
Baby food for newborns without palm. Harm of palm oil in baby food

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus whether palm oil is good or bad for the body. That is why many mothers whose children are bottle-fed prefer to purchase mixtures that do not contain this product. However, manufacturers, knowing this, are sometimes silent about its content or designate it in other terms. That is why today we will find out what baby formulas exist without palm oil, we will list them at the end of the article, and first we will find out what this product is.

General information about palm oil

What is palm oil?

Palm oil is an oil obtained from the fruits of the oil palm tree, which grows in tropical countries. It has a red tint and a specific smell and taste. It began to be included in many food products, including milk and even infant formula, because it is a very cheap raw material compared to other analogues. In addition, it has found wide application in industrial production. It is an integral part of many cosmetics, candles and even biofuels.

The benefits and harms of palm oil

As we have already said, scientists have not yet come to an agreement on this issue. There are many proponents of palm oil who claim that it is good for the body. They base their conclusions on the fact that this product is rich in many substances useful for the body. Thanks to these substances, harmful free radicals are removed from the body. In addition, this oil helps to strengthen bones, teeth, nails and hair. However, this is only on one side.

If we consider a different point of view, namely, the harm of palm oil, then its supporters argue that the product contains a large amount of cholesterol, so it should not be consumed by either children or adults. In addition, it removes calcium from the body and this property has been clinically proven. That is why it is not recommended for children. A growing organism especially needs calcium, since this mineral is involved in the formation of the skeletal system and many organs. If it is not supplied in sufficient quantities, then the baby will not grow well, he will have problems with his teeth - and this is not all the problems associated with calcium deficiency. In addition, palm oil causes constipation in a child and colic. It also provokes constant regurgitation and even regurgitation with a "fountain". Knowing all this, most mothers opt for those mixtures that do not include palm oil.

An overview of popular baby food brands can be found in the article.

Infant formula: there are products without palm oil

Children's products without palm oil

Features of blends without palm oil

Baby formulas without palm oil, the list of those is not too long, belong to the premium class. They contain prebiotics and probiotics, which positively affect the intestinal microflora. It is they who help to cope with intestinal colic, which very often torment newborns. Note that since they do not include palm oil, the baby does not have problems with the stool.

In addition, they contain the IQ complex. It is he who contributes to the normal development of the brain of the baby and positively affects his vision. Also in the composition of this complex is a substance called lutein. It cannot be produced by the body on its own within a year after the birth of the baby. That is why it is important that the child receives it from the outside. Only mother's milk and mixtures adapted to it can provide lutein for a baby.

List of blends without palm oil

Nanny Classic

This mixture comes to Russian shelves from New Zealand. It contains substances such as Omega-3, Omega-6, lactose, coconut, canola and sunflower oils, whole goat milk powder, and marine animal fat. This product is suitable even for babies prone to allergic reactions and for those children whose body rejects cow's milk.

The average cost is 320 rubles per 100 gr.


The country of origin of this product is the Netherlands. This mixture is recommended for:

  1. The baby has an allergic reaction.
  2. Problems with the assimilation of incoming food.
  3. Before preparation for surgery or after it.

This mixture contains lipids, corn oil and many other beneficial substances.

The average cost of this product is 270 rubles per 100 gr.

Similac Isomil

This mixture comes to us from Denmark. It belongs to the category of medicinal, as it is recommended for the nutrition of children prone to allergies and for those babies whose body rejects cow's milk.

The average cost of this mixture is 110 rubles per 100 gr.

Similac Premium

This mixture, like the previous one, comes to us from Denmark. It is designed to feed babies from the first days of their birth. It contains substances that provide the child with a full mental and physical development.

The average cost of the product is 110 rubles per 100 gr.

According to many researchers, infant formulas without palm oil, some of which we have listed above, are more beneficial for the baby than a similar product, which includes this oil. Knowing all this, you can choose the most suitable option for your child.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 01/23/2017

Despite the development of science and medicine, scientists are unable to produce a product identical in composition to human breast milk. All milk infant formulas are only from afar similar to natural mother's milk. At the same time, the mixture is a salvation for mothers and babies when it is not possible to breastfeed the baby. We will try to figure out how to choose the right mixture for the baby, so as not to harm the health of the crumbs.

What ingredients should be wary of in the composition of the mixture

Today, everywhere you can hear that palm oil harms the body. At the same time, this ingredient, as before, is added to the composition of many infant formulas, which causes concern for parents. What exactly is palm oil harmful for?

Palm oil, like breast milk, contains palmitic acid. However, this substance has certain differences. The body absorbs the acid from breast milk in its entirety, while substances from palm oil do not.

To find out why vegetable palm oil is not well absorbed, consider what it contains:

  • Vitamin E, it provides resistance to various cellular mutations, helps to increase the rate of oxygen supply to the brain, and also has a positive effect on blood clotting;
  • vitamin A, which plays an important role in the growth of the child;
  • antioxidants Q10;
  • palmitic acid, similar to breast milk.

Despite the positive composition, palm oil has a high melting point. This does not allow this product to be absorbed completely. In addition, many vitamins are lost during absorption.

What is the harm of palm oil to babies

For newborns and toddlers in the first months of life, formula or breast milk is the only source of nutrition from which a child can get all the useful and nutritious substances, including calcium.

Palm oil has been proven to be less digestible. According to studies and observations, in children who were fed with a mixture containing palm oil, the absorption of calcium is 18-20% less than in those children who were formula-fed with mixtures that did not contain this ingredient.

This is due to the content of palmitic acid, which, when combined with calcium, becomes insoluble, which interferes with absorption. Infant formula containing palm oil complicates the absorption of not only calcium, but also fats.

In addition, due to the palm oil contained in the mixture, constipation may form in babies. This is especially true for children in the first months of life, when the proper functioning of the intestines is just being established.

Why is palm oil added to infant formula?

It should not be forgotten that many vegetable and animal fats contain palmitic acid. For example, butter consists of a quarter of it, soybean contains 6.5%, lard - 30%, palm oil - 40-45%.

At the same time, babies who are fed with a mixture containing palm oil develop without any deviations. Based on this, it is allowed to add this ingredient to the composition of infant formulas.

Manufacturers of baby food are trying to improve and improve the composition of products.

To reduce the negative impact of palm oil on a fragile children's body, manufacturers adhere to the following restrictions in the production of mixtures:

  • add the liquid ingredient of palm oil - olein. In which unsaturated fatty acids are present in a smaller amount;
  • modern products contain less palm oil than it was before the start of ongoing research (1994-2000);
  • Infant formula contains more calcium than breast milk. This is necessary due to the fact that calcium from mixtures is absorbed worse;
  • infant formula contains vitamin D, it helps to absorb calcium;
  • Prebiotics are added to many formulas for children, they help fight constipation.

List of blends without palm oil

There are not many mixtures on the shelves of domestic baby food stores that do not contain palm oil. At the same time, such products also have their drawbacks. They lie in the fact that such mixtures are casein, and not whey, in this regard, they are even more different from breast milk than baby food with palm oil.

A list of infant formulas that do not contain palm oil would look like this:

  • Similac 1 (Similac 1, Denmark). The net weight of the product is 350 g, the energy value of the product is 514 kcal per 100 g, and the price is at the level of 240-270 rubles. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that the composition contains milk powder and soy lecithin.
  • a mixture of the same manufacturer Similac Premium 1 (Similak Premium 1, Denmark). Weight 400 g, the cost of such a premium package is 420-450 rubles.
  • Nestogen 1 (Nestogen 1, Switzerland). In the package, the mass of the product is 350 g, the cost is 240-260 rubles.
  • Nanny 1, country of origin - New Zealand. Weight - 400 g, and the cost is at the level of 1200-1250 rubles.

How to feed the baby, it is up to the parents, so all the risks of benefit or harm of certain mixtures are assigned to them.

The opinion of doctors about mixtures with palm oil

Dr. Komarovsky, known to many modern mothers, claims that this ingredient is not harmful. The doctor does not speak negatively about any infant formula. He claims that if it is impossible to feed the baby with mother's milk, it is the milk formula that is the way out of this situation.

At the same time, both infant formula and breast milk may not be completely absorbed. Often, when breastfeeding, mothers have to deal with allergic reactions, constipation and gas formation.

In the absence of breast milk, the doctor recommends purchasing high-quality milk formulas, including those containing palm oil. It's much better than giving your baby cow's milk. The content of unprocessed milk protein in it can cause much more harm to the child.

The most popular in our country are milk mixtures of the following brands:

  • Baby 1, made in Russia. The package contains 350 g of the mixture, and the cost fluctuates at the level of 210-230 rubles.
  • Nutrilon Premium (Nutrilon Premium 1), the cost of a package of 400 g is 410-450 rubles, the product is produced in Holland.
  • Nan 1 (Nun 1) - the Netherlands. A package of 400 g costs approximately 370-400 rubles.

Regardless of the composition of infant formula, there is no better nutrition than breast milk. Therefore, feeding the baby with a mixture should be only as a last resort, if mother's milk is not enough or it is completely absent.

Hello dear readers.

Did you know that palm oil in baby food has a negative effect on the digestive system and impairs the absorption of calcium by the body? Vegetable oils are added to get a percentage of fat that is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk. Is there palm oil free infant formula? Yes, sure. Health-conscious manufacturers offer safe baby food options.

It is the cheapest, therefore it is very popular among companies involved in the production of food products. An important fact for companies that produce infant formula is that it can increase the shelf life of the product.

Palm oil in infant formulas is characterized by a high content of fatty acids and cholesterol. This affects the digestive tract, causing constipation and colic in the baby. Cholesterol settles on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the gaps, which leads to additional stress on the heart muscle. But the most important thing that experts warn against is that these components do not allow the body to fully absorb calcium. And it is very important for the full growth and development of the child.

The addition of this oil to infant formulas is approved by the Nutrition Research Institute. Compliance with the exact dosages in the product, according to experts, cannot cause significant harm to the health of the child. Each parent has the right to decide for himself what mixture his baby will use. But pediatricians advise moms and dads to buy baby formula without palm oil.

Benefits of Palm Oil Free Blend

Most of them have hypoallergenic properties and are suitable for babies who are prone to allergic reactions. The benefits also include:

  • normalization of the digestion of the infant;
  • rapid weight gain in premature babies;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • the child's body easily absorbs such food;
  • better absorption of calcium;
  • mixtures with prebiotics and probiotics contribute to the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • full saturation of the body with useful vitamins and valuable acids.

Among the shortcomings are indicated: the high cost of products, as well as a limited list of companies involved in their production.

How to choose safe food

Before you go shopping, check with your pediatrician. He will offer the most suitable product, taking into account the characteristics of the development and health of the child.

Be sure to follow the baby food instructions on the package. Sometimes parents add more mixture than expected, which leads to constipation in the baby. On the contrary, a decrease in the amount of diluted food does not give the child full saturation.

Mixes are:

  • antireflux - help reduce the frequency of regurgitation in a child after feeding;
  • lactose-free and low-lactose - if the baby does not tolerate milk sugar;
  • hypoallergenic - for babies who have a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • with prebiotics - for the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • soy - if the baby does not tolerate cow protein;
  • fermented milk - for children with pathologies in the work of the stomach or intestines.

A mixture for newborns without palm oil allows better absorption of useful trace elements, does not irritate the delicate walls of the stomach and contains the necessary substances and vitamin supplements.

Palm Oil Free Infant Formula List

We would like to present you with an overview and a brief description of the most popular baby food brands that do not contain this component:


The basis is goat's milk. New Zealand is famous for having many environmentally friendly regions, and the product is made in this country. The composition does not contain sucrose and glucose, but lactose is present - an important carbohydrate for infants. The components included in the composition help to strengthen the baby's digestive tract and have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Adapted nutrition suitable for newborns.


Danish experts present various compositions to the attention of moms and dads. Does your baby suffer from colic and bloating, has a tendency to allergic reactions, is underweight? In the line of this manufacturer, you will find nutrition options for your child and the solution to these problems.


Specialists from the Netherlands have taken goat milk as the basis of their products. Of the advantages of this brand is the normalization of the child's digestion, the unhindered absorption of calcium. In terms of quality, the composition of nutrition is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk of lactating women.


A manufacturing company from Holland supplies infant formula to the grocery market: for children with good health, debilitated and premature babies, allergic babies and those who have digestive problems. In this line, parents can find the perfect product for their baby.


The Swiss brand offers baby formulas, taking into account the needs of a growing organism. The only drawback is that the manufacturing company has not yet developed mixtures for premature and weakened children.


The American manufacturer makes it possible to choose food from a wide range of its products for different ages. There are also mixtures, both dairy and non-dairy. There are no dyes, GMOs, preservatives in the products. A quality product from a trusted manufacturer.


The Danish product complies with all WHO standards. The line includes lactose-free, nutritious formulations from birth to a year. The product is enriched with vitamin complexes and useful trace elements necessary for infants.


Sour-milk mixtures are easily digested and do not irritate the delicate digestive system of the baby. Recommended for both very young and older children.

This review can be supplemented by brands that contain modified palm oil. Special processing ensures that calcium is fully absorbed and does not have a bad effect on the baby's digestion. Among the companies that produce mixtures with modified palm oil are Matryona, Hipp Comfort, Humana Anticolic.

Well-known brands also have baby food lines that contain modified palm oil. These include: Heinz Infanta 1, Nutrilon Comfort 1, Carbita Gold 1. It must be said that modified palm oil is significantly different in quality from ordinary palm oil and does not harm the health of babies.


Despite all the arguments of experts, they still recognize that palm oil in infant formula has a negative effect on the body. Let it be imperceptible and insignificant, but harmful to a small person. After all, the main negative impact of this component is a violation of the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for a growing organism.

Another option is blends with modified palm oil. This is a higher quality product that does not prevent the body from absorbing calcium and does not affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Many well-known baby food brands are ditching pure palm oil in their products in favor of a modified ingredient.

Baby formulas without palm oil are distinguished by their quality and high content of useful substances and vitamins. To find the best product for your baby, ask your pediatrician for advice. He will recommend the mixture, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's health.

Dear readers, leave your comments and share the link to the article with your friends on social networks. Let other mothers learn how palm oil, as part of infant formula, affects the health of babies.

The debate about the benefits and harms of palm oil in infant formula began a long time ago and does not stop to this day.

Most baby formulas contain this ingredient, and for good reason.

The fact is that in the manufacture of mixtures for newborns, processed whey protein is used, the content of healthy fats in which is significantly reduced.

In order for babies to get enough fat, palm oil (among others) is added to formulas for artificial feeding.

Why you should opt for milk formulas without palm oil

A certain set of vegetable oils must be present in the formula of any milk formula. Otherwise, the normal formation of newborn cell membranes will simply be impossible.

Without healthy fats, babies will not have the energy to grow and develop, and the formation of hormones will also not work properly.

At the same time, it should be understood that palm oil, which is part of the mixture, contains a large amount of cholesterol, which can provoke excessive weight gain and a number of disorders in the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, parents of newborns diagnosed with CVS disorders should definitely refuse to feed their child with products containing palm oil.

Another unpleasant moment is the absorption of calcium. The fact is that palmitic acid, which is found in large quantities in palm oil, can significantly reduce the percentage of calcium that is absorbed by the child.

Passing through the digestive system, palmitic acid forms a strong bond with calcium. So strong that calcium is excreted from the child's body in large quantities (children whose diet includes palm oil absorb calcium 20% less than those who consume palm oil free infant formula).

A side effect of this process is frequent constipation in babies who eat mixtures high in palm oil.

Unfortunately, until now, many manufacturers of infant formula sin by using cheap, low-quality ingredients (such as GMOs or palm oil).

In such a situation, the task of parents is to carefully select the most healthy and wholesome food for their kids.

Non-GMO & Palm Oil Blend List Review

  • Nanny

New Zealand infant formula. The basis of the mixture is goat milk processed by a special technology.

Nanny's blends are completely free of palm oil. The fatty component includes encapsulated fish oil, high oleic sunflower oil, as well as coconut and canola oils.

This mixture on goat milk without palm oil can be safely given to healthy children as the main food. It is also suitable for babies who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (colic, constipation), and for children with low weight and allergies to cow's milk proteins.

  • Similac

The mixture is made in Ireland on the basis of cow's milk.

Palm oil in the formula of this blend has been completely replaced with coconut and high oleic sunflower oils. Similac Premium 1 - great formula from birth without palm oil.

In addition to healthy fats, it contains lutein for the proper development of vision, prebiotics to strengthen the immune system, as well as probiotics to maintain the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn.

This mixture is suitable for healthy children and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but, unfortunately, cannot be recommended for babies with lactose allergy.

  • Nutrilon

Not all mixtures produced by this British company do not contain palm oil, so you need to carefully study the composition, which is described in detail on the packaging.

Without the use of palm oil is produced, a mixture of Nutrilon Amino Acids. Here, fats are represented by a composition of high quality vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, rapeseed).

In addition, this mixture contains amino acids that almost completely repeat the spectrum of natural human milk, and does not contain lactose.

This formula is ideal for children with severe food allergies and can be used as a main meal from birth.

  • Heinz

Although this American company has been seen using GMOs in the production of other products, the baby food of this company can be safely recommended even to the smallest.

Heinz blends are made from high quality ingredients and without the use of GMOs or GMIs. In particular, a mixture of Heinz Infanta is produced in this way, which does not include palm oil.

Instead, betapalmitate is used - modified molecules that do not bind with calcium and allow it to be absorbed in sufficient quantities by the child's body.

  • hipp

A well-known Austrian manufacturer of baby food produces a mixture of Hipp Comfort without palm oil. Here it is replaced by the easier-to-digest beta palmitate.

In addition, this mixture includes probiotics to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of newborns, prebiotics for the formation of immunity and Omega3 and Omega6 acids, useful for the formation of the brain.

This mixture is suitable for daily nutrition of healthy children and babies with gastrointestinal problems (bloating, constipation, belching).

Infant formulas for newborns are as close as possible to mother's milk in composition, all components meet the needs of a young organism. But what does palm oil do in products for the smallest? According to experts, this substance, which contains a lot of cholesterol, provokes weight gain in crumbs.

Is a chubby baby healthy? Alas, fullness leads to numerous problems: here are diseases of the cardiovascular system, the threat of diabetes. Oil palm extract interferes with the good absorption of calcium, which leads to increased bone fragility. Do you want a healthy baby? Choose baby formula without palm oil!

  • Show all

    Secrets of the mysterious oil

    But is everything so ominous? Why do manufacturers add this substance to the food intended for newborns, knowing about its shortcomings? Is palm oil really that dangerous?

    Why is it needed?

    Palm oil is made in hot tropical countries from the fruits of the oil palm. The finished product has a red color and is valued for the following qualities:

    1. 1. The extract is saturated with a large amount of carotenoids (natural pigments present in the tissues of animals and organisms). The benefits of carotenoids are enormous: they are powerful immunomodulators and antioxidants. Substances act as the body's defense against the formation of cancer cells and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
    2. 2. Oil palm extract is a real Klondike of vitamins. It contains a large amount of vitamin B (tocopherol) - a free radical fighter and vitamin A (retinol).
    3. 3. Unlike the usual sunflower, olive and corn oil, palm oil has a high level of saturation (96%). It's very nutritious!

    This product is successfully used in the manufacture of various food products, in the cosmetic and perfumery sector - after all, the cost of palm oil is many times lower, it is beneficial for manufacturers.

    But why use such a substance in infant formulas? Breast milk is rich in fat. In order to bring the composition of baby milk food as close as possible to breast milk, oil extracts of natural products are included in the mixture.

    Palm oil compares favorably among analogues (corn, olive, sunflower, soybean, coconut, rapeseed). This product is the only natural ingredient that can provide palmitic acid to infant formulas.

    For maximum compatibility with breast milk, infant formula should contain 20-25% palmitic acid.

    Beware - danger!

    But pediatricians are sounding the alarm - palm oil is dangerous to health! It contains a large amount of saturated acids that cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the child's body (colic, constipation, discomfort when digesting food). Once in the intestines, oil palm extract thickens the stool and prevents the normal absorption of useful calcium.

    What threatens the regular use of nutrition with palm oil:

    • after 4-5 months, the mineral density of the baby's bone tissue will decrease significantly (by 10-12%);
    • with age, a child raised on a diet with palm oil will increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis (according to the observations of doctors, this disease is rapidly getting younger);
    • by the school period, such a baby will have problems in the musculoskeletal system (the risk of severe comminuted fractures, injury to cartilage and muscles will increase);
    • in children, the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and a serious disruption of the digestive system increases several times.

    Whether or not to give your baby food with palm oil is up to you. For those mothers who do not want to experiment with the health of their precious baby, the developers have created an expanded line of baby formulas without the content of a dangerous product.

    Safe Blends - Healthy Eating

    Palm oil-free, non-GMO infant formula is completely safe. Saturating the small body with all the important vitamins and fats, it does not provoke the development of gastrointestinal problems in infants. Such mixtures belong to the Premium Class segment and have the following advantages:

    1. 1. The bifidobacteria included in the diet (probiotics and prebiotics) form a healthy intestinal microflora in the newborn, supporting the proper development of the gastrointestinal tract.
    2. 2. The IQ complex, represented by lutein and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, contributes to the full development of the brain, nervous system and organs of vision.
    3. 3. The required viscosity in the baby's ventricle is provided by the starch or gum included in the product.
    4. 4. Nutrition without the addition of oil palm extract contributes to the formation of strong immunity in a child.

    Important! Studies have shown that products for newborns without the use of oil palm extract increase the absorption of fat and calcium by the child's body by 25-30% (according to the Research Institute of Nutrition).

    Types of safe baby food

    It is not difficult to understand the vast world of children's products for the little ones. To make the right choice of a healthy formula, get acquainted with the main varieties of infant formula. Milk formula without palm oil is divided into the following types:

    • Antireflux. Designed specifically for babies suffering from constant regurgitation and colic. Such products are prescribed only by pediatricians, depending on the health of the baby.
    • Lactose free (or low lactose). Children's doctors recommend feeding newborns with such mixtures in the presence of lactose intolerance (milk sugar).
    • Hypoallergenic. Indicated for infants prone to allergic manifestations. And children at risk (if parents or siblings suffer from allergies).
    • Sour milk. Nutrition of this type is intended for babies with a violation or decrease in the function of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive problems (dysbacteriosis, stomach dyspepsia, colic, reduced immunity).
    • Soya. Medicinal mixtures created for feeding newborns suffering from celiac disease, galactosemia and atopic dermatitis caused by intolerance to cow's or goat's milk.
    • With prebiotics. Such milk mixtures help to improve and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improving intestinal peristalsis. This nutrition contributes to the formation of a complete intestinal microflora.

    For completely healthy kids, the developers have created a number of mixtures without palm oil with the addition of vanilla, chocolate. Such food is not only healthy, but also very tasty and satisfying.

    Review of the best infant formulas

    Only three leading manufacturers have completely removed oil palm extract from nutrition for newborns: Nanny, Nestlé and Similac. And the companies Heinz, Kabrita and Nutrilon approached this problem in a different way. They changed the structure of the beneficial palmitic acid found in palm oil.

    Infant formulas from these manufacturers contain beta palmitate. This is a unique substance that:

    • guarantees almost complete absorption of calcium;
    • contributes to the mineralization of the tissues of the skeletal system;
    • helps in the proper mental and physical development of the child.

    The following list of quality infant formulas will help parents navigate the world of healthy infant nutrition without the content of a dangerous product. Here are products designed for completely healthy babies and for babies suffering from allergies, lactose intolerance, and gastrointestinal problems.

    Mixes from the company Similac

    The product's name a brief description of Age category
    Similac Premium (Similac Premium) 1, 2, 3 The composition includes micro and macro elements, minerals, bifidobacteria (pro- and prebiotics). The mixture regulates and improves digestion, its composition is as close as possible to mother's milk.From birth to 18 months
    Similac 1, 2 With a complex of prebiotics, nutrition designed to feed healthy babiesFrom birth and for babies 6-12 months
    Similac GA (Similac QA) 1.2 A dairy product designed for allergic babies. The components included in the composition carry out the prevention of food allergies, normalize the digestive system and improve immunity.For newborns and toddlers 6-12 months
    Similac PediaShu (Similac PediaSure) with chocolate and vanilla The composition includes a balanced mineral-vitamin complex and bifidobacteria. The product is intended for feeding healthy children. Differs in attractive aroma and the increased palatability.For children from the age of one
    Similac Isomil (Similac Isomil) The blend includes antioxidants, prebiotics and soy protein. This food prevents the appearance of colic, gas formation, regurgitation. Improves the work of the digestive tract, helps in the harmonious development of the baby.For newborn babies with cow's milk allergy and lactose intolerance
    Similac (Similac) Low lactose Contains a balanced complex of prebiotics, improves digestion.From birth (for babies with lactose sensitivity)
    Similak 1 (Similac) Antireflux The composition includes a developed complex of nutrients necessary for health. The mixture normalizes the digestive tract.From birth (for children with colic and constant regurgitation)
    Similac NeoSure (Similac NeoSure) The product includes a complete, optimally designed complex of balanced nutrients. The mixture contributes to the good growth and development of the baby.From birth (for low birth weight) and for premature babies (less than 1.8 kg)

    NANNY and NESTLE products

    Food name a brief description of Age category
    NANNY 1 Classic (with prebiotics) A highly adapted mixture that helps the harmonious development of an infant by strengthening its immune system. Nutrition helps to cope with constipation, colic and gas formation.From birth to six months (suitable for children with allergies to cow's milk)
    NAN 1 (NAN) Premium (manufactured by Nestle) High-quality premium mixture, provides optimal mental and physical development of the crumbs. The composition includes live bifidobacteria, important minerals and a full range of essential vitamins. The product is also enriched with iron, which prevents the child from developing anemia.
