
What can be cooked from unsweetened melon. What can be cooked from a melon, how to choose a ripe one and serve it beautifully

Most people believe that melon is a product that needs to be eaten just like that, without pre-treatment and preparation. But did anyone think about what melon dishes you can cook?

Benefits for every taste

Scientists attribute melon to gourds. But, in fact, it is a cross between fruits, berries and vegetables. This outwardly unattractive product has a pleasant aroma and a unique delicate taste. Even in ancient times, people paid attention to its beneficial properties, and today scientists have come to the conclusion that melon is a real natural pantry. Despite its low calorie content, it is able to normalize the state of the blood, strengthen hair, improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart and liver, and also remove toxins and harmful toxins from the body. Women use this product as a means to control weight and maintain a normal figure. Doctors advise to safely include it in a variety of diets. Perhaps this is the main reason that melon dishes are quite numerous and varied. Almost everything can be prepared from it: salads, desserts, preserves and jams, cold appetizers, hot dishes, drinks, sauces and unusual soups. Interestingly, they even make preparations for the winter from melon.

Unusual combinations

You may notice that all melon dishes look somehow unusual. First, they are most often quite brightly decorated. And secondly, they include such products that are practically not used together in everyday life. But the end result is excellent. Take, for example, a melon appetizer with the famous Parma ham. To prepare such a dish, you only need a melon (any size) and the ham itself.

A simple treat is prepared very simply:

  1. To begin with, the melon must be washed, cut in half with a knife, remove the seeds and peel. Using a special tool, cut balls out of the pulp or simply chop it into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Cut the ham into thin slices and wrap the pieces of melon in them.
  3. Arrange the blanks on a wide plate and decorate with herbs. Arugula is usually used for this option, sprinkling it lightly with olive oil, lime juice and sprinkling a little pepper and salt.

Such melon dishes belong to the cold appetizers of the famous Italian cuisine.

Sweet canning

Melon jam is one of the options for numerous desserts. Among other things, it is also a way to prepare a unique and useful product for the winter. And in order to expand the assortment list, in addition to the main components, apples, bananas, watermelon, lemons, oranges and even vodka are added to the mixture during the cooking process. So, we bring to your attention one of the many options. Cooking can be done in different ways. One of them can be considered on a concrete example. You will need the following initial components: for 1 kilogram of melon pulp, 0.5 kilograms of sugar and apples, as well as a teaspoon of pre-grated lemon zest.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Puree the melon with a blender.
  2. Place the product in a basin (or saucepan), add sugar and cook on the smallest fire until the sweet mixture becomes like fresh honey. During cooking, do not forget to remove the foam all the time.
  3. Peel apples from cores and peel, cut into arbitrary cubes and send to a basin with the main product. It is necessary to wait until the mass boils.
  4. Add zest, boil for another 5 minutes and can be laid out in jars.

You can use a variety of fruits in place of apples in this recipe. For example, pears. And for a more pronounced spicy taste at the end of cooking, you can add cinnamon and chopped mint leaves.

Refreshing pleasure

It is worth noting that it is very easy to cook some interesting dish from melon. Even a child can do it. Take, for example, a melon-lemon smoothie. The main components are already listed in the title. For cooking, you will need 0.5 kilograms of melon pulp, 1 lemon and 0.1 kilograms of sugar.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. First, you need to cut the melon into cubes, and squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Place all the ingredients according to the recipe in a blender and beat well until a stable homogeneous mass is formed.

After that, the smoothie can be poured into glasses and drunk with pleasure. It is worth noting that the drink will be noticeably tastier if the melon is chosen correctly. It should be as ripe, tender and fragrant as possible. Lemon, in turn, gives the drink a piquancy and allows you to quench your thirst well. This saves many men at the beginning of the work week after a hectic weekend. Nothing restores lost strength like a glass of fragrant freshly made smoothie.

Recipes for the little ones

Many people like frozen food as a dessert. And the kids just love them. Sorbet or, as it is also called, sherbet can be safely attributed to such dishes. It occupies a worthy place in the culinary section "Melon Recipes". In principle, sorbet is frozen sweet water to which fruit puree or juice is added for flavor. If the dish is intended for adults, then you can add liquor or wine. To prepare the simplest version of sorbet, you will need a medium-sized melon, as well as the juice of half a lemon (or lime) and 100 grams of sugar.

Prepare in 3 steps:

  1. Food preparation. The melon must be peeled and seeds removed, and then cut into cubes. Squeeze juice from citrus.
  2. Put the products in a blender and beat well. Pour the resulting puree into a clean container, cover with a lid and put in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, remove the product and beat again into a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture is placed in a container and put in the freezer for the night.

The next day, use a special spoon to put the frozen mashed potatoes in the form of balls into a bowl or dessert plate. You can decorate the delicacy with mint leaves or other fragrant herbs.

frozen treat

If you look through cooking manuals and pay attention to melon dishes, the soup recipe will immediately catch your eye. Of course, because it violates the basic generally accepted norms a little. Most people think that soup is a liquid dish made by boiling its ingredients. In this case, it is a sweet aromatic mixture. To prepare such an unusual "first" you will need 1 small melon, 0.5 liters of champagne, a glass of peach juice, pumpkin seeds and a few mint leaves.

Soup can be prepared as follows:

  1. Cut the melon pulp into small pieces and place them in a blender. Send juice and champagne there.
  2. Beat the mixture of products into a homogeneous mass resembling sour cream.
  3. Pour the mass into a free container and send it to the refrigerator for a short while.
  4. Pour the chilled mixture into a plate and garnish with herbs and seeds.

For greater effect, you can use another melon instead of a regular plate. And for this, you need to cut it in half and free each part from the core and seeds with the help of an ordinary tablespoon.

When everyone has eaten plenty of fragrant and juicy melons, it's time to offer you something to cook from them. From these recipes, you will learn that you can make wonderful jam from melon and even bake fragrant pie or pies with it.

Simple melon jam


  • ripe melon - 2 kg;
  • fine sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • lemon (large) - 1 pc.;
  • vanilla sugar - 2/3 dessert spoon.


We cut the melon, clean out the seeds we do not need from it, and then cut off the dense peel with a thin layer. Chop the melon pulp obtained in this way with a knife into 3 cm cubes and evenly arrange them in a suitable bowl. We fill the whole melon with fine sugar and set it aside for 6-7 hours, not forgetting to cover the cup with a suitable lid. Next, we put the melon, which has let the juice out well, on the stove. We introduce here a whole lemon scrolled through a fine sieve of a meat grinder and cook the melon in sugar syrup with a pleasant sourness for 10 minutes, occasionally stirring it with a spatula. Again we set aside the jam for 6-7 hours in a cool place. Then we move it to the included burner of the stove, introduce fragrant vanilla sugar and cook the jam again for 10 minutes. We repeat the procedure with cooling and boiling for the third time, after which we pour it and hermetically seal it in glass jars.

Curd pie with melon


  • melon - 250 g;
  • low-fat - 200 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g;
  • wheat flour - 470 g;
  • vanillin - 1 package.


We move low-fat, store-bought cottage cheese into a small bowl, introduce fresh yolk of a large chicken egg and 100 grams of fine granulated sugar into it. Peeled from a thick, yellow peel and internal seeds, the pulp of a melon is cut into centimeter cubes. Put the melon in a bowl and mix all its contents.

In one bowl, separate the yolks and rub them with a spoon with half the remaining sugar, and pour the whites into another, which we put in the refrigerator for 8-10 minutes. Next, beat the already slightly cooled whites with a hand whisk with the remaining granulated sugar until a white foam forms. We move the yolks into this foam and mix everything with a silicone spatula. Pour the right amount of flour, vanillin here and mix thoroughly again.

Grease the form with any fat and evenly spread half of the dough into it. Next, we place the filling on it and close it with the rest of the biscuit dough. We send the cake to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

Melon pies


  • fresh milk - 250 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fine sugar - 230 g;
  • margarine for baking - 75 g;
  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • vanillin - 1 package;
  • dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • melon pulp - 400-450 g.


Pour the right amount of dry yeast into warm, fresh milk and set this bowl aside for 8-10 minutes. Using a whisk, beat the eggs separated from the shell with fine sugar, from which we first select 2-3 tablespoons for the filling. Pour well-beaten eggs into the milk that has risen with a cap, margarine melted in the microwave, add vanilla and pour good quality wheat flour here. Using your hands, knead the yeast dough and put it in the warmest place for 20-25 minutes. Then we knead it well and set it for the same time to rise in heat. After we repeat the kneading process and, having formed a thick sausage from the dough, we cut it into cakes. We put a couple of teaspoons of finely chopped melon pulp in the center of each such cake, sprinkle it with sugar a little and pinch the edges of the dough. Flatten the pie a little with your palms and put it on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment. We put everything in the center of the oven and bake incomparable pies for 20 minutes at 195 degrees.

A wonderful dessert is melon dishes. In addition to dessert masterpieces, this fruit can be put into salads, getting an incomparable snack. For the winter, it is possible to stock up on melon compote or jam. In general, the melon is versatile and can be used in any culinary invention.

Before you think about what to cook from melon, you need to familiarize yourself with its main use. The gourd fruit of the gourd family is mainly used raw, but the sweet pulp is processed into candied fruit, jam, melon honey, dried and dried.

Sweet melon dishes

Sweet Melon Dishes, recipes for the sweet tooth only, will detail how the juicy, yellowish melon pulp is processed into wonderful culinary creations. Often, ice cream, smoothies, pies, desserts and all kinds of pastries are made from this fruit.

Melon smoothie

A thick melon drink is designed to be consumed at breakfast to get a boost of energy for the whole day. Smoothies from can be supplemented with fruits or berries, such as kiwi. For a drink, you need to take 2 cups (150 grams) of diced melon, half a glass of kiwi of the same cut shape. The mixture will be supplemented with honey, in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons and the same amount of lemon juice.


Based on this description, you can safely replace the kiwi with another ingredient, following the cooking steps.

Melon sorbet

Iced melon ice cream with a minimum of ingredients is melon sorbet. 250 grams of melon pulp, a large glass of water, st. spoon of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.


If there are no special molds, ordinary plastic cups can perform their function, and foil for baking will act as a lid.

Melon ice cream

This recipe involves the preparation of melon ice cream with an additive. It will take 1 glass of melon and strawberries, in the form of cubes. These ingredients can also be taken frozen. Additional ingredients will be: a quarter cup (40 grams) of milk, a third cup (50 grams) of orange juice, a glass of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey


melon dessert

To get an airy melon dessert similar to marmalade, the easy recipe below will help. For a jelly dessert, 1 sachet of Jelly (90 grams) and 270 grams of melon pulp will go. Fill the dish with aroma and taste 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut flakes, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 40 grams of water and, if desired, fresh mint.


Melon pie

Sweet melon pie, a recipe with a photo of which will help you create sweet pastries at home. It will go 500 grams of melon, one glass of flour, semolina and kefir, 3 chicken eggs. Additional components of the cake will be 100 grams of butter, half a glass of sugar, a large spoonful of powdered sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar for flavor, half a teaspoon of salt and soda (quenched with vinegar). To lubricate baking surfaces with melon, you will need vegetable oil.


Melon snacks

Melon snacks suggest the presence of salty, peppery and such other components. Salads with melon can include various combinations with meat, sausage, cheese, cereals, rice. A snack from a juicy fruit can be made by simply frying it in a pan.

Salad with melon

This appetizer salad with melon is light and satisfying. It will need 1 melon weighing about 1 kilogram, 150 grams of rice, 150 grams of smoked meat (chicken), the same amount of hard cheese. To taste, you need to take salt, ground black pepper, olive oil and mint for decoration.


fried melon

Roasted melon can be a quick morning snack. For its preparation, you can take as many melons as you like, but this recipe for example is designed for 1 large fruit. When frying, it will be wrapped in flour, which will need 6 tbsp. spoons. If desired, you can add a bunch of shallots to the flour. 2 tbsp. spoons of cornstarch, 1 egg, half a teaspoon of salt and ground black pepper, a quarter cup of water, a glass of oil for frying.


Melon dishes are not limited to the list presented above. Let your imagination run wild and, guided by these recipes, create your own unsurpassed melon dish. Delicious culinary delights to you!

Melon is a sweet juicy fragrant fruit, which is also called a sweet vegetable. Because she is a relative of pumpkin, zucchini and cucumber. Although it does not even approximately resemble any of the vegetables in taste.

However, it often happens that the melon is unsweetened, hard, without a bright aroma and practically inedible. No one wants to eat this, and a hand will not rise to throw away an unspoiled product. In this case, you can get out of the situation by preparing some yummy from a non-sweet fruit.

What to cook from unripe and unsweetened melon? The choice of dishes is quite extensive, because. fruit goes well with almost all vegetables, fruits, seafood, cheese, chicken, ham and other products. Therefore, it is perfect for preparing salads, snacks, soups.

Unsweetened melon will turn out very tasty if marinated and served with poultry or meat.

Substandard fruit can serve as an excellent filling for a sweet pie or charlotte. Next, consider a few simple recipes.

A very original dish. Perfectly refresh in hot weather, give strength and energy.

  • 1.1 medium yellow melon;
  • 2.6-8 tbsp fresh cream;
  • 3.12 leaves of fresh basil;
  • 4.2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 5.8 fresh mint leaves;
  • 6.4 slices of smoked pancetta;
  • 7.a little salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

We clean the melon from seeds, remove the peel, cut into cubes. Place in a blender bowl and puree. In the process, add herbs, spices, olive oil. We shift the mass into a tightly closed container, send it to the refrigerator for an hour so that the soup is well cooled.

In the meantime, cut the pancetta thinly, fry on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Before serving, mix with chilled cream, pour into plates. In each plate in the center we place a few pieces of fried pancetta with a sprig of mint.

Italian salad with melon and Parma ham

Salad with melon and Parma ham will conquer everyone with its unusual taste, interesting presentation, harmonious combination of ingredients.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 160 gr. mix of lettuce leaves;
  • 300 gr. melons;
  • 160 gr. parma ham;
  • 20 gr. pine nuts.

For sauce:

  • 1.50 gr. olive oil;
  • 2.50 gr. honey;
  • 3.30 gr. lemon juice.

Cooking process:

From the melon we cut out the seed part, cut off the peel. Cut the pulp into medium pieces. Dry the nuts in a dry hot pan, stirring all the time. Then put them on a plate to cool.

For the sauce, mix lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Beat the mixture with a whisk until smooth.

Cut the ham with a sharp knife. The pieces should be very thin so that the taste and aroma of the product is better felt.

Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate. Lay the melon slices on top. We form roses from ham, place them along the edges of the plate. Top everything with sauce, sprinkle with pine nuts.

Charlotte with melon

With unsweetened melon, you get very tasty pastries. Charlotte with this fruit will not yield to the taste of the more familiar apple charlotte. The cake will turn out just as juicy, tender, fragrant.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 150 gr. melon pulp;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 st. granulated sugar;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 145 gr. wheat flour (1 tablespoon for sprinkling);
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 0.5 tbsp butter.

Cooking process:

Cooking begins with the preparation of the dough. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer. After 5-6 minutes, the mass will become lush.

Add salt, soda, sifted flour to the egg base. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the batter with a spatula.

Lubricate the form with a diameter of 18 cm with butter, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. flour. Pour the dough into the form, put the peeled and cut into pieces melon on top.

We bake charlotte in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for about half an hour.

We spread it on a dish, cool, serve with tea.

Unsweetened melon dessert with nuts and lemon

A grassy hard melon can be made edible by making a delicious and healthy dessert out of it.

Cooking Ingredients:

1.0.5 unripe melons;

2.3 tbsp granulated sugar or honey;

3.0.5 lemons;

4.100 gr. walnut kernels;

5.2 tbsp butter;

6.3 tbsp water;

7. 1 tbsp. sour cream per serving;

8. a little salt.

Cooking process:

Peel the melon, cut into large cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice.

We cut the kernels of nuts with a knife into pieces of medium size.

We put a frying pan on the fire, in which we heat the butter. Add water, salt, sugar, nuts. Stirring constantly, boil the syrup until it thickens slightly.

Put the pieces of melon in the pan, mix gently, simmer for about 5 minutes until soft.

To serve, put a few pieces of melon on a plate, pour sweet sauce with nuts on top, and put a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt next to it.

Such a preparation of unsweetened or unripe melons will be an excellent help in winter. A melon appetizer with a sweet and sour taste, a pleasant spiciness will complement and emphasize the taste of any meat dish. In appearance and consistency of the pulp, pieces of melon from a jar are very similar to pineapples. They can even be strung on skewers, alternating with pieces of baked meat or added to seafood salads.

Cooking Ingredients:

  1. 1.5 kg of unripe melon;
  2. 1.5 chili pods;
  3. 1 liter of water;
  4. 1 tsp allspice peas;
  5. 5 tbsp granulated sugar;
  6. 1 tbsp table salt;
  7. 3 tbsp table vinegar;
  8. 0.5 tsp cloves;
  9. blackcurrant leaves.

Cooking process:

For pickling, it is better to use a melon with dense pulp so that the pieces remain intact after heat treatment.

Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut in half, take out the seeds. Carefully cut off the skin, and cut the flesh into cubes.

At the bottom of sterile jars we put washed dried blackcurrant leaves, because. it is the only "leaf flavor" that goes well with melon. We also put chili peppers there (in 0.5 l - 0.5 pod, in 1 liter jar - 1 pod). We free the pepper from seeds, cut into rings. If the chili pepper is small, then you can put the whole pod in a jar.

We fill the jars with pieces and proceed to cooking the syrup. Pour some water into the pan, pour out all the spices, put the marinade on the fire. After boiling, cook the marinade for 3 minutes.

Clove should be handled with care, because an excessive amount of spice can color the marinade in a light brown color.

We fill jars with hot marinade to the very neck, cover with lids, set to sterilize. To do this, we cover the bottom of the saucepan with a towel, set the jars, pour water. The liquid level should reach the "shoulders" of the cans. Bring water to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes.

Carefully remove hot jars from the pan, roll up the lids. Turn upside down, cover with a thick cloth and cool in this position. A properly prepared snack has whole pieces and a clear marinade. Before serving, the jar with the workpiece is cooled for two hours.

Unsweetened hard melon can be pureed in a blender. And already on the basis of mashed potatoes, prepare various delicious cocktails, jellies or smoothies.


Melon is a sweet juicy fragrant fruit, which is also called a sweet vegetable. Because she is a relative of pumpkin, zucchini and cucumber. Although it does not even approximately resemble any of the vegetables in taste.

However, it often happens that the melon is unsweetened, hard, without a bright aroma and practically inedible. No one wants to eat this, and a hand will not rise to throw away an unspoiled product. In this case, you can get out of the situation by preparing some yummy from a non-sweet fruit.

What to cook from unripe and unsweetened melon? The choice of dishes is quite extensive, because. fruit goes well with almost all vegetables, fruits, seafood, cheese, chicken, ham and other products. Therefore, it is perfect for preparing salads, snacks, soups.

Unsweetened melon will turn out very tasty if marinated and served with poultry or meat.

Substandard fruit can serve as an excellent filling for a sweet pie or charlotte. Next, consider a few simple recipes.

Cold creamy melon soup with mint and basil

A very original dish. Perfectly refresh in hot weather, give strength and energy.

  • 1.1 medium yellow melon;
  • 2.6-8 tbsp fresh cream;
  • 3.12 leaves of fresh basil;
  • 4.2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 5.8 fresh mint leaves;
  • 6.4 slices of smoked pancetta;
  • 7.a little salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

We clean the melon from seeds, remove the peel, cut into cubes. Place in a blender bowl and puree. In the process, add herbs, spices, olive oil. We shift the mass into a tightly closed container, send it to the refrigerator for an hour so that the soup is well cooled.

In the meantime, cut the pancetta thinly, fry on both sides in a dry frying pan.

Before serving, mix with chilled cream, pour into plates. In each plate in the center we place a few pieces of fried pancetta with a sprig of mint.

Italian salad with melon and Parma ham

Salad with melon and Parma ham will conquer everyone with its unusual taste, interesting presentation, harmonious combination of ingredients.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 160 gr. mix of lettuce leaves;
  • 300 gr. melons;
  • 160 gr. parma ham;
  • 20 gr. pine nuts.

For sauce:

  • 1.50 gr. olive oil;
  • 2.50 gr. honey;
  • 3.30 gr. lemon juice.

Cooking process:

From the melon we cut out the seed part, cut off the peel. Cut the pulp into medium pieces. Dry the nuts in a dry hot pan, stirring all the time. Then put them on a plate to cool.

For the sauce, mix lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Beat the mixture with a whisk until smooth.

Cut the ham with a sharp knife. The pieces should be very thin so that the taste and aroma of the product is better felt.

Arrange lettuce leaves on a serving plate. Lay the melon slices on top. We form roses from ham, place them along the edges of the plate. Top everything with sauce, sprinkle with pine nuts.

Charlotte with melon

With unsweetened melon, you get very tasty pastries. Charlotte with this fruit will not yield to the taste of the more familiar apple charlotte. The cake will turn out just as juicy, tender, fragrant.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 150 gr. melon pulp;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 st. granulated sugar;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 145 gr. wheat flour (1 tablespoon for sprinkling);
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 0.5 tbsp butter.

Cooking process:

Cooking begins with the preparation of the dough. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer. After 5-6 minutes, the mass will become lush.

Add salt, soda, sifted flour to the egg base. Gently fold the dry ingredients into the batter with a spatula.

Lubricate the form with a diameter of 18 cm with butter, sprinkle with 1 tbsp. flour. Pour the dough into the form, put the peeled and cut into pieces melon on top.

We bake charlotte in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for about half an hour.

We spread it on a dish, cool, serve with tea.

Unsweetened melon dessert with nuts and lemon

A grassy hard melon can be made edible by making a delicious and healthy dessert out of it.

Cooking Ingredients:

1.0.5 unripe melons;

2.3 tbsp granulated sugar or honey;

4.100 gr. walnut kernels;

5.2 tbsp butter;

7. 1 tbsp. sour cream per serving;

Cooking process:

Peel the melon, cut into large cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice.

We cut the kernels of nuts with a knife into pieces of medium size.

We put a frying pan on the fire, in which we heat the butter. Add water, salt, sugar, nuts. Stirring constantly, boil the syrup until it thickens slightly.

Put the pieces of melon in the pan, mix gently, simmer for about 5 minutes until soft.

To serve, put a few pieces of melon on a plate, pour sweet sauce with nuts on top, and put a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt next to it.

pickled melon

Such a preparation of unsweetened or unripe melons will be an excellent help in winter. A melon appetizer with a sweet and sour taste, a pleasant spiciness will complement and emphasize the taste of any meat dish. In appearance and consistency of the pulp, pieces of melon from a jar are very similar to pineapples. They can even be strung on skewers, alternating with pieces of baked meat or added to seafood salads.

Cooking Ingredients:

  1. 1.5 kg of unripe melon;
  2. 1.5 chili pods;
  3. 1 liter of water;
  4. 1 tsp allspice peas;
  5. 5 tbsp granulated sugar;
  6. 1 tbsp table salt;
  7. 3 tbsp table vinegar;
  8. 0.5 tsp cloves;
  9. blackcurrant leaves.

Cooking process:

For pickling, it is better to use a melon with dense pulp so that the pieces remain intact after heat treatment.

Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut in half, take out the seeds. Carefully cut off the skin, and cut the flesh into cubes.

At the bottom of sterile jars we put washed dried blackcurrant leaves, because. it is the only "leaf flavor" that goes well with melon. We also put chili peppers there (in 0.5 l - 0.5 pod, in 1 liter jar - 1 pod). We free the pepper from seeds, cut into rings. If the chili pepper is small, then you can put the whole pod in a jar.

We fill the jars with pieces and proceed to cooking the syrup. Pour some water into the pan, pour out all the spices, put the marinade on the fire. After boiling, cook the marinade for 3 minutes.

Clove should be handled with care, because an excessive amount of spice can color the marinade in a light brown color.

We fill jars with hot marinade to the very neck, cover with lids, set to sterilize. To do this, we cover the bottom of the saucepan with a towel, set the jars, pour water. The liquid level should reach the "shoulders" of the cans. Bring water to a boil and boil for 10-12 minutes.

Carefully remove hot jars from the pan, roll up the lids. Turn upside down, cover with a thick cloth and cool in this position. A properly prepared snack has whole pieces and a clear marinade. Before serving, the jar with the workpiece is cooled for two hours.

Unsweetened hard melon can be pureed in a blender. And already on the basis of mashed potatoes, prepare various delicious cocktails, jellies or smoothies.
