
Salted homemade brisket. How to pickle pork belly at home

"Cold" or "dry" pork belly salting usually takes a long time - at least several days. But you can cook tender meat with bacon and in a "hot" way. After 15 hours you will be able to enjoy tender homemade brisket. This method is very simple, and at the same time, the result is always excellent. Salt the brisket so even a beginner can. You can't buy meat like this in a store. Let's find out how the brisket in brine is cooked, the most delicious recipe is in front of you.


- pork brisket - 500 g;
- table salt - 1/2 cup;
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
- allspice - 7-8 pcs.;
- dry adjika - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves (in brine) + 1 clove for rubbing.

1. Choose a piece of pork belly to your liking - with a predominance of meat or fat. I chose a moderately fatty piece with a lot of meat and small layers of fat. You can use pork with or without skin. Wash it in plenty of cold water and pat dry with a towel or paper towels.

2. Prepare hot brine. It will require about a liter of clean water. Pour it into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in the salt. Don't let the large amount of this ingredient scare you, as the brisket ends up moderately salty and spicy. Salt will prevent the brisket from spoiling during salting, because it acts as a natural preservative.

3. Prepare a bouquet of spices. Crush allspice with peas with a tablespoon or with the flat side of a knife. Add next to the salt.

4. Also in this recipe, dry adjika is used. If you don’t have a ready-made mixture, you can cook it yourself by mixing suneli hops (basil, celery, dill, hot pepper, parsley, cilantro, mint, marjoram, savory, fenugreek, hyssop and other Caucasian herbs) with dried garlic and other spices taste. Add adjika to the brine.

5. Also put a couple of bay leaves in a saucepan.

6. Peel 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic and, without chopping, drop into boiling water.

7. When the brine boils again, put the brisket in it and bring the brine back to a boil. From now on, cook the pork for 5-7 minutes (depending on the size of the piece). Then remove the pan from the heat and leave at room temperature for 12-16 hours. While the brisket is in brine, it will be saturated with the aroma and taste of seasonings, it will be well salted, it will become very tender and tasty. Don't worry, it won't spoil.
By the way, to give the brisket an interesting golden hue, you can add a few handfuls of onion peel. You can see the recipe for brisket prepared in this way.
Just do not forget to rinse it thoroughly, or better, soak it in cold water for several hours.
And to give a slightly smoked taste, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of liquid smoke to the brine or smoke the finished brisket for 1.5-3 hours (depending on the type of smokehouse).
But the brisket prepared according to this recipe turns out to be tasty and appetizing, so I consider experiments unnecessary.

8. Then remove and dry the brisket.

9. Peel the remaining garlic and pass through a press or finely chop with a knife. Rub meat with garlic.

10. Then wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. In order for the brisket to become denser and not crumble when cut, you can install an oppression weighing about 3 kg on top (a jar or bowl of water, etc.).

11. And then you can cut the pork and taste it. Here is such a soft pink and juicy brisket in brine, this is the most delicious recipe in my humble opinion and according to the unofficial rating of my household. Therefore, I recommend you to try it.

We also invite you to prepare

How Tasty to pickle the BREAST with and without brine:

Salted brisket is a favorite delicacy of many people. Especially if you take and eat a delicious slice of bacon with a slit with a crust of black bread and green onions for one hundred grams of alcohol. This digression, of course, from the main theme. After all, further we will consider how you can cook pork brisket at home in different ways.

There are any types of this product on the market, but they are much more expensive than fresh pork. Therefore, housewives prefer to salt such meat with layers of fat on their own. And each has its own unique recipe.

Brisket at home from pork: the secrets of product selection and salting

Pork is often used for salting. Because this lard with a slot is considered one of the softest, most tender, delicious. When choosing pork, pay attention to its quality. Fresh brisket will not have foreign flavors. The lard will be white, without a yellowish tint, and the layers of meat will have a delicate pinkish tint. The lines of meat in a good quality brisket alternate with lines of fat at the same distance. To the touch, such a product has a homogeneous structure without delaminations and lumps (especially in places where there is a fatty layer). Do not take too soft fat, meat - perhaps there is a lot of water.

Tips for choosing a meat product and salting it:

Try to choose lard with a slot from sellers who have already been checked for honesty, and even better, take such a product directly from people who breed animals.

When buying a product, pay attention not only to the meat product, but also to the quality of the skin. Choose brisket without skin damage.

If the seller does not mind, you can check the quality of his goods by piercing with a sharp knife. If the object enters without obstacles, then the brisket is of good quality.

Do not forget to smell the product, if the aroma is pleasant, then take it, do not hesitate.

For salting lard with a slot, use coarse rock salt. Fine salt is not able to salt the deep layers of the brisket, and iodized, and even worse, it burns the upper layers of the product, thereby increasing the temperature data inside the fat, which threatens to quickly spoil the brisket.

Before salting, and in general before preparing the product, be sure to remove a small layer of fat, scrape the skin with a knife. After that, wash the brisket under the tap, wipe with paper towels, dry.

For salting, use only enameled, glass, stainless, plastic dishes. Aluminum pots and containers that tend to oxidize will not work.

How to pickle brisket with garlic - useful tips, recipe

Those who love meat will not refuse such a delicacy, because the product has a lot of kilocalories. And in order to restore strength, it is enough to eat a few pieces of lard with a slot and you will be full of strength again. There are several ways to salt the brisket, and we will study them further. After reading them, it will be easy for you to cook a delicacy on your own with a suitable option.

This vegetable has a special aroma that cannot be confused with anything. Garlic also has antimicrobial and even antibacterial effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it at least in small quantities, so as not to get sick. And brisket with garlic is a unique duet, indispensable in winter, when the body loses strength not only to maintain the immune system, but also to heat up.

Fresh brisket - 650 g

Spices for pork meat - 3 g

Garlic - 13 g

Salt - 175 g


After you clean the product with a knife from various debris that could accumulate during transportation of meat to the market, etc., make small punctures deep into the brisket with a knife, so that you can then stuff it with spices and garlic.

Peel each clove of garlic, then cut each clove into small cloves.

Now, in the recesses that were made with a knife in the pork, first add a little salt and spices, then put the garlic.

Rub the whole brisket with salt and spices.

Place it in a bowl and sprinkle with salt on all sides.

Cover with a lid, leave on the table for about 9-11 hours, and then just send it to a cold place.

After a day, the brisket can be taken from the dishes and wrapped in a clean towel, and then placed again in a cold place. After twenty-four hours, the product is ready for use. Keep the fat in the freezer, so extend its shelf life.

Pork belly in brine - the most delicious recipe:

Let many say that they get fat from fat, but still the brisket has useful properties and a few pieces that you eat throughout the day will not affect your weight in any way. Also, fat contains vitamins A, E, D, F, fatty acids, selenium, lecithin - necessary for human health. In order for this complex of useful substances to be preserved as much as possible, you will need to learn the art of salting the product with your own hands.

Fresh brisket - 950 g

Bay leaf - 3 g

Egg - 1 pc.

Water - 950 ml

Black pepper - 7 pcs. peas

Allspice - 9 pcs. peas

Hot pepper - 1 pc.

Garlic - 10 g

Carnation - 4 pcs.

Coriander (seeds) - 2 g

Mustard (seeds) - 1 g

Fennel (seeds) - 0.5 g

Cumin - 0.5 g

Salt - 125 g


Divide the finished product into approximately even parts, 6 by 8 cm in size. And place them in an enamel pan.

Take bottled water and pour it into another pot (enamelled, stainless, etc.).

Dip the egg into a container of water. Pour into a saucepan and stir until the raw egg floats to the surface. Now you can get the egg.

Add all ingredients to the brine except for the brisket.

Put on the stove, cook until boiling and six minutes after, but over low heat.

Let the brine cool down to 45-50 degrees, only then pour it over the brisket, divided into parts. The fat must be completely filled with the solution so that it does not protrude to the surface of the water.

Cover the finished mass with a lid and refrigerate for 48 hours.

IMPORTANT: Do not store the brisket for a long time in brine, it is better to place it on a plate in the refrigerator after salting.

Hot option for salting brisket in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker, then you can also try this option for salting the product:

Fresh brisket - 975 g

Water - 975 ml

Salt - 125 g

Sugar - 35 g

Black pepper - 9 pcs. peas

Bay leaf - 3 g

Onion peel - 5 g

Garlic - 4 g


Rinse the onion peel in a colander. Soak and leave for a while, let the dirt lag behind it.

Cover the multicooker bowl with lavrushka, and on top with clean husks.

Bring the water to a boil, dissolve all the salt and sugar in the liquid.

Now you can pour the brine cooked on the stove into the slow cooker.

The brisket, divided into parts 6 by 8 cm, also lower into the multicooker bowl.

Put the appliance on the extinguishing mode (40 minutes). When the process is over, do not open the multicooker for three hours.

As time passes, take the product. Rub each piece with garlic and pepper. Then put the brisket in the freezer for an hour or two. Try after freezing.

The brisket prepared in this way will be ready in two days.

Pork brisket - 1 kg

Salt - 85 g

Pepper (black) ground - 14 g

Pepper (red) ground - 4 g

Garlic - 6 g


Start with lard. Prepare it for brining, cut into equal parts 7 by 8 or 5 by 7.

Mix spices. With a knife, make punctures in the brisket so that the garlic, cut into slices, can be placed there.

Soak the pork pieces well in salt, pour spices and garlic into the cuts.

Now pour salt into the bottom of the enameled pan. Place the brisket there and sprinkle it with salt again - without sparing.

Cover with a lid and let stand warm for several hours (about - five hours).

Then send it to the cold. After 40 hours, you can try fragrant brisket with bread, herbs or without, as you are used to.

Pork belly is rightfully considered a universal product; it is served at the festive table and consumed in the daily diet. Not all housewives know how to pickle meat on their own, so they resort to purchased formulations. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

How to choose pork belly

  1. For salting brisket at home, a fresh cut, which has thin, intact skin, is optimal. At the same time, always pay attention to the smell, it should not be repulsive, but, on the contrary, pleasant.
  2. Refuse to purchase the product in large supermarkets, as a rule, in such stores, “winded goods” are released. Give preference to trusted "home" sellers, but rather buy brisket directly from the farm.
  3. Choose a piece that has the same size meat and greasy layers. This feature will allow you to pickle the brisket as efficiently and evenly as possible.
  4. Before you go shopping for meat, prepare a perfectly sharpened knife with a sharp edge. When you find a copy you like, stick cutlery into its cavity. The knife should penetrate the meat evenly, without hesitation or jerks.

Pork belly preparation

After acquiring the most delicious piece, it must be carefully prepared for further manipulations.

  1. To properly carry out the procedure, scrape the fat and skin with a knife blade, removing the top layer. After that, wash the meat under the tap, carefully removing any invisible plaque. Next, you need to lay out paper towels in 4-5 layers on a flat surface and wrap the brisket with them. Such a move will help to collect excess fluid.
  2. When the brisket is completely dry, start choosing the right salt. A large culinary composition is considered optimal, since the crushed mixture salts only the top layer. Such a move does not prevent the process of decay, since the inner rows are not dehydrated. Iodized salt is also not suitable, as it burns the surface of the brisket, provoking quick spoilage of the product.
  3. Important attention must be paid to suitable utensils for salting. Only those containers that are made of materials that are not susceptible to oxidation are suitable here. It can be a glass jar or dish with high sides, a plastic container for storing food or heating it in the microwave, a ceramic bowl with a lid, or an enamel pan.

Pork belly: dry pickled

  • pork brisket - 1.2-1.4 kg.
  • coarse salt - 210 gr.
  • ground pepper (red) - at the discretion
  • ground pepper (black) - 20 gr.
  • garlic - 8 teeth
  1. Cut the pre-washed and dried brisket so that you get pieces of the same size (about 7 * 9 cm.). It is important that the product is cut through to the skin.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves, cut them into thin slices, insert into the resulting slots. Mix ground red and black pepper, rub the pieces with a loose mixture on all sides.
  3. Wrap the brisket slices in parchment paper, or use a suitable non-oxidizing container that seals tightly.
  4. Send the product to the refrigerator for 24-26 hours, after this period, take out the pork and move it to the freezer for another day. When the specified period has passed, remove the brisket, cut into slices and evaluate the taste.

Pork belly in brine

  • brisket - 1-1.2 kg.
  • purified water - 1.2 l.
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod
  • pepper (peas) - 12 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 7 pcs.
  • fennel (seeds) - optional
  • cumin - to taste
  • coriander (seeds) - to taste
  • carnation - 6 buds
  • potatoes - 1 tuber
  • ground pepper (black) - 10 gr.
  • mustard powder - 10 gr.
  • garlic - 7 teeth
  • table salt
  1. Cut the brisket into pieces about 6 * 8 cm in size. Put the product in a suitable container that does not undergo oxidation.
  2. Pour filtered water into an enameled pan with thick walls, peel 1 potato tuber, send it to a container with water.
  3. Add enough salt until the potatoes begin to float to the surface. As soon as this happens, remove the tuber, add coriander, cloves, fennel seeds, chili peppers, peas, cumin, mustard powder, bay leaf.
  4. Put the pan on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer for another 5 minutes. After the specified period, cool the solution to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Pour the pieces of brisket with the resulting brine so that the liquid covers the meat by 1-2 cm.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 2 days. After that, take it out, evaluate the result, if necessary, increase the exposure time to 3 days.

  • pork brisket - 550-600 gr.
  • table salt - 100 gr.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  1. Cut the washed brisket into small pieces 6 * 9 cm in size, then make cuts along the surface of the skin, which will be located at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves, chop them into thin slices, insert into the resulting incisions. Sprinkle with salt, rub it over the entire surface. Mix salt with ground black pepper, apply loose mixture on the sides of the brisket.
  3. Fold the gauze cloth in 3 layers, wrap the brisket rubbed with spices in it, place in a plastic container, close the lid. Send the product to the refrigerator, wait 10-12 hours.
  4. After the due date, replace the used gauze with a clean cloth, if necessary, rub the breast again with salt and pepper. Put it back in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  5. After this time, clean the surface of the product with a knife, removing excess salt. Remove the garlic slices, cut the meat into thin slices, add a piece of bread and green onions.

Pork belly: salting in a slow cooker

  • pork belly - 1 kg.
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • purified drinking water - 1.2 liters.
  • onion peel - 2 handfuls
  • salt - 225 gr.
  • garlic - 10 teeth
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 60 gr.
  • black pepper (peas) - 12 pcs.
  1. Soak the onion peel in cool water, leave for half an hour. After the expiration date, transfer the product to a colander, rinse, partially dry.
  2. Prepare a multicooker bowl, line its bottom with pre-soaked husks and bay leaves.
  3. Pour water into a separate enameled pan, add salt and granulated sugar there, wait for the granules to dissolve. After that, pour the solution into the container of the multicooker.
  4. Cut the pork belly into portions, approximately 7 * 8 cm in size, send them to the saline solution.
  5. Set the “Extinguishing” function on the device, turn on the multicooker for 2 hours. After the expiration of the period, set the "Heating" mode, the exposure time is 8 hours.
  6. Pass the garlic through the press, mix with pepper, rub the brisket. Wrap in cling film, put in the freezer for 12 hours.

On the shelves of stores lined with products stuffed with all sorts of additives and preservatives. For this reason, many people prefer to salt the brisket at home, while receiving a 100% natural product. Adapt recipes "for yourself", experiment with seasonings.

Video: how to pickle lard or dry salted brisket

Despite the popular belief about the dangers of fat, salted at home, it is rich in vitamins A, E, D, F, as well as selenium and lecithin. To enjoy the taste of a high-quality product, before salting the brisket, it is worth getting acquainted with the various techniques and some tricks of the salting process.

Pork belly in brine will turn out very tender and juicy if you prepare:

  • 1 kg brisket;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • the same amount of black pepper;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 5 cloves;
  • garlic head;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • some coriander, mustard and cumin seeds;
  • salt.

The main preparation steps are to perform the following actions:

  1. The breast is cut into 5x8 cm pieces, which are laid out in a suitable container.
  2. An egg is placed in a saucepan, and salt is poured in portions until the egg, which is then removed, floats.
  3. The liquid, where all the spices are sent, is brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes.
  4. After the brine has cooled to 50 ° C, pork with lard is poured into it so that the liquid exceeds the main product by 1 cm.
  5. After 2 days after being in the refrigerator, you can start tasting.

Dry salting method

No less tasty brisket is obtained with dry salting, the recipe of which provides for preparation:

  • 1 kg brisket;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • 5 g ground pepper;
  • a little red ground pepper;
  • 1.5 heads of garlic.

Stages of creation:

  1. All seasonings are mixed in a bowl.
  2. Salo with a meat slot is cut into cubes 6x8 cm with cutting almost to the very skin.
  3. Garlic slices are placed in the slots.
  4. Salo is rubbed with a mixture of spices, wrapped in a film and placed in a refrigerator.
  5. After 24 hours have passed, the salted product is sent to the freezer.
  6. After a similar amount of time, the lard is ready.

In onion skins

If you pickle the brisket at home in onion peel, then the output will be a fragrant product of a beautiful color, outwardly resembling smoked lard with a slot.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kg brisket;
  • 5 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 120 g of salt;
  • 5 g of onion peel;
  • 2 bay leaves.

Step by step preparation instructions:

  1. Onion peel, lavrushka and pepper are distributed along the bottom of the pan.
  2. Next, salt is added.
  3. The contents are filled with liquid, after which the brine is boiled.
  4. After boiling, the brisket is lowered into the marinade, which is lined with garlic cloves.
  5. Fat is boiled for 30 minutes.
  6. After cooling, the fat in brine is sent to the cold for 24 hours.
  7. When the specified time expires, the fat is transferred to the freezer for 12 hours.

Brisket salted under oppression

Another variation of pickling, which is prepared from:

  • 1 kg of fat;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • 15 g of peppercorns, coriander and herbs;
  • a few bay leaves and garlic cloves.

In process:

  1. Washed and well-dried lard with a slot is cut 5 cm not up to the skin itself.
  2. Salt is mixed with spices.
  3. Garlic is cut into slices that are inserted into the cuts.
  4. The prepared mixture is poured onto the bottom of the container, on which lard is laid out, covered with a plate.
  5. Next, oppression is established, and the fat is salted for a day on the table.
  6. When the fat is marinated, for 3 days it is removed in the cold.
  7. After the specified time, the lard with a slot is ready for use.

Hot cooking

A quick method of salting lard with a slot provides for the presence of:

  • 1 kg brisket;
  • 220 g of salt;
  • 15 black peppercorns;
  • 5 g adjika;
  • a few bay leaves;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • ½ head of garlic.

The way to create a delicious lard with a meat slot is to perform the following steps:

  1. Pork with bacon is washed, dried and cut into longitudinal pieces along the length of the container with a width of 3 cm.
  2. Water is boiled in a saucepan, into which salt and all seasonings are sent.
  3. The garlic cloves are passed through a press.
  4. After boiling, lard is sent to the liquid, which is boiled there for 5 minutes.
  5. The dishes are removed from the stove and left for 10 hours.
  6. After the specified time, the fat is sprinkled with chopped garlic gruel and coated with adjika, after which it is wrapped in a film.
  7. After 3 hours in the refrigerator, the fat is ready.

The most delicious recipe with paprika

By cooking brisket with paprika, you can not only enjoy great taste, but also save a certain amount of money due to the lower price of raw lard compared to ready-made.

The original recipe, which is brought to life from:

  • ½ kg brisket;
  • 6 tablets of ascorbic acid;
  • 5 cloves;
  • 8 peas of black pepper;
  • the same amount of fragrant;
  • 120 g of salt;
  • heads of garlic;
  • ground pepper;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting the brisket consists in performing the following manipulations:

  1. Boil water with salt and spices.
  2. Pork with lard is washed, dried and rubbed with a mixture of crushed garlic and ascorbic acid.
  3. Salo is poured with marinade at room temperature and sent to the cold for 7 days.
  4. After the specified time, the brine is drained. After that, the fat is sprinkled with ground pepper and recovers for 24 hours in the cold.

So, in order to taste delicious lard, there is no need to overpay extra money for the finished product. It is enough to buy a fresh brisket and pickle it to your liking.

Pork belly is a real find for culinary specialists. With a little skill from an inexpensive cut, you can cook a lot of everyday and festive dishes - tasty, nutritious and fragrant. A variety of recipes for salted brisket with appetizing greasy layers allow you to stock up on this product for the future. At home, a dry and hot method of salting meat and lard is usually used, or a special brine with a bouquet of spices and spices is used.

Salt pork belly under oppression

Rinse a fresh brisket weighing 1 kg thoroughly in running water, then blot with a white cotton napkin. to deliciously salt pork, cut the cut into even layers 5-6 cm thick each. After that, stuff the brisket with thin cloves of garlic to taste and rub with coarse salt (4 tablespoons) and a mixture of various spices and spices.

For salting, choose a whole fresh cut with a thin intact skin, as well as layers of bacon and meat of approximately the same size. A sharp knife should easily, without jerks, enter the brisket

Choose your flavor bouquet individually. For example, it may include:

Freshly ground black pepper (5 g);

Dried and chopped dill heads (5g);

Coriander (5 g);

Nutmeg (2.5 g).

Put a little salt and seasonings, 2-3 broken bay leaves and a pinch of allspice peas on the bottom of an enameled pan. Dip the brisket skin side down in a bowl, cover with a wooden circle and press down with a suitable press. For the first day, keep the pan away from sunlight at room temperature, then keep until cooked in the refrigerator (but not in the cold!) For 3-5 days.

Hot way of salting brisket

Cut the pork into pieces of optimal length (depending on the dishes) and a thickness of 3-3.5 cm each. Rinse and dry the meat, and scrape the skin with a sharp knife until white. Then bring the water in an enamel pan to a boil and add spices and spices. Crush the allspice with a spoon first.

For 1 kg of brisket and 1.5 liters of water, you need to prepare:

Table salt (1 cup);

Peppercorns (10-15);

Adjika (2.5-5 g);

Bay leaf (4 pcs.);

Garlic (1-2 cloves).

Place the pieces of brisket in boiling water and boil over medium heat for 5 minutes. After that, remove the dishes from the stove and hold in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Remove the pork, let the moisture drain, rub with grated garlic to taste and keep in cling film on the refrigerator shelf. After 2-3 hours, a great fast food snack can be eaten.

Delicious pork belly in brine

Cooking salted pork in brine (the "wet" method) is a practical method of home canning, as it allows the product to be stored for a long time and not lose its taste. In this case, the brisket should be cut into small pieces and placed in a sterile glass jar, wrapped with peppercorns and garlic cloves.

Salted pork belly is served with a vegetable side dish and rye bread, as well as a separate snack. This is an excellent addition to meat and sausage cuts, decorated with fresh herbs.

Next, salt the water (per 1 liter glass of salt), bring the liquid to a boil and cool to room temperature. Pour the brine over the pork and cover the dish loosely. Keep in a cool and dark place for a week (until ready), then place in the refrigerator to store.
