
Homemade khachapuri with cheese. How to cook real Caucasian khachapuri at home

Khachapuri is a Georgian cheese pie. There are many khachapuri recipes. Each village has its own recipe. Cheese for traditional khachapuri baking is taken from cottage cheese, such as Adyghe.

Features of cooking khachapuri in a pan, in the oven, slow cooker, microwave, bread machine

The secret of khachapuri very simple - there should be more filling than dough.

Khachapuri cooked in a frying pan

Khachapuri in a pan can be cooked small or large, depending on the size of your pan. The taste of khachapuri depends on the dough and cheese for the filling.

Fried khachapuri in a pan turns out thin, very soft and tender.

secrets which can be used for cooking delicious and varied khachapuri:

  • In order to have a different taste every time you cook khachapuri, finely chopped dill and green onions can be added to the filling.
  • Instead of cottage cheese and suluguni, you can take Adyghe cheese equally with Imeretian, or mozzarella in half with cheese.
  • If the filling consists of fatty cheese, then butter can be omitted.

Khachapuri in a pan


  1. Dough. For airiness and softness of the finished product, sift over a bowl 300 g flour.
  2. We mix separately 125 ml of kefir and sour cream, half a teaspoon of salt and soda, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 100 g of melted butter, and knead everything.
  3. Gradually add flour to the mixture and knead with a spoon, and when the dough thickens, knead it on the table with your hands until the dough is homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands.
  4. We leave the kneaded dough to rest, and in the meantime we will deal with the filling.
  5. Filling. In a bowl, rub with a fork 175 g cottage cheese.
  6. We cut into small pieces 175 g suluguni.
  7. We mix cottage cheese, suluguni, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 tbsp. tablespoon soft butter, salt to taste and knead.
  8. Cooking khachapuri. Divide the rested dough into 4 parts.
  9. Flatten 1 part of the dough on the table with a rolling pin.
  10. Roll up a ball from ¼ of the filling and place it in the middle of the dough layer.
  11. We collect the dough over the filling, connect the edges and carefully so that the filling does not come out, roll this ball with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.
  12. We put khachapuri to fry in a hot frying pan without oil for 1-2 minutes, covered with a lid, and then turn over with a spatula and fry on the other side.
  13. More hot khachapuri brush with butter (20 g), and stack it up.
  14. In order not to cool down, cover the khachapuri first with a film, and on top with a towel.
  15. When all khachapuri are ready, serve them to the table with tea or coffee.

So you need to collect the edges of the dough when cooking khachapuri

Khachapuri cooked in the oven

Khachapuri in the oven from yeast dough


  1. Cooking the dough. stir 2 teaspoons dry yeast V 0.5 cup warm milk, add here 1 st. a spoonful of sugar, and leave until the yeast rises, about 10 minutes.
  2. When the dough comes up, add to it salt, 30 g vegetable oil, 500 g flour, and knead the dough 150-200 ml warm water. It turned out a thick dough, put it in a warm place, and after 30-40 minutes we crush it.
  3. Filling. 400 g fat cottage cheese knead, add 200 g crumbled Adyghe cheese or suluguni, 1 egg and mix.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough that has come up into pieces, the size of a fist, knead each piece of dough or roll it with a rolling pin into a cake so that its middle is thicker.
  5. In the middle of the cakes put 1 tbsp. spoon the filling, collect the edges of the cake over the filling, pinch and turn over to the other side.
  6. We carefully roll out the cake so that the filling does not come out of it, put it on a sheet previously covered with paper, seam down, in the middle we make a small hole - for steam to escape.
  7. We put the cake in a hot oven, heated to 220 ° C, and bake for no more than 10 minutes.
  8. Baked flatbread still hot grease with butter (10-20 g).

Khachapuri from the multicooker

Khachapuri from the multicooker are tasty, juicy and fragrant.

Khachapuri in a slow cooker


  1. Cooking stuffing. 300 g Imeretian cheese three on a grater, and mix with finely chopped dill (small bunch).
  2. Cooking the dough. Mix in a deep bowl 1 cup matsoni (Georgian fermented milk drink), but you can also use kefir, which is familiar to us, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of sugar and vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of salt and soda, knead everything.
  3. Add to liquid mixture 3 cups sifted flour and knead a thick dough, let it brew a little.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We cut the dough into small pieces, roll it into a layer, grease it with the filling, cover with another layer of dough, pinch the edges.
  5. We turn on the multicooker in the "Casper" mode, if your multicooker does not have such a mode, then "Frying", put the raw khachapuri in a dry bowl and fry. Approximate frying time on both sides is 15 minutes.
  6. Hot fried khachapuri coat with butter (10-20 g) and serve warm.

Khachapuri cooked in the microwave

Khachapuri in the microwave


  1. Cooking fresh dough. Sifting 3 cups flour, mix it with 0.5 teaspoon soda make a well in the flour and pour in 1 egg, 1 cup salted water, mix until uniform, and let stand for a while.
  2. Cooking stuffing. 500 g suluguni or cheese mash with a fork, add 1 yolk, 50 g butter, and mix everything.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out 2 cakes, put one cake on a large plate, grease first butter (10-15 g), and then with the filling, cover with a second cake, also greased with butter on the inside, connect the edges.
  4. We coat the top of khachapuri 1 shaken egg white, put in the microwave at full power, for 4-5 minutes, then take it out of the microwave, pierce it in several places and put it in the microwave again for 4-5 minutes.

Dough for khachapuri can be prepared in a bread machine

To cook khachapuri faster, the dough for them can be cooked in a bread machine.

Khachapuri from dough cooked in a bread machine


  1. Dough. Warm up 0.5 l milk and dissolve in it 80 g butter or margarine.
  2. Mix warm milk with butter in a bowl of a bread machine, 2 teaspoons spoons of dry yeast, a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of walnut oil, 1 yolk, 600 g flour, put the bowl in the bread machine, and turn on the “Dough” mode.
  3. Filling. Three on a grater 0.5 kg of Imeretian or other similar cheese.
  4. Cooking khachapuri in the oven. Grease the table and lightly sprinkle with flour.
  5. We take the dough out of the bread machine, divide it into 4-6 parts, roll it into a layer, sprinkle with stuffing, fold it into an envelope, and roll it out thinly again.
  6. The resulting reservoir lubricate with 1 protein shaken with a drop of milk, sprinkle with stuffing, fold into an envelope and put in a hot oven heated to 250 ° C for 10 minutes.
  7. When khachapuri is baked, grease them butter (20-30 g), and immediately serve hot to the table.

Puff Khachapuri

Puff khachapuri cooked in the oven

Layered khachapuri in Georgia more called foamani.

If you already have puff pastry, then such khachapuri can be prepared quickly, half an hour - and a juicy, tasty dish is ready.

Puff Khachapuri


  1. Cooking puff pastry. 1 pack (250 g) frozen margarine three on a coarse grater, and grind with 3 cups flour, add 2 eggs, quickly knead the thick dough, and set for 2 hours to cool.
  2. Cooking stuffing. 500 g suluguni cheese, feta, mozzarella, or cheese three on a grater, we drive 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted butter, knead, and the filling is ready.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We roll the dough not very thin so as not to tear, approximately 5 mm, cut into squares, each side is about 15 cm long.
  4. We lay out the filling on each square, pinch the 4 ends of the dough at the top above the filling, grease 1 yolk mixed with 1 st. a spoonful of water lay out on a sheet moistened in advance with water, and put in a hot oven.
  5. Bake over medium heat for about 20 minutes until the envelopes are browned.
  6. Such khachapuri can be eaten both hot and cold.

Khachapuri step by step recipe

9 steps to cooking khachapuri

Khachapuri with hard cheese


  1. Dough. Melt in a deep bowl butter (2-3 tablespoons).
  2. We drive in 1 egg.
  3. Sifting 3 cups flour and mix it with salt, soda (0.5 teaspoons each), add flour to the mixture of butter and egg, stir, add 1 glass of kefir, and knead a thick dough.
  4. Let the test rest for half an hour.
  5. We divide it into 2 parts, and roll 2 layers.
  6. Filling. 0.5 kg hard cheese dill, cilantro, a few tablespoons of sour cream and knead.
  7. Cooking khachapuri. We lay out a layer of dough in a round form, grease with a thick layer of filling.
  8. Cover with a second layer and connect the edges.
  9. We bake khachapuri in the oven, turning on medium heat, for 15-20 minutes, until it turns red. Remove from oven and brush immediately butter (15-20 g).

How to cook khachapuri with cheese and suluguni, a recipe in the oven with a photo

Khachapuri cooked with cheese and suluguni

Khachapuri with cottage cheese and suluguni baked in the oven


  1. 300 g margarine we divide into 3 parts.
  2. Cooking the dough. TO 50 g melted butter pour in 1 glass of warm water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, a pinch of salt, add 300 g of flour, and knead a thick dough.
  3. We roll out the dough into a layer, 1 cm thick, grease with the 1st part of margarine, fold it several times in the form of an envelope, and put the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. After 1 hour, roll out the dough again, grease with the 2nd part of margarine, fold it the same way, and put it in the refrigerator for another 1 hour. We do the same with the 3rd part of margarine.
  5. Filling. 200 g cottage cheese knead with a fork 300 g suluguni rub on a grater. Adding 1 egg, mix.
  6. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out 2 layers.
  7. We cover the form with parchment paper, spread a layer of dough, grease with filling, cover with a second layer, connect the edges, grease the top 1 yolk, and bake in the oven over medium heat for about half an hour.

How to cook khachapuri with cottage cheese in a pan?

Khachapuri cooked with cottage cheese in a frying pan

Khachapuri with cottage cheese in a pan


  1. Dough. Mix in a deep bowl 2 eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 glass of sparkling water, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, pour to the liquid part gradually 3.5-4 cups flour, knead a thick dough, and set it to cool for half an hour.
  2. Filling. 300 g hard cheese three on a grater, add grated cottage cheese (200 g), salt and pepper taste.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into parts and roll each part into a layer, on which we put 2-3 tbsp. spoons of the filling, collect the dough at the top and connect, turn it over to the other side, level it again into a layer, first with your hands, and then with a rolling pin. Roll out the dough carefully so that the filling does not come out.
  4. Pour into the pan vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), and fry khachapuri over low heat, covered with a lid, first on one side for 4-5 minutes, and then on the other.
  5. Khachapuri, removing from the pan, grease butter (10-15 g) and serve hot.

Khachapuri "Boat"

Khachapuri "Boat"

In the Caucasus, there is an opinion that the most delicious khachapuri "Boats" are prepared in Batumi.

For them, a delicate, creamy Imeretian cheese is used.

To cook Adjarian khachapuri "Boats", such as they are prepared in Georgia, you need to stick to some advice:

  • Khachapuri is eaten hot.
  • Georgian dish khachapuri takes 3 hours to prepare.
  • The khachapuri dish looks like this: crispy browned sides, a dry bottom and a soft juicy middle from a melted filling.
  • Khachapuri filling: melted, fluffy, stretchy cheese interspersed with butter.
  • Khachapuri is eaten by breaking off small pieces from the edge and dipping them into the cheese filling in the middle.
  • The egg in the middle of khachapuri serves as both food and decoration.

Khachapuri "Boats"

Adjarian khachapuri "Boats"


  1. Cooking the dough. Sifting 1 kg flour over a large bowl. Pour into the recess 1 st. dry yeast, 1 teaspoon sugar and salt, pour 0.5 l warm water And 1 cup warm homemade milk, knead, and at the end add so that the dough is better kneaded and does not stick to the hands and bowl.
  2. The dough, covered with a towel, put in a warm place for an hour and a half, and during this time we punch it twice.
  3. Cooking stuffing. Imeretian cheese (1 kg) three on a coarse grater, dilute with boiled cold water to make a gruel. Water will go from half a glass to 1 glass.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We roll balls of approximately 200 g from the dough, roll out circles with a rolling pin. We pinch the circle on both sides and stretch it in length to make it look like a boat with a recess.
  5. We lay out the boats on a sheet greased with vegetable oil, put the filling and put in a hot oven heated to 260 ° C for 15 minutes.
  6. When the khachapuri is reddened, we take them out of the oven, break them into the recess on the cheese 1 egg, and set for 1-3 minutes until the protein turns white, the yolk should be liquidish, well, if you don’t like such a yolk, then leave it to bake for 5-7 minutes.
  7. How to serve? Put hot pastries on a dish, add a small piece (10 g) butter and immediately serve to the table. We drink khachapuri with Lagidze mineral water. Well, if you don’t have such water for sale, then you can use regular tea, coffee, cocoa or lemonade.

Recipe for khachapuri with chicken and meat

Khachapuri with beef

Usually khachapuri cooked with cheese, but there is khachapuri and with meat, in Georgia they are called kubdari.

Khachapuri with beef


  1. Dough. Stir in 1 cup dry yeast (2 teaspoons) warm water and let it rise.
  2. Add to yeast 2 cups warm milk diluted with water, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, gradually add 7-9 cups flour and knead a thick dough, let it rise.
  3. Cooking minced meat. From 1 kg beef we make minced meat by passing the meat through a meat grinder, 2-3 bulbs finely chop and also add to minced meat, season salt, ground black pepper, coriander, suneli hops.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We cut the risen dough into balls, roll them out, lay out the minced meat, collect the edges at the top and pinch, and then carefully flatten them into cakes with our hands.
  5. We spread the cakes on a sheet, grease with a shaken 1 egg and bake in a medium preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.
  6. When khachapuri is baked, grease them butter (20 g) and serve hot.

Khachapuri with chicken and cheese

Khachapuri with chicken and cheese


  1. Dough. Mixing 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 glass of water, add a pinch of salt and baking powder, And 2 cups of flour, knead a thick dough, and let it stand for half an hour.
  2. Filling. 100 g boiled chicken cut into small pieces 300 g hard cheese three on a fine grater and add to the meat. Here we add 1 egg, chopped dill, cilantro, salt and ground black pepper, knead.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into parts, roll each part into a layer, put 2 tbsp on each layer. spoons of the filling, pinch it, and then carefully level it into a cake.
  4. Fry khachapuri in a pan, greased, on 2 sides, for 2-3 minutes.

Khachapuri with greens, egg: recipe

Khachapuri with greens and egg

Khachapuri with greens, egg, Imeretian cheese and suluguni


  1. Dough. Dissolve 1 teaspoon a spoonful of yeast, 2 tsp. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt in 2 cups of warm milk when the yeast rises, add 530 g flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of softened butter, 1 tsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, knead a thick dough, if you need more liquid, add water.
  2. Cover the dough with a towel and let it rise for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Filling. 510 g suluguni and 170 g Imeretian cheese grate, add 1 egg, 20 g butter(if the cheese is fatty, no oil is needed), and mix.
  4. finely chopped 25 g each of green onions, parsley, cilantro and dill, mix and add salt.
  5. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 5 parts, and each roll out, 5 mm thick, pierce with a fork in several places.
  6. We spread 150 g of cheese and 20 g of green filling on the cake, connect the edges at the top and pinch, and then level the cake and roll it out, 8-10 mm thick.
  7. Bake in the oven on high heat for about 10 minutes.
  8. We coat hot khachapuri butter (20 g) and can be served at the table.

Khachapuri with potatoes: recipe

Khachapuri with potatoes

Khachapuri with potatoes


  1. Dough. Dissolve in 300 ml of warm water, you can milk, dry yeast (1.5 tablespoons) and 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of sugar let's go up.
  2. In a deep bowl, in a sifted flour (1 kg), add dough to the recess of flour, 1 egg, a pinch of salt and knead a thick dough, let it rise for about 1 hour.
  3. Filling. While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. We clean 6 large potatoes, fill with water, salt, boil them until tender, drain the water, season 70 g butter, 50-70 ml hot milk, ground black pepper, and whisk.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 4 parts, roll it out, put ¼ of the entire filling on each part, fasten the edges and straighten it with our hands in a dry frying pan, according to the size of the frying pan.
  5. We fry khachapuri on a small fire, covered with a lid, for 5-7 minutes on one side, and then the same amount on the other.
  6. We take khachapuri from the fire and grease butter (20 g).

Adjarian khachapuri at home, recipe

Adjarian Khachapuri

Adjarian khachapuri is baked in the form of boats. Khachapuri is being prepared in 2 doses: first with cheese mass, and at the end a raw egg or one yolk is added and baking continues for a few more minutes.

Adjarian Khachapuri


  1. Dough. 250 g flour sift, and pour into the recess 100-120 ml warm water, and stir in it dry yeast (1 teaspoon), a pinch of salt.
  2. Knead the dough, add vegetable oil (a few tablespoons), and put in a warm place to rise.
  3. Filling. Imeretian cheese (300 g) rub with hands, add milk Just enough so that the filling is juicy.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We roll out the dough in an oval shape, pinch the ends on both sides, put 3-4 tbsp into the resulting recess. spoons of stuffing
  5. We cover the sheet with parchment paper, put khachapuri on it and put it in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, bake for about 20 minutes.
  6. We take out a sheet from the oven, make a recess in the middle of the product with a spoon, release 1 whole egg or just the yolk, and put in a hot oven for another 3-4 minutes.
  7. We take it out of the oven, put a piece on hot khachapuri butter (20 g), and serve on the table.

Khachapuri in Gurian style, recipe

Gurian Khachapuri

Gurian Khachapuri cook in the form of a crescent, inside cheese and boiled egg.

Gurian Khachapuri


  1. Cooking the dough. Dry yeast (2 tsp) and 1 tsp. dilute a spoonful of sugar with warm water, you can milk like pancakes, let's go.
  2. 1 kg flour sift over a deep bowl, make a deepening, pour in the yeast, 90 g of melted margarine, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, warm water or milk enough to knead a soft dough.
  3. Knead the dough for about 30 minutes, at the end add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, knead again, put in a warm place and let it come up 2 times, both times we crush the dough, and for the third time we roll it out.
  4. Filling. 200 g suluguni three on a grater, cut into circles separately 3 boiled eggs.
  5. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 5 parts, roll out each part into a circle, with a diameter of 35-40 cm.
  6. We spread 1/5 of the grated cheese on one half of the dough, circles of eggs on it and cover with the other part of the dough, we have a semicircle.
  7. We pinch the edges of the dough, pull the corners to make a crescent.
  8. We spread our product in a form covered with parchment, grease with yolk mixed with sour cream, and put in an oven heated to 230 ° C, bake for 6-7 minutes.
  9. We coat hot khachapuri butter (20 g) cut into 6 pieces and serve.

Megrelian Khachapuri

Megrelian Khachapuri

Mingrelians is an ethnic population group living in Georgia.

To the most Megrelian famous dishes include adjika, suluguni, satsivi and khachapuri.

Megrelian khachapuri has even more cheese than Imeretian khachapuri. In these products, cheese is both inside and out.

Megrelian Khachapuri


  1. Cooking the dough. Mixing 200 g kefir, 140 g sour cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and soda, and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. To this mixture we add 80 g melted butter, add sifted flour (430 g) and knead the soft dough, let it settle.
  3. Filling. 600 g suluguni three on a grater.
  4. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each one out, put grated cheese in the middle, but not all, leave about 200 g.
  5. We collect the edges of the circle of dough with cheese from above and make it like a knot, which we then flatten and carefully roll out so that the filling does not come out.
  6. We transfer the rolled cake to a sheet with parchment paper, grease 1 yolk, sprinkle with cheese and put in an oven heated to 190 ° C, bake for 20 minutes, until the khachapuri is browned.
  7. Soft, crispy khachapuri cut into pieces and served hot to the table.

Imeretian Khachapuri

Imeretian Khachapuri

Imeretian khachapuri is the most common in Georgia. Easy to prepare. These are round cakes with an abundance of cheese. The peculiarity of these khachapuri is thinly rolled dough. It is cooked on matsoni, but since we don’t have matsoni, we will take kefir.

Imeretian Khachapuri


  1. Dough. Kneading dough from 2-2.5 cups flour, 0.5 tsp. spoons of soda, 0.5 l of kefir, add at the end 1.5 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil, knead again, let it brew.
  2. Cooking stuffing. 500 g pickled Imeretian cheese knead with a fork so that there are no lumps, add 1 egg, 30 g melted butter and knead.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 2 parts, roll each thinly, put the filling on the layer, pinch tightly over the filling, then flatten the resulting bag with our hands.
  4. We grease the pan butter (10 g) and lay out the flattened bag, and then roll it out directly in the pan into a thin cake.
  5. We fry khachapuri, covered with a lid, first on one side, and then on the other.

Georgian khachapuri

Khachapuri Georgian

stuffing in Georgian khachapuri is chkinti-kveli cheese or its other name is Imereti.

The dough is kneaded on matsoni - Georgian fermented milk drink, but since we do not sell matsoni, we will take ordinary kefir. Georgian khachapuri is fried in a pan.

Georgian khachapuri


  1. Cooking stuffing. 0.5 kg Imeretian cheese three on a grater, add 5 yolks, greens to taste and mix.
  2. Cooking the dough. 1 kg flour sift, make a well in the middle and pour 1 teaspoon a spoonful of soda and a pinch of salt, drive in 4 eggs, pour in 0.5 l of kefir, stir first with a spoon, and then knead with your hands, and leave for half an hour.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 4 parts, and then each part into 2 more parts: one larger, the other smaller.
  4. We roll out 2 cakes - more and less, 1.5 cm thick.
  5. We spread ¼ of the filling on a large cake so that the edges (3 cm) are not spread, cover with a smaller cake, wrap the edges of the bottom cake up and pinch.
  6. We grease the pan butter (10 g), heat, put raw khachapuri on it with the seam down, cover with a lid and fry over low heat for about 8 minutes, turn over to the other side and fry without a lid.

Khachapuri Adyghe

Khachapuri Adyghe

Khachapuri Adyghe- this is a pastry with Adyghe cheese, it is prepared quickly.

Khachapuri Adyghe


  1. Dough. Mixing 250 g softened margarine, 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 tsp. a spoonful of soda and 3 cups flour, knead the dough and while it is infused in the refrigerator, make the filling.
  2. Filling. 500 g Adyghe cheese three on a grater, 2-3 bulbs fry on, and add to the cheese, also add chopped dill, parsley and cilantro.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. Roll out the dough into a layer and cut into squares, side length 12-15cm.
  4. We put the filling on one part of the square, fold it into a triangle, pinch the edges.
  5. We spread the triangles on a dry sheet and bake at an average temperature of 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for a quick lazy lavash khachapuri

Quick lazy lavash khachapuri

Lavash khachapuri is useful for those housewives who do not like to mess with the dough.

Khachapuri with lavash cheese


  1. Preparing the fill. 2 cups of kefir mix with 2 eggs and a pinch of salt.
  2. Cooking stuffing. 500 g cheese knead with a fork 400 g hard cheese three on a grater, mix everything.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. Lubricate the deep form vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons), 2 pita bread cut into several pieces.
  4. We spread 1 part of pita bread on the bottom of the form, it should be larger than the size of the form, coat with filling, sprinkle with filling, then again pita bread, filling and filling, etc.
  5. The top layer should be plentifully smeared with pouring pita bread, it must be wrapped under the lower layers.
  6. Lay the slices on top of the pie. butter (20 g), and put in the oven, turn on medium heat, bake for 20 minutes.

Armenian khachapuri

Armenian khachapuri

Armenian Khachapuri


  1. Dough. Mixing 2 eggs, 1 tsp. a spoonful of sugar and soda, 0.5 l of low-fat sour cream, 1 kg of sifted flour and knead a thick dough.
  2. Filling. Trem 300 g suluguni cheese on a grater.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 8-10 parts, roll it into layers.
  4. We lubricate the formation butter (10-20 g), put the filling, collect the edges of the dough in a circle and connect at the top, and then knead the resulting bag again into a cake and put it on a dry baking sheet.
  5. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 170 ° C for 15 minutes, first on one side, and then turn the khachapuri on the other side, and bake for another 10 minutes.

Lean khachapuri

Lean khachapuri

Lenten khachapuri with potatoes and mushrooms


  1. Dough. Dissolve in warm water 2 teaspoons dry or pressed yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar, let's go.
  2. 800 g flour sift in a deep bowl, add the dough, salt and knead the dough on warm water let it come up in a warm place. It will take about 2 hours to rise the dough.
  3. Filling. Fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) until golden 2-3 finely chopped onions add finely chopped champignon mushrooms (5-6 pieces) and fry until done.
  4. 6 medium potatoes we clean, boil with salt until soft, drain the broth into a separate container - it will still come in handy, and make mashed potatoes from potatoes, if the potatoes are very dry, add the broth.
  5. To mashed potatoes add fried mushrooms with onions, finely chopped dill, pepper and mix.
  6. Cooking khachapuri. We divide the dough into 10 parts for 10 khachapuri, and cut each part into 2 more parts.
  7. We roll out a small part into a circle of 10-12 cm, put the filling on it, cover with a second circle, pinch the edges of the circles, level the cake, pierce it in several places.
  8. frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) heat, put khachapuri on it, fry over low heat under a closed lid, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Diet Khachapuri

Diet khachapuri according to Dukan

We will cook khachapuri in a frying pan according to Dukan. The dough combined with salty cheese is very tasty.

Diet khachapuri according to Dukan


  1. Dough. We mix 200 g of fat-free cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 20 g of ground oat bran, 10 g of starch, a pinch of salt, 0.5 tsp. spoons of soda, knead everything.
  2. Filling. 100 g diet cheese "Feta" knead with a fork.
  3. Cooking khachapuri. Add the filling to the dough, knead, divide into 2 parts. This dough will make 2 khachapuri.
  4. We grease the pan vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), lay out half of the dough.
  5. Since the dough is very sticky to the hands and does not roll, we do this: grease the plastic bag vegetable oil (1 teaspoon), cover the dough in a pan and level it through cellophane with your hands evenly throughout the pan.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and fry over low heat until the top stops sticking to your hands (a few minutes), turn over to the other side, and fry until golden brown on the other side.

Khachapuri calories

Khachapuri is a high-calorie product

Although khachapuri high-calorie, and you won’t be able to lose weight by eating them, but there is also a useful property in this baking - an increased content of proteins.

The calorie content of khachapuri depends on the dough from which they are made and on the filling.

Calorie content is calculated per 100g of the finished product. The calorie table is distributed as follows:

  • Diet Khachapuri according to Dukan 198 kcal
  • Lean khachapuri with potatoes and mushrooms 217 kcal
  • Khachapuri with cottage cheese and herbs 219 kcal
  • Megrelian Khachapuri 233kcal
  • Imeretian Khachapuri 277kcal
  • Khachapuri with chicken and cheese 278kcal
  • Khachapuri with suluguni cheese 319kcal
  • Puff khachapuri 320kcal
  • Khachapuri in a frying pan 367 kcal
  • Adjarian Khachapuri 381kcal
  • Khachapuri with meat 402kcal

Everyone can eat khachapuri with different types of cheeses, just remember that they are high in calories. In addition to calorie content, they are useful for their high protein content. So, on this day, when you have khachapuri on your menu, the rest of the meals should be low-calorie.

Video: Megrelian Khachapuri. How to cook khachapuri

Bread cakes are very popular all over the world. Most often they are baked in Asia and the Middle East. But thanks to their taste, they can not leave anyone indifferent. One of the most favorite types of such pastries is Caucasian khachapuri.

Khachapuri is a national Georgian dish, which is a hearty wheat cake stuffed with cheese. The name of the product comes from the main ingredients - “hacho” - cottage cheese, and “puri” - bread.

There are many cooking recipes, according to some estimates, there are about 20 varieties of them, which differ not only in the fillings used, but also in the method of preparation, shape, dough. As a rule, it depends on the region where they are prepared. This is how khachapuri is distinguished in Adjarian, Abkhazian, Batumi, Imereti, Megrelian and others.

Despite such an unusual and slightly complicated name, the preparation of the dish is quite simple. Therefore, knowing the technology and ingredients, you can bake it at home in your own kitchen.

Basic secrets and cooking technology

Some argue that a real cheese cake can only be tasted in its homeland - the Caucasus. Others believe that the main thing is that it be prepared by the skillful hands of a Georgian chef. In fact, the most delicious and appetizing will be only the one that is made with your own hands from your favorite products.

Since there is no single recipe, there is no exact cooking technology, you need to know the main points - how to make dough, stuffing, choose a shape.


The dough for the very first khachapuri was made from two components - water and flour. Over time, recipes have changed and improved. Unleavened dough is considered traditional, made on the basis of a Caucasian fermented milk product - matsoni. You can make it yourself. To do this, you need to slightly warm up 2.5-3 liters of fresh milk, pour 2 tbsp. l. fat sour cream, close and wrap in a warm towel. After a couple of hours, put in a cold place and let the mass thicken. But most often, instead of matsoni, kefir, yogurt or liquid sour cream are used.

To make khachapuri more fluffy and ruddy, yeast can be added to the dough. In this case, butter, sugar and milk are put into the batch. These three ingredients give the dough softness and elasticity. Be sure to sift the flour before adding it to saturate it with oxygen. The dough should have a soft, in no case clogged structure.

After kneading the dough, put it to rest for 2-3 hours. If you made it with yeast, leave it warm, if you chose a puff or unleavened version, you can put it in the refrigerator.


The basis of any filling for khachapuri is cheese. For classic cakes, Imeretian is used, but it can be replaced with other types. Young cheeses are best suited - soft or pickled, for example, Adyghe, Suluguni, mozzarella, cheese, Kobi and even homemade sour-milk cottage cheese.

ADVICE! Very salty varieties are pre-soaked in water.

Often, several types of cheese are added to the filling at once. This is especially important when one of them has a dense and solid structure. Sometimes an egg is beaten in for uniformity of the mass, and for piquancy it is combined with a variety of chopped herbs.

Formation of khachapuri

The form of baking is different. It can be open or closed, in the form of a boat, an envelope, square, round and even oval. Everyone is united by one rule: the thinner the cake, the tastier it is.

Open products are most often baked in an oven or stove, closed products are cooked in a pan or in a slow cooker.


  • On a frying pan. Take a frying pan with a thick bottom - stone or cast iron. For this type, unleavened dough is made from matsoni, and the form must be closed. Fry for 10-15 minutes on each side until golden brown. Finally brush generously with butter.
  • In the oven. Cakes made from yeast or puff pastry are baked in the oven. The cheese in the filling should melt, and the dough should rise and brown. The cooking time of khachapuri in the oven depends on the size and can last 25-35 minutes. The temperature is 180-200 degrees. When you take the product out of the oven, make a hole in it and insert a piece of butter.
  • In a multicooker. As in a frying pan, khachapuri is cooked one at a time in a slow cooker. One cake with cheese is placed on the oiled bottom and baked for 20 minutes in the “Baking” mode. Then it turns over and cooks for another 15 minutes in the same mode.
  • In an aerogrill. The air grill must first be heated to a temperature of 225 degrees. Then put the formed khachapuri on the middle rack and bake for 15 minutes.

REMEMBER! Whatever recipe, shape, dough and filling you choose, you need to cook with 82.5% fat butter. And the dish has the most intense and unique taste in the first half hour after cooking.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Many women who carefully monitor their figure can rarely please themselves with the taste of juicy Caucasian khachapuri. Indeed, its calorie content is considered average - about 270 kcal per 100 grams, so nutritionists do not recommend eating them often. But you should know that the energy value depends on the ingredients.

Let's take the most used products necessary for making classic khachapuri. For each, we separately calculate the nutritional value and calorie content.

ProductWeight, gProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gkcal
Wheat flour520 47,8 6,2 390 1778,4
Kefir 2%400 13,6 8 18,9 204
Sugar10 - - 9,9 39,8
Salt2 - - - -
chicken eggs165 21 18 1,2 259
Butter100 0,5 82,5 0,8 749
Sulguni cheese700 140 169 - 2029
Baking soda12 - - - -
Total in 100 g 11,7 14,9 22,1 266

The table shows that the calorie content largely depends on the four main ingredients: flour and butter, the type of cheese and the fat content of kefir (sour cream, matsoni, yogurt). Each of the varieties of cheese differs not only in taste, structure, but also in the number of calories per 100 grams:

  • Homemade cottage cheese - 115 kcal.
  • Adyghe cheese - 240 kcal.
  • Mozzarella - 240 kcal.
  • Imeretian cheese - 240 kcal.
  • Cow cheese - 260 kcal.
  • Sheep cheese - 280 kcal.
  • Suluguni - 290 kcal.

Thus, in order to cook khachapuri, which will bring a minimum of harm to your figure, you need:

  1. Make a filling from homemade cottage cheese.
  2. Knead the dough on low-fat kefir and roll out very thinly.
  3. Bake in the oven using a minimum amount of butter. Do not brush with egg yolk.

Classic khachapuri with cheese

It has been said more than once that there are many different recipes for khachapuri. For each Caucasian region, its recipe is the best and unique. Several popular types of cheese cakes are known in our country. One of them is Georgian khachapuri. The cooking technology is simple, and some of the ingredients inherent in oriental cuisine can be replaced with our traditional ones.

  • 700 g wheat flour;
  • 0.5 l of matsoni (can be replaced with kefir);
  • 300 g of cheese;
  • 200 g suluguni;
  • 100 g of Imeretian cheese;
  • 1 PC. egg;
  • 1 tsp sugar and salt;
  • 1 pack of baking powder;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 50 g butter.

How to cook:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl and add the baking powder, salt and sugar. Mix everything with a spoon and make a small well in the middle.
  2. Beat the egg with a fork and pour into the flour, add vegetable oil, yoghurt or kefir. Knead a soft and elastic dough, let it rest for an hour in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in cling film.
  3. Grate all cheeses and mix. Divide the dough into several equal parts and roll them out to a thickness of 1 cm.
  4. For each cake put 5 tbsp. l. cheese mass, and collect the edges of the dough in a pile.
  5. Carefully turn the product over so that the filling does not spill out, and slightly roll it out with a rolling pin. Do this with all parts.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease a baking sheet a little with butter and put the formed khachapuri on it. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

After they are cooked, make an incision in each and put a small piece of butter there.

Video recipe

How to cook Adjarian khachapuri

Adjarian khachapuri has an open boat shape, the dough is kneaded with yeast and baked in the oven. The main difference from the rest of the cakes is that 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, raw egg yolk is poured into the filling. During the meal, the rosy edges of the roll are dipped into it, which gives the dish a special touch.

Ingredients (for two large khachapuri):

  • 2.5 st. flour;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1 st. warm water;
  • 0.5 tsp. sugar and salt;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 150 g mozzarella;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 150 g of Adyghe cheese;
  • 100 ml cream or full fat milk;
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Pour flour into a bowl, add dry yeast, sugar, salt and mix well. Add water little by little and knead a loose dough. After 10-20 minutes, pour vegetable oil and knead again. Leave warm for 1.5 hours.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the filling. Grate all types of cheese or knead with a fork. Add cream to the mass and 1 tbsp. l. flour. Mix everything well, season with salt and pepper if necessary. Remember that each of the cheeses has its own rich taste, so you need to be careful with spices so as not to overdo it.
  3. When the dough doubles in volume, you can begin to form khachapuri. Divide it into 2 equal parts and roll the balls. From each we make a boat and put the cheese filling in the middle. Lubricate the edges with whipped yolk.
  4. Preheat the oven with a baking sheet to 200 degrees. Then we cover the hot form with baking paper and put the khachapuri in the oven for 25 minutes. After this time, we make a recess in each boat and pour one yolk into it.
  5. We send it to the oven for another 5-8 minutes. Brush with butter before serving.

Delicious and simple khachapuri in a pan

Baking khachapuri in the oven is a troublesome and lengthy procedure, since yeast dough is most often used, and it takes a long time to cook. It is much faster and easier to fry Georgian tortillas with cheese in a pan. At the same time, they turn out to be just as tasty and appetizing.

  • 125 ml of kefir;
  • 150 ml sour cream;
  • 300-400 g flour;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt and soda;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 250 g of cheese;
  • 250 g mozzarella or suluguni;
  • a bunch of greens to taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Take 100 g of butter and melt on fire. Mix 125 ml of sour cream and kefir, salt, sugar, soda and melted butter. Mix everything well, gradually adding the sifted flour. Knead a soft dough and set it aside.
  2. Prepare the filling: grate the cheese on a fine grater, add the remaining sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. soft butter and chopped herbs. Mix everything thoroughly and add salt if necessary.
  3. Divide the dough into 4 parts, form each into a cake. Since it is soft, it can be done with your hands instead of a rolling pin.
  4. In the center, put a portion of the filling in a slide and gather it into a skirt on top of the edge. Seal them and turn them carefully upside down. Lightly roll the resulting bag into a cake and transfer to a hot, slightly oiled frying pan.
  5. Cover and fry over medium heat on one side and the other for 7-10 minutes.

Finished khachapuri is slightly flavored with melted butter, and eaten hot.

Cooking khachapuri with cottage cheese from puff pastry

Today it is fashionable to cook different dishes from puff pastry. Khachapuri is no exception, so there are many recipes that use not traditional unleavened or yeast dough, but puff pastry. You can cook it yourself, but it takes a long time. Many prefer to buy a ready-made product in the store.

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 3 art. l. butter;
  • a little parsley and dill;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. We divide the dough into two parts and roll each with a rolling pin into a thin cake. We put one on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and leave the other on the board, sprinkled with a little flour.
  2. We make cheese filling. In the cottage cheese, add one egg, sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. soft butter, chopped parsley and dill. Mix everything, salt and pepper. We evenly distribute the finished mass over the surface, cover with a second layer of dough and pinch the edges tightly.
  3. Take the second egg, separate the yolk and beat it with a fork. We lubricate the entire surface of the product with it and make several notches on the top layer.
  4. We heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake khachapuri for 20 minutes. After we got it out of the oven, put a piece of butter into the cuts made. Serve hot.

Video recipe

To cook delicious and juicy Caucasian khachapuri at home, you need to know a few little tricks.

  1. The dough, regardless of whether it is unleavened, yeast or puff, should be soft and elastic. If it is too dense, the pastry will be clogged and tough. The approximate ratio of liquid and flour is 1: 3 (300 g of flour will be used per 100 ml of milk).
  2. For frying khachapuri, you need to use a frying pan with a thick bottom. Stone or cast iron is best.
  3. For the filling, soft and pickled cheeses are used. If you have chosen cheese with a dense structure - suluguni, mozzarella, you should definitely add softened butter or thick sour cream to them.
  4. It is preferable to bake khachapuri at high temperatures - from 180 degrees. Then the dish turns out crispy and ruddy.
  5. Caucasian khachapuri should always be served hot, as they say "hot, hot", generously smeared with butter. The first 20-30 minutes after baking or frying, the bun is the most juicy and fragrant.

Georgia is considered the birthplace of khachapuri, respectively, it is often called the Georgian cheese cake. Now many bake the product with other ingredients, so it only remotely resembles a traditional Caucasian dish. It is made from unleavened, yeast or puff pastry. Sometimes they even use pita bread.

REMEMBER! The most important requirement of true khachapuri is a uniform amount of tender dough and cheese filling.

The shape of the cake can be different: round, oval, square, triangular, in the form of a boat or envelopes. It's not the main one. Georgian bakers believe that the main component is the skillful hands of the cook, his warm heart and friendly attitude towards people.

You all know that, oddly enough, sometimes we want to eat something unusual: some pies, whites or hot dogs. Agree, it happens to everyone. You don’t really want to buy products of dubious quality on the street. That's when we open cookbooks, videos and other sources in search of delicious and not quite healthy recipes.

puff miracle

First, let's prepare puff pastry for khachapuri. The recipe involves premium flour and exclusively sifted. Water should be taken cold, but not from the tap.

For test:

Flour - 400 g;
. margarine - 40 g;
. water - 250 ml;
. salt - 1 tsp

Sift flour with a slide, form a depression in the center and pour water into it. Salt and gently knead the dough. Cover with a towel, remove for an hour and a half in a cold place. Roll out the dough. In the middle put margarine, cut into pieces. Cover it with the remaining layer and roll it out as thin as possible. Fold three times and refrigerate. The dough is ready.


We will need:

Brynza - half a kilo;
. egg - 1 pc.;
. oil for lubrication.


1) Make cakes 5 mm thick from the dough.
2) Place the grated cheese filling mixed with the egg in the center.
3) Wrap the edges with an envelope.
4) Grease a baking sheet with oil and put khachapuri there.
5) Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about half an hour.
6) Before serving, anoint with oil or sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

This is a very tasty and original dough for khachapuri. The recipe for this dish is quite simple.

national joy

The traditional khachapuri recipe is difficult to prepare, at least for a Slavic person. As in many cultures, there are plenty of secrets and little tricks. We suggest you take the time to prepare the dough for khachapuri. The Georgian recipe is real.

Have to take:

Butter - 110 g;
. sugar - 2 tsp;
. flour - 2 cups;
. sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.;
. soda - on the tip of a spoon or knife;
. margarine - 50 g.

That's all you need to prepare the dough for khachapuri. The recipe is the following:

1) Mash butter with margarine.
2) Add sour cream, sugar, salt and water.
3) Mix, add flour and knead the dough with light movements.

For filling:

Potato - 300 g;
. cheese - 100 g;
. testicle - 1 pc.


1) Boil potatoes in their skins, cool.
2) Peel, mash into puree.
3) Rub the cheese on a small grater, mix it with potatoes.
4) Divide the dough into eight equal parts.
5) From each part, make a cake 10 cm wide.
6) Put the filling in the middle and pinch the edge. The dough recipe for khachapuri is very simple, and if you take good flour, it will not float.
7) Flatten the cakes to give them the desired shape.
8) Shake the egg with a whisk, smear each khachapuri.
9) Spread the cakes on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Excellent and tasty dough for khachapuri. The Georgian recipe with cheese will not leave anyone indifferent. We recommend it as traditional. Such khachapuri will be surprisingly similar to real ones. Here is another option for kneading dough for them.

Delicate yeast dough for khachapuri: recipe

Have to take:

Milk - 200 g;
. salt - at your discretion;
. yeast - 2 tsp;
. soda - half a teaspoon;
. flour - 3 cups.


  1. Add milk at room temperature to the flour.
  2. Salt, add yeast.
  3. Soda extinguish with vinegar and add to the dough.
  4. Knead the dough with smooth movements, adding flour if necessary.

Such a dough recipe for khachapuri makes it very tender, airy. Suluguni and Adyghe cheese will be an excellent filling.

cooking option


Suluguni - 100 g;
. Adyghe cheese - 100 g;
. butter - 80 g.


1) After kneading the dough, let it rise for about forty minutes.
2) Shape it into small balls the size of a walnut.
3) Roll them out well so that the diameter reaches the size of a dinner plate.
4) Grate cheese (both types).
5) Melt the butter in a water bath.
6) Add it to the cheese.
7) With a teaspoon, put the filling in the center of each rolling and pinch the edges tightly in the center.
8) Roll out again with a rolling pin, but not so thin. The thickness of the dough should be about 1 cm.
9) Heat the pan without oil.
10) Fry on both sides for about two to three minutes.

You can cook khachapuri from ready-made dough. The recipe will be much easier. But agree, it will not be so tasty. The very point of making homemade khachapuri is that you can choose the ingredients and filling for the dough yourself.

Kefir dough

Have to take:

Flour - 700 g;
. kefir - 500 ml;
. sugar - 1 tsp;
. salt - at your discretion.

Dough kneading:

They make very satisfying and crispy khachapuri. The yeast dough recipe is much inferior to it.
1) Warm kefir to room temperature. You can take any fat content.
2) Slowly pour in the flour, starting to knead.
3) Add salt and sugar and mix well.
4) Let stand for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the filling.

Have to take:

Cheese (salty) - 700 g;
. butter - 100 g;
. soda - as needed;
. sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.


1) Make a cake from the dough we have already prepared.
2) Sprinkle it with a little baking soda.
3) Knead the dough again and repeat the procedure three times.
4) Cover with a towel and send for an hour in a warm place.
5) Grate the cheese well, this time coarsely.
6) Wait until the dough is ready and divide it into five parts.
7) Form a cake with a rolling pin.
8) Put the filling in the center of each of them and add a little butter.
9) Collect the edges in the center, creating a "pouch".
10) Roll out each to the size of the pan is not very thin. It is best to take a frying pan with a corrugated coating.
11) Heat the pan without oil and fry until golden brown, covered with a lid.
12) Turn over and continue to fry without a lid for 3-4 minutes.

Adjarian ruddy

To prepare the dough:

Water at room temperature or slightly warmer - 200 ml;
. sugar - 1 tsp;
. dry, active yeast - half a bag (can be replaced with natural ones - 5 g);
. flour - half a kilo;
. sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1) Take a deep bowl.
2) If you prefer natural yeast, sprinkle it with sugar and let stand for 3 minutes.
3) Mix all ingredients vigorously and leave for 10-15 minutes.
4) After this time, carefully add the flour and mix.
5) Knead the dough by adding sunflower oil. It should stick a little to your hands.
6) Wrap well in a blanket and send to a warm place for two hours.


Suluguni cheese - 300 g
. cheese - 300 g.
. Adyghe cheese - 150 g.
. greens - at your discretion;
. egg - 2 pcs.


1) Chop greens very finely.
2) Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
3) Divide the dough into pieces.
4) Roll out large circles, as for pizza.
5) Distribute part of the greens and cheese filling in a circle and twist it into a roll, leaving a place in the middle.
6) Connect the edges with a "boat".
7) Put some stuffing on the empty part.
8) Grease the edges of our “boat” with beaten egg yolk.
9) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
10) Send khachapuri there for 15 minutes until the filling boils.
11) Crack an egg into the middle.

Khachapuri is ready when the egg is fried. This dish is very satisfying, and ruddy crispy sides cannot but rejoice. Sauces are great for this type of preparation. For example, tartare, homemade mayonnaise or adjika.

We hope that our article will be useful and informative for you.

Georgian cuisine has always been distinguished by an incredible abundance of delicious and varied dishes, a skillful combination of all kinds of spices in them, richness of subtle flavors and some mystery in the names of dishes. For example, khachapuri. Hearing such a name, fantasy begins to draw some intricate, exquisite dish, but in reality it turns out that it is simple, incredibly tasty and easy to prepare, which is a pie or flat cake made of dough with cheese filling inside. An ordinary tortilla with cheese, but how it sounds!

Khachapuri with cheese has long been loved not only in Georgia, where every housewife knows how to cook them, and each has her own secrets. Although if we talk about secrets, then, according to Georgian bakers, the secret of baking the most delicious khachapuri is not at all the shape of the product and not even the filling, but a warm heart and skillful hands. Cooking khachapuri is actually not difficult, it takes a little time, and the taste is ... “just special”, as Arkady Raikin said. In general, the process of eating does not leave anyone indifferent.

First, let's talk about the dough from which khachapuri with cheese is prepared. It can be puff, yeast, fresh. You can buy ready-made dough, since the choice in any supermarket is pleasing to the eye, but it’s better to cook it yourself, because a dish completely prepared with your own hands becomes a hundred times tastier. Real dough for khachapuri is kneaded on yogurt (Caucasian fermented milk drink). You can make your own matsoni. To do this, heat 3 liters of milk, add 1-2 tbsp. sour cream, close the lid and wrap in a towel. In this form, let stand for 2 hours, and then refrigerate and wait until the mass thickens. Although, matsoni can be replaced with yogurt or kefir.

According to the chosen recipe, the dough is kneaded and allowed to rest. This time can be used to prepare the filling, the classic version of which is Imeretian cheese, but other soft or pickled cheeses are also used, for example, suluguni or feta cheese. Sometimes they are mixed with cottage cheese and chopped greens are added to the filling: parsley, dill, cilantro. If the cheese is too salty, it must first be soaked for 2 to 5 hours, depending on the degree of saltiness. To make the cheese free from salt faster, a large piece must be cut into slices about two centimeters thick.

The shape of khachapuri can also be different, they are made closed on all sides or open, in the form of boats or envelopes, oval, triangular, square ... But one rule remains the same: the thinner the khachapuri is, the better. The walls of the same thickness and the filling evenly distributed inside are considered the height of culinary excellence. Khachapuri is prepared with cheese in the oven or in a large flat frying pan, carefully turning over so that they are fried on both sides. Ready-made khachapuri with cheese is smeared with butter or ghee. In round khachapuri, a hole is sometimes cut on top and a piece of butter is placed on it, and melted butter is simply poured inside as much as it will go in.

They eat khachapuri with cheese, as they say, piping hot, and if they cool down, they can be reheated in the microwave or oven, brushed with oil again. The taste of hot khachapuri with fiery cheese filling inside cannot be expressed in words, you need to try it. In order not to throw words to the wind, we suggest you start cooking khachapuri with cheese right now so that you can feel the whole cooking process yourself and enjoy the unusually tasty result.

In fact, there are not so many recipes for making khachapuri with cheese. At first glance, they seem very similar, but at the same time, each recipe is a separate story. In Georgia, they cook khachapuri with cheese according to one recipe, in Ossetia - a completely different one. Somewhere, besides cheese, they also put mushrooms in the filling, and somewhere they add potatoes, but real khachapuri should be with cheese and only with cheese.

Khachapuri with Georgian cheese

5 stack wheat flour
1 egg
500 ml matsoni or kefir,
300 g of cheese,
200 g suluguni,
100 g Imeretian cheese,
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tbsp baking powder
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Sift flour and add baking powder to it. Make a well in the flour, pour in the yogurt, egg, a little vegetable oil and add salt and sugar. Knead an elastic, uncooked dough and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour, wrapping it in cellophane. Grate cheese and mix. After the time has elapsed, remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll it into small pieces of a round or oval shape no thinner than 1 cm thick, put 5 tablespoons in the middle of each cake. cheese and collect the edges of the dough in a "bag". Leave the middle open. After that, carefully turn the cake over so that the cheese does not spill out, and roll it out with a rolling pin. Preheat the oven or frying pan, grease with vegetable oil and bake khachapuri with cheese up over medium heat. Grease the finished khachapuri with butter.

Adjarian khachapuri with cheese

The peculiarity of this type of khachapuri is the open top. For the filling, not very salty soft cheese (Imeretinsky) is used, but you can take Adyghe or other soft pickled cheese. Traditionally, the dough is kneaded on matsoni, but sour cream or kefir will do instead. When khachapuri is baked, you can drive a chicken egg or a couple of quail eggs into the middle of each and put it in the oven for 1 minute so that the protein curls up and the yolk remains liquid. A broken off small piece of khachapuri is dipped in an egg and eaten. Hearty, quick - a good idea for dinner!

For test:
3 stack. flour,
1 stack sour cream
50 g butter,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp soda.
For filling:
400 g soft cheese
1 egg

Crumble butter into flour, add salt and soda. Pour in the sour cream and knead the resulting mass for at least 15 minutes. It should become elastic. Then put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Grind the cheese for the filling with a grater, pusher, or just with your hands. Beat in an egg and add chopped herbs. If necessary, lightly salt the resulting mass. Divide the dough into 8 pieces, roll them into small balls, which then roll into cakes. Put cheese with herbs on each cake and smooth the filling to the very edges. Now collect the cake with the filling in the boat. To do this, roll one edge of the cake into a roll up to half, do the same with the second edge. Be sure to pinch the ends so that the filling does not fall out. You should end up with an open top boat. Bake your boats in an oven preheated to 180-200 ° C for about 20 minutes. Don't overcook, just lightly brown. Put the butter in the finished hot boats.

Imeretian khachapuri with cheese

For test:
3 stack. flour,
1 stack kefir,
1 egg
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp soda,
2 tbsp vegetable oil
For filling:
400 g hard cheese,
1 egg.
For lubrication:
50 g butter.

Stir soda, vegetable oil, salt and sugar in kefir, beat in an egg. Add 2 cups of flour to the resulting mixture. Knead a soft, slightly sticky dough, adding the remaining flour, but do not overdo it with the amount, the dough should hold its shape well. Leave the dough, covered with a napkin, alone for 30 minutes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, beat in the egg and mix. Roll out the dough with a sausage, which is cut across into 8-10 pieces. Roll each piece into a cake and lay out the filling. Gather the edges up and pinch well. Turn the resulting bag over, press down with your hands and roll it slightly with a rolling pin. Then turn the bag over again and roll it out again. Just don't press too hard so the dough doesn't burst. Put the finished cakes on a dry frying pan and bake over moderate heat on both sides. If the khachapuri turned out to be plump, cover with a lid so that they are well fried. Grease the finished khachapuri with butter.

Khachapuri with Megrelian cheese

The peculiarity of these khachapuri is that the filling is laid out not only inside, but also on top of the flatbread, like pizza, having previously smeared the surface with an egg. Ingredients are for one large flatbread baked from yeast dough. Instead of suluguni cheese, you can take not too salty cheese.

For test:
300 g flour
200 ml of water
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp dry yeast,
50 g margarine or butter.
For filling:
350 g suluguni,
1 yolk.

Add salt, sugar to warm water, add flour, yeast and knead a soft dough. Add softened margarine or butter, knead until smooth and leave for 1 hour, covered with a towel. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater (put a little grated cheese aside). Punch down the risen dough, roll it into a cake, put the filling on it, lift and pinch the edges in the center. Then roll out with a rolling pin on both sides and make a hole in the middle (5-7 mm in diameter). Transfer the cake to a greased baking sheet, grease the surface of the cake with yolk so that a beautiful crust forms during baking. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

Khachapuri with homemade cheese

They can be prepared on the basis of curd dough, it does not get stale for a long time. These cakes are best served hot. For the filling in them, you can take any cheese that is found in the house, even processed cheese will do.

For test:
200 g margarine or butter,
200 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
flour (how much dough will take),
1 tbsp (incomplete) table vinegar,
1 tsp (without a slide) soda,
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
300-400 g of any cheese or 4 processed cheeses,
4 tbsp sour cream
3 garlic cloves,
greens - to taste,
1 yolk - for lubrication,
a few sesame seeds - for sprinkling.

Melt the margarine or butter, beat in the eggs, salt, mix in the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Pour in the vinegar. Pour flour mixed with soda, knead a stiff dough and put it in the refrigerator for a while. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add sour cream, chopped herbs and chopped garlic to it. If the cheese is not very salty, lightly salt the resulting mass. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Roll one into a round cake, transfer to a baking sheet and put all the filling on it, cover with a second rolled cake and pinch in a circle. Lightly press the filling down with a rolling pin. Lubricate the top with yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 40-50 minutes. After removing from the oven, cut the finished dish into triangles and serve.

Quick khachapuri with cheese

100 lavash,
100 g of cheese,
100 g cottage cheese,
1 egg
1 garlic clove
cilantro, parsley - to taste.

Mix cheese and cottage cheese together, add chopped garlic and finely chopped greens to this mass. Cut the pita bread with scissors into large squares, put the filling inside each square, roll it up with an envelope, brush with an egg and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 5-10 minutes.

Khachapuri from pastry with cheese

For test:
1 kg wheat flour
1.5 stack. milk,
½ stack ghee,
2 eggs,
½ tsp soda,
1 tbsp wine vinegar.
For filling:
500 g young pickled cheese,
2 eggs.

Mash the cheese and mix it with two eggs. Beat the remaining eggs with butter, add soda and mix. Then add milk and vinegar and gradually pour this liquid mass into the sifted flour. Knead the dough, divide it into 2 parts and roll each thinly. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour and put one cake on it, spread the filling evenly on top, cover with a second cake, pinch the edges tightly and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

Khachapuri from puff pastry

500 g ready-made puff pastry,
1 egg
500 g of suluguni (Imereti cheese or feta cheese).

Roll out puff pastry to 3-5 mm thickness. Put the grated cheese filling with a lightly beaten egg in the middle. Wrap the edges of the cake in the form of an envelope and blind them so that the filling in the middle remains open. Bake in the oven until done. Grease hot khachapuri with butter.

You just have to apply your skillful hands to the proposed recipes and add a piece of your golden heart, and your khachapuri with cheese will turn out great.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Perhaps the most common type of Georgian pie. Adjarian khachapuri is prepared in the form of a boat with a chicken egg on top. Such a pie is baked in two stages, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to get it and break the egg on top. If you add it right away, then prolonged heat treatment will make it too dry, and it should be like in scrambled eggs in consistency.

  • 1-2 servings
  • 40 minutes
  • 5 steps


For test:

  • Wheat flour 250 g
  • Dry yeast 2 g
  • Margarine or butter 35-40 g
  • Milk 1.8% fat 125 ml
  • Warm water 40 ml
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp
  • sugar pinch
  • Salt pinch

For khachapuri:

  • Suluguni cheese grated 200 g
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter melted 1 tsp
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter 2 small sticks


For the dough: flour kitchen machine bowlMoulinex QA5001B1combine with soft margarine and mix. Dissolve sugar, salt and yeast in warm water. When the sugar dissolves, pour the liquid into the flour, add warm milk, vegetable oil and mix well. Cover the dough with cling film and leave at room temperature until it doubles in size. Then roll the dough into a ball. You can cook khachapuri or put the dough in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in cling film.


Put a ball of dough for khachapuri on a floured table and roll it into a round cake.


From above, distribute 100 g of grated suluguni cheese in the form of two strips and cover the cheese from the edges to the center with dough, pinch the edges and blind the khachapuri in the shape of a boat.


Mix sour cream with 1 egg and brush with the resulting khachapuri mixture. Pour the remaining 100 g of suluguni into the center of the "boat".


Bake khachapuri in the oven at 220 degrees until golden brown (6-12 minutes). Then carefully place a raw egg in the center. Bake for 1-2 more minutes. Spread hot khachapuri on top with melted butter. Insert a stick of butter into the center on both sides. Butter 2 small sticks
