
What do you need for meat stew. Stew with potatoes and meat - hearty and healthy

Vegetable stew with meat and potatoes is very fragrant, tasty and satisfying. This is the perfect dish for a family dinner on a cool autumn evening. All vegetables in the recipe for vegetable stew with meat and potatoes are perfectly combined with each other, complementing each other. The meat is soft and juicy thanks to pre-frying, it melts right in your mouth.

Cooking stew with meat and potatoes does not require special culinary skills, so even a novice cook can repeat this recipe. Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can use tomato juice or paste.


  • 400 g pork or beef
  • 6-7 potatoes
  • 5 tomatoes
  • 2 eggplant
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 bulb
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • parsley and dill
  • Bay leaf
  • 3 allspice peas
  • salt to taste
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp sweet paprika
  • 0.5 tsp provencal herbs

How to cook vegetable stew with meat and potatoes:

Wash the meat (I used pork for the recipe). We clean the pulp from films and fat. Cut the fillet into small pieces.

Pour some sunflower oil into the bottom of a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Let it warm up and put the pieces of pork in it. Stirring, fry the meat for 5 minutes.

Then fill it with hot water and cover with a lid. We will stew the meat for 40 minutes so that it becomes soft, as required by the recipe for vegetable stew with meat and potatoes.

At this time, wash and cut the potatoes into large pieces.

When the meat is cooked, pour the potatoes into the pan with the broth.

Cut the eggplant into circles, then cut each circle into 4 parts. The blue skin does not need to be peeled. If the eggplants are bitter, sprinkle them with salt and leave for 20 minutes so that they release the juice and the bitterness is gone from them.

Then fry the blue ones in vegetable oil until soft.

Add eggplant to meat stew with potatoes.

Peel the carrots and cut into medium-sized pieces. Grind the onion and sweet pepper into a cube, as required by the recipe for vegetable stew with meat and eggplant.

In a small amount of oil, fry the onion and pepper until soft. Then add carrots to them and continue to cook the ingredients for a couple more minutes.

Wash the tomatoes, cut out the stem. We cut them into 6 parts and grind them in a blender bowl or with a meat grinder.

Add chopped tomatoes to the fried vegetables.

Stir, simmer the ingredients together for 1-2 minutes and pour them into the pan.

Vegetable stew with meat on site cooking for dinner in a hurry

Summertime is the time for fresh vegetables and fruits - the time when you can enjoy all the most delicious and vegetable gardens to your heart's content, and saturate the body, exhausted by winter cold and gloomy rainy weather in spring, with vitamins. But there comes a moment when fresh natural fruits in their natural form get bored, and you want something hot, but appetizing, satisfying and healthy. Just at such moments, you can think about such an option for using all the same ripe juicy vegetables, such as, for example, vegetable stew with meat after a quickie. A more satisfying, but at the same time healthy dish than stewed vegetables with meat for dinner, perhaps even impossible to come up with. Moreover, its preparation does not require any special efforts and culinary skills - everything is simple and not very long. In addition, vegetable stew is a dish that can be prepared from almost any composition of vegetables. So I collected everything that was found in the house, or rather in the refrigerator, and prepared an amazingly fragrant and tasty stew. True, for greater satiety, I also added meat to it.

Ingredients for vegetable stew with meat:

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing for dinner

White cabbage - 500 g;
salt - a teaspoon;
ground pepper;
large carrot;
onion - 1-2 heads;
small zucchini;
small eggplant;
2-3 tomatoes;
beef pulp - 600 g;
Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 pcs.

The cooking time for vegetable stew with meat according to the recipe with a photo takes no more than 2 hours in a hurry.
The method of preparing a dish of vegetables with meat for a quick dinner after a hard day:

The first thing we do is thoroughly wash the meat pulp of beef and cut it into small pieces.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing for dinner

Then pour vegetable oil into a spacious deep frying pan (so that the bottom closes) and fry the meat for about five minutes, not forgetting to mix. Then pour a little (one and a half cups) of water into a pan with meat and simmer over moderate heat until almost cooked (or until fully cooked) under a closed lid. This will take from one to one and a half hours, depending on the freshness and age of the meat.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing for dinner

While the meat is being stewed, we are preparing the vegetables. First of all, we clean them and wash them, not forgetting to remove the skin from the zucchini and eggplant. Then chop the cabbage, onion and bell pepper into strips.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing for dinner

We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant into thin (2 mm.) Small plates.

When the meat is ready, first lay onion, eggplant and zucchini in layers on top of it.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing dinner

Then cabbage and pepper.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing dinner

Lay out the “colored” vegetables in the final layers: carrots and tomatoes - this will allow you to slightly color the lower layers with a beautiful shade.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing dinner

Having laid all the vegetables, pour water into a glass, add salt and ground pepper, mix and pour into the pan, close the container with a lid.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing dinner

After the vegetable stew boils, simmer it for 10 minutes. Then mix gently and continue to simmer until tender - another 20 minutes.

Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing dinner
Vegetable stew with meat on site preparing dinner

Well, we put the finished vegetable stew on plates, arm ourselves with a fork or spoon (whoever is used to it), a piece of bread, and start eating a fairly light and nutritious, but at the same time full fragrant dish, which does not require any garnish.

Vegetable stew with meat on site cooking for dinner in a hurry

True, you can optionally supplement it with greenery, but this is already a matter of taste and habit.
Bon appetit!

Discover the perfect tried and tested meat stew recipes in the gastronomic ideas studio site. Try options with different types of meat, minced meat, your favorite vegetables, mushrooms. Cook the stew on the stovetop or in the oven. Create your own unique dish!

Ragout comes from France. The composition of the food can include all kinds of vegetables, beans, fish, mushrooms, aromatic herbs. But the most appetizing is still a stew with meat. And if you experiment with spices, you can get a new taste, aroma and appearance every time. The stew can be prepared both with the pulp and with meat on the bone (for example, ribs). The combination and composition of the ingredients depends only on the imagination and personal tastes of the chef.

The five most commonly used ingredients in meat stew recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Wash the meat and cut into small cubes.
2. Fry in a hot pan for about 20 minutes.
3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots coarsely. Add to meat. Soak for about 10 minutes.
4. Cut potatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, bell peppers and tomatoes into equal medium-sized pieces.
5. Connect all components. Add water or broth.
6. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with aromatic seasonings.
7. Simmer over low heat for at least 40 minutes.
8. Ten minutes before readiness, add chopped greens and chopped garlic.

Five of the fastest meat stew recipes:

Helpful Hints:
. To prevent the dish from burning, stir occasionally while cooking the stew.
. Both fresh and frozen vegetables can be used in meat stew.
. If you add prunes to the dish, you can get an unforgettable fragrant dish.
. For cooking stew with meat, a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom is best suited.

international dish

Stew - a dish of fried vegetables, mushrooms, meat, poultry or game, usually with the addition of sauces. From French "stew" is translated as "appetite", and this is a very appropriate name. Just remember what vegetable stews with meat look like ... At present, it is very difficult to attribute this dish to French cuisine, because there has never been a single recipe, and as soon as the dish appeared, it immediately gained popularity throughout Europe and even beyond its borders . In each country, province, in neighboring cities, and sometimes even on neighboring streets, the stew was prepared in completely different ways.

Meat and beans

Traditional can be called a stew made from pork or beef, mushrooms and beans or beans. All this was crushed, fried and added (depending on the intended density) either slices of bread and continued to stew, or poured in a little wine or beer. Then some more products could be added. For example, chopped vegetables to make vegetable stews with meat. On national soil, the dish changed so much that sometimes, losing the main ingredients, it acquired quite specific ones. For example, the chankonabe is so unlike its European ancestor that it is difficult to believe in their common origin. The obligatory ingredients of the dish are pork, beef or poultry, as well as legumes or fresh vegetables. Although modern recipes for meat stews contain beans or beans less and less.

Cooking vegetable stew with meat


  • pork 1 kg;
  • potatoes 1 kg;
  • tomato paste;
  • zucchini 2 pcs.;
  • bulb onions;
  • green onions, dill, parsley and other herbs;
  • salt pepper.


First you need to grind all the ingredients. We cut the meat into small pieces, potatoes - into sticks or cubes, zucchini - into small cubes or rounds, pepper - into cubes or short straws. Vegetable stews with meat are valued for their affordability, taste and even appetizing appearance, so the pieces can be made larger.


Pour a little oil into a large saucepan, place the meat and onions there. Keep on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Now add zucchini, peppers, potatoes, some water. Salt, add spices. Simmer all this on fire for about 25-30 minutes. Make sure the potatoes don't burn. To do this, add water and stir occasionally. Next, add tomato paste. Greens can be thrown into the pan along with the pasta, but then there is a risk that it will lose its color and some taste properties.

Vegetable stew with eggplant



We clean and grind food. It is better to cut eggplants into small cubes, like potatoes with carrots, peppers - into short strips. Eggplant slices are best soaked for 10-15 minutes in cold salted water.


Fry chopped onion in a pan until golden brown. Then add potatoes. Salt, pepper, stir constantly. After a couple of minutes, add pepper and carrots. Stir occasionally. When the vegetables are lightly fried, add eggplant and water to the pan. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring. Now add the tomatoes and, if necessary, more water so that the dish does not burn. Keep on fire for another 5 minutes - and you can serve. Vegetable stews with meat, eggplant, mushrooms or poultry will impress any gourmet. Bon appetit!

As soon as the season of young vegetables comes, I advise you to cook vegetable stew with meat. If for some reason the meat is unacceptable, the recipe is easily transformed to your desires. The usual set of vegetables, typical for the beginning of summer, a little lean pork - that's all. A delicious lunch or dinner is guaranteed.

A stew is usually understood as a second dish prepared by frying meat and vegetables, followed by a long stew with little or no liquid added. As a result, the stew becomes like a very thick sauce with large pieces of vegetables and meat. It is noteworthy that stews are traditionally referred to as French cuisine, while in Italian cuisine such dishes are prepared from heavily chopped ingredients. Italian meat - a typical stew, pasta sauce.

In domestic cuisine, as a rule, almost all stews consisting of large pieces are understood as stews. And, as a rule, in most cases, it is meat stewed with bones. Various kinds of stews of Hungarian cuisine also belong to the stew. Amazing and vegetables, incredibly tasty stew and easy to prepare. Or - chicken or pheasant stewed with vegetables, such a dish is perfect even for a festive table.

In the Balkans, you can often find a delicious vegetable stew with meat, usually it is called, and the composition and cooking technology is always different. Meat, seasonal vegetables, a lot of onions - everything is stewed in a pot, and more often in a ceramic pot. Often the highlight of the dish is a chicken egg released on top of the dish and then baked.

A feature of any stew, and vegetable stew with meat is no exception, is long stewing on the lowest fire with an abundance of spices. Meat and vegetables literally melt without noticeable signs of liquid boiling. Most of the vegetables turn into a thick and flavorful sauce.

Vegetable stew with meat can be prepared from available vegetables, and they can be replaced. It is important that the vegetables are young and do not stain the finished dish in “their” color. Optionally, you can always make the stew thick enough to serve the pieces by pouring the sauce over them. Or cook the stew liquid, like soup or. The amount of liquid in the dish is optional.

Vegetable stew with meat. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Pork (lean) 400 gr
  • Young zucchini 2 pcs
  • Carrot 2 pcs
  • Hot pepper 1-2 pcs
  • Ripe tomato 2-3 pieces
  • Onion 2-3 pcs
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Parsley 2-3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil 1 st. l.
  • Salt, black pepper, coriander, sugar Spices
  1. Vegetable stew with meat is best cooked from pork without fat, so that the pieces of meat remain dense and stand out in the dish. Young vegetables characteristic of the beginning of summer - young zucchini, with unformed seeds, onions and a head of young garlic, carrots and hot pepper pods. And ripe tomatoes for the sauce are important. Everything can be bought at the market or in the store.

    Meat and young vegetables for stew

  2. Clean the pork from films and bones, if any. Heat some vegetable oil in a saucepan and let it warm up for a few minutes. Cut the pork into large pieces so that it is convenient to take them with a fork. Fry the pork pieces in hot oil until lightly browned.

    Pork cut into large pieces

  3. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes. Divide the head of young garlic into cloves without peeling them from the shell. Peel the pods of hot peppers from the seeds and internal white partitions - they give the main sharpness of the pepper. Cut hot pepper into small pieces. Add carrots, garlic and pepper to the fried meat.

    Add carrots, garlic and pepper to the fried meat

  4. Fry meat and vegetables for 6-7 minutes over medium heat. For a more even frying, it is better to mix everything. As soon as the carrot becomes softer, add the chopped onion into large strips. Continue to fry meat and vegetables for another 5-6 minutes.

    Add coarsely chopped onion

  5. Young zucchini can not be peeled, used together with the skin. Then the pieces of zucchini will not mix with the sauce, and will stand out - the vegetable stew with meat will be from large pieces. Cut the zucchini into large cubes. It is convenient to cut the zucchini lengthwise into quarters and then cut into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Add the chopped zucchini to the stew.

    Add coarsely chopped zucchini

  6. Stirring occasionally, continue to fry all the components of the vegetable stew in an open pan. The vegetables need to be soft.

    Saute vegetables until soft

  7. Meanwhile, scald ripe red tomatoes with boiling water and remove the seeds and skin. Grind the pulp with a blender to a puree state. Add a pinch of salt and 0.5 tsp to the tomato puree. Sahara. Pepper to taste and add a little ground coriander.
  8. Pour the prepared tomato sauce into the stew, add a third of a glass of water and bring the liquid to a boil.

    Pour in the tomato puree

  9. Cover the saucepan with a lid and reduce the heat to low, where the sauce still shows signs of boiling. The liquid should not boil intensively in any case, otherwise all the vegetables will spread into porridge. Stew vegetable stew with meat for at least 30 minutes. Typically, the stewing time for such dishes can be up to 1 hour.

    Simmer until vegetables and meat are cooked

  10. If you want a more liquid dish, you can add quite a bit of liquid. But, it is preferable that the stew with meat and vegetables be thick. In extreme cases, you can remove the lid from the saucepan and let the excess liquid evaporate.
