
Wild Sam is moonshine made with wild yeast cereals. Types, recipes and features of grain mash

Hi all!

Today I will tell you how to make moonshine on wheat without yeast. Actually, not necessarily on wheat - any grain crops (rye, barley, millet, etc.) will do.

And mash without yeast and sugar, of course, will not do. But we will not use the usual alcohol or baker's yeast, but wild ones that live on the surface of the grain.

And although it is still sugar moonshine (because grain carbohydrates are not fermented), but the soft work of wild yeast and the presence of cereals in the process gives it a special original flavor. Moonshiners call this drink Wild Sam.

Moreover, each type of cereal gives moonshine its own individual taste. One moonshine is obtained from wheat, another from barley or rye. You can also collect a blend of different cultures in any proportion. In general, there is a lot of room for imagination. Yes, and one more thing - mash on the same grain can be placed up to 4 times or more!


In the recipe, I will give proportions calculated for a 30 liter tank, because. I actually use them. You count yourself for the container you need. The principle is this - take the volume of your fermentation tank and divide it by 7.5. The resulting figure will show the required amount of grain. And then for every kilogram of grain, 1 kg of sugar and 5 liters of water will be required.

So, the ingredients are:

  • 4 kg of grain (I have wheat in the recipe and in the photo)
  • 4 kg sugar
  • 20 liters of water

The grain must be forage, i.e. the one used for animal feed. You can buy it at the market, granary, base, etc. Seed most likely will not work, because. it is specially processed for storage. I can tell moonshiners from St. Petersburg where suitable cheap grain is sold.

Home brew

This is the next day. Foam appeared:

On the second day:

On the day when the confusion is ready:


  1. We do the distillation of the mash as usual - without the selection of heads and tails, to the water.
  2. You don't need to clean anything coal, nor oil painting etc.
  3. We do the second distillation according to all the rules fractional distillation- with selection of heads and tails. It is advisable to carry out a 3rd distillation.

Recipe Impressions

He made moonshine on wheat and barley. I liked it more on wheat - it turns out very soft. Perhaps even too much. Harder on barley, but also very interesting.

They say that it works very well on a mixture of wheat and barley in a 50/50 ratio. I really want to try.

In general, I liked Wild Sam so much that I made special labels for him. Do not judge strictly, these are my first attempts at creating my own labels.

Ask why a boar? When I first tried this recipe, water seal on the tank, standing in the kitchen, made loud grunting sounds. At night, they were clearly audible in our bedroom, and my wife once told me: “You have a pig in your kitchen that constantly wants to eat.” “But the pig is wild,” I thought. That's why the boar.

That's like all. I hope the recipe was explained clearly. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment.

For now everyone

This is a process that helps to get alcohol of good quality from the finished wort. Distillation takes place in several stages, it is important to monitor the temperature and strength of the drink. But do not forget about the features of the raw materials from which the mash was made.

Distillation of grain mash

Grain differs from sugar and yeast in that it allows you to create a quality wort that can be used to produce high quality alcohol. Even a handful of grains added to yeast and sugar mash changes the taste of the product, making alcohol more aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

The grain-based process has its own specifics, do not forget about it. But the raw materials from which the mash is made also have features.

So, the main advantages of grain-based mash:

  1. Helps to get high quality alcohol at home.
  2. It ferments well and rarely turns sour.
  3. With repeated distillation, it is possible to obtain 60 degrees.

Grain-based moonshine has such significant advantages: it has a wonderful smell and taste. When it comes to wheat, wheat distillate has very good characteristics, it can be called a classic product that distillers use to create vodka, cognac and whisky.

Alcohol made from wheat is labeled alpha and is used industrially to create vodka. This vodka costs quite decently and is of high quality and soft, pleasant taste.

To get a high quality product, moonshiners germinate grain and add malt to the mash. All this helps to release sugar and prepare a drink that will meet the most demanding requirements.

It is worth noting that grain moonshine has a wonderful taste and aroma. To maintain these characteristics, homemade distillate enthusiasts rarely distill it 2 times. They try to keep the smell of the drink in this way.

Since reprocessing can affect the taste of the drink and its smell, it is worth being careful. This rule also applies to distillates that are made from fruits and berries.

Distillation of mash from grain

The distillation of grain mash is preferably carried out using a steam generator. This device helps to prepare a good drink from raw materials and significantly reduces the foaming process.

But if there is no steam generator, then in this case it is initially worth filtering the product, you can pass it through gauze or dense fabric several times. This will help greatly and avoid burning.

In principle, the steam generator is designed to prevent the mash from burning, because otherwise the moonshine will have a characteristic, unpleasant smell of burning and a bitter aftertaste. The burnt mash is poured out, high-quality moonshine will still not work out of it.

For this reason, if the mash is not filtered and run in a conventional apparatus without a steam generator and bubbler, then there is a high risk that the wort will burn. To prevent this from happening, it is worth filtering the product in any convenient way.

After filtration, the base is poured into a distillation cube, the container must be perfectly clean, free of foreign smell, etc.

Then they start processing. It passes according to the rules, fractional distillation is not used at the initial stage, since there is no need for this. Processing takes place in several stages, this allows you to increase the quality of the product, increase its strength and improve taste.

Before re-distillation, the base should be cleaned. You can do this in any convenient way.

So, how to improve the quality of moonshine, methods:

  • you can use charcoal or activated charcoal tablets;
  • pass the moonshine through a charcoal filter several times;
  • keep moonshine in an oak barrel for several months, if, of course, there is time.

You can use various cleaning methods: pour milk into the moonshine or add bread to it. There is no particular difference in this. That's just clean alcohol with potassium permanganate crystals is not recommended. The fact is that potassium permanganate can affect the taste and aroma of the drink. For this reason, potassium permanganate is used extremely rarely; berry and grain distillates are not cleaned with it, only mash, which was made from sugar and yeast.

Cleaning will take some time, it will last several days. However, time will not be spent in vain, cleaning will help to significantly improve the quality of alcohol, which can be obtained after re-processing.

After the drink gets rid of various impurities and fumes, you can start distillation. Just pour the base into the distillation cube and distill it with separation into fractions.

Fractional distillation: pros and cons

Fractional distillation is based on the division of moonshine into fractions. The distillate is simply rid of the heads and tails, leaving only the body.

The body is the basis for drinking, moonshine, which can be consumed without much fear. Since such a product will be of good quality and pleasant taste. The smell in the process of such processing is practically not affected. Processing will help preserve the pleasant, grainy aroma that gives the drink a peculiar charm.

So, the basics of fractional distillation:

  1. The first thing to start with is to separate the heads, they are cut off for the reason that this moonshine has a high content of fusel oils and harmful impurities. Despite the fact that the strength of the heads is very high, they can only be used for technical needs. Heads make up about 10% of the total volume of mash.
  2. Then we proceed to the selection of the body. There is nothing complicated in this, this faction has good characteristics. Some moonshiners take away the body until the fortress is about 45%.
  3. When the fortress falls, they immediately begin to take away the tails. It is important not to confuse the factions and not to “grab the tails”. They can be used to create a strong brew. Only tails are not recommended to drink, they contain harmful impurities in the same way as in the heads. Tailings are taken until the fortress in the jet drops to 15-20 degrees.

Fractional distillation requires control and participation, it takes some time, but this method should not be underestimated, as it has many advantages:

  • helps to improve the quality of moonshine, rid it of the remnants of harmful impurities;
  • has a certain effect on the taste of the drink, makes it softer and more pleasant;
  • increases the strength of the distillate several times (repeated distillation helps to achieve indicators of 60–70 degrees).

Provided that the moonshine was made in accordance with all the rules, there is no doubt about its quality.

The disadvantage of fractional distillation can be considered a decrease in the amount of moonshine. On average, about 30% of the total volume of distillate “leaves”. But a significant part of it is the tails, they can be put into action, to make a stronger and more stable mash with their help.

The disadvantages of fractional distillation can be called minor. Provided that the division into fractions is considered one of the most effective ways to improve the quality of moonshine.

In any business there are tricks and nuances that come with experience. In practice, such advice helps to improve the quality of alcohol and significantly affect its organoleptic characteristics (taste, color and aroma).

So, a few tips:

  • If you plan to further turn grain-based moonshine into a noble drink, whiskey or cognac, then you should pour the distillate into an oak barrel and let it stand for several months. During this time, alcohol will absorb tannins and get rid of impurities. Its taste and aroma will improve several times.
  • It is advisable to distill grain moonshine in a copper apparatus. Copper differs from other metals in that it has a special effect on alcohol. Makes it less harsh and avoids off-flavour or bitter aftertaste.
  • If you plan to regularly distill grain mash to get a quality base, then it’s better to get a steam generator. It will be much more convenient to work with him. And if the steam generator is supplemented with a bubbler (harmful impurities and fumes accumulate in this device), then the quality of the drink will only improve.
  • To speed up the process of fermentation of grain mash, sugar is often added to it. But the latter to a certain extent changes the aroma of the drink and its taste. For this reason, it is worth finding the ideal proportions that will help preserve the taste characteristics of alcohol and its pleasant smell.
  • You can add malt or sourdough to the brew. You can put it on wild yeast, but keep in mind that the wort will ferment for a long time if it does not contain malt or sourdough. will be ready in about 45 days.
  • As a rule, the selection of the body is stopped when the fortress in the jet drops to 45 degrees. But if there is a desire to produce a high quality drink or use moonshine as the basis for the production of elite alcohol, then it is worth finishing the selection of the body when the strength in the stream drops to 50 degrees.
  • If the performer encountered the scheme for preparing grain moonshine for the first time, then it is better to check the strength on corn. This raw material is not capricious.

Bread wine (namely, this is how grain moonshine was called in ancient times) has a pleasant taste and aroma. After diluting with water, the drink is allowed to stand for a while (2-3 days), and then it is used for its intended purpose.

Making moonshine from wheat with or without yeast is not so much a matter of technique as of taste, because the final quality of the drink remains worthy in any way.

If you want to get wheat moonshine as soon as possible, and the taste of the drink and the smell do not play a role, then the yeast technique is exactly what you need.

On the contrary, if there is enough time for cooking, and aftertaste and aroma are in the first place (a yeast-free recipe gives the smell of freshly baked bread), then grain mash cooked on wheat is an ideal solution.

The most important thing is to approach work responsibly and strictly follow the preparation technology, then your drink will successfully pass the fermentation stage and will delight you with an excellent result! Now, let's move on to practice.

The basis for the manufacture of moonshine involves the careful preparation of the main ingredient - grain. There are several important rules for its selection, following which, mash on wheat will turn out to be of excellent quality. So:

  1. The raw material must be clean. No garbage, bird droppings and other foreign matter.
  2. The grains must match each other in size and color.
  3. Avoid half or damaged beans.
  4. Notice the smell. High-quality raw materials do not exude aromas of rot and mold.
  5. Choose wheat strictly by age: it must be at least 2 months old, but not older than 1 year. This will ensure her active germination.

Old grain, like freshly harvested, germinates difficultly, and if it is better to refuse the first one completely, then there is a way out with the second one. Sprouting fresh wheat for moonshine will give a good result if the grains are thoroughly dried beforehand.

To do this, you can use the oven (with a temperature of 30 to 40 ° C) or sunny weather. Please note: the oven door must be open, otherwise the grain will dry out.

Let's move on to the germination technique:

  • Prepare the right amount of clean and warm drinking water (the proportions for mash on germinated wheat will be lower in the recipe).
  • Rinse the wheat if using the yeast method. Raw materials cannot be washed without adding yeast, otherwise the wild yeast will dissolve and wash off the surface.
  • Pour the selected grain into a container of a suitable size and fill it with water so that it slightly covers the wheat (3 mm will be enough).
  • Cover the container with a breathable cloth (previously soaked in water) and leave at room temperature until full germination (4 to 5 days when the sprouts are about 5 mm long).
  • During the germination period, stir the grains daily with a clean large spoon (or whatever you are comfortable with).

Well-sprouted grains are the basis of the sourdough, which is responsible for the full maturation of the drink. However, you can make mash on wheat without sprouting: the process will be long and painstaking, and the quality of the drink is equivalent.

Let's start preparing mash for moonshine

Braga from wheat is prepared in two stages - this is sourdough and fermentation. It is important to observe the proportions here, so we look at the recipe for wheat mash for distilling moonshine:

  • 3 kg of grain + 1 kg of germinated;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 20 liters of water.

Before putting the mash, we make the leaven:

  • Sprouted grains are mixed with 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Be careful not to damage the sprouts. If the mass is too thick to mix, dilute with a little clean water.
  • We cover the container with a gauze cloth, fasten it with an elastic band or rope to prevent midges and other insects from getting inside.
  • We put in a warm, dark place and leave for 7-10 days. Open the container daily and stir the mixture so that it does not sour.

Now you can safely proceed to the next step. So, we make mash for moonshine from finished wheat (sourdough):

  • First of all, we send the sourdough to a large bottle with a medium neck, where the mash will be infused.
  • We also add the remnants of sugar, wheat and pour warm water (within 30-35 ° C).
  • We wrap the container very tightly with a woolen blanket (everything will do - from a down jacket to a fur coat, since it is heat that helps to make mash on wheat, contributing to active fermentation).
  • We put on a rubber glove on the neck, piercing one of her fingers with a thin needle, or a special water seal.
  • We place the bottle in a warm place (preferably at normal room temperature).

Braga from wheat without yeast for our moonshine will be infused for 7 to 20 days. The transparent color of the liquid, the bitter taste and the completely deflated glove are a signal that the product is ready.

The preparation of mash from wheat grains takes an average of 2 weeks. It all depends on the quality of the raw materials and the optimal temperatures at which the drink matures, so always be guided by external signs. If your grain has sprouted in 2 days, do not wait for the "put" 4 and proceed to the next steps.

The time has come: we look at how to make moonshine on wheat

As soon as the mash on wheat is ready, immediately start distillation, without leaving the mass to ferment for longer than it should be. The first step is to strain the liquid well using cheesecloth.

Leftover sediment and wheat grains can be reused for fermentation if you want a smoother moonshine. In this case, do not drain the water completely so that the grains do not have time to dry out while you are making moonshine.

Before you make homemade moonshine from wheat, get a special cube. You can buy such an apparatus for moonshine in a store or make it yourself from various improvised items (pots, flasks, etc.) and proceed to distillation - distillation of moonshine.

Here you can do in two ways: to carry out a simple or fractional distillation. In the first case, you get raw alcohol, the first drops of which retain harmful impurities and give an unpleasant smell to the drink.

Let's say more: this moonshine, which has not undergone fractional processing, contains a share of methyl alcohol, various aldehydes and other substances that are very harmful to health.

A full distillation will take almost twice as long, but the result is worth it: the drink will be completely cleaned and will acquire a pleasant aroma (regardless of which recipe for making wheat moonshine you used).

Technically it looks like this:

  • Remove the head fraction, that is, the first 10% of the resulting alcohol, without regret. It is there that harmful impurities are contained that make the drink unsuitable for drinking. The smell of this "primary" liquid gives off acetone and metal, which spoils the aroma of the final product.
  • The tail fraction is similar to the first, since it also spoils the smell of the drink due to the formation of fusel oils. This happens when the temperature in the cube reaches about 92-95 degrees. The selection of the drinking part is completed here.

Moonshine, made using the right technology, is considered the “cleanest” homemade drink, unlike simple distillation - do not forget about it!

Recipe options for a hop drink

Wheat mash has a sufficient number of recipes, so the field for experimentation is wide. Often, moonshiners, along with classic recipes, try innovations, partially changing the proportions to their own taste, or make an unusual moonshine on kefir.

There are dozens of cooking methods, but not all of them allow you to get a truly worthy drink that will be highly appreciated by your guests. Therefore, we choose the best and more than once experience-tested recipes for moonshine made from wheat, which are prepared at home.

Let's start with wheat mash with yeast

Alcoholic yeast almost doubles the fermentation process, as it acts as a powerful catalyst. If you have already made wheat moonshine, but without adding yeast, the time difference will surely please you very much. So, for yeast moonshine from wheat, we need:

  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 250 g of yeast;
  • 3 kg of wheat;
  • 25 liters of water.

First, we germinate wheat (according to the standard technology described above). As soon as the grains germinate, we proceed to sourdough.

Pour water at room temperature into a container with a wide neck (you can use a simple saucepan). Separately, dissolve the yeast and send it to the water together with sugar. Mix thoroughly and send to fermentation.

As soon as the mass ferments, add sprouted wheat to it and leave until fully ripened. Readiness is still determined visually and tasted: the grains have settled, the liquid has become transparent, has a bitter taste and smells of alcohol.

The recipe for this wheat mash is distinguished by a characteristic feature: at the beginning of the fermentation, the grains rise to the top, and at the end they settle to the bottom. These proportions allow you to get from 7 to 8 liters of high-quality home-made drink of high strength (about 43-48 °).

Next in line - wheat moonshine without the addition of yeast

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time on sourdough, wheat mash without alcoholic yeast will be to their liking. For cooking you will need:

  • 5 kg of wheat;
  • 6.5 kg of sugar;
  • 15 liters of warm water.

To make high-quality moonshine from wheat without adding yeast at home, follow the following technology:

  • In sprouted grains (all 5 kg), add 1.5 kg of sugar and mix gently, being careful not to damage the sprouts. Fill with water so that the wheat is covered by no more than 2 mm. Stir the mass periodically so that the lower layers do not rot.
  • As soon as the sprouts appear, the contents must be sent to a large bottle, add the remaining sugar there and fill it with a full amount of water. (Moonshine on germinated wheat without alcoholic yeast has a slight difference: the smell of the drink is many times more pleasant).
  • Close the container with a water seal or a rubber glove.
  • As soon as bubbles stop forming on the surface, check the readiness of the mass (still the same - in color and taste).
  • Drain the finished mash into a cube and run it through the apparatus twice.

The recipe for mash on wheat without the participation of "live" yeast will allow you to get about 5-7 liters of moonshine. For more, feel free to double the proportions, but be sure to respect the number of products.

Wheat moonshine without yeast and sugar

This is the most budgetary recipe for wheat moonshine, although the taste of the drink is not inferior even to “sugar” competitors. The secret ingredient here is the usual hops, which are successfully used in the preparation of wheat mash without yeast and a lot of sugar.

The technology is divided into two stages - zaparka and malt. Each of them will require careful attention and diligence, since the process is more laborious, unlike classic recipes.

For parking we need:

  • 350-450 g whole wheat flour;
  • 2 liters of clean drinking water;
  • hop cones (2 handfuls dry or 1 handful fresh).

What you need for malt:

  • 3 kg of wheat grains;
  • 6 liters of clean drinking water.

Moonshine from wheat without the use of yeast and sugar is very strong and does not contain foreign odors (including bread flavor). To get exactly such a drink, follow the technology in detail. So:

  • Free the grains from foreign debris and fill with warm water (with a wheat coating of at least 2-3 cm). Cover with cotton cloth or gauze, securing with a bandage. Place the container in a warm and dark place for 2-3 days until foam appears (it means that wild yeast has begun to ferment).
  • While the grains are "suitable", start preparing the stew. Pour the prepared flour and hop cones with water, close the lid. Leave for 2-3 days in a warm place.
  • Having endured the specified period, the brew and malt must be combined in one container and mixed well. Since sugar is not included in moonshine, wild yeast will require special nutrition that activates fermentation. Here you can add pears, apples or sugar beets. Fruit can even be replaced with stale bread (1-2 rye loaves per serving).
  • Mix well again and add the remaining water (there should be about 5 liters in the balance).
  • We close the bottle with a water seal or a sterile glove, in which we make a hole on one of the fingers with a thin needle.
  • We determine the container in a warm and preferably dark place until fully ripened (on average, the period takes from 8 to 15 days).

The readiness of the mash is determined by the same method: we look at the color of the product and evaluate the quality of taste. As soon as fermentation is over, you can start distillation. Moonshine on wheat, although without the addition of sugar, it is important to overtake 2 times (according to standard technology). So you get a clean drink without foreign odors.

Original moonshine from wheat on kefir

Grain mash on germinated wheat with the addition of fermented milk products gives a special softness and delicate aroma to home-made moonshine. Even if you are not a fan of experimenting with flavors, this masterpiece is worth a try!

So, we need:

  • 2.5 kg of wheat;
  • 100 g dry yeast;
  • 6 kg of sugar;
  • 20 liters of clean water;
  • 2 cups of kefir or fermented baked milk.

In this recipe, the age of the grains is important, so use wheat that has had time to lie down for at least 3 months. In extreme cases, you can put moonshine on fresh wheat, but the end result risks being a little lower.

How to make mash from wheat grains with kefir:

  • We germinate raw materials according to standard technology. The only difference is the size of the sprouts, which should reach from 1 to 2 cm in length.
  • The finished grain will be strongly intertwined, but this is not scary: you do not need to unravel anything. Wheat can be used immediately, or dried well and ground into flour.
  • Transfer the grains (or flour from them) to a large bottle, add sugar, warm water and yeast. Mix thoroughly.
  • Install a water seal on the neck or put on a glove (remember to make a hole with a needle on one of her fingers). Place the bottle in a warm and dark place for 14 days. Make sure that a minimum of light enters the place where the container is located.
  • At the end of the fermentation stage, it is necessary to add kefir (ryazhenka) to the mass and send the drink for distillation.

When the moonshine is ready, measure the level of the fortress and, in case of an excessively high degree, dilute with a small amount of clean water and let it stand for another 3 days.

In theory, moonshine on wheat is very easy to prepare, but when it comes to practice, sometimes unforeseen situations arise. Most often they lie in wait for newcomers to this business, who have not yet had time to gain comprehensive experience. Here are the most common examples and tell you what to do in such cases:

  • After the allotted time, the wheat did not germinate. There is no point in waiting for sprouts after 5 days, so get rid of these grains and stock up on others. Most likely, they were of poor quality or you guessed wrong with age (unnecessarily old / fresh harvest).
  • During fermentation through the bottle, sprouts are not visible. There is nothing wrong with this, since the process itself is the determining link at this stage: if the air goes in bubbles, and the grains “walk” in the container, then everything is in order.
  • If fermentation has stopped and has not resumed after 2 days, the starter can be discarded. Unfortunately, something went wrong and the yeast stopped working.
  • The consistency of mash resembles jelly. This is also not scary, since there is a lot of starch in the mass. Just stir the mixture every day, shaking occasionally.
  • If you decide to replace sugar with honey or jam, pay attention to the proportions - they will also change. For example, for 1 kg of honey, about 7 liters of water will be required (sugar is 2 times less).

We conclude our review with a useful note on the preparation of malt, which will help to give the drink the desired taste:

  • green wheat malt gives moonshine softness and a sweetish aftertaste;
  • rye malt makes the drink more rigid;
  • barley malt is somewhat reminiscent of whiskey.

By the way, types of malt can be mixed and used in one recipe. Therefore, having gained experience in the technique of making moonshine, you can safely experiment with tastes and surprise your guests!

Photo from the site: nalivali.ru

Some three or four hundred years ago, the word moonshine denoted one of the stages of a solitary hunt. Now everyone knows that this is the name of an artisanal alcoholic drink, that is, homemade, made by oneself. Cereal crops can be considered the best raw material for moonshine, since vodka from them is strong, but at the same time soft and easy to drink, as well as transparent and clean, like a tear. A decades-old wheat moonshine recipe will not hurt everyone to study in order to provide themselves and their loved ones with a fragrant drink. With moderate use, it will bring only joy, good mood and pleasant moments that you will definitely want to repeat.

Moonshine from wheat: the best of the best

Photo from the site: delaismelo.ru

If you go to any store and look at the shelves with alcohol, you will find that it is grain vodka that has a higher price than any other. In many ways, it depends on the fact that natural raw materials are used in production, that is, wheat, barley, oats or rye. The essence of the mechanism for obtaining fermentation on cereals is quite simple: with the development of a sprout in a grain, starch is broken down, being converted into sugar.

In order to make high-quality high-quality moonshine from wheat grain, you need to choose only the best raw materials. In no case should you use wheat that has already been treated with pesticides for sowing, and rotten or rotten grain will not work either. Wanting to get a good drink, you should not rely on substandard, and savings are inappropriate here.

In turn, sugar acts as food for wild yeasts, tiny single-celled fungi that are always found on the surface of grains, berries and fruits. These fungi feed on sugar, while producing ethyl sleep and carbon dioxide. The mechanism is so perfect that the tart taste of whole grains, as well as the indescribable aroma of freshly baked bread, is preserved in the drink. Good and properly made moonshine from wheat at home is strong, sweet, and with moderate drinking it does not even harm health.

In high-grade wheat, the amount of starch can reach from forty to seventy percent, but yeast cannot feed on it directly. Therefore, the preparation of malt, brewing or germinating grain is required, in which the starch is saccharified. You can conditionally break the whole process into stages, the sequence of which is easy to follow:

Photo from the site: Nalivali.ru

  • Boiling grain raw materials to a paste.
  • Saccharification by exposure to malt.
  • Removal of starch from grain, splitting it with malt enzymes, as well as converting it into a form available for yeast nutrition - glucose.
  • Processing sugar by yeast and obtaining ethyl alcohol.

There are two main methods of preparing mash for grain moonshine - based on malt and without it, in any case, no industrial yeast is required for this if you are going to follow the traditions and get a high quality drink. After distillation, the same, good old wheat moonshine is obtained, the recipe of which will be given below with all the details and nuances.

Moonshine from wheat without sugar and yeast

The most authentic and ancient can be considered a recipe for moonshine made from wheat at home, in the process of preparing which neither granulated sugar nor factory yeast takes part. But an additional element is introduced into the recipe, in addition to grain and water, and these are fragrant hop boxes, which are an invariable component of various varieties of kvass, as well as beer. First you need to get everything you need, purchase the components and you can get to work.

Photo from the site: FB.ru

Composition and ingredients

The basis

  • Wheat grain of the highest grade - 3 kilograms.
  • Well water or purified water - 6 liters.
  • Top dressing for yeast (apples, potatoes, berries, fruits, beets) - a few handfuls of chopped raw materials.


  • A large handful of homemade wheat flour.
  • Purified water - 2 liters.
  • Dry hops - 2 large handfuls or fresh - 1 handful.

The method of making mash

If you are going to thoroughly understand how to make moonshine from wheat, you need to understand that all raw materials will have to be thoroughly prepared, sorted out and slightly washed. The main thing here is not to overdo it, as you can get the opposite result. If you wash off the wild yeast from the grain, then no mash will definitely work, and the sourdough will turn sour and you will have to pour it out. This recipe for moonshine with wild wheat yeast is all built, so you should be careful and attentive.

Preliminary preparation and germination of grain

  • To make moonshine from wheat, pour the grains into a wide container, pan or bowl, in an even layer.
  • Pour the wheat with lukewarm water so that it is two or three centimeters above the grain level, no more.
  • The pan should not be tightly closed with a lid, and then removed to some dark and warm place, where it should be left for three to four days, until foam appears on the surface. Here you will have to closely monitor that the water in the vessel does not sour. To prevent souring, stir the wheat very gently every day.


  • In an ordinary household mill, you need to carefully grind the grain into coarse flour. This can be done with a coffee grinder or even twist the wheat in a meat grinder with a thick mesh, but then the result will be worse and you need to take one and a half times more raw materials.
  • Mix the flour with warm water and hop cones, then set the container in a dark place for two to three days.

Photo from the site: TonnaSamogona.ru

Braga preparation and aging

  • Since we will make this moonshine from germinated wheat without adding sugar, we need to apply top dressing for fungi. You choose which raw material is better to take for this.
  • Spread top dressing on the bottom of the main fermentation vessel and fill it with pre-prepared brew with hops, as well as sourdough on germinated grains.
  • About five liters of clean and aged water of medium softness are added to the resulting composition. All components must be mixed well.
  • A special water seal is installed on the neck of the bottle or jar. If you don’t have such a convenient device at hand, you can simply put an ordinary non-sterile rubber glove with a micro-hole in one of the fingers on the jar.

Such mash is aged for moonshine from wheat at home for about seven to eight, or even all twelve to fourteen days, and more detailed information is on the video at the end of the article. It does not hurt to stir the wort daily with a long spoon, or even better shake it, this will introduce additional oxygen into the liquid, which the yeast needs to live.

Photo from the site: VinoSamogon.ru

Send mash for distillation and the final preparation of moonshine from wheat at home can only be done after the fermentation process is completely completed. , you can read the article on our website, where accurate and detailed information is given.

Distillation (distillation) of grain moonshine

When figuring out how to make moonshine from wheat, you need to pay attention to the features of the distillation of raw materials to obtain the highest quality final product. For distillation, you will need a special moonshine still, and you need to distill the raw materials at least twice to eliminate all unnecessary odors and impurities. But first it may be required, but only if you are sure that fermentation has completed.

The first distillation of grain moonshine without yeast and sugar is carried out according to an absolutely simple scheme, until the fortress in the stream reaches five or ten degrees. After that, the liquid is mixed and diluted to 20-25 degrees, after which it is again sent to the cube for the second distillation, where it’s not so easy to get off if you really want to get a great homemade grain moonshine that has been tested for hundreds of years.

Photo from the site: therumdiary.ru

Water, as well as alcohol, differ in different boiling points at the same atmospheric pressure, this should be emphasized. The correct production of moonshine from wheat at home implies a gradual and as slow as possible warming up the mash, for which you need to correctly identify three main control points for yourself:

  1. The fire under the cube must be made minimal and the liquid must be brought to a temperature of 65-68 degrees Celsius on it. Experienced moonshiners call the fraction, which is obtained in this case as “heads”. It is believed that such moonshine is completely unsuitable for food use, it is suitable only for technical purposes. "Heads" is considered to be all the liquid obtained up to the heating of the mash to 75-78 degrees.
  2. Next, you should change the dishes for assembly and make sure that the ejection of the mash does not work out, and also that the moonshine does not flow like a river, but only drips slightly. If the fire under the cube can no longer be reduced, you will have to use dividers, otherwise excesses cannot be avoided. The main stage of distillation should take place at a temperature of 78 to 83 degrees, no more, this will just be the “body”, as real pros say.
  3. When the temperature reaches 85 degrees Celsius or more, and this will inevitably happen, since the composition becomes hotter with the loss of alcohol, it will be necessary to separate the “tails”, the bulk of which are concentrated fusel oils, they are unpleasant in taste and smell, and are also harmful and toxic. Many, however, believe that a certain amount of “tail” fractions will only add piquancy and personality to the moonshine, but it’s up to you.

Photo from the site: samogonpil.ru

It does not hurt to make the final cleaning of moonshine after distillation. This can be done in various ways and methods, the most popular of which can be considered potassium permanganate, as well as ordinary charcoal, which absorbs harmful substances, absorbing them from the liquid, like a sponge. In the first case, it is enough to throw two or three grams per three-liter jar, and in the second, a filter is simply made of coal (can be activated) and gauze folded in several layers, through which the drink is filtered. All the secrets and secrets of moonshine from wheat are best shown in a video that would not hurt everyone to watch.

It is believed that grain wheat moonshine will fully open only after it has stood in a glass container, tightly sealed, in a dark, cool place. It is better to withstand it for three to four days, so it will become the most fragrant and soft. The shelf life of moonshine at home is unlimited.

Moonshine, obtained from grain mash, is a product of the highest quality and always has an excellent taste. It is soft, pleasant, unobtrusive and differs depending on which particular grain crop was used. Wheat gives a sweetish drink, and rye gives a strong and fragrant one. If cooked, we get alcohol that tastes like whiskey. How is grain mash prepared?

The main product that ferments to produce grain moonshine is sucrose. Starch, which includes cereals, first needs to be turned into it. If this is not done, then you will have to add sugar and yeast.

Preparation of mash from grain

In order to get the necessary product that will ferment, malt is first made. How to make malt? To do this, the culture is germinated. In this case, the grains must be laid on pallets so that their layer does not exceed three cm, and pour warm water so that they are slightly covered. In this case, the temperature in the room should be in the range of 18-22 degrees.

Several times a day it is necessary to mix the grain. Further processing is carried out when the sprouts reach a size of at least two cm, it consists in the fact that the grain is dried and the dried sprouts and roots are separated. To get soda milk, the grains are crushed. For this, special mills are used. After that, they are boiled to break down the starch.

This process is quite difficult and takes a lot of time, so it makes sense to purchase ready-made malt in ground form. At the same time, the yield of alcohol or moonshine depends on the quality of the raw materials, the recipe for making mash and the method of distillation.

Braga: recipe without yeast

If you want to get a really high-quality product, then it is better not to use yeast for grain mash. Such a process involves the presence of non-cultivated yeast in the mash. The recipe will require malt, which can be prepared according to the recipe described above, then it will be considered simple. Or you can give preference to the so-called green malt, in the preparation of which the grain does not go through the drying process.

You can also make grain moonshine from germinated grain, moreover, it will be much easier than from malt.

For cooking, take six kg of sugar and dissolve it in 15 liters of warm water, the temperature should be about 20–24 degrees. Next, five kg of raw materials, previously placed in a glass container, are poured with this syrup. Initially, the mash should ferment for three to four days, after which the container is closed with a lid with a hydraulic module or poured into a container with a narrow neck, on which a rubber glove is put on.

Next comes the second stage of the fermentation process. It takes about two weeks, while it is in a warm and dark room. The time it takes for the must to ferment varies and depends on the quality of the product and the temperature regime. If bubbles stop coming out of the water seal or the glove is deflated, we can say that the fermentation process is over. The grain used to make the wort according to this recipe can be reused up to four times. To make the process go faster, you can add 1–1.5 liters of malt milk at the initial stage.

There is a similar recipe, which differs in that it does not add sugar. Malt and water are added to the container, which already contains boiled grain. Products are taken in the following ratio: for 1 kg of grain 0.5 liters of water and 80 grams of malted milk.

Next, the mixture is heated to 60 degrees and infused for about seven to eight hours, maintaining approximately this temperature. After that, it is necessary to test for the presence of starch. When ready, pour into a wide-mouthed container, after cooling to room temperature. The process of initial fermentation begins.

After the process of converting sugar into alcohol has begun, the wort is poured into a container where it will ferment, and a water seal is installed. After two to three weeks in a dark, warm place, the process should be completed. Keep in mind that the temperature may rise during fermentation. It is important that it does not increase too much, as this may adversely affect the efficiency of the process.

Braga with yeast

I usually use yeast to speed up the fermentation process. They are also added if the process started very sluggishly or did not start at all. The amount of yeast that needs to be added depends on a number of factors, but this ratio is more often taken: 100 g per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, the quality of the mash is deteriorating, but almost imperceptibly. And if you overtake it correctly, then only a very experienced moonshiner can determine that yeast was used for fermentation. To obtain grain mash, five kg of germinated grain are poured into 15 liters of water with six kg of sugar dissolved in it and 200 g of pressed yeast. Further, as in the standard recipe, the mash is poured into a vessel with a narrow neck and put on fermentation.

Braga for moonshine on enzymes

One of the variations in the preparation of mash is "saccharification" with enzymes. To do this, we prepare cereal porridge. We mix the cereals or flour of the necessary cultures and bring to a boil. Next, cover with a warm blanket and leave to steam for several hours. Since cereals are not boiled in this version of the recipe, flour must be used very finely ground so that it falls apart by itself.

After two hours, we open the container and evaluate the product that has turned out. The porridge should be very thick, if you put a spoon there, it should remain standing. Next, add the enzyme alpha-amylase at the rate of three ml per kg of starch.

We mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency and cool to a temperature of 65-66 degrees, after which we add the second enzyme - gluco-amylase. The calculation is taken three times less than the previous one. Again, mix the porridge, wrap it up and leave for an hour in a warm place. During this hour, it should be mixed two or three times.

When an hour has passed, open the container and cool the contents to a temperature of 30 degrees, add yeast. If the yeast is specifically designed for grain mash, then it must be pre-filled with water and left for 20 minutes to activate.

Pressed baker's yeast can be sent directly to the mash. depends on what equipment you have available. If there is a steam generator, this is easy to do. Braga is poured and put for distillation for raw alcohol. If there is no steam generator, then the mash must be squeezed out and filtered so that it does not burn when heated, it is convenient to use a mesh bag for this, for example, sewn from tulle. We put the bag in a bucket, pour the mash into it, then squeeze it with all our might, after which you can start distillation.

Ready-made moonshine can be used for various purposes, for making tinctures and the rest. It is only necessary to dilute it with water to the desired strength and filter it with a charcoal filter.

Braga recipe

Grain mash on wheat has a not very complicated recipe that has been tried for years, so even beginners can follow it. For this reason, mash is very popular, many prefer it to her.

For its preparation, five kg of wheat is taken and washed in running water, while the grains that float to the surface are removed. Next, the grain is poured into a flask and poured with cold water so that it is covered by three to five cm, after which the container is left for a day in a cool room. After the wheat has stood for a day, we pour 1.5 kg of sugar there and mix it with the contents of the flask, after which we transfer it to a warm room.

Under such conditions, the grain begins to germinate, the so-called wild yeast is formed, which, in the right temperature regime, is usually enough for a full-fledged fermentation process. It is important to comply with the condition: the mash must ferment for at least seven days, while no yeast is required to be added, since during this time their quantity is formed.

Braga is placed in a warm place for fermentation, it is preferable to maintain the temperature within 25-28 degrees. The mash will ferment, depending on the fermentation conditions and the quality of the yeast itself, from approximately two to six days.

Distillation is done in a standard way, as you like. It is preferable to make grain with cutting off heads and tails in large volumes. You can navigate by the smell of distillate. Heating must be done slowly.

Next, prepare the wort. In a large container, we heat cold water to a temperature of 24–26 degrees and dilute sugar at the rate of one kg per 3.5 liters of water. This combination is optimal for 100% sugar fermentation. The wort is poured into the flask in such a way that the mixture, together with the starter, reaches the shoulders of the container, but not higher, since in the first days fermentation and foaming will be very effective, and therefore it is important that the foam does not go out.

Excess wort is poured into five-liter bottles, and after three or four days, the flask is filled with them to the neck. After a week, the fermentation process stops completely, and the mash at this time tastes like dry wine. After that, it is distilled in the standard way, it must first be squeezed out and filtered.

Another mash recipe from different types of cereals, for which enzymes are subsequently used. In this case, the ingredients are taken in the form of cereals or, preferably, flour. The proportions will be as follows:

  • corn takes 80% of the total flour;
  • barley - 12%;
  • rye - 8%;
  • water is used 1:4 when using flour and 1:3 for cereals;
  • yeast for cereals - 25 grams per 1 kg of flour.

Thus, grain mash is more difficult to prepare and requires a certain amount of skill compared to regular sugar mash. But from grain it turns out with excellent taste and quality. The main thing is to decide for yourself what you will use for fermentation. The most high-quality and tasty product is obtained by preparing mash with wild yeast.
