
What to cook from squid for dinner. Frozen squid salad

Mediterranean cuisine is no longer a novelty for us, and squids are an integral part of it, like other seafood. They are not only tasty, but also very useful, especially for those who care about their figure. Each hostess has several recipes for dishes from this seafood. But do we know how to cook squid correctly? Here are some tips that will help you easily and without errors to cope with this task.

Selection rules and preparation of squid for cooking

Squid today can be bought in almost any supermarket. Most often they are sold frozen, with or without tentacles of your choice. During storage, squid carcasses cannot be thawed and cooled again, otherwise the product will be hopelessly spoiled: it will have a bitter taste and an unpleasant fishy smell. In addition, during cooking, the squids will spread, and will foam when cooked.

If the squid has been stored properly, its carcass will be dense, the meat will be white, and the upper skin will be pink-brown or grayish-purple.

When stored properly, the squid carcass has this color

Please note: when choosing squid in a store, give preference to unpeeled carcasses. It is by the skin that you can determine the freshness of the product and the correctness of its storage. A grayish or yellow skin, from under which meat with the wrong shade is visible, is a sign of a stale squid.

If you are confident in the freshness and good quality of squid, you can buy peeled carcasses. There will be practically no trouble with them: you don’t need to peel off the skin, which means that the cooking process will not take much time.

The easiest way to clean frozen squid is boiling water. Just fill the carcasses with boiling water or lower them into it for literally 1-2 seconds. The film that covers the carcass will immediately curl up, and you can easily remove it, and the remnants can be washed off in running cold water. Also peel off the wings. The chitinous plates inside the squid also need to be removed.

Peeling squid is a must if you plan to use their meat for a salad. However, this is also useful for other dishes: the skin can give a bitter taste and stiffness, and the plates are generally superfluous.

Features of cooking

The main thing to remember during the cooking process is that squid should be cooked for no more than 2-3 minutes. Otherwise, the meat may acquire a "rubber" texture and lose a lot of taste. When the squid turns completely white in boiling water, it is considered ready.

It is most convenient to cook squid carcasses in small portions. Dip 1-2 carcasses in a pot of boiling water, remove and put the next ones. At the same time, during cooking, you can use, in addition to salt, any seasonings and spices: pepper, dill, parsley, cloves, basil.

The finished squid carcass turns white

There are several simple ways to cook squid.

  1. Put a pot of water on a high heat, add salt and spices to taste, boil. Throw a couple of carcasses into boiling water and hold for no longer than 3 minutes. Pull out with a slotted spoon.
  2. Boil 1-1.5 liters of water, add salt, spices. Lower the thawed and prepared carcasses. Cover the pot with a lid and remove from heat. After 10 minutes, the meat will infuse and be ready. With the gradual cooling of the water, squid carcasses will not become hard.
  3. If you have a lot of squid meat, use this method. Pour as much water into the pan as needed to fit all the meat, salt and add spices. When the water boils over high heat, lower the prepared squids into it. Wait for the water to boil again, cover the pan with a lid, remove from heat and let it brew for 5 minutes. After that, the water can be drained.
  4. You can not defrost squid before cooking. In this case, the carcasses are dipped in boiling water for 1 minute, after which the pan is removed from the heat and infused in water for 3-4 minutes.
  5. If you do not want to clean the squid before cooking, you can throw them into boiling water directly from the package without cutting them. Frozen unpeeled carcasses are boiled for about 7 minutes, thawed - no more than 3 minutes. After that, pour them over with cold water, and you can easily peel the meat from the skin.

These rules apply equally to whole carcasses, rings and squid fillets.

A few nuances

You can cook many dishes from boiled squid. It can be salads, toppings for pies or pizzas, soups and much more. And as a separate dish, squid will take its rightful place on your table.

For salad, cook squid meat for 7-10 minutes until cooked (white), and you can not defrost them before cooking. If you want to make stuffed squids or fry them after cooking, just keep them in boiling water for 3 minutes and take them out. The final cooking meat will reach in the process of stewing or frying.

Most often, boiled squids are used to make salads.

You can cook squids not only in a pot of water, because now there are so many devices that make it easier for the hostess! Cooking time for squid meat in various devices:

  • in a slow cooker - 2 minutes;
  • in a double boiler - 5 minutes;
  • in a pressure cooker - 1 minute;
  • in the microwave - 1 minute at maximum mode, after adding oil, lemon juice and spices.

With the latter method, you will get squids in their own juice. They are perfect for a salad or as a separate dish, for example, beer snacks.

Video: how to cook squid

Correction of errors: correcting our own mistakes

Often the first pancake comes out lumpy, and if you are still inexperienced in cooking squid, mistakes cannot be avoided. The most common trouble is that the meat has been in boiling water for a long time, which means it has become tough. It turns out this is an easy fix. Put the carcasses in boiling water again and cook for as long as possible, at least half an hour. The meat will become soft again, however, it will almost halve in volume. It may also lose its taste.

Each hostess strives to diversify the daily menu, to add zest to her masterpieces, so that every member of the family can enjoy her creation every time. Squid can be a great option to pamper your loved ones. The methods of their preparation are varied, but 4 of the most simple to prepare, but no less tasty recipes will be considered.

Fried squid

The simplest and most affordable option for preparing such a dish can be safely called fried squid with onions. The process itself is simple and happens quite quickly. Even an inexperienced cook can cope with such a task.


  • a little more than a kilogram of frozen squid;
  • two good large onions (it is best to use the red Crimean variety);
  • garlic (a couple of cloves);
  • a full teaspoon of salt;
  • frying oil.


  1. Before you start cooking this dish, you should deal with fresh-frozen squid. To do this, place them in a container (preferably in a basin) and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Then immediately add a couple of ladles of cool water, after which you can already start cleaning the product. After the process is completed, they should be thoroughly rinsed again under cold running water.
  3. After that, it's the turn of the bow. It needs to be cut into half rings and fried for 5 minutes.
  4. After that, finely chopped garlic and seafood, pre-cut into thin rings, are added.
  5. Everything is salted and well-well mixed.
  6. Next, cover the dish with a lid and stew for a couple more minutes.

Such a simple and at the same time tasty dish is served as a hot dish or as a salad. Its preparation will take a minimum of time.

squid salad

Everyone knows that not a single holiday, not a single feast is complete without salads. Therefore, before each event, all women are in search of new and unusual recipes. And here is one of them.


  • several eggs (pieces 4);
  • about 6 squids;
  • spices;
  • 2-3 onions (medium size);
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Preparing a seafood dish is quite simple and a salad with squid and fried onions is a confirmation of this. To do this, squids are first thawed, then cleaned and washed well with water.
  2. After they are cut into rings and wait in the wings.
  3. Next, the onion is cut into medium cubes and fried lightly in oil. Squids (thawed and peeled from the film) are boiled for 2-3 minutes.
  4. After they have cooled, cut into strips or rings, as it turns out.
  5. Next, eggs are grated and combined with squid and onions.
  6. At the end they pepper and salt to taste and, of course, season with mayonnaise.

At first glance, it may seem that squid dishes are complex and intricate, but this is not so. On the contrary, they turn out quite quickly and tasty. Every woman is obliged to pamper her loved ones with such unusual recipes.

Fried calamari with mayonnaise

Everyone strives for proper nutrition, so they often deprive themselves of their favorite food. It is clear that vegetable oil dishes are much healthier than those dressed with mayonnaise, but sometimes you really want to treat yourself. In the end, you can make homemade mayonnaise, which will be much tastier and healthier than store-bought chemistry.


  • frozen squids - 5 pieces;
  • medium onion - 3 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tube (can be low-fat);
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • olive oil - for frying foods.


  1. To cook squid fried with onions and mayonnaise, you need to start with the preparation of seafood. To do this, the squids are thoroughly washed and boiled for 5 minutes, after which the film is removed.
  2. Then they are cut into small rings. Garlic is chopped very finely and mixed with seafood, let it stand.
  3. At this time, put a frying pan with olive oil over medium heat. Onion thinly sliced ​​into half rings is fried to a beautiful ruddy color.
  4. Next, squeeze a tube of mayonnaise into it and mix thoroughly.
  5. Then, at the end, boiled squids with garlic are added and stewed under the lid for 10 minutes, after salting.

There is nothing difficult in preparing this dish. On top of that, it does not require a lot of expensive products (except for squid). Thanks to mayonnaise, fried squids are obtained with an unusually delicate taste. There is no doubt that all the guests who try such a dish will ask the hostess for the recipe for its preparation.

Fried calamari in sour cream sauce

For those people who cannot imagine their life without seafood, this recipe will be just a godsend of the century. Everything is quite simple and quick to prepare, and the result is an incredibly delicate, mild taste.


  • fresh-frozen squid - 0.5 kg;
  • several small bulbs;
  • spices;
  • about 1 cup sour cream (preferably fatty);
  • oil for frying (it is better to use olive oil);
  • fresh dill.


  1. First, prepare the squid. They need to be washed, cleaned and boiled for a couple of minutes. It should be remembered that such seafood, if cooked for more than 5 minutes, can become very tough. Therefore, you need to be careful.
  2. Further, after they cool down, you will need to cut into small slices. After that, you can proceed to the bow. It is best cut into half rings and fried in olive oil.
  3. Then you need to pour finely chopped squids and add spices and salt to your liking. Next, sour cream is poured and then finely chopped dill is added. Simmer the dish for another 10 minutes under the lid.

In order for the squids to turn out soft and tender, it is important not to overcook them (2-3 minutes is enough). The quality and taste of sour cream is also of no small importance, so it is better to be more selective in this matter. After the hostess tries this dish, there is no doubt that this recipe will become her favorite - squid fried with onions and sour cream.

Squids belong to the order of decapod cephalopods. They seem unusual even against the background of their extraordinary counterparts - octopuses and cuttlefish. Squids are like aliens: high intelligence, cunning matrix eyes and a jet mode of movement.

For a long time there have been legends about giant squids that dragged ships along with sailors to the bottom. This has not been documented, although a 20-meter individual is quite capable of drowning a small boat. But now we are not interested in giant, but in Commander and Pacific squid. Due to their small size, they do not eat humans. Rather, the opposite is true.

Beneficial features

How to choose

Mostly frozen squids go on sale. You should choose carcasses that have never been thawed, otherwise they will spread, have a bitter taste and smell of old frozen fish.

If the squid is sold in briquettes, then a properly frozen carcass is easily separated from the briquette. Another criterion is appearance. The carcass should be dense, the upper skin of the squid can be pinkish, lilac, slightly brown, but the squid meat itself must be white. If it is yellow or purple, the squid has definitely been defrosted.

How to defrost

Best of all in the air, and even better - in the refrigerator.

How to clean

The squid has two skins: the outer, colored, and the second, transparent. You need to shoot both. If you are selling a squid with tentacles, cut them off at the very eyes of the squid, then remove the beak and ink sac.

The skin of the carcass will be easier to remove if, even before defrosting, it is scalded with boiling water. The outer skin will peel off on its own, and the second must be picked up from the wide end of the carcass and removed like a stocking. Then rinse the carcass and leave to continue to defrost.

Finally, turn the squid inside out, remove the chord and inner membrane, and rinse well again.

Soups from squid

There is a simple pattern: the first 3 minutes of cooking, the squid remains soft, then it becomes hard. After 30-40 minutes, it becomes soft again, but loses volume.

From this proceed, preparing squid soup. Most often, squids are boiled separately, then set aside, vegetables, cereals, pasta and other ingredients are boiled in the resulting broth, and when served, squids, cut into rings or strips, are added again. Below we give a simple but delicious example of such a soup.

Homemade soup with squid


500 g potatoes

250 g frozen squid

1 onion

1 carrot

1 parsley root

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Salt, spices and herbs to taste.

Defrost, clean and rinse the squid. Throw them into boiling salted water and cook for no more than 3-5 minutes. Cut the boiled and chilled squids into strips. Finely chop the onion, carrot and parsley root and fry in vegetable oil until the onion is translucent. Throw the vegetables and diced potatoes into the squid broth, salt and pepper, cook the soup until the potatoes are ready. When serving, put the squid in each plate, pour over the soup and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Raw squid can also be added 2-3 minutes before the soup is turned off, as in the recipe below.

Mushroom soup with squid


250 g squid fillet

4-5 medium potatoes

2 medium carrots

1 onion

50 g dried mushrooms

20 g vegetable oil

2 teaspoons flour

5 glasses of water

Salt, pepper, herbs to taste

Soak dried mushrooms for 3-4 hours and cook in the same water until soft. Strain the finished broth and rinse the mushrooms. Prepare a pass. Fry finely chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil with the addition of tomato paste and flour until the mass is smooth and the onion is transparent. Peel the potatoes and cook in the broth until cooked, then salt, pepper, put the chopped squid fillet without skin, boiled chopped mushrooms, season the soup with a pass, cook for 2-3 minutes and serve. However, squid can be boiled in soup for a longer time. To do this, they are first fried so that the crust does not allow them to decrease in volume. After 30 minutes, the squids become soft again. You can verify this by preparing a hodgepodge according to the following recipe.

Solyanka with squid


300 g squid

1 onion

2 pickles

1 tablespoon tomato paste

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

2-3 garlic cloves

ground black pepper, parsley or dill, salt to taste

Lightly beat off the peeled and washed squids, cut into small pieces and fry in oil. Lightly fry the chopped onion and put it together with the squid in a saucepan, add tomato paste, peeled and sliced ​​pickles, finely chopped garlic, salt, ground black pepper, water. Cook covered for 30-40 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the hodgepodge with finely chopped parsley or dill.

And finally, the Thai recipe

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Thai stuffed squid soup


500 g small squid

200 g minced pork

1 teaspoon garlic, salt, pepper and coriander root crushed together

1.2 liters fish stock or water

3 lemon leaves

2 tablespoons spicy sweet and sour sauce

1 teaspoon lemon zest

Lemon juice, cilantro for seasoning, salt, crushed capsicum to taste

Clean the squids, remove the ink bag. Stuff the carcasses with a mixture of minced pork, garlic, pepper, salt and coriander root. Boil water or fish broth, add lemon zest and chopped lemon leaves. Boil for a few minutes, put stuffed squids in a saucepan and salt.

Before serving, squeeze a little lemon juice into each bowl, season with crushed capsicum and finely chopped cilantro. The soup should be sour-salty and spicy.

Second courses of squid, cut into pieces

Pieces of squid are boiled, fried and stewed. At the same time, squids are often boiled before frying, and fried before stewing to form a protective crust, under which the meat remains tender.

Below is one of classic squid salads


300 g squid (fillet)

3 medium potatoes

3 medium carrots

3 pickled cucumbers

200-250 g canned green peas

salt, sugar, pepper - to taste

lettuce leaves for garnish

Boil potatoes and carrots and let cool. Defrost and clean the squids, boil in salted water for 4 minutes, then let cool. Cut the fillets, potatoes, carrots and peeled cucumbers into strips.

Add salt, sugar, pepper to mayonnaise, pour over the mixture of cooked foods and stir gently. Garnish with lettuce, cucumber, squid pieces.

And here is the recipe squid fried in breadcrumbs:


700 g squid fillet

3-4 tablespoons of milk

3-4 tablespoons breadcrumbs

4-5 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 tablespoon flour

parsley or dill for garnish

salt, pepper to taste.

Mix the breadcrumbs with the egg.

Defrost squid carcasses, boil and clean. Boil in salted water for 3-4 minutes and cut into small pieces. Salt these pieces, sprinkle with pepper and roll in flour, then dip in egg with breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Serve squid hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

The following recipe shows that when stewing together, squids can ennoble such a simple vegetable as onions.

Calamari stewed with vegetables


500 g frozen squid meat

2 medium onions

1.5 cups of milk

2.5 cups flour

3 tablespoons butter

salt and ground pepper to taste

Defrost and clean squid carcasses. Chop lengthwise strips, salt to taste, roll in flour and fry.

Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil until translucent. Then sprinkle it with flour and continue to fry for another 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly.

Put the onion in a saucepan, add milk, bring to a boil and add the fried squid. Sprinkle all this with salt, ground pepper and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes, closing the saucepan with a lid.

Serve on a platter, garnished with chopped parsley or dill. Boiled or fried potatoes are good as a side dish.

Stuffed squid

Squids are most often stuffed





Here is a recipe for squid stuffed with onions, eggs and champignons.


6 squid carcasses

150 g ham

200 g champignons

2 medium onions

0.5 cup rice

100 hard cheese

4 tablespoons of mayonnaise

Vegetable oil for frying

Defrost, clean the squid carcasses and boil in salted water for 3 minutes. Hard boil eggs, cut into cubes. Cut the ham into cubes too. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry with onions, boil the rice and cool, grate the cheese, mix everything and add mayonnaise.
Fill the squid carcasses with the resulting minced meat, put on a baking sheet, grease with mayonnaise, cover with foil, place in the oven, heated to 200 C, and bake for 15 minutes. After that, remove the foil and bake for another 5-10 minutes.
Helpful Hints

To make the squid meat more tender, you can pre-beat it. Squids are better undercooked than overcooked. For greater softness, instead of boiling, squids are blanched with steam for 3-4 minutes. Even in boiling water, where squid is boiled, it is recommended to place half a lemon or lower a bag of black tea.

If you are a big fan of seafood, then you are probably very familiar with the many delicious squid dishes that can be prepared very quickly and simply. But many novice housewives who want to cook squid, encountering them, are often disappointed in their culinary properties. And the point here is not so much in the squids themselves, but in the lack of experience in cooking these gentle, but capricious representatives of the sea kingdom. Well-cooked squids always turn out very soft, their taste is gentle and delicate, and the aroma is light and unobtrusive. But as soon as you make a mistake, instead of a tender, tasty and healthy dish, you get something tough, rubbery, frightening with its strange smell. Such a failure can not only upset a novice cook, but also make you completely exclude squid from your daily menu. In order to help you avoid such mistakes, today we want to invite you to figure out with us how to cook squid tasty and easy.

Historically, the appearance of squid dishes is associated with the Mediterranean countries. It is authentically known that already in Ancient Greece squids were caught and eaten, however, it was rather food for the poor, but in the Roman Empire, with the amazing passion of the Romans for plentiful feasts, squids were already served at the tables of the aristocracy. Today, squids are popular in almost all corners of our world. And not only in those countries where the love for seafood is due to the proximity of the seas, such as in Asia, but also in countries, most of which are located inland. Squids are also widely loved and popular in Russia. More recently, we could enjoy this delicious mollusk only by getting a jar of canned squid, but today we can easily buy this delicacy in almost any nearby supermarket. For cooking squid dishes, a carcass and tentacles are usually used. However, squid tentacles are not very popular in home cooking; most often they are used to make dried rings or marinate as part of sea cocktails. But the squid carcass for the home menu is the best fit.

What only dishes are not prepared from squid! Starting from the simplest well-known salads and appetizers and ending with the most unimaginable complex dishes, including frying, stewing or long baking with vegetables, herbs and aromatic spices. However, all this huge variety of cooking methods can be easily reduced to the main secret of a successful squid dish: you need to cook squid either very quickly (no more than three to five minutes), or quite a long time (more than 40 minutes). It is this cooking time that will allow you to make the meat of these mollusks tender, juicy and soft. And the delicate taste and aroma of squid, which makes it easy to combine them with almost any other product, can awaken your imagination and desire to cook more and more new dishes from these delicious shellfish, diversifying your home menu.

Today the site has prepared for you a selection of the most important tips and little culinary tricks that will definitely help even quite inexperienced housewives and easily tell you how to cook squid tasty and easy.

1. When buying squid in a store, remember that only residents of the Far East can eat fresh chilled squid. In continental Russia, squids come only in frozen form. And if you live far from the Pacific Ocean or the Bering Sea, and you are offered to buy a chilled squid carcass, you should be wary, because most likely you are being deceived, passing off defrosted (maybe more than once) squid as chilled.

2. Frozen squid is sold pre-packaged or by weight. Buying already packaged squid is, of course, safer. After all, on the packaging you can immediately see the date and place of clams fishing and easily assess their freshness. Just make sure that the squid offered to you has not been defrosted and refrozen. It is very easy to do this. Inspect the bag of squid carefully: the clams should not be stuck together, each squid should be covered with a thin transparent crust of ice. If the squids in the bag stuck together, and the ice turned into some kind of snow, then the storage conditions were violated, the squids had already been defrosted and could well have deteriorated.

3. When buying frozen squid by weight, also pay attention to the thickness and transparency of the ice layer covering the carcass. Remember that the ice should be thin and transparent! Plus, be sure to inspect the squid carcass itself, paying close attention to its color. Good fresh squid should have a pink skin color with a slight purple tint, and the flesh should be completely white. If the mollusks offered to you have yellow, gray or even purple meat, refuse to buy: these squids have been thawed and frozen again more than once, they have already lost most of their taste and culinary qualities. It will not be possible to cook a delicious dish from such squids.

4. When you bring the frozen squid home, immediately place it in the freezer of your refrigerator and leave it there until the moment of preparation. It is not necessary to pre-thaw squids, this will only complicate their cleaning. But frozen squids are very, very easy to peel! Just dip each carcass in boiling water for one to two seconds, and the skin will immediately curl up and move away from the meat. All you have to do is rinse the squid under running water and lightly scrape with a sharp knife those places where the skin has not completely separated. Also, under running water, gently remove the inner transparent chord, resembling a piece of thin plastic, with your fingers. Rinse your squid and move on to the next step of preparation.

5. It is no secret that carcasses of large squids during long cooking, especially stewing, can acquire an unpleasant smell of ammonia, and if this trouble has already occurred, it cannot be corrected, the dish will have to be thrown away. Confusion can be avoided in two ways:

  • Buy only small "baby" squid for long cooking dishes. Such squids will never spoil your dish with an unpleasant smell. However, not everyone can afford the cost of such mollusks.
  • To avoid the occurrence of an unpleasant odor in large squids, you can use a simple soak. Before you start cooking already peeled squids, fill them with cool water and leave for one to two hours. Then drain the water, and rinse the clams thoroughly in running water. Ready! Squids prepared in this way will never spoil your dish and will not acquire an unpleasant odor even with prolonged cooking.

6. Now that your squids are completely ready for further cooking, it's time to cook something delicious out of them. Have you tried squid rings in garlic sauce? It's very easy to prepare them! Start by making a simple garlic sauce. Using a press, squeeze five cloves of garlic into a small bowl, add a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of olive oil. Pour all three tablespoons of boiling chicken broth or water, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes. In the meantime, cut two squid carcasses into rings, boil them for one minute in boiling water and drain in a colander. In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. spoons of pork or interior chicken fat and fry the squid rings for one minute on the highest heat. Remove the pan from the heat, transfer the squid to a colander as quickly as possible and let the remaining fat drain. In a separate saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, add a pinch of black and hot red pepper, mix quickly and remove from heat. Transfer the squids to a saucepan with hot oil, pour over the garlic sauce and mix thoroughly. Delicious snack is ready!

7. Fried squids with spicy mayonnaise sauce are very tasty. First of all, prepare the sauce. Mix 100 gr. mayonnaise, four crushed or passed through a press cloves of garlic and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of your favorite herbs, finely chopped. Let it brew in a cool place for half an hour. Now cook the squid. Cut three peeled and well-washed carcasses into large rings. Pour 2 tbsp into a plastic bag. spoons of starch, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon of paprika and 1 teaspoon of salt. Then place the squid rings there, pinch the neck of the bag and shake vigorously so that all the squid rings are evenly coated with the breading mixture. In a deep frying pan, heat the vegetable oil so that the squid rings immersed in it are completely covered with oil. Take the squid rings out of the bag, shake off the excess breading and dip in small portions in hot oil for one to two minutes until golden brown. Place cooked squids on paper towels to remove excess oil. Serve on a warmed platter, sauce served separately.

8. Even easier and faster to cook savory fried squid. Peel, rinse and cut into not too thick half rings 500 gr. squid. Place the squid in a deep bowl, add the juice of one lemon, three minced garlic cloves, and one small, finely chopped, seedless chili pepper (can be replaced with a pinch of ground red pepper in winter). Stir and leave for 10 minutes. In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, add your squid and fry over medium heat, stirring constantly, for three minutes until cooked. Remove from heat and serve immediately, garnished with boiled rice and fresh or pickled vegetables.

9. Not so fast, but quite easy to cook original Greek-style squid stew. Peel, rinse and cut into small pieces one kilogram of squid. Place the calamari in a deep frying pan, add two chopped red onions, half a cinnamon stick, three clove buds and two bay leaves. Cover the pan with a lid and place over medium heat for 10 minutes. During this time, squid and onions will release their juice. Then remove the lid and let almost all the liquid evaporate. Remove whole spices. Pour in two glasses of dry red wine, 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of red wine vinegar, add a pinch of black pepper and salt to taste. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the squid for one hour, stirring occasionally. Remove the lid and let the sauce thicken for 10 minutes. Serve over boiled rice.

10. It is very simple and quick to cook delicious Provencal squids. Clean, rinse and cut into rings half a centimeter wide 500 gr. squid. Prepare the lemon dressing ahead of time: mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, zest and juice of one lemon, a pinch of salt and pepper. In a deep skillet, heat 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, add four minced garlic cloves and fry until translucent. Then add 200 gr. whole cherry tomatoes, ¼ teaspoon red pepper, one pinch each of salt and black pepper. Simmer over medium heat, stirring frequently, for three minutes. Raise the heat to high, add the squid and a little more salt and pepper. Cook, stirring, for three to five minutes, until the squids are translucent. As soon as the squids are ready, drain almost all the resulting liquid, pour in the lemon dressing, add one tablespoon of chopped parsley and mint, mix and serve immediately. You can serve boiled potatoes and fresh vegetables as a side dish.

And the Culinary Eden website on its pages is always happy to offer you even more interesting ideas: what to cook and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook squid tasty and easy.

A tasty and healthy delicacy, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, was served at the table in ancient Greece, calling this mollusk a winged fish. Low calorie content (86 calories per 100 g), high nutritional value and the ability to have a beneficial effect on the body have turned squid into a popular dish for those who want to lose weight and improve their health. How to cook squid deliciously so that they decorate the festive table? There are many ways and recipes for preparing this seafood, but they are all based on some general points that every housewife should be aware of. Many people believe that cooking is very difficult, but this is an erroneous opinion, which you will have to debunk in practice.

How to quickly clean squids?

Unpeeled squids are considered to be of higher quality, because after factory cleaning, the clams are cooked and become tough. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean know how to properly clean squids, frozen or fresh: first, they should be thawed at room temperature or in the refrigerator, then pour boiling water for one minute (during this time the skin will curl up), drain the boiling water and place the squids in cold water. After that, you can easily remove the curdled skin, remove the chord, the insides - and the squid can be cooked. This is the best way to keep squid soft, tender and juicy.

How to cook peeled and unpeeled squid

Add salt, peppercorns and bay leaf to the water, wait for the water to boil, dip the squid carcass into it and pull it out after 10 seconds. As soon as the water boils again, do the same with the second carcass, with the third and with all subsequent squids. To understand how to cook squid fillet correctly, you just need to try this method, and then you will understand why all the previous methods were unsuccessful. It turns out that long heat treatment (for 3-5 minutes) deprives the taste and nutritional properties and turns them into rubber that cannot be chewed.

There is another way to properly cook frozen squid (it should, of course, be thawed beforehand) - you need to boil water with salt and spices, put the clams in it and immediately remove it from the heat. You need to insist this yummy for 10 minutes.

And now we will tell you how to boil frozen squid without defrosting: you just need to put them in boiling water for one minute, turn off the heat, and then hold them in water for another 3-4 minutes.

How to fry squid

Before frying, squids should be boiled in one of the above ways, cut into rings or strips, dip in lezon (beaten eggs with sour cream, salt and spices), roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable or butter for no more than five minutes.

Some novice cooks are interested in how to properly cook squid fried in batter. This very simple dish is made in exactly the same way - boiled and chopped clams are lightly marinated, dipped in batter and fried in a large amount of oil.

Very tasty squids are obtained in the oven or on the grill, but they must first be marinated for several hours in lemon juice with garlic, pepper and paprika. Then the squids should be put on the grill and baked, pouring over the remaining marinade.

How to properly stuff squid

First, the squids are washed, doused with boiling water, then they are cleaned and lightly beaten off each carcass. Next, you need to fill the carcass by two-thirds with the filling, which is suitable for mushrooms with eggs, vegetables with rice, shrimp with cheese, green beans and onions, apples and cottage cheese. The edges of the carcasses are fastened with skewers, after which the squids are stewed in the oven with a small amount of water, and five minutes before they are ready, they are sprinkled with cheese and put back in the oven until golden brown. The finished dish is poured with walnut, tomato, creamy, sour cream, wine, soy or onion sauce.

In many recipes for cooking squid, you can find unexpected combinations - squid with minced meat, with bread and sprat, with crab sticks and corn, with nuts and dried fruits.

Each national cuisine has its own secrets of cooking squid, but there is one main rule. Do not overload squids with spices and spices, as they intensively absorb the aroma of surrounding foods, and the dish may turn out to be too rich. How to cook squid properly is just the beginning. It is important to choose the right side dish (rice, vegetables, pasta) and properly serve the dish, decorating it with fresh vegetables, lemon, herbs and olives. In Southeast Asia, squids are eaten raw with savory sauces, but this is not the extreme for those who like to cook and enjoy delicious food!
