
What is not used in the production of bourbon. Use in cooking

While the Irish and Scots have been arguing for centuries over who invented whiskey, the Americans have created their own version of this drink - bourbon. It is distinguished by its original taste, although after the Second World War the drink lost its pronounced aroma and became much lighter in taste. Interestingly, not every American whiskey can be called bourbon. Let's see what are the features of bourbon, what is it like, how to enjoy a drink in order to get the most out of it.


Quite sweet, especially when compared with scotch - this is due to the corn in the wort. There are caramel notes, toffee tones, pastries, spices, vanilla, sometimes coconut. It has a long dry aftertaste with sweet and woody notes.


Golden, light to dark shade. There are amber variants - they are aged in charred oak barrels.


Heavier than tape. The bouquet reveals woody notes, vanilla tones, light cinnamon flair.

Production technology

In general, bourbon is made in much the same way as scotch. Here the main role is played not so much by technology as by ingredients: wort for future bourbon must contain at least 51% crushed corn. Sometimes other grains are added to it: rye, barley, wheat. According to the requirements of the legislation, during distillation, the strength of the distillate should not exceed 80%, and during aging - not more than 62.5%.

Corn is coarsely ground, boiled with malted barley. Next, the mixture is cooled, rye or wheat is added and heated again. The next step is cooling and adding barley malt. Under its influence, fermentation takes place. The prepared wort is distilled into wooden or metal vats for fermentation, a basket is added - this is an acid sediment from the previous mash. By the way, they also introduce it into cooking vats. The amount of such an additive should be at least 25% of the wort.

The wort is distilled once or twice and poured into oak barrels. The container may be new or from under or. The minimum aging period for the drink is two years.. If the bourbon is less than four years old, the manufacturer must indicate this information on the label.

Interestingly, corn whiskey is naturally aged, which gives it an unusual taste. Before bottling ready-made alcohol, it is filtered, although there are also options for a drink without filtration, with natural sediment.

How many degrees in bourbon

There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on the specific brand. However, general rules exist and are regulated by American law: the documents clearly indicate which whiskey can be called bourbon, what kind of drink it is, what its composition is and how many degrees this alcohol contains. The fortress can vary from 40-41% (less is unacceptable) to 51%. Most often contains 43%.

How to choose the right drink

  • If this is your first time buying bourbon, please note that it is better to give preference to American alcohol. Noteworthy are Canadian and German drinks.
  • For young varieties, the aging period must be indicated. If he is more than 4 years old, this information may not be indicated.
  • note that the contents of the bottle should be golden or amber in color.
  • Be sure to check that the label and back label are glued evenly. Traces of glue are not allowed.
  • Buy American whiskey in specialized stores or supermarkets, check for excise stamps.

How to serve and consume

To taste this corn whiskey, prepare glasses with thin walls - such dishes will allow you to appreciate the color of the drink, as well as heat it with the warmth of your palms. In this case, the bottom of the glasses or glasses should be thick. The drink is poured into an average of a third of a glass, and consumed in small sips, enjoying each of them.

Did you know? Be sure to shake the glass before the first sip - so the bouquet will become brighter.

If you want to feel all the components of this drink, add one or two ice cubes to a serving: this will allow you to divide the overall bouquet into separate tones. Most often they drink as, that is, after eating, completing the feast.

What products are combined with

Fruits are considered a classic snack for this alcohol.- better unsweetened, as well as various options for cheese plates. However, gourmets are advised to serve grapes or chocolate with a glass of bourbon.

Among the unusual options are the following:

  • oysters;
  • trout and salmon;
  • fried shrimps;
  • marshmallow (mainly in America);
  • sushi or rice (in Japan);
  • fried steaks (post-Soviet countries).

Important! Drinking this whiskey is not worth anything.

Other uses

If you're looking to tone down your bourbon, it's best to drink it in cocktails.

  • Manhattan is one of the most famous options. It also includes bitters, and, of course, a cherry berry.
  • -Old fashion - - another classic cocktail in which corn whiskey can be tasted as. It also includes orange peel, sugar syrup and bitters.
  • Kentucky Mule is a popular mix that mixes bourbon with ginger syrup, lime, mint, and soda.

Types of drink

As is the case with "scotch" or Irish versions of alcohol, corn drink is divided into several types.

  • Straight ("straight") - no flavors or dyes. In the process of preparation, purely new barrels are used, and mixing of different types and varieties is prohibited. Analog .
  • Blended- in fact it is. Several types of alcohols or varieties can be mixed here.
  • Blended Bourbon Whiskey- another mix of different alcohols. In this case, the share of the direct drink cannot be less than 51%.
  • American Blended Whiskey- a mixture of bourbon and.
  • Barrel proof- high-strength alcohol.
  • Diluted- the complete opposite of the above: the fortress is below 40%.
  • Honey - honey. Notes of honey are clearly felt here, the taste is softer, and the aftertaste is distinguished by a rich bouquet.

If we talk about the types of bourbon from the point of view of producers, the following brands are the most popular in our country:

  • - American alcohol with a two-hundred-year history. White Jim Beam is considered the most popular corn whiskey in the world. But black is interesting for the aging period - 101 months.

  • - a refined American version. To guarantee authenticity and preserve the taste, each bottle is sealed with red wax.

  • Knob Creek - has a long exposure - 9 years. It has a maple aroma, fruity notes on the palate.

  • Baker's Bourbon is named after Jim Beam's great-nephew. The original alcohol, for the production of which a special kind of yeast is used.

Drinks of the same class and taste

Naturally, the closest thing to this alcohol is its “progenitor and closest relative” - whiskey. These are Scottish versions of the drink, which are distinguished by a more pronounced taste and strong aroma. The difference between the two is that the main component in the production of bourbon wort is not barley, but corn.

The history of the drink

It all started in the 17th century, when the Irish and Scots went to the New World in search of a better life. In order to while away the evenings with the usual glass of whiskey, they quickly began to establish distilleries, but the traditional technology for making whiskey was somewhat corrected. This was best done by the inhabitants of Kentucky, or rather, the county of Bourbon. Actually, it was this county that gave its name to the drink.

The reason why corn became the raw material for alcohol is quite simple. After 1776, the government promised to give free land to those who would move to the western states and grow corn crops. It is interesting that there was practically no demand for it on the market, and the settlers, in order to at least sell what they had grown, began experiments.

Initially, alcohol was bottled immediately after distillation - today this option can also be found. But already at the end of the 18th century, corn whiskey began to age in charred oak barrels. It is believed that for the first time this happened by accident - the owner of the distillery was steaming containers for transportation and bending staves over the fire, and some barrels were accidentally charred. To save money, he poured alcohol into them and sent them to customers in New Orleans. While the drink "reached" the recipients, it infused and became much tastier.

During Prohibition, Americans did not give up their favorite drink, but only began to drink it illegally, buying it in pharmacies. This played into the hands of bourbon, making it very popular. In 1964, at the legislative level, he received the status of a national treasure of America.

Corn whiskey is a soft and refined spirit that is easier to drink than its barley counterpart. Have you tried this drink? Tell us about your impressions in the comments!

Bourbon and whiskey- such similar drinks that inexperienced lovers of strong alcohol sometimes even confuse them, causing indignation of the more sophisticated. But there are still differences and there are not so few of them - both in raw materials and technologies for preparing drinks, and in organoleptic properties.

After reading this article, you will find out how bourbon differs from and you will be able to accurately determine which of the drinks is poured into your glass, which, no doubt, will arouse the interest and respect of friends.

A little about whiskey

Of course, within the framework of one article (and what is there, within the framework of the whole site!) It is not possible to describe everything that may be of interest to lovers of this drink. Let us dwell only on the simplest points that anyone who considers himself a connoisseur should know by heart:

  • Barley, wheat or rye are used as raw materials.
  • The preparation process is based on malting- the grain is soaked and germinated, after which it is dried and hulled in order to isolate the enzymes involved in the reaction of breaking down starch into sugar.
  • The main share of whiskey comes from Scotland, Ireland, Canada and several Asian countries (by the way, not so long ago the title of the best was taken by a drink from Japan). An interesting feature is that a drink made in Scotland will contain the inscription "Whisky" (or "Scotch") on the label, while the "Irish" are labeled with the inscription "Whiskey". This will allow you to not read the label if the goal is to buy a "Scotch" or "Irish". Drinks from other countries most often contain a direct indication of the region on the bottle - for example, "Canadian Whiskey".
  • Minimum holding time - 3 years(Scotland). The Irish are a little more patient - they are ready to wait for the first test 5 years. And Canadians do not even allow the word “whiskey” to be used on the label if the drink has not spent 6 years in the barrel.
  • Keep the drink in old barrels from sherry, cognac, madeira, calvados. Using certain barrels, they achieve giving the drink certain notes.

A little about bourbon

  • As we mentioned just above, this drink is exclusively american th, the use of the name is strictly protected by law, so you will not find a label with the word “bourbon” anywhere in the world if the contents of the bottle were not produced in the USA.
  • The raw material is at least 51% corn. The remaining 49% is divided between rye, barley and wheat. It is the raw material from which it is made that bourbon owes a mild taste and a little more sweetness than whiskey.
  • Another difference between classic bourbon and whiskey is that it is aged in new roasted oak barrels(read:). The aging period is lower than that of the overseas "brother" - at least two years.
  • Cooking technologies also differ - corn malting is not used in the production of bourbon. The crushed cereals are boiled, after which saccharified barley (or other) malt, fermented with yeast from the last sourdough and distilled.

Whiskey Jim Beam it is by mistake often called "whiskey". According to the cooking technology and the region, we can definitely say that Jim Beam is bourbon. But disputes about the ownership of the famous drink "" pop up with enviable constancy even among the regulars of drinking establishments.

On the bottle itself, you can see the inscription “Tennessee Whiskey”, which justifies its position, considering the whiskey drink. Meanwhile, Jack's raw materials are 80% corn(12% - barley, the remaining 8% - rye), and the drink itself is aged in new charred oak barrels.

You probably already understood that according to the manufacturing technology, Jack is one hundred percent bourbon, right? But during production after distillation, the distillate is subjected to additional filtration through sugar maple charcoal, and it was this difference that allowed the manufacturer to create a new name - "Tennessee Whiskey".

In this article, you learned how American bourbon differs from whiskey - not only in terms of the preparation process, but also in terms of taste. Armed with this knowledge, you can not only taste the difference between whiskey and bourbon, but also surprise your friends by telling them what the difference is between whiskey and bourbon.

Bourbon is a polysemantic word: the Bourbons are a royal dynasty. Bourbon seigneury, and since 1327 a duchy in the territory of the modern French department of Allier. Bourbon is a type of American whisky. Bourbon coffee variety. ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Whiskey (meanings). The style of this article is not encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to the stylistic rules of Wikipedia ... Wikipedia

bourbon- I. BOURBON I a, m. bourbon. 1. By name fr. the royal dynasty of the Bourbons, overthrown by the Revolution and then returned to the throne. Louis XVI instinctively felt that henceforth the name of the Bourbons would be completely transferred to the heads of those Russian officers who ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Bourbon- 1) contempt. about a person: rude, ignorant, uncultured, arrogant and domineering; usually about the military - martinet. By the name of the Bourbon royal dynasty. 2) American whiskey made from a mixture of corn (from 51 to 79%) with wheat, rye or barley. ... ... The fate of eponyms. Dictionary-reference

I m. 1. Rude, ignorant, domineering and arrogant person. 2. Used as a censure or abusive word. II m. 1. Variety of Canadian corn whiskey. 2. Whiskey of this kind. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Whiskey having, immediately after distillation, not more than 80% alcohol and distilled from fermented must obtained from grain containing not less than 51% corn; it is stored in new tarred oak containers * * * (Source: "United ... ... Culinary Dictionary

Any of the many types of whiskey made in the United States. This includes pure rye whiskey, pure Bourbon whiskey, pure corn whiskey, blended pure Bourbon whiskey, contract whiskey and blends of various varieties * * * (Source: "The Combined Dictionary ... ... Culinary Dictionary

Highland Park Distillery Buildings Highland Park Region: Islands Pronunciation ... Wikipedia

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Whiskey Motto: Every day as long as we ... Wikipedia


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  • Peter Cheney. Collected works. In nine books. Book 9, Peter Cheney. The American Peter Cheney figures prominently in the detective genre in the first post-war decade. He wrote about forty novels. Among them, the most popular are "Get Me Right",…

One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the United States is bourbon - without which not a single feast and major event can do. Alcohol has a complicated history of origin, the study of which makes it possible to understand how the two products differ from each other. For many, this is the same drink, but there is a big difference between them.

What is bourbon

A natural strong male drink is made in several states of America. It is made from strictly limited varieties of corn. Everyone in the US knows what bourbon is. After all, this is a national product that is manufactured using a similar technology as.

The most popular brands of American drink are Wild Tyrkey, Heaven Hill, Four Rosess. They are in great demand all over the world and belong to the producers of elite alcohol.

The product got its name not in honor of the royal family, but due to the fact that its first production was launched in Bourbon County, Kentucky. The official start of production dates back to 1783.

It is widely believed that the drink was first created by a local pastor, who insisted on a corn mixture in a barrel that had been charred on the inside. He noticed that the aged alcohol had an unusual and rather pleasant taste, which gave it softness and left a pleasant aftertaste.

But there is a second version of the origin of bourbon. Its supporters insist that Dr. James Crow, through trial and experiment, invented the original technology for making whiskey. He replaced the main raw material, and now the drink was made from corn.

What is the difference between bourbon and whiskey

Both products have a fairly significant difference from each other, despite the fact that their names are always placed side by side and imply that this is the same drink.

In order to understand the difference between bourbon and whiskey, it is worth learning about their main differences:

  1. Alcohol is made from different raw materials. Whiskey was originally invented in Scotland and, according to ancient traditions, was prepared on the basis of barley, rye and wheat. In bourbon, the main ingredient is corn. It is in the composition of the American drink about 55%, and the rest is rye and barley. The very first and most important difference is the different composition of the products.
  2. In second place is the difference between whiskey and bourbon according to the principle of preparation. The technology for creating a Scottish drink is based on the processing of barley. Cereals are initially soaked, then germinated and dried. In the next step, the grains are hulled and broken down to produce sugar. In the production of bourbon, the grains are first ground and boiled. The wort is sugared in various ways. After that, yeast is added and the fermentation process starts. Finally, the liquid is distilled and passed through a carbon filter.
  3. The difference between whiskey and bourbon is that the first product is aged in barrels from drinks such as Madeira, or. And American alcohol is insisted exclusively in containers burned from the inside.
  4. Whiskey can be produced by different countries. The labels often indicate that Whiskey belongs to a particular country. In the world market there is a place not only for Scottish products, but also for Irish, Asian and Canadian products. With bourbon, things are a little different. The United States has set clear limits at the legislative level. Only those products that were produced in America and using traditional technology can be called bourbon.
  5. Taste is also a difference between these types of alcohol. The American Whiskey has a mild sweet aftertaste, while the Scottish Whiskey has pronounced bitter notes with a woody aroma.

Characteristics of the drink: composition, color, strength

The color of bourbon is darker and more intense than whiskey. Long-term storage of the liquid in oak barrels, charred from the inside, gives the product such a pronounced amber hue. The shelf life of this type of drink is strictly regulated by law.

Natural or, as the Americans also call it, pure Bourbon must be infused for at least 2 years. Barrels for storage are taken new and treated with fire from the inside using a special technology.

The product must be distilled at 80% vol., no more than that. The average alcohol content in a drink is from 40 to 62.5%.

According to the rules, 40 ° bourbon is poured into glass bottles. Barrels store stronger types, the alcohol content of which exceeds 45%. The maximum level is within 62.5%.

It is important that the product does not contain harmful substances and synthetic flavor enhancers. It is forbidden to use dyes and other impurities to improve the bouquet. Natural American alcohol must contain at least 51% corn.

Elite and expensive drinks of this type are aged on average for 4-5 years in oak barrels. This gives the product a pronounced tart woody taste and unusual aroma.

Types of bourbon

There are many types of such a strong and elite drink as Bourbon. The following brands are considered the most popular and in demand in the world market:

  1. Jack Daniels. Contains about 80% corn. The remaining percentage goes to the share of barley and rye grain. Jack Daniels is aged in new wooden barrels and stored for at least 5 years.
  2. Honey is considered an unusual and original species. It contains honey. Popular thanks to Jim Beam Honey or Jack Daniels Honey.
  3. Diluted Bourbon. The bouquet has a rare and unusual woody taste and aroma. The fortress is about 38%.
  4. Straight Bourbon is a young "pure" variety that does not contain dyes and other impurities. Its exposure is at least 2 years.
  5. Blended - blended bourbon. The blended variety includes several types of alcohol at once.
  6. Blended Bourbon Whiskey - Made by blending Straight bourbon with other types of bourbon. The main condition is that most of the drink is a “pure” variety.
  7. American Blended Whiskey is a blend of American bourbon and rye whiskey.
  8. Barrel Proof is the strongest, undiluted bourbon.

How to drink

Bourbon is an excellent digestif, a trait that sums up the evening. In the United States, this drink is served in thin glass containers, in which the color scheme of the drink is clearly visible, indicating its age. From the bottles, bourbon is poured into straight glasses with a thickened bottom (tumbler or rocks), filling them no more than half.

If the product has been aged according to the technology for at least 4 years, then they drink alcohol in its pure form. Young Bourbon is best served with crushed ice. This will soften its harsh taste.

According to the rules, before drinking, a glass of alcohol should be held in your hands for a while to warm it up slightly. Then inhale the intoxicating aroma. The bouquet is filled with notes of dark chocolate, raisins, caramel, wood and even tobacco. Then a small sip is taken. For a second, the liquid is retained in the mouth. After a sip, it is recommended to exhale air simultaneously through the nose and mouth.

There are no strict restrictions regarding snacks. Alcohol is combined with meat, cheese and fruit dishes. In the United States, they most often eat grapes or chocolate, in England - cheeses, and in the post-Soviet space - carefully fried pieces of pork and beef.

Many people think that Bourbon is a whiskey of American origin, which in the classic version should be consumed without an appetizer, but with a good cigar.

What is the difference between a craving to drink and a desire to drink? It's all about volume. Noble drinks cannot be consumed in excess, otherwise the taste is lost and the very interest in relaxation disappears. In recent years, the trend has become apparent to relax in bars over a glass of whiskey. Respectable people cannot afford to dance in discos, drink beer in unlimited quantities, but it’s not shameful to allow a serving of Bourbon whiskey. What is the beauty of the drink? How to drink it correctly? What is the difference between whiskey and bourbon?

Let's create an image

So, what is the aesthetics of the correct use of alcoholic beverages? No one drinks full cups of Bourbon whiskey, because it's bad taste. A number of gourmets prefer only one particular type of drink, such as Irish whiskey. For some reason, the American product is often called vulgar, losing in taste and aroma to its Irish ancestors. Is this approach reasonable? Hardly. American whiskey is a completely independent category of alcohol. In fact, this is the third step in the development of the drink. At first, the Irish thought about the production of alcohol from barley. Then the Scots suggested making malt from barley and smoking it. And the Americans added corn to barley and got their original product. The variety of production methods does not change the final image of the whiskey lover. Most often, this is a solid man with good taste.

He sips the drink slowly and with pleasure, sometimes diluting it with soda and ice. Whiskey becomes the perfect drink for a friendly meeting or gatherings alone. Putting a hat on your forehead, thinking about yourself and relaxing - an atmosphere of peace for a whiskey connoisseur.

historical reference

It is believed that the original American whiskey is bourbon, and the one that is produced in the state of Kentucky. In fact, the situation is somewhat different, since in America this particular drink is considered the most common. This is a kind of visiting card of the United States. And according to the status, the history of origin is supposed to acquire its own legend. They say that back in 1789, the Baptist priest Elia Craig moved from Scotland straight to the state of Kentucky, and specifically to Bourbon County, near the city of Louisville. In his free time, he relaxed and dabbled in experiments with brewing whiskey from local barley. But there was no success.

But one day Craig had to go to the city of Georgetown for the funeral of the sheriff; while praying, he noticed corn under the hot sun and thought of building an alembic to replace barley and rye with corn. He sealed the result in white oak barrels. Perhaps the barrels burned a little during an accidental fire, but Eliya did not pour whiskey - he forgot about the drink for a long time. When he uncorked the container, he found an unusually tasty drink inside. It was dark with a slight hint of charcoal. Elia put up his experiment labeled "Bourbon, Kentucky" for sale. There is a version according to which Craig decided to name Bourbon whiskey in honor of France and Louis, who supported the Americans in the struggle for independence. Or maybe it's all idle speculation, and the name just indicates the place of production of the drink.

Now it is not so important who was the first to discover the American Bourbon whiskey. The main thing is that now the drink stands out in the group of strong alcoholic products, as it has undergone a process of simplification and adaptation to local conditions. In other words, the locals abandoned barley malt and replaced it with corn, rye and wheat. In order for the whiskey to acquire the desired color and taste, they began to age it in barrels, burned from the inside.

Manufacturing technology

How is this unique drink created? In general, there are no special differences from the process of making grain spirits, say vodka. First of all, grains of corn, rye, barley and wheat are crushed. Then the ground grain is mixed with water. This is followed by the stages of fermentation and distillation. Now the base of the drink is ready, but it’s too early to relax, since the future bourbon needs to be aged in special oak barrels, and new ones, albeit previously charred from the inside. After aging, the drink has a strength of 40 to 65 degrees. You can not drink it before filtering and bottling.

This is the basic manufacturing technology to get bourbon. How is this drink different from whiskey? I must say that each manufacturer has its own secrets. In particular, the ratio of corn, rye, barley and wheat can be variable. Exposure time is subject to adjustment. The main difference between bourbon is the content of corn as the main ingredient.

Are there any differences in taste? Well, if you are not a connoisseur of the drink, you are unlikely to be able to tell the difference when tasting.

American classic

One of the best-selling drinks in the world is Wild Turkey bourbon, which contains a lot of rye. Its taste is more uniform and classic. A bouquet of aroma is revealed very interestingly when soda is added. In the production of Blanton's Single Barrel, special emphasis is placed on the aging and bottling process: each bottle has its own date, number and autograph. There are many names in the names, but Old is often put first. So we get Old Crow, Old Fitzgerald, Old Forester, Old Weller - “Old So-and-so". In fact, the classification of American whiskey is quite simple, because there are two main varieties - straight and blended whiskey. The first has an alcohol content of at least 51%, but the second is much weaker - about 20%, and here other types of whiskey, neutral grain alcohol, flavorings and dyes are added.Straight whiskey is divided into several categories depending on the raw materials and technology.

Straight Whiskey: Bourbon

The common name "bourbons" is defined by a special law of 1909. Then there were clear characteristics of such a drink. What characterizes bourbon? How is it different from whiskey? American drinks are made on the basis of raw materials, where corn is not less than 51% and not more than 80%. The rest is rye or barley. The exposure time takes three years or more. According to the percentage of corn content, Tennessee whiskey, legally fixed in 1941, can be attributed to bourbons. Its highlight is the unique method of cleaning with carbon filters. The charcoal itself is burnt from sugar maple, then poured into columns, interspersed with layers of woolen pads. Alcohol is cleared slowly, almost drop by drop, acquiring softness and a specific smoke flavor in the process. Maintain it for at least 4 years. So there is a production only in Tennessee, where the name of the drink came from.

A truly heavenly drink is produced with a content of 51% rye. They named him Rye. The aging period is short, only two years, but this is the oldest whiskey in the United States. After Prohibition was repealed, it became as popular as bourbon, although it is quite rare.

Classification by technology

If sourdough is used, then Sourmash whiskey is prepared. A quarter of the vat residue is added to the new wort that has not undergone fermentation. Therefore, the taste of the drink is constant. This is how most drinks in the country are produced, although this is not always indicated on the packaging. But when using fresh yeast, Sweet Mash whiskey is obtained. A light drink without a pronounced taste is called "Light", but if the whiskey is aged under state control for a period of more than 5 years, then this is the Bottled-in-bond variety.

Leading brands

If you come to an average bar where you want to relax with a glass of whiskey, then you will be offered the most popular brands. But are they as good as advertised? If you want exactly bourbon whiskey - "Jim Beam" will be the most striking example. This drink was created by Jacob Beam in 1795. Today this brand breaks all records of popularity. "Jim Beam" hails from Claremont, the capital of Kentucky. There is a legend that the first batches of whiskey were made from corn, so that the taste was not inferior to barley. Seven generations of whiskey produced by the company "Jim Beam". They own Old Crow whiskey from Frankfort and Old Grand Dead bourbon, known for its subtlety and filigree taste.

Since 1866, Jack Daniels has been produced in Tennessee. Bourbon or whiskey - what is this drink? Rather, the first option, since it contains almost 80% corn, 12% rye and only 8% barley malt. The taste is noble, conservative in a good way. This is a man's drink and very strong. If you are tasting it for the first time, then do not drink neat, otherwise the first taste will not leave a pleasant impression. The Benchmark brand, famous for its excellent taste and exquisite aroma, is called the standard of rye whiskey.

And ladies too

It turns out that whiskey is a drink only for men? Not at all, there is an American bourbon, produced in Kentucky for more than a century, which is called "Four Roses", or "Four Roses"; so, according to legend, it is named after the girls from the family of the brand developer. There is, however, a version according to which the title depicted four ladies visiting Rufus Rose. This brand of blended American whiskey is slightly weaker and therefore pleasant on the palate. Ladies can enjoy the taste and aroma.

Another family became the founders of the Johnny Drum brand; several long-aged varieties appeared in the White house. The original brand of whiskey with the image of the turkey emblem - "Wild Graters" - is distinguished by a strength of 50.5% and a long exposure.

Why do we love alcohol gatherings?

Indeed, why do we prefer to relax after work with a glass of alcoholic drink, and not with a chocolate cake? Although there are, of course, and such fans. But we are accustomed to brag to each other about the quality and taste of food and drink. With age, people begin to appreciate the taste of alcohol (if you drink a little). If you try whiskey according to all the rules, you can distinguish a subtle aftertaste, aroma and a hint of oak. The original taste can be achieved even at home, if you infuse the drink with oak twigs. You need to know that the leaves are not recommended to be added, as they give a bright color, but add bitterness. When ordering a drink at a bar, remember that different countries have their own bourbon. Scotch whiskey comes from Scotland. True, this country does not have the exclusive right to produce whiskey. But, nevertheless, scotch is alcohol of a certain level.

For lightness

If you are lucky enough to visit Louisville, then you will surely see a huge bottle of Irish Times Bourbon whiskey. This is a distillery for the production of alcohol. Yes, here you will be sold the lightest and lightest bourbon produced. During Prohibition, alcohol even served as a medicine, so it is not surprising that even now there are people who see a cure in a glass of an elite drink. Since the product is aged in barrels, after each batch they must be scraped off, and the foreign smell can be removed with the help of straw and roasting. Corn bourbon is softer than rye bourbon, and it has a richer flavor. The most expensive varieties of the drink are aged up to twenty years. Sometimes caramel is added to get a bright color. Drinking bourbon must be skillful, as it has a sweet aftertaste, and the aftertaste is surprisingly long. You will be able to recognize the aromas of vanilla, cinnamon and fruits. So drinking bourbon in one gulp is just barbaric. Warm the glass in your hands, shake a little and drink in small sips. Believe me, this drink is worth the respect!
