
What can be prepared from viburnum for the winter. Harvesting viburnum in sugar without cooking

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about viburnum. Recently, people often turn to folk proven recipes. Alternative treatment is effective and efficient. I have proven recipes for harvesting viburnum for the winter, which our family has been using for decades. Red viburnum berries are valued in folk medicine for their medicinal properties and unique composition. From the fruits of viburnum for the winter they make delicious marmalade, jelly, marshmallow, jam, grind with sugar, harvest with honey, prepare fruit drinks, compote, juice from the fruits. At home, it’s enough just to make delicious preparations from viburnum berries for the winter.

Now the viburnum bushes are burning with their bright red clusters in the rays of the autumn sun. Branches of viburnum tied into bunches are sold at the market. We buy viburnum in the market, every year we prepare a tasty and healthy medicine for the winter.

In winter, we prepare tea from viburnum, which is the first remedy for colds, fever, fatigue, weakness. Such delicious, hot and fragrant viburnum tea is drunk with pleasure by both children and adults.

I will not share recipes here, since this is the topic of another article, if you are interested in this topic, then you can read, the topic has already been disclosed on the blog. Today the recipe will focus on harvesting viburnum with sugar.

No wonder they say that viburnum is taken instead of pills. This is not a baseless expression, because it is true.

  • Kalina red has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Viburnum has antipyretic properties.
  • Viburnum has calming properties, due to which viburnum is used for various nervous disorders.
  • The content of vitamin C in viburnum berries is even higher than in citrus fruits.
  • Kalina perfectly reduces pressure, so people with low blood pressure should refrain from eating berries.

During the period of viral and colds, viburnum tea is a real salvation. And now let's start preparing blanks for the winter.

Kalina for the winter - recipes for blanks

When harvesting viburnum, I want to pay attention to the fact that berries should be harvested after the first frost. At this time, red viburnum berries lose their bitterness.

If you prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter before the first frosts, then the taste of raw jam may be a little bitter. But many people like the pleasant bitterness that is characteristic of berries.

If you want to remove bitterness, then viburnum berries need to be frozen. Place them in the freezer for about 1 hour. The berries will be more palatable, the bitterness will no longer be felt.

Recipes for blanks from viburnum for the winter are quite simple. There are recipes for mashed viburnum, and you can wipe viburnum with a stone from pitted, as well as a recipe for making viburnum with sugar without cooking.

You can increase or decrease the amount of ingredients in recipes as you wish.

Sugar blanks are stored quite well. We store viburnum with sugar in the refrigerator.

Even sprinkled with layers of viburnum berries with sugar, this will already be a good preparation for the winter. This will prevent damage to the berries and preserve their beneficial properties.

Kalina with sugar without cooking. Recipe with photo.

It is usually sold tied in bundles. When choosing a viburnum on the market, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the berries. You should not buy crushed or crushed berries, as well as damaged berries.


  • 500 grams of viburnum berries
  • 500 grams of sugar

500 grams of viburnum is without twigs, only berries. After you have sorted the berries, they must be weighed. You can increase or decrease the proportions, it all depends on how much viburnum you have.

Choose clean and beautiful branches. Before buying, you can taste a couple of viburnum berries. If everything suits you, then buy viburnum.

Before making raw viburnum jam, be sure to wash the berries. We fill the berries in a bowl with running water. You need to carefully wash the berries.

We place the berries in a colander to drain excess liquid. Additionally, the branches can be dried on a paper towel.

Now we separate the viburnum berries from the twigs. At the same time, we remove the damaged berries. If you have a lot of viburnum berries, then this process will take some time.

We grind viburnum in containers, it all depends on the number of berries. I took a saucepan, as practice shows, it is convenient to grind berries in it.

Crush the berries with a wooden rolling pin or "masher" for mashed potatoes.

Now about sugar. Sugar is added to viburnum in a ratio of 1: 1. This is usually the standard. But we add a little more, for 500 grams of viburnum I added 750 grams of sugar.

I grind with the skin and bones so that all the useful vitamins are preserved. I use this viburnum in winter for making tea. After I have brewed tea, I filter it through a strainer. The bones and skin remain in the sieve.

Pour sugar into the berries and continue to crush the berries with a rolling pin. I repeat that I use the berries along with the bones of the skin.

Let the berries sit at room temperature for a while to dissolve the sugar.

I put the berries grated with sugar in sterile jars and close them with sterile lids. I keep the blanks in the refrigerator.

It is in viburnum with sugar without cooking that all vitamins are preserved.

Pitted viburnum with sugar


  • viburnum - 500 grams
  • sugar - 1 kg

For cooking, I use the same principle as in the first recipe. In order not to repeat, with a photo, see the whole process above, how to wash the berries, dry and sort.

Crush the berries and add sugar. I use a rolling pin, some do it with a blender. After adding sugar, we continue to grind viburnum.

It is also advisable to leave viburnum with sugar on the table at room temperature so that the sugar dissolves.

We grind the finished mass through a strainer. To avoid using an iron colander, you can use a plastic or plastic colander. It is also desirable that the cells are not very small.

It turns out delicious, fragrant viburnum with pitted sugar. After standing a little in a cool place, viburnum with sugar becomes much thicker. Should be stored in the refrigerator.

Bones and skins that remain can not be thrown away, but used to make tea. By pouring a few tablespoons of boiling water you get a pleasant drink from viburnum.

How to freeze viburnum berries for the winter

To do this, the berries need to be washed, sorted out. Try to keep all viburnum berries whole, not crushed. Dry them on a paper towel. This is important to remove excess moisture.

Place the berries on a spread in a thin layer and freeze them. Then the berries need to be taken out of the freezer and packaged in bags or bags with a zip fastener, you can use trays.

Compote from viburnum berries

Viburnum compote is a tasty and fragrant drink that can be used instead of medicine. Compote is closed in three liter jars, liter jars.

A friend of mine recently shared this recipe. They have a huge viburnum bush growing and they have tried a lot of recipes for viburnum blanks.


  • Viburnum berries - 1.5 cups
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups

For a three-liter jar, you need to take 1.5 cups of viburnum berries. Which must first be sorted out and washed by removing spoiled berries.

The taste of viburnum berries is rich, but sour. Therefore, you can add sugar directly to the jar. For three liters 1.5 cups of sugar. Or prepare a sweet syrup (adding sugar to taste) and pour over the berries. Compote is pleasant, refreshing, with a slight sourness.

If you add sugar and berries to a jar, pour boiling water over everything and sterilize jars with compote for 10 minutes. If you are preparing sweet syrup, then pour berries with syrup, leave for half an hour, and then pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour the syrup back into the jar and roll up with sterile lids.

In both cases, compote should be wrapped in a warm blanket and left for a day.

Jam from viburnum five minutes, recipe


  • viburnum - 500 grams
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Viburnum jam can be cooked in two ways. If you want the berries to be whole, then prepare a syrup of water and sugar. For the indicated amount of sugar, you need a glass of water.

We prepare the syrup and dip viburnum berries into it. But here already try to ensure that the red viburnum berries are all whole, not dented or damaged. Cook for 5 minutes stirring. And then we lay out the five-minute jam from viburnum in sterile jars.

The second method of preparation involves combining viburnum and sugar and grinding.

Put the jam on the fire (move it into a saucepan with a thick bottom) and cook from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes. We lay out the jam in sterile jars and close with sterile lids.

You can make delicious tea from this jam and take it as a tonic and vitamin drink, or as a means of reducing high blood pressure.

I prefer viburnum mashed with sugar with skin and pits and viburnum mashed with sugar without pits. But five minutes, this year it was a new way to harvest viburnum for the winter.

Viburnum jelly


  • Kalina - 500 grams
  • Sugar -1 kg.

To prepare viburnum jelly, pour boiling water over the berries, leave for 5 minutes. Then strain the water and rub the berries through a sieve.

Combine the resulting viburnum puree with sugar and mix well. We put on fire and boil from the moment of boiling for 7-10 minutes, while constantly stirring.

We lay out viburnum jelly in sterile jars and close with sterile lids. After cooling, the jelly will become even thicker.

Viburnum sauce for the winter


  • Kalina - 500 grams
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Ground black pepper (or white pepper) - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon

If you like sweet and sour sauces for fish, meat, chicken and other dishes, then I recommend trying viburnum sauce.

We love to try different interesting sauce recipes, this year we made quite a lot. Now we are preparing viburnum for the winter.

Berries should be sorted out, washed, separated from the branches. Next, they must be poured with boiling water and left for 5-7 minutes. Thus, the berries will become softer.

We decant the water and wipe the viburnum berries through a sieve, we don’t need the skin and bones, we only need viburnum puree.

We move the viburnum puree to a saucepan, add salt, sugar, spices and boil from the moment of boiling over low heat for 7-10 minutes.

Be sure to taste the sauce and adjust the spices to your taste and preference. If you want to prepare the sauce for the winter, then the sauce should be sterilized.

The viburnum sauce is homogeneous, red, fragrant. You can serve the sauce to various dishes immediately after preparation.

You can increase or decrease the amount of ingredients for the sauce. And to rid the viburnum of bitterness, you can put the berries in the freezer (time 1 hour), and then make a sauce out of them.

I hope the recipes for viburnum blanks for the winter will be useful to you. Prepare delicious and fragrant natural medicine and delicacy from viburnum berries, and be healthy!

The medicinal qualities of viburnum have been known for a long time, so it is harvested for the winter both as a vitamin remedy and as a cure for many diseases. Viburnum juice is not as well known in use as its berries, which are harvested for the winter in frozen, dried or candied form. It turns out that some craftsmen also save the juice of this plant for use in winter.

In contact with

What is rich in viburnum?

Everything that viburnum gives has medicinal properties - this is its color, berries, leaves, bark, roots and even its seeds. Each of these components of the plant is rich in its own vitamins and helps to cure various diseases. Therefore, flowers and plant bark are harvested in spring, berries are harvested in autumn, and the roots are dripped as needed.
Viburnum berries are rich in tannins, a large number of trace elements, isovaleric, acetic and ascorbic acid, and also contain invert sugar.

Viburnum fruits are bitter in taste, so not everyone can use them fresh, but just fresh they are the most useful.

  • Taking 50 grams of viburnum berries every day, you can improve the body's normal metabolism and satisfy vitamin C deficiency.
  • The help of berries in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, neurosis, hypertension, gastrointestinal tract, colds and respiratory diseases is simply invaluable.
  • Berries are used as immune strengthening remedy, due to the presence of a large number of vitamins in them.
  • Blood pressure returns to normal if you drink a decoction of viburnum leaves, and it also promotes vasodilation and activates the contraction of the heart muscle.
  • A decoction of the bark of the plant is used to treat uterine bleeding and pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • A decoction of the color of viburnum is good to use for colds, shortness of breath, stomach diseases and even cancer.

The main useful properties of viburnum juice

The components of the juice of the berry amaze with their abundance of medicinal and supporting properties for the human body.

  • Invert sugar, which is obtained from fructose and glucose, is found in large quantities in viburnum fruits. It's being used in the manufacture of medical and conventional cosmetics.
  • Berry juice contains useful pectin substances, vitamins E, P, A, C. Minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, iodine, strontium, manganese, etc.

Kalina is not difficult to find in Russia, it is a fairly common plant, it grows in parks, near rivers and lakes, its plantings are visible along roads, and it also decorates gardens and plots. So, if you wish, you can always find this plant for harvesting for the winter.

Harvesting for the future

The best time for canning is autumn, viburnum at this time is as rich in vitamins as possible. You can use the following recipes for making juice from viburnum for the winter:

Juice with honey

To collect berries for juice, choose the time before frost.
Bringing viburnum home, her rinse well and dry.
Next, laying the berry in a double gauze, you need to squeeze the juice out of it.
The juice will turn out bitter, so it must be mixed with honey (one to one) and poured into jars. They are placed in a cool place until use. Thanks to this recipe, the mixture of viburnum juice with honey will lose its bitterness over time.

Just with sugar

And here is a simple but delicious recipe for viburnum juice with sugar! The washed berries are mixed with sugar (one kilogram of sugar is taken per kilogram of berries). Next, this mixture is left for several hours, so that it gives juice.
Then it is laid out in clean glass jars, closed and stored in a cool place. Such a product can be stored for six to seven months.

Kalina with juice in sugar and its pure juice are used to make jelly, kissels, marshmallows, or you can just drink tea by adding this vitamin elixir to it.

Treatment with a miracle drink

As mentioned above, viburnum is used for various diseases. Recipes have been kept in the "tablets" of traditional medicine for a long time, it was very difficult to find information on how to make viburnum juice useful and, most importantly, healing, but especially for the readers of the "drink", we did it!

Treatment of an ovarian cyst

This treatment takes time, patience and a serious approach.

You will need: viburnum juice mixed with honey one to one.

Method of reception:

  1. the first week you need to take juice with honey every day, on an empty stomach, ½ teaspoon;
  2. the second week - the intake is increased to one teaspoon of the composition, also on an empty stomach;
  3. the third week - 1.5 teaspoons, on an empty stomach;
  4. fourth week - two teaspoons on an empty stomach;
  5. from the fifth week, the intake is reduced, in the reverse order, you need to reach 0.5 teaspoon.

For tumors

In case of tumor diseases, the use of viburnum juice with honey is due to the fact that it acts as an auxiliary and immunity-supporting agent.

Mode of application:

  • Viburnum juice with honey is taken three to four times a day, one to two tbsp. spoons.
  • In combination with juice, it is necessary to take a decoction of one tbsp. viburnum-colored spoons and 200 grams of boiling water, you need to insist it for 20-30 minutes, take it 10-15 minutes before meals.
  • With a tumor of the mammary gland, make compresses from juice or pureed berries on the tumor area.

Effect on blood pressure

Everyone knows that viburnum perfectly normalizes blood pressure and relieves chronic fatigue. Maintaining the normal state of the body prescription consists of the following ingredients:

  • viburnum juice;
  • rose hips, mountain ash, hawthorn, raisins and dried apricots.
  • These products should be taken one tablespoon each, viburnum juice - 1/3 cup.

How to make juice from viburnum against pressure:

Pour the fruits of all berries with one liter of boiling water and leave for 4-6 hours in a closed thermos, or sweat in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. When the broth is ready, you need to cool it to a warm state and add viburnum juice to it. This composition is drunk like tea.

stomach ulcer

For gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and colitis, the following composition is recommended: 1/3 cup of viburnum juice should be diluted with warm boiled water to a full glass and taken three times a day before meals for half a glass.

Bronchial asthma and severe cough

With these diseases, viburnum juice with honey is taken four times a day, one tbsp. spoon after eating.


This remedy is taken with strong excitement or at bedtime.

Cooking method

grind three tbsp. spoons of viburnum berries with honey;
dilute with 400 grams of boiling water, leave for 3 hours.

Mode of application:

You need to drink this infusion in half a glass three to four times a day.

Application in cosmetics

Thanks to the components of the juice of the berries of this plant, they are successfully used for the preparation of cosmetics, both in traditional medicine and at the industrial level. It is added to creams, shampoos, lotions, tonics, gels and other products. Folk remedies for the treatment and transformation of the skin also include recipes using viburnum juice.

Cleansing the skin of the face from age spots and acne

Composition of the product: viburnum juice and rustic sour cream.

Method of preparation and use:

mix the ingredients in equal amounts, make a face mask out of them and keep it for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Cleansing of age spots and freckles

It is necessary to moisturize the face and put on it for 10-15 minutes a napkin soaked in berry juice, then rinse with warm water.

This mask will help not only get rid of unwanted spots on the face, but also give the skin a rejuvenating effect.

Mask for oily skin

To help oily skin look better, a mask of viburnum juice mixed with egg white is recommended. This mask should be kept for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.


Preparations of viburnum juice will help in winter to prepare healthy and tasty desserts and diversify the menu with environmentally friendly vitamin products.

viburnum jelly

Ingredients for cooking: one liter of viburnum in its own juice and two glasses of water.

Cooking method:

Rub viburnum with sugar through a sieve, add water to it and cook for about fifty minutes, then pour into bowls, cool and refrigerate, or simply put in a glass jar and put in a cool place.

viburnum fruit drink

This drink is easy to prepare - winter juice preparations or berries in their own juice with honey are perfect. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, add juice or berries with juice, about a glass and bring to a boil. If you took berries, then fruit juice must be filtered through a sieve. Then cool - everything, the fruit drink is ready. It can be drunk throughout the day instead of water.


For this work of cooking, prepared berries with juice are suitable. You need to take a liter jar of berries in their own juice and wipe them through a sieve. Then add a glass of water to it and cook until the water almost completely evaporates and thickens. Put the mass on the spread foil and dry in the oven. Then it can be rolled into tubes and stored in the refrigerator.

Marmalade with apples

Products for cooking:

mashed viburnum in its own juice - one liter;
four to five baked and pureed apples.

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients and cook the mass until it becomes thick. Then spread it into dessert plates with a layer of about one centimeter and hold in a warm oven. Then you need to cut the marmalade and roll it in powdered sugar, put it in a jar or a bowl and close it with a lid or parchment, store it in the refrigerator.

viburnum jam

Products for cooking:

juice from one and a half kilograms of viburnum;
5-6 kilograms of apples;
five kilos of sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut apples into medium-sized slices, cover with sugar and wait until they give juice. Next, they need to be boiled a little, until the sugar is completely dissolved, then cool. Pour viburnum juice into apples with syrup and cook until tender for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Then put into clean jars and roll up.

Contraindications for use

Unfortunately, any, even the most useful product, has a downside. Therefore, you need to know who can use the gifts of this plant, who is not recommended. So, let's talk about the contraindications of viburnum juice:

  • those who have low blood pressure, as it tends to lower it even more;
  • in cases where a person has increased blood clotting;
  • with gastritis with high acidity, it can simply harm;
  • people with kidney disease and urolithiasis;
  • with gout and arthritis, the use of viburnum and its juice is also undesirable;

During pregnancy, if you need to use viburnum products, you should definitely consult a doctor before taking them.

Due to its unique composition, this plant is simply indispensable in the treatment of certain diseases, so it can be consumed in small quantities to boost immunity for everyone. But, if you need to carry out treatment with the help of viburnum, a consultation with a doctor is simply necessary.

Kalina refers to the healing types of berries. On its basis, fruit drinks, jams, compotes, juices are prepared. Due to the short heat treatment, the fruits retain all useful elements in their structure. Many housewives experience difficulties when brewing viburnum juice, the drink turns out to be bitter and tart. To avoid this effect, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the sweetener and the volume of berries. Consider the basic principles of cooking, highlight the main thing.

Useful properties of viburnum

  1. The composition of the berry contains organic acids, glycosides, pectin, sucrose, tannins. Such a complete list allows you to remove harmful poisons from the human body and eliminate the effects of exposure (radiation).
  2. Kalina has antimicrobial, antiallergic, diuretic, refreshing, regenerating properties. Constant use of juice improves appetite, heals wounds, prevents the development of thrombophlebitis and diabetes.
  3. Due to its pleasant taste, viburnum juice is added to tea, herbal infusions and other drinks. Experts recommend drinking viburnum juice or fresh berries for people suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.
  4. A lot of fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, which leads to swelling of the extremities. Kalina relieves congestion, but retains potassium in the cells. It, in turn, has a tonic effect on the heart muscle and vascular system.
  5. Juice from viburnum berries is especially useful for those who have diabetes or excessive cholesterol in the blood. The drink includes vitamins of groups A, B, C, minerals (iodine, manganese, iron, potassium). Due to this, the body is saturated with energy for the whole day.

Viburnum juice: a classic recipe

  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • drinking water - in fact
  • fresh viburnum - 0.5 kg.
  1. Sort the fruits, remove the rumpled, rotten ones. Pour viburnum into a sieve, douse with cold water and leave for a third of an hour. During this period, the liquid will drain, otherwise collect the moisture with a towel.
  2. Move the fruits into a heat-resistant cooking dish, fill with water so that the liquid rises 1-2 cm above the berries. Set the burner to a minimum, cook the berries until boiled.
  3. When the composition settles (the fruits soften), wipe the viburnum through a sieve. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, leave for 2.5 hours under the lid. Then strain the liquid from the sediment, pour the drink into a heat-resistant bowl.
  4. Send the mixture to the burner, add granulated sugar (if desired, its amount can be increased). Boil the juice until the crystals dissolve, remove the resulting foam.
  5. At the end of preparation, filter the drink using 4-5 layers of gauze. Sterilize jars, pour juice over them. Roll up or cork with nylon lids, store in the refrigerator.

Viburnum juice without boiling

  • granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • viburnum - 850 gr.
  1. Remove the berries from the branches, sort out the viburnum. Weed out all unsuitable specimens, and rinse good fruits under the tap. Pour into a sieve, leave for half an hour to dry.
  2. Pound the viburnum with a kitchen pestle or in any convenient way (sieve, blender, meat grinder). Lay 4 layers of gauze in a dry colander, put viburnum puree in the cavity.
  3. Squeeze out the juice, remove the cake, grains and bones. Add granulated sugar to the juice, mix. Leave the mixture at room temperature to infuse. The granules must completely dissolve.
  4. Stir the juice again, you will get a gentle drink with pulp. Warm up the jars for spinning the product, dry them, pour the juice. Put in the refrigerator or any other place for seaming.

  • honey - 240-260 gr.
  • fresh viburnum - 550 gr.
  1. Remove the viburnum from the branches, sort, rinse in a basin with cool water. Do not remove small branches, they close the hole under the stem. If there is dirt on the fruits, pour boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Move the clean and dry berries into a deep bowl or a three-liter jar, crush the viburnum into porridge with a pestle. You can use a blender to puree the viburnum.
  3. Separate the juice from the seeds, peel and remnants of the twigs. To do this, strain the entire contents through cheesecloth or a fine-grained sieve. Add honey to juice and stir.
  4. Try to use flower honey, it belongs to the early varieties and is not candied. If the product has already crystallized, boil it in advance in a water bath. Only after that add the composition to the viburnum juice.
  5. Send the entire composition to the pan, boil for 5 minutes. Turn off the stove, filter the juice if necessary. Pour it into sterile containers, cork, let cool. Consume after 1 week of exposure.

Viburnum juice in a slow cooker

  • fresh viburnum - 750 gr.
  • drinking water - 600 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 270 gr.
  1. Sort out fresh viburnum, remove foreign debris, branches. Rinse the fruits under the tap, putting them on a sieve. Let the berries drain, wipe them with a towel.
  2. Prepare a container for a multicooker, pour viburnum into a cup, sprinkle with sugar. Fill with water so that the liquid covers the fruit by 2 cm.
  3. Cover the device, set the "Extinguishing" function for 45 minutes. When the timer rings, pour the contents into a sieve, wipe the juice. Remove the pulp.
  4. Sterilize the container for seaming, dry it and pour the juice into containers. Close with nylon or tin lids, store in a dark place.

Before cooking, sort through the berries, remove bad specimens (crumpled, rotten, etc.). The proportions of granulated sugar are added according to personal wishes, you can replace the sweetener with honey or stevia. Grind the viburnum through a sieve or squeeze the juice with gauze. Consider the recipe for the slow cooker and the method of preparing the composition without cooking.

Video: how to cook viburnum syrup without cooking

Not everyone knows how to store viburnum at home, although this berry deserves the close attention of those who lead a healthy lifestyle. You can find viburnum if you walk through the autumn forest, you can grow it in your backyard. It is sold in specialized diet food stores, on the market, and its quality remains consistently excellent everywhere. The only pity is that it is not always possible to purchase this healing berry.

The traditions of its use in Russia for the treatment, prevention of diseases, and just for the pleasure of feeling its refreshing taste have more than one century. The unique composition containing minerals, vitamins, organic acids and many more useful substances contributes to its widespread use:

  • to maintain the tone of the heart muscle;
  • for the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for the treatment of skin diseases (lichen, acne);
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis, colds;
  • as an adjunct in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system.

How to collect viburnum?

The best time to collect it for harvesting for the winter is late autumn, the time after the first frost. It is then that the fruits lose their inherent bitterness, become sweeter. The berries are not picked one at a time, otherwise they will lose their juice. The best way to collect is to cut the brushes with a pruner. To the place of processing, brushes can be transferred in a sufficiently thick layer in any container. The peel of the berries is strong enough, and you can not be afraid that they will burst.

At home, you can store berries right in the brushes, putting them in a loosely closed container in the refrigerator or hanging them in any cool room. You can not worry that the product will deteriorate or lose its healing properties, this will not happen for several months.

When storing brushes with berries in an apartment, the period of use of the product is slightly reduced. If it is not possible to store berries at low temperatures, it is advisable to process them.

We freeze viburnum

Remaining on the tree, the berries endure the frosty winter quite calmly, if they do not become food for wintering birds. Even viburnum brushes hung on the balcony can endure long frosts and retain their taste and beneficial properties after defrosting. In order to prolong the period of use of medicinal berries, you can freeze them by separating them from the brush along with the stalks.

It is not necessary to wash viburnum in order to store it in the freezer, it is done right before use.

The left stalks will not allow the juice to flow out when the berries are stored for storage. The fruits are laid out in bags or plastic containers. If the berries are dry, they will remain crumbly even after freezing. From frozen viburnum, you can prepare fruit drinks, compotes, kissels, medicinal infusions.

Dry viburnum

You can prepare these berries for the winter by drying them in the oven. The brushes are laid out on a baking sheet, the regulator is set at 50–60 ⁰С. The oven door should be ajar so that the viburnum juice does not flow out of the bursting berries. The stalks after drying the berries can be removed. Dried viburnum should be stored in dry glass jars with lids.

Drying is considered complete when the berries become wrinkled.

You can dry the berries for the winter not in such an intensive way, but simply by spreading them out in the open air in the shade. The fruits are laid out on clean white paper, covered with gauze or a thin cloth on top. This method of drying takes time and patience, the berries need to be gently mixed from time to time.

Wipe with sugar

To preserve the healing properties of viburnum, this method of harvesting for the winter, such as rubbing berries with sugar, is perfect. To do this, you need to sort out the berries, separate not quite high-quality ones, rinse the fruits in cool water, and dry them.

For grinding, the following methods are used:

  • rubbing through a sieve;
  • grinding with a blender;
  • grinding the mass with a meat grinder.

No need to separate the seeds from the berries, so you will lose the healthy juice. Crushed bones will not interfere with the use of pureed viburnum.

The crushed mass must be mixed with sugar in a ratio of 2: 1, that is, sugar should be twice as much as berries. It is laid out in sterile jars and stored in a refrigerator or in a cool basement. During long-term storage, the juice may separate and fall down the container, but this does not affect the quality of the original product. This method of harvesting berries for the winter allows you to save all the vitamins in them.

You can store pureed berries by sterilization in boiling water. Half-liter jars filled with crushed berries with sugar need to be sterilized for 10 minutes, and liter jars - twice as long. The amount of sugar during preservation can be halved compared to the previous recipe. After sterilization, the mashed berries are rolled up and cleaned in a cool place.

Squeezing the juice

Separating the juice from the berries, you can stock up on a useful product for the winter. The selected fruits are washed, sorted and sent to the juicer. Add sugar to the juice obtained after pressing and mix. It is mixed in a 1:1 ratio, poured into sterilized dishes (jars, bottles). Viburnum juice should be stored only in the refrigerator.

You can replace part of the sugar with honey or use the following recipe to store juice for the winter:

  • viburnum berries - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - to taste.

After squeezing the juice from viburnum, mix all the ingredients, boil for 10 minutes and store in a cool place. This blank can be used to make viburnum marshmallow or jam, marmalade, fruit drink, compote.

Making a liqueur

Medicinal liqueur can be prepared from these healthy berries, preserving their healing properties for the winter. It consists of:

  • viburnum juice - 100 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vodka - 500 ml.

All components of this recipe must be moved and kept at room temperature for two days, then cork the liquor by bottling it. Storage of this drink is possible at any, even room temperature.

Cooking jam, jelly, marshmallow

For the winter, you can prepare a lot of sweet viburnum goodies. To prepare jelly, it is enough to take a kilogram of berries and sugar and two glasses of water. First, the berries are boiled with water for half an hour. Then sugar is added to this mass and the jelly is cooked for another 45 minutes. It remains to decompose it into banks and roll it up.

For jam, you need to take 300 ml of water and 1.3 kg of sugar per kilogram of berries. For uniform impregnation of fruits, they need to stand in hot syrup for 10-12 hours. Then the jam is boiled, removing the foam, and packaged.

A tasty and healthy delicacy - viburnum marshmallow - is obtained from a kilogram of berries, boiled until soft in a glass of water. The mass rubbed through a sieve is mixed with sugar and boiled again until the consistency of a soft dough. This mass must be laid out on wooden baking sheets and dried in the oven.

Viburnum oil

For this product, you can use the cake left over from juicing. It is passed through a meat grinder, poured with vegetable or olive oil in a ratio of 1: 4 (oil is four times more than cake). For three weeks, this remedy should stand in a dark place, insist. After squeezing the cake, it is poured into containers. The value of this undeservedly forgotten recipe is comparable to the benefits and healing properties of sea buckthorn oil.

Making Vinegar

The benefits of such a natural product are comparable to the benefits of apple cider vinegar. For viburnum vinegar, you need to put half a kilogram of berries, a glass of sugar in a three-liter jar, pour two liters of water. Vinegar can be flavored with blackcurrant and cherry leaves. This jar should stand in a dark place at room temperature for about two months. During the first week, its contents are periodically stirred. Viburnum vinegar is ready when it becomes transparent.

The availability, ease of storage and preparation of these medicinal fruits make them one of the most common products for use as a health remedy.

Kalina for the winter recipes many housewives are looking for, so we decided to make a whole selection of a wide variety of blanks.

Kalina harvesting for the winter: recipes

Viburnum jelly.

Prepare the berries: pour boiling water over them, grind through a sieve, combine with sugar. Mix berry puree with granulated sugar, bring to a boil over low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Pour the mixture into jars and close. To determine when it's ready, just look at the edges. If they began to stick to the walls, then the dessert for the winter is ready. Pour boiling water over the jars before unfolding the jelly. Handle the lids in the same way. Lay the workpiece and seal in the usual way.

Frozen berries.

Collect viburnum berries, sort, wash, spread in one layer on a towel, dry. Put the berries in a food plastic bowl or containers, freeze. By freezing the berries will retain their value.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter: recipes

Viburnum berries in their own juice.

For harvesting, prepare granulated sugar and harvested berries. Pass part of the fruit through a juicer. Bring to a boil, turn off. Pour into sterilized containers, put away for storage.

Kalina for the winter with honey: recipes

This preparation is known for its beneficial properties. The simplest and most popular method of preparation is grated mashed potatoes with the addition of liquid honey. Both of these products must be taken in equal proportions. Place the mass prepared in this way in pasteurized containers and take it out to the cold. ready!

Kalina red - recipes for the winter

Required products:

Sugar - 395 g
- water - 595 g
- viburnum berries - 1 kg


Wash the viburnum berries, dry them. While your berries are drying, sterilize the jars. Pour the fruits into jars, pour in granulated sugar. Sterilize half-liter containers for 15 minutes. Liter jars should be sterilized longer - about half an hour. After sterilization, seal the seams with metal caps.

Prepare and. It has a special taste.

Kalina red recipes for the winter harvesting viburnum.


Viburnum berries - 1 kg
- water - 245 g
- honey or sugar

Cooking steps:

Squeeze viburnum fruits, squeeze juice from this mass. Boil the remaining skins with bones for 10 minutes in boiling water. Strain the broth, combine with juice. Add sugar to your own taste, store only in a cool place.

Kalinovy ​​mors.

For harvesting, take 245 g of viburnum juice, sugar and a liter of water. Dilute viburnum juice with chilled boiled water, add sugar to your own taste, leave for about 5 hours. This is a great remedy for any cold!


Required products:

Liter of viburnum juice
- sugar - 2 kg
- citric acid - 10 g

Cooking steps:

Stir the juice with sugar, boil. Remove the foam that has formed. Add citric acid, continue cooking for 5 minutes. Strain the syrup through cheesecloth. Bottle to store.

Viburnum ice.

Preparing this version of the workpiece is quite simple. Juice is squeezed out of viburnum berries, poured into a container and stored in the freezer. You can also simply arrange freshly picked berries in containers and pour water over them. Get ice with berries inside.

Kalina red blanks for the winter recipes.

Quite a simple way of harvesting is also considered viburnum, wiped with granulated sugar. To do this, prepare exactly a kilogram of berries and the same amount of sugar. You can also use frozen fruits for cooking. They are ground to a puree state using a sieve. Grinding will save the berries from large seeds. Mix puree with sugar, heat in a saucepan over very low heat to dissolve sugar crystals. In order for the berries not to lose their beautiful red color during the cooking process, the water temperature should not exceed 100 degrees. You only need to pour the hot mixture into jars and sterilize. You can store this delicacy in the cellar, or you can use it right away.

Another interesting option is viburnum berries in powdered sugar. To prepare, you need to cook syrup from 300 g of sweet sugar and 95 ml of water. If desired, you can add a little citric acid. Dip dry and clean fruits one by one into sugar syrup, remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put the dragee that you got on a flat surface, leave it for 6 hours in the room. Fold the finished sweets into cardboard boxes and store simply in the room. They are perfectly preserved in such conditions. Instead of granulated sugar, you can dip the fruits in liquid honey.

To preserve as many nutrients as possible, you can prepare viburnum berries in their raw form.

Recipes from red viburnum for the winter.


It is prepared on the basis of jam, which can be easily prepared according to the above recipe. Prepare a heat-resistant form and pour jam on the bottom, trimming it so that a thickness of 2 mm is obtained. The form must be moistened with water. Put the form together with the contents in the oven. Set the fire to minimum and leave the workpiece for several hours. Roll the finished pastille in powdered sugar. You can also add chopped walnuts to it. You can prepare marshmallow for the future. To do this, fold the workpiece into a jar and tightly seal the lid.

You will like and.

Recipes with viburnum for the winter.


For cooking, you will need 0.5 kg of berries, a liter of vodka or alcohol, a liter of water. Mash the berries with a mallet so that they release the juice, pour in a three-liter jar, pour in alcohol or vodka. The more water you add, the lower the degree of tincture you get. The tincture will be stored under a closed polyethylene lid. Every day the contents must be shaken. After thorough straining, pour the tincture into bottles. Use the tincture as a medicine. You can drink no more than 100 ml per day.

Kalina sauce.

This sauce can be served with barbecue, ribs. To prepare the berries, puree. Pre-blanch them for several minutes, wipe through a sieve. Pour granulated sugar into the pureed mass, observing the ratio of 1 to 1. Stir with a spoon so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Stir in citric acid with a teaspoon. Cut the red sauce into strips. If you are a fan of spicy dishes, then the seeds can be left. Put the finished sauce in a jar, leave to infuse with a covered lid. A film should remain on the surface. You can easily store the sauce in plastic containers or jars.

Prepare and.


The resulting syrup can be added to tea or consumed in its pure form as a medicine. With regular use of syrup, you can strengthen your immune system and forget about diseases. To prepare, prepare:

10 g lemons
- liter of viburnum juice
- granulated sugar - 2 kilograms

Boil berry juice with the addition of granulated sugar for 5 minutes, add citric acid. Strain the composition, roll into bottles.


Prepare the following foods for making treats:

Sugar - 1.3 kg
- water - 295 g
- kilogram of viburnum

Wash the berries, blanch for 5 minutes, pour hot sugar syrup on top. The syrup should not boil. Should the fruits be infused? days. After this time, the jam must be cooked. Be sure to remove the foam. After the treat has cooled, pour the treat into jars.

If you want to prepare useful preparations for the winter, try preparing viburnum. From it you can make juice, jam, jam, syrup, tincture, jelly and many other winter treats. All winter you will enjoy their excellent taste.
