
What to cook unusual. How to cook something tasty and unusual: tips and recipes

What to cook quickly and tasty? This sacramental question worries even experienced housewives. Let's start with the main thing - a correctly chosen recipe, which will not only save our time in the selection and consumption of products, but will also allow us to get the perfect result literally in one go.

What to cook quickly and tasty for breakfast

The morning meal is especially important, since our body has not really woken up yet, the pancreas and digestive organs also do not work fully. . We arrange « delicious" and healthy awakening!

Quick curd casserole with rice

Composition of ingredients:

  • egg;
  • butter;
  • a sachet of vanillin;
  • rice - 120 g;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • homemade cottage cheese (fat content from 5%) - 200 g;
  • regular sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak dried fruits for 30 minutes in slightly warm water, then rinse, dry with napkins.
  2. Carefully grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, place in a spacious bowl.
  3. To obtain a quality casserole, we use round rice. We wash it well, put it in boiling and salted water, boil until tender. We throw the product into a colander, again substitute it under a stream from an open tap, leave it in the same bowl until all the moisture has drained.
  4. Whisk the egg and sugar. Add ready-made cereals, rice, raisins and a bag of vanillin to the cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly, then pour in the egg composition. Work with a fork again to get a homogeneous mass.
  5. We process the heat-resistant form with a piece of fresh oil, lay out the connected components of the dish. We level the surface with a silicone spatula, send the food to the oven for 45 minutes (190 ° C).

For breakfast, you can cook an incredible amount of tasty and healthy food from cottage cheese. There is always a choice!

Omelet with cheese and tomatoes

Grocery list:

  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • olives - 8 pcs.;
  • Feta cheese - 50 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • onion (preferably red);
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • a handful of chopped parsley (other greens).

Cooking order:

  1. Heat fresh oil in a frying pan. Fry red onion chopped in half rings in it until golden brown. This vegetable, which is also called "Yalta or Crimean", has a pleasant sweetish taste and a lot of useful properties for the body.
  2. Beat eggs with added herbs, pepper and salt. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, add to the onion along with the pitted olives. Cook until the tomatoes are quite soft.
  3. Reduce fire to medium. Pour the egg composition into the tomato mixture, fry for literally two minutes, constantly mixing the ingredients of the dish.
  4. We fill the dish with crumbled feta, send it to the oven for 6 minutes (180 ° C).

When the omelet with cheese and tomatoes is covered with a delicious crust of melted cheese, we take it out of the oven, cut it into portions, and serve it for breakfast.

Oatmeal with apple, banana and pear

List of components:

  • liquid honey - 40 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • classic yogurt - 100 g;
  • oat flakes - 200 g;
  • apple, banana, pear - 1 pc.;
  • whole milk - 100 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. We wash fresh fruits, cut off a thin skin from them, extract the seeds, divide into small cubes. We chop the pulp of a banana in any form.
  2. Oatmeal is cooked in the evening. We place them in a bowl or glass jar, pour yogurt without any additives. Shake the composition several times so that all the components are evenly distributed among themselves.
  3. Pour whole milk into the dishes, add pieces of fruit, liquid honey, a spoonful of cinnamon. This spice is called a “natural treasure”, it has such phenomenally useful properties. Once again, mix the aromatic mass well, leave overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. In the morning the food is ready to eat. If desired, we heat food in the microwave, however, porridge is no less good in a cold state.

To prepare oatmeal with fruit for breakfast means to take, figuratively speaking, a “handful” of tablets with a vitamin and mineral composition.

Healthy corn porridge with pumpkin

Product set:

  • fresh milk - 150 ml;
  • butter and sunflower oil - 25 and 20 g, respectively;
  • sweet pumpkin - 150 g;
  • corn grits - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 150 ml.

Cooking features:

  1. Rinse pumpkin thoroughly, pat dry with paper towels. We cut off the hard crust with a sharp knife, with the help of a spoon we scrape the seeds well together with the fibers. Cut the vegetable into small cubes.
  2. We place both types of oil in a saucepan, lay out the pieces of the yellow fruit, fry for 5 minutes, constantly stirring the product.
  3. Now pour in half the volume of milk, reduce the heat, season the dish with salt, simmer for another 6 minutes over low heat.
  4. Next, we combine the vegetable composition with corn grits, dilute the mass with the rest of the milk. If desired, pour the right amount of regular sugar or sweeten the food with honey.
  5. We continue cooking for another 10 minutes in a closed form, after which we stop the fire, wrap the dishes with a towel.

After 20 minutes, corn porridge with pumpkin will make our amazingly delicious breakfast, charge you with a cheerful and joyful mood for the whole day.

Baton and sausage stumps

Required components:

  • fresh baguette;
  • large ripe tomato;
  • cheese "Parmesan" (another variety) - 100 g;
  • smoked sausages - up to 5 pieces;
  • homemade sour cream - 30 g;
  • onion feather, other greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled tomato into small pieces. We free the sausages from the films, divide them into rings.
  2. Sprigs of fresh herbs are placed for a minute in hot water, dissolving the fragrant aroma of grass. We shake off excess droplets from it, dry it with napkins, finely chop.
  3. We combine slices of sausages, crumbled cheese, herbs and sour cream in a bowl, mix the composition.
  4. We cut the soft loaf into pieces up to 7 cm wide, press the crumb with our fingers in each piece of baguette, forming small cavities. We place the prepared filling inside the bread “stumps”, put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, bake for up to 8 minutes (200 ° C).

After such a crispy dish, there are no questions about what to cook quickly and tasty for breakfast.

Fritters with sour milk without eggs

Required Ingredients:

  • sifted flour (preferably rye) - 300 g;
  • melted butter;
  • sour milk - 1 l;
  • baking soda - 6 g;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • semolina - 200 g.

Meal preparation:

  1. Pour sour milk into a spacious bowl, extinguish soda in it, mix the products. If bubbles appear in the composition, then there is a good reaction. Add a pinch of salt, granulated sugar and semolina. Thoroughly mix the ingredients of the dish, then add the previously sifted flour in small portions.
  2. We get a very thick dough, the consistency is reminiscent of homemade sour cream. We leave the mass for half an hour at rest.
  3. Heat up a frying pan with melted butter. It was on this fat that our grandmothers cooked the most ruddy, lush, extraordinarily tasty pancakes.
  4. We collect a portion of the dough with a spoon, put it in hot oil, fry both sides until golden brown.

Serve pancakes in sour milk without eggs, along with honey, jam, jam or delicious sour cream.

Dishes for lunch

So, a nutritious breakfast was eaten with pleasure. Now you need to cook a delicious dish for lunch, so, as folk wisdom says, to share it with a friend. Nutritionists believe that at this time it is desirable to consume up to 40% of the total daily food intake.

Mushroom soup with champignons

Composition of ingredients:

  • beef - 300 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 700 g;
  • sweet carrots;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • vermicelli - 50 g;
  • oil (butter or sunflower) - 50 g;
  • pepper, dill, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Delicious mushroom soup can be obtained both in broth and water-based, because champignons successfully replace the meat component in the first course. In the meantime, put a piece of beef in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water, cook the broth. We do this the day before to cook hot food as quickly as possible.
  2. We chop the peeled onions and carrots into strips, sauté the products for 10 minutes in oil. We separate the legs from the washed mushrooms, chop them into rings, place them in a pan with sliced, fry until golden brown.
  3. We attach the chopped dill, add the butterfat, after 2 minutes we finish cooking. With this heat treatment, the greens are saturated with oil and retain their wonderful aroma in the soup for a longer time..
  4. When the broth is ready, we take out the meat from it, put the peeled, diced potato tubers into the pan, salt and pepper the food, cook the root vegetables until tender.
  5. We cut the mushroom caps into halves (small) or quarters, lower them into the soup along with mushroom dressing and vermicelli. We mix the food, cook for no more than two minutes, otherwise the spore organisms will become “rubber” and tasteless. We turn off the fire.

Serve the soup with champignons hot, put in plates with a spoonful of fresh sour cream.

Pasta with stew for the second

Grocery list:

  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil and butter - 20 g each;
  • spaghetti or other type of pasta - 300 g;
  • coriander and paprika;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • beef or pork stew - 1 can;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • regular sugar, salt.

Cooking order:

  1. Boil the pasta by placing it in salted boiling water. The method of heat treatment of the product is specified on the manufacturer's packaging. It is not necessary to add oil to the liquid so that the tubes allegedly do not stick together. We will process the already prepared spaghetti with butter fat, but for now we just constantly stir them.
  2. We clean the onion, crumble into cubes, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. We take the stew out of the jar, separate the fat, knead the meat with a fork, and send it to the roasting vegetable.
  3. We continue heating the food, add a pinch of sugar, paprika and coriander, tomato paste. We mix everything well. We select half a glass of broth from the pan with pasta, pour it into the meat composition.
  4. We throw the spaghetti into a colander, then put it in a deep bowl, place the meat processed in the sauce on top.

Pasta for the second with stew is an indescribably appetizing dish that never gets bored, it is always perceived as for the first time!

Classic borscht with meat broth

Required components:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • meat (preferably brisket on the bone) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil and butter in equal proportions - 100 g;
  • regular sugar - 10 g;
  • tomato puree - 5 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • pre-cooked beans - 50 g;
  • sweet and hot pepper (chili) - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - ¼ head of medium size;
  • half a lemon;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, herbs.

Cooking technology:

  • We wash a piece of meat, divide it into parts, put it in a pot with drinking (spring) water, put it on fire, start heating. After a two-minute boil, pour out the dark liquid, replace it with a clean composition, boil the meat for up to 2 hours. It is impossible to reduce this time, therefore, to quickly get borscht, we prepare the broth in advance.
  • We clean all the vegetables. We chop the onion, pepper (without seeds), chopped chili and carrots into medium-sized straws. Fry food for 5 minutes in oil. We attach coarsely grated beets, continue cooking, periodically mix the composition.
  • After 15 minutes, add the juice of half a lemon, sugar, finely chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, a ladle of hot broth. Mix the dressing components well, simmer closed for another 10 minutes. At the end of the process, place the garlic plates.
  • We extract the pieces of meat from the fragrant broth, spread the potatoes cut into cubes, cook until tender.
  • Now we lower the cabbage, chopped into small thin strips, beans, vegetable dressing into the pan. Bring the food to a boil, after 5 minutes turn off the heat.

Classic borscht on meat broth should brew for half an hour. Serve with fresh sour cream and soft bread.

Merchant-style buckwheat in a slow cooker with chicken

Product List:

  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • onion turnip - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat - 300 g;
  • chicken fillet - 450 g;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • purified water - 500 ml;
  • pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We remove the skin from the washed fillet, divide the product into small parts, put the pieces of meat in the multicooker bowl, add vegetable oil. We set the “Frying” program on the unit, the cooking time is 20 minutes. Do not forget to periodically mix the ingredients of the dish.
  2. After 6 minutes, add peeled and chopped carrots, chopped onions, fry the food until the vegetables are transparent.
  3. We sort through the buckwheat, remove foreign inclusions, then rinse the cereal well. We add it to other products. We add tomato paste, pour in drinking water, season the composition with salt, pepper, and your favorite spices. We change the cooking program to "Extinguishing", select a time of 40 minutes. We decorate the hot dish with chopped herbs.

The fastest way to cook a delicious second course is to use smart home appliances, which we did.

Pea soup with smoked ribs

Product set:

  • vegetable oil;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • pork ribs - 350 g;
  • shelled peas (halves) - 80 g;
  • bulb onions;
  • carrot;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking features:

  1. Rinse the peas thoroughly under running water until it becomes transparent, leaving the product in the liquid. By lunchtime, we once again arrange “water procedures” for the yellow halves.
  2. Cut the smoked ribs into small pieces, fry in oil until pink. The aroma wafts through the kitchen - amazing!
  3. We spread the meat in the pan, with the help of a silicone spatula we send the entire contents of the pan into the dishes. Pour the products with two liters of bottled water.
  4. Cook the food for half an hour, then add the peas. We mix the components of the soup, continue cooking for another 15 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  5. Now we spread the diced potatoes, chopped into strips and vegetables fried in oil: onions and carrots. Season the soup with salt and pepper, cook until the root vegetables are ready.

We serve the first dish in portioned plates, sprinkle food with fresh herbs.

Simple and delicious soup with vermicelli

Product set:

  • chicken (any parts of the bird) - 500 g;
  • potato tubers - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, dill;
  • small onion heads - 2 pcs.;
  • vermicelli - 150 g;
  • sweet carrots - 2 pcs.

Meal preparation:

  1. We place the pre-processed portioned parts of the bird in the pan, fill the dishes with three liters of drinking water. We add a few sprigs of parsley, a small peeled carrot, a washed onion along with the husk, a bay leaf.
  2. Boil the products until the meat component is ready, filter the broth. Put the chicken parts on a plate, discard the rest.
  3. We clean and wash the vegetables, cut them into small pieces, dip them into the chicken broth, season it with salt. Cook the soup until the roots are soft, then add the vermicelli, return the chicken pieces, pepper the dish, add finely chopped dill. Mix everything carefully. As soon as it begins to boil, turn off the fire.

A simple and tasty soup with noodles is especially loved by kids, because you don’t need to chew anything in this dish - eat and enjoy fragrant aromas!

cooking dinner

It's time to think about what to cook for dinner. We have no enemies, who, according to popular beliefs, should be given evening food, and the food will be light, healthy and very tasty.

How to quickly cook pizza in the oven

Composition of ingredients:

  • ripe tomato;
  • cheese (soft varieties of the product) - 150 g;
  • pita;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, herbs;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise - 30 g each;
  • sausage (favorite type) - 230 g.

Cooking method:

  1. We spread the pita bread on a baking sheet treated with oil. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup in a bowl until a homogeneous mass is formed. Lubricate the surface of the flour product with the resulting composition.
  2. We cut the sausage into thin circles or strips, place it on pita bread, alternating with pieces of tomato, divided into round slices. Garnish the pizza with halves of pitted olives.
  3. Season the dish with pepper and salt or sprinkle with a mixture of dried Provence herbs. We send the product for 10 minutes in an oven heated to t 180 ° C.

Fast pizza in the oven is prepared according to the recipes of Italian masters - the best specialists in baking this delicious food.

Tender chicken chops

Grocery list:

  • flour - 120 g;
  • pepper, salt;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken breasts - up to 600 g;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking order:

  1. To get a delicious dish, you need two chicken breasts. We wash them thoroughly, be sure to get wet with napkins, make a cut in the middle, while maintaining the integrity of the product. We remove films, tendons and excess fat. We beat off pieces of meat well, covering them with cellophane.
  2. Lightly beat fresh eggs in a bowl, lightly salt and pepper the composition. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Roll each layer in flour, then dip in the egg mixture, and then transfer to a bowl with hot oil.
  3. Fry the meat over medium heat until a dense golden crust appears on both sides.

You can quickly cook tender chicken chops from minced meat in just a few minutes, complementing the dish with a light salad or your favorite side dish.

  • We divide the prepared meat into small pieces, fry until golden brown. We chop the peeled onion in half rings, add to the meat, cook for another 7 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid from the peas, dip the grits into a pot of drinking water (800 ml), boil for 50 minutes. When the yellow halves swell, they are capable of "single shots", so be careful and careful!
  • We knead the finished peas to a puree state, combine with meat and onions, put them in a greased form. We cover the dishes with foil, send for 10 minutes in the oven (180 ° C). When serving, sprinkle with chopped dill.
  • Hearty porridge with pork turned out just like from a Russian oven - fragrant, crumbly, amazingly tasty!

    Potato casserole with minced meat

    Product List:

    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • cheese - 350 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt and pepper;
    • minced meat - 600 g;
    • potatoes - 1 kg;
    • whole milk - 200 ml.

    Cooking steps:

    1. The stuffing is already in the fridge. We got it from the pulp of pork (200 g) and beef (400 g). They just chopped the pieces of meat in a home processor, added a little water, pepper, salt, mixed the composition.
    2. Now we are preparing a quick and tasty dish. Finely chop the peeled onion, fry in oil. Add minced meat, knead it well with a fork to get a mass of grains. We simmer food for 15 minutes.
    3. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin circles, wash and blot the slices. We spread half the number of root crops on an oil-treated form. On top we place a layer of minced meat with onions and another potato row.
    4. We combine whole milk with eggs, add chopped greens, pour the dish with the resulting sauce. Sprinkle food with shavings of grated cheese, send it to the oven for an hour (190 ° C).
    5. We chop the peeled onion with rings, place in a colander. Pour the liquid with cabbage directly onto the circles of raw vegetables, leave the food until it cools.
    6. We take the squid out of the jar, disassemble it into pieces, cut into small thin strips.
    7. We combine all the components of the dish in a salad bowl, add finely grated carrots, chopped parsley.

    Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and serve immediately.

    Rabbit in sour cream

    Composition of products:

    • carrot;
    • bulb;
    • vegetable oil;
    • homemade sour cream - 100 g;
    • rabbit - up to 700 g;
    • flour - 90 g;
    • salt, bay leaf, pepper.

    Meal preparation:

    1. Thoroughly wash the carcass of the animal, cut into medium portions, fry in oil until golden brown.
    2. We clean the vegetables, chop the onion into cubes, finely rub the carrots, sauté until soft.
    3. We place the rabbit pieces in a saucepan, add the finished vegetable slices. Pour the products with a liter of hot water, throw a bay leaf, pepper, salt and spices.
    4. Quickly fry the flour in a saucepan, dilute it with half a glass of broth (borrow from the rabbit), mix the composition thoroughly, bring it to a thick consistency. Pour aromatic sauce into the meat, add homemade sour cream. Gently mix everything, simmer for 10 minutes in a closed form.

    If you still have doubts about what to cook for dinner, we do not hesitate to choose a tender dish from dietary rabbit meat.

    The dishes presented in the article are so versatile that they can be used in the daily diet or included in the menu of the festive table. A little skill and imagination will save you from thinking about what to cook quickly and tasty in any life situation.

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    Tell VK

    Dinner itself is a meal at which the whole large family gathers. In the morning, no one can get together, because everyone has their own personal affairs: some need to run to kindergarten, others to school, and still others to work. You also have to dine separately, not counting weekends. But it is precisely in the evening at the table during dinner that the whole family gathers, and of course everyone appreciates this time until the last minute, as they can calmly chat in a relaxed atmosphere and without rushing anywhere.

    It turns out very ugly when at this moment the wife will disappear for a long time near the stove in order to cook an enchanting dinner and please her whole family. That is why, even regardless of family income, you need to have several recipes in stock that can be prepared in the shortest possible time.

    For this, a selection of a variety of dishes was created that will suit any budget and will appeal to all family members. That is, you can cook a real masterpiece from the simplest products that are almost always at hand. So, have dinner with us, and you will understand how useful it is - literally and figuratively! Spaghetti with cheese and eggs

    Meat casserole with potatoes in the oven

    This dish is very easy to prepare and very tasty. As for the ingredients, we can say with confidence - they are in the kitchen of every good housewife.

    The main ingredients of the dish:

    • minced meat (preferably pork and beef) - 350 g;
    • raw chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • potatoes (it is desirable to choose a medium size) - 4 pcs.;
    • red tomato - 2 pcs.;
    • onion (small) - 2 pcs.;
    • hard cheese - 200g;
    • mayonnaise or sour cream with high fat content - 150g;
    • spices - to taste;
    • refined vegetable oil - for lubrication of the mold.

    If sausages or sausages were at hand, but there is no minced meat in the refrigerator, then you can easily replace it with these components. It will turn out very tasty too.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. In pre-prepared minced meat, you need to add raw chicken eggs, spices, and mix it all well.
    2. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices, not stripes. The bottom of the mold is pre-lubricated with sunflower oil, and potatoes should be carefully laid out on the prepared surface and salted a little.
    3. In order for the potatoes to turn out well baked and tasty, you need to pour the top layer of it with your own prepared sauce. In order to prepare the sauce, you do not need to make great efforts, you just need to take mayonnaise or sour cream in the amount of 4 tbsp. spoons and add 3 tbsp. spoons of boiled water. To this consistency, add your favorite spices to taste.
    4. Onions are also peeled and cut into rings, then spread over the surface of the potatoes poured with sauce.
    5. The next layer in our masterpiece is minced meat (or, for example, sausages).
    6. Fresh tomatoes are laid out directly on the layer of minced meat.
    7. We draw a grid of mayonnaise.
    8. On top of all this, we rub hard cheese on a fine grater, and put the mold in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for at least 30-35 minutes.

    And after half an hour, an excellent dish is ready. Bon appetit!

    Shish kebab in the oven from pork in the sleeve

    Just a great barbecue recipe that you can cook without going out into nature, but just use your oven. Meat cooked in this way is simply indistinguishable from what was fried on the grill. Very tasty and easy! You should definitely try.

    Products that will be required for cooking:

    • pork (preferably the pulp);
    • bulb onions;
    • table vinegar 9%;
    • granulated sugar;
    • lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid);
    • spices.

    The main secrets of cooking this juicy and fragrant meat is that you need to cook it in a sleeve, and be sure to spread it on an onion pillow so that the kebab gets a brighter and richer taste.


    Oven French Potatoes - Step by Step Recipe

    French potatoes are a dish that is cooked only in the oven, and its main components are onions and meat. The recipe is very easy to prepare, and at the same time, the finished masterpiece has simply excellent taste. It also looks very appetizing, so you can use this dish not only for a family dinner, but also for a festive table.

    Ingredients needed for cooking (based on 2 servings):

    Step by step preparation:

    1. You need to start by washing the meat, dry it and cut it into pieces that will have a small thickness;
    2. Beat the prepared meat with a kitchen hammer;
    3. Potatoes need to be peeled and washed thoroughly. It is at this stage of cooking that you turn on the oven so that it warms up;
    4. Peel and wash the onion as well as potatoes, and then cut into thin rings;
    5. Cut the washed potatoes into slices of small thickness;
    6. Take a baking sheet, or a frying pan without a handle and grease it with oil. Put half of the existing potatoes on it and add a little salt;
    7. The next layer is beaten meat, which is laid out in such a way that the previous layer is completely covered. Add spices;
    8. Spread the onion over the meat;
    9. And on top of the onion - the remaining potatoes;
    10. Salt, add spices and grease well with mayonnaise;
    11. Place the molds with the contents in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes;
    12. At this point, while everything is being prepared - rub the hard cheese on a fine grater;
    13. About 10 minutes before the dish is ready, you should remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Place the mold in the oven for about 10-15 minutes;
    14. After the allotted time, the potatoes are ready and you can serve them to the table. Bon appetit!

    Spaghetti with cheese and eggs

    What can be cooked quickly and tasty? Yes, this is a very simple dish - spaghetti with cheese and eggs. Even if guests suddenly appeared, they would not be ashamed to serve such a dish.

    Ingredients for 4 servings:

    Step by step preparation:

    1. Put on the stove and boil about 2.5 liters of water in a saucepan;
    2. While the boiling process is taking place, you need to rub the cheese, but only this should be done on a coarse grater;
    3. Peel, rinse and chop the existing onions;
    4. Wash the greens well and finely chop;
    5. When all the ingredients are ready and the water boils, add salt and one large spoonful of vegetable oil. Put the pasta in the pan;
    6. Bring the water (but with pasta) back to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat;
    7. Heat the pan well and put butter on it;
    8. Put the cooked chopped onion into the hot oil, and fry over medium heat for 3 minutes;
    9. Drive the existing eggs into a separate container, pepper and salt;
    10. Beat the eggs well with a whisk and add about half of the grated cheese to this consistency. Mix well;
    11. When the spaghetti is cooked, they should be placed in a colander and left for a while to let the water glass;
    12. In the pan where the fried onions are located, put the pasta, mix well and fry everything together for several minutes;
    13. Then add eggs and cheese to pasta, mix again and fry for about 2 minutes;
    14. The finished dish is laid out on a plate and sprinkled with grated cheese;
    15. Spaghetti is ready and they can be served to the table, for greater beauty and giving additional taste, you can sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the dish.

    Azu in Tatar style with beef pickles

    What are the most popular dishes that grandmothers like to cook for their beloved grandchildren? Naturally, this is something very tasty. And what do Tatar grandmothers prefer to cook, even if there are severe frosts outside the window? This is Azu in Tatar.

    Products needed for cooking:

    Step by step preparation:

    1. Peel and chop the existing onion into half rings;
    2. Lightly salted cucumbers should be peeled and cut into oblong strips;
    3. For this recipe, I used beef. Cut the meat into pieces (not very finely), basically the meat for that dish is cut approximately 4-5 centimeters thick;
    4. Pre-prepared cauldron is thoroughly heated on fire and put oil, on which the beef should be fried. You need to fry over high heat until a golden crust is visible, but you must make sure that the meat does not let the juice out;
    5. Put the meat pieces in a clean plate prepared in advance, and leave for a while;
    6. Add a small amount of oil to the cauldron and proceed to fry the onion;
    7. After the onion begins to acquire a golden color, put meat in a cauldron, salt and sprinkle with spices. It's good to interfere;
    8. Stir in tomato or tomato paste. Stir again, but when cooking, in no case cover with a lid in order to boil away excess water;

    9. Add the meat broth, mix well and now cover with a lid and leave to simmer, after reducing the heat to a minimum. This will take approximately 45-60 minutes;
    10. While the meat is stewing, you should put the chopped cucumbers in a small saucepan and sweat in the meat broth;
    11. Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces and fry it until tender in butter;
    12. After an hour, you need to check the readiness of the meat;
    13. At the moment when the beef is ready, place potatoes and lightly salted cucumbers in a cauldron. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat;
    14. In the meantime, you can cut the greens;
    15. When the azu is ready, sprinkle with herbs when serving, and garlic can be added for a brighter taste. Bon appetit!

    Lavash with chicken and vegetables

    Lavash, it's just a miracle of culinary art. It is with this flour product that you can make a lot of delicious things, and most importantly, do not spend a lot of time. That is why lavash cooked with vegetables and chicken is recommended for preparing a quick family dinner.

    Ingredients (calculated for 2 servings):


    1. Chicken fillet or ham (depending on what is used for cooking) must be boiled. Cool well, separate from the bone and cut into small pieces;
    2. Cut the cabbage into thin strips;
    3. Cook carrots in Korean or use ready-made ones;
    4. Spread pita bread on a clean countertop, spread with mayonnaise and ketchup;
    5. Spread chopped chicken evenly over the surface of the pita bread and sprinkle with spices and salt. Spread the cabbage on top of the meat and add a little mayonnaise;
    6. The next layer is Korean carrots;
    7. When all the components are on pita bread, it should be rolled up in the form of an envelope or a roll;

    8. Spread the wrapped pita bread over the butter and bake in the microwave for 2 minutes. If there is no microwave oven, then you can simply fry in a pan until a golden crust appears;
    9. The dish is ready! Better served hot. Bon appetit!

    Chicken breast stroganoff with cream

    Beef stroganoff recipe that has been loved by many for a long time, but with the use of chicken meat. Such a dish is prepared very quickly and it turns out just incredible yummy, which will appeal to anyone.



    1. Rinse chicken breast or fillet well under running water and leave to drain excess water;
    2. Cut the chicken meat into thin strips;
    3. Pour sunflower oil into a preheated frying pan, and after it warms up, lay out the meat;
    4. Add salt, add spices and fry over low heat, stirring constantly for 5-10 minutes;
    5. Peel and rinse the onion thoroughly, cut into half rings;
    6. After 10 minutes of frying the meat, add the onion to the pan and fry it until a golden crust appears (about 5 minutes);
    7. Add flour and mix well;
    8. Pour cream;
    9. Mix tomato juice with mustard;
    10. To the contents that are in the pan, stir in tomato juice with mustard;
    11. Put out all the contents over low heat, for 15 minutes under the lid;
    12. After the allotted time, the dish is ready, and you can serve it with absolutely any side dish.

    Bon appetit!

    Potato pancakes - step by step recipe with photo

    It is potato pancakes that is the dish that can be prepared in a short period of time, and it is very tasty, that is, the whole family will like it.


    • medium-sized potatoes - 5 pieces;
    • sour cream 25% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
    • flour of the 1st grade - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - to taste.

    Step by step preparation:

    Meatballs with rice in the oven with gravy (Hedgehogs)

    A simple recipe for very tasty and satisfying meatballs that any housewife can make.



    1. Rice should be washed well beforehand;
    2. Pour exclusively cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, boil for 20 minutes;
    3. Pour the contents with rice into a sieve, but do not rinse. Wait until it cools down well;
    4. At this point, you should turn on the oven so that it warms up. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse under running water and finely chop;
    5. Put minced meat, chopped onion in a separate bowl. Salt all the contents, add pepper, and mix well;
    6. Mix the cooled rice with minced meat and add half of the available tomato paste or tomato juice. Mix well again.
    7. The form in which the dish will be prepared must be greased with sour cream;
    8. Make small balls of minced meat, and put in a mold at a small distance from each other;
    9. To prepare the sauce, we need to mix sour cream, tomato juice, spices and half a glass of water;
    10. Using a tablespoon, pour each ball with the prepared sauce;
    11. Put the form in a preheated oven, and cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes. That is, until a golden crust is formed;
    12. After the allotted time, the meatballs are ready and you can serve them for dinner with any side dish. Bon appetit!

    Pizza in a hurry in the oven

    Just a great pizza recipe. In just 30 minutes, two unsurpassed pizzas will be ready. It is not necessary to use the toppings such as in the recipe, you can choose it at your own discretion.

    Products for cooking:

    • flour of the 1st grade - 0.5 kilograms;
    • cow's milk 2.5% - 300 ml;
    • edible salt - 1 tsp. spoon;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • dry yeast - half a bag (5 grams);
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


    1. We preheat the oven to 200 degrees;
    2. Pour milk into a metal bowl and put on fire, heat up to about 40 degrees and dilute yeast in it. Then add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and mix thoroughly;
    3. Mixing well, at the same time gradually add flour;
    4. After that, knead a soft dough. When the dough is ready, leave it in a bowl and cover with a towel for about 10 minutes;
    5. Cut meat and sausage into cubes or strips;
    6. Pepper should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of internal seeds. Cut into strips. Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings;
    7. We take cheese and three on a large grater;
    8. Divide the finished dough in half, and roll each part into thin cakes;
    9. The form in which our work of culinary art will be baked must first be lubricated with oil and the dough is carefully placed in it;
    10. Spread the dough with mayonnaise and ketchup;
    11. Put the existing filling on top and put the pizza in the oven. Bake for 20 minutes. In the meantime, we are preparing the second;
    12. The pizza is ready. Bon appetit!

    Chicken pasta with cream sauce and mushrooms

    Just the perfect dish for an ordinary family dinner, as well as for receiving unexpected guests.



    1. Put a pot with 2.5 liters of water on the fire. Salt and add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. When the water boils well, add pasta and stir. Turn down the heat and cook pasta until tender. Basically, if it is pasta from durum wheat, then it will take 10 minutes to cook it;
    2. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse and chop into half rings;
    3. Rinse the mushrooms well and cut into small plates;
    4. Rinse the chicken meat well and cut into small pieces;
    5. Heat up a frying pan and pour in the oil. Put the chopped onion on the hot oil and fry, stirring constantly until it acquires a golden hue;
    6. Then place the mushrooms in the pan and simmer for 3 minutes;
    7. After that, add chicken meat, constantly stir and simmer for about 7 minutes. Add salt, add spices and a small amount of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes;
    8. Pour boiled pasta into a colander and rinse with cold water;
    9. Pour the pasta into the pan;
    10. Mix well. Remove from fire;
    11. The dish is ready, you can serve and delight your family and friends.

    Bon appetit!!!


    Tell VK

    An evening meal is a special ritual, it is pleasant to share it with loved ones. Over a meal, the family can exchange news and have a good time together. But what to cook for dinner that everyone will like? There are many recipes for every taste: lean dishes for a light meal, a hearty menu for a festive table, original dishes for a romantic evening with your soulmate. Check out the step-by-step instructions for making them.

    Quick and delicious family dinner recipes

    A variety of dishes are suitable for a family dinner. It can be a chop with buckwheat garnish, steam cutlets with mashed potatoes or vegetable salad and mushroom sauté if there are vegetarians in the family. It is important that dinner is not only tasty, but also budget. Inexpensive foods can be great ingredients for an evening meal. When buying ingredients, consider the season, for example, in late spring, summer, early autumn, many vegetables and fruits will be cheaper than in winter.

    The speed of creating dishes at home matters, because housewives often cook dinner after work. It is not always possible to have the strength to mess around in the kitchen for a long time after a hard day's work. Below you can find some interesting quick recipes. These mushroom, fish, meat dishes, salads and side dishes will be a great addition to yours and will be highly appreciated by the household.

    From meat

    If you are wondering what to cook for dinner, they will help you solve this problem. According to the advice of nutritionists, in the evening you need to consume more protein and less carbohydrate compounds. An ideal side dish for meat would be a light vegetable salad, but if you need a hearty dinner, you can cook low-calorie cereals or some Italian pasta. See below for some suitable recipes.

    Steamed chicken cutlets


    • half a kilo of chicken fillet;
    • one bulb;
    • 2-3 sprigs of dill;
    • 50 ml of milk;
    • spices to taste.

    How to cook the dish:

    1. Grind the meat using a blender or meat grinder. Scroll the onion with it.
    2. Add some greens, milk to the mixture, mix.
    3. Knead the minced meat as well as possible, beat off.
    4. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan, set heat to medium.
    5. Place the minced meat on the grate of an oiled colander, evenly distributing it over the surface.
    6. Place a colander with minced meat on top of the pot.
    7. Reduce heat when liquid comes to a boil. It will take about 20 minutes for the food to arrive. Then turn off the gas. Let the meat stand with the lid closed for another 10 minutes.
    8. Put the finished dish on a beautiful plate, serve with tomato sauce and a side dish.

    Chicken in cheese batter

    Recipe Ingredients:

    • four halves of chicken fillet;
    • one hundred grams of hard cheese;
    • two tablespoons of sour cream;
    • four eggs;
    • two tablespoons of flour.


    1. Wash the fillet, cut into several pieces. Gently beat off using cling film.
    2. Mix eggs, salt, flour, sour cream, grated cheese - this is the future batter.
    3. Heat up a skillet with oil. Place the meat on it, laying the batter on top with a spoon. Frying time - 10 minutes.
    4. On the free side, lay out more batter, turn the fillet pieces over and fry.
    5. A beautiful golden crust should appear on both sides of the chicken breast.
    6. A dish for those who did not know what to cook is ready!

    From fish

    For a light, satisfying protein dinner, fish is perfect. Many sea and river creatures contain useful substances, vitamins and microelements necessary for a person, contributing to excellent health and mood. Salads, rice, go well with seafood. What to cook for dinner with delicious and mouth-watering fish?

    Fried salmon fillet


    • eight hundred grams of fish;
    • spices to taste;
    • olive oil.

    How to cook:

    1. Take a fresh piece of salmon, rinse with cold water. Pat dry with paper towel. Carefully cut into four equal pieces.
    2. Add salt, pepper, and other spices to the fillet as desired.
    3. Heat up a skillet with oil. Cook the salmon, loin side down, over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes.
    4. Flip. Roast for a few more minutes. ready!

    Baked perch


    • two fish fillets;
    • spices to taste;
    • butter, olive oil.

    How to cook:

    1. Rinse the fillet under cool water, pat dry.
    2. Season the fish with spices.
    3. Cut two large pieces of foil (for two fillets). Bend twice. Brush with olive oil the area where the perch will be located.
    4. Put the fillet on foil, place a piece of butter on top of the fish, wrap everything tightly.
    5. Place the prepared ingredients in an oven preheated to one hundred and ninety degrees. Bake for at least twenty minutes.
    6. Delicious fish is ready!
    7. If you want the perch to have a golden crust, ten minutes before cooking, slightly open the foil.

    With mushrooms

    Delicious mushrooms are a favorite ingredient of many housewives who prefer to make original dishes for dinner. This product goes well with salads, vegetable stews, flour pastries, pancakes. Many types of mushrooms are suitable for dinner - mushrooms, champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus. You need to choose a product depending on your own tastes. If you are wondering what to cook for dinner, try implementing the recipes below.

    Casserole with champignons

    What you need:

    • two hundred grams of mushrooms, carrots, sour cream;
    • five medium potatoes;
    • two bulbs;
    • one hundred and fifty milliliters of broth;
    • thirty grams of oil;
    • spices, herbs to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Clean the mushrooms, cut into small pieces.
    2. Cut carrots into slices, potatoes too. Let the bow be in the form of half rings. Wash and chop the greens.
    3. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the ingredients there in layers. Top with hot broth.
    4. Cover the container with foil. On medium heat, it must be baked for 20 minutes.
    5. Mix nutmeg, salt, sour cream, herbs. Add to casserole. Bake another quarter of an hour.
    6. Fragrant, delicious dish is ready!

    Mushrooms with cheese


    • three hundred grams of mushrooms;
    • butter, vegetable oil;
    • cream - one hundred milliliters;
    • one hundred grams of cheese;
    • Bay leaf;
    • spices.

    1. Cut the peeled mushrooms, start frying in a pan with butter.
    2. Mix cream with spices and bay leaf. Pour over the mushrooms when they turn golden.
    3. Grate the cheese. Gradually introduce the ingredient into the dish when the mushrooms in the pan are ready, so that cheese lumps do not form.

    For garnish

    As an addition to the dishes for dinner, various products can be served. If you want something light, buckwheat, barley groats, rice, or any are perfect for a side dish. For a dinner party, it is better to cook something more satisfying - potatoes, pasta, fried mushrooms. Below you will see some interesting recipes with photos that you can easily implement if you don’t know what delicious to cook for dinner.

    Eggplant pumpkin stew

    For this dish you will need:

    • six hundred grams of pumpkin;
    • vegetable marrow;
    • bulb.
    • two eggplants;
    • vegetable oil;
    • spices.

    1. Wash eggplant, cut. Sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour in a deep container to remove bitterness. Then rinse them, squeeze well.
    2. Grate the pre-peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater. Cut the zucchini into large pieces.
    3. Chop the onion into cubes.
    4. Pour oil into a heated cauldron. Fry the onion in it for five minutes, then add the pumpkin. Fry the same amount more.
    5. Place the remaining ingredients in a cauldron (along with spices). Simmer until tender, stirring. The preparation time for such a side dish for dinner is about twenty minutes.

    Baked potato

    Required components:

    • kilogram of potatoes;
    • seventy grams of mustard;
    • five cloves of garlic;
    • vegetable oil.

    How to make this side dish:

    1. Remove the skin from the potato, wash the vegetable. Cut into slices.
    2. Put the oven on to heat up.
    3. Boil the root vegetable in salted water for about ten minutes.
    4. Crush garlic, mix with mustard.
    5. Pour sunflower oil on a baking sheet, put the slices of the root vegetable there, mix them with the mustard-garlic mass.
    6. Send the form to the oven. To bake the dish, it will take forty minutes and a temperature of 200 degrees.
    7. Serve with greens.


    An indispensable snack option for any table, festive or everyday, is a salad. Such a dish can serve as a dietary side dish for a delicious dinner after work. Cook hearty or depending on the wishes of the household. To create a dish, use vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, mushrooms, cereals. If you're wondering what to cook for your husband for dinner, try making one of the salads below.

    sausage salad

    You will need:

    • a quarter kilogram of boiled sausage;
    • two cucumbers;
    • canned corn (about one hundred grams);
    • two eggs;
    • bulb;
    • half a bunch of parsley;
    • mayonnaise;
    • salt.

    1. Chop boiled eggs. Cut the sausage, peeled cucumber into cubes.
    2. Chop the onion, parsley.
    3. Mix the prepared ingredients, remembering to add the corn.
    4. Season the dish with mayonnaise.
    5. Snack is ready!

    Carrot salad

    Required components:

    • 100 grams of hard cheese, smoked chicken breast;
    • one hundred and fifty grams of carrots;
    • three tablespoons of sour cream;
    • two garlic cloves;
    • greenery.

    How to make this salad:

    1. Using a coarse grater, grate carrots, your favorite hard cheese. Cut the smoked meat into strips.
    2. Chop the greens, push the garlic with a press.
    3. Mix the ingredients of the dish, adding sour cream and spices.
    4. Delicious appetizer for dinner is ready!

    What dishes can be prepared for a romantic dinner for two

    Meeting with a loved one is always a holiday for which you want to prepare well. A wife can surprise her husband after work, or, conversely, a man will cook something original for his beloved. A few step-by-step recipes below will help you create an easy, beautiful romantic dinner exclusively for two.

    Beef with cherry sauce


    • 800 grams of tenderloin;
    • 1 onion;
    • 350 grams of ripe cherries;
    • twenty-five grams of butter;
    • two and a half tablespoons of red wine;
    • two st. l. sugar, crushed tarragon;
    • spices.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the berries, remove the seeds.
    2. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Chop the peeled onion, add to it. Put the saucepan on the switched on stove, cover the container with a lid on top. Simmer onion over low heat for at least 20 minutes.
    3. Add peeled cherries, wine, sugar, spices. Simmer another twenty minutes. This must be done without a lid.
    4. Add the washed and dried tarragon to the sauce, after removing it from the heat.
    5. Fry the beef until golden brown. Turn it over while cooking. Estimated time is seven minutes.
    6. Wrap the meat in foil, let stand for an hour in a warm place, cut. Serve dinner with sauce.

    Veal with sauce

    Dish ingredients:

    • three slices of meat;
    • a pinch of salt, pepper;
    • a spoonful of flour (large);
    • butter;
    • a quarter kilo of champignons;
    • 100 milliliters of an alcoholic beverage (for example, dry red wine);
    • 100 ml of broth;
    • greenery.

    How to cook:

    1. Wash the meat, beat it off. Season with spices, and then roll in a small amount of flour.
    2. Heat up a frying pan with oil, start frying the meat there.
    3. Cut the peeled mushrooms into thin slices. Pour them into a separate frying pan with heated oil.
    4. The meat should be fried on both sides, until browned. When the product is ready, take it out.
    5. In the pan where the veal was cooked for dinner, pour in the broth, wine, pour the mushrooms. Add a few tablespoons of butter to the mixture. Continue cooking the dish until the mushrooms are soft.
    6. Return the veal to the skillet; warm slightly in the sauce. Serve the dish under greens.
    7. Delicious dinner is ready!

    original salad

    Ingredients for the dish:

    • a pack of salad mix (or 1 type of lettuce leaves);
    • two peaches;
    • half an onion;
    • 60 grams of curd cheese;
    • almond;
    • vinegar;
    • three st. l. olive oil;
    • spices.

    How to cook:

    1. Lightly toast the almonds, set aside.
    2. Cut the peeled peaches into slices.
    3. Onion cut into half rings.
    4. Form a salad: first put the mix, followed by fruit slices, onions, nuts. At the end, crumble the cheese. Season with spices.
    5. The dish is ready for dinner!


    When the fantasy ends, visual videos with recipes filmed by professional chefs and experienced amateurs come to the aid of the housewives. With such help at hand, you can prepare delicious dinners for your family every day. Explore and add to your culinary piggy bank original recipes for an evening meal.

    Well, who doesn't like to spend evenings with their family over a cup of tea after a hard day's work? And if your loved ones prefer to supplement the drink with something sweet? It is not always possible to buy pastries in the store. Yes, and in taste it is much inferior to homemade sweets.

    What if you don't have the time or energy to make treats? Drink tea without sweets? Of course no. There is a great way out in the form of very simple homemade baking recipes. What can be prepared for tea quickly and tasty to please the whole family or friends?

    Delicious cheesecakes for tea: fast and tasty

    Cheesecakes are a favorite delicacy for tea not only among children, but also among adults. For many, this is a pleasant childhood memory of delicious breakfasts prepared with love by their mother or grandmother. But these delicious treats are also perfect as an addition to evening or afternoon tea. In addition, you can diversify their taste by serving with sour cream, jam, condensed milk or honey.

    What you need to make cheesecakes for tea:

    • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • sugar - 50 gr;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • flour - 200 gr;
    • vanilla sugar - to taste.

    First of all, grind the cottage cheese. This is necessary so that the cheesecakes are airy. After that, the cottage cheese can be mixed with the egg, sugar and flour. It is recommended to sift the flour to avoid the formation of lumps. Vanilla sugar is also added here if desired. If it is not there, it does not matter, but with it the delicacy will be even more fragrant.

    It is important! All ingredients must be mixed well. The result should be a not too thick or liquid dough. Make sure it doesn't stick to your hands. If the mass is too liquid, add a little flour.

    Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into small pieces. This ensures that all cheesecakes are neat and the same size. Form round cakes from the resulting pieces. See that they are not too thick or thin. The optimal thickness is about 5-7 mm. If you wish, you can improvise and make cheesecakes for tea in a square, oval or triangular shape.

    Before frying, heat the pan well so that the cheesecakes do not burn. Oil should not be too much. Carefully place the cheesecakes in the pan and fry. A sign of readiness is an appetizing golden crust on one side and the other.

    Aromatic mannik for tea: fast and tasty

    Any housewife at least once in her life should cook such a type of baking as mannik. What’s more, it’s very easy to bake. Even if this is your first time deciding to make something out of baking, mannik for tea will certainly not cause trouble and it will turn out incredibly tasty. As the name implies, the basis of this pie is semolina, which is available in every home.

    What you need to prepare:

    • semolina - 250 gr;
    • sugar - 250 gr;
    • kefir - 250 gr;
    • flour - 250 gr;
    • soda - 5 gr;
    • eggs - 3 pcs;
    • butter - half a pack.

    Before cooking, semolina must be poured with kefir so that it swells enough and becomes soft. While this process is going on, take care of the rest of the components.

    Break the eggs into the sugar and stir well so that it dissolves faster. You can do this by using the mixer turned on at the lowest speed.

    If the semolina is swollen enough, pour eggs and sugar into the semolina-kefir mixture and stir. Butter must be melted so that it becomes liquid, add to the rest of the dough and mix. It is advisable to sift the flour through a sieve so that the manna is tender.

    Set the oven to preheat. You will need a temperature of 200°C. It is advisable to grease the baking dish with oil or cover with special paper. Pour out the dough and put it in the oven. After 25-30 minutes, you can check the manna for readiness with a wooden skewer. If there is no sticky dough on the stick, the cake is ready.

    It is important! The best part is that you can diversify the taste of manna for tea by adding various ingredients. At your request, it can be cinnamon, cocoa, lemon peel, nuts, poppy seeds, etc. Any of these components is placed after the flour.

    Sweet buns for tea: fast and tasty

    Buns are a versatile and beloved treat for tea, especially if they are sweet. It is believed that the dough for buns is not very easy to knead, but this is not true. In fact, anyone can make this pastry. Surprise your loved ones - bake quick buns. The dough for them is kneaded in 6-7 minutes, and sweets are baked for about 30 minutes. During this time, you can safely dine with family or friends.

    Required Ingredients:

    • flour - 300 gr;
    • sugar - 150 gr;
    • kefir - 300 gr. If necessary, you can replace it with the same amount of sour cream;
    • eggs - 1 pc;
    • baking powder - 10 gr;
    • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
    • salt - 7.5 gr.

    Sift the flour through a sieve to make the buns fluffy. Pour salt, baking powder and about 100 grams of sugar here. Stir well.

    Pour kefir into a separate bowl. Add vegetable oil and stir. Gradually add the flour mixture to the container with kefir, stirring constantly and rubbing lumps if they form. You should get a fairly thick mass.

    It is convenient to form a sausage from the finished dough and cut into identical pieces. Make a bun out of each piece. The form can be any of your choice. Break the egg into a separate container - it will come in handy for lubrication. Brush each bun with an egg to give an appetizing shade to the finished pastry. Sprinkle the top of the dough with sugar.

    Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment or oil, place the buns on it and put it in the oven. These incredibly sweet and delicious treats for tea will be ready in about half an hour.

    It is important! To make the dough even more fragrant, add a little vanilla or vanilla sugar during the kneading process. You can use sesame or poppy seeds, cinnamon or poppy seeds instead of sugar when sprinkling. Choose what you like.

    Traditional pancakes for tea: quick and tasty

    This recipe is notable for the fact that there is no such family where it would not be used at least once. We all remember Sunday breakfasts in the family circle, when in the center of the table there was a large dish with ruddy pancakes for tea. Bake them for your family, bringing back the childhood of adults and giving the children a reason to remember in the future.

    What you need:

    • flour - 350 gr;
    • sugar - 25 gr;
    • kefir - 500 ml;
    • eggs - 2 pcs;
    • soda - 2.5 gr;
    • salt - on the tip of a knife.

    Break eggs into a cup, add sugar and salt. Whisk thoroughly with a whisk. Mix this mixture with kefir. If desired, you can replace it with regular yogurt in the same amount.

    Gently sift the flour into the batter, add soda, and mix thoroughly until no lumps remain. Rub the remaining lumps with a fork - they spoil the taste of pancakes. The dough should be quite thick, resembling good sour cream in consistency.

    Heat up a frying pan, add some vegetable oil. Spread the dough little by little and fry until golden brown. When the underside turns appetizingly golden, turn the pancakes over and fry again.

    It is important! Like other pastries fried in oil, tea pancakes are too greasy. Therefore, after frying, they need to be thrown back on a paper towel so that excess oil drains.

    Serve pancakes for tea with sour cream, jam, condensed milk, syrup or honey - as you like.

    Chocolate cake for tea: quick and tasty

    A pie with an incredible amount of chocolate is the dream of not only all children, but also most adult sweet teeth. Why not treat yourself to a super chocolate cake? This is not only a very tasty delicacy, but also a wonderful anti-stress, as well as a good reason to invite friends whom you have not seen for a long time for a cup of tea.

    Do you think that only an experienced housewife can bake a chocolate cake for tea quickly and tasty, and it will take a lot of time and effort? In some cases, this is exactly the case. But the proposed recipe for a chocolate pie is very simple and will turn out great even for those who are baking for the first time.


    • flour - 250-300 gr;
    • condensed milk - 1 can;
    • chocolate - 2 tiles (one milk and one dark);
    • butter - 50 gr;
    • baking powder - 5 gr;
    • eggs - 4 pcs.

    Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath. Melt the butter separately. Break the eggs into another cup and beat them with a mixer. Add chocolate, butter, condensed milk to the eggs and mix thoroughly.

    Separately, sift the flour to make the cake more airy, and add the baking powder. All this must be added to the liquid part of the dough and mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Ideally, beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed.

    Turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up to a temperature of 200 ° C. Line a pie dish with parchment paper or grease with oil to prevent the dough from burning. The delicacy will bake for about 45 minutes. After this time, check the cake for readiness with a toothpick.

    It is important! Chocolate lovers and just a sweet tooth can buy a bag of chocolate icing in the store and cover the cake with it - this is also quite fast and tasty. Melted chocolate or plain icing sugar is perfect as a substitute. Complete the dessert with tea by adding ground nuts or zest to the dough, if desired.

    Simple muffins for tea: quick and tasty

    Many have heard about this delicacy, which came to us from the UK. But not everyone knows that you can cook it at home without spending a lot of time. Muffins for tea are not only very tasty, but also quickly baked. Have a traditional English tea party at home with muffins, or just treat your family and friends.

    What you need:

    • custard - 2 sachets (can be bought at the store);
    • kefir - 300 ml;
    • flour - 200 gr;
    • soda - 3 gr;
    • vanillin;
    • raisin.

    Open the custard sachets and pour this powder into a bowl. Add vanilla and soda to this. Sift the flour so that the muffins for tea are tender and light, and then mix with the cream. Add kefir to the dry part of the mixture, and carefully move using a mixer. It is advisable to set low speed and interfere no longer than 30 seconds.

    Rinse the raisins and add to the batter. If you are not a fan of raisins, you can replace it with finely chopped dried apricots or prunes, chopped lemon and orange zest, nuts or chocolate chips.

    Turn on the oven. You will need an operating temperature of around 200°C. While the oven is preheating, prepare your muffin tins. Place paper liners for these treats at the bottom of each mold, and fill them with dough by about 70%.

    It is important! Muffins are baked very quickly - 20-25 minutes. Their readiness can be checked with any wooden stick. For tea, they are best served slightly warm or cooled.

    You no longer need to rack your brains over what to cook for tea quickly and tasty. Use these simple ones, delight your loved ones and friends. Show how much you love and care for them by baking delicious treats. Happy tea!

    Every time the evening comes, we start thinking what to cook for dinner? It would seem, well, what is easier, fried eggs or potatoes. But in our country, as in many other countries, it just so happens that dinner is the main meal of the day. And as a rule, we still have the whole family at work during the day, and even more so for bachelors, so there is no one to cook during the day.

    Simple and delicious step by step quick recipes for dinner with photos

    Let's get started. In any of the recipes, you can add something of your own. Use your favorite spices. In those recipes where there are no proportions. take everything for yourself. You will have dinner together, take two pieces of meat, four, four. Spices are always best taken to your liking.


    I. What is tasty and quick to cook for dinner

    1. Three quick dinner recipes

    In this article, all products, excluding crabs, which can be freely replaced with crab sticks, are quite simple and not expensive. So you can cook all this at any time when you do not have this time.


    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Cucumber
    • Avocado
    • Salted red fish
    • Cheese - 20g


    1. Break the eggs into a cup, salt and beat well.

    2. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil. However, if you have a good non-stick frying pan, you can not lubricate with oil. Pour the beaten eggs into the heated skillet.

    3. Close the pan and fry our egg pancake for about 2-3 minutes. Once the eggs are well set on the bottom, turn over and fry on the other side.

    4. At this time, we are preparing the filling. Cucumbers cut into strips.

    5. Cut the avocado in half, take out the pit. We take out the pulp from the peel with a spoon and also cut into strips.

    6. We cut the fish into small pieces, trying to cut them, too, as if into straws. Remove not only the skin from the fish, but also the dark skin, then the fish will be easy to bite off in the roll.

    7. Rub the cheese.

    8. Now we collect the roll. Put sliced ​​cucumbers, avocados, fish on an egg cake.

    9. We turn it all into a roll.

    10. To make it more convenient to eat, cut the roll into pieces.

    Our hearty, delicious dinner is ready.

    Bon appetit!


    • Eggplant
    • Tomato
    • Mozzarella
    • green basil
    • Soy sauce
    • Salt and spices


    1. Eggplant, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese cut into slices.

    2. We also need green basil leaves.

    3. Put foil on a baking sheet and eggplant circles on it. Lubricate each circle with soy sauce on both sides.

    4. We send them to bake for 20-30 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 °

    5. Put the finished eggplants on a dish with other ingredients, alternating them with each other.

    Don't forget to salt and pepper if you like. We poured balsamic cream on top. You can drizzle with your favorite sauce.

    Bon appetit!

    II. What can you cook for dinner



    • Chicken fillet - 400 g.
    • Garlic - 1 tooth.
    • Parsley
    • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
    • Mustard - 0.5 tbsp.
    • Soy sauce - 50 ml.
    • Olive oil or any vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
    • Spices for barbecue (sold in bags in stores)


    1. Prepare the marinade. Finely chop the garlic. Also finely chop the parsley.

    2. We send garlic and parsley into a deep cup. Add mustard, lemon juice, soy sauce and vegetable oil to them. We mix everything. If desired, add seasoning for barbecue and mix everything again.

    3. Cut the chicken fillet into large pieces.

    4. Put the chicken pieces in our marinade and mix so that they are all in the marinade. We leave them in the marinade for several hours, even overnight is better. But we need it quickly. I usually make marinade and chicken in the evening after dinner. You won't get tired because it's easy and fast. In the morning, when I go to work, I put the chicken pieces in the marinade, and when I get home after work, I cook them.

    5. Turn on the oven and heat up to 200 °. Marinated chicken, string on skewers

    and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

    6. After 20 minutes, take out the skewers and enjoy. Serve vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes with barbecue.

    Bon appetit!



    1. Beef, it is best to take non-fatty meat, cut into small pieces.

    2. Cut the onion into small cubes.

    3. Grind the garlic.

    4. We put the pan on the stove, grease it with vegetable oil and send the beef there. We will fry until it is slightly reddened.

    5. The beef is reddened, add the onion. Fry until the onion softens. Add garlic. Salt, pepper.

    6. In a glass, stir well the tomato paste with water so that the paste dissolves. Season the meat with this sauce, add about one more glass of boiling water, close the lid and leave to stew for 30-40 minutes.

    7. Then add dried garlic and curry. We mix and our dish is basically ready.

    8. Put a side dish on a plate, in our case rice, you can use pasta, pasta. We spread the meat to the side dish. We decorate with greenery.

    Tasty, satisfying, short.

    Bon appetit!

    1. Delicious and easy turkey dinner



    1. Cut the turkey into medium pieces, put in a deep cup and pour soy sauce. 20 minutes for her to marinate. By the way, instead of turkey, you can take chicken.

    2. Cut the red bell pepper and fry it in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. We fry it until it becomes a little softer, but still remains crispy.

    3. Remove the pepper from the pan and immediately put the meat into it. Fry it until browned on both sides.

    4. Now let's prepare the sauce. In a blender glass, combine vegetable oil, mustard, apple cider vinegar and honey. Beat them together until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    5. We collect our dish. Place lettuce leaves on a plate.

    6. Put the fried pepper on the salad.

    7. Decorate the salad with cherry tomatoes cut in half and pour over our sauce.

    8. We spread the turkey and also pour the sauce on top.

    We got a delicious, as well as healthy, dietary dinner.

    Bon appetit!

    III. What to cook for dinner and quickly and easily - inexpensive recipes

    1. Dinner is quick, easy and inexpensive

    1. Three easy and inexpensive dinner recipes

    Dinner is a sacred time for the family. Finally, the whole family gathered, sits down at the table, and if mom works, then everyone sits like that, looking at each other. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to cook simple, inexpensive dishes that are prepared quickly, and even so that it is tasty.



    1. We make mashed potatoes from pre-cooked potatoes. We rub the cheese on a fine grater, add to the puree. Cut the green onion and send it to the potatoes with cheese. Separate the yolks from the whites. The yolks are immediately sent to mashed potatoes with cheese and onions.

    2. Whip the whites into a stable foam. Even when we turn the glass over, the proteins remain in the glass, do not drain.

    3. Now we need to melt the butter in milk, but do not bring to a boil.

    4. Add protein to a cup of potatoes with cheese.

    5. Now do not forget to salt and pepper. And pour in the butter melted in milk. Mix everything gently until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    6. The bottom and sides of the form in which we will bake our dish must be greased with butter, to the height of our casserole and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs.

    7. We send our mass into the form, you can sprinkle paprika on top. if you love of course. We put in the oven preheated to 180 ° for 20 minutes.

    Our simple and inexpensive dinner is ready. Add vegetables, cucumbers, you can tomatoes, sauerkraut.

    Bon appetit!

    IV. What to cook for dinner quickly and tasty, and cheap, with a photo

    1. Tortilla - delicious and quick for dinner

    Tortilla Ingredients:

    • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Egg - 4 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Vegetable oil for frying - 100 g.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    For headset:
    • loaf - 2 pcs.
    • Tomato 1 pc.
    • Greenery
    • Dill parsley.
    • Olive oil - 30 g.


    1. My potatoes, peel, wash again and cut into small cubes.

    2. We take a frying pan, preferably thick-walled, deep, but small in diameter, so that the tortilla turns out like a pie, and not like a pancake, pour vegetable oil into it so that the bottom is completely covered with oil and heat. Put the potatoes in the pan and fry until golden brown. You can also use zucchini, mushrooms, and other ingredients instead of potatoes. Make sure there is always oil in the pan.

    3. Finely chop the onion.

    3. Add the onion to the potatoes and fry together with the potatoes until tender. Salt, pepper.

    4. Break the eggs into a deep small cup or mug and beat well. Pour the beaten eggs into the cooked potatoes. Taste with a fork, it should be soft. Mix well. Close the lid for a couple of minutes. After 2 minutes, remove the lid and begin to prepare the tortilla for turning. Using a spatula, lightly press the tortilla away from the edges of the pan until you feel it begin to pull away on its own.

    5. When we feel that the bottom of the tortilla is already fried and, if pushed from one side, it all moves along the bottom, then it's time to turn over. Take the lid of the pan, close the pan and turn the lid down. Do this over a sink because some liquid may spill.

    6. From the lid with a spatula, transfer the tortilla to the pan and fry on the other side.

    7. While the tortilla is fried, take the baguette and cut it in half. If there is no baguette, take some kind of long bun, and in extreme cases, just bread. Of course it will not be as beautiful, but the taste is not worse.

    8. Pour a little olive oil over the halves of the baguette, cut the tomatoes into circles and place them on the baguette. Decorate with green leaves.

    The tortilla is ready. Lay out on a plate. Serve with tomato baguette.

    Bon appetit!


    • Smoked sausage - 1 pc. or smoked sausage - 50 g.
    • Hard cheese - 100 g.
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp.
    • Vegetable oil


    1. Rub the smoked sausage and cheese on a fine grater.

    2. Mix and add eggs. Mix everything thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of breadcrumbs, or finely crumble the crust of bread. Mix everything again. Salt is unnecessary, since we use sausage, and it is quite salty.

    3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that the bottom of the pan is covered. We spread the cutlets one spoon at a time, press a little. Fry over medium heat, 2 minutes on each side.

    The patties cook very quickly. It turns out juicy, tender, satisfying. They are delicious hot because they have cheese inside.

    Bon appetit!


    • Steamed rice - 200 g.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Bulbs - 2 small
    • Ribs - 6 pcs.
    • Spices to taste
    • Salt, water


    1. If your ribs are frozen, put them out of the freezer in the fridge in the morning when you leave for work to thaw.

    2. Arriving home in the evening, put the pan on the fire. We spread the ribs in a dry pan, they are fatty in themselves. You can add 2 tablespoons of water. They also chopped onions and carrots. Put a bay leaf. Salted, peppered. Stir occasionally, turn the ribs over.

    3. Add steamed rice to the ribs. We mix. Add if necessary.

    4. Add boiled hot water. The water should be level with the top of the rice. We close the lid. Simmer until the rice becomes soft. If there is not enough water, you can add more. Close the lid again, reduce the heat to low and simmer until tender. After all the water has evaporated, let stand for another 10 minutes.

    Our rice with ribs is ready. This is a very satisfying dinner, and in a hurry.

    Arrange on plates and eat with pleasure.

    Bon appetit!

    1. Recipe for dumplings from inexpensive products

    Write in the comments if you liked any of the proposed recipes. What would you like me to include in the articles.
