
What does it mean to eat properly and beautifully. We eat beautifully

Often at the table you have to communicate with people of different ages, gender, professions, nationalities, different cultural levels, mental makeup, etc. In your behavior, you must strive to ensure that each of those present feel free and at ease at the table, enjoying not not only from deliciously prepared dishes, but also from good serving, as well as from communication.
Therefore, it is very important to be able to behave correctly in society, a solid knowledge code of conduct and etiquette.

Etiquette is a set of historically established rules of human behavior in society. The rules of etiquette usually develop in close connection with the development of the culture of the people, their national traditions and are based on the education in people of politeness, attention, respect for each other.

The rules of etiquette provide, in particular, the ability to keep oneself at the table, to use cutlery correctly, etc., a skill that both hosts and guests should possess to the same extent.

The "aesthetics of food" is closely related to the beauty of the table setting. As one Soviet classic wrote, "Food should be beautiful to the smallest detail." And in this he was right - dishes and serving bring up the aesthetic taste of a person.

The rules of conduct at the table are based on compliance with aesthetic standards, convenience and expediency. So, it is not recommended to sit too far from the edge of the table or too close and put your elbows on the table. By doing this, you can embarrass your neighbor. You should sit straight on the chair, without bending over the plate. If you lean too far back in your chair, you can drip sauce on the suit. It is not supposed to reach across the table - the waiter can put the dish on the plate.

Taking napkin, designed for individual use, you need to unfold it and put it on your knees to protect the suit or dress from drops, splashes, crumbs. After eating, you can wipe the ends of your fingers with a napkin, but for lips it is more correct to use your own handkerchief. After finishing the meal, the napkin, without folding, is placed on the table.

For children, the napkin is tucked into the collar.

When eating, you need to take care of yourself, observing the established rules.

An unaesthetic eating style irritates others. Eating with gusto does not mean eating in a hurry. If you like the dish, you can eat it to the end, but the piece of bread at the end of the fork looks ugly, which is sometimes used to clean the plate from the remnants of the dish.

Usually food is taken using a fork, spoon, spatula or tongs, but a number of products are taken by hand. These are bread, cookies, cake, fruits and citrus fruits, sugar (if tongs are not put for it). This order was not adopted by chance: these products do not need to be divided with a knife or fork, they do not stain the fingers, the hand touches only one piece, which is then placed on a plate or in a cup.

A number of rules are caused by the requirements of aesthetics. So, it’s ugly to bite off a large piece of bread or a whole roll, so small pieces are broken off from them with your fingers as needed; sometimes the bread is pre-cut into small pieces. When serving caviar, it is first placed with a spatula on a plate, and then spread on small pieces of bread. After eating the first piece, you can spread the second one, etc. In the same way, they eat pate, butter, using special knives for spreading.

There are certain rules when using cutlery.

So, cold snacks are eaten diner fork and knife;
hot from a kokotnitsa or a kokilnitsa - cocotte fork or teaspoon;
hot fish - fish knife and fork;
hot meat dishes table knife and fork;
dessert dishes (pudding, ice cream) - with the help of spoons;
fruit - with fruit knife and fork and so on.

The spoon is held so that the thumb rests on top of its handle. Soup is eaten by scooping with a spoon from oneself, otherwise you can splatter the suit. You need to scoop up as much liquid as you can bring to your mouth without spilling. Care must be taken to ensure that the soup does not drain from the spoon back into the bowl.
The spoon is brought to the mouth with the left wide edge.

It is not supposed to cool the soup by stirring with a spoon, it is better to wait until it cools down a bit. Similarly, you can not blow into a plate, cup or spoon. Soup is eaten quietly, silently; to eat it to the end, it is not forbidden to slightly lift the edge of the plate with your left hand away from you.

After finishing eating the soup, the spoon should be left in the bowl. They act in the same way, without finishing the soup to the end.

Dumplings, meatballs in the soup are divided into parts not with a knife, but with a spoon.

If soup meat is served separately on a dish or in a bowl, you need to take a piece, cut it with a knife and fork, and only then put it in a bowl with soup.

The thick is eaten simultaneously with the liquid. When adding soup to yourself, leave a spoon in a plate. Broth and puree soup are served mainly in a cup and are usually eaten with a dessert spoon, with the handle of the cup held in the left hand. Only the leftovers are drunk from the cup.

When using a fork and knife while eating, the knife is held in the right hand and the fork in the left hand.
When eating only with a fork, it is taken in the right hand.
Do not take a fork, knife or spoon too close to the base.
You cannot take with a spoon what you can take with a fork.
You can take on a fork as much as it fits on it without falling off.

Help knife have to be used quite often. They cut fish gastronomy, meat (beef, pork, lamb, veal, elk, wild boar, saiga, bear meat, hare, poultry, game).

Do not cut several pieces at once - the meat will cool and become tasteless. So you can cut only for children who are not yet accustomed to eating on their own or know how to use only a fork.

Dumplings, dumplings, boiled vegetables are not cut with a knife, but, if necessary, are divided into pieces with a fork.

If cutlets, zrazy, meatballs, cabbage rolls or other chopped dishes are on the table, the use of a knife is unnecessary. They are eaten with a fork held in the right hand.

With a piece of bread with your right hand, you can help put a piece of food from the plate on the fork. Dishes such as omelettes, vegetables, casseroles are eaten only with a fork.

With a knife that cuts meat, they do not take salt from the salt shaker, food from a common dish.

Do not crumble bread into a sauce or other dish. Having failed to eat the sauce with the main product - meat, poultry, fish, it is better to leave it on a plate.

If you have to temporarily interrupt food in order to drink water, take bread, put a piece of meat, put the knife and fork on the plate as they were held: the knife with the handle to the right, and the fork to the left.

After finishing the meal, the knife and fork are placed on the plate parallel with the handles to the left next to each other. This is a sign (to the waiter, serving persons) to remove the plate.

If someone asks to pass the device, then knives, forks, spoons hand forward. In this case, you yourself can take the device by the neutral middle (for example, in the place where the knife is connected to the handle). This will avoid contamination of the device with your fingers.

How different foods are eaten

Birds and game are eaten with a knife and fork (but not with hands). However, when cutting the meat into pieces, you should not make too much effort, as the cut piece can easily slip out of the plate onto the tablecloth.

Some dishes, in particular asparagus, tobacco chicken, crayfish, are sometimes allowed to be eaten with your hands (although still better use of cutlery). In this case, after a meal, a bowl of warm water is served for washing hands, into which a piece of lemon or rose petals is dipped. At the same time, napkins are served to wipe the fingers, and then everything is removed.

Crayfish, lobsters, lobsters are eaten with a special device, which consists of a short fork and spatula. From the body of the crayfish, only the meat in the claw is eaten. Then the crayfish is turned over on its back, the neck is separated from the body and the meat is selected with a fork.

Often, for convenience and in order not to get your hands dirty, they put on a lamb or pork chop bone paper papillots. Holding the papilot, it is easy to cut the meat from the bone. Sometimes small plates for bones (meat and fish) are specially placed on the table on the left side.

Hot fish (perch, bream, carp) It is customary to eat with a special device so as not to cut the bones. The blunt blade of the knife of this device has a spade shape, and the fork has four prongs. If there are no such devices, you can eat fish with two forks. They eat fish with one fork, holding it in their right hand and helping themselves with a piece of bread in their left hand. With the help of a fork, the bones are folded onto the edge of the plate or onto a saucer or plate designed for this purpose.

Fish gastronomy - beluga side, sturgeon, salmon and other fish- cut with a sharp snack knife. Sturgeon, beluga, boiled and hot smoked sturgeon are eaten only with a fork.

With smoked fish the skin is removed first, then the meat is separated from the bones. After the upper part is eaten, the fish is turned over to the other side and eaten further. Fish, like meat, is cut into small pieces. (When you eat fish, try not to remove the bones from your mouth in front of everyone.)

potatoes and vegetables, like other soft food, they do not cut with a knife, but cut into pieces with a fork in the left hand, the knife only holds the potatoes. Cut only the fried potato skin, as it is hard for a fork. Potatoes cooked “in their uniforms”, holding with a fork, are peeled with a knife in the right hand. Peeled potatoes are placed on a plate set for this purpose.

The sauce is not poured over potatoes or vegetables, since it is intended for meat or fish and the appearance of potatoes or vegetables becomes unappetizing. You should try to eat the sauce with the main food so that it does not remain on the plate.

Salads, intended as an addition to the roast and served on small plates to each separately, they are eaten directly from them, without transferring them to a large plate. Liquid from salads is not eaten with a spoon, but left in a plate. Green salad is not cut - it should already be cut in the kitchen.

Salad served in a vase put on a plate with a spoon and fork attached to the salad. Separately served sliced ​​\u200b\u200b"rosettes" radishes with greens, as well as celery, are taken by hand and, dipped in salt on their plate, bite off. The rest is placed on the edge of your plate or in a small plate designed for this.

Sandwiches are eaten with a knife and fork. To make sandwiches, they put bread, butter on their plate, then spread a slice of bread, which is held on a plate with two fingers (the bread is not held in the palm of your hand, as this is unhygienic). Sausages, slices of meat, etc. are placed on a sandwich with a fork.

When eating bread with honey, jam or jam, first they fit it on strips, take honey, jam or jam on a plate and spread it on small pieces of bread, then bite it off. A strip of bread is held with the fingers of the left hand on a plate.

Pieces of kulebyaki, pie are eaten with a knife and fork; pies are small - holding with your fingers. If the pies are very greasy, they can also be eaten with a knife and fork.

Oil, if it is served in a large piece, they take it with a special knife (a ball or rosette, barrels of butter can be taken with your own knife). A piece of butter is placed on the right side of a bread or dessert plate and only taken from there to spread on bread or rolls.

Mustard and salt take with special spoons. Mustard is placed on the bottom of the plate (and not on the edge) on the right side.

Scrambled eggs served in an egg glass. The shell is easily broken with a spoon. The fragments are removed with fingers and placed in a saucer on which there is an egg glass. Then carefully remove the top of the egg with a spoon so that the yolk does not spill. Hard-boiled eggs are cleaned to the end, cut lengthwise into two halves and then gradually dissected with a fork.

Fried eggs and scrambled eggs ham is eaten with a fork held in the right hand. If necessary, help with a piece of bread, holding it in his left hand. Fried eggs are eaten with a plastic or stainless steel spoon. Fried eggs with large pieces of ham that need to be cut are eaten with a knife and fork.

Pasta usually crushed before serving. If they are longer than necessary, they should be dismembered with a fork. The spoon is used only to wrap long pasta (spaghetti) around the fork.

Dumplings eat with a fork whole so that the juice does not flow out of them.

Sausages and ham served on the table in slices; the skin must be removed first. Slices are placed on their plate with a fork located at the common dish.
If the skin of the sausage or ham is not peeled, it is cut with a knife, holding the slice with a fork on your plate.
At the table hot sausages "spikachek" do not remove the entire skin at once, but do it gradually, as you eat. So the bacon stays hot longer. Thin sausages, such as sausages and hunting sausage, do not remove the skin.
peel liver sausage cut off gradually, because if this sausage is removed from the casing, it becomes ugly. Pieces of sausage are pressed with a fork to a plate and an incision is made from the inside with a knife, then the skin is removed with a knife.

Kulebyaki, pies and pretzels, cakes are served sliced ​​on the table. Pieces of them are placed on their plate with a spatula, tongs or a large fork.

cakes eat with a special fork or teaspoon. Hard cakes - almond, nut, which crumble easily - can be eaten with your hand. A cake in a paper socket is placed on a plate along with the socket and eaten from it.

From chunks pretzel, small pretzels and other products that can crumble are broken off by hand in a small piece. From a bun stuffed with cream or jam, from coffee buns, etc., bite off, holding them in your hand.

From cookies break into pieces and eat. Very greasy cupcakes are eaten with a dessert fork.

Candies take by hand. At the festive table, they put them on their plate, unfold them, and then they put them in their mouths.

Lemon served as a condiment for food and drinks. A slice of lemon is placed in a cup of tea, the juice is squeezed out with a spoon, the rest is removed and placed on the edge of the saucer.
If the lemon is served on the table divided into slices, "garlic", the juice is squeezed over the glass with the index and thumb of the right hand.
When serving certain dishes (for example, fish, schnitzel, etc.), the juice from a slice of lemon is squeezed out with the convex side of the fork.

apple and pear cut with a fruit knife on a plate lengthwise into four or eight parts. Then they are cleaned and the core is removed. These pieces no longer cut, but bite off them.

Peaches and apricots eat differently. A large peach is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle to the bone, then broken. The bone is removed with a knife. When eating, cut off pieces from the halves. An apricot is much smaller than a peach, so they do not cut it into pieces, but put it in half at once in the mouth.

big plums break it in half with your fingers and take out the bone.
small plum squeeze from the ends so that it bursts, and the bone is removed with a knife.

Banana they take the bottom with their left hand and cut the top with a knife so that it is convenient to remove the peel from it. Since a long banana without a peel can break, it is first peeled only to half. They eat a banana while holding it in their hand. Put the banana peel on a plate.

Berries usually served in a vase or in portions already laid out on plates, otherwise they crumple easily (especially strawberries and raspberries). They are sprinkled with sugar and eaten with a teaspoon. On more solemn occasions, the berries are served with whipped cream.

Grape they eat by picking berries from the bunch with their fingers. One berry is placed in the mouth. The seeds and hard skin are carefully lowered onto a plate.

Cherries and other berries and fruits with small pits eat like grapes.

Watermelons and melons served with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bparts with a peel. A thick slice taken from the dish is placed on a plate with the skin down, and a thin piece is cut off with a fruit knife and fork. If the watermelon and melon are unsweetened, they are sprinkled with powdered sugar if desired, and the fruit knife and fork (or teaspoon) eat the flesh until hard skinned.

Mango cut into two parts on a plate, take out the bone and eat the pulp with a spoon.

A pineapple peel and cut across into thin slices, put on a plate or glass dish. From the dish, a slice is transferred to its plate with a fork attached for this. If desired, it can be sprinkled with sugar. Pineapple is eaten with a fruit knife and fork or a teaspoon.

nuts they never click their teeth, but split them with special tongs. The contents are removed from the shell with your fingers and put in your mouth.

After tasting the fruit, they wipe their hands with a paper towel and put it on a fruit plate.

compotes eat with a dessert spoon. The bones are folded with a spoon on a saucer. Until the meal is finished, it is customary to put a spoon in a vase with compote, and at the end it is placed on a saucer.
The liquid is always scooped out with a spoon.

Oranges and tangerines eaten by cutting the peel and dividing the pulp into five or six parts. A small slice is gradually separated from each of them. Thus, an orange can be eaten without using a fork and knife.

Puddings, ice cream, creams eat with a dessert spoon. They are usually served with crackers, cookies, puff buns, which are taken by hand. Mousses are also eaten with a dessert spoon.

teaspoon serves only for stirring tea. After mixing tea, coffee, a spoon is placed on a saucer, and not left in a glass or cup.

How to eat seafood
You can’t forbid to eat beautifully:
how to deal with lobsters, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, mussels and oysters

Eating seafood elegantly is one of the most difficult topics in the courses of feasting skills.
Seafood is said to be one of the most difficult topics in table etiquette courses. However, if you are not going to an appointment with one of the European monarchs, you should not worry too much.
Always remember that all the rules and numerous devices are not intended at all so that one of the guests can boast of knowing the intricacies of etiquette, but solely for your convenience, so that you can quickly cope with the nimble lobster claws or get to the juicy meat of king prawns faster.
So a little practice - and you will succeed!

A set of devices for seafood.


Most often at dinner parties and at a party, we meet shrimp. They are loved to be served at receptions or before the start of a gala reception as a light snack. Usually, large specimens are chosen for this and pierced with toothpicks. It is customary to eat such giants whole, dipping them first in a nearby sauce.
If huge shrimp are served as a main dish, then they are eaten with a knife and fork: first, the head and tail are disconnected, the middle is poured with lemon juice and eaten, cutting off convenient pieces.
In fried shrimp, chefs usually leave a tail, by which they need to be taken with their hands, dipped in sauce and eaten.
The most difficult task will face you if there are unpeeled shrimp on the table. With your left hand, gently grab them by the head, with your right hand, firmly grab the thick part of the tail and turn it a little so that the shell opens, then take out the meat with a fork.
Leave the shells on the edge of a plate or on a saucer served specifically for garbage.
Similarly, you can deal with lobsters by breaking off their heads and removing the meat with a narrow oyster fork.


Crayfish are served either floating in the water in which they were boiled, or taken out of it and laid out on a dish.
If there is no waiter nearby, you have to use a ladle or tongs to move the chosen handsome man to your plate.
To the right of it you will find an unusual knife with a hole. This device is needed to split the cancer shell, and then, inserting a claw into the hole, press harder and break it.
After all these almost surgical maneuvers, we proceed to the meal: we slowly eat and suck the meat from the claws and paws, holding them with our hands.
Then, turning the river miracle on its back, separate the back part and remove the meat from it with a fork.

Lobsters and lobsters

If you have mastered the wisdom of eating a river arthropod, then you can easily cope with its marine relatives - lobsters and lobsters. Their shell is usually stronger, so it is customary to split it with tongs. However, sometimes cooks take on this hard physical work, breaking the protection of lobsters in the kitchen. Too strong claws are pricked with the same device.
You probably guess that a huge lobster on a huge dish is not only for you?
Feel free to break off parts of it and put it on your plate!
If you have an unusual “spoon-fork” in front of you, then know that with a hook-tooth located at one end, you should pick out the meat from the paws, claws and shells, and scoop out the juice with a spoon on the other.


To elegantly deal with mussels, small tweezers designed for splitting shells and a fork for oysters will help.
Open the clam's shelter, take the shell with your right hand, bring it to your mouth and, as it were, suck out the mussel with the sauce.
If there is only meat, dig it out with a fork.
The rest of the sauce from the plate can be eaten with a spoon.


Raw oysters are served already opened.
However, if you bought them in a store, then before decorating the table with them, separate the halves with a special blunt knife with a thin rounded blade and arrange them beautifully on a large dish filled with finely crushed ice.
On the same plate, place halves or quarters of a lemon.

They eat these inhabitants of the deep sea with a special tiny thin narrow long fork.
Holding the shell with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, sprinkle the oyster with lemon juice, gently and silently suck out the liquid. After that, taking a fork in your right hand, pick up the mollusk and eat it.
There are usually no problems with fried oysters: they can be put into the mouth with a regular fork.
Dirty hands? No problem! If you have to eat seafood not only with cutlery, there are usually bowls on the table (sometimes with a circle of lemon floating in them) so that you can rinse your dirty fingers and then wipe them with a napkin.

Vegetable etiquette:
how to eat dipping sauce and artichokes

Green peas fell off the fork and fell out of the plate, the olive flew off in the neckline of the lady sitting next door, lettuce and bell pepper turned out to be too large, and the artichoke caused a general shock: how to approach it? To prevent such anecdotal situations from happening to us, we learn the rules of vegetable etiquette.

Salad: appetizer and side dish

If fresh vegetables were served as a salad or vinaigrette, i.e. cut into small pieces and completely ready to eat, which means that they must be eaten in the classic way - with a knife and fork.
Appetizers for appetizers are usually slightly smaller in size than for main courses.
When the salad goes as a side dish to a hot dish and is served with a cutlet, steak or chicken on one plate, we boldly pick up a large knife and fork and proceed to the meal.
A knife is especially useful if the dish contains a decent slice of bell pepper, a whole leaf lettuce or an edible decoration - artistically chopped tomatoes, cucumbers or radishes. Just do not grind everything at once - we separate small pieces just before putting them in your mouth.
If you are treated not to raw, but to boiled, stewed or steamed chopped vegetables, then the knife will only be needed to help them put the dish on the fork. Processed fruits are too soft, and there is no need to cut them further in a plate.

Vegetable mix

At receptions, banquets and festive feasts, a large plate with a dish called "Vegetable Cuts" is often served.
Common cutlery (tongs or a fork) is usually attached to it for overlaying on individual plates.
Using them, we return back and pick up a knife with a fork (taking vegetables with your hands from a plate is indecent).
If lettuce leaves and greens (dill, arugula) are too big, but soft enough, then they must be carefully wound on a fork and only then put in your mouth. If they are tough, cut them into pieces.

Deep Rules

When vegetables cut into even slices are served with sauces, such dishes are called dips.
Radishes, pieces of celery, carrots, and tiny cherry tomatoes on skewers are usually dipped into the sauce and eaten whole. If the slice turned out to be too large, after biting off, do not dip it into a common gravy boat. Moreover, this rule applies not only to official feasts in luxurious restaurant halls, but also to democratic picnics.
Of course, everything is easier in nature, but this does not mean that it is time to forget about etiquette!

Peas, corn and olives

Nimble peas and corn, with inept handling, can turn into real flying projectiles that affect all living things around. To prevent this from happening, we will treat them especially carefully.
Prick a piece of the main dish on the ends of the fork tines, turn it over with the concave side up and, helping yourself with a knife, put some peas on it (as on a spoon).
If the nimble balls strive to slip out of the plate, before picking up, press them down a little with a fork, and they will immediately become more obedient.
But it is not recommended to prick peas on the teeth.
Olives, olives, and small cherry tomatoes are treated somewhat differently from peas and corn. For their tasting, special tiny forks or skewers should be provided (sometimes the fruits are already chopped on them). We just have to stick them into the fruit, eat it, and put the device on the edge of the plate.
However, if the meal is informal, it is quite possible to take small fruits with your hands.

Potato passion

Correctly eating different dishes from potatoes is a special science.
For example, mashed potatoes should be eaten with a knife and fork, putting small portions of food on the last one.
If there is a large boiled potato on the plate, the fork comes to the fore - we break off small pieces of it with an edge and help put the side dish on the device with a knife (it is not customary to prick on the teeth).
Special skill is required in order to beautifully eat potatoes in their uniforms. Take a fork in your left hand and hold the tuber, and carefully remove the skin with a knife with your right hand.
There is another way: cut the potato into halves and extract the pulp with a fork.

"Difficult" artichoke

Perhaps the most "difficult" vegetable is the artichoke.
In Russia, he rarely appears on the table, but the risk of meeting him during a feast somewhere in Europe is very high.
First, carefully, so as not to injure the hands, detach the leaves of the “bud”.
Then we dip them in the sauce and, trying not to make loud obscene sounds, suck the pulp out of the hard shells.
As soon as we deal with the leaves, you need to rinse your hands in a bowl of water and eat the core with a fork and knife.

Fast food dictates its own rules, so if you snack on french fries on the run, feel free to eat it with your hands.
But in a solemn atmosphere, this simple dish, served as a side dish, must be consumed in accordance with all the rules, that is, with the help of a knife and fork.

Rules of etiquette:
how to eat game

When you see a delicious fried chicken or chicken, you just want to take the bird in your hands and gnaw all the bones. Probably, primitive man would have done just that. But we are civilized people, which means that we will have to feast on game according to all the rules of etiquette

Fillet, cutlets, meatballs

What kind of birds are not on our table!
Magnificent dishes are prepared from fattened domestic chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, wild quails, partridges and hazel grouses caught on the hunt. Poultry meat dishes are tasty, moderately fatty, but it is not easy to feast on them according to all the rules.
Only a tender fillet, chicken roll or Kiev cutlet is eaten without problems: you just need to arm yourself with a fork and knife, carefully cut off a delicious piece and put it in your mouth.
The main thing is that the slices are small and there is a napkin on your knees, which will save you from suddenly dripping sauce or fat.
It is also easy to deal with a chopped bird in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, because soft minced meat dishes are supposed to be eaten only with a fork.

Shank, wing, thigh

If the plate is not fillet, but a bird with bones - a leg, thigh, wings or half a carcass (for example, tobacco chicken), you will have to work hard and follow the main rule: in an official setting, do not eat game with your hands! Otherwise, soiled fingers should be rinsed regularly, and you should completely forget about the garnish - do not take cutlery with greasy fingers.
So, in order not to fall into the mud with your face, arm yourself with a fork and knife and first of all remove the skin from the bird.
Then, holding the portion with the tines of a fork, cut off thin slices of meat and eat them immediately.
You should not first disconnect the fillet from the bones, form a pyramid of scraps on a plate, and then gobble it up appetizingly.
In addition, the exciting process of gutting a chicken should not interfere with your communication with your tablemates: a person picking at a wing for too long looks rather ridiculous.
If you can not cope with small fragments, it is better to leave the food half-eaten.
By the way, when wings or legs are served in broth, the liquid is first eaten with a tablespoon, and then the meat is separated from the bones with a fork and knife and used as a second dish.


At home, visiting friends and relatives, you can relax - the rules of etiquette in an informal setting are not too strict.
A bowl of water and a slice of lemon (finger wash), disposable wet wipes handed out to guests, or a paper “cap” put on a large chicken bone signal that you can put the utensils aside and feel a little savage.
Gently, with the tips of the thumb and forefinger of your right hand, take the leg by the bone or the papillot put on it (in the case of wings, act in a similar way) and slowly bite off pieces of meat and gnaw on small bones. But in any case, do not chew them.
A person crunching bones and sucking out their insides looks indecent even when surrounded by close people.
Having finished with the bird, you must carefully lower your fingertips into the bowl, but do not dangle them so as not to splash your neighbors, and not immerse too deep.
Lemon juice will quickly rid the skin of fat and a specific smell, so you just need to lightly dip your hands and wipe them with a napkin.

Grilled chicken

Sometimes, at large feasts, a baked goose, duck, chicken or turkey is placed on the table as a whole. In this case, the carcass should be carved by the waiter (if it happens in a restaurant) or the owner (hostess) of the house.
But first you have to study the anatomy of the bird.
First, the wings are separated, then the transverse pieces are cut off from the chest, followed by the bones from the sides.
Pay attention to the fact that all the pieces are approximately equal with the same amount of meat.
In order not to offend anyone, white meat from the breast is sometimes reported to portions with legs and ribs.
If the chicken was stewed in sauce, you should make sure that each piece is watered with it.

Subtleties of etiquette:
how to eat pancakes

Golden, ruddy, mouth-watering, piping hot pancakes just ask for your mouth! But how should they be eaten - with your hands or with a fork, biting off or cutting off? There are rules for this.

Every filling has its place

The main rule of “absorption” of pancakes is that they must be eaten hot!
Lay out a sunny treat in a pile in the center of the table and do not forget to serve a variety of toppings to it.
If you choose salty snacks, fillet salmon or herring (no bones!) Put in a shallow plate with a common fork, and caviar in a crystal rosette with a spoon.
Serve individual dessert dishes and cutlery to each guest so that he can take a treat from the common cutlery, return them to their place and use their own.
Jam, sour cream and honey are served according to the same principle.
Empty rosettes with teaspoons are placed next to the guest's plate - whatever filling he wants, he will put it.
If you cook pancakes with minced meat, you will have to serve hot broth along with them. It must be poured into small bowls, distributed to each guest and proceed to the most pleasant - tasting.

According to Russian tradition

An ancient Russian proverb says: "Damn - not a stack, you can't stick it on a pitchfork."
In the old days, each round was considered a ritual dish, a symbol of the sun, the onset of spring and hope for a satisfying life.
"Sunshine" was just a sin, it was cruelly cut with a knife and strung on a fork.
It was supposed to take a pancake with your hands, dip it in your favorite filling or wrap pieces of fish in it and bite off with relish.
At home, you can easily follow folk traditions and, without hesitation, smear your hands in grease. Fold the pancakes into envelopes or roll them into rolls and enjoy the yummy.
If the treats are with cottage cheese, meat or other fillings, also do not be shy to eat them with your hands and do not scold your child for such behavior.
The main thing before a meal is to stock up on napkins so that later you have something to wipe off the fat.

At the buffet table, and not only

We eat pancakes not only at home, but also at a party, at lunch with colleagues, during business negotiations and romantic meetings.
In an official setting, you should completely forget folk etiquette and remember how to use a knife and fork correctly. It’s good if the famous dish is served in portions at the buffet table.
You just have to hold the edge of the pancake with a fork, cut off a small slice from the tube or envelope and put it in your mouth.
If the treat flaunts a common pile on the table in a heat-resistant dish, the task becomes more complicated.
With one prong of the fork, you need to be able to hook the edge of the upper solar round and, turning the cutlery away from you, roll the pancake into a tube.
In this form, transfer the treat to your plate, unfold it and spread any filling with a knife.
Then turn the “sun” into a tube again and only after that start cutting it into slices.
If the filling is liquid (honey, sour cream, jam or berry sauce) and is in an individual outlet, do not unroll the pancake, but immediately chop it into pieces and dip it in your favorite treat.

Sauce Tricks:
serve and eat according to the rules of etiquette

Just as a bad sauce can ruin the finest dish, so mishandling it (licking the gravy boat, splashing it on the tablecloth) can ruin a reputation. Well, to avoid disaster, you just need to follow the rules of sauce etiquette.

Where to put the saucepan?

It is customary to serve the sauce on the table in a gravy boat - a small and very elegant oblong cup with a spout and one handle. They put it not on a tablecloth, which can be accidentally stained with drops, but on a saucer covered with a napkin.
If the sauce is intended individually for each guest, then a tiny cup is placed on the left, above the pie plate.
In this case, the spout of the vessel should be directed to the right. The handle of a tea or dessert spoon, which lies on a saucer, also looks there: it is needed to scoop up a fragrant tasty liquid.
If the sauce is poured not into individual bowls, but into common ones, then they are placed next to the dish. And they use special spoons. They are somewhat larger and deeper than tea ones, and are also equipped with a small spout.

Do not pour on the side dish

It is desirable that the hostess or the waiter pour the sauce from the common bowl - this will be safer for everyone.
However, often guests decide to cope with this task on their own and let the device go around.
In this case, carefully take the saucer with the bowl and carefully scoop the sauce with a spoon.
Try to pour it on the main dish, and not on the side dish.
It is believed that the taste of the dressing was created in order to shade and emphasize the merits of the main dish, and mashed potatoes or vegetables filled with a thick liquid become ugly and unappetizing.
If you didn’t have time to dip the meat in the sauce in time and decided to pour it on weight right on the fork, stop: you can’t do that. It is better to eat a dry piece than to pass for an ill-mannered person.

Licking and dipping is not allowed

Pour the sauce carefully so as not to drip onto the tablecloth.
If a couple of multi-colored spots still remained on the snow-white surface of the table and the waiter did not come to the rescue in time, do not draw attention to this, just blot the drops with a napkin or cover the dirty place with it.
There should be enough sauce for everyone, so don't be greedy when putting it on your plate.
And try to calculate the amount in such a way as to finish it with the rest of the food.
If the eye failed, nothing can be done - at a gala dinner, even the most delicious dressing will have to be left on a platter. You're not hungry enough to lick your plate.
It is also indecent to drive slices of bread in sauce puddles, and then suck them relish.
As a last resort, and only in an informal setting, you can put the crumb in the sauce and then remove it from the plate with a fork.

Hybrid knife and spoon

If you are served a dish in which the sauce is already on the plate, the tasting rules will be somewhat different.
A special spoon is added to personal forks and knives.
True, it is not very easy to recognize it, because cutlery designers cannot come to a single solution.
Most often, it looks like a dessert spoon, but flatter to make it handy to scoop out the gravy.
Fish dishes can be served with an even more bizarre device, similar to a hybrid of a knife and a spoon. It is good for them to separate the fillet pieces and immediately pour them with sauce.

Deep subtleties

There are foods that are usually dipped in sauce. For example, this is how they deal with mollusks: first, using a special fork, they are removed from the shells, then they are carefully immersed in an individual gravy boat and only then they are eaten.
Thick dip sauces are also intended for dipping.
Usually they are placed in the center, and bars of fresh vegetables are laid out around.
You need to take a cucumber (carrot, celery, artichoke leaves) with your hands, immerse it in a bowl and eat it.
If you bite off a piece, do not dip the vegetable in a common gravy boat anymore - this is indecent and not hygienic.

Soy Tricks

Sushi (sushi) or sashimi is usually consumed with soy sauce, which is served in special small cups. To enjoy a Japanese dish, rice balls or fish must be carefully taken with chopsticks and dipped in sauce. Moreover, it is not the rice side that is dipped into the soy liquid, but the fish side.
In the same way, it is customary to flavor traditional Thai sticky rice with sauce, especially common in the north of the country. Small cups with several dressings are usually placed in the middle of the table. According to local etiquette, you need to pinch off a small lump from the viscous mass of grains with your hand and then dip it into a common bowl with the sauce you like. Just do it carefully - an unfamiliar dressing may be too sharp.

The language of knives and forks:
how not to be hungry at the reception

Sign language in a restaurant often replaces words. To be properly understood, you need to master it perfectly.
You have probably had cases in your life when you went out to call in a restaurant and left a half-empty plate on the table, hoping to finish your favorite salad later. But here's the horror: you return, and the dish has already been taken away! And there is no need to scold the waiter in this situation - you yourself must have let him know that the dinner is over. Sign language in a restaurant often replaces words. To be properly understood, you need to master it perfectly.

The meal continues

Most of the signs at the table are usually served with the help of devices. If you want to free your hands for a while (to take bread or talk calmly with a neighbor), put the fork on the left, and the knife on the right so that they rest on the table with their handles, and on the plate with their tips slightly turned away from the eater. If you only use a fork, hoist it to your right in the same way.
Sometimes during the meal you need to take a break, go about your business, go out for a smoke or talk on the phone. There are signals for such long pauses. The devices are crossed on a plate, and the knife is placed with the tip to the left, and the fork with the teeth to the right. This will be a sign to the waiter that the meal is not over yet and the dish does not need to be taken away. This rule is sometimes even too scrupulously observed in European countries. Sometimes people sitting at the table wait for the next dish for a long time only because one of them does not know the rules of etiquette (crossed cutlery on a plate), because in restaurants it is customary to change the dishes of the whole company at the same time, and a trained waiter will wait until everyone finish.

Lunch is over!

If you want to show the waiter that it’s time to clean your plate, you don’t need to move it away from you or throw dirty napkins into it. It is enough just to put the devices parallel to each other so that the handles correspond to the arrows pointing to half past five. In this case, the blade of the knife looks at the eater, and the teeth of the fork look up. Similarly, you should put down your fork and spoon after you eat dessert.

signal spoon

It is more difficult to signal the waiter correctly with a tablespoon. Usually the soup is served in a deep bowl, standing on a shallow one. At the end of a meal, it is customary in European restaurants to remove the spoon and place it on the bottom dish. The device left in the soup will be regarded as a sign that the guest wants to continue the tasting. In our restaurants, it is considered acceptable to leave a spoon in your plate, whether you decide to just relax or finish your meal. An attentive waiter, of course, will clarify what exactly you mean, but if you do not want to part with the soup ahead of time, make sure that it is not accidentally taken away.
It is customary to do the same when salads or desserts are served in deep vases or bowls, where it is impossible to put a knife or fork. Such dishes are usually placed on a small serving dish. Until you're done tasting, let your fork and knife rest on the tips of it like a regular plate, and finally put the cutlery in parallel - this should attract the attention of the waiter. If the vase allows, it is permissible to leave the spoon right in it.

Eastern wisdom

Oriental restaurants have their own wisdom. If you're in a Chinese restaurant, finish your meal by placing the chopsticks across the bowl with the ends to the left - this will be a message to the waiter that it's time to clean up the extra dishes. But in a Japanese institution, you can’t do that. During and after the meal, the hashi are placed in their original place, that is, on a rectangular stand, with their sharp ends up.

Napkin at the plate

A tissue napkin also has its own signaling system.
If you decide to leave the table for a while, you need to leave it on a chair, and when you return, again carefully fold it in half and place it on your knees.
When you leave the restaurant, you should put the napkin with the used side inward to the left of the plate - then the waiter will understand that the person will not come again and his dishes can be removed.
The main thing - never put cloth napkins in the dishes!
Carefully folding them or trying to give the original look by constructing figures is also not worth it.

Confusion at the table:
how to get out of a stupid situation

There was a fly in a bowl of soup, a large piece of meat in a fatty sauce plopped down on the tablecloth, the fork fell to the floor, you choked, sneezed, choked, ate a hot chili pepper ... Alas, sooner or later this can happen to each of us. The main thing is not to panic and not to attract attention to yourself, but to remember how to behave in awkward situations.

Pasta fell, fell to the floor

When a piece of broccoli or chicken falls off your fork onto the tablecloth, carefully pick it up with your knife, place it on the edge of your plate, and act like nothing happened. It is a completely different matter if the slice turned out to be not dry, but generously flavored with fatty sauce, which left a bright mark on the table. In this case (and also when we spill a drink), blot the dirty place with a napkin and leave it on the tablecloth to cover up the traces of the crime. Believe me, if you do not actively ask for forgiveness from all those present, but simply smile guiltily, the incident will be forgotten very quickly.
However, during a party, naughty food can pop not only on the table, but also on your outfit. In this situation, simply wipe the stain with a tissue. If you managed to knock over a full bowl of soup on yourself, apologize, leave the table and clean up in the toilet. Much worse if you doused your neighbor. In this case, ask for forgiveness and do everything possible to eliminate the consequences of embarrassment.
It is a completely different matter when food or cutlery falls on the floor. In such a situation, one should not jump off the chair and crawl under the table in search of a rolled olive or a “runaway” fork. According to etiquette, nothing should be lifted from the floor: what has fallen is gone! In order to get new appliances, just contact the waiter.


Adults constantly remind children of the well-known proverb “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”, but they themselves, as a rule, actively support a table conversation, risking choking on food. If such a nuisance happens to you, take a sip of water and cough a couple of times, covering your mouth with your hand, or even better with a handkerchief. If you can’t overcome the cough in any way, apologize, leave the table and try to recover in another room. And do it even before the moment when others begin to thrash you on the back (which doctors, by the way, do not recommend).
If your cough is bothering you because you are sick, be sure to carry lozenges with you, and even better, stay at home until you are fully recovered. You should not go out to people with a severe cold. But if you absolutely must attend an important banquet and during the meal you feel it is impossible not to blow your nose, do it as quietly as possible. And be sure to wear a handkerchief, not a napkin! If it was not at hand, go to the toilet.
Sneezing loudly at the table is also a sign of bad manners. Therefore, as soon as you feel stuffy in your nose, gently rub the bridge of your nose with your hand - this is usually how you manage to pacify the desire to make a savory “apchi!”. If you don’t have time to stop the sneeze, cover your mouth with a handkerchief (in extreme cases, with your hand) and turn away from people and food.

Fire on the tongue

When waiters serve food piping hot, they usually warn guests to be careful.
But if you still took a piece that is too hot in your mouth, quickly wash it down with any drink. This is more effective and decent than opening your mouth wide, sticking out your tongue and actively waving your arms, pumping air and attracting attention to yourself.
If the food turned out to be not hot, but too spicy, on the contrary, in no case do not reach for a glass of water.
It is better to eat dishes with peppercorns with something neutral - rice, potatoes, pasta.
It happens that it is completely impossible to swallow spicy (sour, salty, bitter) food. In this case, imperceptibly (as if you are wiping your lips), bring a napkin to your mouth and spit a piece into it.

Fly in a bowl

Another nuisance that may lie in wait for the taster at the table is hair, flies and other inedible objects on the plate.
In this case, act according to the circumstances.
For example, if an unintelligent insect committed suicide in your glass, you can quietly ask the waiter to replace the device.
Other inedible items simply put on the edge of the plate.
Moreover, try to do everything so as not to spoil the appetite of others.
However, if you find in a dish not a fly or a lint, but a rusty nail or a shaggy tail, then attract the attention of not only the waiter, but also the restaurant administrator.

Team Gaza!

Perhaps the most unpleasant thing that can happen at the table is to accidentally burp loudly or release gases.
However, even in such a situation, one should not do hara-kiri or drink potassium cyanide.
Try to hide the burp by coughing quickly - others will not even understand what happened.
But an attack of flatulence is not necessary to beat.
Try to pretend that nothing happened and mentally reassure yourself that holding back the natural impulse is unhealthy. In the end, people may not even guess who specifically spoiled the air.

If at the table you have to use

They were invented in China. At a time when our ancestors in Europe still ate with their hands, the Chinese were already training their finger dexterity with chopsticks.

Already in the XII century BC. The rulers of the Shan Dynasty used "elongated fingers" - sticks. Then they were made from valuable materials - jade, agate, ivory or silver.

Today, they are usually made from bamboo, wood, or plastic. The Chinese call sticks kuaizi, what does "accelerator" mean in translation; this is true, at least in capable hands, because the Chinese eat quickly and do not hesitate to hold a bowl of rice near their mouth in order to “speed up” the movement of rice with chopsticks.

Sticks came from China to those countries on which the historical influence of Chinese culture was great - to Japan, Korea and some others.

Sticks are different: short, about 25 cm, for eating from bowls or trays, and long, 35 cm, made of bamboo, for beating eggs or mixing sauces.

Eating with chopsticks is a matter of training: the lower stick is fixed between the bone of the index finger and the thumb, the upper one remains movable to capture food.

Learning how to use chopsticks is not a big deal.
Look at the pictures, remember everything well and most importantly - train more.

But here few people understood them in more detail. For many, it is sufficient that they know in which hand to hold a knife and in which to hold a fork. However, this is very little. In this article I want to talk about how to behave at the table correctly.

About etiquette

First of all, it must be said that there are different types of behavior in a particular institution and even in a particular country. If you figure out how beautiful it is to eat, this question will be completely the same for European countries, in which you need to be at least quiet at the table, and for Asian countries, where gratitude to the owner for a delicious dinner is expressed by loud champing and smacking. Also, behavior in a restaurant and visiting relatives at the table may differ slightly.

Restaurant etiquette

Understanding how beautiful it is is very important for those people who visit various restaurants from time to time. So, here it is important to behave correctly immediately after crossing the threshold of the institution. It is important to remember that the head waiter meets guests, tells if there are free seats, and takes them to the desired table. It is also his duty to pick up the outerwear of visitors. Approaching the table, a man (if guests of different sexes have come) must first help the lady sit down, pushing her chair a little, then he sits down himself. It is also important to remember how to sit at the table correctly. As for the position, the representative of the stronger sex should be opposite the woman or to her left. If the lady is a little late, the man can take a seat at the table, but when the head waiter takes her to the appointed place, the guy will definitely stand up as a sign of respect.

Order selection

When the couple is already at the table, the waiter is sure to serve the menu. You should not rush to choose the desired dishes, in such establishments it is not customary to rush. Most often, the waiter will see that the guests are ready to order something, and he himself will come. But you can also call the attendants to you with a slight movement of your hand. The order is made first by a woman, only then - by a man. However, a lady can ask a guy to do it for her, this is also allowed. If the guests cannot decide on the choice of wine, they can ask the waiter for advice. You can also consult with him about a particular dish, this is allowed by the rules of etiquette.


How to behave at the table while the order has not yet arrived? At this time, guests can quietly communicate. The waiter will most likely bring the wine first. Only a restaurant employee uncorks bottles; a man should not take off from his place to do this. First, the drink is served to the ladies, then to the guys. As for food, you can start eating only after everyone at the table already has ordered dishes.


Understanding how beautiful it is to eat, it is also important to remember that in restaurants it is strictly forbidden to pick up fallen objects from the floor. The waiter will do it. He must bring a clean instrument. If there was an embarrassment and broke, for example, a plate or a glass, do not worry. Just the restaurant will include its cost in the bill, and the case will be closed. No one will make scandals about this. If you want to salt the dish, and the salt shaker is on the other side of the table, you should not reach out for it yourself, you need to ask the neighbor just to serve what you need. It is also important to remember about decibels: you need to speak in a restaurant in a way that does not disturb others.

How to sit

Understanding how beautiful it is, it is important to remember that you need to sit at the table correctly. So, it is forbidden to put your elbows on the table, fall apart on a chair, swing on it. Also, you can not bend low over the plate. The back of the seated person should be straight, no need to slouch either. However, there should be no tension and rigidity in the posture, everything should be natural. When there is a change of dish, the guest is allowed to lean back a little so as not to interfere with the waiter and to rest a little in a comfortable position.

About food

It is worth remembering that it is not customary to rush in restaurants; dishes are eaten slowly in order to enjoy their taste. If the food is quite hot, you can not blow on it. To cool down, you just need to wait a little, keeping the conversation going. If burning with burning food occurs, you can’t wave a napkin or hands into your mouth, you can only drink everything with water. Various bones, including fruit ones, are strictly forbidden to spit out or remove from the mouth with your hands. For this, a fork is designed, which is gently brought to the mouth and everything unnecessary is added there. If the person did not like the taste of the dish at all, you can bring a napkin close to your mouth and spit everything out there, without attracting the attention of others with indignation about this.

If you need to leave

The culture of behavior at the table has its own recommendations about mobile phones. So, if a guest is called, he can briefly say that he will call back without leaving his seat. However, if the conversation is urgent, be sure to move away. Talking at the table on the phone is a bad form. Also, if you need to leave, for example, to the restroom, you need to ask permission from everyone present at the table. You can also not talk to people sitting at the next table. If these are comrades or you just need to ask something, you need to get up and approach them. In the case when acquaintances enter the restaurant, they should be greeted sitting, with a slight nod of the head. A man gets up only if a lady joins his table. Women do not move in all situations.

End of meal

When the dinner has come to an end, the guests are full and satisfied, they can ask the waiter for the bill, which will mean that their stay in this institution has come to an end. The attendants will bring a folder in which the account will be indicated. It is also important to remember about the tip - 10% of the order value. Who should pay - that's another question. So, in the countries of the post-Soviet space, this is done mainly by men. In European countries, women are actively fighting this, considering it a relic of the past, and there everyone pays for himself. If the dinner was just friendly, you can ask the waiter in advance to bring a personal bill, for each person separately. It is also important to remember about surrender. If it is necessary, the person is simply silent. If there is money in the folder, part of which does not need to be returned, you just need to say: “Without change”, and this will be the end of the matter. It is important to remember that it is necessary to decide who will pay in advance, it is ugly to do this in front of the waiter. You also need to know who to complain to. To talk about everything that you liked or didn’t like, you need the head waiter, not the waiter.


But if all of the above is not too terrifying for the unknowing, then here's how to properly deal with cutlery - this is a whole science. After all, there are a huge number of plates, knives, spoons and glasses of various sizes and purposes. It is elementary to know how to properly hold the fork and how to use it. So, when a person sits down at a table, no matter where it happens - in a restaurant or at home, he must definitely look around. So, according to the rules, a snack plate should stand straight, to the right of it - a pie or napkin plate. To the left of the plate should be spoons and knives, to the right - forks. If all this is observed at the table, we can conclude that certain manners are required from the guest. You also need to remember that a dessert device will be located in front of the plate, most likely a teaspoon. Wine glasses and glasses will stand behind the plate, they all also have their own purpose.

How to use cutlery

So what is the right way to hold a fork? This question often worries people. It is worth remembering that those devices that lie to the left of the plate are taken with the left hand, those on the right - with the right. That's all science. Dessert devices are arranged so that the handle will look to the right or left. Depending on this, you need to decide which hand to take them with. As for the knife, according to the rules, the end of its handle should rest against the center of the palm, the thumb and middle finger are on the sides of the knife, and the index finger is in the center. The rest of the fingers are slightly bent towards the palm. The fork while eating is held so that its teeth look down, the handle, like that of a knife, rests on the palm. In the case when you need to eat small pieces of food, as well as a side dish - mashed potatoes or porridge, turn the fork upside down, and a knife can help in picking up food a little. The spoon is held in the left hand so that its end is at the base of the index finger, and the beginning is at the middle. If the dish is easily separated, the waiter can serve only the fork, in which case it must be held in the right hand. Now it should be clear to everyone, not only how to hold a fork and knife, but also other nuances of using cutlery. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first.


When figuring out how to eat beautifully, it is important to know that you also need to be able to manage with a napkin. Often it becomes the subject of table decoration, but at the same time it also has its direct purpose. Before eating, the napkin should be carefully folded in half and placed on your knees with the edge towards you. This will help protect your suit or dress from drips that might spill. You can also wipe your hands or lips with this napkin after eating or drinking. Hanging it by the collar, making a bib, is strictly prohibited. This is both inconvenient and very ugly. Soiled fingers are gently and imperceptibly wiped on the upper edge of the napkin, which remains on the lap. If you need to get your lips wet, the napkin is raised, however, so that it is completely in the palm of your hand, and not hanging. Blot (but do not wipe) the lips with the middle of the napkin, then it is placed back in place. It is strictly forbidden to use it as a handkerchief or towel for wet or dirty hands. Also, you can not wipe the cutlery with a napkin, looking for a speck on them. This can be great to offend the owners. If this item has fallen, you need to ask to bring a new one. At the end of the meal, the napkin is placed to the left of the plate, but never hung on the back of a chair.

About drinks

Everyone understands that proper behavior at the table is the key to a successful evening in a cultural institution. It is also important to give a few words and drinks, as well as the containers that suit them. The main thing is to remember the rule: the stronger the drink, the less capacity it needs. A glass - for vodka drinks, Madeira glass - for fortified, glasses or glasses for white and red wines, a glass or a glass - for champagne. Stronger drinks are served first, then in ascending order. The wine glasses are two-thirds full.

About children

Etiquette is also important, because kids should also be able to behave correctly in society. However, it should be said that the rules for them will be lighter and more restrained than for adults. And no one should pay much attention to the mistakes of the kids at the table. However, a mother or other parent should quietly make a remark to the baby, teaching him the right behavior. What is the most important thing for children when behaving at the table? It is important that the kids know that at the table you can not talk loudly, laugh, shout. You can not talk with a full mouth, it is ugly and even harmful to the process of eating. Also, you can not champ and smack, it is unacceptable. It is necessary for the child to be told how to properly handle the napkin: it should be used to wipe dirty lips and hands, and when not needed, it should be on your knees. Also, the baby needs to be told that there are dishes that you can eat with your hands, and those for which you need to use cutlery. So, for example, french fries, shrimp, fish sticks can be taken with your hands without problems, you can also grab a cauliflower inflorescence. But this ends the list of products that are taken without appliances. For unknown reasons, babies love to eat spaghetti with their hands, but this is ugly and wrong. The kid needs to be told about this. Children should also remember that they need to stay at the table until everyone has eaten. And, of course, it is important to say “thank you” to the hosts who served. In the case of a meal in a restaurant, “thank you” is said to the head waiter. If etiquette at the table is too hard science for the crumbs, pictures can be a great help in learning. You just need to show the baby a few video tutorials or characteristic pictures, and everything will become clearer to him.

As a person who has been in love with cooking for a long time, it gives me great pleasure to cook deliciously and beautifully even during the project. I get some kind of perverted high when I shift 80g of buckwheat with vegetables so that everyone wants to steal my breakfast

This is what I would like to write about. How important it is to eat beautifully. It helps a lot to not get lost! My coach gave me the task to buy beautiful dishes for myself - use it! Lay out your food beautifully, set a table for yourself, buy beautiful napkins, decorate dishes with greenery.

And one more very important point. Turn on your fantasy!! After all, of course, you can just whip up a quick three-egg omelet, stick it in yourself with a carrot and look with envy at home, who savor fried pork. And you can give yourself a little more time for your beloved and make a breathtakingly delicious casserole (as I did)). I barely took the last piece from my husband for dinner))

50g carrots, 100g cauliflower (pre-boiled), 3 eggs, favorite spices.

At the bottom of the form we lay the carrots, cut into slices. Top with cauliflower and pour everything with beaten eggs and spices. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180C (covering the form with foil) and another 15 minutes, removing the foil.

This is just one of the options, and there are dozens of them!! Therefore, I propose to fall in love with our food, approach it from the other side with imagination and melt together with everyone) Who is with me ?!

Jusik especially for website

In contact with


Not all of us in childhood wanted to learn the rules of etiquette at the table. It seemed that all these adult conventions were unlikely to come in handy someday. But now, some twenty years later, you are already sitting in an exquisite restaurant with an equally refined gentleman, and instead of tasting new dishes, you regret that you did not learn how to properly handle cutlery. And given that individual products also require special treatment, table etiquette becomes a compulsory science for every self-respecting modern young lady. AND women's magazine Charla offers to learn the basics of this science together.

Etiquette at the table: sit down at the table

Of course, for many modern families, a joint lunch and dinner has become a rarity, and for some, the sofa in front of the TV even functions as a dining room. But table etiquette rules make us all forget those imposing poses in which it is so convenient to be while eating.

If you think that the absence of your elbows on the table is already a feat for the sake of the aesthetics of the feast, you are very mistaken. Firstly, elbows are not placed on the table not only for aesthetic reasons, but also in order not to interfere with the neighbors at the feast. And secondly, this is only the first step towards the correct position at the table.

Make sure that you are not too close to the table, but not too far from it. The back should be straight all the time. Both those who prefer “full immersion” in a plate look ugly, as well as those who imposingly lean back in their chair, risking getting dirty with accidentally dropped food. The rules of etiquette at the table allow you to only tilt your head slightly during the meal, so that the path of the fork or spoon is not so long.

Remember the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, who tucked a napkin into Piglet's collar while visiting a rabbit? So, from this gesture, one could conclude that Vinnie considers Piglet a child, because table etiquette rules provide that the napkin is tucked into the collar only for children. Adults should put such a napkin on their knees. After finishing the meal, you can wipe your fingers with a napkin, but not your mouth. To do this, use your own handkerchiefs or napkins.

We think that not everyone follows the example of Winnie the Pooh during a feast, aiming exclusively at food. And rightly so, sometimes you still need to get up from the table. True, and here table etiquette rules make themselves felt: getting up from the table, and again sitting down at the table is necessary on the right side of the chair.

Etiquette at the table: food is served!

Eating with your hands is the lot of ill-mannered people? No matter how. Yes, most products are really eaten with cutlery, but it is customary to eat cakes, cookies, citrus fruits, bread, fruits without using cutlery, because they do not get hands dirty, in addition, they can be easily taken from a common dish without touching that part that will go to the rest of the guests.

And yet, in most cases, a spoon and fork is indispensable. Therefore, one must be able to use these cutlery correctly.

So, the correct position of the spoon in the hand involves the thumb being on top of this cutlery. While tasting, move the spoon away from you. Similarly, you need to tilt the plate away from you if the soup runs out.

The fork, which in most cases should be in the left hand, is held on top with the index finger. If the knife is not needed to eat a particular dish (for example, minced meat dishes), the fork can be in the right hand.

Without the help of a knife, it is necessary to eat dumplings and meatballs, if they are in the soup. Just break them into pieces with a spoon.

But if there is unchopped meat on the table, you can’t do without a knife. But just do not try to grind all the ingredients of the dish at once. Cut them as you use them, otherwise they will cool down ahead of time. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is also better to eat a bird not with your hands, but with a fork and knife.

It is customary to eat fish served hot with a special device or with two forks. It is allowed to use one fork, which is in the right hand.

Side dishes in the form of potatoes and other vegetables are also eaten without a knife. And you also need to remember that they should not be doused with sauce. After all, the sauce is intended for meat or fish, so it is on meat or fish that it must be applied.

Do not use bread slices to soak sauce or any leftovers on the plate. The maximum that bread can be used for, in addition to its main purpose, is to help move food from plate to fork.

To avoid incidents with waiters who clear your plate too early, learn how to signal that you have finished your meal with cutlery. Table etiquette rules provide that in the case when you interrupt the meal, but have not yet completed it, you need to leave the knife and fork on the plate in the same way as you held them in your hands. In other words, the fork handle should point to the left, the knife handle should point to the right.

When the meal is over, inform the waiter by placing both the fork and knife with the handle to the left.

And do not think that the moment will not come when you can finally demonstrate your knowledge table etiquette rules. Well, it’s not necessary to wait for an invitation to the ball. It is better to take it as a habit always, even when alone, and then neither attentive aristocrats, nor any lobsters or oysters will take you by surprise.

By the way, there are special courses that teach the rules of etiquette at the table. If you have the time and desire, be sure to sign up for the course. It is very exciting, useful, and, of course, delicious.

Inna Dmitrieva

The ability to behave at the table has always distinguished a cultured person from a savage, so good manners were taught from childhood. But if you haven’t taught, then it doesn’t matter, simple grandmother’s secrets will help you find them at any age.

Learning how to behave at the table is not difficult, there are not so many rules and everyone knows them, and whoever does not know can easily find answers to any questions in books or the Internet. The culture of behavior at the table is very important, it is a characteristic that allows you to assess the cultural level of a stranger.

For example, everyone knows that the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. They cut with a knife, and send it to the mouth with a fork. At the same time, they do not wave their arms, do not raise their elbows and do not talk with their mouths full. Does everyone know how to easily and naturally use a knife and fork? No, not all! Many need to learn this.

The simple science of table manners can be learned effortlessly by following the simple advice of a smart and well-mannered grandmother.

Practice every day at home! Learning how to use a knife and fork is very simple, you just need to practice often! There is no fried chop on the plate - cut the potato and cucumber into pieces. There is no gold-plated appliance - take a small kitchen knife and a simple fork. It doesn’t matter what is on the plate, it is important to be able to cut it neatly and gracefully put it in your mouth.

Imagine that you are at the reception of the queen! Behavior at the table should be impeccable, even if you eat all alone - this will become a habit and help you behave correctly and confidently in public. Imagine that you are invited to a reception with the queen. It is not necessary to conduct a conversation, but an even posture, the ability to eat beautifully, to use knives, forks, and napkins correctly is required. Do not lay your elbows on the table, do not slurp, do not sit, lounging, do not spit out the bones on the table - is it difficult?

and no room on the table! It is necessary once and for all to forbid yourself to eat fried potatoes directly from the pan, in no case should you grab food with your hands. Any food should be beautifully laid out on plates, and not piled up. If breakfast consists only of a slice of toasted bread, half a tomato and a leaf of lettuce, then it should still be on a plate, decorated like in an expensive restaurant. Washing a plate is not difficult, but cultivating the habit of setting the table is very important.

No rush at the table! No matter how hungry you are, it is not customary to immediately pounce on food at a party, stuffing your mouth with it. It is necessary to wait for the invitation of the hostess, then eat slowly, using all cutlery, interrupted by conversations. At home, do exactly the same, do not rush, in this case, not only a good habit will appear, but you will also feel full faster. This habit is useful not only as an element of the culture of behavior at the table, but also as an effective tool for losing weight.

A tablecloth or napkin under the plate is a must! No one will argue, it is much more convenient to dine on a table made of plastic or glass. It can be easily wiped up if the soup has spilled or the crumbs have piled up. Oilcloth is also good for these purposes - not too beautiful, but convenient, and therefore it is she who lies on the kitchen table in many houses. Much more elegant and pleasant if a tablecloth is laid. Who will lay out the bones from directly on the tablecloth? And spill the soup on the table? The tablecloth disciplines and accustoms adults and children to accuracy and caution.

Learning to behave beautifully at the table is quite simple, the only difficulty is that many people do not have the habit of doing this all the time - both in the family circle and alone. There is also no need for daily beautiful serving. Many eat food on the go, without thinking about the aesthetic aspects of the meal.

Sometimes the problem is not only in one's own laziness, but also in the reaction of others to such efforts. Someone lives in a hostel, where herring on a newspaper is the norm, because then you don’t need to wash the plate! Someone's family members are proud of their lack of education and lack of culture. Of course, it is unpleasant to endure the ridicule of friends and relatives, but MAKE YOURSELF is always difficult.
