
Homemade Fanta - citrus lemonade recipe. A simple recipe for fanta at home

It would seem that completely unnecessary tangerine peels can be put to good use. You can make a tasty and healthy drink from them, which will be a great alternative to artificial lemonades.

Recipe for a drink made from fresh tangerine peels


  • tangerine peels (fresh);
  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • - taste;
  • purified water.


We fill a glass or enameled container with fresh tangerine peels and pour boiling water over it so that it completely covers the contents. Cover the dish with a lid and let it brew at room temperature for a day.

After that, pour the liquid into an enameled pan, and squeeze the crusts and grind using a blender or meat grinder. Add the twisted mass to the infusion, heat to a boil and leave to infuse for another twenty-four hours. After the time has passed, we filter the infusion through several layers of gauze and squeeze thoroughly. Add granulated sugar and citric acid to the resulting liquid, mix well until the sugar and lemon crystals are completely dissolved and pour into a jug or any other suitable container for the finished drink.

Dry tangerine peel drink with honey - recipe


  • chopped dry tangerine peels - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • filtered water - 450 ml;
  • - 70 g or to taste;
  • lemon juice - to taste.


Pour crushed dry tangerine peels with filtered water heated to the boiling point, wrap and let it brew for several hours. After that, we filter the infusion and squeeze it a little. Add honey and lemon juice to taste and stir.

Such a drink is not only tasty, but incredibly useful. Eating it during a cold or bronchitis helps the body cope with the disease faster and fills it with vitamins.

A drink made from zest and juice of a mandarin



We wash the tangerine fruits thoroughly, remove the zest and place in a saucepan or ladle. Fill it with filtered water, put it on the fire, heat it to a boil and boil it on a fire of low intensity for fifteen minutes. Then turn off the stove, insist the contents of the pan for two hours and filter. Add granulated sugar to the broth, bring to a boil again, and then cool. Add honey and tangerine juice, mix and enjoy.

Mandarin liqueur is a beautiful golden-orange drink, with a bright citrus flavor, characteristic of the fruits themselves, and a marvelous aroma. During cooking, most of the beneficial substances turn their mandarin into alcohol, and protect our body from colds (if the liquor is not abused).

Tangerine liqueur is a delicacy that is not only savored from glasses, but also added to all kinds of desserts and cocktails. For example, 50 ml of liquor will perfectly replace ice cream syrup or add enchantment to a glass of champagne. It practically does not need to be eaten - a slice from any fruit is enough.

cooking secrets

  • Tangerines. Can be replaced with clementines or taken in half with oranges. It is permissible to take any variety, the main thing is that the fruits are fragrant and juicy, not spoiled, without bitterness.
  • Alcohol base. Good vodka, 40% alcohol or double distillation moonshine (better fruit).
  • Water. Pure, better bottled. If not, use purified, softened, non-chlorinated water.
  • Sweeteners. Most often, beet or cane sugar is used in recipes. If desired, you can use honey or fructose. Fructose is added to the liquor 2-2.5 times less than sugar, since its sweetness is much higher. Honey is added approximately in the same volume as sugar (do not confuse with weight!).

Mandarin Liqueur Recipes

Below we provide proven recipes for tangerine liqueurs. For those in a hurry, the express recipe is fine, but if you take your time, you can make classic or spicy alcohol that you will love as much as the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Sweetness, strength and the amount of spices or spices added to the liquor can be adjusted to your liking, for example, by reducing the amount of sugar or adding 50-100 ml of strong alcohol to the finished drink.

Fortress - about 20-30%, stored for 2 years.


  • Tangerines (clementines) - 8 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 100 gr.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Cinnamon sticks - 0.5-1 pc. (possible without it)

You need to prepare like this:

  1. My tangerines with hot water, wipe, remove the zest (not the skin!). You can leave the zest on, just peel the fruit and discard the skins. In this case, for infusion, we take the zest from 2 large oranges scalded with boiling water. Orange is cut much easier than tangerine (and the liquor will be more interesting to taste).
  2. The zest, together with cinnamon (or without it), is poured with alcohol. The glass container where it will be infused is closed and aged for a week in the dark.
  3. After 7 days, the infusion on the zest is filtered and combined with syrup. We withstand another 1.5-2 weeks (without access to light).

Mandarin liqueur "Express"

It takes only 5-7 days to prepare, the strength is about 20%: if you take an alcohol base with a strength above 45%, then the strength of the liquor increases. Keeps up to a year.


  • Tangerines (clementines) - 1 kilo
  • Strong alcohol: vodka, 40-45% moonshine or alcohol - 0.5 liters.
  • Sugar-sand - 250 gr.
  • Water - 300 ml.

You need to prepare like this:

  1. My tangerines are washed with hot water, wiped, cut into circles (without peeling). Fill the cups with alcohol. We close the glass container where they will infuse and keep it for 1-2 days in the dark.
  2. Cooking syrup. Pour sugar into water and bring to a boil. We reduce the heat. We remove the foam. After 5 minutes after the start of languishing on low heat, the foam will cease to form, which means that the syrup is cooked. Cool it down and send it to the fridge.
  3. After 1-2 days, we filter the tangerine infusion, squeeze out the pulp, and combine it with syrup. We stand for another 3-4 days (without access to light). If this liqueur is kept longer, then its taste will only improve.
  4. The finished liquor is re-filtered and poured into a bottle, tasted, sent for storage.


  • Tangerines (clementines) - 10 pcs.
  • Strong alcohol: 50-70% moonshine or alcohol - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar-sand - 350-600 gr.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Badyan - 4 stars
  • Cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Vanillin - 2 gr.
  • Nutmeg (optional, optional) - 1 pinch
  • Cloves (optional, optional) - 1-2 pcs.

You need to prepare like this:

  1. My tangerines with hot water, wipe, rub the zest with a grater (not the skin!).
  2. Zest, along with spices, is poured with alcohol. The amount of spices can be reduced to taste. The glass container where they will infuse is closed and aged for a week in the dark.
  3. Cooking syrup. From tangerine slices, peeled of white fibers, squeeze the juice and combine it with water. Dissolve sugar in diluted tangerine juice and bring to a boil. We reduce the heat. We remove the foam. After 5 minutes after the start of languishing on low heat, the foam will cease to form, which means that the syrup is cooked. Cool it down and send it to the fridge.
  4. After 7 days, the infusion on the zest is filtered and combined with syrup. We withstand another 1-1.5 weeks (without access to light).
  5. The finished liquor is re-filtered and poured into a bottle.

Greek tangerine liqueur


  • Tangerines (clementines) - 15 pcs.
  • Strong alcohol: vodka, cognac, 40-45% moonshine or alcohol - 1 liter.
  • Sugar-sand - 500-750 gr.
  • Cinnamon sticks - 1 pc.
  • Carnation - 15 pcs.

You need to prepare like this:

  1. My tangerines are washed in hot water, wiped, pierced with a toothpick in 6-7 places (each fruit) and poured with alcohol. In a glass container where they will infuse, add cinnamon and cloves (its quantity can be reduced if desired), close and keep a month in the dark.
  2. After 30-40 days, strain the tincture, and squeeze the fruit well.
  3. Filter the resulting alcohol again and add sugar to it (you can reduce or increase its quantity).

Leave for a week, shaking daily. Pour into bottles.

Lemonade is one of the most popular summer drinks that perfectly refreshes in summer, quenches thirst, tones and nourishes the body with vitamins. In winter, during the outbreak of respiratory diseases, drinking lemonade will help to overcome the viral infection faster. The age of the drink is more than 300 years, and it appeared for the first time in France.

The classic version of lemonade was prepared on the basis of mineral water, to which lemon juice and tincture from this tropical fruit were added. Over the years, the ingredients began to include juice along with lemon, as well as the pulp of other fruits and berries - pineapple, orange, peaches, mango, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, raspberries ... Sometimes the recipe is complicated by the addition of herbal tinctures. This wonderful drink allows you to improvise and simulate various flavor combinations.

I suggest making tangerine lemonade at home. One sip is enough to make sure once again that the best is what is done with your own hands.

Recipe Information

Method of preparation: fruit puree.

Total cooking time: 1 hour

Servings Per Container: 4.


  • tangerines - 6-7 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 l.

How to make tangerine lemonade

  • To make healthy homemade tangerine lemonade, we need only natural ingredients and no preservatives. First you need to pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil. Stir and after 3 minutes after boiling, remove the pan from the heat. Cool the syrup.
  • Peel tangerines. If there are bones, remove them. Leave one uncleaned. Instead of tangerines, oranges can be used to make lemonade.
  • Divide the tangerines into slices and chop in a blender. If there is no blender, crush the slices with an ordinary flea market.
  • Strain fruit puree. It is convenient to do this with an iron sieve.
  • Cut 3 slices from the lemon. Squeeze juice from the remaining lemon.
  • Combine tangerine and lemon juices with syrup.
  • Cut the remaining tangerine into slices.
  • Add the lemon and tangerine slices to the lemonade.
  • Now it remains to cool the drink to a pleasant temperature and enjoy. You can speed up the cooling by adding a few ice cubes to the glass. If you have an extra hour of time, let the drink brew so that it turns out to be more saturated and fragrant. Store tangerine lemonade in the refrigerator.

  • As you can see, the recipe for tangerine lemonade is quite simple, and even a teenager can master it. And knowing the classic basics of cooking, you can give free rein to your imagination and start experimenting with the addition of other components. For example, many people like that the base was not boiled water, but carbonated mineral water. Lemonade based on green or black tea is pleasant.
  • Note to the owner:

    • Unusually tasty and spicy lemonade is obtained, which has spicy notes. Spicy plants such as ginger, tarragon (tarragon), mint, lemon balm are most often added to the summer drink.
    • Instead of sugar, you can use honey to make tangerine lemonade. But remember that you can not boil it. Honey should be dissolved in water when it cools down to + 36-40 degrees.
    • Lemonade is an excellent anti-nausea remedy, especially when made with ginger root.
    • For a drink, you can buy both an ordinary lemon and a lime.
    2017-02-22T12:20:03+00:00 admin beverages

    Lemonade is one of the most popular summer drinks that perfectly refreshes in summer, quenches thirst, tones and nourishes the body with vitamins. In winter, during the outbreak of respiratory diseases, drinking lemonade will help to overcome the viral infection faster. The age of the drink is more than 300 years, and it appeared for the first time in France. The classic version of lemonade was prepared on the basis of...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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    Some people prefer to call this drink a fanta, as for me, this is the real one. I think it makes no sense to say that it is tasty and healthy. There is no soda in it - this time. It has a lot of vitamin C - that's two. You don't have to squeeze juice out of fruits - that's three. I've had enough of these benefits of homemade lemonade, have you?

    Lemonade Ingredients:

    Oranges - 3 pcs.
    Tangerines - 3 pcs.
    Lemon - 1 pc.
    Citric acid - 1 teaspoon with top.
    Sugar - 250-300 years.

    For this amount of fruit, I took 5 liters of water.

    Cooking method:

    To make , we should start the process with the preparation of citrus fruits. Wash oranges thoroughly. Peel the tangerines. We remove not only the zest from the lemon, but also try to capture the white part as much as possible, it is she who will come to the bitterness of the drink.

    Cut oranges and lemons into slices, cut tangerines in half.

    All this citrus beauty is placed in a saucepan and poured with boiled water. Pay attention to this point, in the future we will not cook lemonade, it is for this reason that boiled water is used, and not raw.

    We close the pan with a lid and let it go overnight. During the night, the future lemonade should brew and absorb the sweetness and aroma of citrus.

    In the morning we catch all the fruits from the liquid.

    We scroll them through a meat grinder.

    We mix this mass with liquid and admire the bright color of the future lemonade. We leave the drink in this state for a couple of hours.

    Then we filter the whole mass and squeeze it well. I do this, put two layers of gauze on a sieve and start pouring lemonade with a ladle. I clamp the rest with gauze and squeeze as much as I can. Only after that we add sugar and citric acid.

    Tangerine juice is much less common than orange or, for example, grapefruit, but even if it is not on supermarket shelves, you can easily make it yourself. Moreover, this drink is not only tasty, but also healthy. Tangerine juice has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and respiratory systems of the body, increases vitality and has a preventive effect against colds. We bring to your attention recipes for making juice and other drinks from tangerines. Pay attention to contraindications.
    Contraindications to the use of tangerine juice are: allergic reactions and exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    How to make tangerine juice

    Mandarin juice:
    - ripe tangerines.
    Option 1 - rinse the tangerines, scald them with boiling water, cut them across and squeeze the juice out of them using a press or juicer.
    Option 2 - peel the tangerines, divide into slices, remove the seeds and squeeze the juice out of the pulp using a sieve, gauze and crush.

    Tangerine juice for the future:
    - ripe tangerines.
    Wash the tangerines, dry them and cut the zest from them. Then peel off the skin and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Pour the juice into a saucepan, put the zest in the same place and heat the drink at 70 ° C for 7-10 minutes. Then strain the juice, pour it into jars, cover with lids, pasteurize and roll up.

    Drinks with tangerine juice

    Tangerine Shake with Ice Cream (serves 2):
    - 100 g of ice cream;
    - 100 ml applesauce;
    - 100 ml of tangerine juice;
    - 2 slices of tangerine for decoration.
    Beat juices and ice cream with a mixer. Pour the drink into glasses and garnish with tangerine slices.

    Tangerine cocktail on kefir:
    - 100 ml of kefir;
    - 50 g of tangerine juice;
    - 3 tablespoons rosehip syrup;
    - a slice of tangerine for decoration.
    Whip all the ingredients with a mixer or blender. Serve the cocktail in a glass, garnished with a tangerine wedge.

    Recipes for drinks with tangerines

    Apple and tangerine compote (option 1):
    - 4 tangerines;
    - 250 g of apples;
    - 3 tbsp. water;
    - 3/4 st. granulated sugar.
    Cut the zest from the tangerines, cut it into thin strips, pour one glass of water, boil and drain in a colander. Rinse the apples, peel and core and cut into pieces. Take an enameled pan, pour sugar into it, put the zest, apples and pour everything with two glasses of hot water. Bring the compote to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the finished drink. Peel the tangerines from the remaining white skin and divide into slices. Arrange tangerine slices in cups or glasses and fill them with compote with apple slices.

    Apple and tangerine compote (option 2):
    - 4-5 tangerines;
    - 250-300 g of apples;
    - 3 tbsp. water;
    - 3/4 st. granulated sugar.
    Wash the fruit. Peel the apples from the cores and cut into pieces. Remove skins from tangerines and cut into slices. Then place the apple slices, tangerine slices and peel in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 10 minutes. Then strain the broth, pour sugar into it, put it on the stove again and, stirring, bring to a boil. Refrigerate compote before serving.
    Compote of tangerines for the future:
    - ripe tangerines;
    - 1 liter of water;
    - 0.5-1 kg of granulated sugar.
    Rinse the tangerines, peel and large white veins, disassemble into slices. Then release the slices for half a minute in hot and half a minute in cold water and arrange in jars. From water and sugar in the indicated proportions, boil the syrup and fill it with jars with tangerine slices. Sterilize cans with a drink in boiling water and roll up.

    Mandarin cocktail:
    - 250 ml of orange juice;
    - 4-5 tangerines;
    - 1 banana.
    Wash and peel the tangerines, then disassemble into slices, carefully removing the dense skin from each. Peel and cut banana into several pieces. Place the fruit in a mixer or blender and blend until smooth, then add the orange juice and blend again.
    Citrus smoothie:
    - 4 bananas;
    - 2 oranges;
    - 2 tangerines;
    - 1 lemon;
    - 1 lime;
    - 1/4 st. milk.
    Wash and peel all fruits. Cut the bananas into pieces, and divide the citrus fruits into slices, removing the skin from them. Squeeze juice from lime. Combine all ingredients together with milk and lime juice and beat well with a mixer or blender.
    Bon appetit!
