
White currant jam for the winter. Whitecurrant jam - a real summer gift

Currant lovers, as a rule, are well informed about the invaluable properties of this berry. At the same time, almost every housewife knows a sufficient number of recipes for harvesting healthy currants for the winter, taking into account the maximum preservation of the nutrients and nutrients contained in it.

In addition to the traditional varieties of red and white currants, many grow in their personal plots. And this berry can be preserved in the form of healthy and vitamin jam, jelly or jam.

Whitecurrant Jam: Recipe

Classic jam recipe

To make jam, you will need about a kilogram of white currants and a kilogram of granulated sugar.

Juice is squeezed out of white currant using a juicer. Sugar is added to the juice, the resulting mixture is heated, stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula. After boiling, the jam is cooked for several minutes, while the foam is removed from the jam. Hot poured into sterile jars, rolled up.

For those who prefer jam instead of jelly, experienced chefs are ready to offer a recipe for such a delicacy from white currant.

One kilogram of white currant, washed and dried, sprinkled with one kilogram of sugar, left for several hours.

From 300 grams of sugar and 2 glasses of water, sugar syrup is boiled, into which the berries with juice are transferred and boiled over low heat until the berries are transparent.

Ready jam is poured into sterile jars.

White currant jam without cooking

Recently, many housewives prefer to cook jam without cooking, since such a dessert retains the greatest amount of vitamins, which will be quite useful in the cold season.

White currants can also be prepared without cooking. Currants are washed and dried, ground in a meat grinder.

The resulting amount of puree is mixed one to one with granulated sugar, then another 4 cups of sugar are added. One - two oranges are ground in a meat grinder with a peel, removing the seeds, and added to currant puree with sugar.

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency, laid out in sterile jars, closed with nylon lids. Such jam is stored in a cold place, it is also desirable to pour sugar on top to prevent mold.

Jam from several varieties of currant

For him, take 500 grams of white and red currants and one kilogram of sugar.

Two types of jam are cooked in two separate dishes: from red and white currants mixed with 500 grams of sugar. The berries are boiled until transparent, mixed with a wooden spatula during cooking.

The finished jam is laid out in sterile jars in layers: red, then a white layer, and so on to the very top. Banks are rolled up and left to cool. Such a dessert not only looks beautiful, but is also quite useful for both children and adults.

No matter how the whitecurrant winter dessert is prepared, any of them contains a sufficiently large amount of vitamin C, which makes whitecurrant jam or jam an indispensable prophylactic in preventing colds or viral diseases.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 180 min

Jelly is one of the favorite foods of children. I bring to your attention a recipe for making whitecurrant jelly. It is very tasty, fragrant, with a slight sourness. Such jelly can even be diluted with water in winter, and you get a wonderful compote that children drink with pleasure. contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has a beneficial effect on the intestines. It is good to impregnate cake layers with such jelly. To prepare it, it is enough to prepare the berries, boil them a little, grind them through a colander, add sugar, boil and pour into jars. Such jelly will become a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. So, today for you - white currant jelly for the winter. Step-by-step instructions with a detailed description of the cooking process will help you make a healthy preparation from this vitamin berry.
Cooking time: 3 hours
Product yield: 1 liter jar
To prepare whitecurrant jelly, we need the following ingredients:
- white currant - 1 kilogram,
- granulated sugar - 400 grams,
- purified water - 100 milliliters.

Recipe with photo step by step:

White currants do not have to be taken whole. You can use a little wrinkled, as we will grind it anyway.

White currants must be washed under running water, stripped from the twigs and put in an enamel pan.

Add purified water. Boil for 2-3 minutes.

Cool slightly and strain through a colander. The remaining pulp can be used for pies or just add water, leave overnight, and in the morning you will get a wonderful compote.

Pour the resulting juice with pulp into an enamel saucepan, add sugar and boil for 1.5 hours over low heat.

Due to the high content of pectin in white currants, the jelly hardens well.

While the jelly is cooking, you can start processing jars. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Now there are many different ways to do this. I find it best to use a steamer. We also thoroughly wash the lids and boil for several minutes. Pour the jelly into sterile jars and cool to 60 degrees. It is necessary to cool the jelly so that condensation does not form on the lid, and the jam does not deteriorate over time.

When the whitecurrant jelly has cooled, it must be tightly closed with lids.
Such jelly will be an excellent filling for baking, you can simply spread it on a piece of bread and eat it for breakfast with tea. According to the same recipe, you can make not only whitecurrant jelly, but also jelly from different types of currants. And from the berries of red currant you can cook very tasty

Summer comes, in the country or in the market appears currant, black, red, white. Fragrant and sour. This begs the question: what to do with blackcurrant, what to cook from redcurrant? Recipes with currants are available both with fresh currants and with processed ones for long-term storage. As you know, blackcurrant is perhaps the most useful berry. Therefore, blackcurrants are often harvested for the winter. Of course, harvested blackcurrants will come in handy in any form. Cooking delicious pastries, muffins, pies, involves the use of this fragrant, slightly tart berry. There are many ways to harvest: currants with sugar, frozen currants, dried currants. Blackcurrant in a slow cooker is prepared quite quickly and conveniently, since you can set the time and temperature. One of the easiest ways to harvest currants is black currant with sugar. The main thing here is the amount of sugar, and blackcurrants may not even be boiled. There are also recipes for currant jam, although it is believed that during heat treatment it loses a certain amount of useful substances. How to cook currants can also be easily learned. The advantage of this recipe is that such blackcurrants can be stored without a refrigerator. The recipe for a popular drink, currant tincture, is blackcurrant in alcohol. Blackcurrant recipes will also help you prepare extraordinary sweet sauces for meat, which are popular in many European cuisines. It is believed that blackcurrant gives the meat a special taste. Recipes with photos will show you how to prepare such a sauce, as well as jams, marmalade and many other blackcurrant dishes.

Well, if you have a large freezer or freezer, currant frozen is provided to you. It is stored for a long time, only properly frozen currants do not lose their useful qualities and attractive appearance. Freezing recipes contain several important recommendations: do not wash currants, freeze currants on a tray so that the berries do not touch each other. Frozen blackcurrant is suitable for preparing a variety of currant dishes. To do this, you will need recipes with currants. Blackcurrant recipes, redcurrant recipes will help you make currant jam, various currant desserts, cocktails and drinks. This is currant with sour cream, currant with milk. Currant filling is very convenient and tasty. Frozen red currants are also popular. Recipes with fresh redcurrants usually allow frozen currants to be used. Freezing helps to preserve the maximum possible nutrients in currants. If you have red currant, recipes will help you prepare stuffing, kissels, compotes, and many other dishes. Of course, red currants are also perfect for jam. The recipe for redcurrant jam may contain other fruits and berries.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in winter can be replenished with the help of sweet white currant blanks. From it you can cook delicious desserts, drinks, sauces, jams, fillings for pies. White currant jam is a real storehouse of healing substances that can normalize all the functions of the organs of the human body. The white berry contains pectin, which, when processed, turns into a jelly mass.

The benefits of whitecurrant jam

Pectin, which this berry is rich in, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. White fruits contain proteins, monosaccharides, fiber, carbohydrates, acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, B, P, and mineral components. The calorie content of currant jam is 285 kcal per 100 g.

Interesting! White currant is inferior to black in the content of ascorbic acid, but surpasses it in potassium and iron.

White berries, unlike red and black currants, do not contain dyes, which means that a tasty delicacy does not cause allergies.

Useful properties of the product:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • fights pathogens in the intestines;
  • improves eyesight;
  • prevents the appearance of tumors;
  • normalizes the composition of the blood;
  • restores liver cells;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • normalizes reproductive functions.

Currant dessert is 4 times healthier than a product with orange or lemon. Even when cooked, currants retain most of their healing properties and nutrients, unlike other fruits and berries.

Selection and preparation of currants

White currant has a dense shell, it is able to stay on the bush for a long time, not to deteriorate and not fall off.

  1. For jam choose ripe, preferably large berries. They should be sorted out, soft, spoiled are removed.
  2. Currants are cleaned of leaves, washed, separated from brushes, spread on a towel, dried.
  3. Wash in a colander under running water, allow excess liquid to drain.

Cook jam in enameled or glassware. Jars in which jam is closed and lids must be sterilized.

Additional ingredients for currant jam

  • Raspberries are the perfect complement to white currants.
  • Bananas make the jam taste exotic, the resulting dessert will not be so liquid.
  • Sweet apples, cherries, rosehips, gooseberries complement the taste of currants well.
  • Often, white currants are mixed with red and even black, but the benefits of such a product do not decrease.
  • Spices are added to give a peculiar taste: ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, mint.

Interesting! Pears and plums drown out the taste of berries, so they are not recommended to be added to jam.

Jam making methods

In summer, the berries ripen quickly, you want to enjoy fresh currants and preserve its unique taste for the winter. In addition to the traditional method - on the stove, whitecurrant jam can be cooked in a slow cooker and microwave.

Cooking in a multicooker

Thanks to gelling agents, it is not necessary to add gelatin to the delicacy for density.

You will need:

  • water - 120 ml;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • berries - 800 g.

Yield - 700 ml of product.

Step by step recipe:

  1. pick the currants from the branches, wash, let the water drain;
  2. put the berries in a bowl, add water;
  3. put in a slow cooker, turn on the “multi-cook” mode by 100 degrees, time 20 minutes;
  4. pour the mass into a sieve and grind - it turns out 2.5 cups of mashed potatoes;
  5. pour currant puree into a multi-bowl, pour sugar, cover with a lid;
  6. turn on the "jam" mode, set 25 minutes;
  7. pour the jam into sterile jars, twist.

Jam in the microwave

If you don’t have time to fiddle with blanks, you can use an easy recipe for currant dessert in the microwave. Unfortunately, such a delicacy can only be made in small portions.

Step by step preparation:

  1. washed fruits (500 g) are placed in a container for the oven;
  2. pour sugar (400 g), leave for 50 minutes until juice appears;
  3. send the dishes to the oven, set the power to 800 for 3 minutes, if the liquid does not boil, add a few more minutes;
  4. get, mix, add pink pepper (1 teaspoon);
  5. place a container with a sweet mass in the oven for 8 minutes at full power;
  6. pour into banks.

White Currant Jam Recipes

White currant blanks turn out to be a beautiful amber color. It is possible to preserve the beneficial properties of fruits only by reducing the cooking time of the product.

Classic recipe


  1. Pour 900 g of currants with 100 ml of water.
  2. Put on fire, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Grind the berries in a blender.
  4. Add gradually 1.2 kg of sugar.
  5. Boil jam for 30 minutes.

Important! The readiness of the product is checked drop by drop, which should not spread over the plate.

You can speed up the process: beat raw berries, add sugar (1:1), boil for 25-40 minutes, cook the mass over medium heat until thick, stirring all the time.

Seedless jam

  1. Pour currants (1 kg) with 150 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Rub through a sieve.
  3. Pour the grated pulp with 900 g of sugar.
  4. Boil 15 minutes.
  5. Let cool, cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Repeat again.

Interesting! The volume of liquid during cooking is reduced by 1/3.

Jam on pectin

  1. Skip a kilogram of berries through a juicer.
  2. Combine juice with 900 g of sugar, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Add a spoonful of pectin mixed with sugar (1 spoon).
  4. Boil 5-7 minutes.

Jam without boiling

  1. Skip a kilogram of fruit through a meat grinder along with a kilogram of sugar.
  2. Leave the sweet mass to infuse for 2 hours.
  3. Send to the fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  4. While hot, pour the jam into jars, twist.

Video: five-minute currant jam with raspberries

Whitecurrant in preparations for the winter is in perfect harmony with raspberries. Jam from a mixture of these berries is very tasty, thick, easy and quick to prepare.


  • 2 kg of berries (currants and raspberries);
  • 700 g of sugar if you are making pitted jam, 1 kg for pitted jam.

The ratio of berries can be any, but the most delicious jam is obtained if they are approximately equal. However, this is a matter of taste. By the way, you can take any currant for this recipe: not only white, but also red, black, or a mixture of them.


  1. Wash the berries, remove twigs, ponytails and other debris.
  2. Turn the berries into a puree. It is very convenient to do this with an immersion blender, and if you want to keep a maximum of taste and vitamins in the workpiece, then it is better to do it with a wooden pusher.
  3. To make pitted jam, you need to grind the resulting puree through a sieve (or using suitable kitchen appliances).
  4. Pour the future jam into the pan, cover with sugar, stir.
  5. Put on fire, cook for 3-5 minutes (no more!) After boiling, do not forget to remove the foam.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

Jam is ready! All the subtleties of its preparation, see the video:

Blank storage

  • After closing the jar, it must be turned over, covered with a warm blanket, left for a day.
  • Before sending for storage, be sure to check the tightness of the lid: it should be slightly pressed in, not click under the pressure of your fingers.
  • Store jam jars in a dark place, such as a pantry. The air temperature is preferably 14-18 degrees. In a warm room, the shelf life is reduced, the product may deteriorate.

Whitecurrant jam is a delicious preparation that allows the hostess to show her culinary imagination. For example, to achieve an unusual taste, you can add different ingredients: lemon, kiwi, orange. Or maybe you have an interesting idea with new ingredients, and you get an original jam that no one else has!

What do you need:

  • red currant - 0.5 kg;
  • white currant - 0.5 kg;
  • water (preferably bottled) - 0.5 l;
  • fruit sugar - 0.8 kg.

What to do:

  1. Clean the berries thoroughly. Take them off the branches. Rinse. Preferably in a basin, draining the water several times.
  2. Then, in the same basin where you washed the currants, having cleaned it of sand and debris, put all the berries and, filling them completely with water, place it on the stove.
  3. Boil and boil for a quarter of an hour. After boiling, pour out the water.
  4. Puree the berries with a sieve.
  5. Pour sugar into the resulting mass, put on the stove. From the moment of the boiling process, boil for a quarter of an hour, removing the emerging foam.
  6. Ready jam is packaged in pre-prepared containers. Close with lids.

Finished products should be stored exclusively in a cold place.

Pickled red currant

The main component of the preparation is, of course, currant berries.

For marinade:

  • water - 0.65 l;
  • fruit sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • nine percent vinegar - 0.12 l;
  • salt "Extra" - 0.003 kg;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • carnation;
  • cloves (allspice) pepper.

What to do:

  1. Place the prepared and processed berries in sterilized glass jars “under the neck”. You can not remove the berries from the branches, but use them as they are - with brushes. Conservation with brushes is much more aesthetic: it looks very beautiful.
  2. Then boil the syrup: on the stove in a saucepan, completely dissolve the sugar in the water. Add all the spices to the syrup. Cool, strain, pour in vinegar.
  3. Pour all the jars with berries with the prepared marinade. Screw on sterile caps. Pasteurize: jars must be placed in hot water (at least 85 ° Ϲ) for half an hour.

Take out the jars, dry, cool and store in a cool place.

White currant - jelly without cooking

Canning white currants for the winter always gives excellent results. It is both useful and optimal for making jelly and other desserts. The recipes are simple and the results are amazing.

Pickled oyster mushrooms: 5 delicious and quick recipes

What will be required:

  • water - 1 l;
  • fruit sugar (you can use regular) - 1.2 liters.

What to do:

  1. Squeeze juice from white currant. Take fruit sugar, in the proportion of 1 liter to 1.2 kg.
  2. Thoroughly mix the juice and sugar into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Sterilize jars.
  4. Pack in jars of jelly. Banks need to be hammered to the eyeballs.
  5. Put a circle of parchment paper on top of the jelly. Cut a circle around the diameter of the neck of the jar. The paper must first be wetted with water.
  6. Seal jars with lids.

Keep cool

Red currant compote

What do you need:

  • berries - 1 kg
  • bottled water - 3 l;
  • fructose - 0.5 kg.

What to do:

  1. Wash the currants, pick from the branches.
  2. Puree the prepared berries with a blender. Pour 0.05 kg of fructose, mix thoroughly.
  3. Boil water in a large saucepan. Pour in the remaining sugar. As soon as the boiling process begins, pour the pureed currants into it. Cook no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Remove from the stove and leave the compote to infuse, covered with a lid, for 15 minutes.

It is better to cool the finished compote before straining it with gauze. Pour the compote into prepared sterilized jars and refrigerate.

Red currant with cucumbers

Currant is a rather unusual product for preservation, which is usually combined with other ingredients, and most often with cucumber, as it turns out to be a very tasty tandem. Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe have a slightly pronounced sweet flavor of red currant.

Ryadovki: delicious cooking recipes and tips for choosing the right mushrooms

Required Ingredients:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 100 g;
  • cherry - 5 pcs.;
  • dill - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar, allspice and salt - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.


  1. Medium-sized cucumbers must be thoroughly washed and soaked overnight in cold water.
  2. After the jar has been sterilized, cucumbers, additional spices and, most importantly, currants are placed in it. All ingredients are poured with boiling water.
  3. Now you need to drain the remaining water through a special perforated nozzle on the lid.
  4. The bank rolls up.

Currant berries have not only a pleasant taste, but also contain many vitamins and minerals, which are so lacking in winter.

Assorted jam

What do you need:

  • currant red and white - 0.5 kg each;
  • fructose - 1.5 kg;
  • distilled water - 0.05 kg.

What to do:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, process (remove from the branches). Leave the washed currants in a colander so that the water is glass. Let the water drain completely.
  2. Make syrup from fructose and water. Boil water and dissolve sugar in it completely, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Transfer the currants to the pan and pour it with sugar syrup. Insist 7 hours. After that, move the berry-sugar mass into a colander, under which substitute another pan. Wait until the syrup drains completely, put the pan on the stove and boil to a boiling point of 110 °Ϲ. Remove from stove and set aside for 20 minutes
  4. Then move the currants into hot syrup. Cook over low heat until the jam is ready.
  5. Cool the resulting jam in a quick way: put the pan in cold water. Once the jam has cooled, transfer it to prepared sterilized jars.

This jam can be made by replacing red or white blackcurrants.

White currant soaked

What will be required:

  • distilled water - 1 l;
  • salt - 0.004 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.08 kg;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • black peppercorns.

Canned peppers: delicious recipes for mouth-watering preparations for the winter

What to do:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse well, let the water drain completely.
  2. Move the currants to a clean container. It is good if the container is wooden, but you can use any.
  3. Prepare a brine from distilled water, salt, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and pepper.
  4. Cool the prepared brine and pour into a container with currants.
  5. Cover the container with gauze. If the container is wooden, then cover with a circle. Put currants prepared in this way in the cold.

Such pickled currants are an excellent addition to any meat dishes. It perfectly reveals the taste of fried or stewed liver.

White and red currant juice

What will be required:

  • white currant - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 0.2 kg.

What to do:

  1. Pick currant berries from twigs. Sort, rinse thoroughly, drain and dry a little.
  2. Take an enameled basin and crush the currant berries in it with a wooden pestle-pusher. Separate the juice from the pulp.
  3. The resulting juice is filtered using a cone-chenois, which must be covered with gauze.
  4. Then pour the juice into an enamel pan. Heat up to 90 °Ϲ. Hold at this temperature for about 10 minutes.
  5. Pour the juice into jars heated in a water bath while still hot. Do not add juice to the edges of the jars. It is necessary to leave about 2 cm each, close with boiled lids.
  6. Place in a container with water. The water temperature must be 60 °Ϲ. Carry out the pasteurization process at a temperature of 90 °Ϲ. Pasteurize half-liter containers for 13 minutes, liter - 16 minutes, three-liter - 20 minutes.
  7. After the pasteurization process is completed, the jars should be sealed immediately. Check blockage. Flip banks.
  8. Wrap each bottle with a blanket and cool.

White currant marmalade (video)

Preservation of red and white currants successfully differs from other berries in simplicity and accessibility. No expensive ingredients, no incredible effort for canning is required. The main thing is desire, and you can always enjoy your favorite berry by opening a jar that is quietly waiting in the fridge for its hour.
