
What to cook from potatoes. spicy boiled potatoes

Potatoes are a universal product, loved and revered by hostesses all over the world. Agree, it is inexpensive, besides it goes well with all sorts of ingredients - meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms. The advantages of potatoes are also in its quick preparation, the possibility of choosing any method of heat treatment, and the variable selection of spices. Potatoes are called "second bread". It is not surprising that dishes from it are frequent guests on every table.


This is the best option for those housewives who, having come home from work, find an empty refrigerator at home. At the same time, in almost every pantry you can always find a few potatoes that have been stale there since better times. Therefore, the question of what to cook from potatoes for dinner in a pan disappears by itself. After all, almost every woman, having rejected boring fried potatoes and banal mashed potatoes, makes a choice in favor of everyone's favorite potato pancakes with a crispy golden crust, which simply melt in your mouth, especially if they are seasoned with fresh sour cream.

To prepare this yummy, you will need 8-9 medium-sized potatoes, two onions, the same number of carrots, as well as a few eggs and some flour. All vegetables must be grated on a fine grater, beat two or three eggs into the resulting gruel and pour in a few tablespoons of flour - just enough so that the mass acquires a slightly thick consistency. The final touch is spices to taste. Potato pancakes should be fried in a well-heated pan, previously poured with sunflower oil.


The name of the dish comes from the Polish word zrazy, which translates as "cut off piece". Despite this, it comes from Lithuania, where it was known back in the Middle Ages. There are a lot of cooking options, but the so-called egg and onion is most often used when the question arises of what to cook from potatoes for dinner - quickly and effortlessly. To begin with, the filling is prepared: four hard-boiled eggs are boiled, finely chopped and seasoned with chopped onions, which are pre-fried in a pan.

At the same time, about ten potato tubers in uniforms are boiled on the stove. After it is cooled and kneaded into a thick puree, adding two eggs, salt and pepper to it. The zrazy themselves are formed very simply: in one hand, the hostess sculpts a half pancake from the potato mass, places the filling in the middle and covers with the other half, securely fixing the edges. The egg and onion are inside the potato shell. Then the zrazy is rolled in breadcrumbs and fried until crispy. Served hot. What to cook from potatoes for dinner if you are allergic to eggs? The same zrazy, only stewed vegetables or greens can be used as a filling.

Potatoes with mushroom sauce

When you are puzzled over what to cook from potatoes for dinner, remember this recipe. It is very popular in Ukrainian Transcarpathia: the locals adopted it from the Hungarians who have been living here for a long time. According to the method of preparation, the dish is very similar to zrazy, but it does not provide for the use of the filling - in this case, it is replaced by gravy. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

First you need to boil potatoes in uniforms - the average family of 4 usually takes about 10 tubers. After cooling the boiled potatoes, carefully peel them and rub them on a grater. You will get something like mashed potatoes, only the mass will be heterogeneous, but as if crushed. Drive a few eggs into it, pour out 3-4 tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper to taste and fry in a pan on both sides until golden brown. Serve pancakes along with gravy. To prepare it, finely chopped mushrooms and onions are stewed together in a saucepan until cooked, after which they are poured with sour cream sauce seasoned with spices.


For this slightly exotic, but very beautiful dish, you will need the following ingredients: half a kilogram of potatoes, two tablespoons of starch, one tablespoon of semolina, 100 g of rice vermicelli, a little vegetable oil, pepper and salt. Potato tubers must be peeled and boiled for about half an hour until tender. Then they are mashed with a fork to a puree state, to which starch, semolina and spices are added. Everything is well kneaded and round balls are formed from the resulting mass.

Vermicelli is crumbled and croquettes are rolled in it. They should be fried in a small saucepan: the finished “thorns” become golden in color. Then they are laid out on a paper towel to rid the balls of excess fat. Served both hot and cold. In the first case, they can be poured over with any sauce, in the second, they can be used as an appetizer. The main thing is that this recipe is suitable for those cases when visitors unexpectedly dropped in on your fire, and you are at a loss to guess what to cook from potatoes for dinner. Photos of the finished dish, presented in any cookbook, demonstrate that croquettes have an exquisite look, so they are not ashamed to serve even the most eminent guests.

stuffed potatoes

A nutritious meal for the whole family. What to cook from potatoes for dinner in a slow cooker? Of course, this is an amazing delicacy, for which you will need a dozen small potatoes, some vegetables, a few tablespoons of sour cream, tomato sauce, a handful of herbs and spices. To begin, peel the potatoes and cut out the middle of them with an apple corer. Then prepare the filling, which will fill the resulting void. At the same time, do not throw out the "tubes": they can be baked along with the dish.

By the way, for the filling, you can take all kinds of vegetables that you can only find in the refrigerator. Zucchini, eggplant, peppers, carrots, onions, tomatoes, celery go well with potatoes. The main thing is to chop them finely, then mix them with a few tablespoons of sour cream and spices. We stuff the potatoes with this mixture tightly and put it in a multicooker bowl greased with vegetable oil. Pour the dish with water mixed with tomato paste and seasoning, and cook for about half an hour using the "Baking" mode. You still do not know what to cook from potatoes for dinner? Then try this wonderful recipe.

Baby Potato

Unlike the previous dish, this one is cooked in the oven. Take a few potatoes, cut them in half, put them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven to bake until tender. At this time, prepare the filling: it can be crab sticks, mushrooms or other vegetables. They need to be heat treated - fried, stewed in a saucepan or boiled. Finely chop the finished ingredients and mix with a small amount of any sauce.

What to cook from potatoes for dinner to please the child? Of course it's a dish. Almost all children love crumb potatoes, so you can improvise and stuff the tubers with the ingredients that kids like. To do this, remove the potatoes from the oven, gently loosen the mass with a fork without damaging the skins, and supplement it with the filling. It turns out very nutritious, unusual and at the same time home-style. The resulting "slide" can be decorated with drawings made with tomato paste, or supplemented with sprigs of fragrant greens.

Potato salad

What to cook from potatoes for dinner without meat? Of course, potato salad is simple, but at the same time tasty and satisfying. For this cold snack you will need: 500 grams of potatoes, 3 eggs, one large onion, two apples, 5 pickles, 150 grams of low-fat milk, some mayonnaise and chopped parsley. Boil the tubers in their uniforms, then remove the peel from them and cut into slices. We chop cucumbers and an apple into thin strips, onions into cubes.

We spread the components in a salad bowl, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. The milk is brought to a boil and poured into the salad. Once again, mix all the ingredients and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Before dinner, you need to boil hard-boiled eggs, cut and decorate the salad with them, while sprinkling the surface with chopped parsley. Everything is ready for the meal. This delicacy, like the others listed above, will save you a lot of time, as it is done quickly and without much effort. Now you know what to cook from potatoes for dinner and what interesting dishes to please loved ones.

We have collected for you some interesting recipes that can be prepared from potatoes we all love. Such will demonstrate that it can not only be boiled and fried, but also cooked in a completely new way.

The most popular and favorite product in many families. Without it, we cannot imagine any big feast, picnic and even family dinner. It is understandable, because it is satisfying, tasty and healthy. But what to do if your favorite potatoes start to bother? Prepare something new that will reveal the taste of a vegetable from a completely different side. We have collected the most delicious ones so that you have a choice for any occasion of life: from breakfast to a festive dinner.

Potatoes can be both a side dish and a completely independent dish. Much of the preparation of potatoes depends on your imagination and ingredients, so do not be afraid to experiment by adding sauces, various additives and spices. In the meantime, the potato dish of your choice is being prepared, see where you can also learn many new recipes for yourself.

Recipes for simple potato dishes

If you like baked potatoes with a crispy crust but a crumbly center, then this dish will delight you. Wash the potatoes in their skins with a brush, cut each into 6-8 slices. Dip the potato slices in salted boiling water and boil for 3-4 minutes. Drain water from potatoes. Mix oil and spices in a deep bowl. Dip the potatoes in this mixture and toss to coat each slice with the marinade. Let marinate, then place the potatoes on a baking sheet, skin side down, and place in the oven. Bake Idaho potatoes for 25-30 minutes.

Draniki. A dish familiar to each of us since childhood. To cook according to the classic recipe, beat the egg with spices and gradually add flour and grated onion. All this is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. We clean the potatoes from the skin and rub on a coarse grater. We mix all the ingredients and fry potato pancakes in a pan with vegetable oil until they acquire a dark golden hue. You can also add oatmeal to potato pancakes, and you will get a completely new taste. Serve with sour cream or fried onion and bacon.

Potato fritters. It is somewhat reminiscent of potato pancakes, but has its own differences. This recipe is useful if after the holiday there is a lot of boiled mashed potatoes. To make hash browns, add grated cheddar cheese, finely chopped green onions, an egg, a few teaspoons of flour, vegetable oil, salt and pepper to the leftover mashed potatoes. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed and fry like potato pancakes or pancakes.

Potato baked with egg. Such a potato dish will be an interesting option for breakfast and will certainly surprise your family. Pre-boil a few of the largest potato tubers. Carefully cut off the tops and remove the middle with a spoon. In the resulting "boats", pour grated cheese, pieces of bacon and drive into each egg. Sprinkle everything on top with salt and pepper, and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Accordion potato. Another option for baked potatoes, though there are only two main ingredients: potatoes and cheese. In a large potato tuber, make cuts, as in an accordion. Insert a piece of cheese into each section. You can fasten the potatoes with a toothpick or set to bake like this. Sprinkle the finished potatoes with bacon slices, green onions and pour over the sauce of your choice.

Stuffed potatoes. Such potatoes will be an interesting side dish for a meat dish. Or it will be completely independent. Boiled potatoes, cut in half. Scoop out the centers carefully with a spoon. Mash the potato pulp and mix with cheese grated on a coarse grater, add spices to taste. Stuff each of the potato halves with stuffing. Top with broccoli and sprinkle with cheese again. Send for a few minutes in the oven. Enjoy delicious baked potatoes with broccoli.

Potato. Even those who do not like first courses will like this most delicate soup, because it is simply impossible to resist its thick, creamy texture, incredible aroma and divine taste. This creamy soup is prepared from potatoes, onions, a little flour, cream and cheddar cheese. Topped with fried bacon. The secret of this dish is in a fairly long languishing on fire or in a slow cooker - 4 hours.

Mashed potatoes. Even such a classic dish as can be a real discovery during dinner if you add milk or cream instead of water and sprinkle parsley on top. And yes, the longer you beat, the more airy the puree will turn out. In addition, potatoes should be chopped with a wooden "masher" so that the dish does not have a metallic taste.

Potato with garlic and parmesan. If the slow cooker has become your main device in the kitchen, then cook potatoes with garlic and parmesan in it. You will need small potato tubers, a teaspoon each of dried basil, oregano, parsley, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and grated parmesan. Pour all the ingredients into the multicooker bowl and set to cook for 3-4 hours. This side dish will exceed all your expectations.

Baked. This one only takes 15 minutes of your time and the oven will do the rest. Place each potato on a wooden board and make cuts without cutting all the way through. Olive oil, melted butter, garlic, 1 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, chopped rosemary, salt and pepper, mix in a separate bowl. Put the potatoes in a deep baking dish, pour over the sauce and mix well. Bake potatoes for an hour.

Potato roses. This dish will not only be an exquisite decoration of a festive plate, but will also give an unforgettable, warm, oily and crispy taste.

Slice the potatoes very thinly into petal-like slices. Take 15 petals and twist them as tight as you can with a slice of bacon, then dip them into a cake pan in a baking dish. Add a few more petals to complete the rose. Cover the resulting melted butter. Then sprinkle with grated parmesan, salt and pepper. Bake for 20-30 minutes until edges are golden brown. Leave the roses to cool for 5 minutes.

Potato spiral. Such a crispy and fragrant snack is easier to prepare than it seems. Boiled potatoes should be chopped, beaten eggs, 2 tablespoons of potato starch, salt and pepper to taste, grated cheese and a little milk should be added. Mix everything until smooth. Pour the resulting dough into a plastic bag, cut off the tip on it and squeeze the dough out of it in spirals directly into the pan with a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Lay each finished potato spiral on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Serve with homemade mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard.

Potato baked with chicken thighs and lemon. For a delicious, hearty, and quick family dinner, grab chicken thighs, potatoes, parsley, garlic, one lemon, and salt and pepper. Chop all the ingredients, except for the chicken, and put everything together on a baking sheet. Bake for about 50 minutes until crispy.

. Another option for a hearty dinner, which is prepared for one or two. Garlic, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, onions and sausages cut into pieces, put everything on one baking sheet and mix. Sprinkle with spices to taste and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Potatoes with vegetables and chicken meatballs. To prepare this dish with potatoes, you only need asparagus beans, lemon and chicken fillet. Prepare meatballs from the fillet, cut the potatoes into slices, cut the asparagus beans and lemon as well. Put all the ingredients on a baking sheet along with chicken meatballs, sprinkle with spices and bake until the vegetables are ready.

Now you have some new potato recipes and cool ideas to update old potato recipes. Bon appetit!

Potatoes and all kinds potato dishes have long been loved by our people, because potatoes are always tasty, satisfying, healthy and practical. Potatoes are quick and easy to prepare, and always please us with excellent taste. On this page, only the most beloved, the best potato recipes.

Potato zrazy is always delicious, they are eaten with pleasure by adults and children. Potato dish for lovers of delicious, it is also suitable for vegetarians and fasting...

Try this simple and delicious potato and pumpkin dish. The dish is prepared on its own: cut potatoes, pumpkin, onions, put everything in the oven and voila - dinner is ready!

This dish is a real lifesaver. If there are a few potatoes, an egg and a small onion, then neither you nor your family will remain hungry. With this recipe, you can quickly prepare a delicious dinner ...

A very simple and at the same time very tasty recipe, you only need a few ingredients, but the dish turns out worthy of a festive table, although no one forbids eating delicious food on weekdays...

One of the best potato recipes ever. The potato turns out to be unusually fragrant, spicy, with a crispy crust. By adding more paprika, you can make it like at McDonald's ...

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of the most varied potato recipes, but oven-baked potatoes are rightfully considered one of the most delicious and healthy dishes ...

Oven baked potatoes are always very tasty, but if you bake potatoes at the same time as chicken, you get an awesome dish. At the same time, the potatoes turn out moderately fried and not dry ...

Such a pie is a great way to diversify the daily menu, it can be made with any filling - meat, mushroom, cheese, vegetable or fish. It's very easy to prepare and delicious...

Potatoes and lard are the simplest and most affordable products that are almost always available. But despite the simplicity of these products, you can quickly prepare a very tasty and healthy lunch from them ...

Be sure to try this recipe. Delicious potatoes baked in the oven with chicken pieces and drenched in sour cream sauce. Potatoes are divine...

Eating tasty and varied food is not so difficult. An example of this is this dish. From potatoes and pumpkins, you can cook an unusual dish that will delight you with both taste and look...

It would seem that there is nothing easier than making mashed potatoes: peeled, cooked, crushed and ready! But not everything is so simple. To make puree tender and airy, you need to know a few simple rules...

This dish is made from the most affordable and cheapest products, but it tastes and looks worthy of the best restaurants. In addition, it is very easy to prepare, even beginners can do it ...

Very simple and very practical recipe. From the most common and affordable products: flour, potatoes, champignons and onions, you can cook a delicious dinner. By the way, the dough is excellent, plastic and well molded ...

I think that there is no need to introduce this dish especially, everyone knows and loves zrazy. I offer a simple, tasty and practical recipe that adults and children are delighted with ...

Prepare this simple and delicious dish. A potato roll is prepared from the most common products: potatoes, canned tuna, salad peppers. This roll is suitable for a holiday and for every day ...

Many European cuisines have an analogue of this tasty, healthy and practical vegetable dish. Try my recipe for vegetable stew with potatoes and zucchini. Its advantage is tasty and without excess fat...

Favorite recipe of all time. These fried potatoes are prepared very quickly and simply, but it turns out incredibly tasty. Roasted champignons give an exquisite taste...

Potato stew with Spanish chorizo ​​sausage is considered one of the most delicious Spanish dishes. Beautiful, tasty, nutritious and most importantly - this dish is quick and easy to prepare ...

How to cook delicious fried potatoes? Very easy, all you have to do is take this recipe. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and even with a spicy Brava sauce...

Have you thought about how to cook potatoes? Then cook a Spanish tortilla with potatoes and onions. And to make the tortilla juicy inside and well-done on the outside, simple tips will help you ...

Original salad with potatoes, cheese, apples and walnuts. The salad is served chilled and as a separate dish. Try a new recipe, add some variety to your life...

Place the peeled, washed and chopped potatoes in a pot of cold water. This is how many dishes begin, but not all of them turn out so tasty and mouth-watering...

The algorithm for preparing this potato dish is very similar to the previous recipe, only spinach is used instead of onions. Both fresh spinach and frozen will do.

If you are looking for something simple and delicious, then this recipe is for you. Potatoes with octopus pieces, special garlic dressing and paprika will not leave you indifferent...

Casserole with potatoes, peppers and eggplant is a very tasty, beautiful and practical dish, it can be served without meat. It is prepared easily and quickly, it turns out incredibly beautiful, you won’t take your eyes off ...

Fried pies, and even with potatoes and dill, this is a real delicacy. Delicious and airy, they do not stale for a long time. And since the dough is prepared without eggs and milk, even those who fast can enjoy them...

Tortilla is a traditional Spanish dish, very simple, tasty and practical. Such an omelet with potatoes and mushrooms can be served hot, warm or cold...

  • When peeling potatoes, the thin top layer should be cut off, since most of the vitamins are located just under the skin, and not in the pulp itself. But in old overgrown potatoes, a thick layer should be cut off, since under the skin, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, solanine is formed - a toxic substance that does not completely decompose during heat treatment. For the same reason, the green part of the potato must be carefully removed.
  • Potato yellow varieties are usually used for dishes with various sauces, stews, vegetable casseroles. Crumbly white potatoes are used to make mashed potatoes.
  • Do not store peeled potatoes in water for a long time, as they lose not only vitamin C, but also starch. The flesh of the potato becomes coarse and does not boil well.
  • Young potatoes peel faster if you soak them in cold water for a couple of minutes before peeling.
  • So that the baked potatoes in their skins do not burst, we prick them with a fork by recooking.
  • To make boiled potatoes tastier, put one peeled onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and a sprig of bay leaf in a pot with potatoes.
  • Boil potatoes over medium heat. If you cook over high heat, then the potatoes boil soft on the outside, remaining raw inside.
  • Do not store boiled potatoes, they are tasty fresh, and during storage they quickly lose their nutritional and taste qualities.
  • To make the puree white and fluffy, carefully drain all the liquid. We dilute the mashed potatoes with hot milk, add butter, and then beat. If you wipe the potatoes with the remnants of potato broth, then the mashed potatoes do not turn out fluffy and white.
  • or potato casserole will turn out more ruddy and appetizing if, before baking, brush them with a beaten egg, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  • In order for the potatoes grated for pancakes to darken less, pour a couple of tablespoons of hot milk into it.

Potatoes are considered one of the most favorite types of Russian vegetables. It serves dishes for both lunch and dinner. The product has a high calorie content and has high taste qualities. Many people do not have enough time or energy to prepare an evening meal after a hard day's work. Therefore, it is for you that we have selected ideas for the best recipes that solve the question of what to cook for dinner from potatoes quickly and tasty.

One of the most delicious potato dishes that can be cooked in a hurry, provided that you have an electric meat grinder. In its absence, the cooking process can drag on for many hours, because peeled vegetable tubers will have to be rubbed on a fine grater. A little flour is added to the resulting potato slurry so that the pancakes do not turn out to be too watery. An egg or two (optional) is also added for binding. Onion, which is also driven through a meat grinder or grater, can give a special taste to potato pancakes (one piece will be enough). If desired, a little ground black pepper is added to the resulting mixture. Such pancakes are prepared quite quickly. It only takes a couple of minutes to fry on each side. The dish is served with sour cream.

They are prepared quite quickly, while this is a very tasty dish that you can treat your family to for dinner. To prepare it, you will need unpeeled washed tubers, which are boiled until fully cooked. After that, the product must be peeled, mashed to a puree consistency and add a little flour and a couple of chicken eggs to the resulting mixture. Do not forget to salt the resulting puree. Sculpt pancakes from the resulting mixture and send to the pan. The frying time will not take more than three minutes on both sides. Serve with sour cream or mushroom sauce.

A very tasty dish that is worth cooking at least once for dinner to pamper your loved ones. The pre-peeled tubers are boiled, after which they are mashed, to which a small amount of semolina, starch and rice vermicelli must be added. Don't forget to salt everything. It is also recommended to add a little ground black pepper to the finished mixture. From the resulting it is necessary to blind the balls, which are thrown into a pan with boiling oil. A couple of minutes, and the first portion is ready for use.

A dish that can be cooked both in a slow cooker and in the oven. To do this, pre-raw tubers are prepared by cutting out the core. You can start the product with a variety of vegetables that you use, for example, as for making stews. Vegetables can be pre-mixed with mayonnaise. A baking sheet or pan is greased with a small amount of vegetable oil, after which the prepared ingredients are thrown into the dishes. The tubers are poured with water so that their top is barely covered. Cooking time will take about forty minutes.

pots with potatoes is a wonderful and very tasty dish that you can cook for dinner. You can’t call it fast in preparation, since one preparation of the ingredients will take a lot of time. To prepare super tasty pots, you will need chicken or pork meat, carrots, potatoes, onions. You can additionally choose the ingredients to taste. Not without the addition of spices. Bay leaf, black peppercorns will give a special aroma and taste to the finished dish. To improve the taste, you can add a little cheese or mayonnaise on top. The pots filled with ingredients are filled with water almost to the brim, after which they are sent to the oven. Cooking time is an average of 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-210 degrees.

A very tasty dish that you can concoct for dinner. For cooking, you will need tubers of the main product and vegetables to your taste. It can be carrots, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms. The finished dish will be something like an assorted stew. If you are not a vegetarian, you can add meat here, but the cooking time will increase significantly. But such a dish, even without the addition of animal protein, will turn out to be very tasty and satisfying. All ingredients are laid out in layers, each of which is smeared with cream or sour cream. On top, if desired, you can sketch greens, pepper and add bay leaf. The dish is prepared in an average of about forty minutes.

It is prepared very quickly and easily, while the finished dish has excellent taste. All that is required for its preparation is the presence of an oven, a little vegetable oil to grease the baking sheet, onions, tubers of the main ingredient and cheese, which is thrown directly five minutes before readiness. It is recommended to grease the potatoes with mayonnaise on top. Half an hour later, the dish is ready. If desired, the casserole can be supplemented with mushrooms and herbs.

It cooks very quickly and is quite suitable as a dinner. It is possible to cook it in total in just 20-30 minutes. To do this, the washed tubers are thrown into the microwave for several minutes in a plastic bag. The readiness of the product is determined with a knife. Usually in time it does not take more than five minutes, but with low power it can take up to 10 minutes. The finished vegetable is peeled, cut into cubes, a little oil, salt and onion dishes are added. A modest but delicious dinner is ready. This recipe is especially relevant during the fasting period.

One of the most delicious dishes you can cook for dinner. All that is required is to thoroughly wash the young tubers and place them on a baking sheet, which is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. After that, pre-cooked garlic is added to the product, the cloves of which you just need to peel. The more garlic the better. The dish will be very aromatic. On top, do not forget to pepper and salt the dish. Half an hour after baking, the product is ready for use.

A very tasty dish that can be quickly prepared for dinner. The pre-washed tubers are thrown into the microwave for five to ten minutes. As soon as you are convinced that they are ready, peel them, cut them into circles and send them to the pan, where you have previously melted the chicken fat. 7-10 minutes after frying, the dish is ready. Bon appetit.
