
What is unrefined sunflower oil. Sunflower and olive - which is better? Which olive oil is better - refined or unrefined

More recently, a couple of decades ago, the range of vegetable oils used by housewives was extremely scarce. Most often, it was reduced to only one sunflower oil, unrefined for salads and refined for frying and stewing. At present, a rich selection of various vegetable oils sometimes even baffles: which one to choose? First, there are unrefined and refined oils. And secondly, there are so many types of oils from a wide variety of seeds and nuts: olive, linseed, camelina, mustard, walnut oil and grape seed oil, coconut, pumpkin ... Each of them is attractive in its own way - both in taste and useful properties. Let's try to figure out if there is even an answer to the question of which vegetable oil is better.

Which vegetable oil is healthier - refined or unrefined?

The label “refined and deodorized” seems so familiar to us, but we rarely think about what it means. Refined vegetable oil has almost no smell and taste, which means that our taste buds perceive it as safe. Unfortunately, it is not.

Unrefined vegetable oil is a product of pressing seeds, pressing without pre-treatment (this is cold pressing) or pressing after roasting (hot pressing). In this case, the final product includes only the substances contained in the seeds, and no additional "chemistry". But with refined oils, everything is different.

Refined oils did not appear to protect the consumer using the oil at high temperatures. The fact is that with the help of refining, up to 99% of the oil present in them is extracted from the original product. For comparison: "cold" pressing allows you to extract only 27% of the oil, and "hot" - 43% of the total. Agree, the benefit of the producer of refined oil is obvious. However, it is not the case. Refining is not just a process of purification from all "unnecessary" impurities. In the production of refined oil, the seeds are filled with a petrochemical solvent, usually hexane. After isolation of the oil, hexane is evaporated and treated with alkali, and the resulting oil is bleached, deodorized, and filtered. In this case, completely gasoline fractions cannot be removed. You understand that this alone makes refined oil unhealthy, not to mention the fact that this product is completely devoid of the beneficial substances found in unrefined vegetable oil.

As for frying and the formation of carcinogens during the heat treatment of unrefined oils, there really is such a problem. It would seem that the use of refined oil solves it. However, is it worth using a “dead” product with harmful inclusions, if it is possible to choose the right oil for cooking?

Thus, the answer is unequivocal - unrefined vegetable oil is healthier than refined. When heat treating, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the “right” oil.

Cold pressed vs hot pressed vegetable oil - what's the difference for health?

So, we have decided: unrefined oil is healthier because it does not contain dangerous chemical additives. However, there are two types of unrefined oils on store shelves: cold and hot pressed. How are they different?

Cold pressing is the extraction of oil from whole seeds or nuts using a press. Under the influence of high pressure, the product heats up, but the temperature does not exceed 40-42⁰С, which allows you to save all the original benefits of the oil. After pressing, the resulting product is settled, filtered and bottled. Thus, unrefined cold-pressed oil is not exposed to temperature and harmful "chemistry", so this method of making oil can be called the most gentle and natural. In addition, cold pressing is applicable only to seeds of the highest quality.

Hot pressing differs significantly from cold pressing, since seeds are pressed after processing in braziers. Water is added to mechanically crushed seeds (so that they do not burn), and then they are fried in pans at a temperature of 100-110⁰С. Next, the seeds are pressed. The result is a product with a pronounced smell and taste, which is darker than cold-pressed color. Processing with moisture and heat makes the quality of the seeds unimportant - it does not affect the quality of the final product. This factor, combined with a higher degree of oil extraction with this method (43% versus 27% for cold pressing), makes it much more attractive to the manufacturer. However, heat treatment and subsequent filtration destroy a significant part of the vitamins and minerals contained in the oil.

Clearly, cold-pressed oils are healthier. Therefore, even despite the higher price, it is this oil that should be preferred. Unrefined hot-pressed oil "wins" only in comparison with refined oil.

If you are in doubt when buying which oil is in front of you, pay attention, firstly, to the color - it is lighter in cold-pressed oil, secondly, to the price - good oil cannot be cheap, and thirdly - read carefully product description on the label. It makes no sense for manufacturers to hide information that is beneficial to them, so on the packaging of good oil you will almost certainly see the inscription: “Unrefined. First cold pressing.

Composition of vegetable oils

Vegetable oils consist predominantly (94-96%) of triglycerides of fatty acids. In addition, they also contain substances close to fats (phospholipids, vitamins, sterols), free fatty acids, etc. The table below shows the general composition of vegetable oils with a brief description of the beneficial or harmful properties of each substance and an indication of the oils where these substances are most.


Benefit / harm to health

Oils having big

Saturated fatty acids

Lauric acid

(+) Increases the content of "useful" cholesterol, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity against acne

(-) Slightly increases the risk of blood clots, increases the level of inflammatory reactions


Palmitic acid

(-) Increases the concentration of "bad" cholesterol, can cause inflammatory reactions. Increases cancer mortality, increases the risk of blood clots, causes pancreatic cell death


rice bran

Caproic, caprylic, capric, myristic, stearic, arachidic, behenic, lignoceric acids

Minor content

Monounsaturated fatty acids

Oleic acid

(++) Prevents aging, cancer, reduces inflammation, is useful in diabetes, reduces the risk of stroke








Erucic acid

(-) In experiments on rats, it caused disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system and cirrhosis of the liver



Palmitoleic, eicosenoic, aceterucic acids

Minor content

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Linoleic acid

(--) Increases the risk of myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease, the development of inflammation, depression, cancer





Pine nut







grape seed

rice bran

Alpha Linolenic Acid

(+) Omega-3 fatty acid, which is a precursor of other Omega-3 acids, from which Omega-3, which is important for the functioning of the brain and the whole organism, is formed - eicosapentaenoic acid. Not synthesized in the body, must be supplied from outside









Arachidonic acid

(-) Stimulates inflammatory processes

(+) Improves glucose uptake and promotes self-destruction of liver cancer

grape seed

Gamma Linolenic Acid

Minor content

rare acids

Minor content

Other oil components

Phospholipids (phosphatides)

Antioxidants, increase the effect of vitamins, reduce total cholesterol



Provitamin A

Minor content

Vitamin E

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, improves immunity, enhances the action of other vitamins, especially vitamin A







grape seed




Vitamin K1

Provides normal blood clotting, stimulates the immune system, protects the liver





Minor content

Phytosterols (phytosterols)

They have anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties, reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine



rice bran



Based on the data in the table on the fatty acid composition of oils, oils containing lauric saturated fatty acid, oleic monounsaturated fatty acid, alpha-linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acid can be attributed to health benefits.

At the same time, oils containing an excess of palmitic saturated fatty acid, erucic monounsaturated fatty acid, linoleic and arachidonic polyunsaturated fatty acids should be avoided.

Thus, useful oils include coconut, olive, linseed, avocado oil, almond oil .

Harmful to health, based on the composition of fatty acids, are rapeseed, palm, corn, camelina, mustard, pine nut oil, sunflower oil and grape seed oil, sesame, hemp, walnut oil, mustard and soybean oil, rice bran oil.

It is worth noting that varieties of non-erucic rapeseed, mustard and camelina oils have already been bred, which removes them from the “black list”. Camelina oil is not listed as high in erucic acid oils, however, camelina seeds contain a small amount of it, which is dangerous for the body - erucic acid cannot be processed by the body of mammals.

We will talk about vitamins, phytosterols and the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids below.

What is the healthiest vegetable oil?

As you can imagine, in terms of health benefits, everything is very relative. Therefore, consider a few more criteria by which you can evaluate the comparative benefits of oils.

One of the main factors that speak in favor of vegetable oil is the content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in it. These fatty acids, like nothing else, are important for human health. They dissolve cholesterol, thereby protecting blood vessels from the formation of plaques in them; form the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, contributing to a good concentration of attention and memory; are part of cell membranes, where most of the processes occurring in the body take place. Omega-3s are essential for pregnant and lactating mothers, as they are involved in the formation of the child's brain. With all this, medical research speaks of a serious deficiency (6-10-fold) of omega-3 in modern people.

Nutritional studies of our Paleolithic ancestors show that the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids used to be 1:1. Modern nutrition with the use of new technologies and the development of fast food has led to a shift in this ratio - for a typical diet, it is 1:10 - 1:25. Many scientists explain the deterioration of human health in our days by this. The WHO recommends keeping an omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of 1:4 to 1:10 and aiming to increase the proportion of omega-3s in the diet. However, a number of recent studies question the importance of maintaining certain proportions. Scientists consider the absolute amount of omega-3s to be more important than the ratio of fatty acids. One way or another, a person who monitors his health needs to monitor the sufficient intake of omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Also, when comparing oils, you need to take into account the content of vitamins and phytosterols in them. Oils are one of the main suppliers of vitamin E, an antioxidant needed by all body tissues. Vitamin K is found in plant foods, and oils can be considered one of the good sources of it. Phytosterols are substances that can lower cholesterol and even prevent cancer.

Below is a comparative table for different types of oils, reflecting the average amount of components important for health (per 100 g).

Oil name

Saturated fat, g

Mono-unsaturated fats, g

Polyunsaturated fats, g

Omega-3, g

Omega-6, g


ABOUTmega 6

Vitamin E, mg

Vitamin K, mcg

Phytosterols, mg

































grape seed


























rice bran





As you can see, sunflower oil, which is popular in Russia, looks extremely disadvantageous compared to others in terms of its omega-3 content. Of course, it is also useful, because it contains vitamin E and phytosterols, which are important for our health. However, you should not get carried away with sunflower oil alone. The same applies to olive oil, which is considered by many to be the best and most beneficial for health.

Flaxseed oil is the champion in omega-3 content. Indeed, it could be recommended for use, if not for its instability. Already 2 weeks after pressing, the acid and peroxide numbers of linseed oil begin to grow, which leads to the toxicity of the product. Consuming only fresh flaxseed oil is almost impossible in today's market.

Good oils for omega-3 fatty acids include camelina, mustard and hemp . Mustard oil is the most resistant to oxidation due to its content of essential oils, and this property makes this oil one of the leaders in its usefulness. In addition, according to most consumers, it is the most delicious of the three listed.

If we consider vegetable oils only as a source of vitamin E (and there is really a lot of it compared to other food products), then here the leaders are sunflower, linseed, corn, hemp, camelina, soybean, grape seed oil, sesame, cedar, pumpkin.

What is the best vegetable oil to buy?

If you have carefully read our article, then you already understand that the traditional refined and deodorized sunflower oil that prevails in supermarkets is not a useful and necessary product in the diet. People who care about their health should forget about such an oil by switching to various unrefined oils, preferably cold-pressed. Most likely, it will not be cheap, but health is worth it, right?

Basic rules for choosing vegetable oil:

  • Choose only unrefined oils of the first cold pressing.
  • Good vegetable oil should be packed in glass containers. This allows you to completely eliminate the possibility of interaction between the oil and the material of the bottle.
  • The shelf life of unrefined oil is on average two months, so you should not stock up on oil for future use. The specified shelf life is not always true. Pay attention to the figure indicated by the manufacturer: it can be used to judge his conscientiousness. A short shelf life is a good sign. It is best to buy oil in small jars, bottles.
  • Oil that is bitter should not be consumed (not to mention the danger of expired oils). Oxidized fats are harmful to human health.
  • If you see sediment on the bottom of a bottle of oil, don't be alarmed. It is not harmful to health, as it consists of minerals and phospholipids.
  • As for the type of oil, then, first of all, you need to build on your needs. Depending on how you want to use the oil - in a salad, for baking in the oven, stewing or frying, the choice will be different. Different oils have different smoke points, above which the product cannot be heated, otherwise you will get a dose of carcinogens instead of benefit. Ideally, of course, it is better not to heat the oils at all, but to add them to an already prepared dish, although this is not possible for everyone.

If you are wondering whether it is worth stopping at a particular oil and buying only that, then most likely it does not make sense. Each vegetable oil is valuable in its own way. And no matter how confident fans of, say, olive oil may be in its exclusivity, in reality it also has drawbacks - for example, a meager content of omega-3 fatty acids. Sunflower oil has the same feature. Flaxseed oil, which is rich in omega-3s, oxidizes quickly and, despite its huge benefits, becomes unstable and even harmful after a few weeks. Note the more stable mustard oil.

It would be wiser to choose a few of your favorite oils and buy them in small bottles, alternating and using them for cooking different dishes. One oil cannot replace all the others either with its useful properties or taste. In addition, you should not rely solely on vegetable oils for benefits. Do not forget that any oil is a pomace from a whole product, which means it is a substance that is subject to oxidation (to one degree or another). Include in your diet not only vegetable oils, even of the highest quality, but also whole seeds, nuts, fatty fruits.

We wish you good health!

For Russians, sunflower oil is the most traditional vegetable oil. It is made from sunflower oil annual. This heat-loving and light-loving plant from southern Mexico has successfully taken root in Europe. Currently, sunflower plantations account for 70% of its world crops. Products extracted from the plant, including unrefined sunflower oil, have absorbed useful and nutritious substances concentrated by the sunflower from the surrounding nature.

In contact with

The product is obtained from annual sunflower seeds by cold or hot pressing and extraction. cold pressed is also called press. It can also be obtained at home. Hot pressing and extraction are carried out in oil mills. The production process consists of several stages:

  • preparation of raw materials (cleaning seeds from litter, hulling, separation of kernels and husks);
  • crushing kernels in rollers, getting "mint";
  • extraction from mint with a press;
  • dissolving the pulp obtained after pressing with the help of organic solvents;
  • distillation (extraction) of the oily substance from the solution and the solid residue (micelles and meal) in the extractor.

The spin derivative is subjected to settling or purification from related impurities (refining). There are several cleaning methods (chemical, physical, mechanical), as a result of which the color, smell, density and other qualities of the product change.

Unrefined oil has a rich dark yellow color.

In the manufacture of cold-pressed sunflower oil, heating is sometimes still used. Seed kernels passed through the rollers, the so-called. mint, are placed in baking pans and subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 45 ° C. Further, under high pressure, the juice of the seeds is released, which is then sent to sediment and storage.

When cold pressed, it is not allowed to use any chemical treatment, add preservatives and exceed the temperature above 45 ° C. Excessively overheated sunflower raw materials will give the product a burnt taste and smell, deprive it of many useful components. Sometimes manufacturers raise the heating temperature of raw materials to 90 ° C. With hot pressing, the pressing process is accelerated and the yield of the product increases, while with cold pressing, 20-30% of the oil component remains in the cake.

Unrefined cold-pressed varieties have a pleasant taste and aroma of roasted seeds, an oily substance gently envelops the mouth and throat when swallowed.

The presence of the inscription "Extra Virgin" on the label is a guarantee that this is an unrefined cold-pressed product.

How is it different from refined?

When starting cooking, housewives should understand the difference between refined sunflower oil and unrefined sunflower oil. The purified product has no smell and pronounced taste of seeds, therefore, when dressing salads and canned food, when roasting and adding to the dough, it does not affect the taste and smell of dishes. Refined varieties have a longer shelf life and are cheaper.

The difference between refined and unrefined sunflower oil is in the chemical composition. During the cleaning process, many useful substances are lost, which reduces the healing properties.

Unrefined sunflower oil in terms of useful qualities is not inferior to olive, soybean, corn.


The composition of unrefined sunflower oil includes a large amount of fatty acids. Their average molecular weight is about 290 atomic units. A large proportion belongs to omega-9-oleic (25-40%) and omega-6-linoleic (45-60%) acids. Also, the unrefined product contains palmitic, stearic, myristic, arachidic, omega-3-linolenic acids.

Unrefined varieties are famous for containing vitamins that have been preserved during the cold pressing process. So α-tocopherol (vitamin E substance) is contained in an amount of up to 70 mg / 100 g. In olive oil, this figure is up to 24 mg / 100 g.

It is a powerful neuroprotector and antioxidant, it protects cell membranes from breakage as a result of oxidation, stabilizes mitochondria, regulates metabolic processes and immunity, and reduces the risk of malignant tumors. Another important vitamin found in unrefined butter is K.

Benefit for health

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil are due to its composition. The combination of vitamins and fatty acids allows it to have the following effects:

  • regulate fat metabolism, accelerate metabolism, as a result of which “bad” cholesterol and excess weight are reduced, regeneration of muscle and bone tissues is improved;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain (prevents degenerative changes, memory loss), strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce blood viscosity and the risk of blood clots;
  • help form cell membranes and nerve fibers;
  • improve liver function and digestion, eliminate constipation;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • prevent premature aging;
  • and nails;
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine and genitourinary systems.

Unrefined sunflower oil has not only benefits, but also harm, if consumed immoderately.

Which is more useful - refined or not?

Traditionally, the question of which sunflower oil is more useful, refined or unrefined, is answered by giving preference to the latter because of its greater naturalness. However, not all so simple.

Specific taste and smell are created due to the presence of impurities in the product - pigments, odorants, soaps, natural contaminants. With the systematic use of these substances can have a negative effect on the body.

In addition, the answer to the question of which sunflower oil is better, refined or not, depends on the purpose of its use. For frying, baking and canning with heat treatment, peeled varieties are preferable. They do not lose quality when heated, do not violate the taste and smell of cooked food. In addition, the shelf life of unrefined oil is much shorter. If the hostess makes a supply of food for a long time, it is better for her to prefer peeled varieties.

Is oil treatment effective?

Treatment with unrefined sunflower oil should be agreed with the doctor after a preliminary medical examination. An important point of any therapy is dosing. In the amount of 20-50 g (up to 3 tablespoons), the unrefined product has a therapeutic effect, in a larger dose it can have the opposite effect.

There are many recipes for healing mixtures of traditional medicine with the addition of olive or sunflower oil. For therapeutic agents, only the unrefined product is intended to be used. In some cases, it is helpful to just drink a spoonful of oil.

How to use?

In order not to harm your health, you should know how to use unrefined sunflower oil. You should not use it more than 20-50 g per day, so as not to disturb the lipid balance of the body and not gain excess weight. To achieve a healing effect, the intake must be regular.

Since the oil contains vitamins that are easily destroyed when heated, it makes no sense to use an expensive healing product when frying, baking and canning. Although there are recipes that recommend adding a lot of oil to the jar before seaming without subsequent sterilization. The most common and correct way to use an unrefined product is dressing vegetable salads.

Can you fry?

Choosing culinary recipes, housewives decide whether it is possible to fry in unrefined sunflower oil. If there is no other option, then as an exception, once, you can. It should be borne in mind that the vitamins will not be preserved, the taste and color of the oil will change, and the taste properties of the fried dish will also change. Some types of fish do not go well with the taste of unrefined varieties, and vegetable fried will spoil the taste of the soup.

Cooks need to clearly understand why it is impossible to fry in unrefined sunflower oil all the time. Substances dissolved in oil, when heated, change their structure, break down, turn into toxins and carcinogens.

Possible harm from use

The main point limiting the doses of unrefined varieties is high calorie content (890 kcal / 100 g) and the presence of a large amount of fat (99.9 g / 100 g). It is undesirable to eat more than 3 tablespoons per day. Otherwise, the fat balance of the body, the work of its internal organs and systems will be disturbed, weight will increase.

During the frying process, toxins that are harmful to the body can be formed. People suffering from chronic diseases (hypotension, blood incoagulability, gallbladder problems, etc.) should consult a doctor about the admissibility of using oil or reducing doses. With some anomalies of the body, the positive properties of the product turn into negative ones. There are cases of allergy to the ingredients of sunflower oil. In addition, the expired product will cause harm.

Shelf life and storage

The shelf life of unrefined sunflower oil, especially that which has not been mechanically refined, is rather short. It easily precipitates and has a cloudy color.

It should be clearly remembered how long unrefined sunflower oil is stored. After opening the package, the product should be used within a month. It should be stored in a glass container in a dark place at a temperature range of 5-25°C. If the color, smell and taste have changed, you should stop using the product.

Vegetable oil is a product familiar to each of us. Every day we add it to food as a dressing for salads, or use it to fry, bake, stew dishes.
On the shelves of stores this product is a huge amount and variety. In addition to the types of oil, depending on the raw materials from which it is made, there is also a division of oil according to the method of preparation: REFINED and UNREFINED.

Let's consider what it means, what is the difference between them, which and for what it is better to use.

In general, refining is the process of removing impurities from something. That is, it is logical to assume that REFINED OIL- oil, which is purified from impurities. And what is cleaned from what, and why is it needed? Let's figure it out.

So, to get oil, there are 2 main ways:
spin And extraction. And spin, in turn, happens cold And hot.

At cold pressed crushed sunflower seeds (olives, etc.) are crushed under pressure. This is cold pressed oil. It retains all those substances, trace elements and vitamins, as in the initial product. The oil has a slight odor and is called extra virgin.

At hot pressed raw materials (seeds, fruits) are preheated to a temperature of 100-120 degrees to increase the yield of the finished product. The resulting oil has a stronger characteristic odor.

Extraction This is a chemical way to extract oil from seeds. The feedstock is filled with gasoline. The seed oil goes into solution. Then the gasoline is evaporated, and the oil, as a heavier fraction, remains.
This oil goes through several stages of purification:
alkaline neutralization,
cleaning with various adsorbents that absorb coloring matter (why the oil is clarified).

Thus, an oil without taste, odor, transparent color is obtained. Therefore, this oil is excellent for cooking many dishes. In addition, refined oil has a much higher temperature "SMOKE POINT". It begins to "smoke" only at a temperature over 230 degrees Celsius. And we know that in the process of frying, if the oil starts to burn, it is very harmful, since at this moment carcinogens are produced in it.


This is an oil that has undergone only primary mechanical purification by filtration. This is cold pressed oil. It has a rich taste, dense texture, more oily. Shelf life is only up to 8 months.

Obtained by any of these methods, the oil is subjected to filtration from mechanical impurities. This completes the cleaning process. As a result, unrefined oil is obtained, in which various components are present (in suspension), including water. Such oil has a darker color, with prolonged sludge, a precipitate forms in it. This oil is best suited for salads and other cold dishes. But such oil is not suitable for frying, because it foams when heated and starts to burn noticeably faster. Unrefined oil begins to "smoke" already when heated above 105-110 degrees, therefore cooking is not recommended.


Refined oil
An oil that has undergone several stages of mechanical and physical purification, as a result of which it is neutralized to taste and clarified.
During cooking, the oil does not foam or smoke.
The temperature that causes smoke is -230 degrees Celsius.
The oil is great for frying and baking.
The oil has no smell, so it does not interrupt the flavor of the dish.
In addition, this oil can be stored for a long time, it has a long shelf life.

Unrefined oil
Oil that has passed only filtration from mechanical impurities. Of course, such oil is the most useful, since it undergoes less purification, due to which a greater amount of useful substances is retained. Unrefined oil can be used for dressing salads; its richness gives the dish a unique flavor.
But such oil, unlike refined oil, has a short shelf life. And also it is not recommended to cook on it, since the smoke point of such oil is 110 degrees Celsius.

Vegetable oil is used everywhere: housewives cannot imagine the process of cooking without it; cosmetologists widely use it as the basis of skin care products; some people are even treated with oils. Which of them is useful: refined or unrefined oil? What products are used for production? What are the benefits of vegetable oils? There are a lot of questions about this product.

What is useful vegetable oil

The beneficial properties of vegetable oils have been known for a long time. However, this product is very insidious, because if used improperly, it can cause significant harm to the body.

It is worth using vegetable oils in the diet, because they contain many useful elements, the main of which are polyunsaturated fatty acids. They protect the cells of the body from adverse effects. In addition, vegetable oil does not contain harmful cholesterol - fat of animal origin. The use of vegetable oils will saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.

The production of vegetable oil is now not limited to sunflower seeds, numerous oilseeds are suitable for this: flax, olive, rapeseed, sesame, even shea. In addition to the general beneficial qualities, each of these oils contains a unique composition of vitamins and minerals.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that vegetable oil is very useful, there are a number of restrictions regarding its use. So, with caution it is worth adding it to the diet of overweight people, because it is very high in calories - about 1000 kcal per 100 grams.

Also, do not get carried away with vegetable oils for people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

With problems with the liver and biliary tract, after undergoing operations on the liver and gallbladder, it is worth using vegetable oil with caution.

We will make a reservation that you should not completely exclude this product from the diet, because it is very useful for the body.

Childhood is by no means a contraindication to the use of vegetable oil: it is mandatory in the diet of a child from the first year of life. Some children, if they are not gaining enough weight, are prescribed the product mentioned already from 5-6 months.

Important point! When using vegetable oil, it is worth remembering that it can cause significant damage to any organism if it has been heated to a temperature of 100 degrees and above, as well as if stored improperly. In no case should vegetable oil with a rancid taste or sediment be used - this indicates the oxidation of the product. Unrefined oil is not suitable for frying: when heated, hazardous substances are released that can cause cancer.

Wrongly chosen vegetable oil can harm the body: unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes pass it off as technical, unsuitable for food. In this matter, you should not chase after a product that is too cheap. It should also be remembered that for the production of soybean or rapeseed oil, genetically modified raw materials can be used, the harm to the body of which has not been fully studied.

Vegetable oil production

The production of vegetable oil takes place according to the following scheme. First, the selected oilseeds are pressed or extracted. Sometimes both of these methods are used: first, the raw material is squeezed out, and then extraction is used. This is due to the fact that pressing cannot achieve the extraction of everything that a culture can give. The extraction process takes place with the use of auxiliary chemicals, which are then removed from the finished product. Thus, unrefined oil is obtained.

Refining: what is it

The refining process is necessary so that the unrefined oil, specific in taste, becomes tasteless and odorless. As a rule, such a product is necessary for the preparation of certain dishes so as not to interrupt the taste of other products. Oil is refined in two ways: using alkalis (chemical) and using adsorbents (physical).

More often, manufacturers use the first option because of its simplicity and the ability to control the quality of the product at all levels. It is worth noting that although alkalis are used to purify the oil, consumers should not be afraid. Firstly, all chemicals are only substances permitted for the food industry, and secondly, even they are well washed out of the finished product afterwards.

Which oil is better: refined or unrefined

In terms of the content of vitamins and other useful substances, unrefined vegetable oil outperforms refined oil. Indeed, during the cleaning process, a number of useful properties are lost. The crude product contains the same beneficial substances and taste as the plants from which it is produced. This makes unrefined oil a real pantry of vitamins.

However, this oil is not suitable for frying. Here you need to use refined, because it does not smoke and does not foam during the incandescent process. But still, you should be more careful: do not overcook food or reuse cooking oil. This is fraught with receiving a fair dose of carcinogens.

For salads, unrefined oil is ideal, the benefits of which for the body are maximum. As a rule, refining takes place at a high temperature, reaching 200 degrees, which destroys almost all useful trace elements.

Another quality that distinguishes refined and unrefined oils is their terms and conditions of storage. The crude product is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator in a bottle that does not let in sunlight. It has a very short shelf life. Refined oil can be stored longer at room temperature in a transparent container.

Unrefined oils in medicine

In addition to cooking, unrefined oil is widely used to treat certain ailments. This is not surprising, because this product contains a large amount of useful substances.

The ability of vegetable oil to remove harmful bacteria from the body is widely used. To do this, it is enough to dissolve a small amount of it in the mouth every morning. After 15 minutes, spit out the oil. This simple procedure will help keep the body clean and youthful.

On the basis of unrefined olive and sunflower oils, a medicine for the common cold is made. It is enough to mix the products in equal proportions and insist a tablespoon of dry rosemary in them. After 21 days, nasal drops will be ready.

To improve the functioning of the digestive system, it is enough to take a tablespoon of any unrefined oil three times a day. This procedure normalizes the stool, cures constipation.

By infusing hot red pepper in a glass of any crude oil, you can prepare a good remedy for joint pain.

Frostbite will help relieve unrefined olive oil: just drop it on the affected areas. Under no circumstances should it be rubbed.

Olive oil unrefined

"Liquid gold" - this is what olive oil is called for a large number of useful properties that it has. The benefits of olives have been noticed since the ancient world. What is this oil used for?

  1. The oleic acid found in olive oil can lower blood cholesterol levels. This makes it a useful product for people with cardiovascular disease. In addition, unrefined olive oil can strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Despite the high calorie content, this product is easily digested. In addition, it reduces appetite, helps the gastrointestinal tract, and also speeds up metabolism. This makes this product an assistant in the fight against excess weight.
  3. It is unrefined olive oil that pediatricians recommend giving to children. Firstly, it is well absorbed, and secondly, it helps to retain calcium in the bones.
  4. Linoleic acid, contained in olive oil, is a real storehouse of beneficial properties. It has not only a regenerating and wound-healing effect, but also helps to tone the muscles. Linoleic acid will help restore vision, improve coordination, and overcome psychological disorders.
  5. Antioxidants and linoleic acid make olive oil an effective tool in the prevention of malignant tumors.

However, remember that everything is good in moderation. So, only 3 tablespoons of the product per day are useful for overweight people - everything else can adversely affect health and contribute to body fat.

Olive oil is a good choleretic agent, so people suffering from liver and gallbladder diseases are not recommended to use it.

Sunflower oil, unrefined

Refined and unrefined sunflower seed oil is the most affordable. Of course, it is worth giving preference to the unrefined. It has all the qualities and beneficial properties of vegetable oils. In addition, this product contains a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids. It helps to normalize lipid metabolism, reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. Due to these qualities, unrefined sunflower seed oil (in moderation!) is valued by nutritionists. It not only promotes weight loss, but also normalizes digestion and stool.

Coconut oil, unrefined

Unrefined coconut oil is a unique product. Unlike others, it is able to retain its healing properties for a long time. In addition, this oil does not lose its taste even after repeated heating. This makes unrefined coconut oil a product with no contraindications.

In addition to vitamins and minerals common to all oilseeds, this product contains a unique natural moisturizer - hyaluronic acid. This makes it indispensable in cosmetology.

Another interesting feature of coconut oil is its inability to convert into body fat. That is why it is an ideal product for those who are on a diet.

Nutritionists have been talking about the benefits of vegetable oils for a long time. Therefore, many people who monitor their health prefer to use them rather than animal fat or butter. More recently, several decades ago, on the shelves you could see 2-3 different types of vegetable oil. Now, from the variety of names and brands of various vegetable oils, it simply dazzles in the eyes.

However, all products on sale are presented in two main groups: this is refined vegetable oil and unrefined oil, the differences between which are not fully known to anyone. In addition, both products are tasty and healthy, so it doesn’t make you think too much why they are divided into two types. However, they have significant differences that you need to be able to understand. So which oil should you choose? Let's figure it out together:

Refined and unrefined - which one to choose?

The thing is, you need both. They are simply meant for different purposes. Let's talk about this in more detail:

Both one and the other type of product are made from the same plant material. The only difference is the degree of purification. For example, refined oil is the most refined. In the process of its industrial production, it goes through several stages of technological purification. In addition, it is refined. After that, the oil becomes suitable for heat treatment. It can fry a variety of foods, and it does not foam or smoke when heated.

The unrefined oil is refined by very limited mechanical filtration. Therefore, it retains most of the nutrients, but is not used for frying in cooking. It is used to dress salads and snacks.

Most housewives are sure that unrefined is healthier, therefore it is more preferable. Is it so? Let's talk more about the nutritional value of both types of product.

Properties of unrefined oil

The most useful product with a healing effect is considered to be a product made by cold pressing at a temperature not exceeding 40 - 45 ° C. This oil has a darker color, it is odorous, and sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle. At the same time, it is tasty and very healthy.

However, one must be aware of a significant drawback of this particular product. For example, since unrefined "live" and biologically active, it has the ability to quickly deteriorate. It becomes cloudy, bitter, subject to rapid oxidation. Therefore, it is not stored for a long time and quickly loses its healing qualities.

Therefore, when using unrefined vegetable oils, remember a few rules:

Store the product bottle at room temperature, in a dark place, tightly closed to prevent air from entering. Air and sunlight destroy useful substances, cause turbidity, worsen taste.

Do not store it for a long time, as unrefined oil is not intended for this. Be sure to keep this in a glass bottle. So it keeps longer.

Never use it for frying. During the boiling of oil, a huge amount of carcinogens is formed, which adversely affects health. In addition, when heated, the oil hisses, splashes and smokes. This product is intended for oral medicinal use and salad dressing, not frying.

properties of refined oil

Basically, on sale you can find various types of refined (purified) oils. During their manufacture, they are carefully processed and refined. At the same time, taste and smell are almost completely lost. Also, the product loses almost all the useful properties of "live" oil.

Since refined oil is deprived of biologically active substances, vitamins, has no natural sediment, it practically does not deteriorate. The product is not afraid of air, sunlight, so it can be perfectly stored for a long time in light transparent plastic bottles.

Refined vegetable oil is excellent for frying. It doesn't splatter, it doesn't smoke. But for dressing ready-made dishes, it is still better to use unrefined, which is rich in vitamins.

Although, of course, if refined is kept on a hot frying pan for longer, it will also begin to burn and smoke. In the process, harmful carcinogens are formed. Therefore, it is better to eat fried foods as little as possible.

All nutritionists recommend using refined oils for frying, stewing foods. It is preferable to cook on olive or rapeseed. These species are the least susceptible to oxidation, and their structure is not destroyed when heated. In order not to harm health, it is recommended to heat the oil no higher than 180 ° C. When the temperature exceeds this indicator, a slight smoke is observed above the surface of the pan. This indicates the beginning of the formation of toxic substances.

Well, for filling ready-made dishes, use fragrant, unrefined oil. However, many do not like this product. In this case, the essential fatty acids in it, vitamins can be obtained from nuts or sunflower seeds. For example, 1 tsp. oils will completely replace 2 tsp. seeds, 1-2 walnuts, 6 almonds or 2 tbsp. l. peanuts. Be healthy!
