
What is better meat poultry fish. Which is healthier: fish or meat?

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Fish, along with vegetables, can be called the queen of any diet table! So, in sea fish there are a number of vitamins and minerals: B vitamins, vitamins A, D, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, copper, iron, zinc. And the most valuable is the content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. What our body is sorely lacking. Something without which to lose weight and be healthy is almost impossible!

Fish is a source of protein

Fish, along with meat and dairy products, is a protein product. However, fish protein contains fewer fibers, it is more “gentle”, and therefore is absorbed much better. Fish protein - 98%, meat - 88%. In addition, the body needs much less time to digest fish protein (read about the digestion time of products here).

Fish protein goes well with any food

We talked about the fact that in order to lose weight and improve the digestive organs, protein and carbohydrate foods should be consumed separately. In other words, meat should be eaten with vegetables without a carbohydrate side dish, and cereals and flour products without meat. However, fish is the exception to the rule. You can eat it with any carbohydrate food: pasta, buckwheat, rice, potatoes, not to mention lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas (foods with a high content of vegetable protein). It's all about the fat contained in fish - omega-3 and omega-6. These unsaturated fatty acids predominate in vegetable fats. And carbohydrates are just combined with vegetable fats. In this combination, they are easily digested and, with moderate use, do not cause obesity. That is why you can safely eat fish with a side dish. However, do not forget that this meal should not contain animal fats. If you are just starting to separate protein and carbohydrate foods, then it is fish that will help you gradually abandon the usual combination of meat and side dishes.

Which fish is best?

It is impossible to answer this question, because any fish is useful. This applies to both freshwater river and pond fish. Of course, sea fish is healthier, and fatty fish is even healthier.

Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which give beauty to our skin, hair, nails, keep the heart and blood vessels in order, lower bad cholesterol, improve bowel function. Fatty fish include trout, salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna. Of the river - carp, grass carp.

Other fish are either medium-fat: sea bass, pike perch, horse mackerel, pink salmon, low-fat herring, or low-fat: hake, pollock, pike perch, etc.

It is enough to eat fatty fish 2 times a week, on other days - low-fat. That is if you love fish. If you are just starting to love her, then eating any fish 2 times a week will do you good!

Why do fish make you lose weight?

It's all about fish oil again - omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3 unsaturated acids are involved in the burning of subcutaneous fat. Remember, rich in this particular fatty acid.

Disputes about what is more beneficial for the body - meat or seafood have been going on for a long time. Both of these products are ideal for those who are on a diet and have useful vitamins and minerals in full.

The benefits of fish

Harvard scientists have proven that people who live near the sea and regularly eat fish and seafood feel much happier than everyone else. The reason is the fatty acids that are found in fish and are responsible for the production of serotonin in the blood.

Scientists in Oslo found that fish improves brain activity. During the experiment, 2,000 Norwegians over 70 had to eat varying amounts of fish. As experience has shown: the larger the fish pieces (from 10 to 150 grams), the higher the IQ of the subjects.

Employees of the University of Hawaii asked to eat only boiled or baked fish during the year, several tens of thousands of men and women from 45 to 75 years old. The survey showed that such a diet helped to reduce the risk of vascular and heart diseases in the subjects by 23%! If you want to achieve a similar result, eat fish at least 3-4 times a week.

About the absence of fish dishes in the menu of the subjects increased the risk of postpartum depression and preterm birth.

Harm to fish

Also, more and more often they began to talk about the fact that fish contains a lot of phosphorus, and it is poorly absorbed by the human body.

In any case, there is one rule that is simply unacceptable to ignore:

  • if on the counter of any store the fish you saw caused you even the slightest doubt, refrain from buying.

The harm of meat

Scientists from Australia have established a relationship between too frequent consumption of red meat and visual impairment. Having subjected almost 6,000 patients to experiments, they proved that “meat eaters” are twice as likely to earn serious eye diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, etc., than those who refuse meat.

Meat promotes cancer. This is also a scientifically established fact. In America, scientists have found hormones in red meat that have an effect on the female body similar to that of radiation. For example, fans of beef and veal are more likely to suffer from breast cancer.

The benefits of meat

The advantage of meat products was discovered by Japanese doctors. Regular consumption of meat in old age helps to maintain strong muscles and a clear memory. But you still need to live to old age!

How much meat and fish is needed for each day

  • Non-fatty fish - it is recommended to include in the diet at least three to four times a week. Servings should be 150 - 200 g.
  • Fatty fish - should not be on the menu more than once a week, or even a month (if you have health problems). Servings should be 150 - 200 g.
  • Red meat - twice a week. 100 - 150 g.
  • White meat - two to three times a week. 150 - 200 g

How to cook?

Only when boiled or baked does the fish retain its beneficial substances. That is why both fish and meat are recommended to be cooked in the oven or in a double boiler. This will help to get a dietary product devoid of bad cholesterol.

Olga Filimonenko

Meat is a participant in hematopoiesis and supports immunity.

Therefore, meat lovers and people who follow their figure should follow the following tips:

  • nutrition should be balanced, do not overload the body with protein;
  • remove more fat from meat before cooking;
  • do fasting days, breaks from eating meat;
  • it is desirable to eat meat with vegetables, and not with cereals or pasta.

And with a tendency to diseases that are provoked by meat, you need to think about an alternative source of protein - about fish.

The value of fish

Fish contains proteins, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids useful for the body. Fish is a low-calorie product. The fats found in fish are beneficial. They are perfectly absorbed by the body and improve the functioning of the heart and brain. They will not cause excess weight. The protein contained in fish is an excellent building material for tissues. Also, some varieties of fish contain a large amount of phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, zinc and calcium.

For the proper functioning of the body and maintaining a figure, use the rule of the golden mean. Alternate fish food with meat. If you prefer meat, make one day a week unloading. Include more vegetables in your diet. They aid in the digestion of protein foods. It is advisable to eat meat or fish boiled, steamed or baked. The dietary menu can be varied.

The answer to the question "What is more useful fish or meat" is decided individually and independently, according to the characteristics and needs of the body.

Today, it is no longer uncommon for people to become vegetarians or significantly reduce the proportion of meat products in the diet, not for ethical or spiritual reasons, but simply in order to restore and strengthen their own health. The myth of the indispensability of animal protein foods has long been destroyed by scientists and hundreds of thousands of vegetarians, however what exactly is the harm of meat, especially red? I am often asked about this, so today I want to give one of the most calm and reasoned explanations on this topic.

Japanese gastroenterologist with over 40 years of medical experience, Hiromi Shinya, in his book ABOUT THE HARM OF "HEALTHY FOOD" or how to live up to 100 years without getting sick?:

About the meat of warm-blooded animals

For patients who adhere to my Healthy Eating Program, I advise eating mainly cereals, vegetables, and the necessary minimum (no more than 15% of the total food intake) of animal products - meat, fish, dairy products and eggs.

Nutritionists say that animal proteins are extremely rich in very valuable elements that are broken down under the influence of amino acids and somehow get into the blood and muscles. But by abusing even the best food, we, in fact, turn it into poison. And first of all it concerns animal proteins.

When we eat too much animal proteins, our gastrointestinal tract is simply not able to absorb them completely, and then they decompose in the intestines, releasing a huge amount of toxins. Among the latter, hydrogen sulfide, indole, methane, ammonia, as well as histamine, nitrosamine, nitroamine are considered the most dangerous. This also creates free radicals. To neutralize the action of all these toxins, the body uses up a significant amount of its enzymes.

The daily norm of a person is approximately 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. For a person weighing sixty kilograms, 60 grams of animal protein per day is enough. But according to statistics, for every Japanese adult, there are 84.9 grams of protein per day. The average American eats about the same amount. Of course, this is too much.

Excess proteins are sooner or later excreted along with urine, which does not prevent them from seriously harming the body. Digestive enzymes first convert proteins into amino acids, which are broken down in the liver and released into the bloodstream. This increases the acidity of the blood.

To neutralize excess acids, the body uses the calcium found in bones and teeth. Calcium and oxidized blood are filtered by the kidneys, and then excess proteins are excreted from the body along with calcium and water. During the meat processing process, the human body consumes a lot of enzymes. And since meat and dairy products do not contain fiber, the digestive organs, in fact, wear out.

Fiber is not absorbed by the human body - digestive enzymes are not able to break it down. The pectin and cellulose contained in the plants, as well as the chitin of the shells of crabs and shrimp, are not absorbed. But if a person's diet contains a lot of animal proteins and little fiber, the amount of feces decreases, which leads to constipation and congestion. If the necessary measures are not taken, diverticulum pockets form on the intestinal walls, in which stagnant feces and toxins accumulate, provoking the development of polyps and malignant tumors.

All of the above applies not only, but also to other types of animal proteins consumed in EXCESSIVE quantities.

However, my clinical data indicate that people who prefer a meat-based diet to a fish-based diet have somewhat better digestive organs. Whatever the deplorable state of the intestines of such a person, there is no diverticulum in it. Although, according to modern medical literature, if there is too little fiber in the diet, then meat, fish, and dairy diets sooner or later lead to diverticulosis.

Why is fish healthier than meat?

It is curious, what is the reason for the differences in the state of the intestines of a meat-eater and a fan of seafood?

In my opinion, the point here is in the properties of meat and fish fats. It is believed that saturated fatty acids found in meat are unhealthy, while unsaturated fatty acids (fish) are, on the contrary, beneficial, as they reduce blood cholesterol levels.

There is another approach to solving this problem, which relies on such an important factor as the temperature of the human body. According to this approach, the fat contained in the meat of animals whose body temperature is higher than human is harmful to humans; and the fat that is part of the meat of cold-blooded representatives of the terrestrial fauna is useful.

Indeed, in cows, pigs and birds, the body temperature is 38.5-40 ° C. It is at this temperature that the fat of these animals is in a stable state. Once in an environment with a lower temperature, it becomes sticky, contributing to the thickening of the blood. As a result, blood circulation becomes difficult, the vessels become clogged, and clots form in them. I call this process clogging the blood.

The normal body temperature of fish is significantly lower than human. Therefore, fish oil, getting into our body, melts and becomes more liquid. Fish proteins thin the blood, reducing the amount of cholesterol.

Remember that fish proteins are healthier than meat ones.

Recently, at a lecture by urologist Mikhail Sovetov, I learned that a person with a big belly (“who enters the room before the person himself”) has 2.5-3 cm of mucus and viscous rotting deposits on the intestinal walls ... In another chapter of his Book Dr. Shinya explains why it is important to monitor the condition of your own intestines and stomach.

What can tell the stomach and intestines

In Japan, it is believed that a person's face is a mirror of his life. The state of health and life experience leave a noticeable imprint on facial features, in addition, along the main lines of the face, one can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personality.

The general appearance of the stomach and intestines also makes it possible to judge health. The walls of the stomach of a healthy person are smooth, pink in color, blood vessels are not visible on them; the gastric mucosa is transparent and gleams when the light of the endoscope falls on it. A healthy intestine is also pink, very soft, with large even folds. In childhood, the stomach and intestines are ideal, but in the future their condition is determined by the diet and lifestyle of a person.

In an unhealthy person, the stomach, so to speak, is "pimpled" - in other words, in some places it is inflamed and covered with swellings. With atrophic gastritis, the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes thinner and then the blood vessels appear on the surface. The body tries to compensate for the insufficient thickness of the gastric mucosa, and as a result, seals form in some of its areas. The walls of an unhealthy intestine lose their elasticity, which causes additional folds to form on them; in some places the intestine narrows as if it had been pulled together with a rubber band.

If you offer a person who is “invisibly ill” (in other words, no longer healthy, but not yet experiencing physical ailments and pain) to refuse meat food, he will most likely brush off your words or try to prove to you that he is not can live without meat. The real reason for such "deafness" to useful advice is the lack of necessary information: people simply do not know about the existence of the "meat" trap.

In addition, people, by and large, are only concerned about those changes in their own body that are visible to the naked eye. So, if a person's hair falls out or wrinkles appear on his face, he begins to panic and spends a lot of time and money trying to fix at least something. If it comes to changes in his intestines, he just shrugs his shoulders, they say: “It doesn’t hurt - well, okay.” Only later, when the disease manifests itself in full, he regrets that he did not even try to avoid it.

Personally, I care about hidden changes in the body much more than external symptoms, because it is these changes that determine the general condition of the body.

Patients who adhere to my Healthy Eating Program take responsibility for their health and life. They understand that for those who have cancer, nothing is more important than the right diet, thanks to which the percentage of relapses of this disease is reduced to zero; for those who are simply "invisibly ill", my Program allows you to exclude the possibility of illness as such.

In order to regain health and then maintain it, it is necessary to understand what changes occur in the human body under the influence of meat products. The most harmful thing about meat is that it does not contain fiber, but there is plenty of fat and cholesterol. From meat food, the walls of the intestines are compacted. This is because, due to the lack of fiber, the volume of processed food masses in the intestines is drastically reduced and the colon has to make too much effort to get rid of such contents.

Its excessive peristaltic activity contributes to the growth of intestinal smooth muscles - they thicken and increase in volume. As a result, the large intestine shortens, its internal cavity narrows. The pressure on the thick and narrowed walls of the intestine increases.

Since the intestines also absorb large amounts of fat along with animal proteins, the fat layer around it increases, which leads to even more pressure on the walls of the colon. Due to increased internal pressure, the intestinal mucosa seems to be squeezed out and "pockets" are formed, the so-called diverticula (this phenomenon itself is called diverticulosis). As a result, even small amounts of feces are difficult to pass through the colon; they stick to the walls of the colon, accumulate in diverticula and are not excreted from the body for a long time.

Accumulated in the diverticula and in the folds of the colon, feces release toxins that provoke genetic mutations of intestinal cells and the formation of polyps. In turn, polyps can gradually grow and turn into cancerous tumors.

Poor colon health does not only lead to specific diseases such as diverticulosis, polyps, and colon cancer. There is a whole complex of so-called "lifestyle diseases" associated with an unhealthy gut. This includes hypertension, fibroids, atherosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, etc.

So, the hidden problems of the stomach and intestines are slowly but surely destroying.

This, of course, is not all, firstly, Shinya himself gives a lot of reasons in the book why it is worth reducing the consumption (or abandoning) of animal foods, including dairy products. Therefore, I wholeheartedly recommend that everyone who is interested in solving health problems (including poor eyesight, overweight, weakness and chronic fatigue) read this book. And secondly, the conversation about meat can be continued with the answers of other experts, but in other issues.

Fish or meat? What to choose, which is better and more useful? This question is constantly raised in the circles of specialists in healthy nutrition. Both fish and meat are healthy foods rich in protein and saturated with amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. However, there are several differences between fish and meat that make it possible to recommend fish for choice.

Useful material

  • In terms of protein content, meat is ahead of fish: 25-30% per 100 g of meat versus 15-25 g per 100 g of fish. However, more fish protein enters the body, since the preparation of fish requires less time, which means that the protein does not have time to break down. In addition, protein from fish products is much better absorbed by the human body due to the low content of connective tissue in fish.
  • The cholesterol found in red meat is almost non-existent in fish. And polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to the removal of cholesterol and the cleansing of blood vessels from plaques.
  • In terms of the content of essential amino acids, fish is also ahead of meat.
  • The vitamin and mineral composition of meat and fish is qualitatively similar, but quantitatively, fish leads in terms of the content of phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc, vitamins of group B, D, A, PP, and meat contains more iron.

Calorie content and dietary properties

  • Even fatty fish are dietary, and their calorie content does not exceed 200 kcal - against the average calorie content of meat 200-400 kcal.
  • Fish oil is a product that is almost entirely composed of fatty acids, so it is healthy, easy to digest and promotes weight loss with regular consumption of fish. Meat fats (with the exception of dietary meats: rabbit, turkey, chicken fillet, veal) are much worse absorbed and contain few nutrients, so frequent consumption of meat dishes can lead to weight gain.
  • With intensive sports, fish should be chosen as the main source of protein, only occasionally including meat dishes in the diet. Doing the opposite, you risk provoking the active formation of lactic acid in the muscles and experiencing discomfort.

Impact on health

  • Eating fish reduces the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Moderate consumption of meat does not increase the risks, but does not affect health promotion.
  • Fast digestion and assimilation of fish contributes to the health of the digestive tract. Excessive consumption of meat products wears out the gastrointestinal tract much faster, can cause indigestion and liver problems.
  • Regular consumption of fish has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system, increasing stress resistance and improving memory. Meat products do not have a similar effect on the central nervous system.
  • The combination of useful substances and fatty acids in the composition of fish helps to strengthen hair and nails, improve skin condition.

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion: both meat and fish must be present in a full-fledged diet. Healthy nutrition should be varied and certainly of high quality, only in this case it will work to preserve health, youth and beauty. However, in the case of meat, a number of restrictions should be observed and moderation should be remembered, and fish can be eaten every day without worrying about the consequences.
