
To make the buns brown. How to grease pies so that they are ruddy

Every woman is a hostess by nature. Everyone wants to please their husband, children or guests with delicious and healthy food. But often situations arise when women do not know which ingredient is best suited for a particular dish. One of the most frequent questions from the fair sex arises on the topic of eggs, namely, what is baked goods lubricated with - protein or yolk. Today we will try to understand this topic.

Why are eggs useful?

A dozen eggs can always be found in the refrigerator of any housewife. With their help, you can cook many dishes - scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, various pastries. Eggs are also a very useful product. Eggs contain 15% of the daily protein requirement. Therefore, eggs are present in the diet of many athletes, because protein is the “building material” of the body.

Also involved in the construction of egg whites leucine is an important amino acid. Of course, this product contains a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements that have a very good effect on the vital activity of the body.

Eggs are very well absorbed by the body, especially if they are consumed during minimum heat treatment. Chicken eggs are good for the human cardiovascular system, as a cancer prevention, they strengthen bones and teeth and contain substances that are good for vision.

Which is healthier - egg yolk or white?

In scientific circles, disputes about the benefits of eggs, as well as its components - protein and yolk, do not subside. Many people like the yolk more because it tastes better, but is it really healthy and can it be consumed in unlimited quantities?

The yolk has more calories than protein and contains more cholesterol. However, only the yolk contains such substances:

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Phosphorus,
  4. Fatty acid,
  5. Calcium,
  6. Folic acid.

All these substances are necessary for our body to function properly.

Nutritionists say that people who want to lose weight need to give up yolks and consume only proteins. However, we believe that it is not necessary to treat this issue so radically. It is enough just to limit the consumption of yolks. It would be ideal to eat two eggs with yolks a day, and then just consume egg whites.

What is smeared with pies - protein or yolk?

It should be noted right away that no matter what you smear a pie or pastries, it will not give new taste sensations. But housewives lubricate pastries not for taste, but for beauty. The greased cake is shiny and crispy.

Lubricate the pies with both protein and yolk, only the effect is somewhat different. If lubricated only yolk, then the cake will turn out more brilliant, and if only protein- the crust will be more crispy.

Some housewives kill two birds with one stone and brush the pastries with a lightly beaten egg or an egg with salt or sugar. A silicone brush is best for greasing pastries, because it is very easy to handle, soft and will not spoil the appearance of the dough.

Other options for greasing pastries

It may turn out that there are no eggs at hand, but you still want to make the cake beautiful and shiny. In this case, sweet water can help. Only when using sweet water, do not lubricate, but spray pastries from a spray bottle. Moreover, this should be done only at the end of baking, when literally five minutes remain before the finished cake.

Some women smear pies with the following ingredients:

  • vegetable oil;
  • melted butter;
  • milk
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream (thin layer)

All of these methods will ensure a beautiful cake and a shiny crust, but they contain more calories and cholesterol than eggs. Therefore, it is better to stock up on a few eggs if you plan to bake something.

To give the cake new flavors and beauty, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds, caraway seeds, poppy seeds, seeds, oatmeal and coconut flakes. The choice of topping depends on what end result do you want.

Of course, the topping can be completely different, it depends only on your imagination and taste.

What to add to cutlets - yolk or protein?

You may have noticed that each housewife prepares cutlets of different taste. It depends on the quality of the products and the presence of certain ingredients in the meat. Protein is usually added to cutlets, which is whipped, but it is better not to use the yolk, you can spoil the minced meat.

You will get great cutlets if you add to them:

  • White bread;
  • Potato
  • Sour cream
  • Butter

If you want really juicy and original cutlets, you can mix several types of meat. Minced meat is kneaded for about five minutes so that it is saturated with juice, and then it must be left to “rest” in the cold for about one hour.

Also, do not neglect the secrets of proper frying. First, the cutlets are fried over high heat, and then it is reduced. It is better to add oil to the cutlets themselves from time to time. By following these tips, your cutlets will exceed expectations and become a decoration on the table.

The harm of eggs to humans

We talked a lot about the benefits of eggs, but it does not happen that the product is completely harmless. In addition to cholesterol and extra calories in the yolks, eggs carry other dangers that are much less pleasant than a hundred extra grams on the scales.

  • Frequent protein intake leads to liver and kidney disease, as it increases the load on them.
  • Also, when eating eggs, you can become infected with salmonellosis. But this disease is easy to avoid: it is enough not to consume raw or incompletely cooked eggs and you need to wash your hands after raw eggs.
  • It's no secret that long heat treatment kills nutrients in foods, eggs are no exception. However, it will help you not get infected with salmonella. If a person has good immunity, he will cope with this pathogen.
  • Eggs that meet us on store shelves can be "stuffed" with antibiotics. This is done so that the eggs are larger and look more attractive. So if you have access to farm eggs, it's best to buy them directly from a producer you trust.
  • Eggs contain nitrates and toxic substances, with limited consumption of eggs, they are not dangerous, but children and pregnant women should be careful when consuming eggs.

Despite all the above risks, we can say that you should not constantly eat eggs, but nothing will happen to you from one or two pieces a day.

In the article, we tried to understand the benefits and harms of eggs and their components, how they lubricate pastries - protein or yolk, which should be added to cutlets. These tips will help you become a good housewife and correctly calculate the daily consumption of eggs. A product such as eggs can be both very useful and quite harmful, the main thing is to know the measure of consumption.

Cooking video: how and what to grease pastries

In this video, chef Ilya Lazarev will tell you the best way to grease pies before baking and how this can be done without a culinary brush:

Last week, the topic of finishes, which in English are called washes, but in Russian - nothing, attracted my attention twice. Simply brushing a bun with an egg, for example, was not so easy at all. But probably everyone except me has long known about this that there are a myriad of ways to grease a pie or a bun with an "egg". And it never occurred to me that before the revolution they were divided into lean and modest. What is not always Can it was to grease the products with an egg. The book by E.I. Molokhovets. And that the old Russian grease for pies before baking with peas plays the same role as egg grease, I had no idea. This is because both eggs and peas are high in lysine, the best amino acid for browning the crust.

Bread is usually sprinkled with just water before baking. Or they bake with steam - so that the steam moistens the surface of the dough swelling in the oven. At most, bread is smeared with the so-called "white solution" - flour or starch with water, raw or brewed. This gives a sheen to the baked crust.

And for rolls, muffins, culinary and confectionery pastries, people came up with many ways to embellish their surface, stick decorations to it, give it a special aroma, taste, texture and character.

The simplest remedies are syrup, skimmed milk, melted butter. They change both the color and the sheen of the crust.

Melted butter and other fat are also applied after baking, so that the crust shines brighter and smells better.

Brushing with skim milk helps to get a darker crust. You can use powdered milk dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:8, apply with a brush or spray products.

In the US, the egg is usually diluted 1:4 by weight with water. Apply before baking to improve the color and shine of the crust. This gives a "deaf", "soft" sheen and a golden crust color. In the USSR, much less water was added to the egg 1:1 or even 1:0.2, i.e. for 1 egg (40g) - half a tablespoon of water (8g) - this gave a brighter shine and a dark red or raspberry color of the crust.

The yolk of the egg is rich in the yellow pigment xanthophylls, it gives a pleasant yellowness to both the crumb and the crust. The fat in the yolk prevents the product from drying out.

Farmers have tried to breed hens that produce eggs with bright dark yellow yolks, which bakers and cooks like. But unfortunately, they produce a rubbery bite, gooey biscuit, with a coarse texture and a less pleasant flavor. Then the poultry farmers, in concern for the health of the population, brought out chickens carrying lean eggs! Modern eggs have more protein and less yolk than pre-1960s eggs. To not be so fat.

Egg white is a source of proteins and amino acids. When the protein coagulates during baking, it draws water away from the crust of the product, resulting in a crispier surface. Protein practically does not add shine to the crust.

Other options for lubricating "egg"

- an egg with butter. 1 egg (50g), 3g salt, 60g vegetable oil (variations from 25g to 190g oil will give different effects). Beat the egg with salt to the maximum volume, stir in vegetable oil. Apply with a brush before baking.

Egg with milk. Gives a moderately shiny rind.
- an egg with milk and sugar - 10 g of sugar, 20 g of eggs, 70 g of milk. Mix, apply a thin layer.

Egg with salt gives shine. I always use this method only, I learned it when I baked challah for the first time and I liked it!

Yolk with milk. The yolk is mixed with milk in equal proportions, applied before baking. You will get a darker and shiny crust.
- yolk with water. Shiny golden surface.
- yolk with cream. Shiny brown rind.

Egg white. Light crispy crust.
- protein with water. Egg white is mixed with water in equal amounts, filtered, applied with a brush or sprinkled on the surface of pies and pies from a spray bottle for a low sheen.
- protein with milk. Transparent shiny surface.

Cream - cream, as well as non-acidic sour cream, are often spread on pies in homemade cakes. The fat content of cream or sour cream will greatly affect the effect.

Sugar with milk. 10g sugar, 10g milk powder, 80g water. Mix, strain.

Starch. 3-5g cornstarch 95-97g water, simmer for a few minutes. before baking, they are applied to the dough if they want to get a firmer and more rustic crust of bread and rolls. after baking, apply on freshly baked rye hearth carpets for shine.

Sugar in syrup or honey is needed both for the Mayair reaction - the reaction of amino acids with sugar at 140-165 ° C (284 to 329 ° F) with the formation of a baking flavor (the aroma of baked bread, bread crust), and for caramelization - darkening of sugar when heated with the formation of a nut-caramel aroma.

The Maillard reaction proceeds well in a neutral and slightly acidic medium. An alkaline environment greatly speeds up the reaction. This is why dipping pretzels and buns in a solution of alkali gives them such an unusual color when baking.

Different sugars caramelize at different temperatures. Fructose - at 110C / 230F, glucose and ordinary granulated sugar (sucrose) - at 160C / 320F, maltose - at 180C / 356. Therefore, products without sugar in the recipe are either lubricated or baked at temperatures above 200C. Otherwise, they won't brown.

Honey is a mixture of different sugars, half of which is fructose, so products with honey in dough or smeared with honey brown more strongly and faster at low baking temperatures.

What color caramelization of sugar in the dough or on its surface will give the product will depend on both the baking temperature and the duration of heating. Pies are baked for 10 minutes, and fried even faster. Large muffins can take up to an hour in the oven and longer. So the color can be from light yellow to deep brown. Keep this in mind if you cook cheesecakes with onions in Molokhovets! The onion is caramelized.

Lactose - milk sugar - caramelizes very slowly, with prolonged heating above 150C. The ruddy color of products from milk in dough or on a crust during quick baking is from the Maillard reaction, from a large amount of lysine in milk, lysine reacts with sugar.

The largest amounts of lysine are found in
- cheese, especially in parmesan - that's why cheese is used for gratination
- skimmed milk
- egg
- soy flour
- pea flour

These foods help to brown the crusts through the Maillard reaction. And these ingredients in the dough can over brown your bread or buns and muffins if the temperature or baking time is not reduced.

Beautiful, fragrant pies are loved by adults and children. Remember the exciting moment in childhood, when the grandmother takes out of the oven a handsome man bursting with heat and burning with gold, and immediately the saliva begins to run. In order for the baking to be a success, she put a piece of her love, warmth and care into it. But that is not all. Even if the dough has risen remarkably, it may remain pale and ugly in the oven. Today we will talk about how to grease pies for golden brown.

Before, after or during

This is one of the most important questions to consider before putting your product in the oven. The algorithm is as follows: while the dough finally fits on the baking sheet, you must turn on the oven to warm up. Delicate items should not be placed in a cold oven.

Now let's move on. What is the chosen form? Small pies can be lubricated in advance. Similarly, baking is performed from tender, puff or shortcrust pastry. Even during cutting, cover them with prepared glaze and send them to the oven. They bake perfectly, and the top does not have time to burn.

Below we will take a closer look at the various options for greasing pies for golden brown, but for now let's finish the thought. Large items with meat or fish will be in the oven much longer, so it is recommended to postpone the glazing. Approximately 10 minutes before readiness, it will be possible to remove the cake, apply the selected composition and return it back. It is not recommended to go far now, as soon as the surface becomes perfectly beautiful - it's time to pull it out.

plain water

Since it is not so difficult to make a pie, this dish is often on our table. And if hard times have come, and there are only enough products for the filling? How to lubricate the surface so that the family will eat your cooking with pleasure? There is nothing easier. Immediately after baking, go over the surface with a brush moistened with water. This will not give shine, but will make the crust more ruddy and soft. Usually this is enough, because you are not cooking for the competition.


This is the very first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, what is there to think about than to grease pies for a golden crust. Beat an egg, waved a brush - and the result is obvious. This is the simplest and most effective type of glazing, which is used by almost all housewives. However, there are subtleties here. An egg is a yolk + white. In this case, everyone decides what exactly to use. If you take only protein, then it will give a light coating. Add some sugar and you get a meringue that works well for Easter baking. However, bakery products must be golden, for this we are talking today about how to grease pies for a golden crust. Hostesses use the following options.

The whole egg is beaten and applied to the surface of the product. What is the advantage of such a method? The pies are very beautiful, tender and ruddy, as if tanned in the sun. A warm shade goes with delicious products. He has only one drawback - the appetite becomes indomitable.

Someone likes that pies or pies are not just golden, but dark brown. To do this, there are two options: add a little sugar to the egg mixture (a teaspoon without a slide) or take only the yolk. If you are afraid that in this case it will turn out pale, then just a few grains of sugar are enough, and your product will shine with chocolate gloss.

Sweet tea

Of course, this option is best suited for buns. Baking becomes even tastier from a ruddy, beautiful crust. However, this recipe can be adapted "just in case".

Here is a product on your table, ready for baking, and the eggs are over. Don't run to the store. And how to make a ruddy crust on a pie? Very simple, make a little strong tea leaves and cool. The tan will be less pronounced, but still noticeable. For 100 g of boiling water, 1 tsp is enough. dry welding. If the pastries are sweet, you can put 2 tablespoons of sugar on this amount. For meat pies, 0.5 teaspoon is enough. A very good magic wand - be sure to write it down for yourself.

Dairy Shores

Ask your grandmother what she greases pies with. Surely in her arsenal there is also a milk crust. They did not expect? But many chefs keep this recipe a secret. Unlike an egg, milk gives a tender, soft crust. Therefore, if you are making pies that should not be crunchy, then this is the perfect recipe. A beautiful yeast dough pie will come out even for a novice hostess if:

  • let him go;
  • preheat the oven;
  • bake until half cooked;
  • 5-10 minutes before readiness, remove and brush with warm milk. The last point is very important, because the longer the product covered with such a glaze is subjected to heat treatment, the darker it becomes. And if the temperature exceeds 180 degrees, then it can even burn out.


Speaking about how to grease pies before baking, we should not forget about the role of fats. It all depends on what effect you want. If you want the cake to get a magical aroma and creamy taste, then send it to the oven without glazing and bake until fully cooked. After that (now the crust is still quite hard when pressed, but this will not last long) prick a good piece of butter on the fork and generously pass the entire surface. After finishing, cover the cake with a napkin, then with a thick towel and leave for 30 minutes to rest. Delicate, fragrant, soft and ruddy crust is provided to you. True, there will be no gloss.

Vegetable oil

This is another option for those who are wondering how to grease pies before baking. And it is not necessary to take sunflower. Olive, cotton, in a word, any vegetable will do, it is only desirable that it be refined, since we subject it to heat treatment. You will not get a shiny crust, but it will be very soft.

Vegetable oil is applied with a brush to puff pastry or stretch pastry before you put them in the oven. But yeast or butter can be glazed still hot, after the oven.

The easiest recipe

If you are a novice hostess, then you may be interested not so much in how to glaze the surface as in how to cook it tasty and fragrant. In fact, there is nothing complicated. There are numerous sites for simple recipes for pies in the oven, but today our goal is to find an option that has been tested by time and generations.

Since we assume baking without the use of oil, it is necessary to introduce fats into the dough itself. Otherwise, the products will dry out and become completely boring. The basis will be milk, it makes the most delicious and magnificent dough.

So, take 1 liter of milk, 150 g of margarine, 1.5 kg of flour, 4 chicken eggs, 5 g of dry yeast and 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. The ingredients are simple, they are in every kitchen.

A beautiful yeast dough pie is prepared using the sponge method. There are other options, but this is a topic for a separate article. So, heat a glass of milk and dilute the yeast in it, add a spoonful of sugar and 8 flour, leave for 15 minutes. Once the mixture has doubled in size, all other ingredients can be added. Knead a soft, elastic dough. Now you know how to make a pie. It remains to add the filling. It can be anything, but this dough is best combined with jam and cottage cheese, cherries and raspberries, that is, with sweet fillings.

Meat beauties

And we continue to share secrets with you and tell you simple recipes for pies in the oven. Speaking about hearty and tasty products with meat and fish, you need to remember that here there is much less fat in the dough. The juicy filling compensates for their lack, and the cake turns out to be very tasty.

So, the classic pie dough is performed as follows. You will need 500 g of flour, 1.5 cups of milk, 30 g of yeast, 1-2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

The technology of preparation is similar. We heat the milk, we introduce yeast, sugar and flour into it. Mix and leave to rise. Do not forget that all the ingredients are taken warm (room temperature), and the flour is sifted. Now we introduce all the other components and leave until the volume doubles. Mix well and put back into the saucepan to rise again. Now we shake out the dough on the table and beat it out, lightly dusting the surface with flour. Everything, you can form a product. From such a base you get a luxurious yeast pie with fish or meat, with cabbage and minced meat, with chicken and mushrooms.

Finishing touch

The foundation is very important. Half the success depends on what kind of dough you have. And to make the pies ruddy, you just need to apply gloss. Milk, sugar, tea - this is the best option for sweet buns. But what if a handsome man with meat stuffing is sitting in the oven? Try the unique tandem of butter and egg yolk. If you cover the cake with this icing 10 minutes before the end of baking, you will get a rich, amber-colored surface. It will shine with all facets of gloss in the sun, delighting your family.

Instead of a conclusion

We have reviewed the simplest and most reliable recipes for making sweet and meat pies in the oven. Each one is reliable and can be used in your kitchen. As for glossing techniques, the choice here is up to the hostess. If you want, you can do without glazing at all, but the product will lose some of its attractiveness.

What can a homemaker boast of? Cleanliness in the house, comfort, well-established life, happy household. But that's not all. Home baking is the main sign that characterizes a good hostess. How to grease browned pies? This information will be extremely useful and informative. Read and memorize.

Glossy blush: all the secrets of home baking

It's no secret that any dish looks more appetizing and attractive if it is originally served to the table and decorated. Show your imagination, especially since the confectionery world does not limit it.

It just so happened that pies, pies, croissants, buns and other delicacies should always have a glossy and appetizing amber crust. Do you think that this is unrealistic, in particular, for lean confectionery? Not at all. Now we will turn your culinary mind upside down and tell you how to grease pies before baking.

There are always options

Let's start with the usual classics. Of course, we are talking about chicken eggs. Many housewives use whipped yolk to brush the surface of pastries. The result is an appetizing ruddy crust and an attractive glossy sheen.

When to brush pies with egg? Eternal question. Of course, before heat treatment. The yolk will bring the brightest colors to your pastries. But there are other tricks that famous confectioners sometimes resort to.

You can use the whole egg, just beat it well before applying to the baking surface. In some cases, it is recommended to take only protein. So baking is guaranteed to acquire an attractive gloss, but the golden hue will be rather weak.

Unsweetened pastries should also be attractive. In this case, the protein of one egg can be mixed with water. 1 st. l. crystal liquid will suffice.

If you want to show your culinary skills in all its glory and, so to speak, strike with a weapon of mass gastronomic destruction, prepare egg glaze from the following components:

  • chicken egg;
  • oils;
  • granulated sugar;
  • water.

A light glossy sheen, an appetizing crust and a ruddy surface will be the main decoration of pies.

Our forgetfulness often puts spokes in the wheels. What if the pies are already in the oven, but the cherished shine and blush did not appear? You can resort to a little trick. No magic or trickery, just sleight of hand and ingenuity. Dissolve granulated sugar in milk and rub the egg yolk. This icing can be used to decorate baked goods. The result will surprise you. The confectionery product will not only become softer and more appetizing, but will also acquire the treasured amber sheen.

As if by magic, pastries turn into ...

Have you looked in the refrigerator and found no eggs in it? Are households already looking forward to your branded pies? No problem. Now we will share secret information on how to grease a pie if there is no egg.

Tea is not only a fragrant drink

Using freshly brewed tea, you can give pastries a golden crust. There will be no gloss, but this is not the main thing. Housewives who prefer to cook lean pastries resort to such a trick.

To prepare such a lubricant, you will need strong tea and granulated sugar. The mixture will be very liquid, but this can be corrected with the help of flour. Literally a couple of tablespoons of bulk material will do wonders.

milk rivers

Milk perfectly copes with any difficulties in baking. It is not only added to the dough, but also used as a glaze. In order for the baking surface to acquire the coveted gloss and ruddiness, the milk needs to be slightly warmed up. It is better to do this in a proven grandmother's way - in a water bath. And to give the confectionery extra sweetness, you can add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Universal glazing: what is the secret?

To prepare a unique and very tasty glaze, we need a classic set of products:

  • butter;
  • egg yolks.

Thanks to this tandem, the baking surface will become a rich amber color and shine in the sun with all the facets of gloss. Butter is melted to a liquid homogeneous state, and then mixed with yolks.

A little trick: the butter mass should not be hot, otherwise the eggs may curdle. Such a mass lubricates any, including unsweetened pastries. Before or after baking - decide for yourself.

Water is the source of life

If you don’t have the necessary products on hand, plain water will give the desired gloss to the baked goods. Thanks to the crystal liquid, pies and other confectionery products will become softer. Yes, and the color will change a little: it will turn out to be more saturated. Water can be mixed with sifted flour and butter. The liquid must be necessarily cold, and the flour must be sifted.

Instant transformation

Ordinary sugar syrup will help to give the confectionery a charming gloss and bright amber color. It is better to cover pies with such grease after heat treatment. Although in exceptional cases this can be done during baking. Better then use a kitchen spray bottle.

In a matter of seconds, your confectionery masterpiece can transform refined vegetable oil. Give preference to olive oil. Do not forget about the favorite delicacy of bees. Honey water or pure honey will also have a positive effect on the prepared delicacy. Amber color, dazzling gloss and additional flavor - these are not all the advantages of using such a glaze.

If you want to hide the imperfections of the pies or croissants you have made, you can use a thick glaze, which is made from flour, butter and sour cream. Of course, the rouge of baking will not be visible, but in the gloss you can see your reflection.

It's nice when pastries on your table are not only tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, for those who have switched to a vegetarian diet, the question may be quite relevant: how to grease pastries other than eggs? In this article, I will talk about how you can lubricate sweet and savory pastries without eggs, and also conduct a small visual experiment with several options from the list and look at the results.

Read also:

  • Shortcrust pastry without eggs - or butter.

Spread options for savory pastries

  • Sour cream (this is my favorite option, the crust is ruddy and glossy);
  • Sour cream + melted butter (also a good option, the crust is a little less glossy, but yellower);
  • Melted butter (more suitable for baking pies and casseroles);
  • Milk (makes the crust softer and gives a slight shine, but less than in the sour cream version);
  • Lenten mayonnaise (also a good option, it gives a beautiful glossy baking surface, but you can’t buy it everywhere);
  • Vegetable oil (will make the crust softer and give a slight shine to pastries).

⇒ In each of these spread options, you can add a pinch of turmeric so that the crust has a yellowish tint.

Spread options for sweet pastries

All spreads from the list above will do, except for mayonnaise.

In addition, you can use:

  • sweet water (sugar and water in a ratio of 1: 1);
  • sweet strong black tea (gives baked goods a glossy sheen and softens them).

For baking, you can use not only lubricants, but also sprinkles, which will also make it more beautiful: crushed nuts, powdered sugar, cinnamon, dried herbs, etc.

And now for experiment number 1.

So, today I will experiment with such spreads:

(⇒ I will definitely take pictures with other options and share with you in the updates of this article.)

  1. sour cream;
  2. sour cream with a pinch of turmeric;
  3. melted butter;
  4. oil with a pinch of turmeric;
  5. milk;
  6. milk with turmeric.

Each option is marked with the corresponding number in the photo. I baked ordinary savory buns from, but the main characters today are not them. And the main characters in the photo below 🙂

Data-medium-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?fit=595%2C351&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i2.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" What to grease pastries besides eggs" width="595" height="351" srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=595%2C351&ssl=1 595w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=425%2C250&ssl=1 425w, https://i2.wp..jpg?w=650&ssl=1 650w" sizes="(max-width: 595px) 100vw, 595px">!}

Here's what they look like on buns before baking:

Data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?fit=595%2C401&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" What to grease pastries besides eggs" width="595" height="401" srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=595%2C401&ssl=1 595w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=425%2C286&ssl=1 425w, https://i0.wp..jpg?w=650&ssl=1 650w" sizes="(max-width: 595px) 100vw, 595px">!}

We bake in the mode corresponding to the recipe, and look at the result:

data-medium-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?fit=595%2C392&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp..jpg?.jpg" alt=" What to grease pastries besides eggs" width="595" height="392" srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=595%2C392&ssl=1 595w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=425%2C280&ssl=1 425w, https://i0.wp..jpg?w=650&ssl=1 650w" sizes="(max-width: 595px) 100vw, 595px">!}

So, as we see, options 1 and 2 with sour cream th turned out to be the most brilliant (glossy), a little less shiny, but also ruddy, turned out options 5 and 6 with milk, A options 3 and 4 with butter although they were also well browned, their surface remained matte. According to the softness of the crust, sour cream is also in first place (very soft buns), milk is in 2nd place, and butter is in 3rd place (the most crunchy ones).

How to grease pastries instead of eggs? Experiment 2

Finally got around to the second experiment in continuation of this topic. I didn’t think so, but this time all the spreads turned out to be lean.

The "participants" of the experiment today are:

  1. strong sweet black tea (for a quarter cup of tea, 3 teaspoons with a slide of sugar);
  2. the same tea with a pinch of turmeric;
  3. olive oil (I also tried sunflower oil before, but the result is a little worse);
  4. olive oil with a pinch of turmeric;
  5. Egg Replacer
  6. substitute with a pinch of turmeric.

Egg Replacement is a specialty blend that is sold on iHerb. If you constantly bake without eggs and it is important for you that the pastries are ruddy, you should consider this option. I have been using it recently (for example, for lubrication). The packaging looks like this:

To make a grease for buns out of it, just mix a little powder with water in a ratio of 1: 3 (1 part substitute and three parts water).

So, I will not delay the result for a long time. The numbers of the buns in the photo correspond to the number in the list of "experimental participants" above.

As a result, all the buns were beautifully browned. For me, the clear winner is the egg substitute option, I did not find much difference when adding turmeric to the mixture.

Also turned out beautiful rolls with olive oil and turmeric oil. In this case, the version with turmeric turned out to be more ruddy.

Sweet tea option also generally good. The crust is slightly glossy and soft.

⇒ Based on the results of two experiments of the simplest lubricants (which are not as difficult to obtain as EggReplacer), I liked the turmeric olive oil and sour cream the most. With them, the crust turned out to be the most ruddy, soft and shiny.

I hope the article “How to grease pastries other than an egg?” was helpful for you!

Bon appetit!
