
Homemade honey cake (medovik) with custard. Custard recipes for honey cake: with condensed milk, cream, butter

The dough will be sticky. Cover bowl with cling film and let cool. I forget about the dough for 30-40 minutes and start preparing the honey cake cream.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla sugar, eggs. Add flour and mix well. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil while stirring. Then reduce the fire and continue to cook the custard until thick, not forgetting to stir.

As soon as the cream thickens, remove it from the stove and cool slightly. Then add softened butter to it.
Beat the custard well with a mixer so that it becomes homogeneous and shiny. While our cream for the honey cake is cooling, you can bake the cakes.

Roll out each piece into a thin crust. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, carefully place the cake on a baking sheet. Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Cakes are baked quite quickly, about 5-7 minutes. Cool the finished cakes and give them the correct shape. Put the rest of the cakes aside, they will be useful to us for sprinkling.

Assemble the honey cake: lay the cakes on top of each other and grease them well with custard.

Decorate it as you wish. Cake "Honey cake" with custard, prepared according to this recipe, turns out to be tasty, tender.

Happy tea!

Probably, every housewife baked this wonderful cake at least once, and often we are used to using the same recipes. But today I want to offer you a classic honey cake recipe with custard, which, in my opinion, turns out to be perfect, even if you are making it for the first time.

Such a honey cake with custard is tender, soaked and large enough. In this cake, I got 14 thin cakes, and due to the fact that they are so thin, it was perfectly soaked. By the way, he was soaked in just an hour, which I was pleasantly surprised. I have heard more than once that not everyone loves such a cake because of its dryness, but it is in this recipe that it is ideal and not at all dry.

An important component for a honey cake is a delicious custard with milk, which takes about 5-7 minutes to cook and turns out to be quite thick so as not to drain from the cake. Flour acts as a thickener in it, but if you want, you can take it half with starch. I also know people who add semolina instead, but I still like it on flour. Also, in the classic version, more oil is added to the cream, but I do not like fatty, but prefer it in a smaller amount, for a more delicate taste.

For those who have never made it, this is no longer a problem, because I described in detail how to bake a soft honey cake at home so that it is just as tasty. The main thing is to first read the entire recipe to the end and do not neglect the tips that will really simplify the cooking process for you.

So be sure to try making the same classic honey cake with custard, and this step-by-step photo recipe will be a hint for you.

I think that every hostess simply must be able to make such a cake, and not just be able to, but also make it tasty, so that guests always ask to write down the recipe for them, well, or give a link to it, as has recently been introduced. I also recommend watching if you like this combination more.


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Butter - 80 g
  • Honey - 3 tbsp
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 500 g


  • Milk - 750 ml.
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Flour - 5 tbsp
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla - a pinch

How to make honey cake

Melt the butter in a water bath and let it cool down a bit. Then I add sugar, eggs and honey to it.

Now I beat everything with a whisk until smooth. A mixer is not needed here, as I beat quite a bit.

I add soda next. In the original, 2 tsp was needed, but I add only half, otherwise I'm afraid that it will taste like it. And I mix it back.

Since honey cake is usually made in a water bath, this case is no exception. I put a bowl or saucepan with the dough in a water bath, where the water boils a little. Now I wait until the foam doubles, and this happens due to the reaction of soda to high temperature. It is important that the sugar dissolves. All this time, it is necessary to periodically stir the mass.

Next, I pour the flour in parts and begin the process of kneading the dough, which should eventually turn out to be soft.

The dough is still warm, but not sticky and quite elastic, so for now I leave it to cool for a while.

Now is the time to start making cream. I have a recipe for custard in milk for a honey cake, and I think it is the most delicious. First, pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add eggs, sugar, flour and vanilla. Mix everything well with a whisk and cook until thickened.

Be careful, such a cream often burns, so it is advisable to stir it all the time and not leave for a long time, otherwise you will have to redo it. When it becomes thicker, add soft butter and stir.

The result is the perfect, classic honey cake custard with no lumps. As it cools, it will become even thicker. It is also suitable for other desserts.

I divide the cooled dough into 9 equal parts, each of which weighs about 100 grams, with an error of + - 5 g.

I sprinkle the surface with flour and begin to roll out the cakes thinly. I roll them out very thinly, and so that they do not stick to the surface, periodically dust it with a little flour. After I transfer the dough to parchment. Then, using the bottom of a split mold, I cut out the desired diameter for the cake. I have it 22 cm.

I bake cakes for honey cake in a heated oven, at 180 degrees, for about 5 minutes, or until golden. Immediately after readiness, I take it out of the oven and remove the parchment, because if you do not remove it right away, it will dry out a lot. I do the same with the others. I don’t throw away the scraps, but first I also form more cakes from them, and then I leave a little for sprinkling.

Now I start assembling the cake, put one cake on the tray and grease it with plenty of cream, then the second layer and do the same. At the end, I coat the top and sides of the cake. Since there is a lot of cream, the result is an excellent honey cake recipe that melts in your mouth.

I also put the remnants that remained after the last few cakes on parchment and send them to bake in the oven. They are baked at the same temperature, until golden. Then I immediately remove them from the parchment and let them cool a little.

I break the baked trimmings into pieces and grind them with a rolling pin, in a mortar or blender, into crumbs. Now I fill them with the whole cake on top and sides, trying to cover all parts with this crumb. Of course, this is more difficult to do from the side, but it's worth it.

Here is a step-by-step recipe for a honey cake with custard. I like that the cake is very even and not a slide, which means that everything is done correctly. Thanks to this, it is very easy to decorate it with anything on top, be it just mastic, cream, berries or sweets.

The classic custard honey cake recipe is just great, so soft and delicious. When I cut it, after an hour from the end of cooking, I thought it would not be soaked yet, but what was my surprise when I saw how soft it became. Therefore, if you do not have time to prepare it for the holiday in advance, then do not worry, it does not need much time to soak. Bon appetit!

    1 day ago Sweet clover honey with perga 7% 1kg.-830₽ Natural honey from Siberia from @24medok.ru It is considered high-grade honey. Sweet clover honey is loved all over the world. It has a delicate floral aroma. High palatability. Sweet clover honey helps with all pulmonary, acute respiratory diseases. Obtained from body frames. With the addition of bee perga. Perga is a natural biostimulator. Under the action of bee bread, the blood supply to the lower body and peripheral organs improves, so it is used to increase potency, treat male infertility, and prostate adenoma. Benefits based on the color of honey. Sweet clover honey is light yellow in color. Refers to light varieties of honey. Recommended for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the respiratory system. Suitable for eye drops. Benefits based on the medicinal properties of the plant

  • 1 week ago Spring is coming. There is very little left, which means that soon the bees will leave their winter palace and start looking for food. The coltsfoot is one of the first spring honey plants in Siberia, providing bees with pollen and nectar. Grows in large numbers along coastal cliffs. It blooms very early - in early or mid-April and blooms for 15-20 days. Tussilago (mother) farfara (stepmother) L..

  • 2 weeks ago "It flowed down the mustache, but it didn't get into the mouth." That's what they said about honey beer in fairy tales. This drink is very insidious. It is drunk easily, naturally, but the fortress in it is quite large. One liter is enough to understand what kind of drink it is. You can buy light mead in our store. Now there are three types of mead. All with the addition of hop cones. Differs: 1) classical (honey + hops). 2) Bird cherry. 3) With garden berries (cloudier than others, due to the berry pulp). Everyone's strength is the same. Not less than 6-7%. Although 1 liter gives the effect of 0.5 liters of vodka. But as they say, it "beats" the muscular skeleton. The head stays sane. The cost of 1 liter of pleasure is only 250 rubles. For

    2 weeks ago This is how we had Donnikovy honey in 2014. No pollen analysis was done for honey from the first pumping, but the subsequent honey contained at least 80% of sweet clover pollen, but it already differed greatly in taste and color. Therefore, this honey probably contained at least 90% of pollen from sweet clover. In order to call sweet clover honey, honey must contain at least 45% sweet clover pollen. honey

    3 weeks ago A new batch of Apitonus - Drone homogenate, 2% + perga, 28%, + propolis, 1% + sweet clover honey, 69%. All the benefits for your heart in one spoon. Delicious and most importantly, healthy. There are no contraindications and side effects. Available in our stores in Krasnoyarsk: - Lenin street, 153. - Novosibirsk street, 5. - Paris Kommuny street, 9. Tel. 2803800 #apitonus #honey #medprodam #medical Siberia #Krasnoyarsk #healthy #heart #pp #ecomarket #health #siberia

    Creams are a fluffy mass prepared by whipping butter, eggs, cream with sugar and other products. It is characterized by high nutritional value and excellent taste. The cream is plastic, which allows you to create decorations of the most intricate shapes from it.

    However, along with the advantages, the cream also has a major drawback - it quickly deteriorates and is very sensitive to all kinds of bacterial contamination. Store the cream in a cold place, given that at a temperature of + 2-5 ° C, the reproduction of microbes slows down.

    Products with cream should not be stored for more than 36 hours, and custard products for more than 3 hours at a temperature of +5°C.

    For 3 cups of curdled milk - 350 g of honey, 1 tablespoon of gelatin.

    Beat cold curdled milk well with a metal whisk, put honey and gelatin pre-soaked in cold and then in hot water. Mix everything well, pour into molds and cool.

    Cream milk custard honey

    For 2 eggs - 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, 0.5 liters of milk, 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 4 tablespoons of honey.

    Grind eggs and wheat flour so that there are no lumps, and dilute in milk. Then, while stirring, pour a mixture of boiling milk with sugar and honey in a thin stream. The mass, stirring constantly, bring to a thickening, but do not boil. Cool the boiled cream to +10°. The prepared cream should be consumed quickly, no later than 5 hours later.

    Butter honey cream

    For 200 g of butter - 4 tablespoons of milk, 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of fruit juice.

    Before the end of whipping, add honey to the main butter cream, mix well, beat until a fluffy mass is obtained. Put the finished cream into a metal mold and cool to +5°C. Before serving, remove the cream from the mold onto a dish. Pour milk into a small saucepan and put granulated sugar. While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. Beat the eggs with a whisk and, without stopping beating, pour hot milk with sugar into them. Heat the mixture almost to a boil and cool to room temperature. Heat the butter in a saucepan until the consistency of thick sour cream and beat until fluffy. Without stopping whipping the butter, gradually pour the chilled milk syrup into it in small portions. The finished cream is laid out in a metal mold and stored for no more than 36 hours at a temperature of +5°C.

    Butter cream on condensed milk with honey

    Heat the oil in a saucepan to the consistency of thick sour cream and beat it with a metal whisk or a wooden spatula until a fluffy, elastic white mass is obtained. Then, without stopping beating, pour condensed milk into the butter in small portions and beat for 10-15 minutes until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained. If the condensed milk is candied, it must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature.

    If the cream "cuts off" (becomes pockmarked), you need to slightly warm it up and beat it. If this does not help, the cream should be cooled, mixed, folded into a fine sieve and, after separating the liquid, slightly warmed up and beat again or add a little softened butter.

    Warm cream jewelry has a beautiful glossy surface, but such cream designs are not embossed, cold cream jewelry is matte, and the designs are embossed.

    Butter cream on sugar syrup with honey

    Pour granulated sugar into the pan, pour in water, stir with a spoon, boil until the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the foam. Cool the finished sugar syrup to room temperature.

    Beat the butter as indicated in recipe 4, and while whipping, gradually pour in the chilled sugar syrup in small portions. Whip until fluffy.

    Butter cream on powdered sugar with honey

    Cream is made in the same way as butter cream on condensed milk (recipe 4), with the only difference being that fine, carefully sifted powdered sugar is added in small portions during whipping.

    Butter cream on milk and eggs with honey (Charlotte)

    Prepare sugar syrup from sugar, milk and eggs. To do this, pour milk into a saucepan, put sugar and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.

    In a separate saucepan, lightly beat the eggs with a whisk and, without interrupting, beat, pour hot milk with sugar here in a thin stream. Bring the total mixture almost to a boil, then cool the milk syrup to room temperature. Whilst the syrup is cooling, beat the butter as indicated in recipe 5. Without stopping whipping the butter, gradually pour the chilled milk syrup into it in small portions and beat until a fluffy cream is obtained.

    Butter cream on eggs with honey (glasse)

    Place sugar and eggs in a saucepan. While heating the mixture to 45°C, beat it with a whisk until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Then, while continuing to beat, cool the mass to room temperature. In a separate pan, heat the oil to the consistency of thick sour cream, beat it until white and, continuing to beat, gradually pour in the mass of eggs and sugar. Beat the total mixture until a fluffy cream is formed.

    Creamy cream with gelatin and honey (basic)

    For 400 g of cream: 1.5 cups of cream 20-30% fat, 1/2 teaspoon of gelatin, 1.5 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

    Rinse the gelatin in water and put it on a fine sieve, put in a glass, add 1/2 cup of cream and mix. After 2 hours, when the gelatin swells, place the glass in hot water and stir the contents until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then cool the solution a little (to + 40-50 ° C).

    Whip the rest of the chilled cream with a whisk at low temperature until a thick fluffy foam is obtained. Without stopping beating, gradually pour in powdered sugar and pour in a thin stream of gelatin solution. Tint the cream with food coloring until it becomes gelatinous and, be sure to flavor it to eliminate the taste of gelatin. Chopped nuts or pieces of fruit can be added to the cream used for the filling. Use the cream immediately after adding gelatin.

    In the summer, when fresh honey appears, I always bake a honey cake. The recipe for honey cake, like the recipe for borscht, each housewife has her own. I have two favorite options: buckwheat dark honey/sour cream (I shared last year, follow the link), and Honey Fluff Custard Cake, the recipe of which I will share today.

    Dough Ingredients:

    • Honey - 2 tbsp. l. (any, but with buckwheat, both color and aroma are richer)
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Sugar - 1 cup (volume 250 g)
    • Butter - 60 g
    • Soda - 1.5 tsp
    • Flour - 3 cups (volume 250 gr)

    Custard Ingredients:

    • Egg - 1 pc
    • Sugar - 1 cup
    • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Milk - 1 liter
    • Butter - 50 g
    • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp or 1 small packet of vanilla sugar (11 g)

    How to make honey cake

    In a metal bowl (or in a glass one, but with a refractory bottom), we spread granulated sugar (1 tbsp) and honey (2 tbsp. With a slide). We mix.

    We drive in two eggs, stir again.

    Melt the butter (60 g) in the microwave until soft (not necessarily until completely dissolved). Pour into the bowl with the rest of the ingredients, stirring constantly.

    We organize a water bath: pour water into a saucepan, a ladle, a small saucepan (two-finger level), put a bowl with ingredients for the dough on top and turn on the fire. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water in the saucepan, only hot steam will affect it.

    With continuous stirring, dissolve the mixture until the sugar grains disappear, then add baking soda (1.5 tsp). Continue to mix until the mixture begins to foam and grows in volume by 2 times.

    Remove from the water bath and add flour (3 cups).

    Do not add flour immediately, add in small portions, stirring constantly and checking the density of the dough. The dough will be sticky and runny at first, but as the flour is added, it will begin to thicken and turn into an elastic dough.

    When we begin to feel that it is difficult to stir with a spoon, set aside and proceed to kneading with our hands (you can dust a cutting board or table with flour and knead on the table).

    The finished dough must be divided into 8 parts. To do this, it is convenient to first divide the entire volume into two equal parts, then divide each into two more, and the subsequent parts again in half.

    The result is eight equal pieces. We roll each of them into a bun and put it in the bowl in which the dough was kneaded.

    Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for one hour.

    If it so happens that you cannot make a cake on this day, leave the dough for the night, it will only get better.

    Easy custard for honey cake

    While the dough is resting in the refrigerator, prepare the custard. There is a recipe on the site (you can go to see the link), but for this cake I decided to make a light version of this cream.

    To prepare it, stir sugar (1 glass of 250 g), 1 egg and 2 tbsp. l. flour. Stir until smooth, then add 1 cup of warm milk to make it easier to combine all the ingredients.

    The rest of the milk (3 cups) put in a saucepan or saucepan on the fire. Heat until hot, then pour in the custard mixture, while stirring vigorously so that lumps do not form.

    Cook the cream over low heat until thickened. When the cream becomes thick, turn off the heat.

    Add vanilla sugar or vanilla extract (1 tsp) to the cream. Mix.

    It is better to add vanilla sugar at the very beginning, when preparing the custard, and vanilla extract at the end of cooking.

    In a slightly cooled cream, add softened butter (50 g) and beat until smooth.
    We cover the cream with cling film in a contact way and leave to cool to room temperature. The film must be in full contact with the cream, otherwise a thick film will form on it.

    Baking honey cake

    Take the dough out of the refrigerator. If it is very hard, let it warm up for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. Then we powder the cutting surface with flour, then lay out a ball of dough and begin to roll it out to a thin state (0.5 -0.3 cm). We apply a lid or some dish, along the diameter of which you can cut the cake. We roll the scraps into a lump and again turn into a cake.

    We cover the baking sheet with parchment, lay out the cakes (I fit two pieces at once, the diameter of the cakes is 18 cm).

    In an oven preheated to 180 C (top-bottom mode), we send the cakes to bake until golden brown. It usually takes 5-7 minutes for the whole baking process (the time depends on the power of your oven).

    As a result, from this volume of dough, I got 10 cakes and trimmings for sprinkling.

    Assembling honey cake

    It remains to combine the completely cooled cakes with cream - and the honey cake will be ready! Put a small amount of cream on the bottom of the dessert dish to fix the bottom cake.

    Then we put the first cake, grease it with cream (it is convenient to distribute the cream over the surface with a silicone spatula). Then we put the cake again, then the cream - and so on. It takes me 2-3 tbsp. l. cream to lubricate each layer.

    This is how the pile turns out. Now it remains to grease the cakes on the sides. Use a pastry spatula to level the cake or a regular spatula.

    It is very convenient to collect the cake on a special rotating table: so you do not have to spin around the cake yourself.

    Of course, for homemade cakes, if you are not engaged in the manufacture of confectionery sweets for sale, such a table is not necessary.

    You can decorate the cake according to your taste: fruits, berries, cookies or other sweets. I love the classic design - crumbs from the remains of cakes. To do this, place the ruddy trimmings in the blender bowl and press the "Start" button several times.

    It turns out an appetizing uneven crumb, which will go to the sprinkling.

    You can decorate the cake right away, or wait until it is better soaked (so that the crumb does not get wet). We let the honey cake brew for 8 hours (it is better to put it in the refrigerator at night). And then we serve it to the table!

    Bon appetit! Leave comments if you liked the recipe - feedback is very important to me. I would be glad to see your cakes in the photo (you can attach to the comment).

    When adding a photo to Instagram, please indicate the #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo tag so that I can find your photos online and admire the cakes. Thank you!

    In contact with

    Honey cake, tell me, is there anyone who has not tried it even once in their life? There probably aren't any! It has been popular for a very long time in every family. And no matter what new baking recipes have appeared lately, a classic is a classic, a honey cake with custard will always be appropriate - for a birthday, anniversary, New Year's holidays and any other festive event.

    Very often I break the preparation of the cake into 2 stages, which I do on different days, for example, I bake cakes one day, and cream the next day, and I collect the cake the same day. So, for the cakes, we will prepare all the necessary products according to the list.

    Place butter, sugar and honey in a bowl.

    And then the preparation of the dough will take place in a water bath. To do this, pour a little water into the saucepan so that when it boils, it does not reach the bottom of the bowl with the ingredients for the dough. Place a bowl on a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring.

    Crack 2 eggs, fluff them with a fork and pour into the heated mass.

    Stir until sugar dissolves. We continue to cook until a white foam appears, then add soda slaked with vinegar.

    Stir until the mass doubles, this will take no more than 2 minutes.

    Now remove the entire structure from the fire and pour the sifted flour into the hot mixture. Knead the dough.

    This is how it should look like, cover it with a film and let it cool a little, you can in the refrigerator.

    Divide the cooled dough into 10 equal parts.

    We roll them out separately into a thin pancake, focusing on a size of at least 20 cm. I made myself something like a parchment stencil and cut out cakes on it. More precisely, at first I applied it to the rolled out dough so that its size was no less. Yes, do not forget to prick the cake with a fork so that it does not swell in different places.

    Cakes are baked very quickly, no more than 5 minutes. We take out the baked cake from the oven and immediately cut out a circle according to the stencil. The scraps are then crushed into crumbs.

    So bake all the cakes. If making ahead of time, let them cool, then wrap in cling film and refrigerate. Now proceed to the cream, prepare all the products on the list.

    Bring the milk to a boil first. In a saucepan, mix flour, eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar. I took cornmeal, this is just my personal digression, but you can not bother, but cook custard, as usual - with wheat flour.

    Pour in a little milk and mix so that there are no lumps.

    We put the saucepan on the fire and, stirring constantly with a whisk, pour in the rest of the milk, and over medium heat bring the cream to its readiness, namely, to thicken.

    After we remove it from the heat and cover it with a film "in contact" so that a film does not form during cooling. Let it cool in the refrigerator, after cooling it will thicken a little more, as it should be.

    When the cream has completely cooled, you can collect the cake. Here I have a completely custard, but if you wish, you can add whipped butter or cream, even chocolate. This can change its taste and fat content. We coat all the cakes with cream.

    Here's what should happen. Smooth out the sides with a scraper or spatula.

    And sprinkle the sides and top of the cake with crumbs from the cakes.

    You can leave the honey cake with custard in this form, or you can decorate it to your liking. I have rosemary sprigs, chocolate balls and something like white and dark chocolate honeycombs.

    Let's let the cake brew for a few hours in the refrigerator, well, and then we treat ourselves! Happy tea!
