
What is better to cook for the new year. Salad "Amber corn"

What can not be cooked for the New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster? Surely this question began to worry many housewives, as soon as it became known which symbol would dominate the whole year. After all, the Rooster has not only his own personal character traits, but also gastronomic preferences. By compiling the right menu for the New Year 2017, you can not only attract good luck and attention to the main animal of the year, but also arrange a real holiday for your stomach!

What the Rooster doesn't like

If we talk about the gastronomic preferences of the Rooster, then we should immediately say that he prefers healthy dishes, but at the same time satisfying. The main rule says that dishes from chicken and other birds should not be put on the New Year's table, and also, if possible, cooking with eggs should be avoided. In order not to offend the lord of the year, you will have to select salad recipes that do not contain either chicken meat or eggs, and this applies to a whole egg, which means refusing to use both the yolks and proteins of this product.

But, this rule also has an exception: the Rooster loves homemade cakes very much, therefore, in cooking, without which you can’t do without New Year, you can use eggs, because this product is the main component of baking. Based on eggs, you can also knead the dough for other dishes: pizza, meat pie, lasagna.

It is not recommended to put on the table different "edible" figures in the form of a Rooster or a chicken if they are made with eggs. After all, there are other ways to decorate your culinary art.

It is best to put bread products on the festive table, for example, to make and come up with different spreads for them, in Italy they do this during big parties so that there is a lot of everything for everyone's taste, and at the same time, budget, simple and tasty. It should be noted here that the Rooster loves abundance, but at the same time, the bird-symbol of the year is very economical, will not tolerate waste.

Top products and dishes from them for the New Year 2017

The proud Cockerel will approve if there are a lot of dishes from wheat, rice and corn grits on the table. The symbol of 2017 is a bird, and the favorite treat of this animal is grains. Armed with this advice, you can cook homemade dumplings with meat (any other than poultry meat), canapes on skewers with bread from different flours with sausage, shrimp, red fish or cheese. The rooster will not approve of the eggs in the salad, which are so often used to decorate dishes, poured on top of grated protein. But there is a way out of any situation, the salad can be sprinkled on top with breadcrumbs (which are just made from cereals) or home-made croutons in the form of cubes.

Fish will also be appropriate on the New Year's table, and it is even more in demand by the Cockerel, since the symbol of the year still prefers a vegetarian menu. Especially on New Year's Eve, it is important to make jellied fish, it not only turns out delicious, but also has a festive look in itself, because the festive table should not only include many different treats, but be full of different colors that the symbol of the year loves so much!

Other top foods are mushrooms, caviar, fruits and vegetables. It should be remembered that the element of the Rooster is fire, which means that the main colors on New Year's Eve will be red and shades of orange. These paints should definitely be used in the design of the table, while it is not at all necessary to even use special decorative elements, because you can “paint” the table with products. So many vegetables and fruits that have a natural bright color: carrots, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, bell peppers! These products can be used to prepare salads. Snacks, or you can just cut vegetables and fruits and put them beautifully on a dish.

Bright colors are also relevant for New Year's drinks. Delicious sodas, cocktails will not only cheer you up and set the tone for the party, but will certainly please the hero of the occasion - the Fire Rooster.

In addition to traditional champagne, homemade compotes and fruit drinks, juices, and stronger drinks should be on the table. In this matter, the Rooster is somewhat picky, because when it comes to alcohol, the Rooster prefers elite drinks.

Advice! On the New Year's table in a vase, you can put multi-colored ice cubes, which will also add more variety. To do this, it is not necessary to freeze water with different dyes, because colorful ice can be made by freezing fruit juice of different flavors and colors.

How to serve and decorate a festive table

There should be no house on the New Year's table, as the symbol of the year prefers order in everything.
Table setting and decoration should be thoughtful and harmonious. It will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but will also please the Cockerel. It is important to pay attention to details, because the Rooster is still a pedant. Of the dishes, something wooden is best suited, even if you cannot completely set the table with wooden dishes, then you should put at least one wooden bowl with grain on it as a compliment to the symbol of the year.

Here are a few important points on how to decorate the holiday table:

1. Despite the fact that the Rooster approves of red, it is best to choose a tablecloth in neutral shades, otherwise dishes and other decorative elements will simply be lost on it. The ideal option is a tablecloth in pastel colors or white, gold and silver. Napkins should match the tone of the tablecloth.
2. Sets are best to choose beautiful, those that are taken out of the sideboard on special occasions. Those who celebrate the New Year in nature should take with them, although there are solemn beautiful glasses.
3. On the New Year's table, be sure to leave room for candles, which will not only create a pleasant warm atmosphere, but also emphasize the element of the Rooster.

Three New Year's Eve Appetizer Ideas

This is a universal option, how to diversify the festive table. They are made very quickly and easily, but what an unusual taste such treats have! Housewives who value their time will definitely need three recipes for snacks for the New Year, they are described in the video.

Given the recommendations that it is impossible to cook the Rooster for the New Year 2017, it will turn out to create a delicious and unusual holiday, and even attract the attention of the symbol of the year - the Fire Rooster. After all, no one should remain dissatisfied and hungry on New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Pastries, fish, cereal dishes, colorful cocktails are the main culinary directions that the Fire Rooster offers us to celebrate the New Year 2017. Decoration of dishes can be done in pastel, bright red, green colors. You can decorate the festive table in blue, no frills. But the key point that worries the housewives, of course, is what to cook for the Year of the Rooster 2017.

It's amazing how cultures mix! On our good old New Year's Eve, we manage to hang a Chinese label, cook a Prague cake, serve bell peppers according to a Hungarian recipe, enter into warm international relations with Mexican tequila, Scotch scotch, French bourbon, Italian martini, wash it all down with Ceylon tea with Brazilian coffee.

Why not? In unusual food, we are most likely to realize the expectation of a holiday and happy change. In this article you will find recipes for the New Year's table from around the world.


Let ordinary stuffed eggs turn into Chinese tea eggs.


  • 8 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of black tea;
  • salted soy sauce;
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt;
  • 5 star anise.

Cooking method

Pour eggs with cold water, boil for 20 minutes, cool with cold water. Wrinkle the whole shell, but do not remove. Add dry tea, soy sauce, salt and star anise, cook over low heat for 2 hours. Leave to cool in the broth overnight. Peel the eggs the next morning. Serve with soy sauce or chili sauce, vinegar.


Just not chicken! For fans of meat dishes, German cuisine offers rabbit fillets (this is true, because they ate jelly from a rooster on the New Year of the Rabbit!).


  • 1 rabbit;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • 2 apples;
  • salo;
  • 4 bulbs.

Prepare the meat, cut it into pieces of 3 cm thick, beat off, coat with oil. Fry on both sides until golden brown, salt. Put pieces of lard and apples with finely chopped onions in a pan, simmer, stirring constantly. Put fillet, apples and bacon on a dish, garnish with fried onion rings. Serve boiled potatoes as a side dish.


Bright red Mexican meat sauce can be prepared at home, catering to Rooster's temperamental color, exceptional taste - fans of spicy cuisine.


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 paprika;
  • 2-3 pepperoni peppers;
  • 30 g of vegetable oil;
  • sugar;
  • vinegar (preferably fruit);
  • black pepper;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • ground paprika;
  • a pinch of dried sage, thyme, chervil;
  • chopped parsley.

Peel the skin off the tomatoes and take out the seeds. Crush the garlic clove with salt. Peel the onion, cut into thin rings. Wash paprika and pepperoni, cut in half and remove seeds. Using a mixer, turn all the ingredients into a puree. In the meantime, heat the oil, add mashed potatoes, salt, sugar, vinegar, a lot of dry paprika, and the rest of the spices. Simmer for 10 minutes. Cool, add parsley.

Desserts from cereals

It's not a cookie or a cake. This is an exquisite cherry rice pudding!


  • ½ l of milk;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • 400 g sour cherries (frozen);
  • ¼ l cream;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

Put milk, salt, sugar, washed rice on a small fire until it swells. According to the recipe on the bag, make gelatin, add to rice, put everything in the refrigerator. Let the washed (or defrosted) cherries drain a little. Whip the cream with vanilla sugar into a strong foam. Put rice and cherries in layers in a transparent container, pour cream. Decorate with grated chocolate.


So, what dishes should be prepared for the year of the Rooster, we figured it out. Now a few words about drinks. The visiting card of the holiday is unusual mixtures. For example, an interesting-looking Blue Devil cocktail.


  • 3 parts gin;
  • 1 part "Curaçao";
  • 1 part lemon juice;
  • crushed ice;
  • cherry for a cocktail.

The White Lady cocktail will be appreciated by the drinking weak half of humanity.


  • One part each of gin, Cointreau liqueur, freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Add half the egg white and ice.
  • Pour, pour everything into a suitable container, shake to mix completely (imagine yourself as a bartender). Don't forget to serve well.
Note! Practice preparing complex dishes a few months, days before the holiday date. This will allow you to gain the necessary skills, understand the sequence, and avoid failure. Bon appetit!
What should be the New Year's table in the year of the Red Fire Rooster? What dishes can decorate it? How to make a New Year's menu? "Povarenok", as always, is in a hurry to help you and will offer on its pages a lot of ideas on how to properly celebrate the holiday, what dishes to cook for the New Year 2017, what drinks to decorate the menu and how to serve the New Year's table 2017.

Soon, soon the Red Fire Rooster will knock on every door! The New Year 2017 will come. And with it a new life, new luck, success, happiness, love, health! And in order to call all these pleasant moments into our lives in the New Year, we must try not to offend his main patron, but to tame him, feed him joyful dishes, please them with taste and combinations on the New Year's table 2017.

How to serve the New Year's table 2017?

Table setting is a very important moment in the design of a festive New Year's dinner. Remembering that the Rooster is a domestic, rural bird, we will serve the table simply, but with taste. Wooden bowls, spoons, other utensils can be used. Clay utensils, tablecloths and linen napkins will also show themselves well. If you also find an old samovar, which you put in the center of the table, and arrange saucers with bagels around it, this could be the highlight of the New Year's table 2017.

Let the dishes and other attributes at the table be bright, colorful, painted. Do not set the table in 2017 with fake dishes, for example, made of plastic. Not that case. Only everything is homemade, natural, close, sincere and warm.

Shades of the New Year's table 2017

Decorate the New Year's table 2017 with red Christmas toys, Christmas tree branches, red candles, you can put sparkling scarlet stars on the table. Play with red and white combinations when choosing a tablecloth for the New Year's table. Put only red fruits in a vase on the table.

Be sure to put a Cockerel figure somewhere near the New Year's table next to the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Let these patrons of the New Year 2017 watch how wonderful and fun you are celebrating the New Year, and bring you lots and lots of luck and prosperity in it!

Happy New Year!

For more information on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster, read our New Year's article at.

New Year is the most beloved and significant holiday for all people! Long before its onset, people begin to prepare for it with special care. After all, everyone knows the Russian proverb “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!”. Everyone wants each subsequent year to be better than the previous one. That is why everyone strives to prepare for the celebration in the best possible way.

Therefore, long before the holiday, a menu is prepared, a program is drawn up, gifts are bought. Also, a lot of attention is paid to clothes, hairstyles ... What can I say, attention is paid to absolutely everything related to the holiday. After all, everyone wants to have a successful New Year!

And in order for this to happen, in addition to preparation, it is necessary to enlist the support of the owner of the Year - which is a symbol of a certain animal according to the Eastern calendar. And the year 2017 is very interesting in this sense! Because the Fiery Monkey is being replaced by the Year of the same Fiery, and even the Red Rooster!

Why interesting? Yes, because in the Chinese calendar the Rooster is the most spectacular and sophisticated sign of the eastern horoscope. He is very bright, sociable, demonstrative - he needs to shine everywhere!

But at the same time he is very practical and responsible, organized and decisive. He is always on the alert, his vigilance and insight can be envied. The rooster is ready to protect what belongs to him day and night. He is the true owner of his territory, and takes care of everyone who lives on it with him. He is reliable and you can rely on him in any situation.

He is strict, serious and fair. For him, there are no trifles, he is a pedant who is demanding and scrupulous about everything. That is why he never leaves his affairs unfinished, but on the contrary, in all undertakings, he strives to do them as well as possible, which invariably leads to their ideal completion.

Now I am writing a characterization and I already feel great sympathy for this sign of the eastern horoscope!

But it is important that the Rooster also feels mutual sympathy! And for this it is necessary to "appease" him, and meet his arrival in such a way that he is satisfied. Let's look at such important issues as celebrating the New Year, what to cook for the New Year's table and what to wear as a festive outfit!

How and where to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Fire Rooster

Since 2017 is not the year of a simple Rooster, but of the Fire Rooster, then the holiday should be just as bright, rich, fun and memorable!

Preparation for the holiday should be very responsible, organized. We do not forget that our Cockerel is a big pedant in such matters. And he will not forgive us if we prepare for the holiday, which is called "slipshod". It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail, and having drawn up an action plan, proceed to its implementation.

It will be good if the whole family and all participants of the holiday are involved in organizing the holiday! Trust everyone with something. But so that the work that everyone will do gives him pleasure! Indeed, without pleasure, creativity will not work, there will be no joy!

And it is very important that not only the holiday itself, but also the preparation for it be bright and memorable!

Don't be afraid to experiment. The rooster loves to improvise, come up with something new. Therefore, in some ways it is worth relying on intuition, and having a good dream. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, and the Rooster will certainly pay attention to them.

Consider in advance how best to decorate the interior of the house. Usually any symbol of the Year relates very well to its image. Therefore, use whatever you see fit for this! Souvenir figurines, flags, Christmas decorations, calendars, posters.

Choose bright, pure colors for decoration - red, yellow, green - and all their many shades! The rooster does not like any cheap tinsel. Therefore, it is worth decorating a house with a special style and care, thinking through various little things.

Make a guest list.

Plan your holiday menu. It will be discussed below. Make a list of the products you need to purchase. Start acquiring them ahead of time, especially those that can be stored. After all, we don’t want to go shopping on the very last day. And for this very last day, leave only perishable products that can be bought quickly and easily.

Write a script for the holiday. Guests will not eat salads and watch TV all evening. Just as important as preparing delicious food is creating the best holiday atmosphere. So that it would be fun and interesting for all those gathered, both the smallest and the most sedate.

Think in advance about gifts for your friends and loved ones. Their purchase or production also does not need to be left until the last day, and then buy that the first suitable one comes to hand. Gifts should also be extraordinary. They should be unexpected, cheerful, bright, by no means pretentious, the simpler the better!

Handmade gifts are welcome. They can be bold, original, unique, mysterious and fun. The most daring fantasy will not interfere here either.

The question that worries everyone - Where is the best place to celebrate the New Year?

In fact, the New Year is a family holiday! And the current Year of the Rooster calls for this in a special way. After all, as you know, He is the true Owner of his entire territory, and is fully responsible for those who live on it, besides, he is also a poultry! Therefore, he will be especially pleased if the whole family, young and old, gathers at the festive table. It is very important for him that everyone is together!

A large, noisy and cheerful company is very welcome. Gather not only all your closest relatives, invite close friends and families as well. Let your house be filled with New Year's Eve with fun and joy!

Since the Rooster is very practical and thrifty, he is unlikely to appreciate going to a restaurant or cafe. It would be too wasteful and impractical for him! Therefore, you must have a very good reason for going to the above establishments so that the Fiery Host understands why you decided to do so.

The celebration of the New Year should take place in a cozy, favorable environment. It is better to leave all family problems in the outgoing year, make peace with everyone with whom you are in a quarrel. The rooster is a domestic bird, and he will not forgive you family quarrels and omissions! The Fiery Symbol of the Year loves order in everything - and family relationships are the most important thing for him!

What to cook for the New Year 2017, menu and New Year's table setting

As we noted above, Cockerel is a villager. And despite his bright appearance, by nature he is quite simple, and loves everything practical and simple. But at the same time beautiful and sophisticated! This is what we must take into account when decorating the New Year's table and preparing dishes.

It is better to choose a tablecloth for a festive table in red, or in its shades, on which golden napkins will look great. Or stop at a traditional white tablecloth and pick up bright colorful red napkins for it.

For decor, red or white candles in golden candlesticks will be good.

It will be very good to arrange a table in a rustic style. In this case, use a linen tablecloth and the same napkins. For decor, use wooden or clay dishes painted with bright colors, wooden or forged candlesticks for candles, various matting, straw baskets, and all in the same style.

Be sure to place a plate of grain or spikelets of wheat in the middle of the table. If there is a small figurine of the Rooster, then put it nearby. Or compose a joint composition. You can also pre-sprout wheat grains. Sprouted grains promise prosperity and well-being in the house!

When compiling the menu, think it over in such a way that everything is appropriate, so that nothing is superfluous and unnecessary. We remember how practical and thrifty our Host is. He will not forgive us for being extravagant, especially if there are too many dishes and they remain uneaten.

New Year's Eve dishes don't have to be overly elaborate, and cooked food doesn't have to be overly heavy. No need to cook and overly fatty foods.

Particular attention should be paid to ensure that there are no chicken dishes on the table. It is also not desirable that there are whole chicken eggs. We don't want to offend the Fire Rooster at all! And therefore, if you have in mind your favorite salads with chicken meat that you want to cook on the festive table, then do not deny yourself this, but simply replace the chicken meat with boiled pork or beef.

There are no other restrictions for the festive table. Cook whatever your heart desires. But in order to please the Fiery Master, nevertheless consider some recommendations.

It is especially worth paying attention to various festive fish and seafood dishes. Here you can already give free rein to your imagination, and prepare a variety of combinations. Fish can be fried, steamed, and it is best to bake it in the oven. It is better to bake whole, decorating with vegetables, lemon, bright red tomatoes.

Desirable on the New Year's table will be various dishes with shrimp or squid. This includes various salads and appetizers. They are delicious in any form, and are always well received by guests.

Red caviar - will be especially appreciated by the Red Rooster! This is just what is needed for him. Therefore, either just put it on the table, or cook some festive dish with it. With this you will please all those present and our Master of the Year!

Any salads with a New Year's theme or with the name "Red Cockerel" will also be appropriate. An extra mention at the New Year's table will flatter him, and he will not leave it unattended! We remember how organized and pedantic he is, he does not forget anything! And he will respond to the respect shown to him with a successful in all respects and a prosperous year!

We use the meat we love! Pork, beef, veal - everything will be fine! It is best to roast the meat whole. You can bake in a sleeve, in foil, as you like! Boiled pork stuffed with carrots and garlic will be very good. flavored with various spices and herbs. Such aroma will not leave our Rooster indifferent! And this is very good! After all, we try our best to please him!

And you can cook meat with grains, for example, bright, colorful pilaf! Here and meat, and cereals, and bright colorful carrots! Everything is for the holidays!

Don't forget the bread too! Grain is the main food for the Rooster! Therefore, any pastries will be very useful. Kalachi, rolls, pies, fish stretches - what could be better! And bread baked with your own hands will give the house warmth and comfort. From the house, which smells of freshly baked bread, all evil spirits leave. And it is also better to leave it in the outgoing year!

Let's not forget the vegetables. Vegetables are served fresh or roasted. Canned vegetables can also be safely put on the table. We use them in salads, appetizers, or main dishes. Impromptu is welcome, and a flight of fancy!

You can decorate salads and main dishes with fresh herbs, red tomatoes and red and yellow bell peppers, as well as pomegranate seeds.

Arrange fruits in wicker bowls. With their bright colorful flowers they will decorate any table, and the smell of tangerines will give us the smell of childhood and expectation of a miracle on this long New Year's Eve!

Desserts are easy. After what we have already prepared, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to overpower a cake or other heavy dessert. Although various cakes Rooster, oh how he loves! Therefore, if you make a cake, decorate it with bright fruits and flax, sesame or sunflower seeds.

Or just make a dessert with berries with light sour cream or buttercream. Preferably in a small bowl, which is called one tooth! Or make a light berry or fruit mousse.

Now, as for alcohol. The red rooster is a fighter, a bully. A little something wrong, immediately into a fight. Sitting in a corner is not for him.

Therefore, it is desirable that there be as little strong alcoholic drinks on the table as possible. It is better to do with champagne and red or white wine.

Or you can search the Internet in advance and prepare various cocktails. By the way, translated from French "cocktail" - "cock's tail" - there is an opportunity to dream up and prepare your own version. I think that our symbol of the Year will be especially happy with such a drink.

After all, no one wants any conflicts to happen on New Year's Eve. The rooster won't like it! The holiday should be celebrated cheerfully, comfortably, in a friendly atmosphere, next to those who are dear to you, and to whom you are dear!

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Fire Rooster

The Fire Rooster just loves all the attention. And sincere compliments and praise are very important to him. In addition, he not only monitors his appearance, but also pays attention to what the appearance of everyone else is. Therefore, if you please him with your clothes, hairstyle and make-up, he will not leave it without his attention.

So what outfit to prepare for yourself for the New Year? Let's figure it out.

The rooster is a brilliant dandy. But despite his brightness and demonstrativeness, he is still a great lover of refined simplicity. Excessive pretentiousness and pomp, and even more high cost - this is not for him!

But since the upcoming 2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster (that is, the elements of fire), then some justified courage will only benefit you. Since the Rooster is very demonstrative, and loves to be in the spotlight, he will appreciate such actions from you. Preparing for the holiday, you can completely change your image, change your hairstyle, hair color, make bright makeup, put on the clothes that you have never worn before. Rooster loves to experiment, and therefore your improvisation will not go unnoticed!

When choosing a New Year's outfit, women should give preference to dresses in bright colors. These are all numerous shades of red, from orange to purple and purple. All shades of yellow and gold are also welcome. Brilliant white and pearl colors are allowed. Black, especially in combination with red and gold, will look very impressive and will not disregard the Master of the Year!

Colors should be bright and clean, but in no case pretentious or flashy.

The length and cut of the dress does not matter. It can be both long and short dress. The main thing is that it looks spectacular and stylish, sits perfectly on the figure, and does not look too defiant.

Simplicity, style and sophistication - that's what we should strive for when choosing a New Year's outfit!

You should not choose a dress in "dirty" shades of earthen or marsh color. The Rooster will not like colors such as gray, flesh, mustard, pale blue and greenish yellow.

Pay special attention to the selection of accessories. Not very large gold jewelry, products made from natural stones - amber, coral, garnet will be appropriate. Or pearls, or mother-of-pearl products. They are all the right color for the occasion and our Rooster will love it!

Men should also pay attention to the choice of clothes and thinking through their image. A man in a strict classic suit is always very stylish! Therefore, if you celebrate the New Year in a suit, then this will not go unnoticed by anyone, including the Symbol of the Year.

But it is unlikely that you will want to be in a suit all evening, especially being in a homely family environment. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of shirts. The shirt is welcome in the same colors that we considered when choosing a women's outfit. Same colors, same combinations.

And so, I think that now we are fully prepared for the preparation and celebration of the most important holiday - the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Red, Fire Rooster!

Most importantly, we know its main characteristics, and thanks to this we will be able to properly prepare for the holiday, and most importantly, it will be unforgettable and bright to meet it! Good congratulations, smiles, joy, fun, songs, dances - that's what the Fiery Host needs for a successful holiday!

May the coming year be as unforgettable, bright in all respects and memorable as the most successful year!

And I hope that the Fire Rooster will help us with this. After all, we tried so hard to please him on New Year's Eve! And let the New Year come only on January 28 according to the Eastern calendar. We celebrate the holiday on December 31, and we hope that on this day the Rooster will not leave all our efforts without attention!

The largest, most family and most magical holiday, which we all have been waiting for a whole year, will knock on our doors very soon. Therefore, now is the time to start thinking over not only gifts for relatives, but also the New Year's menu for the year of the Red Rooster, in a hurry to change the eccentric monkey. The owner of a chicken harem is closer to our soul than an exotic hooligan, so the dishes will be close to our traditional ones, and the decor elements will remain the same - fiery.

The table, or rather its serving, is the first thing that every participant in the solemn feast pays attention to. And if we set ourselves the goal of pleasing a grumpy rooster, then it’s worth devoting time, effort and all our design skills to this issue.

What would you like to drink on New Year's Eve?

Exactly at midnight with the last blow of the chimes in all corners of the country, pops of opening champagne are heard. The celebration of the New Year is traditionally associated with this drink. But what else to please the absurd rooster on this day?

At New Year's banquets you can find a huge variety of different alcoholic beverages. But here's how to choose the right champagne and wine for the holiday, and what glass to serve with whiskey, cognac, liquor or martini?

A holiday is not a holiday without dessert. And for our cockerel, we have prepared a cool selection of dessert treats that are absolutely easy to make, and oh, how pleasant and tasty it will be to treat yourself to such a delicacy.

We lay the New Year's table for children

On December 31, with bated breath, all the kids are waiting, because this holiday is downright saturated with magic. While waiting for Santa Claus with gifts, children can also while away the time at a separately set table. And our tips can help you with menu planning and serving:

So our preparations for this important day and the meeting of the new symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster - have come to an end. We hope that our tips on how to prepare a festive table will help you create a truly New Year's atmosphere and save you precious time during this hectic December period.
