
What to cook for the old new year. Wheat with marmalade

After the celebration of the new year, there is a holiday that is no less beloved by us - the Old New Year. And every hostess wants to surprise her guests, but it is not advisable to repeat with the New Year's table. So they think what to cook for the Old New Year 2019 quickly and tasty.

In order not to anger the symbol of this year - the Red Rooster, we will not serve chicken on this table either. Our ancestors used the signature dish of this particular festival - a baked suckling pig. However, it is not easy to do it, and the search for such a little animal during the New Year holidays is useless. We will try to make something not complicated, but at the same time very tasty.

"Rabbit in Wine"

Us you will need:

  • carcass of a young rabbit;
  • two glasses of dry white wine;
  • half a glass of strong meat broth;
  • a couple of tablespoons of fat sour cream;
  • spices for meat;
  • two large carrots;
  • large white onion;
  • salt to taste.


Washed and dried rabbit carcass, cut into portions. We clean the onions and carrots. We chop the onion in half rings, and the carrots in small squares. Put half of the vegetables on the bottom of the duckling, now lay out our meat, and sprinkle with a layer of the remaining onions and carrots. Stir sour cream in the broth and pour it over the main ingredients. Pour wine with spices there. Close the lid and simmer on low heat for 1.5 hours. 10 minutes before the end of the whole process, the meat needs to be salted. Before serving, you can sprinkle generously with herbs, but avoid dill.

"Pork Chops"

Us you will need:

  • pork pulp - 300 grams;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • flour - 100 grams;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices and salt to taste.


Wash the meat, dry it and freeze it slightly in the freezer, so it will be easier for you to cut it into thin pieces that need to be beaten off well from all sides. Without fanaticism, otherwise you can make holes in the meat. Lightly sprinkle the beaten fillet with salt and spices. While it is soaking, make a batter. To do this, egg with salt, place until smooth, add a little milk and flour. Get a thick dough, like pancakes. It will need to be carefully diluted with milk until smooth. Heat up a heavy bottomed pan and heat the oil in it. Dip the pieces of meat in the batter and immediately into the pan. Reduce the heat and bake until a nice even golden color.

"Fragrant hake"

Us you will need:

  • a couple of carcasses of gutted hake;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • a bunch of dill, parsley and green onions;
  • spices for fish;
  • salt to taste;
  • foil.


Washed and dried fish, grease well with salt and spices. From the foil make squares on which we will bake the hake. It must be laid out clearly in the center. Divide the finely chopped greens into two equal parts and fill each carcass abundantly. Butter mode in small cubes and also divided into two parts and put on top of each fish. We wrap the hake in foil, while trying to do it so that a boat forms at the bottom. If necessary, wrap in an additional layer of foil.

Bake for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 degrees. Serve the finished dish directly in these boats so that the wonderful sauce does not spill out. Hake will be surprisingly tender, juicy and fragrant, as it will be saturated with oil and herbs. Garnish The first thing we always do is mashed potatoes. Let's move away from this tradition and present it not in its pure form, but with a new and rather interesting solution that will not leave anyone indifferent. And, of course, let's not forget about rice, which is also unusual.

"French Puree"

Us you will need:

  • potato;
  • butter;
  • spices;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • flour;
  • cracker crumb;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


We make the usual mashed potatoes, but without the addition of third-party liquid. In other words, after boiling the potatoes, drain all the water, add oil, spices, salt and eggs and mix thoroughly to get a thick homogeneous mass. Sprinkle the table with flour and put our potato dough on it. Let the oil heat up in a high-sided pan.

We return to the test. It must be collected in one lump (this is not easy) and distributed on a carefully and abundantly floured table. To roll it into a 3 mm layer, use a film that you place on top of the dough. Now you need a mold for cutting figures. Perfect for cookie cutters. Cut out, roll in breadcrumbs and send to hot oil. When golden brown, remove with a slotted spoon to a paper towel to drain excess fat. They are delicious both warm and cold.

"Rice with vegetables"

Us you will need:

  • a glass of long steamed rice;
  • half a pack of Mexican mixed frozen vegetables;
  • a couple of large bulbs;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • two glasses of meat broth;
  • salt and spices to taste.


R Wash thoroughly and soak in cold water for an hour. Finely chop the onion and place in a frying pan with hot oil, fry until golden brown. Now he sends our rice there, fill it with broth, and simmer covered with a lid for 15 minutes. After pour the frozen vegetables, salt and sprinkle with spices. Close the lid and simmer for another 15 minutes. If necessary, add water. It is recommended to serve warm.

Over the previous holidays, our body has not yet had time to move away from culinary excesses, so it would be better if you prepare simple but light salads.

Finely chop the cabbage, mash it with salt and lemon juice. Add finely chopped cucumber and herbs. Mix and drizzle with olive oil. Vary the amount of ingredients yourself, depending on your taste.

"Tomato Salad"

Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized slices, add the garlic, passed through the garlic press. Salt, mix and add low-fat sour cream. If desired, you can not only decorate with greenery, but also add it inside.

Such simple and quick recipes will make your festive table varied and satisfying, but the food served will not be heavy. Now you do not need to puzzle over what to cook for the Old New Year 2019.

The Old New Year is a unique holiday that combines the traditions of Christmas time and worldly customs. Orthodox people who cannot splendidly celebrate the secular New Year because of the Christmas fast, on the night of January 13-14, delight themselves with delicious dishes and good company. For others, this holiday becomes an occasion to once again gather at the festive table or celebrate it with those whom they did not manage to meet on December 31st.

What did our ancestors prepare?

The Old New Year carries the most ancient traditions, because for many centuries our ancestors celebrated the New Year on this night according to the Julian calendar. In bright, festive outfits, they went out into the street and sang songs, danced and congratulated each other, paid noisy visits to friends and neighbors.

Kutya was considered the main holiday dish for our ancestors. Generous housewives spared no effort and food on her, decorating her with nuts, candied fruits, using fresh cream and sweet milk foam in cooking.

Kutia had a symbolic meaning, but at the same time it could not satisfy all taste needs. Therefore, another obligatory treat that night was suckling pig, which was baked whole with porridge and spices. At the same time, he symbolized happiness and prosperity. Why piglet? An ancient legend says that the pagan god Ovsen sat on it when he appeared on Earth on this day.

Beliefs were also associated with other dishes. A baked hare on the festive table brought prosperity to the owners of the house next year, promising quick achievement of goals and "hare" agility. A fried rooster was associated with strength and prophesied an easy bird-like life for the family.

Sweets and fruits occupied a special place in the festive festivities - they were treated to children on the streets. Sweet homemade liqueurs and wines were used as treats for neighbors and friends.

Important! There is a sign that on the night of January 13-14, there should be an even number of people at the festive table. If an even number is not dialed at the table, it is worth putting an additional cutlery.


A rare table can do without the traditional kutya for the Old New Year. On this holiday, “generous” kutya is prepared, that is, fast, using heavy cream, milk and butter.

Since ancient times, this dish has been prepared from cereals, but today most common rice is used to make kutya. You can add a variety of ingredients to kutia: honey, candied fruits, pine nuts, almonds, poppy seeds, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits. Use powdered sugar, cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg, or dried ginger as a topping. Spices will add unusual notes to the aroma and taste of your kutya, and it will definitely seem special to guests.

Canned fruits, jams or homemade jams can diversify the traditional dish. An unexpected solution would be to sprinkle kutya with chocolate chips. You can add pieces of marmalade, which your children will surely like. Coconut flakes will sprinkle your kutia with a festive “snowball”, adding originality to the dish.

It is believed that the more components in kutya, the more prosperous and generous the year will be. Moreover, some additives have a symbolic meaning. For example, honey, according to legend, brings health, and poppy - well-being.

Roast pig on your table

The most striking dish on your table can be a roasted pig. Having prepared it, you will pay tribute to the traditions and amaze those who came to the holiday. In this case, you can choose the cooking option that suits you.

  1. Scrap a whole pig weighing no more than 3 kg, rinse thoroughly and pour cold water with vinegar. After 3 hours, remove it from the marinade, cut the skin of the piglet on the back and rub with a mixture of salt and spices. When choosing seasonings, be guided by your personal taste, but remember that black pepper is a traditional, safe seasoning for meat. Use garlic - it will fill your home with an appetizing aroma and add spice to the taste of the finished dish.
  2. Lubricate the piglet with vegetable oil as much as possible. Then put on a baking sheet, carefully cover with foil. Bake at 180⁰ for at least 2 hours. After that, remove the foil, pour beer over the pig and increase the temperature to 200⁰. When a delicious golden crust appears, you can take the dish out of the oven.
  3. A whole pig can be cooked in another way - with porridge inside. You can prepare the pig in the same way as in the above method. While it marinates in water with vinegar, you need to do the filling. To do this, cook friable buckwheat porridge. Separately, boil the liver and kidneys of the piglet, then chop them. Fry a large onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add porridge and offal to it.

Stuff the piglet with the resulting mass, pour melted lard on top and bake until cooked, depending on the size of the piglet.

As you can see, cooking a whole pig requires a certain amount of time. But the result will surprise guests with beauty and sophistication.

Important! For small companies, choose a piglet up to 1.5 kg - and it will be marinated and cooked in less time. At 200⁰, you can bake such a pig for 1.5 hours.

Porridge and dumplings

Kasha is another traditional dish for the Old New Year. Our ancestors even associated certain signs with it. If a clay pot cracked when cooking porridge, this was considered a bad omen. Of course, today it is customary to cook porridge in enameled pots, but some modern housewives use ceramic pots, in which any porridge turns out tastier and more aromatic.

Another sign: if porridge climbs out of the pot, then the whole next year there will be troubles and troubles in the house. Therefore, carefully monitor the preparation and do not pour a lot of cereals.

Vareniki were prepared for the Old New Year in Soviet times. As a rule, the whole family took part in this process. A kind of entertainment was the preparation of some - the prediction inside. Buttons were invested in the filling - for new purchases, coins - for big incomes, a ring - for a happy marriage, a thread - for a long journey.

In addition to inedible fillings, you can use a variety of food additives that also matter:

  • buckwheat - good news;
  • cranberries - for change;
  • cheese - to a monetary gain;
  • beans - to the birth of a child in the family;
  • apple - to receive an award or promotion.

If you are not expecting guests, cook dumplings with the whole family. Stuff them with potatoes, mushrooms, cottage cheese or sweet berries. Joint modeling of dumplings can become your family tradition, in which children will be happy to participate.


Makovnik is a traditional sweet for this holiday. To please your guests, and especially the little ones, with fragrant tea drinking, bake this delicious cake.

Mix 200 g of sugar with 150 g of ground poppy seeds, add a tablespoon of orange zest. Beat in an egg, pour in a glass of milk, add 300 g of sifted flour and 0.5 teaspoon of baking powder. Knead a tight dough and place it in a pre-oiled mold. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes in an oven heated to 180⁰.

When the poppy seed has cooled, cut it lengthwise into two halves and generously coat with marmalade or homemade jam. Apple jam is great, but berry jams are also good options.

Salads and appetizers

Salads are a must on any holiday table. Traditional New Year's salads - "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat" - are unlikely to be to your taste on the Old New Year. Therefore, the hostess will have to try to surprise the guests.

  1. A great alternative to "Herring under a fur coat" will be a salad with fish. Put 200 g of boiled white fish fillet sprinkled with lemon juice on lettuce leaves. Top with boiled potatoes (200 g), cut into thin slices. Then - salted gherkins (100 g), cut into circles. Mix dressing in a separate bowl: finely chopped parsley, mayonnaise, salt. Pour dressing over salad and top with large olives.
  2. A hearty and at the same time light option is a salad of chicken breast and corn. Tender and sweet corn goes well with dryish poultry meat, and additional ingredients will add variety to the taste.

Grind 200 g breast fillet to medium-sized pieces, mix it with one can of corn. Add there 2 boiled crumbled eggs and grated hard cheese (200 g). For freshness, you can also add a couple of cucumbers, finely diced. Do not forget about the greens: it will not only decorate the salad, but also add a touch of summer. You can fill such a salad with light mayonnaise or unsweetened natural yogurt.

No table is complete without cold appetizers. Mushroom cakes can be a great option, which you can treat neighbors and people on the street if you plan to celebrate the Old New Year in the fresh air. Mushroom pies made of crispy puff pastry will be destroyed by your guests instantly, and will become the highlight of your holiday table.

Ceps are ideal for this appetizer, but champignons can also be successfully replaced. Fry mushrooms (200 g) in a pan with onions (2 onions). Boil potatoes (100 g). Grate cheese (100 g) on ​​a coarse grater. Mix all the ingredients, add finely chopped greens.

Use ready-made frozen dough - after all, before the holiday you have so much trouble, and there will be no time to make homemade puff pastry. Defrost the package of puff pastry, roll it into a layer no more than 2 mm thick. Cut into rectangles. Spread the filling on the rectangles and roll into small bags. Bake them for 20 minutes at medium temperature. When the cookies are ready, transfer them from the baking sheet to a plate while still hot so that they do not dry out.

For some, the celebration of the Old New Year is another reason to prolong the pleasant festive mood. But many attach great importance to the correct filling of the table. We reveal all the details to you.

The Old New Year is especially awaited by those who observe the Advent fast. On New Year's Eve itself, they cannot afford to fully enjoy all the variety of dishes. But on the night of January 13-14, they celebrate the holiday the way their heart desires.

Dishes for the Old New Year, as a rule, do not differ from those that are eaten on December 31st. However, there are classic options. It is also worth remembering which year the animal comes into its own, and cook dishes that he will like.

The year of the rooster, of course, dictates its own rules. Beans, rice, various types of millet, grains and nuts are welcome. Therefore, it will be a good option. None of the ingredients in this dish will definitely "piss off" the rooster, and you can please your guests with a very unusual dish with classic elements.

Adding eggs to the salad, as well as cooking chicken this year, is definitely not worth it. If you are cooking Olivier, then replace the chicken with crayfish necks or crab meat, and it is better to exclude eggs. Serve fish as the main course. We suggest you cook sea bass in a Mediterranean way. As a side dish, baked potato wedges go with it, so no one will be left hungry.

Seafood is especially welcome this year. From them you can cook both a full meal and an appetizing snack, for example, with squid and shrimp on a “cushion” of pasta with broccoli. This is a very easy-to-prepare dish, which, nevertheless, will appeal to connoisseurs of delicate taste.

If you master the dessert, then it is also worth preparing one that does not include chicken eggs. We recommend to you. Add to it seasonal fruits to taste, such as persimmon, and an incomparable dish is ready.

Make unusual combinations to your liking and keep experimenting in your kitchen! Happy and delicious holiday to you!

The Old New Year is considered one of the brightest and most cheerful holidays, because after Christmas the post ends, besides, it is on this day that all insults and misunderstandings are forgiven. Since ancient times, housewives tried to fill the table with various dishes so that the year would be successful and generous. What dishes can be prepared for the Old New Year?

What to cook for the Old New Year - Cereal Dishes

The most important place in the festive meal for the Old New Year is given to kutya. It must contain many ingredients. There are many recipes for this dish. So, on this holiday, it is customary to boil wheat porridge in milk so that it turns out to be more generous. You can add honey, poppy seeds, nuts and even dried fruits to it.

Our ancestors had a special way to cook kutya. So, at about two in the morning, the eldest woman in the family brought cereals, and the eldest man brought water into the house. The ingredients were on the stove. Until it melted, they could not be touched. The cooking process itself was accompanied by various sentences.
During the preparation of porridge, the hostesses wondered. So:

  • if the porridge crawled out of the pot - you can expect trouble;
  • a broken pot meant big trouble;
  • delicious kutya promised happiness and good news;
  • if the cooked kutya turned out to be pale, one should have expected grief and illness.

Also an obligatory element on this holiday is uzvar, which is prepared from dried berries and fruits. Our ancestors traditionally prepared a drink from dried apples and pears with honey.

Meat dishes for the Old New Year

It is very important that among the festive treats for the Old New Year, or Vasily's Day, there are pork dishes, because Vasily is the patron saint of pig breeders. In addition, it is believed that the pig is a symbol of prosperity. Therefore, our ancestors cooked pork dishes so that the house would be full of wealth and happiness. We recommend preparing treats such as black pudding, homemade sausages, roast, pork cutlets, borscht, jelly, etc.
Today, a variety of recipes allows you to choose exactly the dish that you like. You can cook pork baked with cheese and mushrooms, or homemade boiled pork. And to surprise guests, you can bake a whole piglet and put it in the center of the table.

Dough dishes for the festive table for the Old New Year

Traditionally, on the New Year's holiday table there should be various dough products and a lot of pastries. Since ancient times, housewives have always baked various kalachi, pies and buns. On fresh pastries, the hostesses liked to guess:

  • if it turned out ruddy and beautiful, the year will be successful;
  • if the dough did not fit well, and the pastries did not rise, trouble was expected.

Today, there should be a lot of pies and pies on the festive table so that all friends, guests, as well as those who came to sow, would be treated to them. Modern housewives love to cook a variety of cakes, cookies and pastries for the Old New Year. Great options are shortcake and oatmeal cookies. The recipes for these dishes are simple, and the treats are very tasty.

Our ancestors always put on the table dumplings and pancakes with various fillings: meat, cottage cheese, poppy seeds. Vareniki are also a great way to tell fortunes. Different toppings have their own meaning. The hostesses made the following unusual fillings:

  • flour - promises torment;
  • Beans are a symbol of children;
  • pepper is a symbol of surprises;
  • button - you should expect a new thing;
  • sugar - good news;
  • rope - the road awaits;
  • a penny - promises material well-being;
  • meat - life will be full;
  • ring - a sign of imminent marriage;
  • bay leaf - to glory;
  • salt - bad events await;
  • carrots - promises new acquaintances.

Dishes for the Old New Year - snacks

In addition to meat dishes and pastries, vegetable dishes should be on the table. Since our ancestors did not have fresh vegetables for the Old New Year, homemade preserves were put on the table: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. Currently, fresh vegetables can also be bought for the holiday.
Snacks also play a significant role on the festive table. In ancient times, they were replaced by lard and homemade sausage. Today, modern housewives love to dilute the festive table with light snacks that are very easy to prepare: red caviar and fish sandwiches, as well as canapes.
By tradition, all prepared dishes are put on a table covered with a tablecloth. Kutya is placed in the center of the table, and next to it is a uzvar, a candle is also lit, which is a symbol of the memory of all ancestors. It is customary to start the meal with kutya. It is very good if an even number of people gathered at the table that day. Otherwise, leave an extra plate.
It is believed that after all the guests have started eating, you can’t leave the table, so the hostess should have all the dishes for the Old New Year at hand.
