
Electric Turk with auto-off when boiling. Electric cezve with automatic shutdown

Progress has penetrated into all aspects of our lives, and the modern kitchen is no exception, where almost everything is already electrified. Even such conservative coffee utensils as did not escape this fate. Today, manufacturers of kitchen appliances offer a large selection of electric Turks, assuring that they may well be an excellent alternative to the classic version. Let's see if an electric cezve really helps to make delicious and aromatic coffee.

Electric Turk. Its design and features

The electric Turk in its form repeats its classic prototype, i.e. the upper part is narrower in relation to the base. This design allows you to save the essential oils that are formed during cooking and give the finished drink a noble aroma. However, the electric version of the Turks has a large volume, from 250 ml to 500 ml.

By design, it is similar to an electric kettle and consists of such basic elements as:

Depending on the cost, an electric cezve may have additional functionality in the form of various heating modes, various status indications, a removable handle, a foam rise sensor, automatic shutdown, etc.

The inner flask is made of food-grade aluminum or stainless steel. In expensive models, the inner surface is coated with Teflon or a layer of ceramic, which prevents staining and odor absorption. The body of the electric Turk is made of heat-resistant plastic.

Recently, devices with a fully ceramic flask are gaining popularity, their cost is higher, but the quality of such a Turk will be at a high level.

Advantages of an electric Turk

The advantages of an electric Turk include:

  1. The speed of preparation, when the drink is prepared for literally 30-40 seconds. The cooking speed depends on the volume of the flask and the power of the Turks. It will take much less time to prepare coffee for several people here than in a classic cezve.
  2. Ease of use. You just need to pour ground coffee, pour water and press the power button. It is convenient to use such a Turk in places where there is no access to a gas or electric stove: offices, hotels, etc. Finally, you can simply boil water in it.
  3. Structural reliability. The design of the Turks has long been worked out on electric kettles and has shown its high reliability and long service life.

Disadvantages of electric Turks

The main disadvantage of the electric Turk is, oddly enough, and its advantage is the high heating rate. The water here boils very quickly, but it is precisely because of the speed that the incomplete extraction of flavoring and aromatic substances occurs, due to which the quality of the finished drink suffers. True connoisseurs still prefer the classic cezve.

However, it is possible to purchase a Turk with adjustable heating time. By reducing the time, you can achieve a quality comparable to coffee,.

First of all, it is necessary to decide where and how the Turk with electric heating will be used.

For home

In this option, it is best not to be stingy and choose an advanced device with heat control and a thick-walled ceramic flask. When there is nowhere to hurry, then such a Turk will allow you to prepare a really great drink and enjoy it to the fullest.

For office

When you need to quickly cheer up at the workplace, but there is no desire to drink, then your choice is an inexpensive Turk with a minimum of options. As a rule, such devices are equipped with an aluminum or steel flask and do not have heating time control.

For travel

For travel, choose a budget option with a plastic case and a minimum set of functions. After all, it is assumed that the device will be used irregularly and rarely, so you can save money here.

What to consider when choosing an electric Turk

When choosing, consider such points as:

  1. The number of coffees to be brewed at one time. From this calculation, you should determine the volume of the apparatus. The most common volume is from 250 ml to 350 ml, a smaller volume is very rare. If you brew coffee for the whole family, then you should give preference to 500 ml Turks.
  2. The higher the power, the faster your coffee will be ready. If the cooking speed is in the first place, then choose a Turk with a power of 750 watts or more. If the speed is not so critical, then the best choice is a device with adjustable power, which allows you to change the heating rate and accordingly achieve the taste of a drink prepared in a regular cezve.

As we can see, the electric cezve is convenient and reliable for making coffee, but it is unlikely that it will be able to replace the traditional cezve in terms of the quality of the finished drink.

Domestic progress is determined to make our lives easier and more comfortable. Automation has also touched the preparation of coffee. In modern kitchens, you can increasingly find an electric Turk. Manufacturers are confidently positioning the device as an excellent replacement for manual cezves. We always try to evaluate tempting offers with the greatest possible objectivity. Therefore, we will study the electric cezve with passion in order to understand how good it is in its main business - making delicious and aromatic coffee.

Electric Turk for coffee: design and features

The device retained the outlines of its prototype - a copper cezve. The electric coffee cezve has a characteristic narrowing at the top, which allows you to preserve the delicate aroma and taste of the drink. Rising foam, accumulating in the narrow neck, prevents the evaporation of aromatic fractions.

This is where the similarity ends. Modern devices have a much larger volume, from 250 to 500 ml. The design of the electric Turk is quite simple and is very similar to an ordinary electric kettle.

Turk consists of:

  • The inner flask where coffee is placed and water is poured.
  • Outer cap.
  • Waterproof pad. Helps to avoid contact of water and wiring.
  • Heating element, aka "TEN". Located at the base of the body.
  • Stand with contacts.
  • Switch. It connects or opens the circuit, starting or stopping the device.
  • Cord with plug.
  • Indicators.

Some manufacturers go even further and offer various additional options in the device. Folding or removable handles, auto-off, various heating modes, experiments with design - all this complicates and improves the electric cezve.

Most models of electric Turks have a composite flask. Its interior is made of aluminum or steel. Often, a special coating is applied to it, for example, from food tin. Recently, ceramic and Teflon coatings have become popular, which do not absorb odors and do not stain.

The outer part of the device is made of plastic, and the heating elements are made of metal. The most reliable option is stainless steel, such heating elements heat up evenly and last longer.

Manufacturing technologies are gradually becoming more complex. Modern electric rods with ceramic glasses are gaining popularity. They are much more expensive, but their quality is much higher.

Recently, on the shelves there are often devices with flasks made entirely of plastic. As a rule, these are inexpensive Chinese-made Turks.

The advantages of an electric Turk

The design of the device has become clearer to us, it's time to make out what this miracle of engineering promises to an ordinary coffee lover.

The advantages of an electric coffee maker include:

  • Cooking speed. Turks are produced with a power of 500 to 1000 watts. An electric cezve with a power rating of 750 W heats one cup of coffee to a boil in 40 seconds. That is, you can prepare a drink for the whole family, literally, in a matter of minutes.
  • Ease of use. Indeed, it does not require any special skills. It is enough to pour water and put ground coffee at the rate of 2 teaspoons per serving.
  • Application versatility. An electric Turk is very convenient to take on trips or use in the office. Where there is no access to a stove or open fire, but there is electricity, the device will help you out a lot. In such a Turk, if necessary, you can quickly boil clean water, for example, for brewing tea or technical needs.
  • Modern design. As a rule, electric rods have an attractive appearance that fans of current trends and perfect lines like.
  • Design reliability. Strictly speaking, the device is not a new engineering development. The technology has long been worked out on electric kettles. The electrically heated cezve is durable and reliable. Even in the event of an emergency failure of the heating element, it can be easily replaced at any home appliance repair shop.

Disadvantages of electric Turks

We have identified only two drawbacks, but for real gourmets they cross out all the advantages.

  • Taste. Insufficiently rich taste of the drink compared to the traditional method of preparation. In an electric pot, water boils too quickly. Coffee simply does not have time to give all the aromatic fractions to the infusion, so coffee connoisseurs do not like the device too much. In fairness, we’ll clarify that the most modern models have a special function for regulating the heating time. For a traditional recipe, you can choose a slower heating, which allows you to improve the taste of the drink.
  • Need for special care. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the walls of the device, to prevent the appearance of scale. Abrasive cleaning products should not be used, and various acid-containing household products are also prohibited.


Prices for electric Turks vary greatly, depending on the material of manufacture and manufacturer. The mentioned plastic Turks are relatively inexpensive - from 1200 rubles. More advanced versions of devices, with a good ceramic glass and additional functions, belong to completely different price categories - from 5,000 rubles and more.

How to choose an electric Turk

A good purchase should fully meet its purpose. Therefore, it is important to decide for what exactly you want to buy an electric Turk?

Do you intend to brew a cup of good aromatic coffee for yourself, your loved one, at home in the morning?

Then you need a good model of the new generation, with adjustable cooking modes. The bowl of such a Turk should be with thick walls. A device with a ceramic flask is well suited. You can pay attention to domestic development time cup. It costs about 7,000 rubles, but it will help to prepare a quality drink, and if desired, heat milk or boil an egg for breakfast.

In the photo, the electric Turk TimeCup

Do you plan to regularly pamper yourself in the office with natural coffee?

You can choose an economical option manufactured by VES or Kromax. Their inexpensive models with stainless steel bowls last a long time and are relatively inexpensive. An electrically heated cezve will cost you 1500-1800 rubles. Gorenje has a very good device at a price of 1500 rubles.

Photo Turks Gorenje TCM 300W

Do you need a device for rare and occasional use on trips and business trips?

Then pay attention to the Turks with plastic cases. These are produced, for example, by Mayer & Boch under the ZIMBER brand. They are small and light, well suited for transportation. The cost is 1250-1300 rubles.

Photo Turks ZIMBER ZM-10866

In stores, while the choice of electric Turks is not too large. On the shelves, in the best cases, there are one or two models. On the Internet, the range is larger, you can choose a model to your liking.

What else is important when choosing a Turk?

  • The material from which the heating element is made. It is best to take a device with a steel heater.
  • Volume. You need to buy a Turk of a size that you will fill constantly. Miniature electric rods are practically not found, the standard volumes of the device are 250-350 ml. Therefore, the Turk is more useful for a family or a company.
  • Power. The higher this value, the faster your coffee will boil. For quick cooking, choose a cezve with a power of 750 watts or more. Then the drink will definitely be prepared very quickly.

Electric Turk - reviews

The device has recently settled in our kitchens. We were interested to know the opinions of people who already have practical experience with it.

Valentina, the experience of using the device is 3 months.

I was given a Turk for a professional holiday. I didn't use it at all for a while, but now it helps me out a lot in the morning. Coffee is prepared in it very quickly. While I'm getting ready, the drink is already waiting for me. For me, this is a good alternative to an expensive coffee maker. Fast and easy!

Gennady, use 5 months.

To be honest, I bought it by accident, it just became interesting. I understand coffee, I love the taste of natural, brewed in cezve. Electric Turk disappointed me. The coffee in it is not as strong and the smell is much weaker. I think this is due to heating too fast. Or maybe the matter is in the material, I have an electric Turk made of stainless steel. So I use it mainly for heating water. Like a small teapot.

Vladimir, experience of use - 4 months.

I received it as a gift from colleagues. I left it at the office, as there is a coffee machine at home. With pleasure I use it at lunchtime, drink coffee and treat friends. The electric Turk has made life easier, so I recommend it to those who want to drink normal coffee in the office.

Vladislava, experience of use - 6 months.

I bought it on a whim, but I don't use it much. I like the process of making coffee in a cezve, and the electric cezve heats up the water too quickly. Because of this, the drink seems somehow tasteless to me. Perhaps this is just my prejudice.

Irina, experience of use - 5 months.

For me, it's just a lifesaver. Gathering two children to school, a husband to work, and not to forget about yourself - every woman knows what it is. An electric Turk helps a lot. My coffee is always ready on time, I don’t even think about the process - I poured it, turned it on, ran on. I'm not such a gourmet, but it seems to me that the taste is no worse than in a cezve or in a geyser coffee maker, I have one.


As you can see, how many people, so many opinions. You can note the speed and ease of use, which many like. The point of view about the loss of the quality of the drink when heated too quickly received support. An electric cezve is a fairly convenient and versatile device that reduces time and facilitates the process of making coffee. Will she be able to replace the classic cezve? Most likely not, it will simply complement the collection of coffee makers. And in your kitchen will become another assistant more.

Lovers of real coffee have been traditionally preparing it in Turks for quite a long time. However, this method of brewing a drink takes a long time. In order not only to speed up the preparation of a drink loved by many, but also to enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of freshly brewed coffee every day, you should purchase a modern electric cezve.

An electric Turkish coffee maker is a device that has appeared relatively recently on the goods market, but has already fallen in love with many coffee lovers. This is not surprising, because water can be boiled in it in just a few minutes, and coffee brewed in an electric kettle has its own unique taste and texture.

In addition, this device will save you in situations where you do not have a stove, it will be convenient to take it with you on a trip or even to work.

What is it made of?

This device is made from a stand with contacts and, of course, from the Turk itself, which has heating elements at the bottom. The Turk itself usually has a classic shape: an expanded bottom and a narrow throat. Some models have a lid. The volume of the Turks is also different: from 300 ml to 1.5 liters. This device is just the perfect way to quickly prepare a flavored drink. In it, you can boil water in just a few minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of an electric Turkish coffee maker are extremely many:

  • drink taste, cooked in this device is no worse than cooked in an ordinary Turk;
  • rapidity cooking;
  • The device is very easy to clean you do not need special detergents;
  • the ability to simply boil water, for example, for tea;

  • convenience in transportation, you can easily take it with you anywhere;
  • safety. The outer part of the device and the handle of the Turks are made of heat-resistant material. This will save you from the possibility of accidentally getting burned;
  • acceptable cost. In addition, this device does not require additional purchase of filters, unlike coffee machines;
  • electric turret is distinguished by its durability. Judging by the positive reviews, you can be sure that with proper use it will serve you for a long time.

With such a large number of pluses, there is still one significant drawback - not in all models of electric Turks you can find a function with automatic shutdown when boiling. Therefore, brewing coffee in such models requires control over the brewing process.

Popular manufacturers

  • Electric Turk Gorenje- one of the most popular in Russia. It can rightly be considered the best electric Turk without auto-off. The device has the correct shape, practical and mobile dimensions, and most importantly, it is made of high quality materials. This cezve has thermal insulation, due to which you will not get burned if you accidentally touch it during the cooking process. In addition, the Turk has a rather nice design and an affordable price. All this makes her such a popular model in Russia.
  • Electric Turk Sinbo SCM 2922 is another popular model. It is extremely convenient to use, has optimal capacity and very fast heating, for which buyers fell in love. The device has a removable handle, due to which it becomes convenient to store, and the device itself is distinguished by its compactness. Thanks to this, it is especially convenient to take it with you on trips, to the country house or to work.
  • Turkish coffee maker gets good reviews Fakir Kaave German production. It is distinguished by German quality, long-term service and specially developed technology for the production of Turkish coffee.
  • italian electric turk Zepter also receives a lot of positive feedback from lovers of an invigorating drink.

How to prepare a drink?

It's no secret that coffee brewed in an electric coffee pot is much tastier. Preparing an aromatic drink in an electric cezve is not very different from brewing coffee in an ordinary cezve. Of course, in order for the drink to turn out to be good, only freshly ground grains should be used. Moreover, sugar can be added directly during cooking.

If you purchased a coffee maker with auto-off, then the drink will prepare itself. If your device does not have such a function, then at the first sign of boiling, you need to turn it off manually.

After brewing, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the device with water so that unwanted deposits do not form on the walls, which can affect the taste of the drink. The whole brewing process will not take you even a couple of minutes, and the coffee will turn out no worse than in the most expensive coffee machines.

First, pay attention to the power of the electric Turks. If you do not want to spend more time preparing a drink, opt for Turks with a power of at least 750 watts. It is this power that will allow you to boil water for one cup in just a minute.

You should pay attention to an important feature - it is recommended to give preference to models with internal heating elements made of stainless steel. These coffee makers heat up evenly and with proper care will last you much longer.

Also pay special attention to the shape of the model. It is better if it is in the form of a cone. A very important factor is the thickness of the walls of the Turks. It would be better to take a model with walls as thick as possible. The reason is that due to the thick walls, the water heats up evenly.

Be sure to pay attention to the volume. Consider how many people will be using the device. When choosing an electric Turk, pay special attention to the handle.

It must be made of a material with low thermal conductivity.

How to properly care?

In principle, caring for an electric kettle is no different from caring for an electric kettle. You should not allow the formation of plaque on the walls of the Turks, as coffee can acquire a bitter aftertaste. When washing, do not use harsh abrasive detergents.

Overview of the electric Turk Gorenje TCM 300 W - in the video.

Modern technologies allow us to live easier and better, so different automated and convenient household appliances are created every day. The electric coffee pot is becoming more and more popular and is replacing the manual one due to its convenience and functionality, while the taste and aroma of freshly brewed coffee is in no way inferior.

The electric coffee cezve has the same shape as the manual one. Due to the narrowing of the upper part, foam accumulates, which prevents the evaporation of aromatic molecules. That is why coffee is rich and tasty. However, compared to copper manual Turks, electric ones have a volume of 250-500 ml, and the design is more like an electric kettle.

But the uniqueness of the design does not end there. Many manufacturers equip the device with handles of various configurations, auto-off, heating modes and other functions.

Advantages and disadvantages


Like any electrical appliance or tool, the Turkish coffee maker has advantages that confirm its relevance.

Ease of use

No specific skills are required to use. It is necessary to fill the Turk with water and pour 2 tsp. ground coffee.

Cooking speed

The power of products varies from 500 to 1000 watts. Therefore, preparing coffee for the family in a Turk with a power of 750 W will take only a few minutes.


Modern models are increasingly surprising with interesting design solutions and ergonomic devices.


In addition to brewing coffee, the Turku can be taken on hikes, where it will be an excellent helper for heating water, brewing herbs or tea, as well as for technical needs. For all this, it is enough to have access to electricity.


Engineers have created this device in such a way that in case of failure of any component, it can be easily replaced in a service center for the repair of household appliances and appliances. But despite this, the whole structure has high strength and reliability in use.


Disadvantages are also present, which are not acceptable for real gourmets:

quivering care

With daily use, scale may form, which is not recommended. Do not use abrasive or acidic detergents for cleaning.


Due to the fact that the water boils in a few minutes during brewing, the coffee does not have time to produce the required number of fractions that create the unique aroma of the coffee drink. Therefore, connoisseurs of coffee taste prefer manual brewing.

However, the newest models have the ability to adjust the boiling speed. Therefore, today you can enjoy aromatic coffee using improved models.

Device and principle of operation

The whole design of the electric kettle is simple and consists of the same parts as the electric kettle. A heating element is located at the base, it works in contact with the contacts located on the stand. To prevent water from getting on the wiring, a special moisture-proof gasket is placed on top of the heating element. The water and coffee itself are placed in a flask of a certain volume.

In order for the device to work, you need a cable with a plug and a switch. When the device is turned on, an indicator of a certain color is automatically activated. Many models do not have to turn off on their own, as they are equipped with an auto-off system.

There are Turks with composite flasks, which are made of different materials. For example, ceramic or Teflon coatings on an aluminum bulb are not subject to coloring and odor impregnation. A ceramic flask is very durable, but it costs an order of magnitude more expensive than simple plastic glasses. The heating element is made of stainless steel, so that the water is evenly heated and a long service life is ensured.

Drip Turks are very interesting in their principle of operation, they are easy to use and very common in today's market. To prepare coffee in an American way, it is enough to fill in water, add coffee and turn on the device. When the temperature reaches 90°C, condensate forms, flowing into a certain compartment, from where it is then poured into cups.

Turkish geyser coffee makers are a little different, but the coffee drink will be no less tasty than in other types. The case is divided into 3 compartments: the lower one for water, the middle one for ground coffee and the upper one for the finished coffee drink. When this type of device is turned on, boiled water is forced out under pressure through the coffee compartment, saturated with the aroma and taste of fresh coffee, passing into the upper zone of the Turks.

How to use

Using the device is simple:

  1. First of all, it is recommended to use ground roasted beans.
  2. There is a special mark on the Turk, as long as it is necessary to pour filtered water. If the maximum amount of water is exceeded, the normal operation of the appliance may be affected.
  3. The amount of coffee is 2 teaspoons per serving.
  4. The device turns off immediately, as soon as signs of boiling appear; with auto-shutdown, this procedure is not required.
  5. The whole brewing process takes several minutes, but the taste of coffee is no worse than from expensive coffee machines.

After cooking, the Turkish coffee maker must be thoroughly washed, otherwise a dark coating will form on the walls. It greatly impairs the taste of coffee during subsequent brewing. At the same time, it is impossible to clean the glass with abrasive or aggressive agents, only running filtered water.

How to choose

When choosing an electric cezve for coffee, you should take into account some points that describe the reliability and ergonomics of the device.

The most affordable and practical option is considered to be a Turk with a volume of up to 500 ml.

The financial benefit of buying a coffee maker gives it an advantage over coffee machines. The Turk is inexpensive, and there is no need to buy additional tablets, filters and other paraphernalia. Electric Turks with a display are very popular, with which you can set the desired cooking time.

The cooking speed depends on the power, so 750 W is considered the minimum parameter, then a portion of coffee will be prepared for no more than 40 seconds. The safety of using the Turks depends on the handle, so it must be long and durable. The best option is wood, as it is reliable and looks presentable. There are also models with removable or folding handles, they take up less space and are easy to use.

Electric Turk with auto shut-off when boiling is considered the best option, as it eliminates unwanted excesses, accompanied by a fire or damage to the device. The auto-off system works when the water reaches a certain temperature so that the coffee does not run away and you do not have to clean. It works on instant disconnection of the circuit, as a result of which the heating element and the device are turned off, respectively. Also, the automatic shutdown will not force you to wait until the coffee reaches a boil in order to turn it off in time.

The flask itself must be made of high quality material with good thermal conductivity. Products made of metal or ceramics are more in demand, as they do not evaporate harmful substances during coffee preparation and are perfectly cleaned after use. In this case, the wall thickness directly depends on the reliability and durability of the product.

The main thing: the shape of the glass should have a cone with a truncated top, then you get the most delicious coffee.

Popular coffee maker models

In any technique, there are the most popular types that are in demand among users and fans of real freshly brewed coffee. However, each model has some features and benefits.

3 best with auto-off function

There are models with auto-off, which, according to consumer reviews, are incredibly practical.

TimeCup CM-620

Very functional and automated Turk. As equipment there is a temperature and time sensor, and a touch keyboard. The ceramic flask provides durability and reliability of a product. When a certain level of foam is reached, a sensor is activated that warns of a critical level. A 620 W Turk is able to brew coffee until it is fully cooked, which ensures the saturation of the taste and aroma of the drink.


  • Can be rotated 360° in all directions
  • in the presence of a backlit display showing the necessary data in the cooking process;
  • able to regulate the portion of hot water and coffee temperature;
  • there is an auto-off function when the drink is ready, as well as an auto-off when the flask is empty


  • difficult to wash, avoid water on the electronics;
  • high price due to high-quality material and great opportunities.

Philips HD 7761

Powerful drip type model, can be used for ground and grain coffee. The volume of the coffee pot is 1.2 liters, and the power is 1000 watts. The design includes a removable filter for permanent or disposable use. The model is equipped with a display and auto shut-off, power and water level indicators.


  • built-in anti-drip system;
  • there is a built-in coffee grinder with different degrees of grinding;
  • allows you to control the degree of strength of the coffee drink;
  • thanks to the timer, you can set the start time for the brewing process.


  • there is no water regulation, so you need to fill in exact portions;
  • there is no way to set the cooking time.

Gorenje ATCM730

Electric Turk for ground coffee drip type. The power of the model is 730 W, and the volume of the coffee pot is 0.27 liters. It has the ability to prepare two cups at the same time. When the device is in operation, the power indicator lights up, and when it is finished, an audible signal sounds. The material used is durable plastic, so the weight of the entire structure is about 1.5 kg.


  • there is a compartment for storing a cord 1 m long;
  • thanks to the backlight, you can use the Turk even when the light is off;
  • There is an automatic shutdown system.


  • no display and water status sensors;
  • there is no way to control the cooking time.

3 best without auto-off function

Beko VKK 2113

Power - 1350 W, volume - 1000 ml. Coffee for this model must be finely ground. The Spinjet system ensures the creation of dense aromatic foam, and the presence of a sound signal allows you to notify when it is ready. It is possible to prepare two cups at the same time. When turned on, a special indicator lights up and the backlight on the underside of the coffee maker.


  • enough volume to prepare portions for 3-4 people;
  • easy to use and prepare;
  • it is possible to adjust the portion of hot water;
  • Reliable due to high quality housing.


  • no display;
  • not very compact, as the width is 27 cm;
  • no auto-shutoff and no timer.

Gorenje TCM 300

Designed for brewing Turkish ground coffee. It has a plastic handle, and the body can rotate in any direction while working, while it has a very interesting and elegant design. Equipped with a high power of 800 W, which allows you to quickly brew a portion of a drink with a volume of 300 ml. The stand has an on indicator.


  • in the settings there is a function to adjust the temperature of the coffee;
  • compact, so does not require a lot of space;
  • the material is quickly cleaned after preparation.


  • there is no auto-off function and automatic decalcification;
  • there is no indicator of the maximum amount of water;
  • there is no function for adjusting the brewing time, which is why the coffee is not so rich.

Hotter HX-CM2039

Volume - 250 ml. Thanks to the power equal to 870 W, coffee brewing lasts about 30 seconds, but there is no auto-off. The appliance can rotate on a stand and is suitable for brewing Turkish coffee.


  • long, comfortable handle that allows you to firmly hold the Turk;
  • 360° rotatable for ease of use
  • There is an automatic coffee warmer.


  • there is no display, sensor of time and temperature of the drink;
  • there are no indicators of inclusion and water level.

The electric Turk is very practical in the home, especially with the extra automated features. Many modules have different functional features that are suitable for certain conditions of use. Most importantly, you need to consider the quality and durability of the device.

The electric Turk is a special, new, outlandish thing. Someone thinks that electric Turks are insanity, because what prevents you from making coffee in an ordinary Turk. But still, this device has acquired an army of coffee lovers. After all, not always and everywhere do we have access to a stove, stove, fire? And I want to drink natural coffee, and not some kind of instant.

What is an electric turk

An electric Turk is a kind of castrated or headless electric kettle: a stand with contacts connected to the mains, and a glass with a handle, which is actually a Turk in shape.
Sometimes electric Turks come with lids.
The volume varies just like the classic Turks - it all depends on preferences. There are 300 milliliters, there are 500, there are even 1.5 liters, which allows you to charge your receptors in the brain with caffeine to the maximum.
Water in an electric kettle boils in 1-4 minutes, depending on the power of the device. This means that coffee will be in the stomach very, very soon!

Pros and cons of electric Turks

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, we are also very different and have our own attitude to various characteristics and phenomena. Why is this verbiage? It's just that what for me is somewhat of a minus, for another person may turn out to be insignificant or even very attractive. Therefore, this list is very subjective and expresses my personal opinion.
There are many advantages of brewing coffee in an electric coffee pot:

  1. Firstly, you get the same coffee: delicious, aromatic, natural. Naturally, it all depends on the directness of hands and experience. You can read more about brewing coffee in Turks in this one.
  2. Convenience. It's true, it's very convenient! You are not attached to the kitchen. You can take an electric Turk with you to work or somewhere else (for example, suddenly you want to drink coffee in space). All you need is coffee, water and an outlet. The drink brews very quickly.
  3. Unlike coffee makers and coffee machines, it does not require any filters, capsules and other attributes.
  4. The electric cezve is easy to clean.
  5. As mentioned above, this Turk is an electric kettle by the mechanism of operation, which means that nothing prevents you from simply heating or boiling water in it. You can brew tea in Turkish.
  6. Electric Turks can be considered safer, as the handles, body, etc. are very comfortable and heat resistant. Hands will not burn if they are straight.
  7. Coffee does not spill during brewing, as happens with ordinary Turks, if you miss the moment. No burning, stink. Turk itself turns off when the water boils.

Electric Turks are not that expensive, even when compared to regular good quality Turks.
What are the disadvantages of electric Turks? Well, not everyone has an auto switch when water boils, i.e. the process of brewing coffee will be the same as with a regular Turk. But it's hard to call it a disadvantage.
Of course, we are talking about high-quality electric Turks. If you buy something incomprehensible and it is not clear from whom, then it is not known what will happen: freshly brewed coffee or a premature flight to the next world.

How to brew coffee in an electric kettle

The whole process of brewing coffee is almost the same as with ordinary metal or ceramic coffee pots.

  1. We pour clean water.
  2. We put 1-3 teaspoons of ground coffee. It already depends on the volume of the Turks and personal preferences.
  3. If you didn’t stint and bought a Turk with an auto switch, then you can simply turn it on and in the meantime go about your own business - the coffee will brew itself, and the Turk will turn off at the right time. Well, if there is no such function. Then just wait for the coffee foam to rise and turn it off.

Once again, I note that the cooking process usually takes no more than three minutes.

How to choose an electric Turk

There is nothing complicated here, but you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • The shape should be as similar as possible to an ordinary Turk. That is, the bottom is wide, and the neck is narrow.
  • The thinner the walls of the Turks, the better.
  • The volume of the Turks is not less than 300 ml. Although there is more on request.
  • The flask of the Turks is desirable to be made of steel.
  • The more powerful the Turk, the faster the water boils and the coffee is brewed. Therefore, I advise you to choose electric Turks with a power of at least 750 watts.
  • It is good if the handle is long and wooden, so as not to get too hot.
  • And most importantly. Buy a Turk with an auto-off function so as not to waste time and nerves.

More tips for use. Wash the Turk only with clean water. Do not use household chemicals.

Popular manufacturers of electric Turks

  • Delimano - Electric Turk 250 ml. There is no auto shutdown. Power - 870 watts. Compact, unpretentious, inexpensive.

Delimano - electro turk
  • Beko BKK 2113 - electric Turk with auto-off option. Power 600 watts, which is not much. Volume - 0.5 l. This turk uses spinjet technology, which produces coffee with a thick crema.

  • Gorenje TCM 300 is a good normal-shaped Turk. Power - 800 watts. Volume - 300 ml.

  • Kelli - volume 0.6 l. Power - 800 watts. Turns off automatically. The best choice, in my opinion.

  • TimeCup CM-620 is a fancy electric cezve. A bunch of sensors, whistles and fakes. It is expensive, but it has a lot of fans.

What is my opinion on electric Turks? The thing is useful. The coffee is delicious.
