
Which is better turkey or beef. Turkey or chicken: what is more useful, more harmful

Turkey meat has firmly entered the diet of those who monitor their diet or simply prefer tasty and healthy food. Its dietary properties have long been appreciated all over the world, and today it deservedly holds the second place in the consumption of poultry meat, second only to chicken. The composition of turkey meat and its hypoallergenicity make it possible to use it in dietary, sports or baby food. But people who do not adhere to a strict diet should not refuse this delicate, tasty and healthy product: it has much more benefits than potential harm.

The composition and calorie content of turkey

The popularity of turkey meat is due not only to its taste. Compared to other types of poultry, it contains much more nutrients and vitamins. First of all, it is necessary to note its unique mineral composition. Turkey meat is a real champion in terms of iron content - when compared with beef, the turkey contains twice as much of this trace element. It contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus (its content in turkey meat is no less than in sea fish). Selenium - an element that allows you to maintain youth and has antioxidant activity, also brings turkey meat to the first place in its content.

Another substance that this product is rich in is magnesium. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and it is because of its high content that turkey meat is recommended for people suffering from prolonged depression, sleep and mental disorders. It is rich in B vitamins, and also contains a large amount of folic and nicotinic acid.

Carcass nutritional value + table

The undoubted advantage of turkey meat can be called its low calorie content. One hundred grams of raw meat contains only 276 kcal. Turkey meat does not contain carbohydrates, which makes it indispensable in the diet of diabetics. Turkey fat, despite the fact that it is much less than in any other bird, has a very low cholesterol content (only 210 mg per 100 grams of product). In addition, it contains vitamins A and E. Another plus of this product is that the fat content of the product is low, and turkey fibers are digested much easier and faster than other types of meat.

Turkey meat has many health benefits.

But when compiling a menu, if accurate calorie counting is important to you, you need to remember that their number in different parts of the carcass is not the same.

Table: Number of calories in different parts (raw meat)

A special place in the turkey carcass is occupied by the breast, which makes up about 30% of the mass of all edible parts of the bird. This is the so-called white meat. Despite the fact that it tastes dry, the breast is considered the most useful part of the carcass, because it contains no fat and carbohydrates at all, only water and protein.


As a dietary product, the turkey has long been appreciated by those who follow their figure. Indeed, the minimum content of fats and carbohydrates, along with the ability of this meat to be absorbed by 99%, allows you to get a limited amount of calories without feeling hungry. But this is not the only opportunity to use the unique features of this product.

Why is it used in sports nutrition

The undoubted leader of the turkey is among people who are actively involved in sports. Its use allows you to quickly restore strength after active physical exertion, not only for professional athletes, but also for those whose daily work is associated with hard physical labor. Another important criterion that makes turkey indispensable in an athlete's diet is its high protein content. After all, the goal of most sports diets is to provide the body with as much protein as possible with a minimum number of kilocalories and, in particular, fats. Turkey breast is an ideal product in this respect.

Boiled turkey breast can be a great alternative in an athlete's diet

In the diet of pregnant women

Nutrition in the life of a pregnant woman is one of the fundamental points. After all, it is exactly what she eats that the body uses as a “building material” for the development of the baby. A large supply of minerals and vitamins with an almost complete absence of fat makes it easy to get the necessary supply of nutrients. In addition, turkey meat helps to cope with stress and depression.

Turkey meat contains the amino acid tryptophan. It stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones responsible for a good mood.

Benefits for children

Turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions, and this property allows you to safely enter it into the menu even for children who have a penchant for them. According to most pediatricians, meat products should be introduced into the baby’s diet from 7–8 months, and it is turkey breast that is most suitable for this. Due to the ability to be easily absorbed in the body, it does not exert a heavy load on the still not too developed digestive system of the child. As the first complementary foods, they begin to give meat puree at the tip of a teaspoon, gradually increasing portions. At 9 months, the daily portion should be from 20 to 40 grams, and by the year - 60-70.

Video: Dietary properties of turkey meat

Turkey or chicken - what to choose

When choosing between chicken and turkey meat, first of all, you need to understand exactly what you expect from their use and which cooking method you will choose. If we talk about calories, then here the turkey is ahead of the chicken, although the difference between them is not so great.

Comparative table of caloric content of dishes (% of the daily value)

But in addition to useful substances and vitamins, today there is a high probability of “enriching” your diet with unwanted chemical additives. And in this case, the difference between chicken and turkey will be huge. Everyone knows that unscrupulous manufacturers can use various chemicals and additives in order to save money and to increase the weight of birds as soon as possible. Chickens in this regard are much less demanding than turkeys. The latter are very selective in terms of feed and conditions of detention, which explains the higher price for their meat. But, on the other hand, this ensures that only natural feed is used when growing turkeys.

I raise turkeys myself and I know how it is to grow them. The turkey is a very picky bird and they simply die from feed with chemistry, therefore all natural products, therefore the price for them is higher, especially for them we cook potatoes, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin and all this with grain and compound feed every day, and chickens eat up everything that lies badly, especially broilers that are for meat, it is really much easier to grow them.


Contraindications and potential harm

Turkey meat has practically no contraindications. The only thing to consider is that due to the high protein content in it, it is necessary to limit its consumption to people suffering from chronic renal failure or gout. In addition, since its fibers contain a lot of sodium, pregnant women and those who suffer from high blood pressure should be more careful about the amount of salt that will be flavored with the dish. It is better if it is slightly undersalted, otherwise blood pressure may increase.

How to choose

Today, turkey meat can be purchased at almost any outlet. Manufacturers provide a huge choice - you can buy a whole carcass or already divided into semi-finished products, frozen or chilled. But, when buying meat, you should not neglect the rules known to all:

  • the turkey carcass, if you buy it whole, should be fleshy, with thick legs and breast, there can be no spots on its skin, and the color should retain a light, yellowish tint;
  • the fossa after pressing in fresh meat should quickly recover;
  • it is recommended to store the chilled product in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • it is better to defrost a turkey immediately before cooking - at room temperature, bacteria quickly begin to multiply in the carcass, which do not die when re-frozen.

What to cook with

There are many recipes and ways to cook turkey. It can be baked, boiled, stewed, fried, cooked on its basis pates and sausages, smoked.

Turkey is ideal for cooking in a slow cooker

  • The taste of turkey is perfectly set off by fruits. Plum, orange, tangerines, kiwi will not only add fresh notes to the dish, but will also serve as an excellent basis for making the sauce.
  • From herbs in the preparation of turkey meat, you can use thyme, thyme, cilantro, parsley, rosemary. Also, fennel, celery, watercress coexist well in these dishes, but onion red or white onions will somewhat drown out the taste of the meat itself and therefore it is better to use leeks.
  • As for side dishes, it's all about your preferences. Turkey goes well with potatoes, rice, stewed and baked vegetables, legumes. In cooking dishes using turkey meat, you are only limited by your imagination.

Video: How to cook baked turkey with potatoes

Turkey is deservedly considered one of the most dietary meat products that are presented on the consumer market. Including this meat in your diet, you will not only enjoy its delicate taste, but also provide serious support to your health. Turkey meat is a universal product that is suitable for everyone - from children who are just starting to receive complementary foods, to athletes whose task is to quickly restore and maintain physical fitness after huge loads. Its unique composition allows you to get the necessary amount of nutrients even in a small portion, while avoiding excess fats and carbohydrates.

“Turkey legs are the only thing I eat after the concert,” Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry recently admitted in an interview with Men's Health. And he's right. Not only is turkey lean meat, it's also full of selenium. And this microelement, for example, improves the processing of consumed fats and carbohydrates. And the rest of the vitamins and elements contained in turkey meat give Joe the strength to jump around the stage like a 20-year-old tomboy at the age of 65. Let's see how turkey is better than beef, pork and the rest " traditional meat.

1. Turkey is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Yes, yes, it is digested even better than chicken meat - what can we say about beef, and even more so pork! There is very little cholesterol in turkey meat, but there are a lot of vitamins A and B3, as well as trace elements: calcium, iron, potassium and, which distinguishes turkey from veal and beef, sodium. And sodium, as you must know, promotes an increase in blood plasma and ensures a normal metabolic process in the body. In addition, turkey contains the most tryptophan, an amino acid that improves sleep and helps produce the happiness hormone serotonin.

2. Turkey will give you mass, but not fat.

Turkey meat is a product that allows you to build muscle mass. But at the same time, leaning on a turkey, you do not risk getting nasty fat on your own sides, as can happen with meat. And all because in 100 g of turkey there is only 1.7 g of fat and up to 25-27 g of protein, while, say, in beef - 9.8 g of fat for only 20 g of protein.

3. Turkey does not aggravate the stomach.

Surely you are familiar with the state of sleepy irritability after a couple of skewered pork tenderloin skewers. Try to make the same barbecue from turkey thigh fillet - lightly marinate it in lemon juice, mustard and olive oil, and after 40 minutes throw it on the grill. Eat the resulting fragrant deliciousness with tomato salad and be surprised at your own cheerfulness and good mood. Firstly, as we have already said, turkey meat is perfectly digestible, and secondly, it contains vitamin E, the lack of which leads to mood swings and depression.

4. Turkey will lead you to love victories.

A large amount of zinc contained in turkey meat not only perfectly strengthens the immune system, but also your male power. Agree, a serious argument in favor of the turkey? Especially when you consider that there is practically no zinc in beef. And if you hit your beloved with a cooked turkey the day before, your chances of crushing love success will increase a hundredfold.

5. Turkey gives you variety in the same bird.

Turkey is the same red meat. However, so is white. Here's the secret: the muscles of animals and birds contain myoglobin, which gives the meat a rich red color. The more active the muscles during the life of the animal, the more myoglobin they contain and the redder the meat. For example, the muscles of a cow are in constant tension due to the large weight of the animal, so the beef sparkles with all shades of red. The turkey contains both red meat - stressed drumsticks and thighs, and white meat - wings and breast. So you will never get tired of this weighty bird, especially since there are more than a hundred types of chilled turkey meat products on sale that the Indylight company offers. Here you have a whole bird, and various fillets, and semi-finished products, and smoked meats, and sausages - what these guys are masters of! At the same time, you can not be afraid of poisoning with low-quality products: in Indylight, they are all produced on the most modern equipment, and every piece of meat undergoes the strictest quality control before it gets to your table. So feel free to change your diet, invent incredible delicious turkey dishes, be healthier and share your recipes with us!

    Turkey vs chicken: which meat is healthier

    Useful properties of chicken

    Chicken meat is less fat compared to other types of meat (beef or pork) and is much easier to digest by the body. Chicken meat contains animal protein, which is important for our body. Indeed, due to a lack of protein, the tone of the body decreases, the condition of hair and nails worsens, muscle mass decreases and human health as a whole worsens.

    In addition to protein, chicken meat contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems. As well as magnesium, iron, zinc and various enzymes. The presence of glutamine helps to build muscle mass, so athletes cannot do without chicken meat in their diet. A huge amount of nutrients in a truly dietary product.

    What harm can chicken meat bring?

    Unfortunately, all the described useful properties relate only to domestic chicken. Store-bought chicken can do more harm than good. Many companies "stuff" chickens with hormones and antibiotics in order for them to grow faster and increase their weight. An excess of such hormones in a woman’s body threatens hormonal failure, and the use of such chicken by men
    can even lead to infertility. Harmful substances accumulate as much as possible in chicken hams, wings are less dangerous from this point of view. But still, if you want to get only the benefits of chicken meat, it is better to choose domestic chicken, which was fed with good food and “not stuffed” with hormones.

    100 grams of boiled chicken: 170 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats -7.5 g.

    Useful properties of turkey meat

    Like chicken, turkey meat contains a large amount of protein and various trace elements. The high content of sodium ensures normal metabolic processes in the body. Calcium will benefit the bones, and the iron content of turkey is recommended for people suffering from anemia. In turkey meat, there is even a “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, so this is what people with depression, as well as insomnia, need. Turkey meat is digested by almost 99 percent, therefore it is considered number one of all bird breeds.

    Harm of turkey meat

    Turkey cannot do any harm to the body if the meat is fresh and properly cooked. It cannot be argued that store-bought turkey meat does not contain antibiotics and hormones, but it is known that the turkey has a worse tolerance for them compared to chicken and is more likely to get sick from such improper feed. It can be concluded that turkey may be a safer product for the human body than chicken.

    100 grams of boiled turkey: 195 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats - 10.5 g

    It will be useful for you:

    Meat products are a commodity that will always be in demand. Meat is not only a nutritious and tasty product, but also a source of animal protein - the main building element of the body, the restriction of which in the diet is fraught with poor health. Each time you approach the meat counter, you may be surprised how diverse the assortment of meat is - beef, pork, rabbit meat, turkey and chicken meat. Each of them is useful in its own way, for example, rabbit meat is considered a dietary product, pork and beef are considered fatter. What can be said about the differences between chicken and turkey meat?

    Turkey meat - composition and properties

    Turkey meat is a dietary, easily digestible meat, which is a source of many vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It contains high-quality animal protein, amino acids, vitamins K, B, E and PP.

    Turkey meat is not a high-calorie and very fatty product, so it can be safely included in the diet. The benefit of the product is that it removes cholesterol, improves blood formation, stimulates the brain, improves metabolism, saturates the body with calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

    One of the main benefits of eating turkey is that it helps fight cancer.

    Chicken meat - composition and properties

    For years, chicken was considered a healthier food than beef and pork, as it contained less fat and was an easily digestible meat product rich in proteins and amino acids. Eating chicken meat does not cause an increase in cholesterol and controls blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

    The composition of the meat product, in addition to proteins and fats, includes vitamins B, A and E, minerals - potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Thanks to such a balanced composition, a person maintains good health and his body functions fully. Chicken meat is an ideal nutritional option for children, the elderly and patients in the postoperative or rehabilitation period.

    Turkey and chicken are pheasant family poultry, because in many ways the properties of their meat are similar. Meat products have an excellent taste, contain a minimum of fat and have a small amount of calories. As a health food, both chicken and turkey are ideal, as they are considered an easily digestible product. In two types of meat, the amount of cholesterol is minimal.

    Turkey and chicken meat should be consumed by those who are obese, diseases of the cardiovascular system, women during pregnancy and lactation.

    Differences between turkey and chicken meat

    Meat products have significant differences that relate to their calorie content, composition and taste.


    Turkey meat contains 276 kcal while the cholesterol content is low. 210 mg per 100 g of the product. The most high-calorie part is the wings, since it is very problematic to remove the skin from them, but it contains 387 kcal and is fatty, and fat interferes with the absorption of calcium. The lowest calorie meat is breast, 130 kcal, in this part of the bird there is no fat or carbohydrates, only protein and water.

    Chicken meat is less caloric than turkey, so the calorie content of the breast is 115 kcal, and the carcass contains about 195 kcal, broiler is fatter, therefore its calorie content is higher - 219 kcal. The cholesterol content is on average 89 mg per 100 g. Thus, chicken is considered to be lower in calories and contains less cholesterol than turkey.


    Like chicken, turkey contains vitamins B, A and E, only the latter contains much more of them. Turkey meat contains 1.5 times more iron than chicken meat, and 1.5 times more phosphorus than fish. Turkey contains three times more calcium than chicken, the same goes for sodium, so when using salt and spices, you should be very careful, since turkey meat does not require salting like chicken meat.

    By eating turkey meat, you can forget about sleep problems, since the tryptophan contained in the product helps fight sleep disturbance. In this regard, it should be noted that turkey meat is more preferable in the diet than chicken. This is also due to the fact that during the growth of chickens, antibiotics and hormones are added to their feed so that they get sick less often and quickly gain weight. From a chicken bought in a store, you should not boil the broth, since all the “chemistry” that the bird was fattening gets into it. The greatest amount of harmful substances is concentrated in the legs of the chicken and its skin.

    Taste qualities

    In principle, we can say that the taste of chicken and turkey meat is mostly similar. The only difference is that the latter is slightly fatter. Much depends on the quality of the meat, unfortunately, due to the conveyor type of chicken production, its taste has deteriorated. The conditions for keeping chickens leave much to be desired, they live in cramped pavilions and their main food is compound feed with special additives.

    Chickens are not allowed outside and they are not given green grass, wheat and other grains, which, of course, negatively affects the taste of the bird. Turkey has richer taste, because turkeys are kept on poultry farms, and not in cages, and their diet is much richer, because without a balanced and vitamin-rich diet, birds simply begin to die out.

    The wild rhythm of modern society, air pollution, the general deterioration of the environment and, as a result, the deterioration in the health of the population - all this and much more is increasingly making people think seriously about their own health. One of the main factors that allows you to strengthen the body and improve your health has always been and remains the right lifestyle. This is a daily routine, and playing sports, and giving up bad habits, but the main component of a healthy lifestyle is a proper, balanced diet.

    The issue of proper nutrition is one of the most pressing these days, because with the deterioration of the environment, the quality of food is deteriorating, and the huge popularity of fast food restaurants offering a lot of tasty but unhealthy food is increasingly leading people to diseases of the stomach, intestines, gastritis and obesity. That is why interest in dietary nutrition is increasing every day.

    in our diet

    Man by nature is an omnivore and needs a huge amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as various vitamins and microelements, which are becoming less and less in the food he takes. That is why it is recommended to give preference to natural and dietary products. Despite the fact that finding them on the shelves is becoming more and more difficult every year. The choice of dietary products is quite large:

    1. Vegetables are an indispensable source of vitamins in the diet of every person. At the same time, almost any can be called dietary, with the exception of potatoes. At the same time, the body can get the most benefit from raw vegetables, they retain the most vitamins.
    2. Fruits are another source of fiber and vitamins needed by any body of all ages. However, not all of them can be called dietary. Grapes, pears, bananas contain a large amount of sugar, so they cannot be considered low-calorie.
    3. Dairy products are a natural and extremely useful source of fats and proteins for the body. In order to choose the right dietary dairy products, it is enough to follow a few simple rules: carefully look at the composition (there should be no artificial additives in dairy products) and pay attention to products with the lowest fat content, give preference to natural yogurt rather than sour cream when choosing salad dressings . At night, even doctors recommend drinking a glass of low-fat kefir to improve bowel function. So in building a diet, you must not forget about the benefits of dairy products.
    4. Fish. It is the richest product in calcium and phosphorus. However, when it comes to dietary nutrition, you should pay attention to the varieties of white fish, they contain the least amount of fat, which, although extremely useful, will not be dietary if consumed frequently in large quantities.
    5. Meat is perhaps the most important and most complex product that the human body needs so much. Since ancient times, people have been hunting and were primarily predators. That amount of protein, indispensable for a healthy diet, is difficult to get from any other product.

    Dietary meat: what are the benefits for the body

    Choosing the right dietary meat is a rather complicated process, because dozens of different product items look at us from shop windows, and not all of it is dietary. So, for example, pork or lamb will never be able to be named because of the high content, although it is less fat, but choosing the right dietary meat without knowing some rules and features is quite difficult. At the same time, turkey or rabbit meat is recognized by all experts as the lowest-calorie types of meat, rich in useful microelements, however, its cost will be slightly higher than usual. Let's figure out what is the use of such a product and why it is worth going for this overpayment for the sake of your health.

    Dietary meat is called such, primarily due to the fact that it contains less animal fat, and therefore less cholesterol, which over time has a bad effect on the heart, clogs blood vessels and can lead to blood clots. But there is much more protein and amino acids useful for the body. Also, dietary meat contains a huge amount of extremely important and useful trace elements for humans: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and a number of vitamins. So eating such a product will give the body everything it needs. A balanced diet is known to be the key to a healthy diet, and for many, a safe way to lose weight.

    Is poultry or animal meat better?

    As mentioned above, there are a huge number of types of dietary meat, and everyone can find something close to him in this list. It is believed that the most useful is poultry meat, and partly it is so. However, many people, switching to a diet for various reasons and refusing fatty lamb or pork, cannot get used to light poultry meat for a long time, and this is not necessary. It turns out that the meat of many animals is no less healthy and dietary than bird meat.

    Healthy animal meat

    So, here you can safely include:

    1. Beef - however, not all of its parts can be called dietary. For example, the thigh is quite fatty and difficult to digest, but the tenderloin or thin part is the healthiest parts of beef.
    2. Veal - in fact, this is the same beef, but much healthier, contains less fat and is quite a dietary product.
    3. Horse meat is a rather original and even unusual meat. It is considered one of the lowest calorie.
    4. Rabbit meat is perhaps the healthiest and most dietary meat of all. Moreover, it is believed that it almost never causes allergies, and it is recommended to start feeding young children.

    Diet poultry meat

    Poultry has always been considered the most dietary product. However, it is worth noting that the goose and duck are unlikely to be included in this list. This is a very fatty bird, which in terms of calories can be compared with the same lamb.

    However, poultry meat, which is more popular in our diet, is really low-calorie and extremely healthy. There are two types of dietary poultry meat:

    1. Chicken is a dietary meat, the most popular on our table. It contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins, as well as protein. That is why dietary and recommended to patients as the best way to strengthen the body.
    2. Turkey - less popular than chicken, but no less healthy. This bird is considered hypoallergenic meat and contains a number of important amino acids that help the body get rid of cholesterol.

    How best to build a diet

    Is it possible to diet with meat? Yes. But still, when it comes to this product, even a dietary one, one should not forget that meat is difficult for the body and, when making up a proper diet, it is worth determining not only what kind of it is best to eat, but also when it is best to do it, and also with what it can be combined in the preparation of dishes. Here it is worth learning a few simple rules:

    1. For eating meat dishes, it is better to choose the daytime, for example, lunch. But if you dine late, then in this case you can limit yourself to a simple rule - do not eat meat after six. You can always have dinner with vegetables, drink a glass of fat-free kefir before going to bed.
    2. You should not combine meat, even if it is dietary, with starchy foods and cereals. Cereals are best absorbed in the morning and are digested for a long time, like meat, so the body will feel heaviness, and the stomach will receive an additional load.
    3. It is best to combine dietary especially raw. The fact is that the latter contain a large amount of fiber, as well as trace elements that help speed up the digestion process, thereby the body can quickly and easily cope with its work of digesting meat. You will not have extra weight, and the dinner will turn out to be truly dietary.

    What is the best way to cook meat

    As mentioned above, dietary meat is best consumed with vegetables. It is recommended to stew or bake it, avoiding the addition of oil during cooking, or simply boil or steam it. As a side dish, you can add a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar to this dish. If you want to cook hot, then nothing limits you here except your own imagination: you can cook stewed cabbage rolls from cabbage, carrots and minced chicken; make a vegetable stew of zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, carrots and veal pieces, or bake a turkey leg in the oven with zucchini, pepper and tomato pieces. Experiment as you like, because all this is not only useful, but also very tasty.

    Diet foods: useful does not mean expensive

    Very often, a person who, for health reasons, is forced to give up fatty meat and switch to dietary meat, comes across the price issue of a “diet”, because turkey, rabbit meat, veal are not a cheap pleasure, and not everyone can afford it every day. That is why it is worth saying a few words about the chicken separately. This is truly dietary meat, especially its white meat. Moreover, chicken can be cooked in any convenient way: bake, boil, stew, cook soup, stuff and much more. Therefore, the diet can be quite varied, even if you have to use only it. In addition, chicken is in many ways superior to other types of dietary meat in terms of the vitamins it contains, and the price for this bird is the most affordable on the market.

    As you can see, approaching the issue of proper nutrition and compiling your harmonious diet, choosing dietary meat is quite simple, because there are a lot of types of it, for any budget, and most importantly - taste.
