
Organic grown products. Premises and staff

Today, all over the world, the most dynamic segment of the food market has become environmentally friendly products. According to experts, this segment is growing by 20% annually. What makes it so popular?

We, residents of megacities, forced to live in an aggressive environment, really want to do everything possible to improve and maintain our health. In order to drink clean water, we buy filters or already purified bottled water. To improve the air quality in our apartments and offices, we purchase ionizers, humidifiers, etc. But what should we do with food? It turns out that the West has already answered this question. More than 30 years ago, the eco-label was created in Germany. She received the name "Blue Angel".

The Blue Angel is the world's first and oldest environmental label for products and services.

The Blue Angel is the world's first and oldest environmental label for products and services. It was created in 1977 at the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, after which it was approved by the Ministry of the Environment at the national and federal levels. The mark was seen as an environmental policy tool designed to contribute to the harmonious development of the market and the creation of a positive image of products that confirmed their compliance with the environmental criteria of the Blue Angel program. In essence, eco-labels highlighted environmentally friendly products on store shelves. With its help, the buyer could easily distinguish eco-products among others. In addition to the high quality of the products themselves, the presence of eco-labels also means that in the process of production of a particular product, its manufacturers tried to do everything possible to ensure that as few harmful substances as possible get into the atmosphere. And this is no less important than the composition and quality of the product itself.

But how do you know about it? How to understand which production is cleaner, safer for the environment? For this, they created such a simple and convenient sign as an environmental label. Its popularity is constantly growing. Thus, in the first year of its existence, the "Blue Angel" was awarded to 6 types of products, after 30 years their number exceeds 4 thousand, despite the fact that rather high requirements have been set, taking into account all stages of the production process, from assessing the rational use of resources to sales of finished products. In European countries, the lack of eco-labeling on products leads to a reduction in prices for it by 20-30%. Manufacturers have to come to terms with the fact that one sign is sometimes more eloquent than a thousand words. Many countries have benefited from the successful experience of Germany. Within a year of the launch of the Blue Angel, they created their eco-labeling programs. Today there are more than 100 such signs in the world. Among them, the White Swan eco-label (Scandinavian countries) is well-known today in Russia.

Among the eco-signs "White Swan" (Scandinavian countries) today is one of the most famous in Russia

There is such a sign in Russia (a system of voluntary certification of products, works and services in their life cycle "Leaf of Life"). All international eco-labelling programs are based on the product life cycle analysis procedure. This means that not only the product itself is evaluated, but also the raw materials from which it was obtained, its packaging, methods of its delivery to the store and disposal features are considered. Only a comprehensive analysis of a product "from raw materials to packaging" can provide a complete picture of its impact on humans and the environment. The basic principles of voluntary environmental certification under this scheme are laid down in the international standards of the ISO 14020 and ISO 14040 series. In Russia, the market for eco-products is extremely small, despite the fact that interest in such products is huge. In 2005

The St. Petersburg Ecological Union, which is the developer of the Leaf of Life eco-label, has opened environmental departments in the city's stores. Now such a service as environmental certification is practically unclaimed among Russian manufacturers. Our legislation prohibits labeling “eco”, “bio”, “environmentally friendly”, etc. on packaging without documentary confirmation of this fact. But today there is no opportunity to check the manufacturer himself, that is, his product, for environmental friendliness, since the law does not spell out what environmentally friendly products must comply with. In Russia, there are no uniform criteria for the entire territory that distinguish ecological products from ordinary products.

In this regard, a lot of self-declarations and a huge number of products appeared on the market, on the packaging of which it is applied: “bio”, “eco”, “organic”, etc. But this information has no confirmation and, unfortunately, in most cases misleads the consumer. Which, of course, affected the buyer's confidence in eco-products in general. In addition, it is not entirely clear to the Russian manufacturer what eco-labeling can give him. It was assumed that the creation of specialized departments would contribute to the development of environmentally friendly products in Russia. But that did not happen. The main assortment presented on the eco-shelves is made up of Western goods.

Indeed, in Europe, eco-products have long been in demand and popular. A Western manufacturer does not have a question why he needs to undergo an environmental impact assessment and receive an eco-label. After all, these are additional chances to be recognized at the international level, which undoubtedly creates a more favorable image of the enterprise and increases its competitiveness. In addition, the presence of an environmental certificate makes it much easier for Western companies to interact with market partners, consumers, state and public regulatory authorities.

Well, and the main thing, of course, is that such products are in great demand abroad! And so it turns out that on Russian shelves we mainly meet Scandinavian, German and other European eco-signs. But the eco-label "Leaf of Life" is quite difficult to meet here. Russian manufacturers have so far ignored this approach to promoting their products. But in vain! Since 2007, the Life Leaf ecolabel has joined the global network GEN - The Global Ecolabelling Network, which unites more than 30 countries of the world, including all countries of the European Union. Leaf of Life is recognized by the international community as complying with the principles of the ISO 14024 standard and the world practice of voluntary environmental certification. The inclusion of domestic producers, their goods and services in the system of international environmental certification, standardization and expertise will allow them to act on an equal footing in the international market of goods and services.

The system of voluntary environmental certification "Leaf of Life" was developed by the St. Petersburg Ecological Union (SPbES) in 2001, within the framework of the "Ecology and Man" program. To date, SPbEC is the first in Russia and so far the only organization that has received an international
recognition of the procedure for determining the environmental safety of products and having the right to issue an international environmental certificate. The system is registered with the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (certificate RO CC RU. I457.04CHG00).

After two years of existence of environmental departments in St. Petersburg, the Ecological Union was forced to suspend their work, due to the need to modify the very form of the project, adapt it to Russian reality, since the Western model does not work for us. Why did this happen? After all, the Russian buyer says that he needs such products, and he is ready to buy them.

There are several reasons, in my opinion. Firstly, it is quite expensive to eat only eco-products, given their cost. In the West, the cost of eco-products is 1.5-2 times higher, while in our country it is 6-8 times higher than conventional analogues. Such a strong increase in price is due to transportation and customs costs. That is, if Russian eco-products appeared on our market, their affordable price could be a real impetus for the development of this area in Russia.

An important reason is our poor awareness of what environmentally friendly products are, how they look and where they can be purchased. At the moment, "eco-products" is an abstract concept, understood by each buyer in his own way. Until this topic is supported by the government or a group of environmentally responsible manufacturers, buyers will not have a clear picture in their heads. But there are also positive experiences. In 2005, the Grunwald eco-supermarket was opened in Moscow. It presents the products of more than 40 leading European manufacturers of eco- and bioproducts from Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. The store has a biocafeteria, bakery products are baked, salads and semi-finished products are prepared.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the purchasing power of the population is growing. And along with it, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is growing, an integral part of which is proper nutrition. The choice of the correct positioning of eco-products, their active promotion in the points of sale will allow this category to take a strong position in the market. Most experts believe that this area has great prospects in Russia. It can give a significant impetus to the development of not only agriculture, but also many other domestic producers.

Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade. M. Tugan-Baranovsky

on the topic of: "Environmentally friendly products"

Donetsk 2009

In our modern time, when the air, water and earth are polluted with products of human vital activity and the ecological situation, despite all the efforts of mankind, continues to deteriorate, people are starting to think more and more about their health.

There is a Chinese proverb - "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." This proverb most accurately characterizes the relationship between the food you eat and how you look and feel.

In the food market today there are a lot of proposals on the topic of "healthy eating". Starting from all kinds of pills, powders (BAA) and ending with products with an optimally selected diet. But, no one can answer the question which of them are really useful and most effective, for one simple reason: there are so many people on the planet earth and there can be so many options for the impact of these products on them.

So is there one single solution to the problem of healthy eating?

Yes, it exists, and like everything ingenious it is simple. To do this, it is necessary to grow products in an environmentally friendly environment and package them in an environmentally friendly way.

Why is this particular option the only one?

The answer to this question is simple. Products created by nature without human intervention in the process, most fully and balanced contain all the necessary substances for the life of the human body. In this case, you can apply the phrase "made by nature." And this phrase will most fully and capaciously contain the answer to your question.

What is an environmentally friendly environment?

Where and how are the standards and criteria for an environmentally friendly environment established?

The European certification system can give us the answer to this question.

In 1980, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) established the Basic Standards for Organic Production (IBS).

Here are some of them:

· cultivation of land for at least three years should be carried out without the use of chemical fertilizers;

· seeds for organic farming must be adapted to local conditions, resistant to pests and weeds and, most importantly, not be genetically modified.

· Soil fertility should be maintained with a varied crop rotation and biodegradable fertilizers of exclusively microbiological, vegetable or animal origin.

· the use of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, nitrogen-containing and other chemical fertilizers is prohibited.

· physical barriers, noise, ultrasound, light, traps, special temperature conditions, etc., should be used to control pests;

· When raising livestock to obtain Organic meat, it is prohibited to use antibiotics and growth hormones;

· Farmers must register any animal treatment. Treatment records are reviewed annually by certifying bodies;

· the use of radiation and genetic engineering in the production of Organic products is strictly prohibited;

· if a product is labeled as Organic, its manufacturer is obliged to use 100% organic ingredients;

“So it is in Europe, but our nature is much cleaner and apples from the “favorite garden” are much tastier and healthier,” you might say.

Yes, everything is correct, and tastier and healthier, but only who checked it, where does the confidence in this come from? Where is the guarantee and criteria, which is more useful?

Unfortunately, no one can give you guarantees. There are no criteria yet.

There are many voluntary certification schemes that will make your ordinary products "environmentally friendly" for a "modest fee". At the same time, these voluntary organizations have their own criteria for evaluating products. Whether they have the right criteria or not, at the moment it is impossible to figure out, since there is no law that sets the standards for Organic products.

As a result, we have many Russian food products that use the terms of European standards to increase the sales of their products. Who among us has not seen juices, kefir, mayonnaise on store shelves, and this list can be continued for a long time, with the designations “BIO”, “BIO”, “Environmentally friendly product”, “Checked by environmental expertise”, etc. In fact, it turns out that our consumer is being misled, simply saying "they are fooling our brother, gentlemen, marketers."

At the same time, in many European countries, at the state level, organic product standards have been introduced. A system has been created to monitor the implementation and compliance with these standards.

How can our customer figure out which products on store shelves are really Organic?

The easiest and fastest way is to find one of the badges of European certification bodies on the product label. Here are examples of some of them:

Organic Agriculture - EC Management System European Union In March 2000, the European Organic Commission introduced this emblem. It is used exclusively voluntarily by those manufacturers whose products comply with the European Union standard system adopted in 1991.
Bio-Siegel (Environmental Seal) Germany In 2001, the German Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture introduced a national label - Bio-Siegel (Environmental Seal), which identifies the products of enterprises that adhere to the requirements of the EU regulation.
Agriculture Biologique (Ecological products) France France was one of the first European countries to introduce a national label for organic food, which has replaced private labeling systems and is the property of the French Ministry of Agriculture. The application of this logo on goods is allowed after signing an agreement with the owner of the mark and fulfilling all the requirements established by EU law. The mark may also be applied to organic products from other countries, subject to the requirements of French legislation for farms using organic methods. However, plant products must be produced in the European Union, with the exception of exotic ones.
Valvottua tuotantoa/Kontrollerad ekoproduktion (Certified Organic) Finland This state mark is issued by the Finnish Crop Inspection Center
Sweden In Sweden, the only accredited control organization is KRAV. Its standard is more stringent than the requirements stipulated by European legislation. Issued by the Swedish Society for Agricultural Control. The mark is also found on products produced outside of Sweden (coffee, tea, fruit).
Netherlands This mark is issued by the Dutch State Inspection Authority called Skal.
United States Department of Agriculture USA This mark has been licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) since 2002 under the National Organic Program (NOP)
Finland This ladybug badge is issued by Finland's private certifying authority, Luomuliito. Most often this sign is found on vegetables.
Europe, America, Africa, New Zealand The environmental certification standard Demeter, which appeared in 1924 on the basis of the work of Rudolf Steiner ("Spiritual and scientific foundations for the successful development of agriculture"), became the first world standard for organic agriculture. The presence of the Demeter biodynamic production mark on the product packaging not only characterizes the special conditions of strict control at all stages of product creation according to Organic standards, but also reflects a special approach to careful and meticulous farming, taking into account many natural features (moon phases, seasons, etc.). .), incl. care for the cleanliness and preservation of soils and the environment. Demeter International currently has 18 member organizations in Europe, America, Africa and New Zealand.

And what about our environmentally friendly packaging?

This issue is no less serious, but easier to resolve.

Why serious?

Yes, because, no matter how environmentally friendly products are produced, if the packaging is toxic, it will spoil us, the quality of the products that we were so striving for.

Why is it easy to solve?

What is environmentally friendly packaging, it is such a packaging that comes into the least contact with the products contained in it, without changing the quality properties of the products. Today, the packaging market can offer many options for solving environmentally friendly product packaging. At the same time, packaging manufacturing and production technologies are constantly being improved.

Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky

Faculty of Technology and Design

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology


on ecology

"Environmentally friendly products, their characteristics"


3rd year student

Rodina T.V.


Associate Professor Vysotsky O.G.

Bryansk 2011


    Characteristics of environmentally friendly products………………………4-5

II. Classification of organic products

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… 13

List of literature used ………… .. ………………………… ........ 14


Natural products have become a part of our daily life. But, even realizing how useful the consumption of healthy, ecologically clean food is, not everyone includes it in their daily diet.

“Good food is the best medicine,” says the proverb. Natural clean nutrition preserves and strengthens health, improves the quality of life. Energy, optimism, cheerfulness, which overwhelm adherents of this healthy food, have inclined to such a "diet" many millions of people around the world.

In our modern time, when the air, water and earth are polluted with products of human vital activity and the ecological situation, despite all the efforts of mankind, continues to deteriorate, people are starting to think more and more about their health.

In the food market today there are a lot of proposals on the topic of "healthy eating". Starting from all kinds of pills, powders (BAA) and ending with products with an optimally selected diet. But, no one can answer the question which of them are really useful and most effective, for one simple reason: there are so many people on the planet earth and there can be so many options for the impact of these products on them.

    Characteristics of environmentally friendly products.

In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, “pure” is defined as “containing nothing extraneous, without impurities.” Therefore, an environmentally friendly product is a product that does not contain foreign impurities, in this case, substances that could penetrate into this product from a polluted environment, from packaging, or get into the product during its production. And it goes without saying that in all these cases we are talking about substances that adversely affect health.

It's no secret that environmental problems today have become one of the most important in the world. Now everyone is concerned that everything is environmentally friendly. First of all, it concerns food. By environmentally friendly food we understand a fairly wide range of requirements for various products. A product produced in strict accordance with environmental standards does not necessarily fall under the concept of "healthy food".

Food products are characterized by their nutritional, biological and energy value. Nutritional value is a general concept that includes the energy value of a product, the content of nutrients in it and the degree of their assimilation by the body, organolentic qualities, good quality (harmlessness). The nutritional value of products is higher, the chemical composition of which is more consistent with the principles of a balanced diet, as well as products that are sources of essential nutrients. The energy value is determined by the amount of energy that the food substances of the product give: proteins, fats, digestible carbohydrates, organic acids. The biological value primarily reflects the quality of the proteins in the product, their amino acid composition, digestibility and assimilation by the body. In a broader sense, this concept includes the content of other vital substances in the product (vitamins, trace elements, essential fatty acids).

Different foods differ in their nutritional value, but none of them are harmful or extremely beneficial. Products are useful if the principles of a balanced diet are observed, but can be harmful if these principles are violated. This provision remains valid in clinical nutrition, although, depending on the disease, some foods in diets are limited, excluded, or allowed after special cooking, depending on the disease, while others are considered more preferable.

Among food products there are no those that satisfy the human need for all nutrients.

The number of consumed natural products is limited: mainly fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey. Most products are consumed after processing: sausages, confectionery, bakery products, sour-milk products, various dishes, etc. It is advisable to use in clinical nutrition products combined for a better balance of nutrients: new types of cereals, egg and dairy pasta, butter and processed cheese with Ocean pasta, etc. The use of artificial products is promising. These products are obtained on the basis of proteins and other nutrients of natural origin, but their composition, structure, appearance and other properties are artificially formed (artificial cereals and pasta and meat products, granular protein caviar, etc.). In artificial products, it is possible to regulate the chemical composition, which is important for the creation of special health food products.

The quality of products is a set of properties that determine the suitability of a given product to meet certain needs in accordance with the purpose of GOST.

The organoleptic properties of products - appearance, texture, color, smell, taste - are important indicators of their quality. A change in the organoleptic qualities of a product usually indicates a deterioration in their biological value (a decrease in the content of vitamins, essential fatty acids, etc.) and a possible accumulation of products of protein breakdown, decomposition of carbohydrates, and fat oxidation that are harmful to the body, especially for sick people. Moldy products may produce toxic substances. Organoleptic changes in perishable products may be accompanied by the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

When receiving products in catering units and diet canteens, as well as before cooking stored products, their quality is checked by organoleptic indicators.

    Classification of environmentally friendly products.

Taking into account the general characteristic features and features of use, the following groups of food products can be distinguished:

1) milk and dairy products;

2) meat and meat products;

3) fish, fish products and seafood;

4) eggs and egg products;

5) dietary fats;

6) cereals and pasta;

7) flour, bread and bakery products, bran;

8) fresh and processed vegetables, fruits (fruits, berries, nuts) and mushrooms; 9) sugar and its substitutes, honey, confectionery;

10) canned food and concentrates;

11) flavor products (tea, coffee, spices, seasonings, food acids); 12) mineral waters.

Products of all groups are divided into types according to origin or receipt. Some products are divided into varieties and categories based on quality in accordance with the requirements of the standard. For example: type of cow butter - creamy unsalted, grades of the highest and 1st; beef of I and II categories - according to fatness; fresh eggs of category I and II - by weight and quality.

Many food products, in particular after appropriate cooking, have certain medicinal (dietary) properties in relation to certain diseases. However, this does not give reason to call them dietary products. Dietary products are specialized products intended to replace in the diet of sick people traditional products prohibited for medical reasons and differing from them in chemical composition or physical properties.

There are 7 groups of dietary products:

1) products that provide mechanical and chemical sparing of the digestive organs and are used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, maxillofacial injuries, violation of the act of chewing and swallowing, in the postoperative period. These products have a high degree of grinding, they contain few extractives, sodium chloride (table salt), dietary fiber, and no spices. Such products include fine flour from cereals, homogenized (specially mashed) canned food from vegetables, fruits, meat, fish freed from inedible and indigestible parts, dry water-soluble concentrates of high nutritional value (enpits, inpitan, ovolact, etc.). ) and etc.;

2) products with a low sodium content (salt-free), used for certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, etc. This group also includes salt substitutes (sanasol, etc.), which are used to improve the taste of salt-free food;

3) protein-free products or with the exception of certain proteins and amino acids, for example, substitutes for bread, pasta, cereals, prepared without protein from various types of starch and used for chronic kidney failure and other diseases;

4) products with a modified composition of carbohydrates - their reduced content, the replacement of sugar with sweeteners, lactose-free dairy products, sugar substitutes (sweetener, saccharin, fructose, etc.). These products are used for diabetes, obesity and other diseases;

5) products with a reduced amount of fats and (or) their improved composition (sour-milk products and cow butter enriched with vegetable oils, etc.), used in diseases with impaired fat metabolism - atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.;

6) products of reduced energy value due to a decrease in the content of fats or carbohydrates in them, with fillers (dietary fiber, methyl cellulose, etc.);

7) other dietary products enriched with complete protein, iodine, iron, vitamins, lecithin.


Ecologically clean products must be of high quality, produced in ecologically clean regions, must not contain modified genes, grown according to recommended technologies, without the abuse of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Unfortunately, these requirements are not always met in real life. When buying food, it is very important to check by whom, where and when fruits and vegetables are grown. Appearance can also tell a lot, if vegetables or fruits do not look natural, it is worth assuming that some chemicals were used to grow them. It must be remembered that crop producers are primarily interested in making a profit, and not in environmentally friendly products. One of the most common violations in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits is the excessive use of fertilizers, in particular nitrates, which are natural growth and maturation stimulants for many plants. Of course, fertilizers are necessary, because without top dressing, not a single field will be able to produce constant crops. Ideally, any field or plot should be given a 1 year rest after harvest, which is not economically viable. Therefore, mineral fertilizers come into play.

By saying "environmentally friendly, organic product", we mean that it is not harmful to the human body, that vegetables do not contain nitrates, sausage and ham - carcinogens, yogurt and curds - artificial color enhancers and preservatives. And there are more vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances in them than in traditional ones.


    Voronkov N.A. Ecology general: Textbook. - Moscow, 1999.

    Glukhov V.V. Economic foundations of ecology: Textbook. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

    Denisov V.V. Ecology: Rostov-on-Don, March 2002.

    Kruglyakov G.N., Krutikova G.V. Merchandising of food products: Textbook. - Minsk: Urajay, 1998.

    Mikulovich, A.V. Loktev, I.N. Furet and others; Merchandising of food products: Proc. allowance / Under the total. ed. O.A. Brilevsky. - Minsk: BSEU, 2001.

    Mikulovich L. S. Commodity science of food products with the basics of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene: Proc. allowance / L. S. Mikulovich. - Mn.: Vysh. school, 2002.

Eco-friendly things and (eco-products) are gaining popularity in Western countries due to their savings and health benefits.

We all want to give our families the best.

Whether it's the best food or the highest quality healthcare, every parent strives to provide the best and safest for their children.

When buying food in a supermarket or ordering another toy on the Internet, you need to evaluate all its effectiveness and safety for health.

The truth is that much of the commodities we have surrounded ourselves with in recent years are cunning and invisible enemies of health. They do their dirty work, day after day, releasing a small dose of destructive chemicals into the atmosphere of dwellings, drinking water and food. They endanger our health and genes.

Many products contain toxic chemicals that are not regulated by either the manufacturers or our health authorities. In the struggle for the market, companies are doing everything to produce things in the cheapest way, completely ignoring the safety and health of people. After all, no one will know, right?

The main trouble of the modern consumer: we do not know the composition of the products that fill our home. Practice shows that even the most expensive, high-quality branded items may contain unexplored toxic components.

Some shoppers have done their own research and ditched dangerous products in favor of eco-friendly products - organic food, toys, furniture, green cosmetics. They benefit both the Earth and their families.

What are eco-products?

This term means a product that does not harm the environment.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the concept of "harm to the environment" requires a multifaceted understanding and covers a number of factors. After all, so many different things can negatively affect the environment if used, disposed of or simply stored incorrectly!

How to identify eco-products on store shelves?

Although many companies claim that their products are environmentally friendly, they may misinterpret the information available and mislead you. Often, in an effort to protect the health of our loved ones, we blindly buy such products, relying on the honesty and objectivity of marketers.

When shopping for sustainable products, look for:

Energy Star– sign of energy-saving devices and electronics
USDA Organic Seal- organic cosmetics and food label used in the United States
green seal– cleaning products that are safe for nature
FSC Logo- sign for paper and wood products

Different countries of the world have their own certification and seal systems that distinguish eco-products from ordinary industrial products. If you see these marks and logos on your box, chances are good that you are making a good health purchase.

Benefits of organic goods and natural products

family savings

We are used to the fact that everything new is expensive and inaccessible. Although eco-friendly products may seem expensive to buy, they pay off in the long run and actually prove to be economical for the family budget. The secret is in their durability. These products are usually made from recycled materials. They are remarkably durable and can survive many drops, washes and dishwashers. The price tag can be impressive, but it's an investment that pays off.

Benefit for health

Along with the environmental benefits, there is something more important that has made organic products so popular in the West. It's 100% secure. Plastics are known to release BPA, vinyl chloride, lead and other harmful chemicals that can cause illness in children and adults. In an adult, prolonged contact with toxins increases the risk of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular events, autoimmune processes, and abnormalities of the reproductive system. Even oncogenic mutations are possible.

In children, such exposure can lead to precocious puberty, diabetes, growth retardation, and allergic and autoimmune disorders.

Ecologically pure natural products, in principle, do not contain these toxic substances. Studies show that the massive use of such products in everyday life improves the quality of life, reduces the risk of a dozen and a half chronic diseases and premature death from all causes.

They guarantee the safety of the entire planet and every family.

What are the types of eco-products?

Just a few decades ago, these were rare, literally piece goods produced by enthusiasts. Connoisseurs purchased eco-goods and organic products in a few specialized stores. Today, millions of people have realized the benefits eco friendly business for yourself and for our planet. The assortment has expanded so much that each of us, if desired, can surround ourselves with only useful things - from cleaning products to decor.


There are many brands offering sustainable clothing and footwear for all ages. These items are usually made from recycled materials that are affordable and economical. Often they are not inferior in strength and durability to "synthetics".

Manufacturers eco clothes improve their technologies, trying to do without artificial dyes and other chemicals. They work hard to reduce the use of water, gas and electricity.

Tea and coffee cups

We all love our morning coffee at work, but that means millions of used cups are thrown into the trash cans every day. Eco-cups for coffee are made from cheap and biodegradable recyclable materials - this is a huge savings, both for the wallet and for the environment.

Recycled eco bags

We all use oversized plastic bags in supermarkets and take out the garbage in them. But there is a safer alternative to the ubiquitous plastic. Recycled sandwich bags, eco-friendly bags and recycled trash bags will make your home cleaner and bring tangible global savings.

Home decor and interior

Perhaps the most popular direction of eco-friendly business is the creation of environmentally friendly interior items and eco-furniture.

Here are just a few practical and 100% natural ideas:

Kitchen appliances
Bed dress

Already now you can build a house of the XXI century around you, free from synthetics.


The second most important area of ​​investment in green production is cleaning and detergents without toxic chemicals.

Modern bleaches, washing powders and antibacterial soaps pose a threat to nature and our health. Surfactants poison drinking water, lipophilic toxins accumulate in the human body and cause chronic diseases, aggressive antiseptics cause the growth of resistant superbugs. After them, our children and grandchildren will have to clean and disinfect our planet for centuries. The future belongs to safe chemicals - probiotic cleaners, organic soaps and powders without chlorine and phosphates.

Green Technologies

Today, electronics is a major part of human life. Without computers and smartphones, the work and leisure of the most ardent environmentalists is unthinkable. We understand how these products are made and how much electricity these power-hungry gadgets require. But is there any alternative? We advise you to switch to progressive energy-saving electronics that save resources for our descendants. New phone and TV displays provide great picture and color while using less power. LED light bulbs make homes and offices more economical.

Eco toys from recycled materials

Caring parents at least once wondered: why do children's toys smell like that?
Are they safe for my child's health?
Plastic is harmful.

So much so that scientists still cannot assess and calculate all the risks: hormonal disorders, diabetes, obesity, reproductive problems, and even cancer.

Eco toys made from recycled material are much safer. This is wonderful, because almost all plastic things sooner or later end up in someone's mouth.

Natural accessories and bijouterie

Style and personal expression are important for every generation. Eco-friendly recycled accessories, including rings, sunglasses, hairpins, bracelets, allow you to express your individuality, save money and save our planet. Complement your new look with natural, healthy eco-cosmetics based on plants, mineral or animal ingredients. Be consistent in trying to help yourself, loved ones and our common home.

All you need is the desire to change the world for the better.

Konstantin Mokanov

To date, a fairly large number of food products have appeared on the Russian market, on the packaging of which there is the word "bio", "eco" or "organic". However, these products almost never meet the concept of "eco". At the same time, the cost of products, on the packaging of which there is a corresponding inscription, is higher than analogues (without an inscription) by 20-200%.

Consumers have become hostages of this situation due to the lack of a relevant law on organic agriculture and organic food in the Russian Federation. We also do not have mandatory certification of eco-products. And since there is no law, then manufacturers are free to use these terms at their discretion, which, of course, cannot but disturb buyers - after all, they are actually being deceived.

So, the concepts of "eco", "bio" and "organic" are synonyms that denote environmentally friendly products produced in compliance with the principles of organic agriculture.

According to European and American standards for organic agriculture, the label “organic” (“bio” or “eco”) indicates that at least 95% of the content by weight (minus the weight of salt and water) is organic. The inscription “made with organic” means that at least 70% of the content is an organic product. The inscription is located on the front or top of the package and may be followed by up to three product component names. The inscription “less than 70% of content is organic” means that less than 70% of the content is organic. However, the package may list the organic ingredients, but the word “organic” may not be used on the front of the package.


According to the standards of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)*, organic agriculture is based on four basic principles that must be used as a whole.

Principle of health

Organic agriculture must maintain and improve the health of the soil, plants, animals, humans and the planet as a single and indivisible whole. According to this principle, the use of fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs for animals and food additives, which may have an adverse effect on health, should be avoided.

The principle of ecology

Organic agriculture must be based on the principles of the existence of natural ecological systems and cycles, working, coexisting with them and supporting them. The principles of organic farming, livestock grazing and the use of natural systems in the wild, in order to obtain a crop, must comply with natural cycles and balances. Organic agriculture must achieve ecological balance by designing land use systems, creating habitats and maintaining genetic and agricultural diversity.

The principle of justice

This principle states that animals should be provided with conditions and opportunities for life that are consistent with their physiology, natural behavior and health. Natural resources that are used in production and consumption should be considered from the standpoint of social and environmental justice, taking into account the interests of future generations. Equity requires that production, distribution and trade systems be open, equitable and take into account real environmental and social costs.

The principle of care

The management of organic agriculture must be proactive and responsible in order to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the marks "organic", "bio" or "eco" are designed to notify the buyer that the product is grown naturally without the use of chemicals, in an ecologically safe area, where at a distance of 500 kilometers around there is no chemical or other harmful, from the point of view of environmental protection, production.


As an independent area, organic farming began to develop actively since the 1940s in Europe and America, in response to dependence on synthetic fertilizers and insecticides. During the industrial revolution of the 19th century, with the development of agrochemistry, many effective methods of soil fertilization and pest control were proposed. First it was superphosphates, then fertilizers based on ammonia. They were cheap, efficient, and easy to transport.
During the 20th century, new ways of farming were actively used, indeed leading to increased yields. However, the environmental consequences of the use of these methods became more and more obvious: soil erosion, their pollution with heavy metals, salinization of water bodies.

In 1940, the British botanist Albert Howard, one of the founders of organic agriculture, proposed a soil fertilization system based on the use of compost from plant residues and manure. A natural, but not the least, reason for the emergence of organic farming was the increasingly recognized danger to human health. Now the living conditions in big cities make people think about how to protect themselves from the negative effects of the urban environment. More than 50% of a healthy lifestyle consists of a healthy diet.

In 1972, the International Federation of Organic Farming Movements (IFOAM) was established with the aim of disseminating information and introducing organic agriculture in all countries of the world. Already in the 1990s, green movements and green philosophy acquired a global scale, environmental protection and concern for the health of their citizens became priority areas of state policy in many countries**.


Ecological farming in Russia originated in 1989, when the All-Union program "Alternative Agriculture" was launched. In two years, the program brought international certification to a number of farms, but ended in complete failure, as the market was not ready for such products.

In 1994, the export of environmentally friendly certified buckwheat to Europe was started, and since 1995 an organic processing plant has been operating in the Kaluga region. Now the farms of the Tula, Orel, Novgorod, Omsk, Pskov, Kursk, Vladimir, Orenburg, Yaroslavl, Moscow regions and the Stavropol Territory are engaged in the ecological production of agricultural products.

Thus, the formation of a market for environmentally friendly and safe products is just underway in Russia. The main reasons for lagging behind the United States and European countries include the lack of a unified concept of environmentally friendly products, the unclear position of the state on this issue, and the low ecological culture of the population. However, consumer demands are gradually forming a separate sector of "village" food on the market. Certifying organizations also appeared (for example, NP Ecological Union, St. Petersburg), which developed their own standards, taking into account both international requirements for organic agriculture and the peculiarities of Russian reality. All this clearly contributes to the development of the organic food market.

Newly established Moscow company Chisty Krai is conducting in-depth marketing research on the demand for organic products and is preparing to enter this market. The company establishes links, on the one hand, with independent producers whose product quality meets IFOAM requirements, and, on the other hand, with distribution channels that allow a wide presentation of organic products.

During the period from 2000 to 2010, the global organic food market grew more than 3.5 times - from $ 17.9 to 60.9 billion (rice. 1 ) .

According to IFOAM, the global market for organic products in 2011 grew by about 12% - from $ 60.9 to 68 billion - while the growth of the consumer market as a whole in this period amounted to only 4.5%. If the market for organic products continues to grow, then by 2020 its volume may reach $ 200-250 billion.


Currently, there are several main trends in the development of the Russian organic food market.

The growth of the world organic food market is more than 2 times faster than the growth of the market of non-organic "mass" products.

The fastest growing segments of the market for organic products are "vegetables and fruits", "milk and dairy products". At the same time, the segments "meat, poultry", "bakery products" and "drinks" are growing at a faster pace, but they lag behind the leaders in terms of volume.

Sales of organic products currently still make up a small share of total food sales in different countries - from 0.75% in the Czech Republic to 4.2% in the USA.

Growing sales of organic products indicate that consumers are ready for the added value. Russians are becoming more and more demanding in terms of food, it is important for them that the products are natural, they do not use genetic engineering in their production, and they do not harm health.

The main sales channels for organic products are retail chains (supermarkets, hypermarkets, discounters) – they account for 41% of sales. The share of specialized stores is 26%, while the share of direct sales is 13%.
The growing market demand for organic products is stimulated at the state level - in the United States and in the European Union, organic farming development programs are being adopted, and certified eco-farmer training programs are emerging at many universities and colleges.


Russia is 15-20 years behind developed countries in the production of eco-products and eco-services, and the volume of the domestic market of organic products, according to IFOAM, is only $60-80 million, or about 0.1% of all food products.

At the same time, in Russia there is a steady upward trend in sales of organic food. Thus, over 5 years it has grown more than 1.5 times - from 30 million euros in 2007 to 50 million euros in 2011.

The potential of the Russian market is estimated quite highly: according to experts, by the end of 2013 it may grow by 25-30% - up to $100 million.

In Russia, there is a problem with the designation of the boundaries of the market for organic agricultural products - there is no single law that would establish which products should be classified as organic and which should not. There is also no unified system of certification. The solution of this issue and the introduction of mandatory organic certification at the legislative level will contribute to the development of the market.

Experts believe that the improvement of the overall environmental situation in the country, the rich soil resource potential, the presence of vast areas of land (up to 40%) that have not been cultivated recently due to economic and financial difficulties, cheaper labor.

Organic food products belong to the premium segment of the market, and the margin on them, depending on the product category, can vary from 20 to 400%.

The main sales channels for organic food are:
* supermarkets, where most of the premium food products are sold;
* specialized stores selling natural products;
* direct sales through online stores, which allow you to avoid retail margins. To date, sales of organic food through online stores account for 5% of the total sales of these products. According to experts' forecasts, sales via the Internet will grow by 22% by the end of 2013;
* pharmacies that sell a limited range of organic products. These are mainly diabetic and low-calorie products, baby food and cosmetics.

The possibility of exporting Russian organic products to the EU countries is also highly appreciated.
Let's consider the factors that in the future can have a positive impact on the growth and development of the market for organic products in Russia.

Political factors:
* in the near future - the adoption of a law on organic agriculture, within which it is necessary to define what "organic" (environmentally friendly) food is;
* development of a unified certification system for organic products based on European and American standards;
* introduction of mandatory certification of organic products;
* adoption at the state level of a comprehensive program for the development of the agro-industrial complex;
* providing financial assistance to farmers (in particular, preferential taxation) at the state and / or region level;
* Establishing strong ties with regional and local authorities.

Economic forces:
* stabilization and further growth of the economy after the 2008 crisis;
* stabilization of the ruble exchange rate;
* creation of a system of concessional lending for organic agriculture projects;
* high growth potential of the organic products market (at least 25-30% per year);
* creation of additional jobs in farms;
* attraction of cheaper labor force;
* lower prices for organic products.

Social factors:
* increase in the birth rate;
* desire for a healthy lifestyle;
* growth of incomes of the population;
* Orientation of consumers to better and more expensive food products;
* concerns about the presence of artificial ingredients and preservatives in "traditional" products;
* belief that organic products are more beneficial to health;
* the desire to buy food products that have a natural taste, without amplifiers;
* improving the culture of consumption and education of people in the eco-sphere in general;
* development of an education program for workers in organic agriculture.

Technological factors:
* development of an integrated technology for the production of environmentally friendly products (from soil preparation, planting plants and seeds, feeding and keeping animals, to a full cycle of production and packaging of products);
* conducting scientific research as a guarantee that organic agriculture is healthy, safe and environmentally friendly;
* creation of a logistics system - building a clear and well-functioning system for the supply of products from the farmer to the client.

As in the West, in Russia, farm products belong to the premium segment, their main consumers are representatives of the middle and higher class, that is, about 20% of Russians. The most active consumers are women and men aged 25-45, with higher education, with an average and higher income, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The main motives for buying and consuming organic food are health benefits, absence of artificial ingredients and preservatives, natural taste and safety.

Among the main barriers to the purchase of this product is its high price. Also, many consumers do not feel the usefulness of organic products for health, do not know anything about them or do not trust the manufacturer. A limiting factor is the short shelf life of these products.

Factors stimulating the purchase of organic products include: rising incomes, caring for your own and family health, fitness classes, and a decrease in the number of available and free medical services. Of great importance is the dissemination of information about the dangers of biotech "unhealthy" ingredients in food, as well as the harmful effects of chemicals on traditional agriculture. In addition, the consumption of branded organic products is one of the most fashionable trends in the West.

Thus, we can conclude that a clear policy of the state and the introduction at the legislative level of mandatory certification of eco-products in accordance with international standards, the conduct of an educational program aimed at increasing the level of knowledge about eco-products, as well as the interest of retail chains in sales and setting an adequate price for these products will contribute to the growth and development of this category in the future.

* International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.

** Data from the international association of producers, suppliers and consumers of eco-products.

Ekaterina Dvornikova

Research of the consulting company "Dvornikova and Partners"
