored liqueur.

6. Warm up the chocolate with it for a minute to enhance the flavor.

7. Pour into serving bowl.

8. We put fondue on the table, string sweets and enjoy ourselves!

It is convenient to scrape out the remaining chocolate icing with a silicone spatula. She removes the entire layer clean, leaving nothing in the saucepan.

If half-eaten chocolate remains at the bottom of the pot, it can be reheated and used for different desserts. Or heat it up, add a little sugar, milk and get a very tasty drink like hot chocolate or cocoa. It can also be used to impregnate biscuits, but after cooling.

If the chocolate was unsuccessful, curled up in flakes or there are a lot of small grains in it, then it is not suitable for fondue. But it can be cooled, mixed with condensed milk and whipped butter. It will turn out an excellent cream for homemade cakes and pastries.

It is not always possible to find cream with a high fat content in stores, but often there is sour cream 25-30%. It can also be used for melting by mixing half and half with butter.

An exquisite dessert, chocolate fondue, was invented in the middle of the 20th century in America. Translated from French, the word “fondue” means “melting”, the basis of the dish is melted chocolate, into which pieces of fruit, cookies, etc. are dipped. children will like it.

The basis of any chocolate fondue recipe is bar chocolate. For children, you can use milk chocolate, white chocolate goes well with prunes, bitter chocolate is more plastic when heated. Melted chocolate is served on the table in a special device - a fondue pot, which allows you to keep it in a liquid state. Usually it is a ceramic bowl, heated from below by a candle flame. The kit includes special skewers and forks for stringing delicious pieces.

Hard chocolate for fondue (recipe below) can be melted in a water bath or in the microwave. Chocolate cooked in a water bath is smoother and shinier. When serving, chocolate should not be too hot, so as not to “kill” its aroma.

  • Bar chocolate - 200 g.
  • Cream - 200 g; can be replaced with milk (150 g) and butter (50 g).

For flavor:

  • Liquor - 1 tbsp. spoon ( for children, replace with orange syrup).

For serving(what will be at hand):

  • Cookie;
  • biscuits;
  • buns;
  • marshmallow;
  • paste;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

How to cook

The process of making chocolate fondue won't take long:

  1. Fruits (bananas, apples, kiwi, pineapple, etc.) wash, dry, peel and cut into pieces.
  2. Wash and dry dried fruits.
  3. Break large cookies, cut biscuits and buns.
  4. Marshmallow and marshmallow cut into pieces.
  5. Pour cream into a saucepan.
  6. Break the chocolate bars into small pieces and put in a saucepan with cream.
  7. Place the saucepan in a water bath and stir the contents until the chocolate dissolves.
  8. When the mixture begins to boil, add liquor (syrup) there.

How to serve

  • Pour the melted chocolate into a ceramic bowl (deep fryer) and light a candle underneath.
  • Arrange pieces of food, berries, nuts and dried fruits beautifully on plates

  • After chopping pieces (berries, dried fruits) onto skewers (forks), dip them into melted chocolate. Nuts can be taken with special tweezers

By inviting guests for chocolate fondue, you will delight them with an exquisite dessert and create a cozy, trusting atmosphere.

Now few people can be perplexed by such an unusual word in the menu of restaurants and cafes as “ fondue", translated from French meaning " molten". Currently, there are several types of fondue, in which the main melted ingredient is hard cheese.

There are many legends and assumptions about the appearance of fondue, but no one argues with the fact that it was the Swiss who invented it. And soon appears another type of fondue - chocolate, the melting component of which is chocolate, and any - both dark and milky, sometimes even white, the main thing is that it be without filling. If earlier you could taste this unusual dessert only in restaurants, then now chocolate fondue is easy and simple to make at home.

It takes quite a bit to do this.: fondue pot, chocolate and what you will dip in this chocolate. It can be all kinds of berries, fruits, cheese, cookies, biscuits, marshmallows, nuts and dried fruits. Everything that your imagination and taste preferences are capable of.

By the way fondue sets can be bought in any stores. They are a metal, and increasingly ceramic bowl of a special shape. Under the bowl itself there is a place for burner or regular tea light.

Fondue should not freeze, so it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature and a candle is the best suited for this.

The fondue set also includes special long metal forks or wooden skewers.

Before giving a few recipes for chocolate fondue, remember how did this unusual dessert come about. Oddly enough, the Americans first tried chocolate fondue, and this dessert quickly conquered all of America. At one press conference, the organizers, as always, arranged a buffet table, and its highlight was a previously unseen dish - chocolate gurgled fragrantly in a clay pot, and next to it on a plate were berries, fruits and pieces of cookies. Journalists enthusiastically appreciated the proposed delicacy, although restaurateurs were skeptical about it until they tried it themselves.

After that, chocolate fondue appears on many menus of fashionable restaurants in America. It happened in 1966. And a year later, chocolate fondue conquered Europe.

Although the Americans can be considered the inventors of chocolate fondue, they used the famous triangular Toblerone.

By the way, even today it is believed that the most delicious chocolate fondue is obtained from this chocolate, since the harmonious combination of honey and almonds makes chocolate fondue more refined and pleasant to the taste.

So let's get back to chocolate fondue recipe which can be easily prepared at home.

This will require: chocolate bar and cream.

Do not forget put a lit candle or burner under it so that our fondue does not freeze. You can add a few teaspoons of liquor, cognac, a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla to chocolate fondue. In the prepared mixture, dip the berries, fruits, cookies, marshmallows and chopped on forks or skewers ... Bon appetit!

Today we will talk about how to make chocolate fondue at home according to a very affordable recipe. It can be made from white, milk or dark chocolate. The main thing is that the chocolate itself is of high quality, then we will get an elastic mixture without lumps. Inexpensive chocolate may not give such a consistency and remain lumps in the cream. So, let's take a closer look at how to make homemade fondue.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: stove, heavy-bottomed saucepan or fondue pot.


Choosing the Right Ingredients

  • Buy chocolate 70% black, of high quality, and your fondue will turn out amazingly tasty.
  • Be sure to take cream with a fat content of at least 33% to get the desired taste and consistency of the liquid.

Step by step recipe

Feed Options

Fondue is often an occasion for friendly meetings. At such moments, it should be cooked more, placed in a fondue pot in the middle of the table and served with various sweets, fruits and berries. Guests will prick the chosen product with special skewers and dip it into hot chocolate.

Now there are special fountains for chocolate fondue, and serving it in them is very beautiful. Prepare fondue to serve as dessert with your favorite treats.

Chocolate fondue recipe video

Dear readers, I invite you to watch a short video that shows in detail the entire process of making chocolate fondue at home.

History of occurrence

Like many dishes, this dish was invented by the peasants. In ancient times, when the shepherds of Sweden went to the Alps with a flock of sheep, where they stayed for several days, they took cheese, bread and wine with them from food. They also had a bowler hat. Cheese and bread dried up, and in order not to throw them away and be full, they melted the cheese in a pot with hot wine and dipped bread in it. This is how the first cheese fondue appeared, which is now very popular. This recipe was scattered first among the poor people, then it ended up in noble houses.

Now, various ingredients are used to make fondue: cheese, chocolate, meat, fish, vegetables. There is also a special device called "Fondyushnitsa", in which the temperature of the resulting mixture is maintained. It can be purchased ready-made or built independently from refractory dishes and candles.

It is very interesting that the name of the dish was given by the French. During joint feasts, the French nobility fell in love with such a treat. And everything that they like, they are used to giving a name, so that later they can tell and give a try to their compatriots. So the name “fondre” remained behind this dish, which means “melt” in French.

Dear readers, I am very pleased to share with you simple recipes for delicious treats.. If you have already tried to cook fondue according to my recipe, share with me your opinion about the resulting dessert. If you have any additions or wishes, write them in the comments, I will be happy to read you. And now I wish you success in cooking and bon appetit!

Chocolate fondue is small pieces of fruit, berries or biscuit in chocolate icing. Today I offer a couple of recipes on how to make fondue at home. Consider the classic dark chocolate fondue recipe, as well as white chocolate fondue.

Classic chocolate fondue recipe


  • dark chocolate - 150 g,
  • heavy heavy cream - 1/4 cup


  1. Grate the chocolate, mix with cream in a bowl and melt in the microwave or in a water bath. Stir the melted fondue until smooth and leave to languish in a water bath so that the glaze does not thicken ahead of time.
  2. Cut into cubes (no more than 2 cm) dried sweet biscuit, apples, pears, banana, kiwi or other fruits. Fresh dense berries (strawberries, grapes, gooseberries) are used whole.
  3. We string the ingredients of the fillings on the tip of a toothpick and gently dip into the chocolate icing. In order for the glaze to harden evenly and not be smeared, the other tip of the toothpick can be stuck into a soft surface until the glaze is completely dry. Read more

Chocolate fondue with white chocolate


  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 tbsp butter,
  • 50 g white chocolate,


  1. We heat the cream in a water bath, add the grated white chocolate, butter and stir until the chocolate and butter are completely dissolved. Just like the first recipe, we cut fruit and biscuit into cubes. Dip in glaze and let harden.
  2. Such chocolate fondue will be an excellent dessert - assorted at a children's party or a friendly tea party.

Easy chocolate fondue recipe

Fondue is a national Swiss dish, it is prepared in a special dish called caquelon, or simply "fondue". This is a great occasion to get together in the evening, as Swiss shepherds did centuries ago. In the evenings, they warmed cheese and wine in earthenware pots to dine and keep warm, and ate it all with bread.

Therefore, cheese is included in classic fondue recipes, and it is recommended to dip slices of bread on skewers into it. Dishes similar to fondue are found in many cuisines of the world: Italian, Dutch and even Chinese fondue. Over time, fondue appeared in sweet versions, for example, there is a very simple recipe for chocolate fondue. This is a delicious dessert that can be eaten by dipping fruits, cookies, biscuit pieces or marshmallows in melted chocolate.


For chocolate fondue:

  • 500 g chocolate (bitter, milk or even white)
  • 300 ml cream 10% fat
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

For serving:

  • Any fruit or berry of your choice: strawberry, apple, kiwi, banana, pineapple, pear, orange, seedless grapes
  • Lemon juice, skewers
  • Optional: biscuit, cookies, marshmallows
  • Walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts


  1. Cut the apple, kiwi, banana, pear into slices, pineapple into cubes, divide the orange into slices. Drizzle lemon juice over the apple, pear, and banana to keep them from browning. Cut the biscuit so that it is convenient to eat it. After chocolate fondue, products can be dipped in chopped nuts if desired.
  2. Break the chocolate, put it in a fondue bowl, add the cream. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly and gently.
  3. Next, dip the prepared fruits and sweets in chocolate fondue and enjoy the taste.

Fondue chocolate and coffee

Today we will prepare a delicious chocolate and coffee fondue. This sweet hot dessert will surprise and delight your guests and loved ones and will be a worthy decoration of any table.

Fondue is prepared in a special dish - caquelon or fondue pot, which is a small cauldron with legs, which is placed above the brazier. In such dishes, fondue can be cooked right on the dining table, watching the process with interest and impatience.

Fondue Ingredients:

  • 200g. chocolate
  • 6 tbsp condensed milk
  • 3 tbsp vodka or cognac
  • 1 tbsp instant coffee
  • white bread or biscuit
  • fruits - any

Fondue preparation:

  1. Freeze the chocolate first, and then break into pieces or grate.
  2. Heat and melt the chocolate in the caquelon, stirring constantly.
  3. Add condensed milk and stir again until smooth.
  4. Add instant coffee, stir.
  5. Maintaining a small fire in the caquelon, serve the fondue to the table.
  6. Pieces of fruit, biscuit cakes or bread are taken with a fork and dipped in the chocolate mixture.

Bon appetit!

Chocolate caramel fondue

Try making chocolate and caramel fondue too. To keep fondue warm for as long as possible, you can purchase a special fondue pot with a candle or a burner.

You will need:

  • 400g milk or dark chocolate
  • ¾ cup cream
  • 2 tablespoons Cointreau liqueur
  • 4 Belgian sugar waffles
  • mix of berries

How to cook Chocolate fondue :

  1. Combine chocolate, cream and liqueur in a heatproof bowl. Melt the mixture in a water bath, stirring for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, toast the waffles. Cut them into heart-shaped or finger-shaped pieces.
  3. Serve waffles on a fondue platter with berries.
  4. Pour the finished chocolate mass into a heated fondue pot (see tip) and serve immediately with waffles and berries.

Chocolate fondue

Fondue- the favorite national dish of the Swiss was originally prepared by local shepherds from slightly dried cheese, wine and stale white bread. But chefs in their creative impulses are constantly inventing new recipes, sometimes leaving only the name of the original dish. This is what happened with fondue. Now it is known not only as cheese, meat and fish, but also as an exquisite dessert, the preparation of which we will now deal with.

To make chocolate fondue we will need:

  • Bitter chocolate - 2-3 bars
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Cream - 1 cup (at least 30% fat)
  • Exotic fruits and berries. In our case, these are canned pineapple slices and fresh watermelon.


  1. Cut the watermelon into small pieces and remove the pits. Grate the zest from the orange and squeeze out the juice.
  2. We break the chocolate into pieces for a more uniform melting and send it to a cast-iron fondue pot or a thick-walled pan, which we place on the fire.
  3. Stirring constantly, add the zest to the melted chocolate in turn, pour in the orange juice and cream. Stir again until a homogeneous mass is achieved. Take it off the stove and put it on the burner.
  4. Put pieces of watermelon and pineapple into cups and start tasting. All is ready.
  5. It is customary to eat fondue in a big cheerful company, so call your friends to the table and let them enjoy such a simple and at the same time original dish.

Chocolate fondue


  • Cream 30% - 200 ml
  • Bitter chocolate - 200 g
  • Cognac - 30 ml
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped walnuts - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped almonds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Any fresh fruit, diced biscuit, marshmallow marshmallows - to taste


  1. Set the fondue bowl in a water bath.
  2. Break the chocolate and mix it with cream, nuts, honey and cognac.
  3. Heat the mixture and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  4. Remove from the water bath and consume while the fondue is hot.

Chocolate fondue recipe


  • Chocolate bitter 340 g
  • Almond milk 0.75 cups.
  • Vanilla extract 1 tsp
  • Sugar dark brown 1 tsp

Step by step recipe

1. Break the chocolate bars and mix them with warm milk and sugar.
2. Heat the mixture in a water bath or coquelon.
3. Pour into chocolate in a fondue bowl, if it is not already there, and without turning off the burner, enjoy by dipping fruit and sweets into it.
