
Dietary pastries from chickpea flour. Two recipes for Italian chickpea tortilla (grain free)

It may seem strange to create desserts from peas! But even the biggest skeptics should try at least once a dish made not from wheat, but from chickpea flour. For what? Let's figure it out.

Fans of diet food were the first to choose chickpea flour: as it turned out, despite the calorie content similar to wheat, one average serving of any dessert requires less. In addition, there is no gluten (gluten) in chickpea flour, which is a real find for people who suffer from intolerance to it. There are a lot of such people, unfortunately, there are many of them among children. With chickpea flour, you can enjoy delicious desserts without fear of consequences.

Chickpea flour, of course, differs in taste from the usual wheat flour. More precisely, it differs in the texture of the finished product: they come out more tender, softer. Almost everything can be cooked from chickpea flour: muffins and muffins, pies, pancakes, pancakes, brownies and much more. And therefore, be sure to prepare yourself more such flour.

Flour can be made from either raw or boiled chickpeas. On this occasion, it is useful to know that boiled flour (we will cook it at home) does not have a characteristic pea taste, and therefore it is not worth it at all to be afraid that the dessert will have an unpleasant aftertaste. The taste is amazing! Pure pleasure.

Cooking time: about 24 hours, active cooking time - 30-40 minutes
Finished product yield: 200 grams


  • chickpeas 230-240 grams
  • soda 1-1.5 tsp

How to make chickpea flour at home

Pour the peas with cold water and add soda to it. Leave the peas overnight in water to swell.

In the morning, drain the water, rinse the chickpeas under running water. Put the peas in a saucepan, fill with fresh cold water and put on fire.
When the water in the pan begins to boil, foam will stand out - it must be collected.

Boil the peas from the moment of boiling for 7-10 minutes, and then drain the water, rinse the chickpeas, cover with fresh water and put the pan on the fire.
Boil peas for 1.5-2 hours. If the water boils away during the cooking process, add more little by little.
Boil chickpeas until tender. Its readiness to determine is very simple: the pea should remain intact, but if you crush it with your fingers, then inside it will be soft and tender.

Drain the boiled chickpeas and place them on a paper towel to remove excess water.

Wait for the peas to cool and then mash them into a puree.

Put the resulting puree on a baking sheet. Try to spread it evenly.

Dry the chickpeas at 80 degrees. This will take about 5-6 hours. From time to time you need to stir the pea puree so that it dries evenly.
As it dries, the puree will break up into smaller fractions. Dried puree crumbles easily.

Now the resulting crumb must be crushed in a coffee grinder.

Then sift the flour through a sieve to remove any unground bits. They can be ground in a coffee grinder again.

As a result, you will get a very tender, small, weightless flour.
Store chickpea flour in a tightly closed container so that it does not absorb moisture from the environment.

The so-called Turkish (mutton) peas. Chickpeas have been cultivated for over 7500 years. From the Middle East, he came to Ancient Greece and Rome, where they cooked porridge from him, called pulse. The ancient oriental physician Avicenna believed that there are no healthier dishes than from this flour, and the stew from it treats lung diseases. In ancient Rome, flour from these legumes was used as a diuretic (diuretic) agent, as well as to treat impotence in men.

Every year the collection of these legumes increases in the world. The high yield and nutritional value of this crop has made chickpeas popular in countries with large populations. The world's leading chickpea growers are India, Pakistan and Australia. While in the first two countries the harvest is mainly intended for domestic consumption, Australia grows chickpeas mainly for sale on the world market.

Chemical composition

Like all legumes, chickpeas are a valuable source of vegetable protein. 100 g of chickpea flour contains up to 20 g, 3-5 g and 50-60 g. of this product is 330-360 kcal.

Chickpea proteins in terms of biological value can replace animal proteins, since they are a source of essential amino acids, in particular, and. Due to the high protein content, chickpea flour contains many purine bases.

Lamb pea fats are classified as "useful", that is, they consist mainly of and. The flour from it is rich in animal substitutes. Phytosterols are involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, and are also part of cell membranes.

Carbohydrates of chickpea flour are 15% water insoluble, which acts as an absorbent in the stomach and intestines. Swelling in the stomach, fiber increases in volume, thereby causing a quick feeling of fullness. In the small intestine, dietary fiber retains cholesterol, which enters the intestine with food or is excreted in the bile.

Due to this composition, this bean product can be called dietary, despite its rather high calorie content.

Chickpeas are enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals
NameContent in 100 g, milligrams

Most of these substances are found in chickpea flour in quantities that can affect the functioning of the human body. These are vitamin PP, folic acid, silicon, manganese, molybdenum, copper, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron.

Beneficial features

Besan is used mainly in cooking, but its beneficial properties allow it to be used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

Chickpeas contain the highest amount of the essential methionine among all other agricultural crops. This amino acid is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (adrenaline and acetylcholine), which contributes to the normal transmission of impulses along nerve fibers. As a result of this, the reaction speed is accelerated, memory and analytical abilities are improved, and working capacity is increased. In addition, methionine takes part in the metabolism of fats and vitamins, and exhibits an antitoxic effect.

Chickpea flour is gluten-free, therefore, dishes from it are recommended to replace gluten-containing products (from cereal flour) in the diet of people suffering from celiac disease.

In Australia, at the beginning of the 21st century, large-scale clinical studies were carried out, during which the dependence of the level of insulin in the blood on the intake of dishes from chickpea flour was studied. Studies have found that taking besan dishes slightly increases blood concentration and, accordingly, the subsequent insulin response to this increase, so chickpea flour can be considered a product for diabetics.

Another US clinical study in 2007 showed that chickpea flour helped lower blood cholesterol levels. On the one hand, the hypocholesterolemic effect is due to the presence of phytosterols in the product, which “dilute” animal cholesterol, since they have a molecule similar to it. On the other hand, vegetable fiber absorbs cholesterol while still in the intestines, reducing its absorption.

Due to the low calorie content, high protein content, the presence of zinc and calcium, chickpea flour is recommended to be added to meals for everyone who wants to lose weight. , tocopherols, iron, zinc and magnesium strengthen the immune system and promote hematopoiesis.

Proteins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, besan vitamins contribute to the intensive growth and harmonious sexual development of the child's body. For the elderly, this product will help maintain vision and prevent osteoporosis.

Possible harm

Despite all the benefits of chickpea flour, in some cases it can be harmful and even dangerous:

  • limiting the use of mutton pea flour is necessary with a tendency to flatulence or diarrhea;
  • people with food allergies should eat besan dishes with caution;
  • it is forbidden to use chickpea flour for people suffering from gout, peptic ulcer, acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, thrombophlebitis.

Chickpea flour is not a food allergen, but when trying dishes from it for the first time, it is advisable to reduce the serving size to a minimum in order to avoid unforeseen consequences in the form of allergies or individual intolerances.

Application in medicine

Due to this range of useful properties, besan has found its application in the treatment of various diseases. It is useful to add chickpea flour to dishes for various diseases:

  • central nervous system (depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia);
  • digestive organs (cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, fatty degeneration of the liver);
  • heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, arrhythmias of various origins, coronary heart disease, after strokes);
  • eyes (decreased visual acuity, cataracts, glaucoma);
  • metabolism (diabetes, obesity, growth retardation in children);
  • musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, after injuries, bruises, sprains);
  • autoimmune pathologies, fermentopathy (celiac disease);
  • anemia, including after heavy menstrual bleeding, metrorrhagia, childbirth;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women and intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus;
  • disorders of the male genital area (sexual impotence, prostatitis, prostate adenomas).

Chickpea flour soup helps to separate sputum from the respiratory tract, so this dish is recommended to be included in the diet for diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis) since the time of Avicenna.

The regular presence of chickpea flour in dishes, due to the large amount of B vitamins in it, helps to get rid of skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, itching, rash, seborrhea).

The antioxidant properties of chickpeas and chickpea flour also make it possible to talk about the anti-cancer properties of these products and include dishes from them in the menu for the prevention or early stages of cancer.

Application in cosmetology

Chickpea flour is used in the manufacture of cosmetics for external use. Scrubs and masks for the skin of the face, décolleté and the whole body, depilation products, hair masks are prepared from it.

As a scrub, it cleanses the pores of sebum, comedones (blackheads) and flaking. In masks for the face and décolleté, chickpea flour nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves complexion. Regular use of scrubs and masks based on mutton pea powder allows you to get rid of acne and scars on the skin after them. A hair mask based on grated mutton peas nourishes the hair roots, strengthens them and makes them silky and shiny.

In India, this product is used to prepare products that help fight unwanted hair growth in some areas of the body.

Body Scrub

To prepare it, you need to take 3 parts of chickpeas, 2 parts of cornmeal and one part of oatmeal. This mixture should be diluted to a thick consistency. This scrub should be done just before use, otherwise it will dry out quickly. The product is applied to wet skin, massaged with a hard washcloth for five minutes, then washed off with warm water and a light moisturizer is applied.

Hair Shine Mask

The mask is prepared from a tablespoon of mutton pea flour, the same amount, one juice and one protein. All ingredients are mixed and applied to clean, damp hair for half an hour. After that, the mask is thoroughly washed off.

How to store

Chickpea flour packed in paper or plastic bags should be stored at room temperature in a dry place for up to one year.

After opening the package, the product must be poured into a clean, hermetically sealed container and placed in the refrigerator or freezer. In this case, the shelf life is extended to 6 months (or one year, respectively) from the moment the package is opened. It is undesirable to store flour after opening at room temperature: the shelf life is reduced to 1 month.

Use in cooking

Adding besan to a dish improves its taste and nutritional value. Chickpea flour can be added to dough for bread and pastries, desserts, soups, cereals, gravies, sauces, used as a savory breading for meat and fish. Mutton pea flour imparts a spicy, nutty flavor to dishes to which it is added. It can be used on its own, as well as mixed with other types of flour, for example, or.

In Asian countries, dishes are very popular, where one of the ingredients is chickpea flour. In Kyrgyzstan, bread shirmay nan is baked from it, in Tajikistan - cakes of chabata and kulcha, in India - cakes of sokka, pudla and bondi sweets, in Arab countries - hummus.

Recently appeared on the shelves, chickpea flour is gaining more and more respect due to its excellent taste and many ways to use it. It is made from chickpeas or lamb peas, which is widely known to the inhabitants of Asia and Africa. For them, it is one of the main ingredients of the local cuisine. The flour can be roasted, made from pre-baked chickpeas, or raw, ground from fresh dried chickpeas. If desired, it can be made at home.

Chickpea flour: useful properties

A lot of people on their own experience were able to evaluate the benefits of this product. This flour has found wide application in cooking, cosmetology and nutrition. Perfect for those who suffer from gluten intolerance, as well as vegetarians, due to the presence of a large amount of protein. Gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and toxins.


Chickpea flour is very rich in proteins. Depending on the variety, its content ranges from 20 to 30%. And fats are in the range of 6-9%. Also pleased with the diverse vitamin and mineral composition. Potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc and copper are present in the largest amount. There are vitamins of groups B, E, folic, nicotinic and panthenolic acids, soluble and insoluble fiber. due to high calorie content (360 kcal), which contributes to rapid saturation.


In the culinary arts of India and many African countries, chickpea flour is used everywhere. Soups, cereals, pancakes, sweets, sauces are prepared from it, and used for breading. The most prominent representatives are pudla and laddu sweets. Africans cook falafel and hummus. Chickpea flour can be mixed with any other to obtain different types of dough. It has a buttery-nutty taste and goes well in dishes. In order to replace 1 egg in the recipe, you can mix a teaspoon of flour and the same amount of water.

You can often hear from people with celiac disease that chickpeas make an excellent gluten-free flour. This disease is associated with intolerance to the protein of some cereals. In this case, chickpeas will not only perfectly replace the traditionally used wheat flour, but also significantly enrich the body with useful substances, since flour from it is considered the most useful of all possible.


Regular use of mutton peas and its flour in your diet can significantly improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, saturate the body with iron and calcium, which will immediately positively affect the condition of hair, skin and nails.

For external use, chickpea flour is used in the form of special face masks, body scrub soaps, and facial cleansers.

The mask recipe is very simple. A quarter cup of flour should be diluted with the same amount of water, put a teaspoon of natural honey and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply evenly on the face. After 15-20 minutes, the natural mask can be washed off with warm water. The skin will become softer and fresher. Helps in the fight against boils and other inflammatory processes.

To make natural chickpea soap, mix a glass of flour with water until you get a thick paste. Apply it on the skin, massage lightly and rinse with warm water. This mixture not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes it.

Dietetics and medicine

The mass of healing properties of chickpeas has been known since ancient times. It was used as an excellent astringent, decoctions help the liver, liquid soups are recommended for lung disease.

The presence of a large amount of soluble vegetable fiber in chickpea flour allows you to remove bad cholesterol, and insoluble fiber stimulates intestinal motility, cleanses its walls, removes accumulated toxins and toxins.

Due to the high content of iron, you can get rid of anemia. Especially useful is the use of chickpea flour for women after the menstrual cycle, to restore the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Strengthening of the walls of blood vessels occurs due to the presence of ascorbic acid, and vitamin C improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Chickpeas are also used to treat cataracts and reduce intraocular pressure.

Nutritionists recommend eating chickpeas pre-soaked overnight and ground in a meat grinder or blender. It is eaten in small portions throughout the day, added to salads, cereals or soups. The duration of the course is 7-8 days. After a week's respite, you can take another course.

Chickpea flour: beneficial properties and harm

Despite the numerous advantages and benefits, it has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account in the process of application.

  • The presence of cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.
  • With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If there is acute nephritis or gout.

It is also worth considering the fact that chickpeas belong to the legume family and can cause bloating and gas.

Complies with the requirements of the BGBK diet

Cake cecina originally from Tuscany. It is also prepared in other regions of Italy, but under different names: in Liguria - farinata, in Nice - socca. A similar one can also be found on the southern coast of France, and in Morocco. It just so happens that this cake does not contain any gluten or casein at all. The original recipe was just chickpea flour (Garbanzo bean/chickpea flour), water and olive oil. Other ingredients may be present in the modified recipe - eggs, yeast, etc.

In terms of oxalates, chickpeas belong to (9 mg / 100 g of boiled chickpeas), occupying a position next to boiled lentils. Information about chickpea flour is not yet available.

Both of these recipes are easy to follow. According to the first, the cake is cooked on the stove, and in the second, a hot oven is required.

Before moving on to the recipe for cecina itself, it is fair to mention the almost anecdotal story of its birth.

In the distant XIII century, Pisa and Genoa opposed each other in an effort to subjugate the Mediterranean - North Africa, Spain, Sardinia and Corsica. Legend has it that after the naval battle of 1264 near Meloria, where Genoa defeated Pisa, many Pisans were captured. Upon returning to Genoa, the ships of the victorious flotilla were caught in a severe storm. The crushing wind during a thunderstorm damaged a lot of cargo. The contents of many barrels crumbled and spilled. They mainly contained chickpeas (chickpeas) and olive oil - the main food of sailors and soldiers of that time.

The olive oil mixed with the soaked and swollen chickpeas, forming a very unsightly dirty gray mass. The Genoese, famous for their stinginess ( say in a modern way, practicality), did not throw the dubious mixture overboard, but decided to feed it to the captured Pisans. But the proud Pisan warriors at first refused such a “delicacy”. (They had their own dietary standards). Legend has it that one of them did not even touch the plate, leaving it for the whole day on the sun-scorched deck. The next morning, what looked so disgusting the day before suddenly turned into real bread - a flat cake. The sun and heat did their job. That's how the world got chechina.

Try and cook it. You get a very satisfying, nutritious product, perfect for lunch or a snack with ", salad pate or as a pizza crust. Cecina is best served piping hot - this is how it tastes best.

Cecina with spices

To give more taste, the chickpea mixture is flavored here with a set of herbs and spices. You can not add them, but replace dry herbs with fresh ones, at the same time lowering them (if such a problem bothers you).

Source - Joanne Stepaniak The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook.


  • ½ cup chickpea flour
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp dry oregano, (grind with fingers before laying)
  • ¼ tsp dry basil, (grind with fingers before adding)
  • ¼ tsp garlic powder
  • a little cayenne pepper or ground black pepper (or to taste)
  • a little turmeric (or to taste)
  • ½ glass of water
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • fat (or olive oil) for greasing the pan


1. Place all dry ingredients in a bowl.

2. Gradually add water in several stages, whisking thoroughly each time until completely combined.

3. Copiously grease a large frying pan with dietary fat or olive oil (preferably with a non-stick coating, 23 cm in diameter) and heat over medium heat.

4. Pour the dough into a hot frying pan (stir it before that). Drizzle olive oil on top.

5. Cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes until the top "grabs" and the bottom is fried. Turn over and cook for another 5 minutes until a good crust forms on the other side.

6. Transfer to a round dish, cut into 8 pieces and serve.

Nutritional properties: per 1/4 recipe 54 calories, 2g fat, 154mg sodium, 7g carbs, 1g fiber, 3g protein, 13% DV folate, GL 3

Chechina from the oven

We continue to explore the different types of gluten-free flour. Today we will talk about chickpea flour, which is obtained by grinding chickpeas (chickpeas, or lamb peas). It has a pleasant nutty flavor that lends itself well to baked goods, soups and sauces. It is especially popular in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Chickpea flour has other names: gram, garbanzo, chichi. If unroasted beans are used, besan flour is produced, if roasted, chana flour is produced.

One cup of chickpea flour contains 356 calories, 21 g of protein, 6 g of fat (70% of which are healthy unsaturated fats), and 53 g of carbohydrates. This product has fewer calories than any whole grain or wheat flour we are used to. But there is much more protein in it.

It is also an excellent source of folic acid, vitamins A, B6 and K, thiamine, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc and potassium.

Beneficial features

The fundamental beneficial property of chickpea flour is the absence of gluten, which is especially important for people suffering from celiac disease, that is, intolerance to gluten, for which cereals are generous: wheat, barley and rye.

Effects on blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Australian researchers studied the insulin response to chickpea products in middle-aged men and women. The results, published in 2004 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggest that eating chickpea flour reduces blood sugar and insulin concentrations compared to wheat flour, thereby reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

Based on this study, cardiologists around the world are increasingly instructing their patients to include mutton pea flour in their diet.

Dietary Properties

Besan flour has a low glycemic index, which means that you definitely won’t get better with it and, on the contrary, will lose weight. Of course, we are not talking about fatty and sweet pastries. Fitness experts advise eating satta, a puree made from chickpea flour with low-fat yogurt, popular in India.

Due to the wide variety of vitamins and minerals, the product will be useful for those who suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, autism, attention deficit disorder and many other ailments.

For face and body

As you probably already guessed, chickpea flour can be used not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes, which has been successfully done by many generations of Indian beauties. Especially for you, I have selected recipes, the ingredients for which will be easy to get.

Brightening Scrub Mask

Along with lemon, besan flour is a popular home remedy for skin lightening in India. Mix 4 tsp. flour with 1 tsp. raw milk and 1 tsp. lemon juice. You should get a homogeneous paste. Apply to face and gently rub in circular motions. After drying, rinse with water.

Purifying Mattifying Mask

For oily and problematic skin, a mask made from a mixture of yogurt, raw milk and chickpea flour is a real lifesaver because it gives quick results. Keep this mask on your face for about 20 minutes. This home remedy also removes dirt and make-up residue.

To treat acne scars

To combat acne scars, mix flour with a pinch of turmeric powder and 2 tbsp. l. fresh milk, apply the resulting composition evenly on the face and neck area. Wash off with warm water after 20-25 minutes.

Body Scrub

Mix 3 tsp. chickpea flour, 1 tsp. chopped oatmeal and 2 tsp. cornmeal with a little raw milk. Apply the mixture on the body and massage into the skin. This scrub will remove dead cells, excess sebum and dirt.

From facial hair

Besan flour can also be used to remove unwanted facial hair, and for a long time. Mix fenugreek powder (available from bulk spice vendors) with flour to form a paste. Apply to problem areas, rinse after drying.

Mask for dry flaky skin

Mix 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice with 1 tbsp. l. gram flour, 1 tsp milk cream or olive oil and 1/2 tsp. honey until a thick paste forms. Apply this paste all over your face, wash it off when it dries.

Hair masks

Your hair can also benefit from besan flour, as it strengthens your hair and makes it healthy and shiny. Here are a couple of easy recipes for you.

For shine

Take 1 egg white, 2 tsp. chickpea flour, 1 tsp. cottage cheese and ½ tsp. natural lemon juice, mix and apply to the hair along the entire length, paying particular attention to the tips. Let the mask dry and rinse with cool water.

For long hair

Make a nourishing hair mask with a little garbanzo flour, ground almonds and cottage cheese with a teaspoon of olive oil. If you have dry and severely damaged hair, add 1-2 vitamin E capsules. Apply to scalp and rinse after dry. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

How to make at home

To make chickpea flour at home, all you need is a blender or food processor. Rinse the chickpeas with clean water, let dry overnight, or better yet, bake in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Grind the dried beans in small batches until you get the consistency of flour.

Store homemade chickpea flour in a covered container, in the refrigerator (up to 6 months) or freezer (up to a year). Do not take the flour with a wet spoon to avoid lumps.

Application in cooking

If you don’t like to bother with making your own chickpea flour, you can look for it on sale. Chances are you will find the finished product among Indian spices or in a health food store on the gluten-free flour shelf.

In cooking, this type of flour is used in breading mixtures as a thickener for sauces, soups and stews, as part of the dough for pancakes, pancakes and waffles, for making vegan omelettes and, of course, baking.

To make traditional sokka flatbread, Orientals mix besan flour with water, olive oil, yogurt or milk, season the resulting paste with parsley, cumin, coriander, turmeric, chili, rosemary, onion or garlic, and send it to fry in a hot frying pan. But there are also sweet fret balls fried in ghee, chickpea halva and many other delicacies.

When cooking, follow the proportion: 7/8 cups of chickpea flour for every glass of wheat flour. You can mix it with other types such as bean or rice flour.

You will also need to use more liquid as chickpea flour absorbs more moisture than other varieties.

Are you going to bake yeast bread based on chickpea flour? Add xanthan or guar gum - these ingredients will replace the gluten and make the dough rise.
