
What is needed for the station. How to open your own car inspection point

Since last year, the implementation of technical inspection from the competence of the traffic police has passed to private companies. This event opened up great opportunities for many Russian entrepreneurs. Today, almost every businessman can open his own business and get a good profit from it. Let's take a closer look at what is needed to open a checkpoint.

First about documents

In order to start work, it is necessary to issue all permits. To do this, you must have a copy of the constituent papers, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a copy of the passport of an individual entrepreneur, photocopies of contracts that would confirm the ownership of structures or leases for various technical diagnostics.

You must also document that you have at least one expert in your state who meets the approved requirements. In addition, you must provide a copy of the paper proving that the person signing the application has the legal right to do so. The law prescribes to have on hand a copy of the bank order, which confirms the payment of a one-time payment for accreditation.

For everything about everything 10 days

Let's dwell on this issue in more detail. You, as an entrepreneur who has a technical inspection point, can choose only one or several points for accreditation at once (in other words, list the categories of vehicles that you have the right to serve).

Your competence may include the inspection of motorcycles, various vehicles that provide passenger transportation, freight transport, and so on. That is, when registering, you must specify the categories in detail. If you will repair other vehicles, then it will be necessary to make appropriate amendments to the original documents.

After you have filled in all the necessary papers stating that you want to open a technical inspection point and submitted a corresponding application to the RAS, this body within ten days decides to issue a special permit certificate. However, there is a possibility that the treasured paper in your hands may not be after this period.

If the entrepreneur submitted the wrong data or documents were issued with gross violations, then in this case you may be refused. When all the necessary documents are checked, the RAS makes a positive decision and information about you as a new operator is entered into the official register.

Gotta pay

Currently, there is a special resolution of the Government of Russia on the need to pay a state fee for accreditation. According to it, you, as an entrepreneur, undertake to pay twenty thousand rubles, as well as about ten thousand rubles for each specified inspection point.

At the same time, a businessman must confirm his accreditation every year. This procedure will cost about fifteen thousand rubles, as well as ten thousand rubles for all technical inspection points. If, at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, you chose several areas of work at once, but plan to expand in the near future, or if you decide to change the name of your organization or information about the owner, then it is imperative to reissue the accreditation certificate.

And this will cost an additional fifteen thousand rubles and ten thousand for each of the technical inspection points. As you can see, any of your actions related to the expansion of the company or, on the contrary, the reduction of the services provided, are subject to tax and the need to change the data in the certificate.

About the area of ​​​​the premises for maintenance

Experts in this business area say that any room will do, the most important thing is that the area fits. You can use the old workshop of an enterprise for these purposes or rent a piece of land, install a serious canopy over it and start work.

And if, in general, we solve the issue with the area, then the issue of equipment for technical inspection will be much more acute. The fact is that without special systems, the full-fledged work of your entire business is simply impossible. And they cost good money. Several types of inspection equipment must meet all the requirements of reliability and quality. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia approved the main technical characteristics of tools for technical diagnostics three years ago.

According to this document, you must have special equipment that detects defects in the control, braking, and lighting systems of a car. And this is not the whole list. Also, you must have a program for technical inspection, that is, the machine must consistently go through all the stages of checking components and assemblies.

Serious business needs good money

The owners of this business admit that opening a technical inspection station will cost a lot of money. Only one set of mandatory equipment will cost more than a quarter of a million rubles. But in this case, you will have either low-quality or used systems. A more realistic figure is one million. In this case, you will have at your disposal normal equipment with which you can work for several years.

How to open a technical inspection point without professionals?

Now let's talk about staff. We think you are well aware that even the newest systems can be simply useless if there are no qualified personnel capable of servicing them. Therefore, especially carefully approach the issue of selecting employees.

Imagine, after all, it is they who will have to diagnose complex car systems and make often difficult decisions about issuing a special technical inspection coupon, certified by a handwritten signature.

The reform of the technical inspection system has opened up new opportunities for access to this market. Anyone can now become a maintenance operator, if they have the appropriate expert and technical base. How innovations will affect the work of existing car services, and how not to miss "vacancies" in the new segment, will be discussed below.

More pros than cons

One of the most controversial aspects of the new vehicle inspection system lies, in fact, in the very interpretation of the situation that has arisen. So, many believe that it has become worse than before. An opinion has formed in society that insurers have monopolized everything, introduced schemes that deform the law, and corruption has surpassed all conceivable limits that existed before the change in the maintenance order. Mostly these are the voices of technical inspection operators who have moved to the new infrastructure from the previous system, formed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in accordance with Decree N 880 of the Government of the Russian Federation.
In the meantime, all the circumstances of the abuses that have arisen (such as the issuance of technical inspection coupons without actually carrying out technical diagnostics) are dealt with by the relevant authorities, the so-called old operators incur losses. On the one hand, these are losses from the moratorium on car inspections introduced in June 2011 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 413). On the other hand, it comes from the new interpretations of the Federal Law N 170-FZ, when it is easier for car owners to bypass the law and make an inspection according to a "curve" scheme. For the main thing here is to get it, because a tangible fine is provided for its absence.
At the same time, the new TO mechanism has its advantages. Judge for yourself: car owners have the opportunity to pass a technical inspection anywhere in the country, regardless of the place of registration of the car and, accordingly, regardless of the preferences of the traffic police inspector. Technical inspection has become significantly cheaper - the maximum fee for it is available to any car owner. Today, the price of checking the technical condition in many regions of Russia hardly exceeds 300-400 rubles, that is, the cost of ten to fifteen liters of fuel.
In addition, the Law provides for sanctions against unscrupulous participants in the technical inspection system, up to the deprivation of an accreditation document. Moreover, if the car owner believes that the maintenance point violates his rights, he has the right to refuse such services, go to another point for technical inspection, and also complain about the illegal actions of the operator. Another positive innovation of the Federal Law N 170-FZ, which I would also like to note: now we know all the participants in the technical inspection market, as they say, by sight. Thanks to the openness of information in the register of operators maintained by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA), we understand who is involved in technical inspection, where maintenance points are located, and most importantly, how many there are. By the way, it was this provision of the Law that revealed that there were clearly not enough maintenance operators in previous years (in proportion to the volume of the Russian vehicle fleet). This fact, in fact, gave rise to dissatisfaction among car owners and stimulated the emergence of a shadow market for the sale of state inspection coupons.
Now, literally from the very first day of the entry into force of the Federal Law N 170-FZ, the infrastructure of maintenance points is developing dynamically, which can be clearly seen in the growth in the number of maintenance operators in the RSA register.

Market Pass

Thanks to the technical inspection reform, new players gained access to this market, among which the key place rightfully belongs to existing maintenance enterprises, or car services. Experience, availability of specialists and material and technical base make it easier for them to enter the technical inspection market than for entrepreneurs who want to organize such a business from scratch.
Therefore, for technical service enterprises, the TO reform is a historically significant moment (as you know, under the previous legislation, within the framework of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 N 880, they did not have the right to participate in the inspection of motor vehicles).
Let's move on to the practical implementation of the maintenance item. In order to obtain permission to conduct a technical inspection, there are Accreditation Rules fixed in the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 28, 2011 N 697. The rules are in principle simple and fit in several lines:
a) the presence in ownership or on another legal basis of facilities and means of technical diagnostics;
b) the availability of technical capabilities for the daily transmission of information on the results of the technical inspection to a single automated technical inspection system;
c) the presence of at least one technical expert in the state.
It should be recognized that accreditation is a complex and multifaceted process, crossed from a variety of regulatory legal documents. And this, as practice shows, is a fundamental difficulty for independent car services. Due to their limited material and technical resources, many are not able to maintain qualified lawyers on the staff, and for some STOA directors, regulations are just a dense forest.
In organizational terms, the creation of a technical inspection point is by no means a quick process. If you start from scratch, purely technologically, the accreditation cycle takes 3-6 months. During this time, several key tasks must be completed.
First, you need to order, buy, install and put into operation the necessary diagnostic equipment. There are several suppliers of these products in Russia, and they are now overloaded with orders. Accordingly, the delivery and installation time is increased. The cost of an average set of equipment ranges from one (Russian-made) to two million rubles (import), if we are talking about the technical control line for category M1 cars.
Secondly, it is necessary to hire and include technical experts in the staff, and this is not an easy task, since in the new legislation the requirements for specialists of maintenance points have increased significantly. Technical universities quickly responded to new trends, and now they are ready to offer training courses for the program "Expert in technical control and diagnostics of motor vehicles" in full compliance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated December 1, 2012 N 1664.
The number of technical experts at the maintenance point depends on the region of accreditation, the number of diagnostic lines and technical control posts, as well as on the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 155-n, the standards for providing TTO and MSTO forms and, accordingly, the throughput of the technical inspection point are limited by the working time fund established by law. In other words, it is forbidden for one technical expert to work 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year without breaks and days off, setting records for the number of vehicle checks per unit of time.
Thirdly, it is necessary to create a system for documenting and transmitting data on transport checks. This issue is easier, since everyone now has computers and Internet access.
Fourthly, at the final stage of the entire preparation process, it is necessary to collect together and send the applicant's documents for accreditation to the RSA. In reality, this kit is a hefty folder, but it is actually your pass to the technical inspection infrastructure with the right to make decisions on the admission of vehicles to participate in road traffic.

There are vacancies on the market

It is obvious that a new system of technical inspections cannot be formed overnight. According to the current provisions of the Federal Law, a transitional period is provided until January 1, 2014. State inspection stations and maintenance points that worked under Decree N 880 and had agreements with the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must be accredited before the specified period. In the meantime, they are included in the RSA register in a simplified declarative procedure. Today there are 2715 such points throughout Russia. To these should be added 434 new maintenance stations that have passed the full cycle of accreditation in the RSA (as of March 15, 2012). In order to answer the questions whether this number of TOs is enough and whether there is a commercial interest to take part in the registration of new TOs, it is important to emphasize the following. At one time, a proportion was established that one diagnostic line should account for 10,000 checks of motor vehicles per year. To date, 48 million vehicles have been registered in Russia. Based on established standards, the number of technical inspection lines should be at least 4800 units. At the moment, there are already more than 3000 maintenance points. Now new operators are added 5 - 7 per day. If this trend continues, by the end of the year we will be able to reach the minimum required number of checkpoints. At the same time, I cannot help but recall that the RAMI previously stated the need to create 10,000 points on the territory of Russia.
As for the commercial side of the matter, participation in the maintenance system for car services has the following advantages: in addition to directly earning money by conducting technical inspections, the inspection operator sells OSAGO policies (along the way and hull insurance, as well as other insurance products) and receives a commission from insurers . In this situation, a certain client flow is formed for restoration repairs after an accident, and this is also additional income, because, alas, we have not yet learned how to drive without accidents. Well, in general, the organization of an inspection point is an obvious contribution to expanding the range of services offered at service stations and an effective tool for retaining and expanding the customer base. So there are still vacancies in the new technical inspection system, but at the same time I recommend that car services that are only thinking about participating in this infrastructure do not hesitate to make a decision.
The NAPTO Association, performing organizational and methodological functions, is on the side of the interests of maintenance and repair enterprises, which for many years were deprived of the opportunity to participate in the technical inspection of vehicles. On the other hand, we reaffirm our commitment to building the right, efficient infrastructure for responsible inspection operators. After all, we are talking about checking very dangerous products called cars, buses and motorcycles.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia issued an order that defines the rules for accreditation of technical inspection operators. The document specifies in detail what you need to have and what documents to provide in order to obtain the right to conduct maintenance, as well as the requirements that the operator must meet.

First, a company that wishes to carry out an inspection must apply for an accreditation certificate. The document is submitted to the professional association of insurers (PCA) on paper. You can bring it in person, you can send it by mail.

The application must contain the following information: the full and abbreviated name of the applicant, its location in accordance with the constituent documents, the state registration number of the entry on the creation of the legal entity, the data of the document confirming the fact of entering the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, indicating the body that carried out the state registration. The application also indicates the surname, name, patronymic of the head of the company or individual entrepreneur. For an individual entrepreneur, it is also necessary to indicate the place of residence, the details of an identity document and data confirming his right to engage in commercial activities. It is also necessary to indicate contacts (phone numbers, postal address, e-mail addresses) and data on registration with the tax authority. The number and addresses of maintenance points are also indicated in the application.

In addition to the application, copies of the applicant's constituent documents (for individuals), copies of the applicant's identity document (for individual entrepreneurs), copies of documents confirming the availability of technical diagnostic facilities and means, copies of documents confirming the availability of technical capabilities for daily transfer of information about the results of the technical inspection to a single automated technical inspection system, copies of documents confirming the presence of at least one technical expert in the state and an inventory of all these documents.

The PCA registers the application within one day and considers it within five working days. If the set of documents does not comply with this law, the RAMI within 7 days sends a reasoned notice to the applicant on the need to eliminate the shortcomings, indicating inaccuracies. If everything is correct, PCA conducts a documentary check within 10 days. Then, within three working days, the PCA issues a verdict - to allow or not to engage in maintenance. Thus, the maximum period for which you can get the right to engage in technical inspection is 18 working days.

The certificate is reissued in four cases: expanding or reducing the scope of accreditation, changing the name of the operator, changing the place of residence, first name, surname and patronymic of the IP operator, increasing or decreasing the number of maintenance points or changing their addresses.

Recall that . So the certificate will be issued only after the payment is made. If the companies refused, the money will be returned "within 7 working days from the date of such a decision." The accreditation certificate is issued to the applicant personally against signature or sent by mail with a declared value.

It is noteworthy that the operator must annually (no later than the 15th day of the 12th month after the month in which the certificate was received) confirm compliance with the accreditation requirements and pay the appropriate fee.

In case of loss or damage to the certificate, a duplicate is issued. To do this, you just need to write an application. A duplicate of the accreditation certificate is issued with the mark "duplicate" in one copy.

The PCA may suspend or revoke the certificate. The reason for such a decision may be the very first violation of maintenance rules or accreditation requirements, a violation of the procedure for transferring information to a single system, or a refusal to annually confirm compliance with accreditation requirements. Only the RSA can renew the validity of the certificate on the basis of an audit.

The reason for the cancellation of the certificate may be directly the desire of the operator to stop its activities, two or more violations during the year, or the liquidation of the legal entity.

Since 2011, the technical inspection business has been available to every Russian, and if organized correctly, it can be very profitable. Do you want to achieve this? Then take into account the numerous nuances of this work, and any of your investments will definitely pay off!

We collect documents

Before you open a technical inspection point, you will have to collect a whole package of documents that are issued by various organizations. In particular, it is imperative to obtain an accreditation certificate from the Russian Union of Motor Insurers - it is he who will allow your company to receive the status of a technical inspection point. To obtain such a certificate, simply write the appropriate application to the RAS, attaching copies to it:

  • your constituent documents (before applying for a certificate, you should register the enterprise itself, in which case an individual entrepreneur is suitable for you, however, you can choose other organizational forms)
  • a document that proves your identity
  • documents that confirm your possession of diagnostic tools for cars with certain technical characteristics
  • certificates confirming that your enterprise has at least one technical expert with relevant skills and knowledge
  • documents confirming that you can transfer information to the UAIS TO
  • a document confirming your authority to act on behalf of a legal entity
  • payment order, which confirms that you have paid the accreditation fee (the bank mark is put on the order).

After that, you must also draw up an inventory of these documents and attach an extract from the USRIP or USRLE to them. Then you can contact the RAS.

When applying for accreditation, you can choose several areas of work at once - a business at a technical inspection may involve servicing various vehicles - from motorcycles and cars to trucks and passenger buses. The decision to issue you a certificate will be made within 10 working days, after which information about you will be entered in the official register (unless, of course, you are refused for some reason). Such a certificate costs 20 thousand rubles plus 10 thousand for each inspection point indicated in the application. Annual confirmation of the certificate will cost 15 thousand rubles plus 10 thousand for each item of work. Also, 15 thousand rubles will need to be paid extra if you need to reissue the document in connection with a change in any information about the enterprise or its owner (plus 10 thousand for each new item entered into it).

See also: self-cargo services in the Novosibirsk region on the company's website.

When all the documents have been collected and the accreditation certificate has been received, you can start looking for a room (any option with the optimal area will do) and buying special equipment. The latter is purchased taking into account the requirements set forth in the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (No. 1677 of December 6, 2011). So, you will definitely need to buy equipment that diagnoses

  • condition of brake systems
  • steering
  • external lighting fixtures
  • engine and all its systems
  • all other elements

You will also need equipment that measures the amount of pollution in the exhaust gases, a compressor and tips with a pressure gauge. The cost of each piece of equipment may vary depending on the manufacturer and additional options, however, in general, you will need to prepare 250-300 thousand rubles (minimum) or 1 million rubles (maximum) for these purposes.

Another important nuance, without which a competent business at the technical inspection is impossible, is the selection of specialists to work at your enterprise. This should be at least one expert who will carry out diagnostics of vehicles, make a decision on issuing a technical inspection coupon for them and certify it with a signature. The expert must have the appropriate qualifications, work experience and certain skills, the list of which is set out in the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1664 dated 12/1/2011.

How much income will the business bring on technical inspection?

In general, a one-time fee for passing a technical inspection for one car depends on the region in which the enterprise is opened and what category of the car, and ranges from 100 to 2.3 thousand rubles. Consequently, every day you can earn at least 500-12 thousand rubles (if you carry out 5 technical inspections, however, as a rule, there are more of them). Thus, monthly you can earn at least 150-300 rubles. About half of the amount you will need to spend on staff salaries, utility bills and equipment maintenance. There will also be other expenses, and in general, a business on inspection will be able to pay off in about a year.

To achieve this, you need to conduct your business smoothly, and for this you only need to transfer all the information about the technical inspections carried out daily to the unified UAIS TO system (first of all, insurance companies scoop data from it). The transfer is carried out directly through the website of the traffic police. And if you act carefully and do not make mistakes when transferring information, you can be sure that your enterprise will flourish, and you will be able to gradually increase profits, fully recouping even the largest costs.

  • a roller stand for checking the brakes of cars, it will cost 570,000 rubles. There is also a cheaper option for 43,000 rubles, but it requires a special landfill. VET accreditation will pass without a landfill, but at the first check you will lose it. This will take at least 35,000 rubles from the budget, and as a result, the stand will have to be purchased early;
  • a device for measuring backlash in the steering will pull 23,000 rubles;
  • a device for checking and adjusting headlights will cost 50,000 rubles;
  • a gas analyzer for checking exhaust toxicity costs at least 30,000 rubles;
  • a leak detector and a sound level meter for the exhaust system will cost 40,000 rubles together;
  • a device for measuring the light transmission of Tonik glasses, the same one used by traffic police officers, will cost 26,000 rubles;
  • a caliper, ruler and pressure gauge are already on the service, their price is about 3000 rubles;

As a result, all the equipment will cost about 750,000 rubles; on the Internet, intermediaries offer the same list for a million rubles.
Used equipment is extremely rare in ads, and buying a pig in a poke is not entirely advisable. Invoices for the purchase of equipment for VET accreditation are not needed, it is enough just to present documents on passing the verification, but it is not known whether it will be possible to pass it with used equipment.


The number of people working at the PTO depends on the number of machines that it can serve. With a large throughput, you need: a controller, a mechanic, a technical worker, an employee who monitors the cleanliness of the room. But at the first stage of work, when a maximum of 5-6 cars will arrive per day, one person will be enough, namely a technical expert. It is he who makes the final decision whether the car passed inspection or not. Without it, the organization will not be able to conduct activities, as it will not pass accreditation. This employee must have a higher technical education and at least 2 years of experience in the field of car maintenance, the second option, an employee with a secondary specialized education, but he must have more than 3 years of experience in the field of car maintenance. He must also have a driver's license with at least 3 years of experience and with a category corresponding to the car being checked. When submitting an application to the PCA, it is better to indicate that in the future the expert will deal with all types of machines, with the expansion of the service sector, you will not have to submit an application again.

Legal Issues

For the organization to work, it is necessary to have an individual entrepreneur or LLC, I already have an individual entrepreneur, so it’s enough to add the OKVED code related to car maintenance to your current activities.
Next, you need to send a package of documents to the RSA. It includes: copies of the documents of the owner of the IP, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, a lease agreement, copies of documents for the ownership of equipment or verification certificates, documents on access to the Internet, copies of documents confirming the presence of a technical expert, a copy of the payment order. Within 10 days, the application will be considered, and the information will be entered into the official register.
The first payment for obtaining accreditation is 20,000 rubles in total, plus 10,000 for each vehicle category. In the future, 15,000 and 10,000 respectively. If two violations are detected, for example, incorrectly entered data into the database or the client was charged higher than the maximum tariff allows, the accreditation will be canceled and you will have to go through it again.

Easy Money

The Internet is full of ads that offer access to the UAIS TO database, it stores all the data on the technical inspection of all cars in the Russian Federation. For access to it require 200-300 rubles. It is necessary to print the forms on the printer yourself and fill them out. They offer to print on their own from the print. All of these activities are illegal. I strongly do not recommend this method to anyone, since you can “leave” for fraud in no time.


The maximum maintenance cost for a passenger car is 720 rubles for Moscow, and 420 rubles for the Tula region. If we take into account that 5-6 cars will pass on the day of maintenance, and the cost of maintenance will be 400 rubles, then the equipment will pay off in one year. In the future, without taking into account the increase in customers and the repair of cars that came to MOT, the profit will be 40,000 rubles per month, if the procedure is not carried out by yourself, but with the help of a hired worker, then the profit will be 15,000 rubles per month, and the payback period will increase 4 times. When considering the option of engaging in this kind of business, the first step is to calculate the financial component.
