
Pear jam: a delicious preparation for the winter - how to make pear jam quickly and easily. Apple pear jam

Or condensed milk. You taste such a sweet dessert solemnly, enjoying every spoonful of amber jam or marmalade. But if you prepare pies and pies for filling and spreading, and just for tea bread, there is no better simple pear jam recipe for the winter: pears, sugar, lemon juice and, say, vanillin (or anise, cardamom, lemon zest).

The pear jam recipe is suitable for cooking any kind of fruit. You can use large and small, dense and overripe fruits. Depending on the variety, the jam will turn out amber or light golden, jelly-like consistency or like jam. But in any case, harvesting for the winter will be tasty and fragrant.

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Yield: 400 ml


  • pears - 500 g net weight
  • sugar - 250 g
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Cooking pear jam for the winter

If the pears are soft and very overripe, then it is enough to wash them and you can boil them with the skin on. But hard and dense fruits should be peeled, then the jam will turn out to be more uniform.

From each fruit, I cut the core, and then cut the flesh into small pieces. I put it in a bowl, sprinkled with sugar. No need to wait until the juice is released, all the same, all the pieces will be crushed into a homogeneous fruit mass.

I put the pan on a weak (very, very small) fire and warmed up until the sugar is completely dissolved - about 10-15 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula.

As soon as a lot of juice appeared in the pan and the syrup began to boil, increased the heat to medium. Cooked for 30 minutes, without a lid, until the pears are fully cooked and soft, stirring with a spatula so that nothing burns. Remove the pot from the stove and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. If you don’t have special equipment, you can grind it through a sieve or mash it with a potato masher (but then small inclusions of pulp will remain).

Added lemon juice and a pinch of vanilla. Returned to the stove, brought to a boil and cooked for another 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring, without a lid, to remove excess moisture. Be sure to add lemon juice! In addition to the role of a preservative and acidity regulator, it activates the production of pectin in the pear, which in turn helps to set the jam. The final cooking time can be increased if you are preparing a double or triple portion at once or the pears are very watery - in this case, check the readiness by dripping onto a plate, if it drains very slowly, then it is ready.

I poured hot jam into sterilized dry (!) jars, immediately corked. Lids can be taken any, both screwed and turnkey. Turning over and wrapping is not necessary, the jars will stand just fine anyway.

The yield from the indicated amount of ingredients is approximately 400 ml, but a lot depends on the variety chosen, so I advise you to prepare containers of different volumes, preferably a small displacement. Store a simple blank for the winter from pears in a cool and dark place, for a period of 1 year.

The first step is to prepare the fruit. It is best to pick ripe fruits that are not damaged. They must be thoroughly washed under water. Then the apples and pears are peeled and the seed pods are removed.
Apples need to be cut into small pieces and poured into a bowl for subsequent cooking. Pears are also cut into small pieces and poured into apples.
Fruits are ready for cooking. They need to be mixed.
Apple-pear jam mixture is sprinkled with sugar.
Dishes with fruit are placed on the stove and boiled over low heat. In this case, you need to constantly stir the jam so that it does not burn.
The mass is cooked until the fruit is completely boiled, and the jam is viscous and thick. This process takes about an hour. If the fruits were initially hard, then the cooking time will take a little longer. If there is a need to grind the resulting mixture like jam, you can use a blender. The crushed mass is again placed on the stove on a small fire, brought to a boil. After that, the dishes with pear-apple jam can be removed from the stove. The preparation is ready. It remains only to roll it into banks.
Jars and lids must first be prepared. They must go through a sterilization process. Microwave sterilization is one of the easiest methods. To do this, the jars need to be washed, dried and filled with a third of cold water. After that, the jars are placed in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. Fruit jam can be laid out in jars and twisted with lids.
For the reliability of the workpiece, it is recommended to turn it upside down and wrap it. In this position, they should be left for a day. After the allotted time, preservation can be cleaned in a cool place for further storage.
The resulting jam can be consumed ready-made, or can be used as a filling for various pastries. In any case, this delicacy is able to take pride of place on the table, and become one of the most beloved. Bon appetit. Recipe and photo author: Alime

How to cook thick apple jam at home for the winter according to a simple recipe? Jam for filling pies is made from different varieties of apples, but late-ripening varieties are better suited.

Summer varieties after processing become loose. To reduce the amount of sugar and not get compote instead, add liquid or thick pectin.

Liquid pectin is prepared at home. Boil the peel of the apples (boiling time 20-30 minutes) that you have peeled for making an open pie. Discard the peel, and drain the liquid formed during cooking. Put it in the refrigerator. Add pectin decoction instead of water when making jam.

Before making jam, peel the apples off. But sometimes transparent jam is obtained from unpeeled fruits. Get the first recipe.

Thick jam from apples with lemon at home: a simple recipe

From 1.5 kg of sour apples, 1.7 liters of thick jam are obtained.


  • sour apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon for juice and zest - 1/2 part.

Peel the fruit from the core and cut into small pieces.

Do not remove the skin from apples, the skin contains pectin. It is necessary to remove toxins from the body and to create jelly-like substance characteristic of confiture.

Put the pot of apples on the fire. Add 1 glass of water. Boil for 15-20 minutes, the fruit will become soft. Do you have a steamer? Weld rayki over steam.

After 20 minutes, pour the water in which the apples were boiled into a glass. It will still come in handy. Grind boiled fruits with a blender. Set the puree aside.

Pour sugar into another bowl. Are fruits sweet? Add sugar in a one to one ratio. Pour the water in which the fruits languished into granulated sugar.

Boil the syrup until it thickens. Cooking time - 15-20 minutes after boiling over moderate heat. The syrup will turn out a light color, not caramel. No need to digest. Stir the sweet syrup constantly.

Is the syrup clear? Add 0.5 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice or citric acid on the tip of a knife. The sugar will not crystallize. Chop the half of the lemon that you have squeezed the juice from. Add the zest to the syrup.

Lemon zest can be replaced with orange zest.

The readiness of the syrup can be checked like this: from a spoon that interfered with the brew, take a drop of cooled syrup on your finger. Press the drop between your index finger and thumb. The sweetness stretches, transparent strings appear between the fingers? The syrup is ready.

Carefully pour the puree into the syrup. If you want to get a transparent jam at the exit, pass the applesauce through a sieve.

Use a whisk, mix the puree with syrup until smooth.

Cook for 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, stirring constantly. I recommend putting a divider on the gas stove.

Pour the hot contents into sterilized jars. We close the container with plastic or screw metal lids. Sweetness is stored at room temperature.

Delicious apple jam white filling with cinnamon: a recipe for the winter with a photo

Inexperienced housewives cook fruits for the winter according to a classic recipe. Did you get your hand? I suggest experimenting with flavors. Add cinnamon and vanilla to jam.

Ingredients: cinnamon, vanilla sugar, granulated sugar, 1 cup boiled water at room temperature.

Cooking process:

We wash the white filling under running water, make sure that the fruits are clean.

We cut the apples together with the skin into quarters, so it is easier to remove the core. Then we additionally divide each quarter into 3-4 slices.

We fill the container from the blender with fruit, add cinnamon, a bag of vanilla sugar and 0.5 cups of water. We turn on the blender.

We shift the mashed potatoes into a saucepan, turn on the gas to a minimum. We do not add fire for 15-20 minutes of cooking. Add sugar to taste.

Apple jam is ready. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up for the winter.

Apple jam in transparent pieces in the multicooker Redmond 92

Make jam according to this recipe if you do not like sugary-sweet jam. The sweeter the fruit, the less sugar.

Let's cook:

  • peeled apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - from 260 g to 0.5 kg to taste.

  1. Peel the apples. We throw out the core of the raek, and put the peel in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Weigh the peeled apples. For 1 kilogram of apples, up to 0.5 kg of sugar will be required.
  3. Put the pieces of fruit in the multicooker bowl. Drain the water in which the peel was languishing into a separate container. 150 grams of compote and pour into the multicooker bowl. Pour out the sugar.
  4. We set the mode "Extinguishing". Time - 1 hour.
  5. After an hour, open the multicooker, mix the contents. Close the lid. Set the program "Baking" for 40 minutes. If you want to keep the pieces of fruit in the process of stewing, gently mix the contents 2-3 times. During this time, it will turn into jam.

You can transfer apple jam to a prepared 700-gram jar. Turn the jar upside down until cool. Bon appetit!

Recipe for making apple-plum jam without thickeners


  • sweet apples - 1 kg;
  • prunes - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.
  1. Wash prepared fruits. Cut off the peel from apples, remove the core with seeds. Divide the plums into two halves, remove the pits.
  2. Transfer fruits for confiture to a saucepan, add sand. Cook while stirring for 60 minutes. Let the jam cool down.
  3. Grind the sweetness into a homogeneous mass with an immersion blender. Cook for another half an hour after boiling. Arrange the jam in dry sterilized jars with screw caps.
  4. Wrap the blanks for the winter with a towel for 5-6 hours. Jam is ready.

Very tasty jam from apples, pears and plums - you will lick your fingers

In this recipe, 3 different flavors were mixed, but from this the finished product turned out to be incredibly fragrant and tasty. If an unpretentious winter-hardy cherry plum plant grows on your backyard, use the fruits to make a dessert for the winter.


  • chopped green apples - 1 kg;
  • sliced ​​​​pears without cores - 1 kg;
  • cherry plum pitted - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • put apples, pears, plums into an enamel bowl.

Sprinkle fruit pieces with sugar, mix. You don't need to add water. Fruits will give juice and will not burn if you turn the stove to a minimum. Add fire as the juice is released. Boil after boiling for 20 minutes.

Remove the basin from the stove, let the jam stand until morning. Repeat the procedure in the morning. After 20 minutes of cooking, grind the fruit with a blender and cook for another 10 minutes.

Prepare jars in advance: sterilize and dry. Pour jam into jars, close with dry screw caps. The jam will thicken in the cellar.

Easy Apple, Orange, Lemon and Cinnamon Recipe

It's nice to receive a jar of fragrant, viscous jam with a rich orange flavor as a gift on New Year's or Christmas holidays. Cook with pleasure.


  • sour apples of the Semerenko variety - 1 kg;
  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Imeretian saffron - 0.5 tsp.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Pears and apples are a delicious combination. Many blanks are prepared from this tandem, ranging from and ending. But at the same time, the taste of such desserts remains very familiar and simple for us. And what if you add citrus notes to pears and apples? It will turn out a completely different delicacy - more interesting, more fragrant, more refined ... This is how my confiture from apples, pears and oranges came out for the winter: very delicate, beautiful, light amber ... The pleasant sourness of the orange sets off the sweetness of the other ingredients, turning the usual fruits into a magical dessert. Such confiture can be an excellent addition to pancakes and pancakes, as well as an interesting filling for pies and tarts. Another plus of this preparation: it is prepared quite simply and for a very short time.

- 1 kg of apples;
- 1 kg of pears;
- 400 g of oranges;
- 300 g of sugar;
- 4 g of citric acid.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The ingredients list the weight of oranges with the peel, but apples and pears - without skins and pits. Therefore, do not forget to weigh apples and fruits before you start making jam from them.
I made sweet apple confiture, so sugar for this recipe is a variable value: try if it is enough for your taste.
From this amount of fruit, as indicated in the ingredients, I got 1.5 liters of ready-made confiture.

Fruits - apples and pears - we select and wash. Cut the skin off the pears, cut into 4 parts and cut out the core. Weigh the peeled pears. Then we cut into small thin, up to 0.5 cm plates, the size of the plates is at your discretion. (The thinner we cut, the faster the confiture will cook.) It is only important that all the pieces are approximately the same, then they will need the same time to cook.

Pour into the pan, where we will cook the confiture, a couple of tablespoons of water. This is necessary so that the fruit does not burn. Pour the pears, cover with a lid and put on the stove. First, we set the fire to medium, but as soon as the pears warm up - the water will hiss - reduce the fire to the smallest and simmer.

In the meantime, just like pears, we prepare apples. Apples are also weighed to determine the required amount of sugar.

We send the apples to the pan to the pears, mix and continue to simmer for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

While apples and pears are cooking, the turn of oranges has come. We wash them, wipe them and remove the zest - this can be done with a grater. But try not to touch the white part, it will be bitter in confiture.

Now let's deal with the pulp of oranges. We need to remove all partitions - they are rough, and even after processing with a blender, their pieces will be audible. We also remove the bones. Grind oranges with a blender.

You should get orange juice with pulp.

During this time, pears and apples released juice and became soft. Remove the pan from the heat and let the future confiture cool slightly.

Now, using a blender, chop apples and pears. It turns out a homogeneous mass.

Add all other ingredients - orange juice and zest, sugar, citric acid.

We put the confiture on the stove again and cook for another 20-30 minutes. Keep an eye on the consistency - the confiture will become thicker over time.

We will close the confiture in sterilized jars.

We put the finished confiture (without waiting for cooling) into freshly sterilized jars, trying to fill them to the very top.

Close tightly with lids (roll up or screw). Like any other preservation, this confiture must be cooled upside down. When the banks are cold. You can hide them in a storage place - away from direct sunlight.

Tips & Tricks:
Peeled pears darken very quickly in the air, so they must be kept in a salt solution (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water) or simply in cold water.
I want to say that slight deviations in the ratio of apples and pears are quite acceptable. Only if there are much more pears than apples (1.5 times), the confiture will be less dense - it will spread, and may be too sweet.
I want to explain why we start preparing confiture with pears - it would seem that apples are denser and will take more time to cook. But pears are more juicy, they immediately release a lot of juice, so you don’t have to worry - they won’t burn. But if you start with apples, you need to add more water (which is undesirable), or stir every 2-3 minutes, which is inconvenient. But, in principle, the order here does not matter. Do as you please. It is only important that in the end both apples and pears are soft.

Pear jam with lemons. Photo: manamia. gr

Greek pear jams are invariably made with lemon or in delicious combinations with other fruits. According to these recipes, you can cook jams (when the pear pulp is ground into a puree), and preserves (when the pears are in pieces in jam).

By itself, a ripe and sweet garden pear is good fresh. And when cooking jam, she lacks sourness and character. Therefore, the most successful for canning are combinations of pears and lemons (or oranges with zest) and pears with lemon juice + other sour and sweet and sour fruits.

We offer several delicious Greek pear jam recipes (with peaches, apples, melons and lemon-oranges).

Pear harvest. Photo: frouta-edessas.gr

Where to store jam

Pear jam with apples. Photo: routa-edessas. gr

The general principle is that if there are as many fruits or berries in jam (jam, marmalade) as sugar (proportion 1: 1), then such jam can be

If there is much less sugar in the jam than fruits and berries, then such jam should be stored in the refrigerator or basement.

There are some exceptions (cooking technology, cooking time, type of fruit, combinations of berries and fruits, adding lemon), but for these pear jam recipes, you can be guided by this principle.

Recipe for pear jam with peaches (jam)

Pear jam with peaches will be very tasty and tender. Peaches add just the right amount of acidity to sweet, ripe pears, and lemon makes the jam taste joyful and bright! You'll like it.

If there are no peaches, you can make jam purely from pears (1 kg of pears per 1 kg of sugar), but add the juice of 2 lemons and the zest of 1 lemon.

Proportions for pear and peach jam

  • 500 g pears (peeled and peeled);
  • 500 g peaches (peeled and skinned -);
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • Juice of half a lemon.

How to make pear jam with peaches

  • Puree the prepared fruit in a food processor.
  • Put the pear-peach puree into a bowl for making jam, add sugar. Cook the jam over low heat until thickened (often stirring with gentle movements). Skim. At the end, add lemon juice.
  • Pack hot pear and peach jam in sterilized jars. Close tightly (roll up with ordinary iron or. Can be plastic).
  • Store at room temperature.

Pears with apples (jam and jam)

Pear jam with apples

Apple jam with lemon and orange

Friends, apple pulp, melting into jam, soaks pear slices with its sourness .. and then, cooling down, envelops them with excellent jelly. Words can not describe, very tasty!

To all varieties of jam and jam from pears and apples, you can add an orange (either squeeze the juice and grate the zest), or remove the seeds and grind citruses with pulp in a blender (in puree). It will also be delicious. If you want a very bright citrus flavor of jam - take 2-3 oranges or 1 lemon + 2 oranges for this amount of fruit. If you take more citrus fruits and cook according to this recipe, it will also be delicious. But the name of the jam will have to be changed to orange-pear or lemon-pear)))

I like to cook apple-pear jams and preserves with a small amount of sugar (2 kg of fruit to 1 kg of sugar), so the fresh taste of the fruit is preserved. And if you are a sweet tooth, then put as much sugar as apples + pears. Here are others for you (with ginger, cinnamon, mint, quince, tangerines, nuts - different options).

By the way, for lovers of mashed potatoes - (with or without sugar) - an excellent recipe.

Proportions for pear jam with apples and for pear jam with apples

  • Pears - 1 kg;
  • Apples sour or sweet and sour - 1 kg;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • Sugar - 1-2 kg (optional). Less sugar is better taste.

How to cook pear jam with apples

  • Peel pears and apples from seeds (you can not remove the peel). Cut into slices (cubes with a side of 1.5-2 cm, such that, after boiling, several are placed in a spoon). Pour over lemon juice (as an option, grind a lemon with a peel in a blender, only remove the seeds when cutting. Lemon with zest will make the jam very joyful!). Sprinkle with sugar.
  • Heat over low heat, stirring frequently. So that while the juice is released, the jam does not burn. Cook until tender - about 40 minutes. A sign of readiness - a drop of jam does not spread on a saucer.
  • Arrange hot pear jam with apples and lemon in clean sterilized jars. Close with prepared lids.
  • Store at room temperature (fruit:sugar=1:1) or refrigerated (if sugar is low).

Pear-apple jam - five minutes

This method is suitable if you are preparing pear-apple jam in the proportion of fruit and sugar - equally. It is necessary to divide the cooking process into 3 stages at intervals of 8-12 hours. Close after the last boil.

  • Boil after boiling for 5 minutes. Leave for a day (or overnight, depending on when you started the process).
  • In the evening, boil again for 5 minutes, leave until morning.
  • Boil again for 5 minutes in the morning. Put in jars, close.
  • Store at room temperature.

Other tips and cooking methods are with citrus fruits.

How to make pear-apple jam

Use the same proportions as for apple and pear jam. You can always take a little more pears than apples, or more apples .. this is not a solid proportion, but simply a good combination of taste (the rule is valid for jam).


  • For pear jam with apples, you need to remove the skin from the fruit. Cut into pieces and grind in a blender (food processor) to a puree. Put in a bowl, add lemon juice or mashed lemon peel
  • Cook, stirring often, over low heat until thickened (began to stick to the walls strongly).
  • Arrange the finished jam in jars and close as usual.
  • Pear-apple jam (slightly sweet) - store in the cold, regular (1: 1) - at room temperature.

Pears with apples - jam. Photo: anatoly.gr

Pear jam with melon

This unusual and very tasty melon jam with pears and lemons turns out to be tender, with a chic aroma of splashes of lemon, anise sweetness and melon luxury.

Part of the fruit dissolves in the puree, and some of it suddenly emerges from the soft puree as a rounded juicy piece. Sweet, tasty, fresh and very interesting. New taste. Melon jam with pears goes well with different cheeses. Try it. You will not regret!

Proportions for jam

  • Pears (peeled and peeled) - 1 kg;
  • Melon (peeled and peeled) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg (1 kg 200 g);
  • Juice of 2 lemons. Then, at stage 2, add more juice of 1 lemon and zest from it;
  • Anise (star anise) - 3-4 stars.

How to cook pear jam with melon

  • Peeled pears and melon cut into small cubes. Put in a bowl for cooking jam, pour lemon juice. Sprinkle with sugar and let stand for the fruit to release its juice.
  • Put the pear-melon jam on the fire, bring to a boil. Cook over high heat until the jam thickens. Take off the foam. Turn off the heat and let the jam stand (4-5 hours). The fruits are soaked in syrup.
  • Return the jam to the stove, bring to a boil, adding the zest and juice of 1 lemon and star anise. Cook for 6-7 minutes. Arrange in jars, close with lids.
  • It is better to store melon jam with pear in a cool place.

Other recipes with pears

Compote pears. Photo: radicio.com

From pears you can close a delicious compote. You can simply peel them from the skin and seeds, cut into halves or slices (into 4 parts) and preserve such pear compote without sterilization according to.

Or pour pear slices with lemon juice, and then cook compote from them according to the same recipe.

Pear compote with apples, peaches, nectarines and plums will be good.
