
What can be made from cherry berries. An unusual plant: what is unique about red bird cherry

At the mere mention of the word bird cherry, everyone remembers the incredibly fragrant white flowers and black tassels of delicious berries. In addition to the fact that the tree itself exudes an incredible aroma in the spring, the fruits themselves can give all the sweet tooth an incredibly tasty and as fragrant jam as white flowers.

At the very beginning, before proceeding to the consideration of recipes for making jam from such black and fragrant berries, it is worth noting that it contains a lot of tannins, useful for the body, substances and organic acids, essential oils. All this together makes it not only tasty, but also useful.

Before you start cooking jam, the berry must be properly collected. At the very beginning, it is worth remembering that it is best to collect black fruits in the morning or in the evening, but always on a dry day, and even if the bunches are dry, it should be spread out and allowed to dry for about 3-5 hours after collection.

Before you start cooking this delicacy, you should take into account a few highlights and practical tips. At the very beginning, it should be said that pitted jam is more useful than that made from fruits with pits, and it can be stored longer without losing its beneficial properties.

They store jam made from fruits with stones - a maximum of 8-9 months, because due to the content of hydrocyanic acid in them, it can lead to poisoning of the whole organism. It is also worth remembering that before proceeding with the preparation of jam, the raw materials should be washed very thoroughly and shake all the brushes thoroughly, then let them stand for 10-15 minutes and repeat this manipulation again.

Jam with whole fruits

With this method of harvesting jam for the winter, which contains a whole berry, it is worth noting that it is simply poured with syrup. It is easy to prepare, and due to whole fruits, it gets its own special taste and incredible aroma.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg. bird cherry fruit
  • 1.25 kg. Sahara.
  • 3 glasses of water.


For cooking, they take a kilogram of berries and sort them out, separating the stalks with water. Then washed several times under running water. Next, pour all the clean fruits into a colander and let the water drain. After that, we proceed to the next stage - we blanch the washed berries, for which we boil water, dissolve half the sugar in it and put a colander with fragrant fruits into the boiling syrup and keep it in it for 2 minutes, then pour it into an enamel bowl.

Next, we proceed to the preparation of the syrup - in 3 full glasses of boiling water, in which the berries were blanched, the remaining sugar is dissolved and boiled for 5-10 minutes. letting it thicken. Then it is filtered and poured onto scalded berries and then boiled all together, removing the foam - it is enough to boil the bird cherry for 10-15 minutes. Then pour into sterile jars, screwing on the lid. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator.

A very tasty preparation that you will like can also be called. To prepare it for the winter, you will not need much effort and time, and vitamins and nutrients will help maintain healthy immunity even in the coldest season.

Lemon jam

This jam is not only fragrant and tasty, but also especially useful for colds - it is boiled with the addition of lemon.

  • bird cherry fruits - 1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l. or citric acid on the tip of a knife.
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Preparing jam

Ripe fruits should be carefully sorted out and washed under running, cold water, put on a towel, allowing them to dry for some time. Then they are placed in an enamel bowl and sprinkled with sugar, leaving it in this form for 12 hours - as a result, the mass releases juice, which is poured into a separate container, for subsequent use in the recipe.

Lemon juice or citric acid diluted in a spoonful of water is added to the berries and, after mixing, boil everything over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula, but not with a metal spoon. After that, it is worth pouring the previously expressed juice into the jam and boiling it for about 15 minutes.

After boiling, it is poured into sterilized glass jars. From above it is worth pouring 1.5 - 2 tsp. sugar, tightly close the lid - polyethylene, not metal, leaving it on the table, at least for a couple of hours, letting it cool. Such a delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar.

Jam made from red cherry

This jam has a pronounced taste and amazing ruby ​​​​color - but besides this, many consider it more useful because of the higher content of vitamin A in it, which makes it especially indispensable in the spring months.

Ingredients for this recipe:

  • red bird cherry fruits - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Preparing red cherry jam

At the beginning, the berries should be separated from the stalk and rinsed thoroughly under running water, removing all the sticks, and then scroll them through a meat grinder - do this at least 3 times to end up with a mass that resembles a homogeneous puree. Grinding them in a blender is not worth it - the reason for this is small bones that can clog the mechanism of the latter, and mechanical meat grinder knives will cope with this task much better.

Then mix all the puree obtained during grinding with sugar and rub it thoroughly enough. The final step in the preparation of this recipe is cooking - all the mashed potatoes should be boiled down and for this it is put on a slow fire in an enameled bowl and boiled for about an hour, stirring occasionally. Then they are simply poured into a sterile container and screwed with a metal lid - the yummy is ready.

You can also try cooking for the winter, which your whole family will love.

Bird cherry jam with cinnamon

For all lovers of oriental flavors and noble bitterness - cherry fruit jam with cinnamon will take you to the East for a minute. In addition to the fact that it is not only very useful - this sweetness is incredibly fragrant precisely due to cinnamon, and some exotic lovers also add cloves. In this case, there are two ways to prepare such a recipe, and each of them will be considered.

For this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg. fruits
  • 1 kg. Sahara.
  • 3 glasses of water
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon

First option

At the very beginning, it is worth sorting out the berries and removing all the stalks and unripe, greener fruits, rinse well under running water. Then, them for 2 minutes. blanched in boiling water. Then they recline through a colander. Stir the scalded fruits into an enameled bowl, drain the water to prepare the syrup.

To prepare cinnamon syrup, it is worth at the beginning to strain the water in which the berry was blanched, add sugar and cinnamon to it and boil - let it boil for 8-10 minutes. Pour the processed berries in an enamel bowl with syrup, put on the stove, on a slow fire and boil the jam for 30-40 minutes. After that, leave the jam on the stove, let it cool and pour into clean jars, corked with plastic lids.

Second option

In this version of the preparation of jam, it is enough to sprinkle the berries washed and dried on a towel with sugar - the proportions of bird cherry fruits and sugar are taken 1 to 1, and left in this form overnight. In the morning, drain the juice, add cinnamon - 0.5 tsp. and boil by a third, pour the berries and boil the whole mass over low heat for about half an hour. Pour into jars and store in a cold place.

Bird cherry jam with seeds for the winter

It is this recipe that is considered in cooking a classic version of bird cherry jam. Due to the content of seeds in it, it is very rich in vitamins, but it is not worth storing it for a long time, usually no more than six months, and they eat it a spoonful a day. The thing is that the bones contain hydrocyanic acid.

Jam Ingredients:

  • bird cherry berries - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

Everything is quite simple - the berries are sorted out and freed from the stalks and twigs, washed well with cold running water. Again, the berries should be blanched for 2 minutes, and while they gradually cool down, prepare the syrup. To prepare the syrup, simply dissolve the sugar in 1 liter of water, boil it until the sugar is completely dissolved - it will take 3-5 minutes, they are poured over the cooled berries. Bring the whole mass to a boil. Thus, boil the mass for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and then pour the mass into a clean, sterile container, rolling it up with metal lids. Leaving in this position for the night, wrapped in something warm, and in the morning put in a cellar or refrigerator.

Contraindications and restrictions on the use of bird cherry fruits

Despite the fact that the berries of fragrant bird cherry themselves have a lot of useful properties, it also has its limitations for consumption, as well as the jam made from it, respectively. At the very beginning, it is worth noting that such jam, like fresh fruits, is not recommended for use during the period of gestation and during breastfeeding, as well as for children under 3 years old, and best of all - up to 6.

Along with this, the berries and the jam itself have a strong astringent effect, and therefore it is not recommended to feast on them for those who have frequent constipation. If there are no special health problems, this is good, but it is also not recommended to eat it in large quantities due to the high content in both berries and hydrocyanic acid jam. It is she who can cause not only problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also severe poisoning of the body.

And no matter how much we talk about the benefits, aroma and taste of this jam, those who have tried it at least once will cook it again and again, because you will not be able to forget its taste. All this is worth a try and please yourself and your family with a healthy, fragrant and tasty jam, which is quite simple to prepare and therefore even a novice cook can handle this task.

The content of the article:

Ground bird cherry is the dried and crushed fruit of the bird cherry tree. The plant gets along well in the difficult Russian climate. Although its homeland is East Asia (China) and Africa (Morocco). Flowers, fruits and even tree bark have a unique healing composition, and therefore at all times they have been actively used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. However, ground bird cherry has found its place in cooking. Siberians and residents of the Urals were the first in our country to make flour from the fruits of the tree and mix it as a useful additive into ordinary wheat or rye flour. However, a similar tradition existed since ancient times in other countries. Bird cherry tree fruit powder makes dishes not only healthier, but also tastier. The flour has a brown color and a pleasant almond smell.

Calorie content and composition of ground bird cherry

Almost all vitamins, except for B12, were found in ground bird cherry, it also contains a large number of macronutrients and other useful components.

Caloric content of ground bird cherry - 101 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 8.4 g;
  • Fats - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 16.8 g.
Among the macroelements in the composition of ground bird cherry there is magnesium - 0.9 mg per 100 g.

Trace elements per 100 g:

  • Iron - 0.2 mg;
  • Cobalt - 10,000 mcg
  • Manganese - 1 mg;
  • Copper - 100 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.3 mg.
In the composition of the fruit, such useful substances as antioxidants and endorphins, malic and citric acid were also found. There is fruit sugar and tannins here. Ground bird cherry is also rich in essential oils.

In addition, the fruits of the tree contain pectin, which is a specific analogue of fiber, as well as benzoic aldehyde, which provides the plant with volatile properties - in other words, an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Useful properties of ground bird cherry

Due to its rich chemical composition, bird cherry flour is widely used in folk medicine. Biologically active substances contained in fruits in large quantities have a beneficial effect on the activity of all systems and organs. However, it is important to understand that the positive effect of bird cherry flour is revealed to the proper extent only when it is regularly eaten.

Let's look at the benefits of ground bird cherry in more detail

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect. The reason for this beneficial effect is the phytoncidal properties of the fruits, which we have already discussed above. Thanks to these properties, bird cherry flour works as a natural antiseptic, actively fighting the pathogenic environment. The phytoncidal properties of the plant are so great that it can not only have a prophylactic effect, but also actively fight against already developing inflammatory processes of any nature, even venereal ones.
  2. Normalization of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Tannins and other useful components that make up the fruit help improve the functioning of the digestive system, fight its disorders, especially diarrhea. A pronounced antispasmodic effect prevents pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Prevention and treatment of colds. The high content of ascorbic acid and other vitamins in fruits helps to prevent respiratory infections. At the same time, a pronounced diaphoretic and antipyretic effect in combination helps to cure any cold as soon as possible.
  4. Strengthening blood vessels. Ground flavonoids contained in bird cherry help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, especially capillaries. In addition, the vessels become more elastic.
  5. Beneficial effect on the nervous system. The fruits of the plant have an amazing effect on the nervous system. On the one hand, they tone, on the other, they soothe. Thus, a person can relieve excessive emotionality associated with stress or other causes, without the side effect of relaxing and loss of concentration.
  6. Strengthening men's health. The tonic effect that bird cherry has has a positive effect on men's health, increasing potency. Thus, flour from the fruits of this tree can be safely called an aphrodisiac.
  7. Blood Purification. Ground bird cherry is rich in vitamin PP and pectin, which in combination prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the blood and remove excess cholesterol from the body. In addition, these same components help cleanse the blood of other harmful toxins.
  8. Strengthening immunity. The increase in the body's defenses as a whole is a beneficial effect that bird cherry owes to three components, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and flavonoids. These three, working in combination, actively stimulate the immune system and prevent the development of cancerous processes.
  9. Normalization of the urinary system. Bird cherry fruits have a pronounced diuretic effect, and the essential oils contained in them have a positive effect on kidney health. Thus, their regular use is an excellent prevention of diseases of the urinary system.
  10. Joint strengthening. Ground bird cherry also has a positive effect on the joints. It heals and strengthens them, helps to remove salts of heavy metals. Thus, the use of fruit flour for food is an excellent prevention of arthritis, rheumatism and other similar diseases.
  11. Improved skin condition. The beneficial effect of bird cherry flour on the skin has been noted, it looks fresh and rejuvenated.
Bird cherry fruits contain useful bitterness - substances necessary for the healthy functioning of all organs of the digestive system and strengthening the walls of the stomach. However, the content of these elements in cultivated varieties is less than in the fruits of wild bird cherry, since breeders deliberately strive to make them sweeter, as a result, wild fruits are bitterer, but their healing effect is higher.

Harm and contraindications to ground bird cherry

Any product, no matter how useful it may be, has its contraindications. No exception, unfortunately, and ground bird cherry. Contraindications in this case, as well as healing properties, are explained by the characteristics of the composition.

Eating bird cherry flour in food can harm people:

  • immunocompromised. The composition of the fruits of the bird cherry tree contains amygdalin, which, when decomposed, releases poison - hydrocyanic acid. And although the content of amygdalin in the plant is low, for those whose immunity is weakened (people who have had serious illnesses, pregnant and lactating women) or not formed (children under 3 years old), bird cherry is still contraindicated in any form.
  • Constipated. As we said above, bird cherry fruits contain large amounts of tannins, they have astringent and fixing properties, which helps fight diarrhea, but with constipation, the situation can only worsen.
  • With severe diseases of the digestive system. Ground bird cherry slightly irritates the mucous membranes, and therefore, with an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, it is prohibited.
  • Diabetic. The fruits contain a lot of sugar, which means that it is undesirable for diabetics to consume them.
  • Allergy sufferers. Certain components that make up the fruit of the bird cherry tree can cause allergies against the background of individual intolerance to the components, in which case the use of the product is strictly prohibited.
Bird cherry has an ambiguous effect on reproductive abilities. In ancient times, healers prepared special potions based on this plant, which were recommended for women to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Some doctors still claim that bird cherry is able to work as a contraceptive, although this effect is not scientifically substantiated. One way or another, if you are planning a child, it is better to refuse to use bird cherry flour. However, at the same time, we do not recommend using ground fruits as a reliable method of contraception; it is better to use modern proven methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Recipes for dishes with ground bird cherry

The use of ground bird cherry in recipes is especially important in the preparation of various pastries. Fruit flour turns dessert not only into a tasty, but also a healthy dish. So, in fact, you can add it in a small amount to the dough for any cake, pie, cookies, pancakes, etc. A familiar dish will acquire a light nutty and blueberry flavor.

Bird cherry flour is often added to drinks: non-alcoholic - syrups, compotes, kvass; and alcoholic - a variety of liqueurs and tinctures. Let's look at the best recipes with ground bird cherry:

  1. Siberian cake with bird cherry flour. Take a saucepan, put salt (1 tablespoon) on the bottom, cover it with a clean piece of cloth (you can use gauze, but you need to fold it in 2-3 layers). Pour sour cream (500 grams) on top, close the pan and refrigerate - preferably overnight, at least 4 hours. Bring milk (1 cup) to a boil, pour it, without cooling, into a deep bowl and pour ground bird cherry (1 cup) on top, leave the mixture to swell for several hours. In a new bowl, beat eggs (2 pieces) with sugar (1 cup), then add wheat flour (1 cup) and soda (1 teaspoon) quenched with vinegar. Take a bowl with swollen bird cherry, if necessary, drain the rest of the milk, and add it to the main dough. Put parchment paper in a tall baking dish, grease with oil, pour the dough into it and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes (check readiness with a dry match). Remove the sour cream from the refrigerator, it should have given off excess liquid and become thicker. Transfer the sour cream to a bowl (it is advisable to pre-cool it in the freezer), add powdered sugar (200 grams) and beat for 5-7 minutes with a mixer until stable peaks. Remove the “pie” from the oven and cut into two cakes, brush both with cream. Sprinkle the cake with nuts to taste or decorate in some other way and let it brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  2. Pancakes with mascarpone and berries. Beat eggs (2 pieces) with sugar (30 grams) in a deep bowl, add milk (250-300 ml), kefir (100-150 ml), salt (5 grams), soda (3 grams) and mix thoroughly. Slightly introduce a mixture of bird cherry (60 grams) and wheat (100 grams) flour. If you cannot achieve uniformity, use a mixer. Heat up the pan and start baking pancakes. Put mascarpone and any berries to taste on each pancake, roll into a roll. Sprinkle the top of the pancakes with powdered sugar.
  3. Bird cherry bread in a bread machine. Pour whey or milk (300 ml) into a bread machine, add salt (1 teaspoon), sugar (1 tablespoon), sifted wheat flour (500 grams), then bird cherry (50 grams). Make a well in the flour and pour in the yeast (quick-acting, dry - 1 sachet). Select the main mode (bread baking mode) and bake. You can cook this bread in the oven, then you first need to let the dough rise. Bake bread in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes. Readiness to check with a match.
  4. Bird cherry coffee. Pour boiling water (200 ml) into a mug, add ground bird cherry (2 teaspoons), brew for 5-7 minutes. Add sugar and milk to taste.
  5. Kissel from bird cherry flour and honey. Pour boiling water (0.5 liters) into flour (100 grams) and mix thoroughly. Add another liter of boiling water, honey (2 tablespoons) and starch (1 tablespoon) to the resulting mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. When the jelly has cooled down, you can drink it.
  6. Bird cherry kvass. Pour ground bird cherry (500 grams) with water (4 liters), bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes. Cool the mixture, put sugar (300 grams), mix thoroughly and leave to brew for 12 hours. Put more sugar (200 grams) and pour more water (2 liters) and add yeast (10 grams). Leave the mixture for another 12 hours. Strain kvass and pour into closed containers - after 2-3 days it will be drinkable.
Bird cherry flour is not easy to find on sale, but you can make it yourself - this is not a problem, given that the plant is present everywhere in our strip. However, when making flour yourself, you need to follow a number of important rules for drying and processing fruits so that the berries do not lose their healing properties.

There are many legends about the origin of the tree. One of the most beautiful legends says that an unfortunate girl suffering from unrequited love turned into a bird cherry. Her heart went cold from unrequited feelings. Therefore, when the bird cherry blossoms, the days and nights are cold.

Bird cherry in our country has always been considered a symbol of love, youth, tenderness and innocence. Charms from fruits and other parts of the tree patronized lovers - they saved them from disputes, quarrels, betrayals.

It was also believed that the plant protects from evil spirits, and therefore there has always been special care for bird cherry trees.

Archaeologists have recently found evidence that bird cherry has been used by people since the Stone Age. The first written mention is found in the writings of the ancient Greek botanist Theophastus, who described the beneficial properties of the fruits of the tree, as well as its bark and leaves. In Russian writing, the first mention of the plant appeared in the 15th century.

Bird cherry, along with mountain ash, is a favorite of Russian poets and songwriters; many poems, songs, proverbs and sayings have been composed about the plant.

The tree has a dark bark - almost black. It is believed that it was this feature that gave the plant the name that it has, because in the old river "cherma" means "dark", "dark".

Bird cherry fruits can also be eaten fresh, but it is important to get rid of the seeds, in which the concentration of hydrocyanic acid is quite high. Also, you can not brew fruits with seeds.

It is noteworthy that bird cherry is used not only in cooking and folk remedies for the treatment of certain diseases. The plant is also used in cosmetology and ... the production of paints.

Despite the delightful aroma and beauty of flowers, it is not worth bringing bird cherry into the house for a long time; from prolonged inhalation of its smell, a head may ache, one or another disorder of the nervous system may manifest itself. However, if you want to disinfect the air in the room and / or get rid of insects, put the bouquet in the house for half an hour.

Watch the video about ground bird cherry:

Ground bird cherry is a unique product. It is extremely useful, and if you have no contraindications for eating it, be sure to add flour to baked goods and drinks from time to time. As we have already said, it is not easy to get it on sale, but it is not at all difficult to cook it yourself. In extreme cases, ground bird cherry can be ordered on the Internet, on sites that sell useful products.

Today I want to show you how to cook for the winter. Previously, I have already shown how to cook delicious bird cherry jam, however, bones were present in that recipe. The recipe is here. Today's jam will not contain seeds, you must admit that it is very convenient. Such pitted bird cherry jam can be spread on a long loaf and used in homemade cakes. In addition, the absence of seeds in such a jam somewhat increases its shelf life.

Due to the fact that bird cherry berries are small in size and their stone is tightly connected to the pulp, it is almost impossible to get it with your hands. In some recipes, it is recommended to pass the washed bird cherry berries through a meat grinder several times. I categorically do not recommend doing this, since the bird cherry bones are dense and even a powerful blender or food processor is not able to completely grind them. There is such a jam, I would say, even dangerous.

The best way to get rid of the bones is by boiling. Before moving on to the recipe and seeing how to cook delicious pitted bird cherry, I would like to say that there are two types of bird cherry - black and red. For tinctures, wines, compotes, jams, liqueurs, you can use one or the other type.

To be honest, I have never seen red bird cherry in real life, only in a photo on the Internet, but I have known black bird cherry since childhood. The local children liked this berry, sweet and sour with a tart and slightly bitter taste, so much that the bird cherry bushes overate to the last berry.

Berries of black bird cherry are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain a large number of useful vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic compounds. If we talk about contraindications, then there are very few of them. In its raw form, the berry can be consumed by everyone, but not in large quantities.

And now I propose to go to the recipe and see how to cook pitted bird cherry jam step by step with a photo.


  • Bird cherry - 1 kg.,
  • Sugar - 1 kg.,
  • Water - 500 ml.,

Seedless bird cherry jam - recipe

As a rule, bird cherry berries are torn directly with tassels during harvesting. Separate the berry houses from the twigs. Wash them with cold water.

Put the washed cherry berries in a saucepan. Fill with water. Put on the stove. After boiling, boil the berries for no more than 10 minutes. During this time, the berries will become soft.

Scoop up boiled berries with syrup and put them in small portions in a colander with a fine mesh.

Thus, wipe all the bird cherry through a colander.

Discard the bones with skins, and pour the resulting pulp and juice into a saucepan.

Pour in the sugar.


Pitted bird cherry jam. Photo

Bird cherry ripens in August. By the end of the month, it can be collected and prepared for the winter.

What is not prepared from bird cherry: and jam, and jams, and compotes, and they freeze it and grind it with sugar. And all because this berry is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy.

It includes organic acids, pectins, essential oils, phytoncides, flavonoids, mineral salts and many other substances.

Bird cherry is often used for inflammation, wounds, colds, as well as stomatitis, eye infections, and to increase potency in men.

But do not forget that bird cherry seeds contain amygdalin. If it enters the body, it immediately breaks down to hydrocyanic acid, which is very dangerous if consumed excessively. This substance causes poisoning.

Berries are contraindicated for those women who want to become pregnant or are already in that position. Bird cherry has a contraceptive effect.

The most common preparations for the winter are compote and jam.

Harvesting bird cherry for the winter: recipes

Bird cherry compote

Bird cherry - 1 kg.
Sugar - 1 faceted glass.
Water - 1.5 liters.

Sort the berries and rinse under running water. Set them aside and start preparing the syrup. To do this, pour water into the pan, put on fire and as soon as the contents boil, add sugar. Mix everything.

When the solution boils again, it is necessary to remove the foam that has appeared. Remove from heat when the sugar has completely dissolved.

Boil the bird cherry in another pot of boiling water for 3 minutes. After that, transfer it to the finished syrup. She must stay there for at least 5 hours.

In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars and boil the lids. When everything is ready, you can proceed to direct cooking. Pour cherry berries into jars. They should completely fill the bottom of the container. Boil the syrup again. Pour into each jar all the way to the top. Screw on the lids and send in a warm blanket.

Bird cherry jam preparation

Bird cherry - 1 kg.
Sugar - 1.5 kg.
Water - 3 glasses.

To do this, you need to take the most ripe berries. Rinse them and remove all twigs.

Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. When it boils, add the bird cherry and cook for 2 minutes. After that, place it in an enameled container and pour syrup over it. Its easy to make. In the water where the berries were blanched, dissolve the sugar and bring everything to a boil. Strain through a clean cheesecloth and boil again. to the fire.

Important! Do not forget to remove the foam during cooking. Transfer the finished jam to sterilized jars. Roll up and leave to cool completely.

Storage conditions: dark and cool place.

A few facts about bird cherry:

A bouquet of freshly picked berries can destroy flies and mosquitoes in the house.

It is used both in traditional medicine and in well-known medical institutions.

Useful substances are not only in the berries themselves, but also in the bark and leaves. People make decoctions and infusions from them.

Bird cherry can be collected from July to September. And its flowers are harvested in early May.

Scarlet bird cherry berries carry a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for health. Its medicinal properties prompted the housewives to create a variety of recipes for the winter from red bird cherry. Here are collected the most interesting options: from simple jam to bird cherry flour. The composition of the fruits includes substances that require special attention and precautions. Therefore, when preparing and storing virgin berries, some rules should be observed.

Bird cherry berries are a vitamin cocktail with multifaceted healing properties. It is used in infectious diseases as a means of strengthening the immune system. For bowel disease and diarrhea. The composition includes tannins, which relieve an unpleasant ailment. Tart decoctions are drunk for diseases of the heart and nervous system.

Bird cherry delicacies have a mild aroma and astringent taste. Caffeic acid prompted the housewives to add bird cherry to coffee, creating a healthy and invigorating drink. Kissels and pastries are made from bird cherry flour. However, bird cherry requires careful handling.

Products from it are more likely to be folk remedies than sweets for tea. And this is due to hydrocyanic acid and the alkaloids that make up its composition.

  1. You can store preservation with bird cherry for no more than 6 months. Prussic acid is present in the bones in a high concentration, which acts on the body as a poison. You can extend the storage period by removing the bones.
  2. Dishes and lids require sterilization.
  3. Depending on the cooking recipe, a storage location is chosen: a refrigerator, a cellar or a warm living space.
  4. It is better to cook in enameled dishes or with a ceramic coating.
  5. Dried fruits and flour are stored for 2-3 years.
  6. Juice and syrup are stored only in the refrigerator and no more than 2 months.

Bird cherry is contraindicated in infants, pregnant and lactating mothers. The alkaloids that make up the composition are dangerous in high concentrations. This is an important thing to remember. Often, due to ignorance of these features, healing decoctions are recommended to young mothers and pregnant women as a means of increasing immunity.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

Initially, it is necessary to collect the berry, then the blanks will be stored for a long time:

  • Tearing the bird cherry, leave the stalks, so the berry will remain intact.
  • Washed together with the stalks so that the juice does not flow out.
  • Wash the red-fruited berry 3-4 times, putting it in a colander.
  • After washing, the fruits are dried by laying them on a dense cloth.
  • The virgin berry is stored in the refrigerator for about a week, but it is better to process it in the first days so as not to lose freshness and vitamins (the longer it lies, the less useful properties it will retain).
  • The degree of ripeness of the berries affects the taste of the jam. Red bird cherry contains more vitamin A, the jam is tart. From ripened black fruits, a fragrant, delicate sweetness is obtained.

Cherry jam recipe

Tart sweetness will brighten up cold winter evenings and give strength. Jam is easy to make. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions of berries and sugar.

  1. Put the washed bird cherry in a saucepan and cover with water. The water level should be a couple of centimeters above the fruit.
  2. When the water boils, wait two minutes and turn off the heat.
  3. Strain the cooled broth through gauze, wipe the pulp, then combine everything.
  4. Weigh the mass: the appropriate amount of sugar is taken for the resulting volume.
  5. After pouring sugar, put the pan back on the fire, bring to a boil. Jam is ready.

Lay out in sterile jars it must be hot. Wrap in a blanket with lids up. The simplest processing method will take little time, but the output will be a delicious treat. For this recipe, the amount of sugar is also calculated in accordance with the volume of grated berries. The washed and dried bird cherry is passed through a meat grinder. Then sugar is added and boiled for one hour. The finished mass is laid out in jars that have undergone sterilization.

Bird cherry and red currant compote

You can prepare a fragrant compote of rich red color with the addition of currants. The combination of healthy fruits will create a real vitamin cocktail.

You will need half a kilo of berries and sugar, as well as filtered water:

  1. Prepare three-liter jars and lids in advance: sterilize.
  2. Pour about a quarter of the fruit into clean jars.
  3. Prepare syrup: for 500 g of sugar, 3 liters of water.
  4. Pour the syrup into jars in equal amounts.
  5. Fill the remaining volume with clean water.
  6. Cover with metal lids.
  7. Put the jars for sterilization (you can do this in the oven if you choose the smallest mode, the sterilization time is half an hour after the contents boil).
  8. Get the cans and roll up.
  9. Prepare a blanket and wrap the compote in it with the lids up.

Cherry juice

Vitamin juice will saturate in the winter and give strength.

A simple recipe to help:

  1. Rinse and dry the bird cherry.
  2. Transfer to a saucepan and boil for 15 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Drain the resulting juice.
  4. Squeeze the berry through gauze.
  5. Pour in sugar to taste.
  6. Boil the juice for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour into containers.

This drink can be stored for six months in the refrigerator. But, most likely, it will not last so long, since the temptation to try it is very great.

delicious jelly

Jelly is a worthy decoration of a sweet table. Both beautiful and delicious. How to make a delicious delicacy of bird cherry for the winter?

You will need:

  • sugar (800g per 1 kg of berries);
  • bird cherry;
  • water.

Fill the bird cherry with water so that it completely covers the fruit. And cook until softened. Right in the pan, you can gently mash the berries with a wooden pusher so that the juice comes out. Squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass with gauze. Put the juice of the red-fruited berry back on the fire. Boil the liquid until the volume is reduced by a quarter.

Roll hot jelly into jars, previously prepared in accordance with all the rules.

Bird cherry flour coffee

The virgin berry gives the coffee drink a tart flavor and gives away its vitamins and beneficial properties. It contains caffeic acid, so bird cherry flour is often added to coffee. A great drink to cheer up those long winter evenings!

To prepare the drink, you will need freshly ground coffee and 1 teaspoon of bird cherry flour. You can add sugar and milk, if you like. All ingredients are combined in a Turk, poured with clean water and brought to a boil. Coffee is ready!


Simple jam is very easy to make, while the aroma and taste remain on top:

  1. Prepare a berry - 1 kg.
  2. Make syrup: 750 ml of water will require a pound of sugar.
  3. Place bird cherry in a colander in a boiling solution for several minutes.
  4. Transfer the scalded berries to a clean saucepan.
  5. Pour another 750 g of sugar into the syrup.
  6. Combine the berry and syrup and put to boil.
  7. After 15 minutes, the jam is ready to be twisted.


Pastries and desserts with bird cherry syrup are very appetizing and healthy. Getting such a delicacy is not difficult, but it will take patience and time. Initially, you will need to prepare juice from a red-fruited berry. The recipe can be found above.

Then the juice is boiled in half and covered with sugar. Proportion: for 1 liter 200 g of white sand. Cook for another 5 minutes and pack in clean containers. The syrup is stored in the refrigerator.


Red berry flour is a kind of semi-finished product. It is added to coffee, pastries are made from it and jelly is brewed. If the flour is prepared correctly, the shelf life can be stretched for several years.

Making flour is very easy. Dried berries must be ground in a coffee grinder. The storage location must be dry and dark. It is advisable to choose glassware with tight lids.

dried bird cherry

This is the easiest way to harvest fruits without boiling for the winter. You can dry bird cherry in the attic, in the oven or in an electric dryer. The last method is the easiest and takes only 4 hours.
