
Fresh beans for the winter in jars recipes. Salads with beans for the winter - classic and original canning recipes

Beans are a hearty and very healthy product. Canning beans allows you to prepare a universal dish for the winter - an excellent independent snack, addition to side dishes, dressing for soups. It is worth stocking up on vitamin preparations in the summer for future use in order to save your time on cooking in the winter.

How to cook bean salad for the winter

Bean Snack for the Winter is a hearty addition to a hot meal for lunch or dinner. The appetizer is served cold or warm. The preparation can be made in the form of a pate or salad, you can take mushrooms, cabbage, beets, tomatoes or greens as an additional ingredient. The choice is yours. Try our appetizer recipes and you will love them!

Bean and vegetable preparations are tasty, nutritious, healthy. They can not only be added as a dressing to soups or borscht, but also served as a full meal. Bean salads for the winter are very easy to prepare: you just need to boil the beans, chop and stew the vegetables, combine the ingredients and distribute the appetizer in jars. An important point when canning homemade salad is the preliminary preparation of the main component. Experienced chefs advise pre-filling the beans with cold clean water for 12 hours.

Bean salad recipes for the winter

A canned salad with beans for the winter contains a huge amount of protein, and thanks to additional ingredients (greens, vegetables), it makes up for the lack of vitamins and provides the body with valuable fiber. By using the product, you will reduce the risk of beriberi and get additional energy, the need for which is much higher in winter than in summer. The recipes for preparing a delicious preparation are described in detail and with a photo below.

Bean salad for the winter - recipes with photos. Delicious salads with beans for the winter

Snack with beans for the winter - general principles of cooking

Beans for the preparation of blanks take white, red or green beans. It is pre-sorted and washed. Red and white beans are soaked in water so they cook faster. And ph green beans can be immediately sent to stew or boil.

Basically, tomatoes are added to bean snacks. They should be ripe but not spoiled. They are washed and the stem is removed. Eggplant is also often found in such snacks, which also needs to be pre-processed. Vegetables should be washed, dried and cut off all unnecessary. Sliced ​​eggplant after you need to soak in salted water or just sprinkle with salt. So they will leave, completely unnecessary in the snack, bitterness.

Hot and sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms, carrots and greens are also added to the bean appetizer. More interesting snack options include nuts, potatoes or corn.

Such bean blanks can be used to make soups or main dishes. It can be served as a hot or cold side dish.

Beans with vegetables for the winter

Bean salad recipes are very similar, they usually differ in the ratio and quantity of ingredients. The following describes the classic version of preparing a blank for the winter from beans. You can use it as an independent snack or dressing for first courses. If desired, you can add more garlic or spices to the preservation, then its aroma and taste will become even brighter.

How to cook beans with vegetables for the winter?


  • carrot - 1 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • fleshy tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • white beans - 1 kg;
  • garlic head;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • red bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 15 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, after which you can easily remove the skin from them. Grind the fruits with a blender / meat grinder.
  2. Boil beans pre-soaked for 12 hours.
  3. Remove stems and seeds from peppers. Cut vegetables into strips or half rings, like onions.
  4. Coarsely grate the carrots, push the garlic with a press.
  5. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed pan, place the tomato mass, beans here (drain the water first into the sink). You need to simmer food on low heat for an hour.
  6. Separately, you should fry the onion with carrot chips, put the fry to the tomato-bean mixture.
  7. Season the salad with spices, boil for another 20 minutes, add crushed garlic at the end of cooking.
  8. After 3 minutes, remove the container from the stove, put it in a sterilized container, cork with lids.

Snack with beans and mushrooms for the winter

Composition of products:

  • 1 kg of mature dry beans;
  • 410 g of champignons;
  • 20 g of garlic;
  • four heads of onion;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of black ground pepper;
  • coarse salt to taste;
  • 35-40 ml of table vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

  1. First, soak the beans in warm water for 4-5 hours. If desired, this is done at night. Then rinse and fill with water in a saucepan. Cook until soft. Then we decant the whole broth and let the beans cool.
  2. Peel and rinse the garlic and onion. Finely chop. Fry in sunflower oil (30 ml) in a pan.
  3. We clean the mushrooms and wash them by hand under running water. Gently wring them out with your hands and cut into thin slices. We spread it in a separate pan and fry until all the moisture has evaporated without oil. You don't need to fry more.
  4. We put the walnuts in a dry frying pan and fry so that the dark skin begins to curl. Next, spread the nuts on a plate and manually peel. Discard the skins and place the nuts in a blender. Grind for 2-3 seconds. By the way, an ordinary meat grinder is also suitable for grinding.
  5. Add beans, onion with garlic and mushrooms to the nuts. Grind to a puree-shaped consistency.
  6. Put the puree in a saucepan and add salt, pepper and all the remaining oil. Simmer the mixture until it warms evenly and add vinegar. Stir and simmer for another 3-4 minutes.
  7. We lay out the pate appetizer with beans in sterilized jars and cover with lids. We sterilize the workpiece in moderately boiling water in a saucepan. The time of additional sterilization depends on the volume of the jar. For containers of half a liter, 15 minutes is enough. We take out the jars and close them tightly. We clean first in heat to cool, and then in coolness for storage.

Tomato appetizer with beans for the winter

Composition of products:

  • 2 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of beans;
  • half a kilo of sweet pepper;
  • 400 g of onions;
  • 200 ml sunflower oil;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 20 g of granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml sunflower oil;
  • to taste salt;
  • 3-4 peas of allspice;
  • 35-40 ml of table vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the beans in a cup of water and leave them in water overnight or for 4-5 hours. When the grains swell well, we wash them again and set to cook until semi-soft. We separate from the decoction.
  2. In the meantime, we process sweet peppers and other vegetables. We wash the tomatoes, cut out the place where the stalk was, and cut into slices. We remove the dry scales from the onion and cut into half rings. Cut out the seed pod from the pepper. Cut the pepper into thin strips. We sort the parsley by hand and rinse in water, chop on a cutting board.
  3. Put the chopped vegetables into a clean saucepan and pour in the oil. We put on a moderate fire. Season with salt, sugar and allspice peas. Stir and simmer without a lid until half cooked. We introduce beans with herbs and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Stir so that the heat treatment takes place evenly. Add vinegar. Remove from heat after 3-4 minutes.
  4. We lay out the appetizer in clean sterilized jars and cork with lids. Remove to cool down.

Green bean salad for the winter

Asparagus beans are a storehouse of microelements, proteins, vitamins. In addition, it is very tasty and easy on the digestive system. Asparagus bean salad for the winter can be prepared according to different recipes, but, as a rule, the main component is supplemented with a set of seasonal vegetables. Winter preparation with green pods, bell peppers and sweet and sour tomato sauce turns out to be very bright, fresh, rich. In winter, such an appetizer will serve as a great addition to fish or meat dishes.

How to preserve lettuce?


  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • asparagus beans - 1 kg;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the pods, rinse with water, dry with paper towels. Trim the tips on both sides, then chop the beans into small sticks (about 3 cm each).
  2. Boil the legume in lightly salted water (it will take 10 minutes), then fold the component into a colander, letting the water drain.
  3. Tomatoes should be cut into medium-sized cubes, carrots should be rubbed, onions should be finely chopped into half rings.
  4. Next, you need to fry the carrots with onions in oil, turning on medium heat.
  5. Combine the beans with vegetable fry and tomatoes, add oil, salt, sugar.
  6. Simmer the mass for 40 minutes on low heat, stirring frequently.
  7. Let the finished salad cool slightly, then distribute it in glass containers, roll up the lids.

Beetroot snack with beans for the winter

Composition of products:

  • half a kilo of young beans;
  • 1 kg of beets;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • half a kilo of onion;
  • 1 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 250 ml sunflower oil;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. table vinegar 9%;
  • two pinches of ground pepper;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 40 g salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the young beans in water. Let it cook until almost done.
  2. In a separate pan, boil the beets without peeling them. After that, fill the roots with cold water and peel them. We rub on a grater. Mix with vinegar and cover with a lid.
  3. While the food is cooking, peel the carrots, tomatoes and onions. Cut the vegetables thinly, but do not chop. For carrots, use a grater. We shift the vegetables into a saucepan for stewing and pour in sunflower oil. Add sugar, salt and pepper powder. Stir and simmer vegetables until soft.
  4. Add vinegared beets and beans to the salad. Stir and simmer for a little less than 10 minutes.
  5. We remove the appetizer with beans from the stove and put it in sterilized glass jars. We cork with lids treated with boiling water and set to cool in a warm towel.

Vegetable snack with beans for the winter

Composition of products:

  • kilogram of beans;
  • three kilograms of tomatoes;
  • half a kilo of turnip onion;
  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • 15 g of granulated sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 3 art. l. table vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the bean grains with cool water and leave for 3-4 hours. Rinse and leave again for an hour. Fill with new water and boil until tender.
  2. We clean the vegetables according to the recipe list and rinse under running water. Then we cut the onion into thin quarters of rings, three carrots on a grater, and grind the tomatoes into a puree. We put the vegetables in a saucepan. Add butter, sugar and salt. Put on moderate fire to simmer. Be sure to stir so that the bottom does not burn.
  3. When the vegetables are ready (for testing), add the beans and vinegar. Simmer for another 10 minutes and remove from heat.
  4. We distribute the appetizer in sterile jars and close with sterile lids. After the cans have cooled, we put them in the basement until winter.

Snack with red beans for the winter

vegetable snack with beans for the winter without sterilization, step by step photos

To preserve 3 half-liter jars of such an appetizer, we need:

  • beans - 1 half-liter jar
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 kg
  • carrots - 0.5 kg
  • onion - 0.5 kg
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml.
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.
  • drinking water - 0.5 l.

How to cook beans for the winter: Rinse beans and soak in cold water for 12 hours. Then measure out the required amount.

  1. Boil the soaked beans until almost done.
  2. Peel sweet peppers from stalks and seeds with pulp,
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running water and cut into cubes.
  4. Peel the carrots, grate (large, for Korean carrots). Fry it in vegetable oil until half cooked.
  5. Peel and cut the onions into rings (if the onions are large, you can also use half rings). Fry it also in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  6. In a saucepan, mix water, salt, sugar left over from frying, sunflower oil and vinegar, bring to a boil.
  7. Put all the prepared vegetables and beans into the boiling marinade.
    With constant stirring, simmer the appetizer for about an hour.

Immediately put the hot appetizer into sterile half-liter jars, cover with sterile metal lids and roll up. Turn the cans of snacks onto the lids and wrap them in a blanket until they cool.

Store a snack with beans for the winter in a dark and cool place.

Snack with beans and cabbage for the winter

Composition of products:

  • half a kilo of beans;
  • half a kilo of sweet pepper;
  • two kilograms of red ripe tomatoes;
  • 410 g carrots;
  • four bulbs;
  • 410 g of white cabbage;
  • one glass of sunflower oil;
  • 4 g ground pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • one st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 80 ml of table vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

  1. We start with beans. Rinse it and cook until tender in plenty of water. If the water evaporates before the beans are soft, add more. We only use hot water. We separate the finished grains from the broth.
  2. We clean the vegetables for the recipe from everything superfluous and wash them in running water. Now cut the pepper, onion and cabbage into strips. We pass the carrots through a grater, and grind the tomatoes in mashed potatoes.
  3. We put the vegetables in a saucepan and start simmering. We introduce oil. Salt, pepper and sweeten the vegetable mass to your own taste. Stir occasionally.
  4. After about half an hour, add beans and vinegar to the vegetables.
  5. After another 10 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and immediately transfer it to sterilized jars. We close the preservation with lids and leave to cool.

Recipe - Eggplant appetizer with beans for the winter

Composition of products:

  • 320 g of beans;
  • two kilograms of eggplant;
  • kilogram of ripe tomatoes;
  • 290 g carrots;
  • 310 g of sweet pepper;
  • 15 g of garlic;
  • 50-55 g of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of ground coriander;
  • one glass of sunflower oil;
  • coarse salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. We start by preparing all the products on the list. Soak beans for a couple of hours and boil until tender. The rest of the vegetables are cleaned and washed. Cut eggplant and pepper into medium-sized cubes. Grind the tomatoes and garlic into a bowl.
  2. Mix the vegetables in a saucepan to prepare a bean snack. We put on a moderate fire and cook with a slight boil. We introduce oil, coriander, sugar and salt to your liking. Optionally, we can add your favorite spices or seasonings. We stir constantly.
  3. After 10-13 minutes, add the bean grains strained from the broth. We cook the snack until ready. We add vinegar. The taste should be sweet and sour, without pronounced acidity.
  4. After 5-6 minutes, put the salad in jars and preserve it.

Beans in tomato sauce

Such a salad is very similar to store-bought beans, which housewives often buy for borscht. However, due to the fact that tomatoes with pulp are used instead of tomato juice, the sauce is thicker.

To make 4.5 liters of canned bean salad, you should:

  1. Boil a kilo of beans.
  2. Peel three kilograms of tomatoes, after dousing them with boiling water, and chop using a meat grinder.
  3. Pour the tomato paste into a large saucepan. Pour salt (1 tablespoon) and twice as much sugar, 1 tsp each. allspice and black pepper and 4 bay leaves. Cook for 30 minutes.
  4. After half an hour, put the finished beans in a cauldron and simmer everything together for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour the salad into jars and roll up.

Greek bean salad

Traditionally, red beans and chili peppers are used to prepare this appetizer in the amount necessary to make the salad spicy. For those who do not like hot dishes, chili can be put in quite a bit, for taste. Greek salad for the winter with beans turns out to be very tasty, and red fruits and vegetables make it also festively beautiful.

First of all, you need to prepare the beans:

  • soak red beans in the amount of 1 kg in water for 12 hours (during this time the water should be changed 3 times):
  • pour the swollen beans into a saucepan, add new water and let it boil;
  • change the water and cook for 30-40 minutes until the beans are half cooked;
  • Drain the beans in a colander to drain all the liquid.

Now start preparing the vegetables:

And now you can start cooking directly canned red bean salad:

Bean salad with beets for the winter

A jar of such an appetizer will serve not only as a delicious side dish for mashed potatoes, but will also help out during the preparation of first courses. Beetroot salad with beans for the winter can be added instead of fresh vegetables to borscht. From the indicated amount of ingredients, approximately 6.5 liters of the finished product should be obtained.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Boil 3 tbsp. beans. You can take sugar beans - they are not very large, but they cook quickly.
  2. Beets (2 kg) wash well and also boil.
  3. When it cools down, peel off the skin and grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Grate two kilograms of raw carrots on the same grater that was used for beets.
  5. Two kilograms of onion cut into half rings.
  6. Coarsely chop the tomatoes (2 kg) with the skin.
  7. Fry onions, carrots and tomatoes in turn in a pan.
  8. Put all the ingredients in a large cauldron, add 500 g of oil and boiled water and 150 g of vinegar. Pour a glass of sugar and salt (100 g).
  9. Mix the workpiece with a wooden spatula, let it boil and simmer for half an hour.
  10. Pour into a glass container and preserve.

Bean salad with zucchini

Beans, although healthy, are a little heavy food for the stomach. To make the appetizer lighter, you can add young zucchini or zucchini to it and make a salad for the winter with beans and zucchini.

For the salad you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. sugar beans;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 500 g of bell pepper;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • to taste - salt and pepper;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar.
  1. Soak the beans overnight, and boil the next day until tender.
  2. Cut the zucchini into large cubes so that they remain whole during the cooking process. You can not cut the peel if the vegetables are young.
  3. Pepper cut into not very thick sticks.
  4. Place chopped vegetables in a large cauldron, pour tomato juice on top and boil for 40 minutes (over medium heat). During this time, the juice that the zucchini will start up will evaporate. Next, screw on the burner and boil the salad for 20 minutes.
  5. When the workpiece becomes thicker, add the finished beans, butter and sugar (salt, pepper - to taste). Boil for another 10 minutes and pour in the vinegar. After 2 minutes, turn off the burner, put the salad in jars and roll up.

A salad with beans for the winter is not only a hearty snack, but also an excellent preparation for first courses, which will help you cook them quickly. Experiment, add other vegetables to the beans, and enjoy your meal!

Snack with beans for the winter - tricks and tips

  • To keep snacks longer, it is better to pre-sterilize jars. This can be done over the steam of an ordinary kettle, doused with boiling water or sent to the oven. You can simply lay out the bean billet in jars and send it to a saucepan with a towel laid at the bottom and half filled with water. Boil everything together for half an hour.
  • So that the snack does not turn into porridge, it must not be overcooked.
  • It is better to make a snack from white beans. It cooks much faster, which makes the dish more tender.
  • If the appetizer is prepared from different types of beans, then it should be borne in mind that the cooking time for each bean is different.

Beans are a nutritious and healthy product of the legume family. Canned preparations based on it can be used as sauces, side dishes or dressings for soups. Once you have prepared them for the winter, you can ease the process of preparing main dishes for the entire cold period and forget about rubbing vegetables, boiling beans and other time-consuming tasks by adding the mixture to your favorite recipes.

Salad with beans for the winter contains an increased amount of valuable protein contained in this product. And the additional ingredients included in the composition, for example, vegetables and herbs, provide the body with fiber and those vitamins that are preserved after heat treatment. The finished product based on them provides the body with the required energy and strength, the need for which is even higher in winter than in other seasons.

For you, we have collected here the most popular and best winter bean salad recipes. So that you, without spending a lot of time searching, choose something for yourself.

With beans, tomatoes and carrots

Most bean salad recipes contain similar ingredients, with slightly different amounts and ratios. We offer you a classic version of this dish. Sweet juicy vegetables and beans can be used as a dressing for your favorite soups or as a snack on their own.

We will need:

  • Beans - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 kg;
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 260 grams;
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Wash the tomatoes, peel and remove the skin. Then we twist in a blender, meat grinder or three through a sieve;
  2. We sort the beans, wash and fill with cold water. Let's brew for 10 hours;
  3. Rinse the pepper, remove the tail and all the seeds, and then chop it into plates or half rings;
  4. We remove the husk from the onion, wash it. Pat dry with a towel and cut the onion in half. After that, we chop the halves into half rings;
  5. Wash the carrots thoroughly with a sponge, remove the peels, then three on a coarse grater;
  6. Garlic is peeled, washed and squeezed in a press. Can be ground in a blender;
  7. Pour the oil into a thick-walled pan, heat it and pour in the tomato pulp and soaked beans (without water). We cook everything together on low heat for 60 minutes;
  8. Separately, fry carrots and onions in a pan. Then we spread the frying to the tomato-bean mass and mix.
  9. Add sugar, pepper and salt, boil for another 20 minutes;
  10. At the very end, add the garlic mass, boil for another three minutes. Everything is ready, you can roll salads with canned beans into jars.

Beans, cabbage and zucchini

In addition to the classic options, there are alternative recipes, for example, with cabbage and zucchini, which can be changed to eggplant. The rest of the composition of the dish is similar to the classic, but the overall impression will be different. We suggest you preserve the beans in this way.

We will need:

  • White beans - 2 cups;
  • Young zucchini (eggplant) - 1.7 kg;
  • Hard cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • Hard tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 ½ cups;
  • Vegetable oil - 400 ml;
  • Vinegar - a tablespoon;
  • Powdered pepper - 2 tsp;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.


  1. Beans in the preparation of the salad will take more time, so we'll start with it. First, let's sort it out, rinse it and pour water 1: 2, where the last digit is liquid. Let's leave it for the night, and in the morning we will change the water to fresh and set to cook until almost ready (but not quite);
  2. The next step is cabbage. Remove the upper leaves from the fork, cut off the lower part (there are the best thin leaves) and chop it very thinly;
  3. We wash the pepper pods and clean them of everything superfluous (core, seeds and stalk), then finely chop;
  4. My zucchini, cut off the skin and chop into circles. If the vegetables are large, then cut into any other convenient smaller shape;
  5. We wash the tomatoes, remove the skin after scalding. Grind the remaining pulp with a blender or meat grinder;
  6. We clean the onion from the husk, wash and cut into half rings;
  7. Recipes for salads with beans differ in cooking methods, in our case, it is required to prepare the marinade before cooking.
  8. Mix vegetable oil with spices and vinegar, add sugar and salt;
  9. Pour the marinade into a deep thick-walled pan, add prepared vegetables there: cabbage, zucchini, pepper, tomato mixture and onion. At a low boil, cook everything for a little over an hour. Then pour the main ingredient, mix and simmer for another ½ hour. Salads with canned beans are ready, you can distribute them in jars and twist.

Beans in tomato sauce

A classic dressing for any tomato soups and even cabbage soup - recipes for beans with tomatoes are multifaceted, so you can use them at your discretion, without looking back at the wishes of the authors of the dishes. Such an appetizer will look good as an additional ingredient to stewed vegetables.

We will need:

  • Large onion - 5 pcs.;
  • Sweet hard tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Lavrushka - 5 leaves;
  • Black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • Salt - 1 ½ tablespoons;
  • Allspice - 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar essence - 1 tsp;
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Let's start with the longest in terms of preparing the component - beans. We sort out the kernels, rinse and fill with water for 11 hours or overnight. Then drain the liquid, rinse again and add clean water. Boil;
  2. Remove all the husks from the onion and chop as finely as possible;
  3. Then we heat the pan, take a little vegetable oil and fry the onion until bright golden;
  4. We wash the tomatoes, pierce in several places and scald. In places of puncture, the skin will burst. Easily remove it and turn the remaining mass into tomato puree. Salt to your taste and send to cook over medium heat;
  5. We give the tomatoes to boil a little, add the onion and simmer until it is ready;
  6. We fall asleep bay leaves and spices, boil everything together for about five minutes and throw in the beans. After that, leave to cook for half an hour;
  7. Now salads with canned beans are ready, you can sort them into jars and twist them.

Beans and mushrooms

There are various recipes for canned beans for the winter, but most of them are based on a combination of legumes with vegetables. In the same case, we suggest adding a non-classical ingredient - mushrooms, which will add piquancy and originality to the winter salad.

We will need:

  • Beans - 1 kg;
  • Fresh mushrooms (preferably champignons or boletus) - 1.5 kg;
  • Strong tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • Carrots - 1.4 g;
  • Sand sugar - 10 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 180 ml;
  • Vinegar (9%) - ½ cup;
  • Salt - 25 grams;
  • Peppercorns - 4 pieces.


  1. As in previous recipes, we start the salad with beans. We sort and wash the grains, soak for a long time - for the night or half a day. Then rinse, change the water to fresh and cook for 50 minutes. Let the remaining liquid drain;
  2. While the beans are cooking, let's prepare the mushrooms. We sort through them, removing leaves and forest debris, cut off the roots, leaving about 2 cm on the leg. Rinse well, pay special attention to hats. If we use champignons for salad, they need to be cut. Butterfish and other small mushrooms can be left as is;
  3. We wash the tomatoes, make several punctures and scald. Then easily remove the cracked skin. We twist the pulp in mashed potatoes with a meat grinder or blender;
  4. We rub the carrots from the ground, remove the peels, then three in a grater;
  5. Mix mushrooms with vegetables in a thick saucepan, add granulated sugar and salt, season with pepper and add oil. We mix everything and put on a fire of medium intensity. Cook, stirring, for about half an hour;
  6. After we add the beans and simmer the same amount more;
  7. Then comes the turn of vinegar, which is included in almost all canning recipes. Add it and boil for another 5 minutes. Salads with canned beans are ready, you can pour them into glass containers and roll them up with lids.

Spicy salads with beans

And this version of the winter salad will certainly appeal to lovers of “hot”, and more precisely, very spicy. The composition of the dish is classic, but the addition of burning evil pepper radically distinguishes it from previous recipes. If you prefer spicy food, this recipe is for you.

We will need:

  • Beans - 900 grams;
  • Onion - ½ kg;
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • Sweet pepper - 900 grams;
  • Tomatoes - 2.3 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 ½ cups;
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar essence - 1 tsp


  1. We begin to cook a salad with beans for the winter from the main component in the dish. We sort out the grains, rinse, then pour water 1: 4 and leave to soak all night. In the morning, drain the water, rinse in clean water. And then pour fresh water, and put to boil;
  2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. It will be very easy to do this after scalding and punctures previously applied to vegetables.
  3. Then finely chop the pulp. If you don’t want to mess with it, we throw everything into a food processor and quickly grind it into a puree;
  4. My hot peppers, take out the seeds. Otherwise, it will be too sharp;
  5. Remove the shell from the garlic. Then grind it together with hot peppers with a blender;
  6. We wash the carrots from the ground, cut off the skin and grind on a grater;
  7. We also clean the onion and finely chop it into pieces;
  8. Wash bell peppers well, remove all unnecessary (seeds and stalk with a core) and cut into slices;
  9. Add salt with sugar, oil to the tomato minced meat and put on a medium-intensity burner. Let's cook for half an hour;
  10. We throw beans there and cook the same amount;
  11. Along the way, fry sweet peppers with carrots and onions (separately);
  12. Add frying to carrots and tomatoes, spread spicy garlic paste with hot pepper, stir and let boil for 15 minutes;
  13. Add vinegar and boil everything together for about 5 minutes. Now the salads with beans are ready, they can be laid out and rolled up.

All canned bean salads are stored in the same way, as required by their recipes. Namely: after twisting, the jars should be wrapped in a warm blanket, turned over “on the head” and left until the mixtures have completely cooled. After that, containers with ready meals are removed to a dark, cold place (basement, refrigerator, cellar) for further storage. If this process is violated, there is a high risk that the salads will ferment, and the lids will swell and “take off”.

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, red beans were not canned as a separate dish, but they were added to various salads, soups and stews. The popularity is due to the fact that this legume consists of 75% vegetable protein, and in winter it replenishes muscle mass well. Read about how to close red bean salads at home for the winter in our article, which contains delicious and inexpensive recipes for the whole family.

The secrets of delicious preparations for the winter of red beans

For winter preparations, both green beans and grain beans can be used. The first option is closed as a separate snack, and the second is used for salads.

Advice! Red grain beans in tomato are the main ingredient in lean borscht. It gives the Ukrainian soup a characteristic taste, density and high nutritional value.

Before you close the beans for the winter, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of legume grains:

Choose only high-quality canned beans

  1. All beans are the same size. If the grains are large and small mixed, then the seller offers substandard or rejected goods in production.
  2. The smooth surface of the bean with a pleasant burgundy tint, which indicates the absence of bugs.

Advice! After buying beans at home, you still have to sort them out to remove small debris and damaged grains that can ruin all the blanks.

Features of the preparation of winter bean blanks

To prepare delicious bean salads, you need to cook it correctly. Prolonged stewing contributes to hanging the beans, and quick steaming with boiling water does not give the desired softness. Therefore, it is worth observing the following rules:

  • At the time of cooking the beans, vegetables are added when the beans have become soft.

Advice. Cooked and raw beans can be stored in the freezer in an airtight container. From low temperatures and heat treatment, the legume does not lose its beneficial properties.

  • Check the readiness of the beans with a spoon: pull out 1 bean and press on it. If it’s easy to choke, it’s ready; if it’s difficult, then it’s worth cooking for another 5-10 minutes.
  • 500 g of legumes require 5 times more water.

An important stage in the preparation of beans is soaking them in clean water.

Canned salads should be stored in a dark place, on dry shelves at a temperature of 18-20 C.

How to prepare legumes for conservation for the winter

The preparation of beans consists of the following stages, which ensure its softness and delicate taste:

  1. Enumeration of legumes, removal of substandard grains and debris.
  2. Washing the grains with warm water, soaking them in water overnight. For 1 kg of beans, 2 liters of water are required, which is poured onto the grains and left to soak for 12 hours.

Advice! You can speed up the soaking process by pouring the beans into a large pot, filling it with water and boiling the beans for 1 hour. After that, sterilize the jars, prepare the lids and choose the best recipes.

Salads for the winter: beans in their own juice

For this salad you will need

  1. 1 kg of red beans.
  2. Half a kilogram of onions and carrots.
  3. A glass of vegetable oil.
  4. 3 art. l. vinegar.
  5. Seasonings to taste.

When the beans are cooked, and this is at least 60 minutes of time, chop the onions and carrots, cutting them into half rings. After that, add vegetable oil, vegetables to an empty pan, wait for it to boil and simmer the future salad for half an hour.

Important! Coriander and black pepper go well with this salad, giving the dish a piquant spiciness.

Put the beans into the stewed mixture, after boiling, cook for another 10 minutes, adding vinegar, seasonings and salt. After cooking, the mass is laid out in jars, which are pre-sterilized in the oven. Banks are rolled up with lids, wrapped and left upside down for at least a day. This rule applies to all the following recipes.

Classic red beans in tomato for the winter

This red bean salad has become a true classic and requires a kilo of beans and three pounds of tomatoes. This amount accounts for 3 tsp. salt and sugar, as well as 1 tbsp. l. vinegar for taste.

Advice! From seasonings, it is better to add 10 allspice peas, ½ part of a hot pepper pod, 2 bay leaves to the salad.

The beans are soaked overnight, and in the morning they are poured with 4 liters of clean water, salt and sugar are added, and they are sent to boil for 30 minutes. After this time, the beans are thrown into a colander, and they begin to make tomato puree. For puree, tomatoes are peeled, after which they are crushed in a blender or a conventional meat grinder. In order for the skins from the tomatoes to come off easily, the tomatoes are pre-scalded with boiling water.

It is important to rinse the beans well

Puree and boiled beans are transferred to a saucepan, one and a half teaspoons of salt, allspice and capsicum are added. It costs 30 minutes to cook the salad, then it is distributed among the jars.

Advice! Bay leaf is added 5 minutes before cooking, after which it is left or thrown out of the salad.

Beans and vegetables for winter salad

To prepare this vegetable salad with beans you will need:

  1. Half a kilogram of sweet pepper and the same amount of eggplant.
  2. 1.2 red beans, pre-soaked and boiled.
  3. 3 liters of tomato puree.
  4. A glass of any vegetable oil.
  5. For 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar and sugar.
  6. 3 art. l. salt and spices.

Pour the prepared tomato puree into a saucepan, add salt, vegetable oil and sugar, cook for 20 minutes. When adding sugar, stir it thoroughly, or pre-dissolve it in 100 ml of water, otherwise it will caramelize at the bottom of the pan.

After 15 minutes, successively add beans, diced eggplants, then chopped peppers to the puree, and add vinegar and spices together with the pepper. After adding all the ingredients, the salad is boiled for another 5 minutes.

In such classic salads, you can add grated carrots, onions, dill at the stage of mixing tomatoes and beans.

Cook the beans well before adding them to the salad.

Zucchini Winter Salad

This dish requires 2 cups of boiled beans, 1.5 kg of young zucchini and cabbage, 1 kg of tomatoes and 6 large onions. The preparation is simple:

  • Finely chop vegetables, zucchini, onion and sweet pepper to taste, cut into strips.

Advice! Remove a few top sheets from the cabbage, and only then proceed to shredding.

  • Tomato puree is made.
  • It is also worth preparing the marinade by mixing a glass of vegetable oil with 1.5 cups of vinegar and sugar, adding 1 tbsp. l. salt. Next, boil the marinade for 1 minute.
  • Now it’s worth putting the vegetables in a deep cauldron, starting with cabbage and ending with onions, and at the end pour the marinade. After 10 minutes, boiled beans are added, the salad is stewed for 1 hour, after which it is packed in jars.

Summing up, it is worth saying that all red bean recipes for the winter are inexpensive, tasty and satisfying dishes. In addition, beans are a source of vitamin B9 (folic acid), heavy carbohydrates and protein, which is necessary for the body during a long winter.

Bean and vegetable salads are served in winter as an appetizer, a side dish for meat or fish. Such a winter preparation will become a real decoration of the table, bon appetit!

Harvesting red bean salad: video

Harvested beans for the winter: photo

This amount of food is usually enough to make seven half-liter jars, so try to cook enough so that you have enough clean jars.

Beans can be taken white or red - according to your desire.

We sort the beans, wash them in running water and transfer them to a convenient spacious bowl, in which we fill the beans with cold water and leave to swell for about 12 hours. It is best to do this at night.

When the beans swell and increase in size, drain the excess water. Prepared beans should not be shriveled, if one comes across, and there is no more water - add water and leave for a few more hours.

We wash the beans again, fill them with clean water and set to cook over medium heat until tender. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Until the beans are fully cooked, they do not need to be salted. While the beans are cooking, prepare the vegetables.

Peel the onion and cut into small pieces. Fry the onion until golden brown - it is best to cut it as small as possible, preferably in cubes.

Wash and clean the carrots, cut into thin strips or rub on a fairly large grater. Add carrots to the onion or fry it separately - if desired.

In order for the beans to be more fragrant, add sweet bell pepper to it. To do this, wash the pepper well, remove the seeds, cut into thin strips or cubes and also fry in vegetable oil.

Ripe tomatoes, you can take lightly crushed, wash in cold water, cut into halves and three on a coarse grater. This will save you from the double work of peeling and cutting finely.

When the beans are ready, drain the excess water - you can carefully transfer the beans to a more convenient dish and add the prepared vegetables to it. Cook the fried vegetables and tomato puree over medium heat, do not forget to stir, as the liquid will evaporate and the mass may burn.

Banks for canning bean salad with vegetables should be washed well and sterilized.

After all the vegetables are well cooked, you will need to add salt and sugar - it is best to add gradually, not forgetting to try. If necessary, the amount of salt and sugar can be reduced or increased - do it to your taste. We put hot beans with vegetables in prepared jars.

Jars with a hot snack immediately turn upside down and wrap well. We leave it to cool completely and after that we can consider homemade preparations - beans with vegetables for the winter ready for use. You can serve beans with vegetables as a cold appetizer, or you can warm it up.

This appetizer can be added to soups and other hot dishes. Bon appetit!

Beans can be stored fresh, or you can make all kinds of blanks from it. Salted beans work well, they have a certain taste, but are already seasoned with salt. In some recipes, it is supplemented with more savory seasonings and vegetables. You need to choose a recipe for cooking beans for the winter based on individual preferences.

For those who like to diversify their winter diet with the help of blanks, we would like to offer other spin options:, and. You can easily find all these and many other recipes in our recipe book on the website.

The bean appetizer for the winter from this recipe goes well with tomatoes, as well as some spices. Such ingredients allow you to prepare not just a salty vegetable mixture, but a real snack. Another similar preparation can be used as an addition to side dishes or dressings for various soups.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beans - 1 kilogram;
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg .;
  • Black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Allspice - 1 tsp;
  • Chili pepper - 1/2 pod;
  • Lavrushka - 3-4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Rock salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Beans with tomatoes for the winter:

  1. In the evening, you need to prepare the beans and soak the pulp in cold water. You also need to add some salt to the water. The soaked pulp is more tender and it will take much less time to cook it.
  2. In the morning, you need to cook the fruits until soft. Cooking time may vary depending on the variety of fruits, their degree of maturity;
  3. Also in the morning you can start cooking tomatoes. They need to be peeled off. To make it more convenient and easier, you need to pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave it in it for a few minutes. Then remove the peel and pass the mass through a meat grinder;
  4. Mix the tomato mass with salt, sugar and other seasonings, mix, boil for 30 minutes. When boiling, you can not turn on a big fire, the mixture should cook a little over low heat. A thick mixture can burn, it must be constantly stirred. The mass should not burn, the burnt taste will completely spoil the mass;
  5. Add boiled beans to the mass, boil everything together for another 10 minutes;
  6. In the meantime, you can start preparing the jars, they are washed, sterilized over steam or in another way. The main thing is that during sterilization, the jars are subjected to high temperatures for 20-40 minutes, it depends on the size of the jar;
  7. Pour the finished mixture into jars, immediately close with tight lids and leave to cool under a warm blanket. After complete cooling, it will be possible to remove the spins in a cold place.

Beans in tomato for the winter recipes

This recipe involves a lot of manipulation, but the final taste of the workpiece is undoubtedly worth it. Spices give flavor and piquancy. The beans themselves provide the necessary nutrition. And tomatoes complement the mixture as a gravy. This twist can be used as an appetizer on the festive table, dressing for main courses or an additional gravy.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beans - 1 kg .;
  • Salt - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • Onion - 3 kilograms;
  • Tomato - 3 kg .;
  • Pepper - 5-10 peas;
  • Bay leaf - 5 leaves;
  • Allspice - 1-2 teaspoons.

Beans in tomato sauce for the winter recipes:

  1. The beans must be soaked in salt water, they must be soaked for at least 7 hours, after which the pulp is boiled. It is worth boiling the pulp in a large amount of pure water; for one kilogram of fruit, it is worth taking at least 4 liters of pure water. In order for the mass to acquire a taste, sugar and salt are added to it, when the pulp is ready, it must be put in a colander;
  2. Wash the tomatoes, cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice out of them. You can squeeze the juice using a meat grinder, and then squeeze the pulp through a sieve or gauze. For cooking, you only need tomato juice. The pulp can be used in another recipe for harvesting;
  3. Onions are simply peeled, finely chopped and fried in a pan with a small amount of oil. If you want, you can skip the onion through a meat grinder, and then the final mixture will be more homogeneous;
  4. Mix all prepared ingredients in a large container, arrange in jars and roll up with sterilized lids. Jars can be sterilized over steam or in the oven. Capron lids can be used, or twists can be rolled up with iron lids.

Harvesting for the winter from beans

These beans can be cooked not only in glass containers, but also in special barrels or tubs made of wood. Such blanks also require the installation of heavy oppression. Such a blank is first stored at room temperature, and then removed to a cold room. It cooks for a long time, but it salts out very well.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beans - 1 kilogram;
  • Salt - 25-30 grams.

How to prepare beans for the winter:

  1. The pulp should be washed well, it is better to use a sieve or colander for this;
  2. In a separate container, boil water with salt and boil the washed beans in it. The pulp should be cooked until cooked and become soft;
  3. After that, put the pulp into prepared containers, you can add other spices, for example, bay leaf, garlic, pepper, tamp the mixture a little;
  4. The brine should cover the pulp, if there is not enough liquid, then it can be supplemented with boiled water or brine, in which the mass itself was cooked;
  5. After that, put a heavy load on the mass and leave for salting. And as oppression, you can use various heavy objects, it can be a jar of water, a heavy clean stone, and so on. The blank can be poured into jars after about 1 month, during which time it will finally be salted and it will be possible to try it. For long-term storage, transfer the mass to containers and roll up the lids.

How to store beans for the winter

When preparing this recipe, it is best to use white beans. It goes well with herbs and tomatoes. It also retains its texture and shape better during storage, and it turns out to be delicate in taste. Before cooking, it is best to soak the fruits for a long time in cold water, leave for several hours, after soaking it will cook faster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beans - 1 kg .;
  • Tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • Parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Salt - about 100-200 grams;
  • Pepper - 30-50 gr.

Preserving beans for the winter recipes:

  1. Rinse the vegetables well, and then soak in cold clean water for about 5 hours (you can soak overnight), then rinse the pulp and lay it on a towel so that the excess liquid is glass;
  2. In a separate container, you need to bring clean water to a boil with the addition of salt, put the beans in it and boil until the pulp is half cooked;
  3. Wash the tomatoes, chop finely. You can grind in different ways, for example, you can pass the mass through a meat grinder, you can punch it with a blender, or simply grate the mass. Then pepper the mixture, salt a little;
  4. Rinse greens, sort out, remove yellow twigs and coarse stems. Finely chop the greens with a sharp knife;
  5. Transfer the tomato mass to a large saucepan, put on fire, boil, put to languish on a slow fire;
  6. Add chopped greens to the tomato mass and hold a little over low heat;
  7. Rinse glass jars with soda or other cleaning agent, put over steam for sterilization, sterilize for 20-40 minutes, depending on the volume of jars, dry;
  8. In prepared jars, you first need to put boiled beans, they need to be applied not reaching 3-4 cm to the top of the jar;
  9. The remaining space in the container must be filled with tomato mass;
  10. Cover the containers with lids, put in hot water and boil for 1.5 hours. Then you can roll up the containers with iron lids and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely.

Beans with vegetables for the winter recipes

When preparing such a recipe, it is necessary to choose only young unripe fruits. They will be the most delicious and fragrant. And additional ingredients will emphasize this delicate taste and add more piquancy. For lovers of spicy dishes, there is an option with the addition of hot spicy peppers or a lot of garlic.

Required Ingredients:

  • Young beans - 1 kilogram;
  • Carrots - 300 grams;
  • Onion - 200 gr.;
  • Tomato paste - 100 milliliters;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Coarse salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - one liter.

Lecho with beans recipe for the winter:

  1. Rinse the beans, sort, pour water so that they are covered 3-4 centimeters above the mass;
  2. Put measured salt and sugar to the beans;
  3. Transfer the whole mass to a separate pan and put on fire, the lid does not need to be opened so that the pulp evaporates within 5-7 minutes, the fire should be small;
  4. While the pulp of the beans is cooking, you can prepare the carrots and onions. Rinse the carrots, peel, cut into small cubes or grate on a fairly large grater. The onion is also well peeled and finely chopped;
  5. Prepared carrots and onions must be fried until a beautiful golden color, add vegetable oil for frying;
  6. Add a decoction of beans, tomato paste to carrots and onions and boil for about 5 minutes;
  7. Then add boiled beans to the mixture and cook for another 10 minutes;
  8. After that, you can lay out the mass in sterilized jars, cover with lids and put in boiling water for pasteurization. It should take place for 20 minutes, then the jars are closed with lids and placed under a blanket to cool. Blanks can be stored in any room.

Beans have many health benefits. They should be consumed at any time of the year. Beans are especially needed, which in some way can replace quality meat. From it you can cook various dishes and diversify your diet with it.
