
What to cook when there are a lot of eggs. Per serving

Every time you cook a regular scrambled egg or boil it soft-boiled or hard-boiled, you lose the opportunity to try this healthy product in a new way. But you can get the same amount of protein, but at the same time try an original, tasty dish, which is also aesthetic in appearance. Here is a selection of new ways to cook eggs and diversify your meal.

1. Baskets with eggs

For cooking, you will need muffin baskets, bacon and eggs. Roll thin slices of bacon in a basket, break an egg in the middle of the basket and bake it all in the oven.

Basket with eggs

2. Fried eggs with yolk of medium readiness

If you like a slightly liquid yolk, but not so much that it flows out, you can cook scrambled eggs like this: break the egg into a frying pan greased with oil, cover with a lid and do not turn over until cooked. Due to the lid, the yolk will bake better.

Medium scrambled eggs with yolk

3. Golden Eggs

The French prepare this dish for Easter, but you can eat it at least every day. The basis of the dish is a cream sauce made from flour, butter and milk. First, cook hard-boiled eggs, then separate the white from the yolk from the finished egg.

Finely chopped protein is mixed with cream sauce. After that, the finished sauce is spread on toast, and the yolk crumbles on top.

golden eggs

4. Crispy poached eggs

Such eggs can often be seen in various French salads. First, boil the egg soft-boiled, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 30-60 seconds in a greased frying pan. The dish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Crispy poached eggs

If you are too lazy to boil or fry eggs in the morning, you can make it easier. Break a raw egg, beat it a little to mix the yolk with the protein, add green onions and ham and pour it all into a regular coffee mug. One minute in the microwave and your breakfast is ready.

6. Cheese toasts

Soak slices of bread in a milk-based sauce, top with cheese, and bake in a baking dish along with eggs, milk, and mustard.

Croutons with cheese

7. Omelette rolls

Whisk the eggs, pour them into a greased pan so that the layer of raw eggs is about 2 cm thick. Wait until the eggs are cooked on one side, then turn the omelet over, put on top everything that you would like to wrap in a roll, for example chopped ham and pepper. After the second side of the omelet is cooked, simply roll it into a roll.

8. Egg soufflé

Initially, the soufflé was made from eggs, we just forgot about it since the chocolate soufflé appeared. But you can always make egg soufflé at home. To do this, you need four yolks, three proteins, a little milk, butter and flour. It turns out air pleasure.

This is a Danish pastry dish, but it contains more eggs than the actual dough. To begin, beat the egg whites until thick foam, then in a separate bowl mix the flour, salt, sugar, yolks, butter, buttermilk and add the whipped whites.

The finished dough is poured into a special form, greased with oil. After the appearance of bubbles, the pancakes must be constantly turned over in the recess so that they do not burn.

You have probably tried such an omelet in cafes or restaurants, but it was impossible to cook such a magnificent dish at home.

Here is a recipe that will help you make a really fluffy omelet.

For the omelette you will need:

  • large eggs (separate yolks from proteins) - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 50 g;
  • butter or margarine - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.
  1. Preheat the stove to 160°C.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the egg whites, water, and salt and beat with a mixer on high speed. In a small bowl, mix the yolks and ground black pepper with a mixer for about three minutes. Pour the yolks into the bowl with the beaten egg whites.
  3. Melt the butter in a heated pan and pour the beaten eggs into it. Slowly reduce the heat to low, cook for about five minutes, or until the omelette is fluffy and the underside is light brown (carefully lift to see the color).
  4. Continue cooking the omelet for about 12-15 minutes. Check readiness with a knife: if you manage to stick it in the middle and get it clean, the omelette is ready.
  5. Tilt the pan so that the omelette slides onto the plate, carefully fold it in half and serve with salsa or tomato paste sauce.

If you like hearty and healthy breakfasts, then various delicious egg dishes are a must-have in your recipe box. Traditional and scrambled eggs are far from all that can be made from eggs, and there are other equally tasty and interesting egg recipes.

To make your search easier, I have collected egg dishes - simple and delicious recipes with photos in a separate section. You just have to choose recipes from eggs, get up early in the morning, and cook a delicious and healthy breakfast for your loved ones. Cooking egg dishes is always quick and easy, and I'm happy to share ideas with you about what you can do with eggs.

All egg dishes presented on the 8 Spoons website are accompanied by step-by-step photos and a detailed text description of the cooking process.

I wish you bon appetit!

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Eggs are very simple and easy to boil, which is why many people cook them for breakfast. Since eggs contain protein and essential vitamins, this dish provides the body with energy for the whole day. In addition, eggs contain the amino acid tryptophan, which affects the production of the hormone serotonin, which improves mood and eliminates depression. It turns out that we prepare egg dishes not only for physical, but also for mental health. Everyone knows how to cook eggs - you need to wash them, put them in cold water, bring to a boil and boil. If you want soft-boiled eggs, boil for 3-4 minutes, bagged eggs will take 6 minutes, and hard-boiled eggs usually boil for 9-12 minutes. This time is calculated for light eggs, and dark ones are cooked 1–1.5 minutes longer. Eggs are boiled not only in a conventional saucepan, but also in a microwave oven, a double boiler, an egg cooker and a slow cooker. Many people fry scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs in the morning, stuff halves of eggs with salad, or cook something more original. There are a lot of ways to cook eggs, so breakfasts can be made more varied and tasty. Let's try experimenting together!

Determining the freshness of eggs

Use only fresh eggs for cooking, and since the degree of freshness cannot be determined by appearance, check them in a simple way that our grandmothers used. Dip raw eggs in a bowl of cold water - fresh eggs will immediately sink, and rotten ones will float on the surface. If the egg "hangs" somewhere in the middle, then its expiration date is running out, so you need to eat such an egg as soon as possible.

To keep the shell from cracking

If you decide to have boiled eggs for breakfast, cook them over low heat, because due to strong bubbling they hit each other and against the walls of the dish, so they can easily crack, as a result the protein will leak out and the egg will look unattractive. Cracks on a fragile shell sometimes appear due to the fact that the eggs are dipped in boiling water, so in this case it is better to preheat them under running warm water or take them out of the refrigerator an hour before cooking. If the egg still cracked, wrap it in foil and continue to cook - it will remain whole and unharmed! Before cooking, some housewives carefully pierce the shell with a needle from the side of the blunt end to get rid of the air cushion that contributes to the appearance of cracks.

How to properly peel a boiled egg

The fresher the eggs, the harder they peel, but if you add a little salt, vinegar, or baking soda to the water, this problem can be avoided. For the same reason, it is recommended to keep the eggs in cold water after boiling. There is another simple way to make the shell more "obedient" - 2 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the eggs from the pan and lightly beat the sides with a spoon so that the shell cracks, and then return them to boiling water.

Poached eggs: tender on the outside, tender on the inside

Poached eggs are a French appetizer that consists of eggs boiled in a bag but without the shell. The dish looks very unusual, and it is prepared quickly and easily. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan with a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and carefully break the egg into a ladle, trying to keep the yolk intact. Gently lower the ladle with the egg into the boiling water and reduce the heat to low, as high heat can ruin the egg white. After 4 minutes, poached eggs are ready - serve them with croutons, tomato sauce, herbs and mustard.

Some housewives do it easier - they grease the cling film with any oil, break an egg into it, tie the ends of the film and lower it into boiling water. And the easiest option is to break the egg into a bowl with ½ liter of water and put it in the microwave for the time it takes to heat the water to 70 ° C. After that, the water is drained, and the eggs, in their taste and appearance, differ little from those cooked in accordance with the classical cooking method.

If poached eggs are served on a slice of bread with ham and hollandaise sauce of butter, lemon juice and yolks, then this dish is called eggs benedict, which can also be cooked in different ways.

Fried eggs: classics and a little originality

Among the recipes for cooking eggs, scrambled eggs are one of the first places as the most popular and simple dish. Any schoolboy will prepare a classic fried egg - the eggs are broken into a cup, and then carefully poured into a frying pan with butter. In this case, the protein is baked, and the yolk remains liquid. Scrambled eggs are when the yolk is mixed with protein, while vegetables and pieces of meat can be added to the eggs. Try someday to cook fried eggs-mazun - beat egg whites and yolks separately, season them with salt, spices and herbs. Put the whites in the pan and fry them until half cooked, then spread the yolks on top, fry a little more and sprinkle the dish with cheese before serving.

For whipped scrambled eggs, eggs are beaten almost like an omelette, "grandmother's" scrambled eggs are prepared on the basis of yolks and sour cream, and flour is necessarily added to scrambled eggs. Fried eggs can be stewed, steamed, stuffed, “cocote” in portion molds, in French with green peas and in a rustic way with potatoes. Fried eggs are prepared with any products that are in the refrigerator. This versatile dish fills you well and always uplifts your mood.

Omelet: tender, airy and appetizing

This simple and delicious dish is made from beaten eggs with milk, cream or water. Sometimes semolina or flour is introduced into it for density. Omelets with various additives are very tasty - meat, sausages, fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, cereals and cheese. In different cuisines of the world, omelets are prepared in their own way, for example, in Germany they are very fond of a sweet omelet, which your children will surely like.

Whisk 2 eggs with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 120 ml milk and 1 tbsp. l. flour. Melt some butter in a frying pan and pour in the egg mixture. When the omelet is browned on the bottom, add 1 tbsp. l. raisins and ½ tsp. cinnamon, flip to the other side, break into pieces with a fork and fry until crispy. Delicious cookies are obtained, which are served sprinkled with powdered sugar, with tea, coffee or milk.

Orsini eggs: yolks in nests

To prepare this original omelette, you will need 3 eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks, making sure that the whole yolks remain in the eggshell, and then beat the whites with a pinch of salt until fluffy. Put the proteins in a greased form, level with a spatula, make three depressions on the surface and put the yolks in them. On top of the dish, you can sprinkle 50 g of any grated hard cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 150 ° C, and serve with greens and a fresh salad.

Mogul-mogul: a healthy egg dessert

A light dessert based on beaten eggs with sugar can be varied with various additives - fruits, chocolate and alcohol. Of all egg preparation methods, eggnog requires the most careful choice of ingredients. Since store-bought eggs cannot be consumed raw, only organic and very fresh high quality eggs should be used.

Whisk 2 egg yolks until lemony, add 3 tbsp. l. sugar and continue to beat, the mass should be light, fluffy and airy. Separately beat 2 proteins, combine with the yolk mixture and arrange in glasses or bowls. Decorate eggnog with chocolate chips, whipped cream or fresh berries, sprinkle with cinnamon. This dessert completely replaces breakfast and energizes for the whole day.

Eggs in English: fried egg croutons

If you cook such eggs, then the kids who previously refused egg breakfasts will suddenly wake up with an appetite - it is so tasty and unusual. In toast bread, cut out the core in the form of a circle, square or any other geometric shape according to the size of the egg. Next, fry the toast on both sides in butter, and then pour the egg into the middle and fry until the desired degree of readiness. Garnish the finished toast with scrambled eggs with herbs and a bread lid that you cut out from a piece of bread - you can dip it in a liquid yolk. Children eat this dish with pleasure!

Pickled eggs: A savory Chinese snack. Step by step recipe

With this unusual dish, which is very easy to prepare, you can surprise your household and guests. Pickled eggs are a popular snack in many countries, which is why they are often served in cafes and bars. Marinated eggs can be used for salads and toppings, but they are delicious on their own and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

You will need the following products: 6-8 small or medium eggs, since small eggs are better soaked in spices and marinade, 1 small fresh or canned beetroot, 50 g sugar, 100 ml apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. red pepper flakes, 6 black peppercorns, dried herbs.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Hard-boil eggs over medium heat, adding a little vinegar or salt to the water so that the egg white does not leak out if the shell cracks.

2. Fill the eggs with cold water, and then peel them from the shell. Some Chinese cooks pierce the eggs with a thin needle at this stage to get the marinade inside.

3. Wash the jar well and sterilize it together with the lid in the oven at 110 ° C for half an hour.

4. Pour 1.4 liters of water into a saucepan, add apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt, red pepper flakes, black peppercorns and dried herbs to it.

5. Bring the sauce to a boil, add chopped beets to it and simmer for 10 minutes.

6. Strain the brine through a sieve, fill the eggs to the brim of the jar, close the lid and leave in the refrigerator for three days.

7. Very beautiful and tasty eggs are obtained, which can be cut into circles or served whole. Most importantly, never store pickled eggs at room temperature, as they spoil very easily.

There are other interesting egg dishes - for example, the Japanese cook scrambled eggs inside the shell. Eggs are also baked on the grill or in the oven right in the shell, which is why the finished dish acquires the aroma of smoked meats. Cooking egg dishes does not require any special professional skills, but this art has its own subtleties. If you master them to perfection, your loved ones will always be satisfied and happy, and not only because their serotonin levels will increase. Appetizing egg breakfasts every morning give vivacity and strength to do everything planned in the best possible way!

Many housewives are wondering: what can be cooked delicious from flour and eggs? It turns out that even with these simple ingredients, you can cook delicious and satisfying dishes.

Flour and egg omelet

Remember how in kindergarten we were given a delicious and fluffy omelet? It didn’t work out in any way, everything seemed to be simple, but the omelette did not come out so magnificent and so tasty. We present to your attention a recipe for an omelet, which can be made from flour and eggs.


  • flour - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Bulgarian pepper and tomato - 1 pc.

Preparing this dish:

  • Proteins must be separated from the yolks. Beat the whites with a fork or whisk, then you can attach the yolks, continue beating.
  • Without stopping, you need to add sour cream, salt, spices and flour to the mass. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you can turn off the mixer.
  • Vegetables need to be cut into cubes, pour into the egg mass.
  • Prepare a baking dish, grease it with oil (vegetable or creamy).
  • Next, you need to pour the dough into the form, put in the oven. Cooking time - half an hour.

Egg and flour biscuit

Even with a minimum set of products, you can bake a delicious biscuit. It will take a minimum of time, products as well, and the result will be impressive.


  • flour - 2 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - an incomplete glass;
  • vegetable oil - 1 glass;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  • Eggs should be beaten with sugar, without separating the whites from the yolks.
  • Sift flour, add baking powder, vanilla, mix.
  • Add vegetable oil to the egg mass, mix, add dry ingredients.
  • Knead the dough well so that it is homogeneous. The consistency of the dough will turn out like thick sour cream.
  • You can bake both in the oven and in the slow cooker (“Baking” - 45 minutes).
  • The readiness of the biscuit cake is checked with a wooden toothpick.

Pancakes made from flour and eggs

What you need:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp

How to make thin pancakes:

  • Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer, add salt.
  • Sift flour, add baking powder, mix.
  • Pour a third of the water into the mixture of sugar and eggs, add the flour (all at once). Mix the dough with a spoon, then you can beat with a mixer.
  • If you immediately pour out all the water, then lumps form in the batter that are difficult to break. Therefore, we prepare the dough in this way, it will immediately turn out thick.
  • Pour out the rest of the water at the end. The dough will be just the right consistency.
  • We bake pancakes in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Just lightly grease the pan with oil.

Pancakes will be thin. They do not need to be lubricated with butter, you only need to put them in a slide on a plate during baking, which must be covered with a lid. At the end of cooking, pancakes will be tender and soft.

Air cake made from eggs and flour

And this delicious and delicate dessert is prepared very easily and simply from such products:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 125 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • milk (warm up) - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 120 g;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

How to make a fluffy cake:

  • We take the eggs out of the refrigerator, separate the yolks from the proteins.
  • Beat egg whites, adding a pinch of salt. Get a strong foam.
  • Melt the butter, wait 5 minutes until it cools down.
  • Pour the melted butter into the yolks, mix.
  • Now milk: if cold, then you need to warm it up a little. Pour the flour into the yolk mass gradually in small portions, stirring, pour 1 glass of milk.
  • Beat well the yolk mass with flour and milk, pour the remaining milk, mix.
  • Gradually add beaten egg whites, one tablespoon at a time, mixing gently. The dough will be runny.
  • Preparation of an integral form: grease with oil, sprinkle with semolina or flour. Pour the dough into a mold, place in the oven.
  • Heating temperature 175 degrees, baking time 1 hour and another 20 minutes. Be guided by the appearance of the mass: it should be ruddy on top, and if you gently move the shape, the mass will “move”.
  • You can turn off the oven, cool the pastries, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into pieces.

Eggs are a very versatile product, and besides, they are healthy and quite tasty. Cooking options are plentiful. Even if there is one tray of eggs in the refrigerator and the assortment of ingredients is over, you can still cook something tasty and nutritious.

simple recipes

poached eggs

A world-famous option for a light and healthy breakfast. It is worth noting that for the preparation of such eggs you will need some culinary skill. But we will consider 2 options - for culinary technology gurus and for those who use improvised means to simplify life in the kitchen.

First way

Bring the water to a boil first, then reduce the heat to medium. In slightly boiling water, when bubbles appear, pour vinegar. It is worth noting that the eggs must be used very cold.

For better cooling, we recommend placing them in the freezer for a few minutes. Then you need to make a funnel in the water with a spoon and carefully pour the egg into it and cover with a lid. Take it out after three minutes. The dish is ready.

Second option


  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 143 kcal / 100 g.

Now let's figure out how to cook a poached egg without the ability to quickly and accurately throw it into the funnel. This method is very simple. Even a child can handle it. For cooking, you need to put water on the fire and bring it to a boil.

While the water is boiling, take a cup and cover it with cling film. If not, use a regular plastic bag. To make sure that the egg does not stick after cooking, grease the film with vegetable oil.

Pour the egg here. Add salt and seasonings to taste. We tie the film in a knot and throw it into boiling water. Three minutes - the dish is ready! We take it out of the film - voila! You can serve with greens.

eggs benedict

The European name of the dish speaks for itself about its origin. Such a breakfast came to us from Europe, and for the first time, according to legend, such a variant of an egg dish was cooked in Paris. The name comes from the name of Lemuel Benedict, who ordered something from eggs, toast and bacon for breakfast.


  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • bacon - a few slices;
  • toast - optional.

Calorie content - 158 kcal / 100 g.

Beat the eggs until fluffy foam forms.

Add some salt, pepper and seasonings to your taste. Put a few slices of bacon in a hot skillet and fry a little so that the bacon is browned and releases the juice. Then pour in the whipped mixture and cover with a lid.

After 2 minutes, turn over and fry for another minute. Cut the resulting "omelette" into square pieces and put on toast. As an alternative, you can use pieces of black or white bread.

Classic omelette

The simplest and, in fact, a truly classic version of an omelet is simply beaten eggs, lightly fried in a pan. As an addition to the omelette, you can throw what is in the refrigerator:

  • tomatoes;
  • sausage;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • mushrooms;
  • bacon or lard;

Consider the classic basis for an omelet.


  • eggs - 2-4 pcs.;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content - 160 kcal / 100 g.

Lightly beat the eggs. Then add milk. We recommend using the following calculation - for 1 egg it is worth pouring milk with a volume of half the shell. Mix with milk and add salt and pepper. Seasonings can be added if desired.

Coriander or turmeric is great. Pour oil into the pan. When the oil is hot, pour in the eggs. Cook the omelette over medium heat, stirring occasionally. This dish can be served with salads or side dishes. Omelet goes well with sauces slices of toasted bread.

It is worth noting that an omelet can be prepared without milk. This option is great for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. Also, the absence of milk in an omelette significantly reduces its calorie content.

What can be cooked from potatoes and eggs quickly and tasty?

The combination of potatoes and eggs has long become traditional and universal. The easiest option that comes to mind is to fry the potatoes and cook the favorite fried eggs for many. But you can go further and cook a more original dish - tortilla.

Tortilla is a traditional Spanish dish that has an interesting taste, easy to prepare and “budget”, somewhat reminiscent of a potato casserole. A minimum of ingredients - a maximum of taste and satiety.


  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower or olive oil (for frying) - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste.

Calorie content - 237 kcal / 100 g.

Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. Peel the onion and cut either into cubes or half rings. Pour the oil into the pan and wait until it warms up properly. Add potatoes and fry over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then add the onion and fry the potato-onion mixture until half cooked. Add salt, pepper and seasonings. Beat the eggs until a high foam forms. Pour mixture over potatoes and cover.

After the tortilla is well cooked and starts to move away from the walls, you need to carefully turn it over onto a plate (fried side up) and then turn it over into the pan to fry the top. Cook for 10 more minutes. The last step is to transfer to a plate. Spanish tortilla is ready!

To add a special flavor to the tortilla, you can add hard cheese or mushrooms. It will turn out very appetizing.

What dessert can be made from eggs and flour?

Above, we considered the recipe for a classic omelette. Very often it is prepared not in the form of egg "porridge", but as a large and fluffy pancake. This dish will be more satisfying and tangible for filling a hungry stomach. In addition, it is prepared very quickly - it can be prepared for breakfast, when there is no time to create magic in the kitchen, and in the evening - when there is not enough strength in the “kitchen”.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content - 210 kcal / 100 g.

Beat the eggs well to make foam. Add salt, pepper or other seasonings. Then gradually add the flour while stirring. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour sunflower oil into the pan, wait until it heats up well.

Then pour the mixture into the pan and cover with a lid. When the omelet "grabs" from the bottom and sides, you need to carefully turn it over. After that, fry for another 2 minutes. Cut into portions and serve hot to the table. Omelet with flour goes well with various sauces, ketchup or mayonnaise.

What can be prepared from milk and eggs?

From this product you can cook not only main dishes, but also desserts. An excellent option for a sweet dish made from milk is the Snowballs dessert. It is easy to prepare and turns out fabulously delicious.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 115 kcal / 100 g.

First, separate the yolks from the whites. The yolks must be refrigerated. Then we take on the proteins - beat them with a mixer or a whisk until a steep foam forms. While whipping, add a pinch of salt - so the foam will turn out much stronger. We put the milk on medium heat and keep it until cooked. Now the most interesting thing is to take the protein foam with a slotted spoon and lower it into boiling milk for a few seconds. This is how we make snowballs.

To prepare the sauce, it is necessary to grind the yolks to whiteness, gradually adding sugar. We put the sugar-yolk mixture on the fire on a small fire and, stirring, warm it up. When the sauce thickens a little, remove from heat and pour it over the previously prepared snowballs. You can also sprinkle the snow balls with coconut flakes - you get a gentle Raffaello effect.

It would seem that eggs are a rather simple product for cooking. But still there are many nuances, the knowledge of which will help not to make mistakes when cooking dishes with eggs. We share with you useful tips:

  1. To catch shell particles, it is better to use egg halves. The shells are attracted to each other like magnets. This method will help to catch the pieces much faster than anything at hand (knife, fork, spoon).
  2. To make it easier and faster to peel eggs, you can put them in a container of cold water, cover and shake. So the shell will be easier to fall behind.
  3. To prepare a poached egg, add a few drops of vinegar before pouring it into the water. So the protein does not spread, and the poached will turn out to be holistic and beautiful in shape.
  4. To understand if an egg is suitable for cooking, you can use a simple method that has been proven over the years. You need to put it in a container of water. A fresh egg will completely lie on the bottom. If one end of it rises, then it is already 10-14 days old. This egg can also be eaten cooked. If it pops up, you need to throw it away.

These simple tips will help you cook egg dishes faster. Many options and recipes allow you to experiment and prepare different egg dishes each time. Bon appetit!
