
Diet sandwiches: recipes, calories, design. Diet sandwiches on proper nutrition

In a classic sandwich, everything is harmful and high in calories: bread, butter, mayonnaise, cheese, sausage, ham and other tasty “nasty things”. But what prevents you from replacing harmful components with useful or neutral ones? And then get delicious diet sandwiches. This is what we suggest you do.

Diet sandwiches

Simply fantastic

What do you do when you want to eat, but there is practically no time for cooking? Right! You are making a sandwich. What is a classic sandwich? This, in my understanding, is just “bread with filling”. And the more toppings, the tastier it is. However, there is one danger here: the sandwich may be too big.

Of course, “a big piece and the mouth rejoices,” but opening your mouth at such a piece, you can also dislocate your jaw - and then you will walk with your mouth open, as if with an outstretched hand. And where to go from extra pounds that will not slow down to appear on the waist and hips? It makes me sad, but there is a way out! Diet sandwiches - here it is salvation!

There are a lot of dietary sandwiches. This suggests that by combining the composition of the ingredients, you can derive a recipe for a delicious healthy dietary, and most importantly, an individual sandwich for your body. So do not be afraid to experiment, and we will give you the direction in which to move with several recipes.

Diet sandwiches for breakfast

Here are three options for different diet sandwiches for breakfast. They are tasty, nutritious, low-calorie and quick to prepare.


  • We will need three pieces of whole grain or bran bread. Spread them with fat-free cream cheese. On two sandwiches we put pieces of boiled chicken fillet, and on the third - pieces of canned tuna in its own juice.
  • On one sandwich with chicken fillet we put two circles of cucumber, on the other - slices of canned pineapple, and on the third with tuna - two circles of tomato. We decorate all three sandwiches with parsley leaves. And we can start breakfast!

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 9.73; fats - 4.76; carbohydrates - 15.22; calorie content - 145.47.


Diet sandwiches with bread

This recipe may seem strange - how do you understand "Bread Sandwich"? It turns out, a sandwich consisting of bread and "filling" in the form of bread. Okay, when they eat meat with meat, but bread with bread is a super-diet. Although there is such an observation - "Only a Russian person can eat pasta with bread."

We reveal the secret of the recipe: how to cook delicious diet bread on your own.

  • Pour 250 g of oatmeal and 100 g of flax seed into a bowl - grind with a blender to the state of coarse flour. Add to the resulting flour 200 g of peeled sunflower seeds, a clove of garlic through a garlic press, half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. We begin to mix and gradually add one glass of water at room temperature.
  • We spread the kneaded dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, which we grease with olive oil, level the dough and cut into squares. We send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 20-25 minutes.
  • Ready-made fragrant bread can be eaten as a separate dish, or with vegetables, fruits, cheese, lean meat.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 11.58; fats - 23.37; carbohydrates - 27.13; calorie content - 354.48.


Diet sandwiches with avocado


  • For sandwiches, we take one avocado that has lain for a couple of days before use - then it becomes soft, and knead it into a pulp. You can also use a hard avocado, cut into slices, but still a soft one is preferable.
  • We use whole grain bread (some people like rye) - we spread avocado gruel on three pieces, like butter.
  • Salt, pepper and sprinkle one piece with lemon juice - this is one type of sandwich. On the other piece we put three circles of fresh tomatoes - the second type of sandwich. Grease the third piece on top of the avocado with mustard and cover with three slices of low-fat cheese. All three types of avocado sandwich will give a unique taste!

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 5.55; fats - 15.31; carbohydrates - 10.07; calorie content - 200.26.


Diet hot sandwiches

No, whatever you say, but hot sandwiches will give 100 handicap points to any cold ones. Try to disagree with this by preparing hot diet sandwiches according to a Spanish recipe.


  • First, let's prepare a sauce that will not disappoint you either, and perhaps even become your favorite. Put two yolks in a bowl, add to them half a teaspoon of mustard, one teaspoon of cornstarch, one teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and start mixing, gradually adding a glass of milk.
  • Stir until the starch is completely dissolved, then put the bowl on a fire, slightly above medium, and bring to the appearance of bubbles, after which the fire is gradually reduced to the smallest and, in the end, removed completely. Let the sauce cool down and then divide it into two equal parts in separate bowls, since we will be preparing two different sauces. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into both sauces.
  • In the first sauce, add one tablespoon of finely chopped salted cucumbers, one teaspoon of finely chopped dill, one teaspoon of dry parsley and half a teaspoon of ground red pepper. Stir - the sauce is ready.
  • In the second sauce, add one clove of garlic through a garlic press and half a teaspoon of ground red pepper. We stir too.

For our sandwiches, we will use the first sauce.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 4.63; fats - 6.82; carbohydrates - 9.93; calorie content - 118.87.

The calorie content is given specifically for the first sauce.


  • For sandwiches, we take two pieces of bran bread, cut them in half and grease the four resulting slices with the sauce that we prepared earlier.
  • On top of each slice we put a piece of thinly sliced ​​low-fat ham, a piece of low-fat mozzarella cheese and a couple of circles of salted cucumbers. We spread the prepared sandwiches on a baking sheet and send them to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for ten minutes, until the cheese is melted. Toasted fragrant hot sandwiches are ready to eat.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 8.3; fats - 10.86; carbohydrates - 6.27; calorie content - 145.22.

Don't forget to add the calorie content of the sauce.


Diet sandwiches for every day

But here there will be no recipes, but only recommendations.

As you have seen for yourself, making a diet sandwich yourself is not difficult. We invite you to connect your imagination to their preparation and make sandwiches according to your recipe. We hope that you will be successful in this task.

And, as they say, "the flag is in your hands"!

Skinny girls think they're chubby. Chubby people think they're fat. And the fat ones will put on leopard leggings - and beauties! Who does not believe, look at Lolita in leggings.

Hello my dear readers! I am replenishing the collection of recipes for healthy dishes, and today we will talk about a healthy breakfast, more precisely, about what I eat from time to time in the morning. In general, the morning meal is my favorite. Although earlier, when I often overate at dinner and indulged in tea at night, I didn’t really need breakfast, in the truest sense of the word. There was no appetite, not to mention the pleasure of what I ate. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Now I always have breakfast and at the same time I feel real pleasure. In addition, at this time I can afford a little more than, say, lunch or dinner.))

For some reason, when I say that sandwiches are one of my favorite dishes, 90 percent of my listeners gasp and wonder. For some reason, in the minds of people, the word SANDWICH is associated with a huge fatty piece of bread with an equally thick piece of butter and sausage with streaks of fat. And when I say that sandwiches can be useful and not harm the figure, then after, I notice sidelong glances. In most cases, such skepticism is inherent in middle-aged people. Maybe these are the remnants of Soviet beliefs?

But we know that it's all about the products that we choose.))) I haven't eaten sausages and store-bought processed (cured, salted) meat for quite a long time. It is much easier and cheaper to cook it yourself, it will turn out much healthier and tastier. That's how I prefer to eat. I hope you do too.)

What kind of bread is suitable for sandwiches?

It's no secret that the main component of sandwiches is bread. And bread is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates give us strength and energize us for the whole day. Nutritionists insist on eating bread made from whole grain flour. It contains coarse fibers that improve bowel function and more vitamins and minerals than white bread.

But if there is no such product, then you can replace it with black bread. A taste that some people don't like. I myself am not a big fan of rye flour products. But sometimes I allow myself to eat a couple of pieces.

Bread rolls are ideal for morning sandwiches. They contain everything that the body needs for vitality. But at the same time, they do not quite give a feeling of satiety. Although who cares, I speak now only for myself.

Delicious and Healthy Breakfast Sandwiches: 4 Simple Recipes

Another advantage of making sandwiches for breakfast is that they are made very quickly, in just a couple of minutes. This cannot but be appreciated by the working representatives of humanity. And, as you know, a very busy time of day. And don't forget to have breakfast. Every minute counts.And so let's move on to the recipes themselves.

Breakfast sandwich with curd cheese

I met curd cheese as a product quite recently. And to be honest, I fell in love with it. It can be different, both solid and creamy. I like the second option. Most often I buy the Hochland brand. I like it with garlic and herbs. In addition, it is less high-calorie than simple hard cream cheese. It is also very easy to prepare at home. Don't know how?

This will require cottage cheese. I take fat-free, add sour cream, salt, finely chopped greens and garlic. I mix everything and send it to a blender. The consistency should be creamy. I can’t say anything about the quantity, since it all depends on the sour cream and the cottage cheese itself. So see for yourself. But if suddenly the product turned out to be too liquid, you can add a little corn starch. But it is desirable not to allow this.

And so the recipe for a sandwich of ugliness is simple. Take a piece of bread and grease with curd cheese.)))

Sandwich with red fish for breakfast

The snack is very tasty. Red fish is rich in healthy fats and trace elements. As a rule, I take whale, pink salmon or salmon. Of these, salmon is the most valuable, but its cost is quite high. You can buy a whole frozen fish and salt it yourself, or buy ready-made portioned pieces. And yet, I choose exactly lightly salted, not smoked.

Take a piece of bread, brush it with a thin layer of butter or cream cheese and place a small piece of fish on top.

By the way, with all sandwiches you can eat an unlimited number of vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, salads and so on. Get even healthier and tastier.

Hot cheese sandwich for breakfast

The simplest, in my opinion, and the hottest.)) Cheese sandwich is familiar to absolutely everyone. This is a classic. Therefore, no one should have any difficulties in cooking. I prefer to melt cheese in the microwave. Then it becomes soft and just melts in your mouth.

Breakfast sandwich with egg

Well, the last breakfast option, which I really love, is the good old egg. It is fried and steamed and baked, but I usually use boiled for sandwiches. I pre-cook it in the evening to free up some time in the morning.

The recipe is, as always, very simple. Take a piece of bread or a loaf, on top of a leaf of lettuce or cabbage (for example, Beijing). If there is no cabbage, a cucumber or tomato will do, then put a boiled egg cut lengthwise. That's all.

Very often I make 2 or 3 types of healthy breakfast sandwiches at once. And as a drink, I love freshly brewed aromatic coffee. I can't refuse it, and I don't want to. One cup in the morning will definitely not wave.)))

Bon appetit!

We have studied in detail the topic of eating bread during a diet, and found out which bakery products will remain in our diet, despite all the dietary restrictions. After my reflections, I received a lot of feedback with questions and reasonable doubts from the ladies about making the right sandwiches. And so I decided to reveal the topic of healthy sandwiches in more detail and recommend some successful recipes.

Since we are going to approach the dangerous line of overeating, we will immediately determine the number of calories. If you decide to treat yourself to baking, then there can be no talk of any additional products. In this case, a ruddy small bun without frills will be your snack sandwich. But with wholemeal rye bread, you can safely combine very tasty and low-calorie foods. Recipes for really tasty and healthy sandwiches consist of several ingredients, and we will now talk about them separately.

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Soft base. Rye bread is rather dry in taste, and butter and mayonnaise are contraindicated for dieters. And do not listen to the assurances of marketers that during weight loss, you can eat lean mayonnaise. Firstly, it contains a decent amount of harmful and high-calorie trans fats, and secondly, it has a specific taste. Instead of mayonnaise and butter, stock up on bio-yoghurt without filler, as well as soft fat-free cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is perfectly smeared on bread and practically does not differ in taste from cheese, which it essentially is. Such a layer on a sandwich performs several functions: it muffles the sharpness of the dish, and makes it soft and tender. It is especially important to use yogurt or cottage cheese in combination with boiled chicken breast, because it always turns out to be dryish, and we are worried not only about calories, but also about taste.

Greenery. Greens are an important part of the right sandwich, because green spicy plants have a unique property - to quickly break down and remove fats from the body. Have you ever seen traditional hospitable tables in the Caucasus? There, on the table, there is always fatty fried meat and huge bunches of all kinds of greens, and among the elders you will not see a person with obesity. The second most important feature of greens is a composition rich in vitamins and microelements, which is indispensable during a period of dietary restriction. We use the most delicious seasonings: parsley and cilantro go well with chicken, basil with lean beef, and dill perfectly sets off the taste of fish.

Vegetables. Vegetables in sandwiches began to be used in our country relatively recently. Prior to that, our compatriots preferred to cook bowls of fatty salads from vegetables ... Meanwhile, vegetables are a source of healthy liquid and just a storehouse of vitamins. Tomato and bell pepper are not only extremely tasty, but also rich in ascorbic acid. The radish contains many beauty vitamins - group B. Cucumber is almost entirely water, but its divine aroma of freshness will make your sandwich gourmet. To prevent a sandwich from turning into a hamburger, it is enough to put two thin slices of a vegetable on top of the main snack. For lovers of the exotic, it can be advised to use avocado with its unique oily taste. Avocado has a magical feature - it is rich in vegetable proteins and therefore satiates well.

Spices. Spices in diet sandwiches allow a person not to feel the lack of salt. If you really want to lose weight, reduce your salt intake as much as possible! Use reasonable amounts of black pepper, paprika, cumin, anise, or dried garlic to improve the taste.

animal protein. Now we will talk about the most important ingredients of our healthy sandwich - meat and fish. First, about the fish. First of all, do not flatter yourself, if you think that all fish are low-calorie, this is a delusion. Mackerel, herring, mackerel, chum, salmon in any form contain a lot of fat. Choose low-fat varieties of fish: pollock, pike, bream and steam them without salt. To fully enjoy the delicate taste of the fish, sprinkle it with lemon juice, it is very tasty. And in no case do not cook canned fish sandwiches - this product has nothing to do with diet food! A huge amount of hidden salt and oil, preservatives and flavor enhancers - that's what our favorite canned food is. You can make a light pate from boiled fish - mix it in a blender along with herbs and a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream.

Are you on a diet and want your pounds to melt rapidly? Then be serious about the choice of meat. For sandwiches, use skinless white chicken, rabbit or veal. Of course, everything is boiled, without fatty streaks and salt. If you decide to make an egg sandwich, great, but you don’t need to add meat or fish to it.

That's actually the whole algorithm for preparing delicious and healthy sandwiches for the figure and health. And finally, a few classic proven recipes for melt-in-your-mouth snacks:

Rye bread, soft cottage cheese, a slice of boiled pollock, a ring of fresh cucumber, dried garlic.
Buckwheat bread, bioyogurt, boiled chicken fillet, tomato wedge, black pepper.
Whole grain bread, soft cottage cheese, a piece of beef, two rings of radish, anise and a sprig of parsley.
Bread "live", a circle of hard-boiled eggs, a slice of avocado, a ring of bell pepper, a sprig of cilantro.

And in conclusion, I repeat once again - you can and should lose weight with great pleasure!

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Most of all they miss not cakes and cream cakes, but the most ordinary sandwiches. With most diets, sausage and cheese, butter and bread are contraindicated. Delicious hot sandwiches are also prohibited, which simply drive you crazy with their flavors and delicious crispy crust.

There is an exit

If you also adhere to proper nutrition, but miss bread with butter, then the recipes for simple sandwiches are dietary! - will be a real find. To prepare such snacks, of course, you will have to choose products more carefully, combine them correctly, take into account calories and grams. But it’s not difficult at all, especially if you have recipe “tips” at hand that will help you build a delicious sandwich in minutes and at the same time not worry about gaining weight after such a meal.

By the way, dietary sandwiches, if you change their size and the amount of food used for cooking, can become not just a snack, but a full meal. With the help of a low-calorie sandwich, you can lose extra pounds, and enrich your body with vitamins, and stay full for a long time.

Crispbread with red fish and cottage cheese

Dietary bread sandwiches are perhaps the most popular snack option. Bread is a great alternative to white bread, which is completely unhealthy for a losing weight body. These sandwiches are perfect for breakfast, and also play the role of a healthy and tasty snack during working hours.


  • Two diet loaves.
  • One hundred grams of low-calorie cottage cheese.
  • Spices.
  • A bunch of fresh herbs.
  • Salted red fish.

Finely chop fresh herbs and mix with cottage cheese. Salt and season with your favorite spices. Spread the bread with the curd mixture and put pieces of red fish on top. Such dietary sandwiches are decorated with a parsley leaf or a sprig of dill.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 98 Kcal.

Hearty sandwich with chicken breast

Very often, sandwiches are made from bread for full and dense snacks. It is a mistake to think that on a diet you can not eat sandwiches with brown bread. Nutritionists recommend giving up white, baguettes and loaves. But whole-grain dark bread in moderation has never harmed a losing weight body.


  • Boiled chicken breast.
  • Two slices of black bread (possible with bran).
  • Tomato.
  • Salt.
  • Avocado.


Replace harmful mayonnaises and sauces in sandwiches with the healthiest fruit - avocado. Mash the pulp with a fork and get an amazingly tasty, nutritious and healthy cream. Spread it on diet sandwiches, put slices of boiled chicken fillet on top, then comes a circle of ripe juicy tomato. Season with salt, pepper and garnish with fresh herbs.

If desired, on such sandwiches with brown bread, you can also put a boiled egg, finely grated garlic or a lettuce leaf.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 122-148 Kcal (depending on the composition and quantity of ingredients).

Sandwich "Traffic light"

Unfortunately, most people have very little time to cook in the morning. That is why in such cases they are a real find for losing weight. A sandwich under the original name "Traffic Light" will help the family quickly feed breakfast, please the guests, and add a drop of useful substances and vitamins to the children.


First, you need to prepare a paste of fat-free cottage cheese and avocado pulp. You can add your favorite spices and salt. Spread the mixture on the bread. The green traffic light is ready.

A circle of ripe and juicy tomato will burn brightly in red. But the yellow traffic light is half a boiled chicken egg. The design of sandwiches is an important nuance, although this is not required here: the dish already has a bright presentable appearance. However, a sprig of fresh parsley will not be superfluous, because even it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements useful for the body.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 112 Kcal.

Hot lavash

It is a mistake to think that everything is harmful to the figure. In fact, you can cook the right warm sandwich, which will be tasty, satisfying, and healthy. Hot diet sandwiches from pita bread are ideal in this case.


Cut pita bread into small squares. In the center we put a leaf of lettuce and finely chopped chicken fillet (boiled!). Salt and add chicken spices. Cut the tomato into thin circles. Lay them on top of the chicken. Sprinkle with grated cheese and roll up. It turns out a kind of roll or shawarma.

You can cook these hot diet sandwiches in two ways:

  • We heat a dry frying pan without adding vegetable oil. As soon as a golden crust appears, turn the sandwich over and fry on the other side.
  • We turn on the oven and set the temperature to 180-190 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil or baking paper. We put the prepared sandwiches and bake for fifteen minutes.

Both options are suitable for dietary nutrition, as they do not involve the use of vegetable oil, that is, harmful fats. Of course, the first one will be faster in time, but after the oven, the sandwiches stay hot longer. The choice is yours.

How many calories are in a sandwich roll? There are only 140-152 Kcal per 100 grams of the finished product. This is the perfect option for a hearty and hearty breakfast or lunch.

Sandwich with fish pate

Fish and white meat are the foods that are most often used to prepare dietary meals. Sandwiches are no exception.


  • Whole grain bread roll (you can use crispbread).
  • Mackerel.
  • Egg.
  • Tablespoon of sour cream (low fat).
  • One small lime.
  • Small chili pepper.
  • One small bulb.

How to cook

This recipe is good not only because the fish paste is good for health and does not negatively affect the figure. A big plus is that you can cook it "in reserve". It keeps well in the refrigerator for three to five days. So, having prepared the pate once, you can provide yourself with tasty and healthy sandwiches for the whole week.

Let's get started. The first step is cutting the fish. We get rid of the head, skin and entrails. Rinse the mackerel carcass under cold water and cut into small pieces. Boil them in lightly salted water for ten minutes. We leave to cool.

Boil the chicken egg, cool and rub on a fine grater. Very finely chop the onion. All you need from a green lime is the grated zest. Put sour cream in a bowl, add zest, egg and onion. Thoroughly mix the ingredients of the future pate together.

Chili peppers will help add spice and piquancy to fish paste. If necessary, rinse and carefully cut in half. It is recommended to remove the bones, since it is in them that the main sharpness and bitterness of pepper are located. We rub the pulp on a coarse grater or cut it with a knife, but as finely as possible. Add pepper to the pate.

It remains to add the fish. When the mackerel has cooled, take it out of the broth with a holey spoon and carefully mash it into a pulp with a fork. Now the fish can be sent to the general container. After mixing, you get a surprisingly fragrant and delicate fish paste with a hint of spicy bitterness. It remains to spread it on the base (bread, pita bread, diet bread).

As for such a question as the design of sandwiches, even such a simple pate sandwich can be decorated in such a way that it will not be a shame to serve it to the festive table. Take a large plate and put the sandwiches on it. Place a small sprig of parsley or a dill “tail” on top of each. Along the edges, you can add pieces of chili pepper and small lime slices as decoration. The composition is ready. Bon appetit!

For 100 grams of such a sandwich with fish pate, there are about 152-160 Kcal, if it is dietary bread or Armenian thin lavash. If you took a white bread bun as a basis, then the calorie content will increase to 192-200 Kcal.

Sandwiches are a popular dish that everyone, without exception, probably likes. Dieters need to watch their diet carefully, but that doesn't mean you have to give up this popular snack. Of course, you should forget about sausage and mayonnaise, but there are many other options that are not only dietary, but also very tasty.

Now you will see this by learning some affordable and popular recipes.

Recipe for diet sandwiches with bread

Forbidden bread can be replaced with healthy and dietary bread. The stores offer a wide range, this recipe uses a product made from rice flakes.

For cooking, prepare the following products: 1 loaf, 75 g of processed cheese, tomato, herbs, garlic clove, olive oil and spices.

  1. Finely chop the peeled garlic together with herbs, and then add to the softened and crushed cheese with a fork. Mix everything well until the mass is homogeneous;
  2. Make a cross-shaped incision on the tomato, and then lower it for a couple of seconds in boiling water. A similar procedure will allow you to easily remove the peel, and cut the flesh into small cubes and sprinkle it with olive oil;
  3. Lubricate the bread with cheese mass, put the tomato and garnish with herbs. Great option for a hearty breakfast.

Recipe for diet sandwiches with cottage cheese

The appetizer prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tasty and beautiful, which means that it can be served on the festive table so that people who watch their figure can also treat themselves. Prepared ingredients make 2 servings.

Take these products: 80 g cucumbers, 55 g tomatoes, 5 g spices for vegetables, 120 g creamy cottage cheese, a sprig of dill and 4 grain breads.

You need to prepare according to this scheme:

  1. Cut vegetables into small cubes. To make the taste more tender, you can peel them, for which you first dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds. It is also recommended to remove seeds from tomatoes;
  2. In a separate container with cottage cheese, combine prepared vegetables, add chopped herbs and spices. Taste and add more salt if you like. It remains only to spread the grain loaves with the resulting mass and you can serve.

hot sandwich recipe

Many people believe that this type of snack is the most destructive for the figure, but in fact it is not, the main thing is to follow some rules.

For hot sandwiches, prepare the following products: 2 slices of black bread, 2 slices of natural ham or boiled meat and cheese, 2 champignons, and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

You need to prepare according to this scheme:

  1. Brush each slice of bread with olive oil. Scald the washed and peeled mushrooms with boiling water and cut into thin slices. Put mushrooms, ham and cheese on each piece;
  2. Lay the sandwiches on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake until cheese is melted.

Diet sandwiches with chicken breast

The breast is considered the most useful and low-calorie meat, so it can be safely used to prepare various dishes. Since poultry meat is quite dry, it is recommended to combine it with vegetables so that in the end the appetizer is juicy and tasty.

Prepare these foods: 2 slices of whole grain bread, 40 g of cottage cheese, and another 60 g of boiled fillet and cucumber.

You need to prepare according to this scheme:

  1. Toast the bread in a toaster or oven, but without using oil. Spread it with cream cheese while it is still warm. Cut the chicken into thin slices, and the cucumber into rings;
  2. Put the chicken on the curd cheese, and then the cucumber. These sandwiches are delicious both hot and cold.

Diet sandwiches with delicious sauce

Sandwiches are very popular, they are prepared with different ingredients, sauces, etc. Among this variety, there are several dietary recipes, consider one of them.

List of required products: 200 g chicken fillet, egg, sweet pepper, 30 g petiole celery, 10 g whole grain bread, 5 g mustard, 12 g olive oil, 5 g lemon juice and dill.

You need to prepare according to this scheme:

  1. Put the egg to boil, and dry the meat with a paper towel. Cut the fillet into halves, like a regular sandwich, salt on all sides and brush with olive oil. Fry the chicken in a dry frying pan until golden brown and cooked, and then cut into pieces so that their thickness is about 1 cm;
  2. Dry two slices of bread with a toaster or fry it in a pan or in the oven. The main thing is not to use oil. Peel the pepper from seeds and veins and cut it into slices, about 5 mm thick. Cut the celery into thin strips;
  3. To prepare the sauce, separate the yolk from the protein, and mix it with mustard, lemon juice, salt and olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk to make the sauce thick;
  4. Grease the toast with a thick layer of sauce, lay out the chicken, alternating it with pepper and celery. Garnish with herbs and serve.

Diet breakfast sandwich with avocado

Avocado is a healthy product that has an oily texture, which is ideal for preparing a snack. The dish is ready in seconds.

Prepare these foods: 2 slices of black bread, half an avocado, greens or arugula, and an egg.

You need to prepare according to this scheme:

  1. Fry the egg in a minimum amount of oil. It is important that the yolk does not spread, as the egg will decorate the dish;
  2. If desired, bread can be made toast using a special device or in the oven. Top each piece with arugula, avocado slices and an egg on top. If desired, avocados can be ground in a blender to make a paste that is easy to spread on toast.

Shrimp breakfast sandwiches

Such an appetizer is ideal not only for a regular menu, but also for a holiday. The original appearance of sandwiches makes them very appetizing.

Take this set of products: 100 g peeled and cooked shrimp, 4 slices of whole grain bread, half an avocado, egg, 4 lettuce leaves, lemon, salt, pepper and kiwi.

You need to prepare according to this scheme:

  1. Boil the egg, and cut the avocado into small cubes and combine with the chopped egg on a grater. Carefully remember the mass with a fork so that it becomes homogeneous. Add salt, pepper and juice of 1/4 lemon. Mix everything thoroughly;
  2. Put the prepared mass on each slice of bread, then lettuce and shrimp. Garnish with a kiwi slice.

Low calorie seafood sandwiches

Such a snack is ideal not only for breakfast, but also as a snack at work or on the road. Seafood makes a sandwich very healthy and tasty. From the required amount of products, 4 servings come out.

For this recipe, take the following set of products: 4 slices of loaf with bran, 35 g of boiled mussels and shrimp, 100 g of prepared squid, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 20 g of hard cheese, tomato, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural yogurt without additives, salt, pepper and herbs.
