
What is Kalmyk tea and how to prepare it? Pressed and tiled Kalmyk tea: composition and features.

Do they drink salted tea? What would you say when you hear this question. Many will be surprised, but in Central Asia they drink only this kind. Kalmyk tea is an exotic combination of flavors. It turns out salty, very often spicy and seasoned with oil.

Kalmyk tea - composition, nutritional value and calorie content

First of all, this tea is green. It is not in vain that this type was chosen as the basis. During cooking, all the nutrients that green tea is rich in are preserved.

The composition of tea, in addition to tea leaves, includes milk, black pepper, water, parsley, nutmeg, butter and, of course, salt. For many centuries, this drink has not lost its popularity thanks to the perfect tandem of milk and green tea. After all, the dairy product is poorly absorbed by many, then green tea comes to the rescue and facilitates absorption. Therefore, the drink is suitable for all ages. And milk, in turn, helps mitigate the harmful effects of caffeine and alkaloids contained in tea. Which is very important, because old tea leaves are collected for the drink, which are not subjected to fermentation, so the tea is strong.

One serving, which is equal to 100 g, contains 2 g of protein, 33 g of fat and 31 g of carbohydrates. Thus, it can be seen that the product has a lot of fat and an increased calorie content (429 kcal).

The benefits and harms of Kalmyk tea for the body

Modern scientists have proven the benefits of a drink that warms in cold weather and cools in hot weather.

Tea helps:

  • improve metabolic processes in the body;
  • accelerate the breakdown of fatty components, therefore it is recommended for use during a diet;
  • improve brain activity, improve attention and memory;
  • prevent the development of diabetes and normalize the level of glucose concentration in the blood;
  • normalize blood pressure and protect against colds and infectious diseases.

Kalmyk tea, or Mongolian, as it is also called, is a drink with a long history. For a long time, he was revered by nomadic peoples. Its benefits have been proven by modern scientists. The secret of Kalmyk tea is simple: salt, oil or fat. You can use this tea instead of a full meal. In cold weather, such a drink will warm, and in the heat it will quench your thirst. In our country, this tea is not used to drinking. Now Kalmyk tea is sold in bags for disposable brewing. The tea is called Teaking Khaan Tea. It's worth trying at least once.

Tea composition

Tea is available in instant form. The drink is packed in a sealed bag, which allows you to carry it with you in your bag. Our ancestors, leading a nomadic lifestyle, would be very happy with such a convenient package.

Each bag contains instant green tea, dry natural cream or its substitute, sugar and iodized salt. All components are selected in the optimal proportion to balance the taste of the tea itself, as well as create an optimal beneficial effect.

Useful properties of Kalmyk tea

Real Kalmyk tea:

  • perfectly tones;
  • increases efficiency;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • fights heart problems
  • improves bowel function;
  • saves from poisoning;
  • boosts immunity.

How to make tea

Han tea is easy to make. To prepare one cup (170-200 ml) of tea, you need to take one bag. It is enough to pour the mixture with boiling water, stir, you can enjoy the unusual taste. Tea is produced by different manufacturers, it is made in Malaysia, Russia, Singapore. Depending on this packaging may vary. On some you can see the inscription Khaan Chai. There is tea of ​​this brand with the addition of black pepper.

Surprising news for a novice gourmet - tea can be salty. Some nationalities do not accept other tea as a divine drink. Kalmyk is for all occasions - it will cure a cold, give strength to a tired traveler, warm you in a fierce cold, replace lunch and save you from a hangover. A drink for real nomads!

An exotic drink made from green tea with milk, salt and butter, or Kalmyk tea in another way, became known to the world thanks to the nomadic lifestyle of its fans. It has many names - domba, dzhomba, Kyrgyz, Mongolian. But the essence remains - this is a drink that is scary to try ... interesting!

What a miracle: there is salty tea?

The drink covered with legends came either from China or from Tibet, but firmly settled among the nomads. And they cook it really tasty right here, in the vast expanses of the steppes, with not the most favorable conditions for a well-groomed Westerner.

How is a Kalmyk drink created? Classics of the genre - pressed green tea, camel or mare's milk and salt are taken as the basis.

What is the rationale for this composition of ingredients? First, about welding. Why tile green? The answer is simple - because it is convenient when traveling. Does not crumble, does not take up much space. A subtle connoisseur of tea will add: yes, and his taste is different, special.

Secondly, about milk. To create a real drink of nomads, not ordinary milk from the store is used. Ideally, this is the milk of a camel or mare. If neither one nor the other is at hand, sheep or goat is used as an option. Well, if there is not one of the four types of dairy product, then you can use the cow. The secret of such importance lies in the taste and fat content of milk.

The third ingredient in the classic recipe is salt. Here comments are superfluous. Kalmyk tea is a salty drink.

Three components are the basis of tea, its traditional and unchanging components. To enhance the taste, nourishing and healing effect, add butter or mutton fat, black pepper for spiciness, nutmeg for spice, bay leaf for a characteristic bitter taste.

Exotic in your own kitchen: preparing a drink of nomads

If you decide to surprise your guests and are wondering how to make Kalmyk tea at home, a couple of recipes will be useful. The first option is an easy way, for beginners. The second one is more interesting, without water (after all, the nomads had little of it, and plenty of milk) and with a mixture of black and green tea leaves.

No hassle

To prepare, you need to take: green tea - 1 tablespoon; water and milk - 1 glass each; butter - half a teaspoon; black peppercorns, lavrushka, nutmeg and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Put the tea leaves in cold water and bring to a boil. Then - languishing over low heat for 10 minutes. Add warmed milk, spices and cook for five minutes. Remove from heat, add oil. Close. Insist 20 minutes.

Note: green tea leaves can be replaced with black, then the drink will be more tart.

We complicate the recipe

Before brewing Kalmyk tea with green and black tea leaves at the same time, let's prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • Large-leaf black and green teas - 1 tablespoon each.
  • Milk (any, most importantly with a fat content of at least 3.2%) - 1 liter.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Spices: pepper, and preferably a ready-made mixture of different peppers, cloves, nutmeg - depending on taste preferences.
  • Butter - 30 grams.


  • Warm up milk.
  • Pour the tea leaves, mix.
  • Bring to a boil (low heat).
  • Add salt and spices.
  • Boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Important! Do not let the mixture boil.
  • Strain.
  • Remove from fire.
  • Add oil.
  • Strain.

You can immediately pour into cups or leave for 20 minutes, and then treat guests.

Khan tea: ready drink

For those who are not ready to spend precious time preparing their own, there is Kalmyk tea in bags. This is such a miracle of modernity - an instant drink. Ingredients: tea, milk, salt (that's why the inscription 3-in-1 flaunts on the bag). It is not difficult to prepare such Kalmyk tea in bags - pour boiling water over and mix.

Nomad drink: benefits and harms

Kalmyk tea is covered with legends, starting with a foggy origin and ending with a beneficial effect on the body. According to a popular legend, the eminent doctor at that time saved Tsonghava, a religious reformer, from an unknown ailment with the help of a divine drink. This was Kalmyk tea with milk.

What is the benefit of a salty drink?

  • It strengthens the immune system, cures colds and severe coughs.
  • Normalizes digestion. It is recommended for poisoning for treatment, recuperation.
  • Tones, invigorates and restores strength at the end of a hard day due to the beneficial substances of green tea.
  • Increases the amount of milk in nursing mothers.
  • Relieves hangovers and the effects of alcohol intoxication. Removes decay products, removes nausea, heartburn. Returns the clarity of the thought process.

Compared with the beneficial effects on the body, the harm of the drink is not so great. It is contraindicated in those who are lactose intolerant. And this is logical, because the basis is milk.

Pregnant women will have to refuse the infusion. The last stages of cholelithiasis are also in the category of contraindications. Drinking a drink can provoke the movement of stones, which will certainly lead to complications.

How often do we drink tea? Yes, almost all the time! Only for us, tea is not just a drink, but a full meal, which is accompanied by the absorption of buns, sweets, sandwiches and even second courses.

“Drink tea” means to sit at the table, eat, go to a cafe, where you can order a piece of cake or pizza for a cup of drink. Sometimes we even forget about the tea itself, enjoying the meal. But for the Kalmyks, everything is different, and tea is very important for them, because it is not only an everyday drink, but also a nutritious dish: two cups of tea with a piece of homemade bread is enough for an adult man all day. Why is Kalmyk tea so unique?

homeland of tea

It should be noted that Kalmyk tea is often drunk by the Adygs, who simply borrowed it from the Kalmyks. But this is not the only people who fell under the peculiar charm of the drink. The Mongols, Buryats and other related peoples adopted the recipe. the composition is non-standard, because in addition to tea and milk, salt is added to it. They collected the secret recipe literally bit by bit, since the tea was taken from the Chinese, and the ancient Mongols added milk to it. The Chinese themselves do not like milk. Some historians believe that this is a sign of their protest against the nomads.

How did tea come to us?

When the ancient Mongols conquered territories and created their empire, the peoples who became part of the Golden Horde adopted elements of culture. For example, tea came to Russia from the Golden Horde. But directly the science of how to brew Kalmyk slab tea was given to Russia hard. Of course, it was convenient for nomad riders to take tiles with them, and not a scattering of tea, so they exported weighty “bricks” of tea leaves and stems from China. The Kalmyks passed on their drinking culture to the Adygs and all kindred peoples - from now on they drank tea with milk, butter, salt and pepper. But the Circassians themselves turned out to be experimenters: they added horse sorrel and medicinal oregano to tea leaves to give a light aroma. In the Soviet Union, they drank tea made from recycled tea waste. In general, the simplification of the procedure for brewing tea was only in the hands of avid tea lovers, since now you can prepare a drink in different ways.

Cooking process

So, a person who was tired of soda and coffee wanted to drink a nutritious drink. The preparation of Kalmyk tea begins with measuring the required dose of tea leaves: it is better to take twice as much as compared to regular tea drinking. The loose tea should be right in the cup, not the teapot, so it is recommended to take a larger cup. Two-thirds of the cup is poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes. Now you need to dilute the tea with hot milk and throw in a piece of butter, and then salt and pepper the tea. By the way, hot milk can be poured instead of boiling water. This is a modern way of cooking, but how to brew Kalmyk tea according to the old traditions? After all, sometimes even the mood itself calls to join the story. Then you have to boil tea in a cauldron and insist all night. At the same time, the tonic properties disappear completely, but the exciting effect is strengthened. By the way, if Kalmyk tea is prepared on the basis of horse sorrel, then there is no strong stimulating effect, and it is quite possible to infuse it overnight.

Pros and cons of the ancient drink

In general, should a modern person drink Kalmyk tea? Its benefits and harms are questionable. If, for example, we talk about horse sorrel tea, then the biological and medical properties of the rhizome are known. To some extent, the upper parts of the plant are also useful, however, the effect will be only from the regular use of the drink. The taste of horse sorrel infusion seems astringent, which will be unusual for a person who has tried Kalmyk tea for the first time. The benefits and harms of it are incomparable. So, tea lowers blood pressure, improves bile formation and bile secretion. If oregano is added to the tea, then an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect is added. So there is only one benefit around, and the harm can be purely in a specific aftertaste, which is very rich, and individual intolerance.

Treat for the first time

When a person who is far from the Kalmyk culture tries the national drink for the first time, the impression can be ambiguous. Few people immediately fall in love with him, because the combination of tea and butter, salt and milk repels. There are certain stereotypes regarding the concept of tea drinking. For a Russian person, tea is an event, it is a hot and sweet drink that warms after a frost, calms and sets in a positive mood. But Kalmyk tea is a fatty, salty and spicy drink that shocks all taste buds. But such tea is just a variation of a traditional drink, moreover, a softened and adapted variation. Kalmyks themselves added to it not even butter, but melted mutton fat. But the Mongols went even further and brewed their tea with fried pieces of fat tail and ram bone marrow. Perhaps, Kalmyk tea with milk and butter would be perceived more loyally if it were declared not as tea, but as a nutritious milk drink, soup, or even a means to restore vigor and male strength. In many cafes, by the way, the waiters go for this trick and paint the virtues of tea, calling it a tonic, stimulating and healing agent.

In Adyghe

How to brew Kalmyk tea in the traditions of the Circassians? After all, they have contributed a lot to making tea more pleasant to the taste. Repeating the preparation of the drink is not so difficult if you free up some time and stock up on all the necessary ingredients. You need to take a few branches of horse sorrel and rinse them well. Now they are placed on the bottom of the saucepan and poured with water. Horse sorrel is simmered over low heat for at least an hour until a rich color is obtained. The finished broth should still be infused, and then the branches can be removed. About a third of the resulting volume, the broth should be diluted with milk and boiled all together. And now it's time for spices: salt and black pepper to taste. On a saucepan you will need a piece of butter from 50 to 100 grams. It is not necessary to drink Kalmyk tea hot, but this way the taste will be more pleasant. And if, when adding, you overdo it with butter or add lamb fat, then an unpleasant film may appear on the cooled drink, which will not add appetite. By the way, tea is traditionally drunk with national pastries, such as slots, guubat and halyuzh.

It’s a shame to cook such a rarity and be left without praise when picky relatives, seeing a cup of tea with butter, decide that the dishes were just dirty. Therefore, it is best to cook a meal in the Kalmyk style for the first time. Hot meat with spices, fried on coals, salads and pastries, and Kalmyk tea is served closer to dessert. The benefits of this drink are incredible, and any man will be happy to hear how much this cup will give him. Imagine nomads. How did they live? How could they tirelessly move across continents? Their strength was great, and under the yoke of the Golden Horde, many laid down their lives. So maybe they had a secret? Yes, that's their secret, wonderful tea. Only cooked according to all the rules using whole branches of horse sorrel. By the way, the integrity of the branches is important not only for aesthetic reasons, because the stems help to fix the branches at the bottom of the pot and do not allow them to float, enriching the taste of tea. You can brew it very quickly if you immediately salt the cold water, and only then pour it over the branches. Such a simple trick will save 30-40 minutes of time. When the tea leaves become dark, it makes no sense to boil further, as useful substances will leave. You do not need to salt too much, because the rule of undersalting and oversalting is relevant in all cases. But you can experiment with spices, because tea can be fragrant. Most often they manage with black pepper, but if desired, you can add red, or basil. By the way, it is not recommended to cook in aluminum pans, as they oxidize. It is better to take cast iron, enameled or Teflon coated. Enameled pots, by the way, are rather capricious, since during the boiling of tea with milk, they may burn.

in Kalmyk

The Kalmyks made tea a little differently compared to the Circassians. They crushed the stove tea and poured it with cold water, after which they boiled it until it boiled and removed the twigs that appeared. Then warmed cream was poured into the tea leaves, salt, peppercorns, pre-grated nutmeg were poured. Cloves and bay leaves were optionally added. The almost ready drink was flavored with oil and salt, after which it was allowed to stand for 10 minutes.

And the older generation could not switch to the “light” version, and a secret ingredient is added to the tea prepared in this way (flour fried in mutton internal fat).

From the history

An unusual and strange drink, as it turned out, has an equally unusual history. According to one version, tea was invented by a Tibetan lama, who saved the strength of monks who did not eat meat. A hearty and tasty drink was like soup, restored energy and nourished the body. And another version says that the reason for the invention of tea was the illness of a religious reformer, who was prescribed it as a medicine. For greater satiety, mutton fat was added to tea. The drink quickly gained popularity and put the reformer on his feet, and he ordered the students to start the day with a bowl of Kalmyk tea. A rather interesting version of the origin of the drink is based on the fact that the Kalmyks only slightly changed the brewing method adopted by the Chinese. A tea ceremony, according to all the rules, is a bit difficult to conduct in the steppe, and sometimes there is not enough water, but mare and camel milk is abundant. So they began to brew tea with milk, flavoring it with oil and spices for satiety, taste and aroma.

For treatment

The healing effect of tea has already been described, but it turns out that it can be prescribed for serious illnesses as a cure, not a prophylaxis. In many families, even in our country, parents save mutton fat, which is heated and added to milk for children. It is a great way to treat respiratory problems, colds and coughs. Milk and fat soften the throat, warm and have a beneficial effect on the digestion process and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors made a logical conclusion and began to recommend tea with butter as a folk remedy. And why torture yourself and your child with an unpleasant fatty swill, if you can make a truly spicy drink? By the way, he has no contraindications and age restrictions. In nursing mothers, when drinking tea, lactation increases, which cannot but rejoice a young family and a small person. The only recommendation for this period concerns the amount of spices - after all, it is better to add them less.

On holidays

Holidays, which are always awaited with such impatience, are fraught with uncontrolled alcoholic libations and gluttony. The following weekdays show that the body was dumbfounded by the changes in the diet and cannot recover. And in such cases, Kalmyk tea will help, because it is a powerful tool in the fight against a hangover. It is not for nothing that oil is recommended to be eaten before a feast, citing the fact that it envelops the stomach. Kalmyk tea performs the same function and quickly removes the decay products of alcohol from the body. In addition, it fights nausea and heartburn, and has a positive effect on brain function.

in a modern way

And finally, it is worth discussing the possibility of preparing an ancient drink at home. The average family prefers tea bags over loose tea, citing ease of preparation and waste disposal. In fact, there is no need to constantly wash the teapot, monitor its boiling, and the taste of tea is always the same. But Kalmyk tea in bags is still nonsense. After all, the main magic of taste just happens when brewing and boiling the broth. But you can try making tea. A few need to pour boiling water and let it brew. Then you can add milk or cream and boil the resulting mixture. By the way, tea is better to take neutral, without flavorings. You need to add spices and oil in accordance with taste, remembering that after cooling the tea will lose its attractiveness.


Hi all! Today on this page I will offer several recipes for making Kalmyk tea.

It turns out that not only Kalmyks consider Kalmyk tea to be their national drink.

Adygeans also consider it their national drink.

And his appearance in history is generally associated with the Mongols. And the raw materials were supplied to them by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, that is, China.

The Mongols were very fond of this delicious drink. Over time, the drink spread to Central Asia, Siberia, and Russia.

Kalmyk tea has become a favorite drink among many nations. And each people brought something new to it.

Kalmyk tea has many different names. One of them, very interesting, is jomba.

Compared to other varieties of tea, Kalmyk tea has valuable and beneficial qualities.

To obtain Kalmyk tea, tea is also stirred. They also add a mixture of steppe herbs-ants.

In large quantities, this mixture contains the herb bergenia.

All herbs that make up Kalmyk tea must be collected before flowering. This makes the drink hypoallergenic.

Green Kalmyk tea contains a large number of various microelements and vitamins.

These include iodine and fluorine, potassium and copper, vitamins K, PP, B1, B2, C. In addition to them, the drink contains silicon and manganese, sodium and phosphorus.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea are in many aspects.

It has a general strengthening effect, normalizes processes, cleanses the body. A wonderful drink quenches thirst, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

The catechins present in Kalmyk tea prevent hemorrhages by strengthening the walls of the blood vessels. They also have an anti-radiation effect.

Kalmyk brick tea consists of large old tea leaves. They are harvested in late autumn. At the same time, they are not subjected to withering and fermentation. This gives the drink a tart and slightly bitter taste.

How to prepare Kalmyk tea?

It can be cooked in different ways.

When preparing this drink, there is a wide scope for imagination of taste.

But the main components remain unchanged.

  • Put 30 grams of tea in a saucepan. Pour half a liter of water and put on low heat. Boil, cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Boil the milk separately and skim off the foam. Pour milk into tea and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove from fire.
  • Leave a little for the tea leaves to settle. Pour in the spices. Nutmeg and cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf, and sometimes even lamb are added to Kalmyk tea.

Tea is ready. You can pour it into bowls and put a spoonful of butter or melted butter, a piece of cheese, egg yolk and crackers for tea. Delicious!

Another recipe for making Kalmyk tea:

  • Add Kalmyk tea to hot water and boil. Sprinkle salt and sugar. Then move.
  • Pour in the milk, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. Do not boil. Remove from fire.
  • If the milk has a low fat content, you can add butter. Interfere. Pour the prepared Kalmyk tea into cups through a strainer.

When brewing Kalmyk tea, there are some subtleties that must be followed.

  1. You cannot boil water without tea leaves.
  2. All movements during cooking and when offering a drink are made from left to right, that is, in the direction of the sun.
  3. The first cup of the prepared drink is offered to the eldest of those sitting, regardless of whether it is a guest or a family member.
  4. The dishes should be without cracks, with intact edges.
  5. Offer and receive a cup with both hands.
  6. After drinking tea, return the dishes to the owner.
  7. Do not turn an empty cup upside down. It was considered a curse.
  8. A cup of tea should be held on the chest line, which means respect for the guest.
  9. If there is an important person among the guests, the owner of the house performs the ceremony himself.

As you can see, the Kalmyks strictly follow the traditions and follow them carefully. It's a whole ceremony. And you can not neglect the elements that make up the tradition.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea.

For Kalmyks, this type of drink is highly revered, and treats all diseases. Indeed, Kalmyk tea is very beneficial for human health. Let's list some of them.

Harm of green tea.

Green tea, it turns out, can also be harmful to our body, if, of course, it is abused. This can contribute to the occurrence of various diseases of the kidneys, up to the formation of stones, and the liver.
