
Make pickles in jars. How to pickle cucumbers? Delicious recipes

Last time we clarified that pickling cucumbers and salting - different recipes, so different tastes and ease of cooking also differ. And today we are going to talk about what is pickled cucumbers for the winter, or rather we will describe one very simple recipe that we ourselves use.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter

pickled cucumbers in a jar

This recipe was shared with us by my grandfather, who always salts these cucumbers in barrels. Maybe that's why he always makes them so crispy, tasty, not oversalted, and the brine is something. Of course, we ourselves do not salt in barrels, but we were able to transfer this recipe to smaller volumes - jars. And different sizes, here everyone decides for himself.

In general, myself the pickling process is very similar to fermenting cabbage. At first, I didn’t even understand, they say, why pickle cucumbers, we salt them. But everything turned out to be fine, as it should be. The advantages of our recipe are as follows (of course, not our recipe, many people use it, but not all 🙂):

  • Salting is carried out in ordinary cold water. No need to boil water, no need to boil brine, and so on.
  • Everything is done quickly and very simply.
  • Banks do not need to be steamed or boiled.
  • Such cucumbers are stored for a long time.
  • You can't oversalt cucumbers with this recipe.

And a few more advantages, which we will discuss below.

I want to say right away that the amount of ingredients we always do by eye, and never tried to measure. Let's say there is never a lot of greens, but see for yourself, we salt the cucumbers and not the greens.

For salting we need:
  1. cucumbers;
  2. Hot pepper (mostly green, who loves it hotter, red);
  3. Garlic;
  4. Horseradish leaves, can be with roots;
  5. Dill with umbrellas;
  6. Celery;
  7. Currant leaves (for an amateur, you can do without currants);
  8. Salt.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter starts with washing the cucumbers themselves. If you buy cucumbers, even if you picked your own, but picked them a couple of days ago, then cucumbers soak in water for about 3-4 hours enough. After that we select cucumbers by size. We roll the smallest ones into 0.5 and 1 liter. We roll large ones into 3 liter jars. It is very convenient and depending on what you set on the table and how many guests there will be, we get these or those jars.

You should not make preparations for the winter according to one recipe. It is better to make several jars according to different recipes.

You also need to dissolve the salt in advance. Need to for 10 liters of water (plain tap water) dissolve 1 kg of salt. It is convenient to do this in a bucket, then pour it into ladles. But salt must be well dissolved in water. The salt itself should not be iodized, large. Only after that we proceed to the next steps.

As the salt dissolves, we cut all greens, garlic, pepper, for ease of dosage. While we cut the greens, do not forget to stir the salt so that it dissolves well.

cut all the greens and ingredients

Now preparing banks. We will wash them well, but there is no need to boil or steam them.

We begin the process of laying cucumbers in jars.

Now just take a little, there put a pinch of pepper, horseradish leaves, a little root, dill, and one clove of garlic, celery in a jar. If you use currants, then 1 leaf.

lays down a small handful of all ingredients

Now put cucumbers on top, the denser the better. From above, sprinkle a little with garlic, dill, horseradish, celery. And so we put all the jars.

put cucumbers and more greens on top

Now pour our salty water up to the neck and cover with a temporary lid. We use regular plastic lids. And we remove the jars to any place, but not in the sun, to a dark place where cucumbers will roam for 3-4 days.

We put a rag under the cucumbers or if there are not many cans, then plates. Because we have banks will roam, water will flow out and gases will come out. By the way, in the heat, the jars begin to ferment faster, in a cool place it is slower. So somewhere around 3 days is needed, somewhere around 4 days for fermentation. And don't worry, the brine will get cloudy, the lids can fly up, it's all normal. But this is not all pickling cucumbers for the winter, let's move on.

cucumbers ferment and the brine has darkened, this is normal
Now it's been 3-4 days you need to roll up the banks for the winter. This is done as usual with metal lids using a rolling machine.

But first, brine must be drained. Just take it, pour it into the sink and then we wash. Open the faucet, pour clean water, drain. Then pour again and pour again. We do this 5 times, maybe more. Sometimes a white coating remains on the cucumbers after fermentation, you should try to rinse it. Wherein no need to take anything out of the bank.

We wash cucumbers

Pour water directly into the jar, then drain several times. You can pour, close the neck with your hand and shake, then drain. We also notice that cucumbers sagged a little. Then just take one jar and leave it open to take cucumbers and add to those jars that you can add cucumbers.

Once washed, pour tight tap water, cold, up to the very neck so that some water pours out directly, and you roll it up specifically with a typewriter. The lid also does not need to be boiled or heated, it is enough to keep it clean.

now roll up jars

After washing, the brine will always be clean and the cucumbers will not be salted, the recipe is just lick your fingers.

So the pickling of cucumbers for the winter is over, now you can put the jars in a cool place for the whole winter. But at first it is worth watching the jars, because some lids may bulge. If it's swollen, no big deal. Remove the lid, add water and roll again.

That's all for us, bye everyone, stay with us, share your recipes, bye everyone.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars a simple recipe updated: September 11, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

Any housewife has her favorite pickle recipes for the winter. At the height of the vegetable season, the coveted notebook is taken, and hot but creative work begins to supply your family with goodies and pleasant additions to the main menu. However, a real culinary specialist will never refuse to try out a new recipe, at least on one jar - in case the result does not inspire. Especially popular salting on this topic is very diverse. Vinegar, aspirin, and citric acid are used as a preservative ... And there are more intriguing options.

for the winter: recipes. Crispy cucumbers

But let's start with the traditional way. In the end, not all housewives had time to become adept at spinning. And some of the recipes for pickles for the winter in the piggy bank are not very satisfying. Or the resulting product is not crunchy enough. We encourage you to try the new one.

The calculation is given for a three-liter cylinder - it is in these that cucumbers are most often pickled for the winter. Recipes with vinegar (and ours is one of those) usually involve sterilization, but here it will not be needed. Vegetables are washed, lids are boiled, jars are kept in the oven for sterilization. Three garlic cloves, a dill umbrella, a middle horseradish leaf, five cherry and currant leaves, three each of amaranth and basil, a sprig of tarragon, several peas of allspice and half a small spicy pod are placed on the bottom of each. Cucumbers are placed on top tightly, but without tamping, and boiled water is poured for a quarter of an hour. Then the water is drained, boiled again and returned to the cylinders. The third approach is the same, only before pouring, a spoonful of sugar and two salts are poured, as well as three tablespoons of table vinegar. Banks are rolled up and turned over until they cool.

"Real jam"

And it is true! No other salting recipes for the winter in jars will give such an amazing result. However, you will have to be patient.

It will take four kilograms of small cucumbers without "ass" and tops. If these were not obtained, large vegetables are cut lengthwise and put into a large pot or basin. A weighty bunch of parsley (chopped) is also poured there, a glass of vinegar and the same amount of vegetable oil are poured. Next, 100 grams of salt with sugar, a dessert spoon of ground pepper and garlic cloves (large head) are added. Now you need to wait from 4 to 6 hours for the cucumbers to give juice. Then they are vertically laid out in half-liter jars and sterilized for about 20 minutes. We seal, turn over, wrap. And enjoy the winter!

cold cucumbers

Pickle recipes for the winter usually list the spices, herbs and other ingredients in the jar in detail. This is not needed here. You can compose a “Broom” to your liking, only peppercorns and garlic are important from other investments. The trick is in the filling.

Cucumbers are laid in a container, interspersed with herbs and garlic. Then a little water is heated up - just enough to dissolve two tablespoons of salt per liter. When the salt dissolves, the rest of the liquid is poured into the solution very chilled, just ice cold. Next, the brine is filtered, poured into jars. It is added to each for a bright color of cucumbers. The necks are tied with gauze for a day, then the cylinders are closed with tight lids, and the blank is hidden for two weeks in the basement. Only when the fermentation is over can the jars be corked.

Cucumbers in currant juice

Traditionally rolled vegetables can get boring over time. And not everyone loves pickle with vinegar. We offer the original recipe. Cucumbers are washed, scalded with boiling water and immediately doused with cold water. Then they are packaged in a vertical position in cans. Dill, blackcurrant leaves, mint, cloves and black peppercorns are used as seasonings. Spices can be put between the cucumbers, or can be placed on top.

Now brine. For him, you need to squeeze the juice from the blackcurrant and strain well through a strainer or gauze. For every liter of water, you should get a quarter liter of juice. Liquids drain. This amount should be enough to preserve two kilograms of cucumbers. The brine is boiled with the addition of an incomplete spoonful of sugar and two - salt. When hot, it is poured into dishes, and they are immediately (this is important!) Hermetically sealed. Only after that, the twist is sterilized for eight minutes, turned over and closed with rags until it cools.

Cucumbers in ... cucumbers

At the height of the season, cucumbers are in bulk, and they are quite affordable. Especially if you buy overripe "freaks" - they ask for a penny at all. At the same time, there are very curious recipes for pickles for the winter, in which just “substandard” is required. You buy three kilograms of overripe vegetables and two normal ones. The latter are washed, deprived of tops and bases, and tightly packed in containers. There are no spices in the original recipe at all, but if you like fragrant twists, you can put your favorite set.

For brine, overripe cucumbers are scalded to soften the rough skin and rubbed on a coarse grater. Then juice is squeezed out of them through a couple of layers of gauze. It dissolves two incomplete spoons of sugar and salt and a three-gram sachet of citric acid. The brine is boiled and poured into cucumbers. This must be done three times. The last time the cylinders are rolled up and left to cool.

Cucumbers with sorrel

Those who want to do without artificial preservatives can resort to sorrel. It perfectly prevents unnecessary fermentation and gives cucumbers a delicate and original flavor.

Prepared vegetables are laid out in jars vertically, with layers of fresh dill between them. For brine, a third of a kilogram of oxal leaves, sorted and well washed, is poured only with boiled water (about 700 ml) and boiled for 5-7 minutes until completely softened. The broth is rubbed through a fine sieve and additionally filtered. Two tablespoons of salt and half a glass of sugar are added to it, after which the liquid is again placed on the stove until it boils. Three times filling with boiling brine - and the jars are hermetically twisted.

Assorted Olivier

In winter, there are a lot of reasons to cook Olivier. You should not spoil the taste of your favorite salad with store-bought ingredients, as you can easily twist them yourself. Peas are cleaned. Without the pods, it should be a glass. Then the peas are cooked (no longer than seven minutes). A bunch of dill is placed in a three-liter balloon, a couple of cherry and blackcurrant leaves and garlic - as you like, but two cloves are enough according to the recipe.

Pre-treated cucumbers are pushed into a jar and filled with peas. The workpiece is poured with boiling water for a third of an hour. After draining, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of salt in it and boil again. Two tablespoons of sugar are poured into the balloon, and a spoonful of vinegar is poured. After refilling, the jar is sterilized for five minutes, corked, placed upside down and wrapped.

Do not be lazy to roll pickles for the winter. Recipes with photos convincingly demonstrate that it is not only delicious, but also very beautiful!

Pickled cucumbers are an appetizer that is familiar to literally every person since childhood. Such blanks are used not only to decorate the feast, but also to add to salads, main courses, soups. There are many recipes for preparing this dish, but the classic way of pickling cucumbers is considered the most popular and successful. Interestingly, according to many housewives, it is in the classic recipe that the best seasoning for pickling cucumbers is used. So, how to prepare vegetables and pickle them?

Pickled cucumbers - an appetizer that is familiar to literally every person

One of the successful seasonings, which has been used for many years in the process of pickling cucumbers, is considered to be the following, which includes:

  • cherry leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • salt;
  • allspice;
  • currant leaves.

Such an ordinary rich bouquet of seasonings will allow you to endow pickles with an unsurpassed aroma and taste.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter according to my mother's recipe (video)

Pickled cucumbers: the usual classic recipe for the winter in jars

It is this recipe that implies the use of the best bouquet of seasonings for pickling cucumbers.

During the preparation process you will need:

  • 600 grams of cucumbers;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 9 peas of a mixture of black and allspice;
  • 1 sheet of horseradish;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 5 currant leaves;
  • 4 cherry leaves;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 dill umbrellas.

It is this recipe that implies the use of the best bouquet of seasonings for pickling cucumbers

How to pickle:

  1. Vegetables are washed, soaked in cold water for 4 hours.
  2. Peppercorns, peeled garlic cloves, and bay leaf are placed in pre-sterilized jars.
  3. Then the soaked vegetables are placed in the container, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants are placed between the cucumbers.
  4. Cucumbers are compacted and covered with dill umbrellas.
  5. Brine is prepared in a separate container. To do this, salt is dissolved in water, the liquid is brought to a boil, removed from heat and cooled.
  6. The jars are filled with brine so that it covers all the vegetables, closed with nylon lids and sent to the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks, depending on the size of the cucumbers used.

If cucumbers are planned to be stored longer than before winter, a small amount of olive oil should be poured into the jar so that it forms a thin layer on the surface of the brine.

How to quickly cook small cucumbers?

If you want to taste small salted cucumbers right now, you should use the following recipe, for which you need:

  • 1 kilo of cucumbers;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 dessert spoon of sugar;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 30 grams of coarse salt.

Cucumbers will be ready quickly

How to cook quickly:

  1. Small cucumbers are washed, placed in a bag, salted and sweetened.
  2. Garlic is peeled, cut into circles.
  3. Dill greens are washed, dried and chopped with a knife.
  4. Garlic and dill are transferred to the package.
  5. The bag is then tied up and gently but vigorously shaken.
  6. The workpiece is removed in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

It is interesting that exactly 6 hours is enough for high-quality pickling of vegetables, and after this time, cucumbers can already be eaten.

Preservation of cucumbers with red currant

Pickled cucumbers in jars sometimes do not look appetizing enough, so some housewives prefer to salt them along with bunches of red currants. By the way, these berries not only make the appearance of the workpiece more interesting, but also improve the taste of the cucumbers themselves.

For cooking you need:

  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 600 grams of cucumbers;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1.5 cups of redcurrant clusters;
  • 3 clove buds;
  • 1 liter bottle of drinking water;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt.

Pickled cucumbers in jars sometimes do not look appetizing enough, so some housewives prefer to salt them along with bunches of red currants

How to salt:

  1. Vegetables are washed.
  2. All the spices, chopped onions and peeled garlic are placed at the bottom of the glass container.
  3. Prepared cucumbers are laid in a container in an upright position.
  4. A third of the currant is peeled from twigs, moved, washed and placed in jars - in the intervals between cucumbers.
  5. In a clean saucepan, a brine is boiled from water, sugar and salt. The liquid is stirred and brought to a boil.
  6. The blanks are poured with boiling brine, their top is decorated with the remaining handfuls of currants.
  7. Banks are covered with lids and sent for sterilization for 10 minutes. Containers are rolled up and wrapped.

Currant, which is used in pickling cucumbers, can be used to prepare sauces for second courses.

How delicious to salt cucumber slices?

One of the best recipes for preserving sliced ​​cucumbers is pickled cucumber salad.

This requires:

  • 5 cucumbers;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1 dessert spoon of dill seeds;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 300 milliliters of water;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 40 milliliters of 9% vinegar.

One of the best recipes for pickling cucumbers in a sliced ​​state is pickled cucumber salad.

How to cook pickled cucumber slices:

  1. Cucumbers are washed, cut across with washers, 1 centimeter thick.
  2. The bulbs are peeled, cut into half rings.
  3. Carrots are freed from the skin, washed, rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. At the bottom of a pre-sterilized jar, a garlic clove, peeled and cut into slices, dill seeds, bay leaves, and pepper are placed.
  5. Then the onion is laid on the spices in a layer 1 centimeter thick.
  6. 1 centimeter of carrots is laid out on the onion.
  7. A layer of cucumbers (thickness 2 centimeters) is laid on the root crop.
  8. Layers alternate according to the described principle.
  9. Marinade is made in a separate container. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve salt and sugar in water. The liquid is mixed and brought to a boil, vinegar is poured into it and the container is removed from the heat.
  10. Boiling marinade is poured into filled jars.
  11. The containers are covered with lids and sent to be sterilized for 35 minutes.
  12. The container is rolled up with the help of a conservation key and left to cool wrapped in a blanket.

After seaming the workpiece, it should not be turned upside down, as such manipulation will mix the layers and worsen the appearance of the snack. When preparing the marinade, additional seasoning can also be used, for example, cinnamon, star anise, cloves - it turns out tasty and fragrant!

Pickled cucumbers with mint

If you add a few sprigs of mint to pickled cucumbers, you get a very fragrant preparation that not only conquers with its appearance, but also with its fresh smell.

In the process of salting you will need:

  • 2 kilos of cucumbers;
  • 200 grams of paprika;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 1 sheet of horseradish;
  • 5 sprigs of tarragon;
  • 5 sprigs of mint;
  • 6 cherry leaves;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to do:

  1. Before salting cucumbers, they should be washed and soaked for 3-4 hours. It is the soaked cucumbers that are the most crispy, juicy and fresh.
  2. The greens are washed and dried.
  3. Greens are placed at the bottom of a clean sterilized container, and cucumbers, washed paprika and hot peppers are placed on it.
  4. A dill umbrella is laid on top.
  5. In a separate container, a brine is prepared from water and salt. The liquid is brought to a boil and poured into the workpiece. In this state, the snack is left for 2 days.
  6. Then the brine is drained, boiled again and poured back into the jar.
  7. The container is rolled up, turned over on the lid and insulated.

You can eat cucumbers prepared for the winter with mint 30 days after they are corked.

Crispy pickles for the winter (video)

Now I want to switch your attention to pickles from vegetables, although I will not forget about desserts. So come visit often!

Well, I will not torment you, and I will immediately tell you what we will talk about today. We will talk about the most favorite snack of our country, pickles in jars.

This versatile dish is considered a real lifesaver. After all, crispy cucumbers always diverge with a bang. They go well with many products, so they are used to make various salads, add to soups, or just eat with fried potatoes, or serve as an appetizer for the festive table.

Be careful! This article provides recipes for pickles only, not pickles. That is, we will make an appetizer without vinegar.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter for storage in an apartment

Of course, every housewife thinks that it is she who knows the best recipe for salting green "crunches". However, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with different cooking techniques.

And I advise you to try the next option. It is characterized by natural fermentation, and the appetizer is obtained as if from a barrel. And still such preservation can be stored directly in the house, in the apartment.


For a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Salt - 75 gr.;
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • Rye flour - 1 teaspoon;
  • Spices: dill umbrellas, currant leaves, cherries, bay leaves, peppercorns, hot peppers - at will and to taste.

Cooking method:

1. First, rinse the jar (3 liters) well and dry it. Then pour flour on the bottom, add half of the spices and put clean cucumbers to the middle of the jar.

2. Then add the remaining greens and lay the cucumbers again.

3. Take a deep bowl and pour some water, dilute salt in it. Pour this brine into a jar. Then fill the jar with cold water to the top and cover with a lid.

At this stage, place a plate under the jar, as the brine may leak during fermentation.

Leave the blank in the room for 3 to 7 days. Everything here will depend on the air temperature and the desired acidity of the snack. It usually takes 3-4 days.

4. Readiness will serve as a sign of foam formation and a sour, not rotten smell.

If you suddenly have mold on the surface, then remove it. Although due to the addition of rye flour, it should not be.

At this stage, you should not taste the cucumbers, as they are not yet fully salted, so you may be disappointed. But it’s not worth it, the main “magic” will happen next.

5. Drain the brine from the jar into a saucepan and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes. Next, pour the jar of cucumbers with boiling brine and cover with a sterilized lid. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

6. Now drain the brine again and heat it up again. Pour the workpiece a second time. Leave alone for 15 minutes. Well, for the third time, repeat the procedure: drain, boil and fill.

It is best to salt a large batch at once, 5-6 cans, and pour the brine into the same pan. Please note that during the cooking process, the vegetables shrink slightly and, as a result, become more pliable. Therefore, 1 jar of cucumbers can be used for transferring to others so that the fruits lie denser in jars.

Crispy cucumbers in jars under a nylon lid in the winter

In any type of fruit pickling, the most important thing is the preparation of the brine. Therefore it is important to know how much salt per liter of water need to put. Usually for every liter of liquid put 1 or 2 tablespoons of ordinary table salt.

But if you still add sugar to the marinade, then it is better to put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar per 1 liter of water.


Per liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • Dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.;
  • Grape leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Salt - 40 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare all the ingredients, and wash the cucumbers well and soak in cold water for an hour.

2. Sterilize the jar and put a clean dill umbrella, grape leaves into it. As well as peeled garlic, which is best cut into plates.

3. Now lay the cucumbers, and put one dill umbrella on top.

4. Top everything with ordinary rock salt.

6. Then move the jar to the pantry, where it is cool to stop the fermentation process. Keep the snack all winter if you can resist, as these crunches are likely to be the first thing you eat.

Cold method of pickling cucumbers with mustard

If you have been reading my blog for a long time and are a regular guest of it, then you probably already know that I love everything spicy. Therefore, I like pickled cucumbers not just crispy, but with a spicy spicy taste. Because of this, our family has a special recipe for an appetizer with mustard and horseradish. Try this dish too. Don't forget to leave a review if you liked it or not.


For a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Dry mustard - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Horseradish leaf - half;
  • Cherry, currant, oak leaves - several pieces each;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Wash jars and cucumbers. Put the vegetables in a basin and fill them with water, leaving to soak for 2 hours. Banks scalded with boiling water. When time passes, wash the cucumbers again and cut off the tails.

2. Place spices in prepared jars, and then cucumbers. Put full tablespoons of salt on top and pour boiling water over it.

Use regular rock salt.

3. Cover the jars with lids and leave for a few days. As a result, a film should form on the surface of the brine. Remove it, but pour the brine into a saucepan and bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes, removing the foam.

4. And add dry mustard to the jars and pour everything with boiling brine.

5. Roll up the blanks immediately and turn over.

6. Wrap with a blanket and wait for the blanks to cool. Then store in a cool and dark place.

How to cook delicious pickles for the winter with vodka


For a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • Garlic - 10 cloves;
  • Vodka - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Horseradish leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Currant leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Cherry leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Capsicum hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Umbrella dill - 4 pieces.

For brine:

  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Water - 1300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Sort out all the greens well from debris and rinse.

2. Sterilize the jars and put some greens on the bottom, hot peppers cut into pieces and onion cut into rings.

3. Wash cucumbers in advance and soak in cold water for a couple of hours, and then cut off the tails. Then put in a jar on top of the greens.

4. Lay the remaining greens, garlic, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves on top.

5. Now prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve salt in cold water, put spices, bay leaves and parsley.

6. Fill the jar with this brine and cover with a lid. Leave at room temperature for two days to start fermentation. Then the water must be drained into a saucepan, boil and cool.

7. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a cold storage room.

Pickled and crispy cucumbers without vinegar in jars

Once again I want to draw attention to the fact that the classic concentration for brine without vinegar is considered to be 20%. But consider what kind of salt you will use, coarse or fine.

And according to the following video recipe, you can make an appetizer that will be perfectly stored at home. So who does not have a cellar, take note!

Cooking pickled cucumbers for the winter without sterilization


  • Cucumbers - 2-2.5 kg;
  • Grape leaves - as much as there will be piece cucumbers;
  • Dill umbrellas - 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;
  • Salt - 100 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the jar and pour boiling water over it, dry it. Put the spices in it according to the recipe, except for grape leaves, salt and citric acid.

2. Wash the cucumbers and wrap each vegetable in a clean grape leaf. Place in a jar of spices.

4. Now drain the water into a saucepan and add salt and 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara. Boil the brine and refill the jar with it. Pour citric acid on top and twist the workpiece. Turn the lid upside down, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store in your usual place.

So, pickles occupy a special place in our diet and are pleased with the fact that they are prepared easily and simply. Therefore, do not be lazy in the summer, so that later you can crunch with such a gourmet all year. And by the way, if you encounter the problem that the banks swell, do not worry, the workpiece can be saved.

Just open the lid and rinse the cucumbers, and then return them back and pour another 1.5-2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, then cover with plastic lids. True, it is desirable to eat gherkins in the near future.

And that is all! I say goodbye and see you soon!


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Step by step recipe with photo and video

There are many recipes for preparing cucumbers for the winter, but I want to choose the simplest, fastest, especially if we have a lot of cucumbers, and all of them need to be processed and preserved. According to this recipe, pickling cucumbers for the winter is as easy as shelling pears. We will not need to pour the fruits with boiling water and sterilize, as in. There is only one necessary condition: our jars must be stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

I remember that it was this recipe for cooking cucumbers without sterilization that I mastered in childhood, when I really wanted to help my mother in conservation. And now my granddaughter is helping me. She is only three years old, but she remembers how many leaves to put in a jar and enjoys spending time with me in the kitchen. In general, as I said, pickling cucumbers for the winter is as easy as shelling pears!

Before cooking, let the cucumbers stand in cold water for 3-4 hours, especially if they were collected in advance. This will give them freshness, and when ready, the fruits will turn out crispy.

Put the peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf and garlic into cleanly washed and sterilized jars. If the garlic cloves are large, they can be cut.

We put cucumbers in a jar, trying to make the most of the space. We put large cucumbers on the bottom, and those that are smaller - on top. In the free space we lay the leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish. On top, you can put dill inflorescences.

Thus, we fill all the banks.

Let's prepare the brine. For a liter jar, we need 1 tablespoon of rock salt. Dissolve salt in water, boil and cool. It is good to use spring or well water, it can not be boiled.

Pour the brine into a jar.

Calculate the right amount of water and salt for all jars. Let's fill.

That's all. We close the jars with lids and immediately put them in the refrigerator. As easy as pie! Salting cucumbers for the winter is completed.

Cucumbers will be salted in about a month. Bon appetit!
