
Homemade grape wines. A simple recipe for wine from grapes at home

Winemaking is a real skill, the secrets of which must be studied for centuries. However, anyone can make delicious homemade grape wine. And if you follow the detailed recipes, the taste of the resulting drink will be much better than what can be found on store shelves. To your attention and detailed instructions for cooking.

How to make wine from grapes at home classic recipe


  • 2 buckets of grapes;
  • sugar.

Step by Step Recipe for Classic Grape Wine:

  1. Prepare the grapes themselves: sort out, remove rotten and spoiled berries, leaves and any other debris. Berries should not be washed, as there is yeast on the skin that causes fermentation. It will be enough to wipe the berries with a dry cloth. Bacteria that enter with unwashed grapes will die as a result of fermentation. Branches can be removed if desired. As a result, the wine will not be as tart.
  2. Crush the grapes. To do this, you can use any device. The berries can be easily crushed with your hands, or you can use the more ancient method - stamping with your feet. Alternatively, you can use a potato masher to make mashed potatoes. The berries must be well ground so that the juice can stand out from them.
  3. Transfer the crushed berries to a wooden, enameled or glass container. In no case should metal be used, it will spoil the taste of the finished wine. It is better to use a wooden barrel - this is a win-win option. Leave the mass for a few days. Twice a day, periodically mix everything with a wooden spatula. Thus, useful substances will be released from the skins.
  4. After 4-5 days, the juice that has fermented is drained. In this case, the liquid must not be mixed. Squeeze the pulp with your hands. This stage is very important. If you do not drain the juice on time, then as a result the mass will turn out to be very sour. In this case, the wine will no longer work. The juice will have to be poured out or vinegar made from it.
  5. Determine the amount of liquid obtained and add sugar to it with the calculation of 200 grams per 1 liter. Put on fire and, stirring constantly, heat up to a temperature of 45 ° C. Sugar dissolves, and the liquid itself begins to play. Heat is needed for the yeast to come to life and the fermentation process to begin.
  6. Pour the juice into wine bottles and close tightly with a water seal. It is better to write the date, so it will be easier to navigate. Juice should play no less than 21 days. If the wine stands longer, it's okay, the main thing is not less.
  7. After a month, drain the liquid through a tube, trying not to raise the sediment at the bottom. To do this, take a plastic bottle, place one end of the tube into it, the other into the bottle. The bottle should be well below the level of the wine bottle. Remove one end of the tube from the plastic bottle and draw in air. As soon as the juice starts to flow, put it back into the bottle.
  8. The container into which the wine was drained should be loosely closed with lids and put in a cold place for about 40 days. The young wine still has yeast, so it can still play for several days. The carbon dioxide that is created does not find an outlet and the lid is torn off. To avoid this, the lids do not close too tightly.
  9. After 40 days, drain the resulting wine, trying not to raise the sediment at the bottom. Again, you can use a plastic or rubber tube.
  10. Put again for 40 days in a cold place, and then drain again. After the second infusion, a solid precipitate forms at the bottom of the container. Over time, they can turn into pebbles, which, as a result of drinking wine, are deposited in the human kidneys. It is very important not to skip this step and to separate the clear wine from the sediment well. And repeat the procedure. The result should be 3 times 40 days.
  11. The resulting wine acquires an unusual aroma and noble color. Such a drink can be stored in the cellar for decades. Do not shake the bottles, but gently turn during opening.

Step by step recipe how to make Isabella wine from grapes at home

To get the true taste of Isabella wine, you need to choose the appropriate grape variety.

Isabella grape homemade wine - a simple do-it-yourself recipe

You will need:

  • 10 kg of Isabella grapes;
  • 3 kg of sugar.

The process of preparing grape berries for fermentation is the same as in the recipe for classic grape wine. The only thing is that it is better to cover the container with crushed clusters with gauze.


Homemade grape chacha

This drink is called the Georgian bowl or, in a modern way, homemade brandy. Cooking is not a laborious process, but it takes a lot of time. But the result is worth it.

Chacha from grapes at home, recipe

What you need:

  • 30 liters of clean water;
  • 10 liters of grape pomace;
  • 6 kg of sugar.

In order to save the fruits of grapes, this drink is best done at the same time as wine. After wine, pomace remains, which are necessary for making chacha. In any case, they can be prepared again.

  1. Put the pomace in a large container and cover with sugar. Stir and add yeast.
  2. Add room temperature water to the mixture. If it is cold outside, the liquid needs additional heating. But in no case should the water be hot, otherwise the yeast will die and the fermentation process will not begin.
  3. Fermentation of the mass takes about 10 days. If additional yeast was not used - a month. Throughout the entire period, open the container with slurry and stir so that the cake cap falls back into the water. This is necessary so that mold does not form at the top.
  4. Then start the race. The process is no different when distilling moonshine. Some advise doing a double distillation. In the first case, moonshine will have a rich grape hue.
  5. After distillation, chacha is bottled. They must be placed in a room where the air temperature is not higher than 20 ° C. Chacha is infused for 1-1.5 months. The drink will ripen and turn into a real brandy with grape flavor.

This drink will appeal to women because it is very mild in taste.

classical grape liqueur at home, a simple recipe

The drink is obtained naturally thanks to wild yeast. The recipe does not use vodka and other similar ingredients. If the berries are too sweet, reduce the amount of granulated sugar at your discretion.

  • 2 kg of ripe grapes of any variety;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of plain water.


Grape tincture at home - a simple recipe


  • 3 liter jar filled with grapes;
  • 1.5 liters of vodka or moonshine;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara.


Grapes are ordinary fruit berries that can be used to make many unusual drinks. - wines, liqueurs, chacha, tinctures, each person will choose what he liked the most. Grapes are very easy to work with at home. For its processing does not require special devices. From different grape varieties, original, pleasant-tasting drinks with an unusual aroma are obtained. Wine obtained from grapes is used as the basis for mulled wine. The liqueur is used as an impregnation for a cake, etc. Drinks made from grapes are among the best in the world.

Wine has long been considered a sacred healthy drink, the secrets of making which have been passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays, there is also a huge number of connoisseurs of the variety of its flavors. And home-made grape wine is a completely natural, exquisite creation, largely dependent on diligence and adherence to the standards of the technological process of its production.

The secrets of making wine have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. Now everyone can try their hand at making wine at home.

Wine has long been considered a sacred healthy drink, the secrets of making which have been passed down from generation to generation. Nowadays, there is also a huge number of connoisseurs of the variety of its flavors. And home-made grape wine is a completely natural, exquisite creation, largely dependent on diligence and adherence to the standards of the technological process of its production. Anyone can easily master the art of creating a drink they revere. To do this, you just need to carefully study the recommendations for carrying out consistent actions in creating a winemaking product.

Preparation for processing

The most ideal berry for making wine is considered to be grapes. To make high-quality wine at home, it is necessary to use only well-ripened fruits collected in dry weather, in no case after rain. This is necessary so that natural wild yeast in the form of a whitish coating, indispensable for the fermentation process, must remain on the fruits. Berries should not be rotten or frozen. Also, do not use crumbled fruits in order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste as a result. Cut grapes must be processed within 2 days. Harvesting is best done no earlier than the second half of September.

You should be aware that not all grape varieties are suitable for the production of delicious homemade grape wine. To create sweet wines, Muscat varieties are ideal, containing a large amount of sugar. Table types are best made from not quite ripe berries, using Isabella, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, etc. varieties.

Grapes are considered to be the ideal raw material for making wine.

Grape wine with the addition of water has a subtle taste and becomes less cloying. You can complement the flavor of the drink by adding a little vanilla or almond powder to it.

The process of selecting berries is quite laborious, but necessary to achieve high-quality grape wine with a pleasant aftertaste and aroma as a result.

In order to avoid contamination of raw materials with pathogenic microorganisms, it is necessary to properly prepare containers, as well as all accessories used. They need to be dry and completely clean. It will not be superfluous to disinfect with boiling water, after which the surfaces should be wiped dry with a clean cloth.


Prepared fruits must be carefully crushed by hand or with a wooden rolling pin to avoid crushing the seeds, from which the product becomes bitter. The resulting pulp is sent to the prepared container, filling about 3/4 of its total volume. It is allowed to use glass, enameled, wooden and plastic containers, but not metal ones.

It is recommended to cover the container with the pulp with gauze or cloth, thus avoiding the ingress of flies, as well as other insects, and remove it for three days in a warm place, excluding sunlight. After a short period of time, the fermentation of grape juice will begin, creating a foam cap on the surface, formed from the skin of the fruit. It must be broken twice or thrice a day, while gently mixing the pulp with your hands, or with a wooden pestle, to avoid peroxidation.

After three days, the juice in the pulp will lighten, a slight hiss will be heard. This will be a signal that it is time to move on to the next step in the preparation of grape wine.

Transfusion and shuttering

The grape juice obtained during preparation should be placed in glass bottles for further fermentation.

So, we remove the pulp accumulated in the outer layer with the peel into another container, while squeezing the juice out of it. Next, you need to filter all the freshly squeezed juice 2-3 times with a gauze cloth. At the same time, the transfusion process fills it with oxygen, starting the action of wine yeast.

If a recipe for making grape wine with the addition of water is used, then at this stage of production it must be added to the juice in an amount of 30% of the total volume of liquid.

Place the resulting amount of prepared juice in glass containers, approximately 70% of the total volume of the bottle, for further fermentation. In order to avoid peroxidation of the wine, it is necessary to avoid the entry of oxygen into it, at the same time, allowing the release of carbon dioxide. To do this, you will need to install any of the water seal devices on the container. This can be a water seal, consisting of a cap, a tube and a jar, which is usually used for large volume bottles, or a fairly common method using a medical glove, piercing a hole with a needle at the location of any of the fingers.

Adding sugar

At this stage, it is necessary to control the amount of sugar in the resulting wort, focusing on sufficient sweetness to taste.

To make good wine without disrupting the normal fermentation process, the addition of sugar must be gradual. This means that every 3 days it is necessary to add it at a dose of 50 g per 1 liter of liquid, after dissolving it in a small amount of drained wort. A similar manipulation should be done about 4 times in the first 2-3 weeks of fermentation.

An important condition for the technology of making high-quality wine is the further observance of the temperature regime, which becomes: 22-28 C for red and 16-22 C for white wines. It is not permissible to lower it to the limit of 15 C, since at this temperature the fermentation process will stop.

Initial vigorous fermentation

In case of continued fermentation 50 days after the installation of the water seal, it is recommended to drain the liquid part into another container in order to avoid the occurrence of a bitter aftertaste.

The duration of the rapid fermentation stage depends on several factors:

  • yeast activity;
  • quantitative composition of sugar;
  • temperature conditions.

The process continues until the yeast has completely processed almost all of the sugar. This can be determined by the following features:

  • cessation of blowing bubbles with a water seal;
  • blowing off a medical glove;
  • yeast sediment falling to the bottom.

In case of continued fermentation 50 days after the installation of the water seal, in order to avoid the occurrence of a bitter aftertaste, it is recommended to drain the liquid part into another container, leaving the sediment unchanged, and again put it under a water seal for final fermentation.

After that, you need to move on to a further stage of production, namely, the first transfusion, followed by quiet fermentation.

Pouring and quiet fermentation

Quiet fermentation of the hop drink lasts about 3-4 months at a temperature of about 10-12 C. At the discretion, a water seal can be installed on the tank due to a slight accumulation of carbon dioxide.

A container with a drink is placed on a raised platform, and it is carefully poured into another, filling it to the very neck using a rubber tube. It is very important not to touch the sediment. Otherwise, the taste of the wine will deteriorate, become bitter, and spoil the overall pleasant sensation of the aftertaste.

The produced product is not yet sufficiently transparent, since its appearance has not yet been fully formed, and it must be fermented and also clarified.

Quiet fermentation of the hop drink lasts about 3-4 months at a temperature of about 10-12 C. At the discretion, a water seal can be installed on the tank due to a slight accumulation of carbon dioxide. During the quiet fermentation phase, the color of the drink will become lighter, leaving sediment at the bottom. Therefore, there is a need for its transfusion once every 30 days. Along with this, the wine will be saturated with oxygen, necessary for its full aging.

When the process of quiet fermentation is over, there is a need to add sugar from dessert wine varieties. You need to know how to do it right.

Sweetening of semi-sweet wines is carried out by adding 50 g of sugar per 1 liter, dessert types - 100-150 g - per 1 liter, liqueur - from 200 g - per 1 liter.

You can also add alcohol or vodka, thus obtaining a fortified wine, but making the taste less fragrant and more rigid.

The presented recipe for making a wine drink is universal.

Creating a quality winemaking product is a creative process that requires specific knowledge and certain skills. You should also follow the proper conditions to ensure that the correct temperature regime is observed.


Saturated red varieties of wines must be aged for about 1-2 years, light reds - about 1 year, dense fragrant white varieties - half a year, light ones - 3 months are enough at a temperature of 10-15 C in a dark, dry room. The most suitable places for the full maturation of the product are wine cellars, where the same air temperature is always maintained.

To obtain the perfect aromatic drink, it is advised to use the method of cryostabilization of wine. The bottom line is its short exposure at a low temperature, for about a couple of weeks. You can use a refrigerator or basement for this purpose in winter. This procedure favors the clarification of the product, and also contributes to the rapid and effective disposal of crystalline particles and tartar. Also, exposure to cold helps to cope with excess acid, making the taste of wine softer and more pleasant.

Wine bottling and storage

It is better to pour wine into special durable bottles, corking them with long corks, pre-treating the container with soda solution and then thoroughly rinsing it with water.

Next, we proceed to the next stage of the technology for the production of grape wine, which requires very simple actions. Before proceeding to bottling, the wine must be filtered. This is done using a soft cloth or special filter paper.

It is better to pour wine into special durable bottles, corking them with long corks, pre-treating the container with soda solution and then thoroughly rinsing it with water.

The filling of the container should be complete, almost to the level of contact with the cork, with a small air gap of 1-2 cm.

It is recommended to store wine at home in the basement, provided that there is no high humidity there, and the air temperature does not exceed 10 C. Bottles filled with intoxicating products should be stored only in the supine position, thereby maintaining their tightness.

Of course, making wine with your own hands is not so easy. But having gone through all the stages of its manufacture, while observing the general recommendations as much as possible, a worthy result of labor is achieved in the form of a pleasant and not only tasty, but also very healthy drink.

Useful properties of hop products

Grape wine contains a rich chemical complex of valuable substances, indicating its medicinal effect on the human body. This has been proven by scientists who have studied the properties of the intoxicated product. So, according to their conclusions, any wines, especially home-made ones, are a valuable healing drink that has a positive effect on the human body to a greater extent than other food products.

The following medicinal qualities of grape wine can be distinguished:

  • has a general strengthening effect;
  • has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • is an anesthetic and wound healing agent;
  • serves as a source of vitamins, various trace elements and amino acids;
  • helps to increase immunity;
  • slows down the aging process of the body.

Grape wine contains a rich chemical complex of valuable substances, indicating its medicinal effect on the human body. This has been proven by scientists who have studied the properties of the intoxicated product.

Even in antiquity, some unusual observation was discovered. It consisted in the fact that due to epidemics of various terrible diseases, entire states perished en masse. But in areas where winemaking was widespread, where people made and constantly drank wine, the impact of diseases was much lower, and the cure rate was much higher.

Grape wine has strong healing effects in the fight against various viruses and infections, and also helps to quickly and effectively deal with colds. Mulled wine lovers should know that this drink was created by one of the ancient pharmacists for the treatment of tuberculosis, colds and general health promotion.

In our time, obesity has become quite an actual disease, even in children. The intake of grape wine can contribute to a significant decrease in body weight, by restoring metabolic processes in the body, as well as normalizing the course of the process of splitting fats.

By observing the therapeutic dosage, drinking wine significantly improves the normal functioning of the heart muscle, removes excess cholesterol from the blood, treats depression and gives an incredible surge of strength and energy.

You can make applications and small baths from a medicinal drink, which give the skin elasticity, while making it smooth and tender, smoothing wrinkles and wrinkles, and also help get rid of cellulite.

The healing effect of grape wine prepared according to various recipes is as follows:

  • resumption of the body's immune forces;
  • disinfectant property;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • filling with valuable chemical elements;
  • rejuvenating effect on the skin.

The provided technology for creating a noble, delicious drink from grapes is suitable for making wines of different varieties.

You can apply all sorts of simple recipes, and more complex ones using different grape varieties. In any case, you will get a unique taste of a wine drink. It is only important to have an idea of ​​​​how to make homemade wine, and also to put maximum effort into this process.

Grape wine at home

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The choice of raw materials for making homemade wine should be approached with all responsibility. Most often, dark grapes are used, from which an unusual, fragrant and tasty drink is obtained. There are many ways to make black grape wine at home, but as practice shows, a simple recipe is the best choice.

Benefits of homemade alcohol

Homemade wine is considered healthier than store-bought wine, because only high-quality, environmentally friendly ingredients are used for its preparation. The homemade drink does not include harmful chemical additives, it is absolutely natural and safe for health.

Wine made from black grapes consists of water, organic acids, minerals and ethyl alcohol. Usually, a sufficiently large amount of sugar is used in the recipe, due to which the wine turns out to be high-calorie. 100 ml of the product may contain about 70-80 kcal.

What is the benefit:

  • The composition of red wine includes an antioxidant complex that slows down the aging process in the body and helps to get rid of toxins;
  • Improves blood formation;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, cleanses the blood vessels.

Of course, wine, like any alcohol, should be consumed in limited quantities. In the presence of chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult with your treating specialist.

Suitable grape varieties

Many varieties of dark grapes are characterized by low acidity, while containing quite a lot of fruit sugars. Thanks to this, you can get a fragrant, rich alcoholic drink with a pleasant taste. It is quite possible to make wine from black grapes at home, it is only important to choose the right variety.

What varieties of dark grapes should be preferred:

  • Black emerald;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Black Prince;
  • Original;
  • Black Odessa;
  • Pinot.

Often winemakers make homemade wine from black sultana grapes.

On a note! In home winemaking, varieties of the so-called "technical" grapes are used. On clusters of "technical" varieties, juicy berries of small size ripen, which fit snugly against each other. Wine from small black grapes is fragrant and rich.

Basic rules for making homemade wine

  1. Grapes should be harvested only in dry sunny weather. Berries picked on a rainy day can become moldy and spoil the taste of the wine. The grapes must be ripe, but not overripe, otherwise the drink may turn into berry vinegar.
  2. Raw materials for homemade drink are not washed. In the presence of severe damage, the berries can be wiped with a clean, dry cloth.
  3. You should carefully consider the process of pressing grape pulp. For these purposes, a wooden pusher is usually used, but professional winemakers advise crushing the berries with rubber-gloved hands so as not to damage the seeds.
  4. All the beneficial properties of grapes will be preserved in the drink only with proper storage. Wine should be stored underground or in a cellar, where it will not be exposed to sunlight.

Preparing for the process

Berry juice extract

How to make wine from black grapes?

Depending on the variety, the grapes are harvested at the end of September and before the first frost. Clusters are carefully removed from the branches so as not to damage the berries. Fallen grapes are not recommended to use, so as not to spoil the final taste of the drink.

Prepare a container for wine in advance. All containers must be thoroughly washed and dried. As a rule, containers made of wood, glass, food grade plastic are used. Do not use metal kitchen utensils and utensils, so that the oxidation process does not occur. The exception is stainless steel cookware. The volume of the container is selected depending on how much juice will be used.

How to ferment wine from black grapes? A medical rubber glove is put on the neck of the fermentation bottle. Small holes are pierced in one or two fingers with a thin needle. The most suitable option is to use a ready-made water seal, but you can also make a similar design yourself. To do this, take a plastic cover, in which you first need to make a hole. A rubber tube is placed in it, the second end of which is dipped into a small container of water. Carbon dioxide during fermentation will exit through the hose.

Classic recipe

The main recipe for wine includes several important steps in the preparation of a drink from black grapes: squeezing the juice from the berries, the fermentation process, and aging the resulting drink. If you want to make sweet or semi-sweet wine, granulated sugar or natural honey is added to the juice. To get a dry drink, only grape juice is used.

Usually red homemade wine is made from dark grapes. To make wine from black grapes, you only need two ingredients:

  • Dark grapes - 10 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

How to make wine from black grapes according to the classic recipe:

  1. Crush the harvested and sorted grapes with your hands or with a wooden rolling pin. Make sure that the bones remain intact, otherwise the wine may turn out with unpleasant bitterness.
  2. Put several layers of gauze on top of the dishes with the pulp. Oxygen will get inside, while the gauze will protect against insects.
  3. Place the container with the grape mass in a dark room for three days. The temperature should be room temperature. Stir the contents several times a day with a wooden spoon. As soon as the skins of the grapes rise to the surface, gas bubbles will appear, a characteristic yeast smell of fermentation will be felt, proceed to get the juice. To do this, squeeze the pulp with gauze.
  4. Pour the grape juice into the prepared fermentation container, filling it to ¾ of the total volume. It's time to put on a glove or install a water seal.
  5. Place the container with the wort in a warm, dark place for further fermentation.
  6. After a few days, try the drink. If the taste seems too sour, sugar will need to be added to the wine. This is done in the following way. About a liter of must is poured out of the bottle, sugar is diluted in it, after which it is poured back to the wine. The amount is calculated as follows: for 1 liter of homemade wine you will need about 50 grams of granulated sugar
  7. Fermentation will continue for 1-2 months. When the process is completed, the glove will deflate, air bubbles will stop coming out of the water seal, a dense sediment will form at the bottom of the bottle, and the liquid will become lighter. At this stage, the drink must be poured into another container without damaging the sediment. This is usually done with a rubber hose.
  8. After that, bottle the young homemade black grape wine, close tightly and place in the cellar or cellar for further infusion. After a few months, the drink is filtered again, after which it can be tasted.

A drink made from dark grapes is obtained with a strength of 11-13 degrees. If you follow the correct preparation technology, homemade wine in a cool place can be stored for about five years.

fortified drink

Quite often, winemakers increase the degree of strength of the wine, which increases the shelf life. Usually grape spirit or good quality vodka is used for these purposes.

How to make fortified wine from black grapes:

  1. 5 kg of grapes are kneaded into gruel.
  2. The pulp is covered with gauze, put in a warm room without sun for 2-3 days, periodically stirring the pulp with a wooden spoon.
  3. The mass is pressed to obtain grape juice. Pour 600 grams of granulated sugar into the juice.
  4. Pour the liquid into the bottle, put a water seal. When the fermentation process is completed, drained from the sediment.
  5. At this stage, vodka or alcohol is added. The volume of strong alcohol should be about 18% of the amount of young wine.
  6. Leave for 2 days, pass through a filter, put for 14 days in a dark place.
  7. It remains only to pour the fortified drink into glass bottles.

honey wine


  • 10 liters of dark grape juice;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 3 kg of natural honey;
  • Wine yeast or 0.5 kg of unwashed raisins.

Making wine from black grapes with honey at home:

Pour clean water into grape juice, add honey. Natural yeast may not be enough, so we add wine yeast or raisins to the juice. The fermentation process is the same as in the standard recipe. Trying a filtered drink. If the drink lacks sweetness, add a little more honey. Pour into bottles, put in a cool room.

Dry red wine recipe

The drink is made exclusively from grape juice, without the addition of honey or granulated sugar. Dry wine made from black grapes is considered a very healthy drink, but you should carefully select the ingredients for it. The sugar content of grapes should vary from 15% to 22%.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pass the berries in a large bowl or saucepan.
  2. Cover with gauze, leave for 2-3 days in a warm, non-sunny place, remembering to stir the pulp with a wooden spoon so that it does not sour.
  3. Squeeze out the juice from the mass, pour into the bottle, filling it not completely. Install a water seal.
  4. Juice should ferment in a warm room for 30-60 days.
  5. After fermentation, filter the dry wine. Bottle and store in cellar/cellar.

Can black grapes make white wine?

Contrary to popular belief, white wine can be made from black grapes. An important condition is that the grape juice should not be dark in color. Juicy, ripe, sweet berries with moderate or low acidity are used.

White wine ferments exclusively on pure juice, without the addition of skins that color the drink dark.

At home, you can make healthy and tasty wine from dark grapes. Depending on individual wishes, you can get a sweet, semi-sweet, dry, fortified drink, with the addition of spices, honey. There is a classic recipe for homemade wine, but in the future you can experiment, show your imagination by adding various ingredients and using different cooking technologies.

How pleasant it is to spend an evening at home in the company of loved ones with a glass of good wine. Especially when it's handmade. If you, your friends or relatives grow grapes on the plot, we recommend making wine from it. We will help you with this - below is the best step-by-step recipe on how to make homemade wine from grapes.

We do not recommend using store-bought berries. The fact is that the natural process of grape fermentation occurs due to the natural yeast contained on its surface. If you wash the berries, the yeast will be washed off and you will not succeed. Remember, grapes cannot be washed. For the same reason, it is very important that at least 2-3 days before the harvest there is no rain and sunny weather. In the case of purchased grapes, you can never be sure what kind of processing it went through before it hit the counter.

We give a simple recipe on how to make good wine yourself from high-quality and proven products.

Classic wine recipe

The recipe consists of only two ingredients - grapes and sugar. Any white or red grape variety that is fully ripe in your area will do. Because how sweet the berries of a particular variety are, the preparation will also depend, namely the amount of sugar added to the drink. If the berries are very sour (so much so that it reduces the cheekbones), you can also add a little water, but this is in extreme cases.

1. Grape harvest

To begin with, to make homemade wine from grapes, you need to harvest the grapes directly from the vine when they are fully ripe. It is better not to pick up berries from the ground, as a characteristic earthy flavor can pass into home-made wine.

Please note that overripe berries (which have begun to ferment on the branch) and unripe ones cannot be used to make wine. Therefore, after harvesting, carefully sort it out, removing leaves, branches, overripe and unripe berries. If you plan to start making a drink not immediately (berries can be stored for two days), then before you make wine from grapes, you will have to sort it out again.

2. Berry processing

Now you need to pour the berries into a clean plastic basin, wooden barrel or enameled pan (leaving a quarter of the volume empty) and transfer them. It is better to do this with your hands or with a wooden pestle (popularly known as a pusher). As a result, you get juice and pulp - the pulp, skin and seeds of grapes remaining after squeezing.

3. Start of fermentation

In order for our raw materials to begin to ferment, it must be covered with a cloth and removed for 3-4 days in a warm, dark place. The optimum temperature is from 17 to 27 degrees Celsius. After 8–20 hours, the fermentation process will begin, and the pulp will float to the surface. To avoid the souring of the juice, once or twice a day it is necessary to mix the contents of the container.

4. Juice separation

After the specified time, you can drain the juice. This is done as follows: first collect the pulp that has surfaced from the surface and put it in a separate container. The remaining must must be filtered several times (2-3 will be enough) through cheesecloth to remove grape residues and saturate the drink with oxygen. From the remaining pulp, you can also squeeze the juice through gauze, after which you throw it away, it has already done its job.

At this step, we recommend trying the juice. If it turned out to be very sour (such that it reduces the cheekbones), you can add a little water, but not more than 0.5 liters per 1 liter of drink. Just keep in mind that sugar will be added later, which will lower the acidity, and water will lower the quality of the grape wine. Therefore, add water only in extreme cases.

Pour the grape juice into a fermentation container - a large glass bottle or jar. You can also use a food grade plastic canister. Remember, about a third of the volume of dishes used should be left empty.

5. Installation of a water seal

To avoid the interaction of young wine with oxygen, as well as to remove carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process, it is necessary to put a water seal on the bottle (jar, canister).

The most common design of a water seal is a plug with an inserted tube to which one end of a hose is attached. The second end is lowered into a jar of water. You can observe the fermentation process in the form of characteristic gurgling.

Of course, you can make a water seal yourself, if you have the right elements, but we recommend installing a device bought in a store. It is sold separately or together with a fermentation tank.

In addition, a rubber medical glove can be used as a water seal, in one of the fingers of which a small hole should first be made with a needle.

6. Active fermentation

For an active fermentation process, it is necessary to provide a suitable temperature - from 17 to 22 degrees Celsius for white grapes or from 21 to 28 degrees Celsius for red. Do not allow the temperature to drop below 16 degrees Celsius, as well as sudden temperature fluctuations. Otherwise, fermentation may stop prematurely. In this case, the container should be in a dark place or be covered with a thick cloth.

7. Adding sugar

As practice shows, 2 percent of sugar in wine must increases the strength of the finished drink by 1 degree. If sugar is not added at all, then the wine will be less strong by no more than 10 degrees. And if you add, then the maximum possible strength is 14 degrees, at higher concentrations of alcohol, wine yeast dies and the fermentation process stops.

You can add sugar after 2-3 days of active fermentation. Try the juice, if it is sour, add sugar at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter. For this, we recommend pouring a liter of juice into a separate container, pouring the required amount of sugar, mix well until the crystals are completely dissolved and pour into the main bottle.

Repeat the procedure approximately 1 time in 5-7 days. After 2-3 weeks, you will notice that the sugar content of the drink practically does not decrease, which means that sugar has ceased to be processed into alcohol and this amount is already enough.

8. Transfusion of wine, sediment separation

Usually a complete fermentation cycle lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the temperature conditions and the activity of the must fermentation. Moreover, if fermentation continues after 50 days from the date of installation of the water seal, it is better to drain the contents of the fermentation tank from the sediment into a clean container. Use a thin hose for this, be careful not to damage the sediment. We re-install the water seal on a new container and allow the wine to ferment.

Young wine should be drained if the water in the jar does not gurgle for more than one day (in the case of a water lock), or if the glove has fallen and deflated, while the juice has become lighter and a precipitate has formed. We do it immediately. If this is not done, young wine may begin to taste bitter, as dead yeast fungi precipitate, the long presence of which in the drink negatively affects its taste and smell.

Before pouring young wine into another container, it is necessary to rearrange it on a dais. In this case, a slight agitation of the contents will occur, so you must wait until the solids have completely settled, and only then proceed to drain. The technology is as follows: insert one end of a thin elastic tube or hose into a filled vessel, and the other end into an empty fermentation vessel located lower in level (on the floor). Be careful that the tube does not touch the sediment and is at some distance from it (several centimeters), otherwise it will go along with the liquid contents, but we do not need this.

9. Taste and strength adjustment

Active fermentation has already ended by this step, so the added sugar will not be processed into alcohol, but it can be used to adjust the taste of the final product. Focus on your taste preferences, while the maximum amount of sugar that can be added is 250 grams per 1 liter of wine. We do this by pouring a small amount of liquid into a separate container. Then we dissolve the sugar there and pour the syrup into the main bottle, as in step 7.

You can also make fortified wine by adding vodka or diluted alcohol to it after fermentation, but not more than 15% of the total volume of the resulting drink. This method of adjusting the recipe contributes to better storage of the wine, but the taste will change slightly and not for the better. Therefore, this option is not for everyone. By the way, some people call fortified wine cocktail, as it goes well with juice.

10. Exposure

So, we fermented the grape juice, separated the sediment, adjusted the sweetness and strength, now the wine must be aged to saturate and form the final taste. Homemade grape wine must be aged for at least one and a half (for white grapes) or two (for red) months, a maximum of a year. Further exposure will not affect the organoleptic properties of the drink, so it does not make sense.

Pour the young wine into a clean glass dish. It can be jars or bottles. The drink must be topped up to the top, so that there is no air left in the used container after its clogging. After that, remove the bottles or jars to a dark, cool place - a basement or cellar - for exposure at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees Celsius.

As the sediment settles, the drink must be poured into other containers, as described in step 8. In this case, if you do everything right, clarification and a decrease in the turbidity of the wine will occur.

11. Bottling and storage

It is easy to determine the readiness of alcohol - when the sediment stops falling, homemade grape wine is ready. Its strength in this case will be from 11 to 13 degrees. Of course, if you did not fix it at step 9. For further storage, the wine must be poured into glass bottles, tightly closed with corks and put in a cool place.

12. Use

When we make wine from grapes at home, it usually tastes a little different from the purchased one, and it can also be a little cloudy, you should not be alarmed by this. You can drink homemade wine in its pure form, or you can add ice cubes or juice (for example, cherry). Experiment, look for the perfect combination of flavors and proportions, then you will get the most delicious wine.

If you have your own recipes or additions to ours, share them with other readers of the site in the comments.

Connoisseurs rightly call this drink "the nectar of the Gods." It is impossible not to fall in love with its heady aroma, rich flavor bouquet and delicious aftertaste from the first sip! Of course, we are talking about wine.

Delicate table, sweet nutmeg, intoxicating fortified and even homemade blue grape wine is always and everywhere considered the most popular drink. Not a single feast, whether it's a romantic dinner or a chic wedding, is complete without this delicious alcoholic product.

We offer you to plunge into the world of wine, and at the same time learn how to make wine from blue grapes at home.

Secret and blessed

The history of the emergence of wine is shrouded in unsolved mysteries. No one knows for sure where the first wine was made and how long ago it happened. Around this topic, heated debates have not subsided to this day.

Scientists say that already many thousands of years before our era, our distant ancestors drank grape juice fermented in the sun.

Theologians, on the other hand, assure that the first wine was made from the grapes that the Lord gave to Noah. There are many references to this drink in the Bible. According to Holy Scripture, Jesus Christ loved wine, so the Christian ban on drinking alcoholic beverages does not apply to wine. Priests use the famous Cahors church wine for communion, weddings and baptisms and claim that this is for good.

Be that as it may, wine is loved and drunk in all ages. Even during the adoption of dry law in the era of the USSR, craftsmen made it with their own hands and used it both for their home holidays and for underground sales.

Impressive Variety

Making grape wine is a very profitable business. Wine is perhaps the only alcoholic beverage available in a wide variety of flavors and recipes. Its taste varies depending on the aging method and how much sugar the producers have added to the grape wine. Even the material from which the grape juice fermentation container is made affects the aroma and taste.

Curious facts about wine

True connoisseurs and collectors of wine can tell stories about this drink for hours with maniacal enthusiasm. There is even the science of oenology, which studies this product.

Wine by strength can be: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert, liqueur, fortified. By taste, it can be: table, vintage, collection. The color of wine also pleases with variety and can be: white, amber, pink, red, ruby ​​and even black.

Separately, it is worth noting homemade grape wine. How to make it? Read on!

Home winemaking

In order to taste delicious wine, it is not at all necessary to run to the supermarket and study bottle labels for hours - you can make grape wine with your own hands, taking into account individual taste preferences.

Do not be afraid to try yourself as a winemaker! Making grape wine is not too difficult and exciting process that has a great chance of becoming a hobby.

The first thing to do is to make a list of the required ingredients and tools. The second stage is to decide what kind of drink you want to get. Beginners are advised to start making wine from blue grapes - at home this is the most successful option.

All about blue wine grapes

The most simple, but nevertheless amazingly tasty and fragrant wine is made from blue grapes. At home, it is prepared most often because of the availability and cheapness of this variety of berries.

The best varieties of such grapes are considered "Livadian black" and "dove". These are unpretentious, low-maintenance species that can be found in almost every summer cottage. Wine grapes ripen in early autumn, and then the fences of neighboring household plots and stalls in the markets are simply bursting with the abundance of these berries.

Blue grapes contain a huge amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Each berry contains 50-80% of juice saturated with pectin, natural sugar, vitamins A, C, E, PP, H, B, as well as macro- and microelements such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, zinc, chromium, copper, manganese, iodine, molybdenum, fluorine, silicon, boron and others.

Interestingly, homemade blue grape wine does not detract from all its beneficial properties and can be not only an alcoholic drink, but also a vitamin cocktail to some extent.

Getting Started with Winemaking

Before you start making wine from blue grapes at home, you need to make sure that everything you need is available:

  • blue grapes - 10 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • stainless steel tank 30 l;
  • a pair of glass bottles of 20 liters;
  • medical gloves;
  • gauze;
  • colander;
  • tubule 2 m long and 1 cm in diameter;

Stage one, preparatory

So, we begin to make wine from blue grapes, the recipe for which is
described below and broken down into several steps for convenience.

  1. The first step is to collect ripe grapes. You need to collect it directly with twigs, without tearing off the berries themselves. Then we separate them from the bunches and put them in a stainless container. It is impossible to wash the grapes, because it is in the skin of the berries that the substance is located, due to which the fermentation process occurs.
  2. After that, you need to crush the berries with your hands until a large amount of juice is released. It is recommended that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately, as the juice can stain the skin and cause a burning sensation and itching.
  3. Then we carefully cover the container with the crushed berries with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm room for 5 days.

Stage two, the most important

After 5 days, if everything was done correctly, the pulp should rise in the container. This is what is left of the berries after squeezing the juice.

  1. Everything needs to be filtered through a colander, then the pulp should be thrown onto cheesecloth and the remaining juice should be squeezed out of it.
  2. Purified grape juice should be carefully poured into bottles and add equal portions of sugar there. It is important to mix it very carefully.

Stage three, final

Keep in mind that sugar does not dissolve too quickly, so be patient.

Most likely, guests will appreciate your homemade grape wine. How to make it and what is needed for this - they will be happy to tell the newly-made winemaker.

Variations on a Theme of Wine

In addition to the traditional method of preparation, it exists with water. It is slightly different from the usual one, but at the same time, the wine turns out to be no less tasty. To make such a drink, you need to calculate the measures of water and sugar in relation to grape juice. For 1 kg of berries you need 1.5 liters of water and 0.7 kg of sugar.

  1. After squeezing the grapes into a mixture of juice and pulp, add the required amount of water and sugar and mix well.
  2. Leave to ferment for a week, stirring every day 3-4 times to prevent mold.
  3. Then the juice should be filtered and bottled. A medical glove with punctures on the fingers is put on the neck of the bottle, and then everything is the same as in the traditional recipe for making wine.

Secrets of home winemaking

In order for the wine to turn out the first time, the process does not become tedious, and the result does not bring disappointment, you should familiarize yourself with some secrets that will be very useful to a novice winemaker.

  • Juice can be obtained not only by squeezing with your hands, but also with the help of a juicer.
  • Instead of bottles, you can use ordinary three-liter jars.
  • In the absence of a medical glove, a condom will do.
  • The sweetness and strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar, so less sugar is needed for dry wine, and more for fortified wine.
  • To keep wine longer, it is best to bottle it in glass bottles rather than plastic ones.
  • The best place for - basement or cellar.
  • To make the wine crystal clear, before bottling it, it is recommended to lower specially prepared bentonite into the container.

Most likely, the first production of wine will be followed by the second, and the third, and the fourth. Gradually, this process will become a kind of annual sacred rite. A few years later, a lot of varieties of homemade wine will be invented. In addition to blue grapes, varieties such as Lydia, Isabella, Nastya, Kesha can be used for production.

In addition, wine can be prepared not only from grapes! A unique alcoholic drink can be obtained from fragrant raspberries, sweet blackberries, ripe apples, juicy currants, tender plums. The scope for imagination and experimentation is huge.

Homemade wine is so tasty and healthy that once you taste it, you will never want to buy its likeness in the store again. Naturalness, a huge amount of useful substances, divine aroma and taste make you fall in love with yourself once and for all...
