
Gourmet dessert: salted caramel. salted caramel

Pierre's interesting caramel Erme is a non-standard salty dessert - please yourself with a new taste.
Salted caramel Pierre Herme has found its application in many culinary masterpieces. Pies, buns, biscuits, baskets, and of course the delicious Macarons - this is not a complete list of culinary delights where salted caramel can be used. Its recipe is quite simple. Everyone can cook it in their own kitchen.

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

1. Sugar 300 g.
2. Creamy salted butter 65 g. Ordinary butter can be used. In this case, mix the oil with 1 teaspoon of salt. The amount of salt depends on taste preferences and may vary.
3. Cream - fresh 335 g. If there is no cream, replace the product with sour cream 30% fat or 33% heavy cream.

Salty dessert. Recipe:

- Divide 300 g of sugar into 6 equal parts, 50 g each.
- Take a heavy-bottomed pot. Pour the first portion of sugar into it. Don't interfere! Melt until amber.
— Add the second batch of sugar, melt it completely. For even melting, tilt the pan several times in different directions. Carry out successive procedures with the third, fourth, fifth part of the sugar until completely melted. Bring the sugar to a uniform amber color. Then take the caramel off the heat and add the salted butter. Stir gently.
- In parallel with the preparation of caramel, put the fresh cream on the fire, heat, but do not boil. If the mixture boils, the product will curdle and be unsuitable for cooking!
If you use sour cream or cream instead of fresh cream, then carefully choose the product. It must be of perfect quality, without the addition of stabilizers and emulsifiers. Poor quality products may behave inappropriately when heated (curdled, stratified).

- Mix hot cream - fresh (sour cream) with caramel mass. Enter the heated cream - fresh gently, fractionally, in small portions. Mix well.
- Put the saucepan with the resulting mass on the maximum fire. Cook for 6-7 minutes in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, or 3-4 minutes in a thin-bottomed saucepan.
- The cooking process is over!
At the end of cooking, pour the finished product into a deep bowl, cover with cling film, and refrigerate for 24 hours. Over time, the caramel will cool, thicken, acquire a rich, bright taste.
Everything, salted caramel is ready! You can feast on extraordinary products and create delicious culinary masterpieces.

Salted caramel is an unusually tasty savory delicacy that will impress any sweet tooth. The method of preparing a gourmet dessert at first glance will seem complicated, however, following the recipe exactly, you can make a great filling for a cake, pastries, cookies, gingerbread and other favorite sweets.

Recipe from Pierre Herme

Salted caramel has been known since ancient times, it was first prepared in the province of Brittany in France. Many years later, the famous French culinary specialist Pierre Herme created a macaron cake stuffed with excellent salted caramel. Since then, this sweet-salty delicacy has become famous all over the world, in America, for example, tartlets with chocolate ganache and salted caramel are very popular.

The master of cooking has his own recipe for making a dessert, which is somewhat different from the classic one.


  • sour cream (30% fat) - 335 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • butter 65 g;
  • salt - 5 g.


You will need a saucepan with a thick bottom. Divide the granulated sugar into 6 equal parts and first pour one part (50 grams) into the dishes, melt it over medium heat. After it dissolves completely, add the second part, then the third and so on. An important point: sugar can not be mixed! Thus, we get a thick, viscous substance with a beautiful amber tint, but by no means brown. It is important not to miss the moment and not overdo the sugar, otherwise the caramel will not be salty, but bitter.

Add salt, butter, sour cream to hot melted sugar. Stir and keep on fire until the mixture reaches a certain temperature. According to Erme's prescription, it should be 108 degrees, but it will be impossible to determine it without a special thermometer. If there is no such device, you can focus on the time. Caramel should cook for no more than 6 minutes. You should wait for it to cool completely and transfer it to glass jars. An exquisite delicacy, visually resembling condensed milk, is stored in the refrigerator.

Classic recipe

Despite the fact that the ingredients in the recipe are completely different than those of Pierre Herme, the taste of salted caramel is just as delicious.


  • fat cream - 450 ml;
  • water - 120 ml;
  • butter - 75 g;
  • brown sugar - 450 g;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons with a slide.


Just like in the first recipe, you need a saucepan or any other dishes with a thick bottom. Pour water, add sugar (if there is no brown, you can take ordinary white), cook until a honey color is obtained. In another bowl, caramelize sugar, add salt, butter. Very carefully introduce the cream, and you need to add them in three steps, cook until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We withstand to a certain temperature (as in Erme's recipe).

Sour cream or cottage cheese is a great alternative to cream.

If you want salt crystals to appear in the caramel, add it at the end of cooking.

Hot caramel tends to bubble, so be very careful not to burn yourself.

Don't be embarrassed by the fact that the caramel has a liquid consistency at first, it will thicken very quickly.

If you do not have thick-walled dishes, you can use a thin-bottomed saucepan. In this case, the cooking time is reduced to 4 minutes, but you need to stir more thoroughly.

Homemade salted caramel is an amazing, delicate dessert, slightly reminiscent of toffee. Having tried one spoonful, there is a temptation to eat the whole one, but do not get carried away, its calorie content is 337 calories per 100 grams of product.

Gourmet Dessert: Salted Caramel

I'm not a fan of desserts. Even in a very good restaurant, when dinner is over and the waiter brings the dessert menu, I look away in embarrassment. Because I almost certainly know that there ...

I'm not a fan of desserts. Even in a very good restaurant, when dinner is over and the waiter brings the dessert menu, I look away in embarrassment. Because I almost certainly know what is there: different fruit cakes, warm apple pie with vanilla cream, panna cotta with berry coulisse, some fruit salads, flambéed bananas and strawberries, ice creams or millefeuilles - this is at the best. At worst - all sorts of things with pastry cream and biscuits with roses. I can appreciate the tenderness of the texture, I like the crunch of caramel nuts and the aroma of vanilla, but the dessert is almost always disappointing. Just because the sweet itself seems unambiguous to me. Something is always missing - probably the volume and depth of taste. And another surprise, which is necessary as a powerful catalyst so that, after an extensive meal, tired taste buds flinch and react again. And then - well, sweet and sweet. And then why waste space in a crowded stomach on it? Given the choice, I prefer a spicy tomato tart with honey mustard over any cake. With some jamon and pepper, everything seems tastier to me, even chocolate. Once I edited the recipe for the classic French chocolate mousse in exactly this way - instead of the usual orange zest in it, I added a little hot smoked Spanish pepper. I gave it to a great connoisseur of French cuisine, Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner, who is especially reverent about chocolate mousse - this is his mother's favorite dessert - he asked for more. Then I made a classic American brownie with hot red pepper and the well-known Devil's food cake chocolate cake - there was some volume that was not in the original recipe. And this is quite understandable: there is an old love between chocolate and pepper. After all, even when the conquistador Cortes brought cocoa to Europe and showed his compatriots a chocolate drink with pepper, the Catholic monks declared it a devilish brew (and how else to explain the magical increase in the strength of everyone who tasted it?) and decided to "convert chocolate to Christianity." To do this, when cooking, instead of chili pepper, amber and musk, they began to add vanilla, sugar and cream to powdered cocoa grains. The drink really became much more innocent and insipid. However, chocolate with pepper is quite a common combination today, it is even produced in ready-made tiles. It turns out even more interesting if the chocolate cream, with which Devil's food cake is smeared, is lightly sprinkled with coarse salt crystals, especially the one that in France is called fleur de sel - "salt flower": without strong heating, it practically does not melt, crunches a little and, emphasizing the sweetness with a mineral aftertaste, does not allow it to turn into cloying. In general, an interesting dessert is born as a good role according to the Stanislavsky system: "Playing a villain, look for where he is kind!". And it can also have depth and an inner explosion.

The unsurpassed master of this kind of desserts is the Frenchman Olivier Rollinger, the owner of the three-star restaurant Maisons de Bricourt, where people go from all over the world and you can sign up for dinner only six months in advance, although the restaurant is located in God knows what hole - in the town of Cancale, in Normandy. It was there that I first tasted the desserts that delighted me for the first time: with thyme instead of cinnamon, with rosemary, with black and white pepper, and with amazing salted caramel combined with vanilla. As Rollinger himself explained to me then, in Normandy, and especially in Cancale, salted caramel has been made since time immemorial, since many products here have some kind of slight saltiness: it is also felt in the meat of lambs that graze in meadows that are flooded every now and then by the sea. , and in vegetables, and in butter, which goes to desserts. I still keep a jar of extraordinary fleur de sel, bought in Olivier Rollinger's spice shop, and I believe in its magical power: it has helped me more than once to turn a solid, but quite ordinary dessert into something completely special. Make, for example, an upside-down apple pie with salted caramel, known as

The only trouble is that you fall into a heavy drug addiction from this salted caramel. President Obama is said to have gone crazy over it and especially loves it sprinkled with smoked salt from North Wales.
