
Homemade baileys-type liquor is "tastier than store-bought". Liquor Baileys (Baileys) - the composition and properties of the drink; how to drink it; cocktails with Baileys; DIY homemade butter liqueur recipes

Whiskey and cream have always been the pride of the Irish. The climate features, the warm Gulf Stream, guarantee the excellent quality of barley (the basis for the production of whiskey), as well as juicy fields of clover (the main delicacy of cows that give the most delicious milk in Europe). In 1974, the Baileys cream liqueur appeared on the alcohol market, combining the two main flavors of the Emerald Isle.

The success of the new liquor was facilitated not only by the delicate and mild taste of the drink, but also by an unusually original advertising campaign that managed to inspire the consumer with the “ancient tradition”, “Celtic history”, as well as the usefulness of the new product.

Composition and preparation technology

The composition of the most famous creamy liqueur Baileys is known to everyone, manufacturers do not make secrets from this:

  • Irish whiskey (sourced from Bushmills, the oldest whiskey brand);
  • alcohol;
  • cream (only natural, only from milk obtained from Irish cows);
  • caramel;
  • sugar;
  • chocolate;
  • vanilla.

The main secret of the liqueur is in the process of its preparation. Experts say that in order to achieve a homogeneous mixture of cream with alcohols, manufacturers of creamy Baileys use special whey and food protein to quickly ferment the mixture. The exact production technology is kept secret. Despite the fact that there are now many analogues of Baileys, not one of the cream liqueurs of other manufacturers has been able to repeat the amazingly rich and multifaceted taste of Irish cream so far.

The shelf life of Baileys is one and a half years, which is also a record among cream liqueurs. The natural preservative is alcohol itself, as well as sugar. The fortress of the original version of Beilis does not exceed 17 degrees.

Since 2006, the company has been regularly releasing new types of creamy Baileys: with mint, with chocolate, with nut flavor, caramel, with orange truffle flavor, with coffee aroma.

How to drink: neat, with coffee, in cocktails

Liquor has an unusually pleasant taste, so it is often drunk in its pure form, adding ice to the glass. Cream goes well with coffee, where it is added instead of cream and sugar. Baileys is actively used as a ready-made sauce for desserts: ice cream, jelly, puddings. Baileys is added to creams for pastries and cakes.

Baileys cocktails are also well known, the most popular recipes are as follows:

  • B-52 - coffee liqueur, Baileys, orange liqueur in equal parts, prepared by layering;
  • Honey bee - Baileys (75 ml), whiskey (25 ml), honey (12 ml), ice. Everything is mixed in a shaker, beat until completely homogeneous and cooled;
  • Vanilla silk - Irish cream (50 ml), vodka (25 ml), almond liqueur (12.5 ml), ice. Mix everything in a shaker;
  • White Martini - Baileys (50 ml), espresso coffee (25 ml), milk (10 ml), ice. Mix in a shaker.

On the website of the manufacturer of Baileys, you can find several recipes for cakes, cheese pies, cookies, which include cream liqueur. All of these baked goods are easy to make at home.

The best snack for liquor will be fruits (banana, strawberries, mangoes), marshmallows, ice cream, shortbread, chocolate.

Cooking "Baileys" at home

It is possible to prepare Baileys liquor at home, but the homemade product only in general terms repeats the taste range of the original, although the drink will turn out delicious in any case. There are several ways to make homemade cream liqueur.

A simple cooking recipe

Product set:

  • vodka (very good quality) - 500 ml;
  • cream (fat content 30% and above) - 350 ml;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


1. Whip the cream into a strong foam.

2. Add vanilla sugar and continue beating.

3. Pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream, continuing to whisk.

4. Add vodka to the mixture last (in a thin stream, vigorously stirring the mixture).

5. Put the finished liquor in the refrigerator (in a hermetically sealed container).

6. Keep 2-3 days, shaking daily.

The shelf life of such Baileys is short, it is advisable to prepare it by a specific date in order to consume it as quickly as possible.

Complicated cooking method

Composition and correct proportions:

  • cream - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • raw yolks - 4 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • instant coffee - 25 grams;
  • vodka - 1 glass;
  • whiskey - 1 glass.


1. Mix cream and sugar in a small saucepan (preferably copper), heat to 40–50 degrees.

2. Stirring constantly, add vanilla sugar.

3. Gently pour in the yolks in the mixer, stir constantly.

4. Add coffee to the mixture, mix thoroughly.

5. Remove from heat (the temperature of the mixture should not be higher than 50 degrees, the fire is very small).

6. Add alcohol and beat the whole mixture thoroughly in a mixer.

If done correctly, homemade liquor will produce a rich foam that will completely subside as the liquor cools. Do-it-yourself Irish cream is stored for no more than a week.

The history of the creamy drink

Whiskey has been a favorite of the Irish since ancient times. Despite the fact that the drink was rather festive (it was not drunk every day), its abuse led to a severe hangover. The best cure for the consequences of heavy drinking was heavy Irish cream. So they existed together, side by side: whiskey and cream. Antipodes…

By 1970, sales of Irish whiskey for export had declined sharply. The dairy industry on Green Island also experienced stagnation and price declines. And in the well-known company for the sale of whiskey and other alcoholic beverages Gilbeys of Ireland, creative managers gathered. They had to decide the fate of a stale batch of triple-distilled, long-aged strong barley brew.

It was necessary to "invent" something new, unprecedented. The board of the company set a condition: all components must be produced in Ireland and be completely natural. The idea to mix whiskey with cream came unexpectedly. The idea of ​​mixing alcohol and its antipode seemed original. The first portion was mixed in a conventional mixer. Everyone liked the taste, but the mixture quickly stratified, the cream curdled, the taste deteriorated.

It took four years to make the cream liqueur homogeneous. As a result, a solution was found, equipment was purchased, the production process was patented, and some components were classified. To enhance the taste, vanilla and caramel were added to the drink.

Pot-bellied bottles with the inscription Baileys can now be bought in 180 countries around the world.

Baileys liqueur- Irish cream liqueur with a strength of 17%. The composition of the drink includes cream and whiskey. Baileys has been produced since 1974 by the Irish company R. A. Bailey & Co. It is a leading liquor company. In the first year, 72,000 bottles of Baileys were produced.

In the production of this drink, Irish whiskey is used, which is obtained by triple distillation to give it softness.

The idea of ​​mixing whiskey with other foods and drinks is not new. In the 70s, whiskey remained a popular drink in the domestic market of Ireland, but it was difficult to export the product. In order to increase the sales market, it was decided to experiment with recipes for making drinks based on it. Whiskey was often mixed with citrus fruits, as well as coffee, but since these ingredients were expensive, producers had to turn to their native products, that is, cream. Dairy products were very cheap at the time, so farmers were happy to sell cream to a liquor manufacturer. Today, 40% of Ireland's milk goes to the production of Baileys.

Baileys began to produce liquor near Dublin. It is produced under the patented brand name "Baileys Irish Cream". At first, the company, headed by David Dand, produced mainly gin and whiskey. The firm then created a liquor that is among the top ten best-selling alcoholic beverages. This liqueur is considered one of the most popular in the world. It has a pleasant aroma and creamy taste. David Dand and his colleagues at Gilbeys of Ireland developed a liqueur recipe that was supposed to include only natural ingredients. It was decided to make the liquor from traditional Irish products: cream and whiskey, in order to get a product with a national character. The taste of the drink completely fascinated the employees, there was only one problem: the whiskey cream whipped with a mixer did not have a constant consistency. At first, they tried to replace the cream with milk, but it simply curtailed, and besides, the product quickly deteriorated. The company "Gilbeys of Ireland" continued to improve the recipe for the drink, and only after 4 years did the Baileys liquor become what it is known now.

The resulting drink exceeded all expectations of its creators. In order to make its taste even more pleasant, it was decided to add the aroma of vanilla, chocolate, caramel to the liquor. As a result, "Baileys" very quickly conquered women all over the world with its mild taste and delicious aroma.

A feature of Baileys liqueur is its completely natural composition. The drink does not contain preservatives, but thanks to a special production technology, it can be stored for 18 months. British scientists have advised the manufacturer to use harmonization technology, which allows to achieve a homogeneous consistency. According to this technology, each whiskey molecule envelops the cream, then grain alcohol, butter, cocoa, and flavors are added to the product.

The story of Baileys liqueur is not only the story of making a delicious drink, but also a cleverly thought out marketing campaign. The presentation of the liquor did not make the proper impression on the invited journalists and guests. They liked its taste, but nothing more. David Dande, in response to this, proclaimed Baileys a traditional Irish drink and, in confirmation of this, even began to pour it into a pot-bellied bottle that resembled a jug from which it is customary to drink whiskey in Ireland.

In order to make Baileys liquor as dear to the Irish as possible, David decided to add to the drink the family values ​​\u200b\u200bthat his compatriots so honored. Not far from David's office was the Bailey bar, where W.&A employees spent their free time. Gilbey. David decorated the liqueur bottle with the inscription Baileys, which was reminiscent of a common Irish surname.

The company R. A. Bailey & Co decided to diversify the range of liquor loved by all and released a number of new products:

    • "Baileys Original" - a traditional liqueur, is an aromatic drink with a taste of coffee with cream.
    • "Baileys Mint Chocolate" - a drink with mint and chocolate.
    • Baileys Coffee is a liqueur with the addition of coffee.
    • "Baileys Cream Caramel" - liqueur with the addition of caramel.
    • "Baileys Hazelnut (hazelnut) Flavor" - a drink with hazelnuts.

The liqueurs of this company have their own characteristics. As already mentioned, they do not contain preservatives. The composition of the drink includes fresh cream, which quickly deteriorates, but thanks to whiskey aging for 2-3 years, as well as special technology, the liquor retains its taste for a long time.

The label of the liquor has the inscription "Best taste before...", which means that the drink is best consumed immediately, since an open bottle of Baileys does not last long.

Beneficial features

Baileys liqueur contains only natural ingredients, the basis of the drink is cream and whiskey. In moderation, the drink improves mood, helps with depression, insomnia.

The calorie content of the product is 327 kilocalories per 100 g of drink, therefore it is better to refrain from drinking liquor for people who adhere to a dietary diet.

Use in cooking

In cooking, Baileys liqueur is traditionally used to make desserts. So, they are poured over biscuits, ice cream, cakes. Also, a little liquor can be added to coffee in order to give it a special taste. To date, the company produces Baileys with mint-chocolate and creamy-caramel flavors. Also, the liquor is great for making chocolate chip cookies, yoghurts, fruit salads.

For example, you can cook very delicious jelly based on this liqueur. To do this, we need cow's milk, ground coffee, Baileys liqueur, gelatin, vanilla, sugar, mint. First you need to brew a portion of coffee and add sugar to a slightly cooled drink. Vanilla and sugar are also added to the milk. Gelatin is poured with cold water (about 1 glass of water), left to swell. Gelatin must be divided into 3 parts: add one part to milk, the second to coffee, and the third to liquor. Pour liqueur into the bottom of the mold and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After the layer has hardened, it is necessary to pour out the coffee layer and put it in the refrigerator again, the third layer is milk, it is made according to the same scheme. The finished jelly is put in the refrigerator overnight, decorated with coffee beans, powdered sugar, mint leaves.

Liquor is rightfully considered a feminine drink: it is not very strong and also has a mild taste. Women prefer to use it along with ice cream as a dessert. Very often it is mixed with other drinks to make creamy cocktails.

So, in order to prepare such cocktail it is necessary to pour into the glass layers in equal proportions of Kahlua liqueur, Baileys liqueur, and Grand Marnier orange liqueur. You can also prepare a second version of such a drink. All the ingredients for this must be mixed in a shaker with ice, if desired, the cocktail is set on fire and drunk through a straw very quickly while it burns.

Women will love it Strawberry cocktail based on Baileys. In a shaker, mix 100 ml of liquor, 50 ml of cream or ice cream and 10 ml of strawberry vodka. Decorate the cocktail with whipped cream.

How to drink?

Baileys liqueur can be drunk both on its own and as part of cocktails, it also goes well with ice. Some gourmets believe that the liquor does not go well with citrus fruits, as well as tonic. When preparing cocktails, Baileys liqueur is usually mixed with stronger alcoholic beverages, such as vodka, rum. Chocolate, milk, cold coffee, strawberries, banana, chocolate chips go well with liquor.

Baileys cream liqueur is so tasty that it can be consumed on its own, enjoying the delicious taste and aroma.

Baileys resembles more coffee with cream than an alcoholic drink. It is recommended to add a little ice to it, which makes the chocolate notes more pronounced. Ice Baileys perfectly quenches thirst. The drink is amazingly combined with marshmallows, soufflé, croissants.

You can also cook coffee Baileys. To do this, we need 20 ml of espresso coffee, 50 ml of Baileysi liqueur and a little boiled milk. Decorate the cocktail with whipped milk foam and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

A real Irish drink can also be made using Baileys liqueur. To begin with, take 50 ml of Baileys, 20 ml of whiskey and 10 ml of cold coffee. All ingredients are shaken and served in martini glasses.

You can also cook Chocolate Baileys. The cocktail is prepared from 50 ml of Baileys, 10 ml of vodka and 15 ml of chocolate liqueur. Alcoholic drinks are mixed and poured into a chilled glass.

How to do at home?

The legendary Baileys cream liqueur can be made by hand at home. To do this, you will need 1 bottle of vodka, 2 cans of condensed milk, 6 chocolate tetra bags, 4 tsp. instant coffee and vanilla sugar. All ingredients are mixed in a shaker until smooth. Liquor can be consumed sazu after preparation. The end result is about 2 liters of liquor. The strength of this drink is 12%. In order to improve the taste of homemade liquor, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator overnight.

You can also cook Baileys according to the following recipe using a slow cooker. To do this, we need 2 cans of condensed milk, 1 tsp. coffee, vanilla sugar and 0.5 l of vodka. First, condensed milk is poured into the slow cooker, coffee and vanilla sugar, as well as vodka are added to it. If you want the liquor to have a lower strength, you can dilute the vodka with a little water. All ingredients are stirred and the "milk porridge" mode is turned on. Homemade liquor will be ready in 20 minutes, it just needs to be mixed and bottled. It should be consumed chilled.

Harm of Baileys liquor and contraindications

A drink can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance to the components, as well as with excessive use. Since the liqueur contains 50% cream and milk protein, as well as 1% lactose, Baileys is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

The article will tell you about how cream liqueur is drunk and what cocktails you can make from it.

Rarely can anyone resist the sweet, creamy flavor of Baileys liqueur. It is filled with notes of vanilla, chocolate and caramel. Baileys is a great way out, even when it is not customary for a woman to drink alcoholic beverages or they do not like the tart taste of a stronger drink. Liquor can easily be compared to a dessert, because it has a delicate taste and is very easy to drink, as well as easily combined with sweets.

INTERESTING: This liquor is the most popular in the world, it was produced in the 70s of the last century.

In fact, Baileys (or Baileys) is a cream liqueur based on real Irish whiskey. At the moment, there are several varieties of liquor, which can be distinguished by a characteristic sticker on the bottle (red, green, brown). There is pure cream liquor, there is coffee, chocolate, mint and others.

IMPORTANT: Baileys is a fairly strong liquor, containing approximately 17% alcohol. The taste of the liquor is bitter and at the same time cloyingly sweet due to the content of whiskey.

Baileys liqueur is a digestif and is usually served as a dessert after dinner (after the whole meal). Often this drink is combined with dessert: tiramisu, ice cream, chocolate. Liquor should be served in a special dish - this is a small triangular glass on a thin leg with a volume of 20-25 ml (no more). "Baileys" is usually served only "clean", without ice and syrups.

INTERESTING: In some recipes, Baileys coffee is added instead of cream. Keep in mind that the liqueur is sweet, so don't add extra sugar to your coffee.

Some people like a different serving of the drink - in a small glass with crushed or whole ice. The drink can be decorated by sprinkling it with cocoa. Liquor goes well with a light buffet, sweet table, fruit salads, ice cream, chocolate, cakes. Baileys can be diluted with other liqueurs, milk, cream, coffee, whiskey, vodka, cognac.

Baileys is often included in alcoholic cocktails, but in no case should it be mixed with carbonated drinks, juices and citruses so that the cream in its composition does not curdle. The most popular names for cocktails are B-52, Brain Tumor, Baileys Smoothie or Russian Flag.

Baileys - creamy cocktail

Baileys liqueur coffee: recipe

It's no surprise that Baileys cream liqueur is a great accompaniment to hot coffee. An alcoholic drink is quite sweet and it is better to add additional sugar to coffee. The pleasant fat content of the cream goes well with the bitterness of coffee, and the astringency of whiskey adds not only flavor to it, but at the same time makes it a “hot” drink.

IMPORTANT: Coffee with Baileys is contraindicated for children under 18 and pregnant women due to the fact that it contains a percentage of alcohol. It is also not advisable to drink such coffee for those who drive.

Depending on your preference, you can cook hot Irish coffee or cold frappuccino. In addition to Baileys, you can also add to hot coffee:

  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • a pinch of vanilla
  • A spoonful of white ice cream
  • Decorate with cocoa powder
  • Bottled cream

A cold frappuccino is always complemented with ice and a straw so that the drink is drunk like a cocktail. Adjust the amount of Baileys added to any coffee according to your own taste and preferred strength of the finished drink.

Irish coffee with cream and Baileys

Cold Frappuccino with ice and Baileys

How to drink Baileys creamy liqueur correctly and with what?

As already mentioned, liquor can act as a separate drink and as an addition to dessert. A sweet "digestif" can ruin your appetite before eating, and therefore it is strongly recommended to use it only after a full meal. However, in some cases, Baileys is very relevant at sweet and regular buffets.

You can drink Baileys from a special glass in sips or sip it through tubes from a small glass. In some cases, when the liquor is part of a shot cocktail (a shot from the English word “short”, i.e. “short, small”), it should be drunk in one gulp or quickly, without savoring each layer of the drink.

What is served with Baileys liquor, what appetizer?

Baileys has a rich creamy taste, which can be enjoyed on its own, without supplementing it with snacks. But the liqueur also goes well with:

  • Chocolate, chocolate desserts and sweets
  • Tiramisu, cakes, eclairs, cake
  • Sweet crackers, pastries
  • ice cream
  • Fruit and berry desserts, salads, jellies
  • pudding
  • Nut sweets

What glasses are needed for Baileys liqueur?

There are three options for glasses for drinking Baileys:

  • Elongated miniature triangular glass on a thin stem. This is a special dish for drinking liquors. Drinking from a glass of Baileys should be done slowly, tasting and savoring every little sip.
  • Plain tall glass. It is suitable for those drinks that are combined, for example, if several types of liquor are mixed at the same time: creamy, chocolate, coffee or mint. In a glass, you can beautifully observe the clear edges of each layer of liquor. Liquor should be drunk from a glass in one gulp or through a small tube quickly, but enjoying each layer.
  • Small wide glass. In such a container, Baileys is usually served with ice and a thin tube of medium length. The drink should be drunk slowly. As a rule, such a drink can be decorated with cocoa, ground cinnamon or a cinnamon tube, vanilla sprig.

Cocktail with Baileys liqueur and vodka: recipes and proportions

To enhance the astringency of the drink and make the cream liqueur stronger, the addition of pure vodka will help (it should be without any flavors and flavors).

You will need:

  • Vodka- 50 ml. (strength can be adjusted independently)
  • Baileys liqueur- 100 ml. (you can choose any liqueur)
  • Ice- half a glass
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon


  • Put all the ice in a glass
  • Fill ice with vodka
  • Add Baileys to glass
  • Sprinkle the drink with cinnamon
  • Insert a thin tube of medium length
  • Drink a cocktail should be measured, sipping through a tube in small sips.

Cocktail "Brain Explosion" with Baileys liqueur and Martini: recipes and proportions

There are many variations of drinks with Baileys and other alcoholic components. One of the most popular vodka cream liqueur cocktails is the Brain Blast.

You will need:

  • Vodka without flavoring and aromatic additives - 15 ml. (cannot be replaced with moonshine).
  • Liquor "Baileys" - 10 ml. (original)
  • White vermouth "MARTINI» — 20 ml. (only "Bianco")
  • Grenadine - 5 ml.


  • The cocktail is made in a tall glass
  • Pour vodka and vermouth into a shaker
  • Mix ingredients thoroughly
  • Pour the mixture into a stack
  • Carefully pour in the cream liqueur
  • Drop a few drops of grenadine into a glass
  • Drink "Brain Explosion" should be in one gulp and quickly

Cocktail "Brain Explosion"

Burning Henry cocktail with Baileys liqueur and cognac: recipes and proportions

One of the most popular cocktails is the Burning Henry. It should be set on fire before drinking. If you are afraid of burning yourself, just blow the flame off the glass before drinking the drink.

You will need:

  • Cognac or brandy 15 ml. (you can also substitute bourbon or whiskey).
  • Liquor "Baileys" - 15 ml. (only creamy)
  • Amaretto - 15 ml.


  • The cocktail is poured into a tall shot glass or liquor shot glass
  • First layer - Amaretto
  • Then Baileys and cognac are poured in an even layer.
  • The last layer is set on fire, the tube is not inserted!

Burning Henry Cocktail

Cocktail "Perfect Continius" with Baileys liqueur and rum: recipes and proportions

Light and tasty cocktail "Perfect Continius" will certainly appeal to women for a pleasant creamy strawberry shade.

You will need:

  • White rum - 30 ml. (can be replaced with vodka, but not desirable).
  • Strawberry Sweet Syrup - 20 ml. (you can do it yourself).
  • caramel syrup - 20 ml. (may not be added)
  • Baileys - 40 ml. (only creamy)
  • Strawberry - a few berries


  • For a drink you need a large and tall cocktail glass with a leg
  • In a shaker or blender, mix ice with syrup and berries, beat
  • Pour in the rum and liqueur, beat until smooth
  • Pour into a glass, insert a straw and garnish with half a fresh berry.

Cocktail "Perfect Continius"

Butterscotch cocktail with Baileys liqueur and ice cream: recipes and proportions

Delicious alcoholic milkshake "Butterscotch" is usually served with desserts or as a separate independent sweet dish.

You'll need:

  • Liquor "Baileys" - 50 ml. (only creamy)
  • White ice cream "Plombir" — 50 g.
  • Milk 3.2% fat - 100 ml. (fat content can be less)


  • For a cocktail, a tall glass with a leg is suitable.
  • All ingredients are blended in a blender until smooth.
  • Cocktail served with a straw

Cocktail "Irish Martini" with Baileys liqueur and whiskey: recipes and proportions

The Irish Martini is a delicious strong cocktail with rich chocolate and coffee flavors.

You will need:

  • Irish Whiskey - 20 ml. (can be replaced with tape)
  • Creamy Baileys - 50 ml.
  • Cold espresso (coffee that has cooled down) – 20 ml.
  • Chipped ice - 40-50 g.
  • Chocolate chips - 1 tsp with a slide


  • Mix coffee and ice with a blender
  • Add cream liqueur and whiskey
  • Pour the mixture into a martini glass
  • Garnish with grated chocolate
  • Insert a short thin tube

Video: "Cocktail B-52 classic"

Let's start with the fact that only products of the Irish company R. A. Bailey & Co can be called Baileys liqueur, and we do not pretend to be. There are many homemade recipes for this delicious liqueur. Many spears are broken: with eggs, without eggs; if with eggs, we will be poisoned or not; if we get poisoned, then with what ... I want to make an attempt to offer you a safe, and, it seems to me, the most correct option.

Ingredients for Homemade Baileys Tastier than Store-Bought:

Recipe "Homemade liqueur like Baileys "Tastier than store bought"":

Let's start in order. Eggs in Baileys, nevertheless, should be, whatever one may say. Attempts to prepare this liquor without them are mainly due to the fear of picking up salmonella from raw chicken eggs. The best way out is quail eggs. The quail bird is clean, not prone to chicken sores, you can not be afraid. Of course, if you have a familiar, proven domestic chicken, then you can take her eggs, only less than 3 or 4, but we city dwellers don’t have familiar chickens (there are familiar chickens, no chickens ...), so 12 pieces of quail .

My eggs are broken into a bowl. There are all the ingredients except for vodka, and I mercilessly mix everything with a blender until the sugar is completely dissolved. I poked the blender into the bottom, does it crunch? So it's dissolved.
Who loves a strong coffee aroma - 3 tablespoons of coffee boldly! Whoever likes the chocolate taste more, put more cocoa (soluble, of course), for example 2 tablespoons, and one coffee.

I add vodka to the bowl, and again with a blender.
What about vodka... You don't need to take a cheap one at all. I personally do not use vodka, but alcohol filtered through coal and diluted to 40 degrees. In any city you can find a semi-legal supplier of good alcohol. Well, if not, then maybe vodka. Here is a dilemma: good vodka is very expensive, usually it is imported, not from what is in stores, but good vodka should be drunk this way, and not harassed by any nonsense, and the economic effect of producing liquor on expensive vodka is reduced to zero, on the other sides to take quite cheap - voluntarily poison yourself. As a compromise, perhaps, we can take the average price category, for example, vodka named after our President-Prime Minister-President (in this sequence, and not vice versa)). She's always been nothing...

Well, in general, that's all. Pour it into a bottle and put it in the refrigerator for a day, let it rest, is it a joke, when such metamorphoses ... You can drink right away, of course, but the next day it tastes better.

Many of my friends have already tried it. All are still alive. I personally am rather indifferent to him, I would like something stronger, but always the female half of the feast, almost unanimously says: your Baileys tastier than store bought!!! I'm glad to hear it. Yes, "how much cheaper!!!", I think. It makes me feel even better about it.
From this amount of ingredients, almost 1 liter of liquor is obtained. It is stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time (I have stood for more than a month), it is not divided into fractions, in short - a thing!
Have a nice app...what an appetite??? For health!!!

You will need:
- three liters of cola;
- two cans of condensed milk (preferably with cocoa);
- about 0.7 liters of 96% alcohol;
- five bags of vanilla;
- container - it can be plastic, as long as it is clean and five-liter. Do not pay attention to the unpresentability of, say, a canister: it is convenient to mix future liquor in it. And if you seriously want to pass off your creation as a real Baileys, you can always pour it.

To make the mixture homogeneous, follow a simple sequence: first pour condensed milk, then cola, then alcohol. The final step is vanilla. Now shake the canister until the liquid becomes a uniform color. Leave the drink alone for 8 hours at room temperature - it should settle. Then shake the canister well. Repeat three times. In a day, the drink will be ready for use and will remain so for six months even at room temperature.


Ask a person who knows where fruit is sold to buy:
- three kilograms of strawberries;
- and one lime.
- With two bottles of vodka (a total of one and a half liters), there will be no problem: you yourself know where to find it.
- What else? Half a liter of grapefruit juice.

Use a blender to make a nasty puree from strawberries. Mix juice with delicious vodka in any container with a lid, add strawberry puree and squeeze lime. Close, mix well and leave at room temperature. In a day, you can not only taste the “liquor”, but already drink it. Shelf life in the refrigerator is 1-2 weeks.


Look in your kitchen for:
- two liters of alcohol;
- a set of spices: 15 g of cinnamon in the form of tubes, 50 hooks of cloves (well, this is how it looks), 4 g of cardamom and anise, 20 black peppercorns.

You will also need three lemons, or rather, the zest removed from them.

Dilute alcohol and water in a ratio of one to one, add spices and leave to infuse. After seven days, prepare sugar syrup. Everything is simple here: take half a kilo of sugar and half a liter of water, put on fire and stir until it boils. Pour the cooled syrup into a container with alcohol, add water so that the total volume reaches 5 liters, mix the almost ready Becherovka and leave it alone for three days. At the appointed time, make the first test: if the aroma is poor, let the liquor brew for a couple of days. If you like everything, take cheesecloth or a fine sieve and filter the drink. Rejoice, the shelf life of the divine liquor is not limited!
