
Cheap vegetable salads. Vegetable salads for every day

How many different recipes for delicious culinary dishes can be prepared from what grows in the garden! Even the most experienced chef does not know the exact number of possible recipes! And talking about the health benefits of salads from fresh vegetables and fruits is endless. Each of the vegetable ingredients of the salad gives, in addition to flavoring shades, useful microelements, vitamins, a sunny charge of vivacity and good mood.

It is noteworthy that plant-based culinary delights are always an economical option to feed the family deliciously. Even if you do not grow vegetables and herbs in the garden, but buy everything on the market, the cost of private agricultural products is much cheaper than goods from famous European or domestic food producers.

Many housewives are attracted to the process of preparing dishes from plant products because salad compositions are appropriate both in the daily menu and on the festive table.

It is important, of course, to prepare them correctly! So that all useful components are preserved to the maximum, so that it is tasty and satisfying.

How to perform such a task correctly - the recipes below and the invaluable advice of the chef will tell. It is these chef's comments that will make it easy to cope with the preparation of vegetable salads!

How to cook fresh vegetable salad - 15 varieties

Cabbage is a must-have product on every table. And the more often this vegetable will dominate in your diet, the healthier your body will become. In the garden, cabbage of various types and varieties is grown by everyone. And there are an infinite number of salads from it!

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • White cabbage - 1 kg;
  • Greens (dill, parsley, basil, etc.) - 1 bunch in assortment;
  • Homemade cucumber - 4-5 pcs;
  • Sweet pepper (red) - 3-4 pcs;
  • Orange - 1 pc;
  • Tomato (optional) - 1 pc;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt / sugar - to taste.


Finely chop the cabbage, season with salt / sugar and knead well so that the juice comes out. Leave for 30 minutes.

Cucumber, sweet pepper - cut into thin slices;

Greens, onions - finely chopped.

Half an hour later, when the cabbage is already well saturated with its own juice, mix all the other vegetables and only now add the orange, disassembled into slices, which are also divided in half.

Leave the salad for 2 hours in the cold for the perfection of taste. Serve at the table preferably as a separate dish.

Pretty much any coleslaw can be made without an oily dressing, as salted, sweetened, and vinegared cole juice is a great alternative to any dressing!

You will not surprise anyone with a summer salad of tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers with peppers. And this salad, beloved by everyone, is dressed with a variety of sauces: sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar-mustard, sunflower, etc. But the sauce is just not needed for coleslaw, since this vegetable contains enough juice to flavor all salad ingredients from souls!

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Cabbage - 1 kg;
  • Cucumbers - 0.5 kg;
  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • Parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Salt / sugar + apple cider vinegar - to taste.


Finely chop the cabbage, salt / sugar and grind with your hands until the juice appears. Leave for 1 hour.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, peppers - cut all the vegetables beautifully.

After an hour, add the rest of the vegetables to the cabbage, season with vinegar and you can serve.

The secret of this salad is that it is desirable to use early or medium cabbage in terms of ripening, because. these are the juiciest varieties. And since there is no oil dressing in the salad, it is the cabbage soak, along with vinegar, that replaces it.

This salad will especially appeal to those who love delicate food, because. the main ingredient of this dish is baked in the oven, which means it acquires an exquisite “smoky” taste.


  • Young zucchini - 2 pcs;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Carrots and onions - 1 pc;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc;
  • Greens - 1 bunch;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Salt / sugar - to taste.


Peel zucchini, sweet peppers, onions, carrots and cut into 2x2 cm pieces. Put everything on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper and bake in the oven until soft.

Cut the tomatoes in the same way, finely chop the greens.

Pour the vegetables from the oven into a salad bowl, add the garlic, tomatoes and greens passed through the press. If desired, you can add a couple of tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil to this salad. Mix everything and serve.

The recipe is similar in cooking process to the previous recipe "ALmost like a fire". The only difference is that here, instead of zucchini, there is eggplant and mushrooms, so that there is a real feeling that you are in the forest!


  • Eggplant - 1 pc;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs;
  • Forest mushrooms - 300 gr;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Greens - 1 bunch;
  • Salt and oil - optional.


Wash, peel and fold vegetables on baking parchment in the oven. Bake until soft.

Peel the mushrooms, wash and bake in the next run on a separate sheet, also until soft.

Finely chop the greens. Remove all baked products and cool. Add greens and eat.

Simple salads with sunflower oil.

A unique combination of the usual vegetable vinaigrette ingredients and bean additions unusual for this salad. It turns out a very special taste for vinaigrette. And the fact that this is a vinaigrette salad is only reminiscent of beets.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • Beets - 0.5 kg;
  • Carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • Potato - 1 kg;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Canned corn - 1 can;
  • Canned (or boiled) beans - 1 tbsp.;
  • Canned peas - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt / spices / herbs - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp.


Boil vegetables from the garden in uniforms (or bake in the oven), cool, peel and cut into cubes.

Marinate the onion for 30 minutes in salted boiling water, then chop finely.

Mix all the vegetables, add all the legumes and season with oil. After 30 minutes you can serve.

It will be more competent not to cook vegetables, but to bake in a peel, because. with such heat treatment, more micronutrients and vitamins are preserved.

This is a simple yet very interesting recipe. And the taste and benefits here are several times higher!”


  • Beets - 1 kg;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Green onion feathers - 0.5 bunch;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 4 tsp;
  • Cumin - 1 tbsp.


Peel the beetroot and grate it on a Korean grater. Season with garlic, salt, sugar, passed through the press, add cumin and vinegar. Leave for 1 day in a cool place to marinate.

When serving, cut the onion feathers and mix with beets.

This recipe is especially indicated for people with gastrointestinal disorders. Beets contain oils that help normalize the work of the stomach, this vegetable has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function, on the cells of the whole organism.

Broccoli is delicious!

Broccoli has long been grown in our gardens. This vegetable is baked, boiled, fried, salted. In salad compositions, broccoli is also very effective!


  • Broccoli cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • Sweet pepper - 4-5 pcs;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Salt / spices - to taste;
  • Any oil - 3-4 tablespoons


Divide the broccoli cabbage into inflorescences and boil in well-salted water for 5-7 minutes. Free from excess liquid through a colander, cool.

Tomatoes, onions and peppers cut into 2x2 cm cubes, put on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven until soft and until a special aroma appears. Cool vegetables.

Mix everything, salt and season with oil and herbs.

Vegetable salads with sauce

How many salad recipes have been developed by culinary specialists, so many sauces for these salads most likely exist. Traditional we consider mayonnaise, sunflower or olive oil, sour cream. But, there are other unexpected combinations of sauce components that give the salad an amazing taste.

The combination of sunflower oil and soy sauce is used quite often in salads. This gives the dish a particularly spicy taste and aroma. Even if the vegetables from the garden are the most common, the salad will still turn out with overseas notes.


  • Cucumber - 1 pc;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Daikon radish - 1 pc;
  • Dill greens - 0.5 bunch;
  • Green onion feathers - 5-7 pcs;
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Soy sauce - 5-6 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste.


If you use a grater for Korean carrots, then the salad will look like a dish from Chinese cuisine. But, in principle, our domestic grater will also do well.

Prepare vegetables (carrots, radish and cucumber): wash, dry from residual water, peel. Grate the carrots first. Salt and mash to increase juiciness.

Then grate the cucumber and radish. Finely chop the dill. And cut the green onion feathers into pieces up to 5 cm long, and then cut each lengthwise into thin strips.

Mix all ingredients and season with sunflower oil and soy sauce.

Having tried this salad at least once, you will definitely want to make it a traditional dish for your family. What's the secret? In sauce!


  • Tomatoes and cucumbers - 4 pcs each;
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs;
  • Cabbage, carrots and young sunflower sprouts - 100 g each;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Green onions - 1 bunch;
  • Sunflower oil (can be olive oil) - 6 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.


Tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers, and green onions in 2x2 cm cubes.

Cabbage, three carrots on a Korean grater.

We chop the dill finely.

Prepare the sauce: mix vinegar, oil, black pepper, salt and garlic and beat with a whisk. Add vegetables to this sauce as you cut them. In the end - mix everything thoroughly and eat.

Before adding sunflower sprouts to a salad, it is advisable to taste them. This is a peculiar taste, and if you don’t like it, you can replace them in a salad with young bean pods or asparagus beans.

The mustard sauce in this salad is practically homemade mayonnaise. And vegetables, seasoned with such a fragrant sauce, acquire a brighter taste.


  • Cucumber - 2 pcs;
  • Tomato - 2 pcs;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc;
  • Green onions - 4-5 feathers;
  • Salt and chopped parsley - to taste;
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp


Cut all the vegetables into 2x2 cm cubes. Onions - into strips. Mix and let stand for a while until the sauce is cooked.

For the sauce, mix sunflower oil, sugar, store mustard, apple or balsamic vinegar (5%). Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Dress the salad and serve.

Sour cream-mayonnaise duet will give your salad a delicate and piquant taste at the same time. The amazing look of the salad composition will please, and the taste will bring joy even to a gourmet!


  • Cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • Radishes and carrots - 2 each;
  • Apple - 1 pc;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.


Wash cabbage, carrots, radishes and apples, peel and grate on a Korean grater. Put each vegetable separately!

Apples can not be peeled from the upper skin - this way more useful trace elements will be preserved.

Mix sour cream and mayonnaise, add finely chopped greens and garlic passed through the garlic. Put everything in one bowl and beat until smooth.

Lay the salad in layers:

1 layer - cabbage - smear with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce;

2 layer - radish - sauce on top;

3 layer - carrots - sauce on top;

4 layer - apples - sauce on top;

The final layer is to fall asleep with greens.

Vegetables in sour cream sauce is a familiar and beloved combination by many. And if you add mustard grains to sour cream! Such an unexpected composition will change the flavor of the salad and make it a little spicy.


  • Cucumber and tomato - 2 pcs each;
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • Sour cream - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mustard grains - 1 tsp;
  • Salt / sugar / ground black pepper - to taste.


Cut vegetables nicely and mix.

Mix sour cream, olive oil, mustard seeds, salt and spices - beat well with a mixer until a homogeneous thick creamy mass.

Drizzle vegetables and serve immediately.

Hot and fragrant food is always eaten with pleasure by everyone. This is not a classic example of a first course - this is a salad that is also served hot!


  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pieces;
  • Zucchini - 1 pc;
  • Eggplant - 1 pc;
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • Salt, sugar, spices - to taste.


Wash, peel and cut the vegetables into 2x2 cm cubes.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater (or on a Korean grater), and cut the pepper into strips.

Separately, fry each vegetable, put it in a container, slightly straining off the remaining oil and mix. Serve hot.

Jerusalem artichoke is not as popular in cooking as native potatoes. Although by and large it is a natural analogue of potatoes. It has a few more useful trace elements and vitamins, and growing it is considered easy. Jerusalem artichoke salad will fill the room with a pleasant aroma of potatoes baked at the stake and give a lot of pleasant tastes!


  • Jerusalem artichoke - 0.5 kg;
  • Green onion feathers - 1 bunch;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Tomato - 1 pc;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt / spices - to taste.


Wash in running water and boil the Jerusalem artichoke in the peel (you can bake in the oven until soft). Cool and remove skin. Cut into cubes 1.5x1.5 cm.

Cut green onions and tomatoes into cubes.

It is better not to press the garlic through the garlic maker, and also cut it into small pieces - this will preserve a more delicate taste and aroma, but will not saturate the dish with spiciness.

Salt and pepper vegetables to taste. Mix everything in a large bowl and season with sour cream.

It's so easy and quick to prepare an original and very nutritious salad.

Why such a name? Quite often, this particular salad is prepared in the cold winter-spring period. The aroma of juicy green onions and fresh cucumber along with bright orange corn really reminds of spring!


  • Chinese cabbage (or any cabbage) - 0.5 kg;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc;
  • Green onion feathers - 5-7 pcs;
  • Canned corn - 1 can (200 g);
  • Sour cream - 200 g.


Shred the cabbage and knead until soft. Cut cucumber and onion.

Mix all the ingredients, add corn (without liquid) and season with sour cream. On top, you can decorate with dill or any other greens to taste.

Vegetable salad is a popular diet dish containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables have a beneficial effect on the stomach, promoting the digestion of food and the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. One of the first to prepare salads was the ancient Romans, who used olive oil, onions, endive and honey for this. In the Middle Ages, garlic, parsley and peppermint also began to be used. Vegetable salads, due to the availability and variety of ingredients, boast perhaps the largest number of all kinds of recipes. For salads, you can use asparagus, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, green onions, parsley and many other vegetables in combination with vinegar, vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise and salt. The finished dish is most often served cold with fried meat or as an appetizer.

In the section "Vegetable salads" 652 recipes

Beet salad with suluguni cheese, cucumbers and kohlrabi

Beet salad with kohlrabi cabbage acquires a new, more complex, unusual taste if you add salted smoked suluguni cheese and pickled cucumbers to it. For spiciness, you can add finely chopped garlic to the salad and season everything with yogurt without...

Broccoli salad with carrots and garlic

Broccoli is very popular among adherents of a healthy diet and losing weight. It has a lot of protein, and the protein is close to meat protein in nutritional properties. To get acquainted with healthy cabbage, we invite you to master a simple recipe for salad from ...

Cauliflower salad with tomatoes and eggs

A simple cauliflower salad recipe with tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs can be served as a main dish for dinner or lunch. To keep the vegetable salad fresh, season it with mustard and a thick balsamic dressing. Easy to learn, delicious and...

Salad with cheese and lentils

Salad with cheese and lentils gives a palette of taste, including the sharpness and sweetness of the Yalta onion, the saltiness of the cheese, the juiciness of tomatoes and bell peppers. Balances everything boiled lentils. She does not have her own well-defined taste, which is in vegetable ...

Baked pumpkin salad with beets and cheese

A recipe for a light salad of baked vegetables with the addition of salty cheese can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. For salad dressing, mix vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. This sauce is...

Vegetable salad with avocado, mango and corn

A recipe for an unusual vegetable salad, which includes avocado, mango, corn and greens. It will take very little time to prepare it, and as a result, you will have a delicious, bright, juicy salad on your table that you will immediately want to eat. ...

Moroccan carrot salad with cumin

An interesting recipe for carrot salad with cumin exists in Moroccan cuisine. The salad set is minimal. A few sweet carrots, which are coarsely chopped and blanched, and a spicy butter dressing are enough. The ingredients in the recipe...

Sweet Potato, Carrot and Sunflower Seed Salad

A salad made from raw, incredibly healthy root vegetables has a pleasant taste and an interesting, bright appearance. It can be used as a light snack or a full meal (if you are on a diet). Thanks to the sweet potato, which contains...

Celery and carrot salad

The most delicate and aromatic of all root seasonings is celery. It has a positive effect on the human body, for example, increases tone. Commonly, celery root is added to salads, broths, soups, and stews. We offer test...

Watermelon salsa with cheese and corn

Watermelon salsa is a simple watermelon salad recipe with vegetables and the most common salad dressing. Instead of cheese, you can use any young pickled cheese of your choice. Add some Worcestershire sauce to the salad for a spice, but if...

Chinese cabbage salad with egg, sesame and tomato

The Beijing cabbage salad recipe is easy and original in design, the preparation of which does not take much time. Salad dressing with lemon and red pepper will give the dish a special piquancy. Sesame will add an unusual taste to the salad. If in...

Greek salad classic

The classic Greek salad is prepared with fresh vegetables and seasoned greens. In addition to vegetables and greens, diced pickled cheese (feta, cheese) and olives are placed with the salad. In this salad, you can add a lettuce leaf cut into checkers, fresh ...

Spring salad with Adyghe cheese and linseed oil

The most common recipe for a spring salad of vegetables and herbs can be enriched by adding Adyghe cheese to it. The dish is not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful. Adyghe cheese can be replaced with feta cheese or Imeretian. The main thing is that the cheese is...

Beet salad with sour cream and horseradish sauce

Grated table horseradish gives a piquant spiciness, and sour cream softens the taste of horseradish. Fresh dill gives flavor. In general, the beetroot salad prepared according to this recipe turned out to be very satisfying due to cheese and eggs. By the way, cooking beetroot has its own small ...

Salad with sauerkraut and potatoes

Salad with sauerkraut and potatoes can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. For dressing, be sure to take fragrant sunflower oil. With it, cabbage salad turns out to be really tasty. If you find sauerkraut too salty...

Salad with celery and green peas

To maintain the strength of the body, a salad with celery and green peas will be useful. Sometimes it is simply called green for the rich color of the ingredients. Vegetable salad turns out to be unusually light, so it will perfectly fit into the diet of those who follow ...

Sauerkraut salad with onions

A sauerkraut salad recipe that can be served as a side dish with sausages or other meat dishes. Grated carrots and thinly sliced ​​onions are additionally placed in a salad bowl for cabbage, and if the cabbage turns out to be too sour, then it must be washed before ...

Waldorf salad with celery

The salad was first served at the Waldorf-Astoria, which explains its name. The hotel itself has been built. The owner of the hotel in Manhattan in New York is the descendants of immigrants from the German village of Waldorf, John Jacob Astor IV. It is not known for certain whether...

Layered salad with cottage cheese, fresh vegetables and walnuts

Fresh vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, recipes for vegetable dishes should be included in your diet daily. For example, in the form of salads and snacks. Cottage cheese goes well with cucumbers, radishes, carrots. The piquancy of this salad is given by...

We all know about the benefits of vegetables from childhood. In addition, vegetables are always very tasty. And therefore, recipes for vegetable salads do not lose their popularity. Vegetables will become a real decoration of any festive table, will help to diversify the daily diet. And unusually decorated vegetable salads and vegetable "figurines" laid out in the form of drawings will help persuade young children to actively use these useful natural vitamins.

Light vegetable salads for every day are very popular in the summer. They combine any seasonal fruits collected in the garden or bought on the market. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet peppers and cabbage, radishes and green peas, as well as the greens that are obligatory in such salads - all this is combined in arbitrary proportions, seasoned with vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise. Such salads perfectly complement any dishes and allow you to make your daily diet healthy and varied at no extra cost.

Vegetable salads for weight loss are very popular, because most vegetables contain a minimum amount of calories, and therefore these dishes can be eaten with virtually no restrictions, even during periods of strict diets. There are even special dietary vegetable salads that allow you to diversify a strictly rationed diet on “cabbage” or “vegetable” days.

Delicious and light vegetable salads on the festive table will also be a great solution. They will allow you to choose a dish to taste and vegetarians, and losing weight people. And taking into account the usual abundance of high-calorie snacks on the festive tables, which every hostess traditionally pleases guests with, such salads will become a real “vent” for people who avoid overeating.

You can prepare vegetable salads without mayonnaise, dressed with olive or sunflower oil or soy sauce. Or, on the contrary, you can collect potatoes, beans or other legumes in one salad, supplement vegetables with crackers or mushrooms, pick up a hearty dressing (mayonnaise, sour cream, Caesar sauce). Such a salad will be to the taste of many men and can even be used as a main dish, for example, for breakfast or lunch.

Vegetables should be on your table all year round, fresh and pickled, baked and fried, in any form and as much as possible. You can prepare salads with vegetables for every day, as well as for holidays. Very popular vegetable salads for the New Year or February 23, birthday or March 8.

And how to cook a vegetable salad for every day or for a holiday, you can find out in this section of the site. All recipes are sorted by topic - on each page you will find interesting salads, which contain certain products. For example, if you're looking for a new recipe for a hearty vegetable salad, you might want to check out salads with beans or potatoes. If you like spicy dishes, pay attention to a variety of salads with Korean carrots, and for connoisseurs of maximum vitamins with a minimum of calories, we offer a wide selection of salads with cabbage.

A traditional dish that is known, loved and constantly cooked in German families is potato salad. Each housewife has her own recipe, which is passed down from generation to generation.

Delicious and vitamin radicchio salad, which has become the hallmark of Italian cuisine, is described in the recipes of famous chefs, as well as useful tips.

A great way to add a burst of color and fresh, healthy vegetables to your table is to use boiled vegetable salads as a side dish.

Salad with avocado and tomatoes will appeal to both lovers of delicious food and adherents of a healthy diet. The advantage of the dish lies in the synthesis of two basic ingredients that combine incredible taste and great benefits for the body.

Fresh cabbage salad with cucumber is a simple quick-cooking appetizer that can complement every feast. The dish turns out to be light, tasty, fragrant and absolutely universal in serving, as it will complement both fish and meat snacks.

Roasted vegetable salad is a delicious and easy-to-prepare dish for universal serving. Such an appetizer can be served with meat, fish dishes and side dishes, where it will always be appropriate. The salad is the perfect addition to both everyday and holiday menus.

Carrot in English is a tasty, original and at the same time healthy dish in the recipes of the best chefs. It is prepared simply, inexpensively, and is used both as a side dish and as a dessert.

Salad with eggplant, tomatoes and peppers flavored with a refreshing dressing based on lemon juice and olive oil with a small portion of sugar. We do without frying vegetables - we minimize the amount of oil, fat and extra calories. We leave the tomatoes fresh, and bake the bell peppers and eggplants in the oven until softened, peeled and then used for their intended purpose. For a brighter color, add fresh parsley, and for a “diverse” taste, expressive feta. Additional components

Vegetable salads without mayonnaise recipes

Probably, there is not a single person in the world who has never tried a vegetable salad in his life, because this dish is one of the most ancient in the history of cooking. Ancient Rome is considered the birthplace of lettuce, but it got its name in Italy - that's how they called green plants from the garden, which were seasoned with sauce. Later, in French cuisine, a salad of greens began to be served along with the main course. Perhaps even the French themselves came up with the idea to diversify the recipe and add vegetables to it, which made it so popular today. So, vegetable salad is prepared not only at home, but also served in the most expensive restaurants in the world.

Vegetables themselves are a non-calorie product, therefore, to make the dish more satisfying, you can experiment with the sauce, making it more dense and nutritious. Such a tandem is even better absorbed by the body, saturating it with useful trace elements and fiber. Nutritionists vied with each other to advise you to use vegetable salads without mayonnaise, the recipes of which you can even come up with yourself or look at the site. The main thing is not to overdo it with spices and always serve immediately after preparation.

Vegetable salads are not contraindicated to anyone. They are good to eat even for small children. The main thing is to choose the appropriate gas station. Ladies who watch their figure simply cannot do without such a delicacy and a day, and so that the same menu does not bother you, you can experiment and prepare special vegetable salads for weight loss. The site contains many options for recipes, as well as non-calorie sauces for them.

Vegetables are one of the most affordable, healthy and diverse products that no table can do without. An amazing property of vegetables is their ability to combine with each other in such a way that, depending on the composition of the ingredients, the taste of the final product changes dramatically.

I like it the most experiment with salads, since it is here that you can use raw vegetables, as well as combine them with various dressings, mix with sautéed, poached or stewed vegetables.

Over several decades of personal culinary experience that took place in different conditions (from campfires and garrison common stoves to dream kitchen with super high-tech stuffing), I have formed my safe list of vegetables suitable for variety of salads, as they say, in any weather.

Today it is fashionable to get involved in overseas curiosities, but they are not available to everyone. Therefore, my list includes only those products that you can grow yourself in our conditions risky farming or buy at your nearest store. By the way, I am a supporter of healthy food, so for many years we have been growing vegetables for our family ourselves on seven hundred square meters of country land.

Spoiling vegetables with cooking, in my opinion, is impossible. And even if it happened by some miracle, there are always tricky gas stations that can work wonders!

Favorite vegetables for salads

For a novice hostess, and for everyone who appreciates simplicity, clarity and variety in culinary business, I would advise you to pay attention to following vegetables:

  • beets (stewed, sautéed, boiled, pickled),
  • carrots (fresh, stewed, browned, boiled),
  • cucumber (fresh, pickled, pickled),
  • tomato (fresh)
  • petiole celery (fresh, boiled),
  • bell pepper (fresh, baked),
  • pumpkin (fresh, boiled)
  • Boiled potatoes),
  • cabbage (fresh, pickled)
  • onions (fresh, poached, sautéed),
  • beans (boiled green beans, boiled in beans),
  • peas (fresh, boiled, canned),
  • garlic (fresh)

Combinations and priorities in choosing from this list may vary depending on your nutritional preferences.

The most elegant simple dressings for vegetable salads

Two completely identical salad ingredients will have completely different tastes depending on which dressing you prefer. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the work schedule or other reasons, it is possible to prepare Vegetable Salad without dressing for two or three days, serving it every day with a new dressing. This option is also convenient if one of the family members is forced to follow a diet.

Universal dressings based on vegetable oil

You can use olive, corn, sunflower, camelina, mustard - to choose from.

  • vegetable oil + lemon juice,
  • vegetable oil + lemon juice + mustard,
  • vegetable oil + garlic gruel,
  • vegetable oil + onion juice,
  • vegetable oil + mayonnaise.

original filling

  • lemon juice + honey
  • soy sauce.

Traditional gas stations

  • sour cream,
  • sour cream + mustard,
  • natural yogurt,
  • mayonnaise,
  • mayonnaise + sour cream.

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. I deliberately don't use vinegar in dressings, except maybe a little apple cider vinegar in a fresh kale salad. But if you like sour-spicy taste, then in combination with vegetable oil, this is quite a universal dressing.

The recipe for a very healthy and tasty dietary salad "Orange Express"

This simple vegetable salad recipe is for those who love pumpkin. Very often I meet people who have never eaten pumpkin. This surprises me, because pumpkin is a primordially traditional product of Russian cuisine! In this recipe pumpkin is used raw, which is most preferable when using it as a product of medical and dietary nutrition.

For the salad we need:

  • fresh pumpkin (300 grams)
  • honey (one tablespoon)
  • lemon juice (one tablespoon)
  • cinnamon (1/2 teaspoon).

Wash the pumpkin, wipe with a napkin, cut. Be sure to remove all seeds. The part that we do not need, wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator. Clean the pumpkin and grate on a fine grater.

Add honey, lemon juice, cinnamon to the grated mass. Mix all the ingredients and leave in a warm place for thirty minutes. When serving, you can lightly sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Variations on the theme of vegetable salads are endless. The main thing is that almost any vegetable is available and easy to prepare. I wish you all creative inspiration and bon appetit!
