
What to do if not frozen. If the jelly has not frozen - what to do to save a delicious dish

Many housewives have their own proven recipes for holiday dishes. But there are several classic dishes that are usually prepared for holidays and other special days. Among them is jelly. It is prepared on the basis of different meats, with or without the addition of gelatin. In a word, many families have their own recipes for preparing such a delicious and very healthy dish. With all this, even experienced housewives sometimes fail. So, if the jelly has not frozen, how to add gelatin to such a dish?

If after cooking the jelly is not in a hurry to solidify at all or does not completely solidify, it means that there is not enough gelling substance in its composition. Perhaps this is due to the use of insufficiently suitable meat or an accidental violation of the technology proposed in the recipe. However, in such a situation, there is no need to despair. There are several ways to deal with the problem of non-hardening jelly.

How to add gelatin to jelly that has not frozen in the cold?

To get the desired effect, you should first prepare a bag of gelatin. Pour its contents into a glass jar or into a glass, fill with warm water, following the instructions on the package. Usually, twenty grams of gelatin is enough for a couple of glasses of liquid (ordinary water or broth).
Leave the gelatin mixture to swell. This may take half an hour or even a little more.

If you use instant gelatin, it is quite possible to fill it with not barely warm, but rather hot water (but not boiling water).

Unfrozen jellied dump out of the mold into a saucepan, send to the fire and warm. Mix well. Drain the liquid into a separate container, then strain it through cheesecloth.

Heat the already swollen gelatin in a water bath until dissolved, mix and strain through a strainer. Please note that it should not boil in any case. Combine the gelatin blank with hot broth (again - not boiling water), add salt and pepper if necessary.

Arrange the meat in molds, pour the prepared broth with gelatin. Send the jelly to a fairly cool place until completely solidified.

What else to do if the jelly is not frozen?

Quite often, the jelly does not want to freeze in any way when the meat was cooked for an insufficient amount of time. So, if you have leisure, you can go to the store and buy some chicken parts there, which, when cooked for a long time, can make excellent jelly. These include paws, wings or necks. In addition, the so-called "soup set" would be a good choice. Pork legs will also give an excellent result.

Boil the purchased meat in a small amount of liquid for a sufficient time - at least three hours. Keep the broth on a low heat so that the liquid in the pan does not boil, but only sways a little. Do not forget to pepper and salt.
Separate the meat from the bones, and strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth.

Dump the failed aspic into a saucepan, send to the fire and heat until the broth is obtained. Then pour the resulting mass into another container, cool slightly and strain.

Combine all prepared meat (both previously prepared and new), as well as both broths. Arrange the meat in molds and pour the broth. Send the jelly to the refrigerator or other cool place.

In the event that you left a little broth after cooking the previous jellied meat, it is quite possible to boil a new batch of meat right in it. The result is a particularly strong broth that should definitely harden.

In order for the jelly to be successful and very tasty - a few secrets.

To prepare such a dish, it is worth using only the parts of the carcasses intended for it, which are called failures. A wonderful jelly can be created from pork or beef legs, chicken paws (namely paws, not drumsticks), as well as chicken heads.

In the event that first-class meat is used for cooking jelly, it should be used only in a minimal amount, because it cannot harden by itself.

In order for the broth to be saturated with a sufficient amount of gelling substances, you need to boil the meat for jelly in a small amount of broth so that the liquid only slightly covers the contents of the saucepan.

It is also extremely important to cook the meat for at least four to five hours. Chicken can be cooked a little less - about three hours. At the same time, all this time it is better not to add liquid (water) to the prepared jelly, so the fire under the pan should be really minimal. After about two hours of cooking, it is worth salting the broth.

After the meat is well cooked, it will separate from the bone on its own. Meat products should be removed from the broth, and the bones should be lowered back into the saucepan. Just at this stage of cooking, it is worth putting carrots with onions, as well as peppers, into the future jellied meat. Boil the bones for a couple more hours. Be sure to strain the prepared broth.

In order to assess the readiness of the jelly and its ability to solidify, you need to conduct a very simple test: pour a little ready-made broth into a saucer and send it to the refrigerator. If after fifteen minutes - half an hour the liquid becomes sticky, cooking can be completed. Often, housewives understand that the jelly is ready, already at the stage of extracting and chopping meat: the pulp becomes so sticky that it sticks to your hands.

Note to the owner

If you have free time, go back to the store, buy chicken legs, wings or necks - those parts of the chicken carcass that, after a long boil, make good jelly.

You can also use a soup set, which also has enough bones.

Sometimes a misfortune awaits the hostess: the jelly, which took more than one hour to prepare, remained in a state of a semi-liquid mass even after cooling. What can be done in such a case? First, do not panic, as everything is fixable.

Secondly, proceed to the "rescue" of the dish.

If the broth does not freeze in the jelly, it means that there is little gelling agent in it. Ordinary gelatin will help fill it. Pour it into a glass jar or glass, fill it with lukewarm water, following the instructions on the package.

Usually 20 g of gelatin (or one pack) is enough for 2-3 glasses of liquid (this is both broth and water to dissolve gelatin). Leave the gelatin mixture to swell.

Instant gelatin is poured with hot water. But, as practice shows, the water should not be too hot, otherwise lumps are formed that are difficult to dissolve. Transfer the failed jellied meat to a saucepan, put it on the fire, warm it up well.

Drain the liquid into a separate bowl, then strain it through cheesecloth. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath or in a microwave until hot, stir, strain through a strainer. Combine with hot broth, if necessary, add salt and pepper. Arrange the meat in molds, pour the broth. Place the warm jellied meat in the refrigerator to set.

Favorite dish of our male half of the family) We cook often and a lot, we adhere to the classic recipe. I do not like jelly with the addition of gelatin, it really seems rubbery. Good idea with "soup the next day". Is it possible to cook jelly from a turkey? Happy New Year!

Kholodets cooked a lot of times, and it didn’t freeze with me only once (due to the fact that I didn’t cook it for a long time).

My secret is this: for cooking jelly I always use pork ears or legs (in the common people “gomilka”). Aspic must languish on fire for at least six hours. And one more feature - the meat that is cooked for jelly must be detached from the bones even during cooking. Then the dish will succeed 100%.

The male team of our family is very fond of pork jelly. It always freezes well. But we, girls, love chicken, and now it does not always freeze well, sometimes it turns out like porridge. Your article will help us. We add a lot of gelatin to the chicken, and only then it freezes. We wanted to add pork there, but have not yet decided. I also made it with a rabbit, so it also didn’t freeze a little, although they assured me that it freezes well. Thanks for the advice, we will enrich the New Year's table.

Irina, if you don’t want to mix tastes, buy chicken “hands” (paws), which, as we say, are manicure))). They just contain our lifesaver. Even if they are separately boiled in a small amount of water, then it solidifies with jelly. Remove nails and skin if they are not very clean. Then just take it away or feed it to the dogs, mine just gnawed like that.

I know that people also add salt and gnaw them themselves.) And as a grandmother, pork jelly always cooked with ears and legs, you don’t even need to add gelatin. And of course, it takes a long time to cook, yes, but it's worth it. And even if the liquid has boiled away, then in no case do not add water. So we cook with what's left.

There may be several reasons for this. First, these are not those products. If the broth had a small amount of tails, necks, wings, legs, and a lot of first-class meat, this may be the reason for this outcome. The jellied meat may not harden if you haven't cooked it long enough, and the jelly part just hasn't had time to boil out of the bones. The jelly does not freeze if there was a lot of water. And it also happens that the refrigerator does not work well and does not cool the contents enough. In this case, the jelly is also unlikely to freeze. Whatever the cause of liquid jelly, the matter can be corrected. The main thing is to know how to do it.

Why didn’t the jelly freeze

If you are so disappointed, don't worry. The situation can be corrected. To do this, you will need a few more by-products. Some housewives make a mistake when they boil unfrozen jelly again in order to thicken it. They believe that the broth will become thicker and then it will certainly freeze. This is not true, such a broth will not harden, since all jelly substances simply die with strong boiling. If the jelly is not frozen, you need to do this.

To begin with, the unfrozen jelly must be filtered to separate the meat from the broth. Add the washed offal to the broth and set to boil on fire for 4 hours. As a result, we get an incredibly rich and strong broth, which will certainly harden. It needs to be filtered and add the meat that we removed at the very beginning. Put the jellied meat in the refrigerator for the final stage of preparation.

The history of the appearance of jelly

Russian people have long noticed that if the meat broth is oversaturated with meat, bones and is not eaten immediately, then the next day it turns into a viscous porridge. This was considered a disadvantage, and such a dish was treated with discontent, so poor people or servants had it on the table. They called him a student.

Then a fashion appeared in Russia to send cooks from abroad. And the jelly, the French "galantine", came to us. They prepared it in different ways: they added beef, pork, rabbit meat, turkey, sterlet, pike, tinted it with spices, used eggs.

In your case - to make sure that it does not work out immediately on the table. I would do this: I prepared the gelatin, poured the broth from the unfrozen jelly into some separate bowl, if it is not enough to dilute the bouillon cube with boiling water (a couple, three), add to the broth, and stir the gelatin there. Pour the meat crumble with this charm, mix gently again - and refrigerate for aging.

In principle, of course, you can add a couple / three tablespoons of strained gelatin (after bringing it to a boil) directly into the plates and mix, but the first option seems to me more optimal. In any case, the situation can be corrected by tomorrow.

Sometimes a misfortune awaits the hostess: the jelly, which took more than one hour to prepare, remained in a state of a semi-liquid mass even after cooling. What can be done in such a case? First, do not panic, as everything is fixable. Secondly, proceed to the "rescue" of the dish.

Note to the owner

To do this, all the resulting jelly is poured into one container. Pour a bag of gelatin into a separate plate, pour it with warm water. Let it brew for 40 minutes. After that, gelatin, which must necessarily increase in size, is heated in a water bath, but do not allow it to boil. During the heating process, the component should be constantly stirred.

Work on mistakes

In the event that the jelly was not corny cooked, you should simply bring it to the desired condition, and then check its readiness using the above test. As a rule, this will require an additional 2-3 hours of time. As in the previous method, all undercooked jelly should be drained into one common container and set to reach for the specified time.

Everything is simple. It is necessary to soak the gelatin in slightly warm water or in the broth from the cold, as written in the instructions. It is advisable to boil the unfrozen jelly again. When the gelatin swells, it must be filtered (so that there are no lumps left), bring to a boil and pour into boiling jelly, stir and turn off immediately.

For the future - in order for the jelly to freeze, you need to use a lot of bones (soup sets) and pork skin (I then throw it away). To get 1-2 liters of jelly - use 4-5 kg. bones with little meat on them. Bones are best of 3 types of meat - beef, pork and chicken (not chicken legs, but local boney chicken, which is cooked for at least 2-3 hours).

Sometimes a misfortune awaits the hostess: the jelly, which took more than one hour to prepare, remained in a state of a semi-liquid mass even after cooling. What can be done in such a case? First, do not panic, as everything is fixable. Secondly, proceed to the "rescue" of the dish.

Note to the owner

If you have free time, go back to the store, buy chicken legs, wings or necks - those parts of the chicken carcass that, after a long boil, make good jelly. You can also use a soup set, which also has enough bones.

Aspic is good from any meat, the main thing is that it is cooked with soul. For a more delicate texture and taste, jelly is boiled from a rooster with the addition of chicken feet, which help the dish to harden. Transparent beautiful jelly is obtained from beef. Pork gives cloudiness to the dish, but if you put onions in the broth during cooking, and then remove the fat so that it does not turn out on top of a dense fatty film, then such a jelly can also be quite beautiful and transparent. Pretty tasty combinations of chicken, pork and turkey, or beef and chicken. Each housewife knows the preferences of her family and focuses on their tastes when choosing meat for cold preparation.

Here are all the necessary ingredients selected, prepared and in a saucepan on the stove, our delicious dish quietly and peacefully gurgles slightly, spreading an unbearably delicious aroma throughout the house. This always creates an anticipation of the holiday among the household and the hostess, pouring the finished dish into trays or plates, thinks of only one thing: what if the jelly is not frozen - what to do ?! On this occasion, you should not panic so much, if all the proportions of the meat are observed correctly, it will definitely harden.

In order to check its stickiness and ability to harden, you can try the broth on your fingers at the end of cooking - if it sticks, it will definitely harden! If you still have doubts, you can pour a little slurry into a plate and put it on the balcony or in the refrigerator. If after 15 minutes the jelly has not frozen - what to do then? First you need to leave it still to cook and after some time repeat the test for solidification again. If it still does not freeze, it is necessary to soak and add gelatin. After that, let the broth boil again so that it does not quickly deteriorate. For those who categorically do not like gelatin, you can put chicken legs or turkey wings in a saucepan and cook.

But that's not all the problems associated with cooking jelly. Very often, the hostess is faced with the following question: what to do if you oversalted the jelly? Most importantly, never add water to it! It can completely ruin the whole taste. There are other ways to correct this annoying misunderstanding. The surest way to save the taste of jelly is to take some rice, tie it in a linen or gauze bag and dip it into the broth. The rice will draw out the excess salt from the dish. You can beat the protein and lower it into the broth, and then, when it absorbs excess salt, remove it with a slotted spoon.

Boiled aspic can be beautifully decorated. Pour a little broth into a plate or tray first and refrigerate. Then, when it hardens, beautifully spread boiled vegetables, pieces of meat, herbs on this layer, then again pour the broth to the top. On the table, it will look very beautiful and appetizing. It is necessary to cook jellied meat based on the number of people so that it does not stand in the refrigerator for a long time. Some housewives ask: how long can jelly be stored? More than 3 days, perhaps, is not worth it, because it will begin to deteriorate and lose its attractive appearance. In addition, the dish will gradually become less tasty and fragrant.

The composition of the jelly includes pork and / or beef, pork legs, ears and tails, pig heads, chicken legs and their meat. There are quite a few options for cooking jelly, and there are quite a few recipes for this dish. Each hostess she decides what to cook from, and what ingredients are available. In essence, jelly is nothing more than a frozen broth with the addition of boiled vegetables and meat. But what to do, if the jelly did not freeze?

First of all, don't despair. This matter is quite fixable. However, first of all, it is worth understanding the reasons for your culinary failure. Basically, there are only two of them. One of them is a violation of the proportion of water and meat. To properly cook aspic, it is necessary that the water slightly covers the meat. After boiling, the gas is reduced, and the pan is covered with a lid. If more water has boiled away than planned, then do not add more liquid. Otherwise, the jelly will not freeze at all. The second reason is that the jelly did not finish cooking. The longer it cooks, the tastier it becomes. In addition, the concentration of fat and substances that allow it to thicken becomes greater in the broth. Checking the jelly for readiness is very simple. You need to take some liquid and pour it into a plate. After keeping it for 20 minutes in the refrigerator, it will become clear whether the dish is ready or not.

If the jelly is poured into cups, has cooled down for a long time, but still does not freeze, this is also not a reason for despair. Of course, it is possible to cook a new one, but it is always a pity for spoiled products. Therefore, it is necessary to drain the liquid, back into the pan and put it on to cook. After boiling the jellied meat for several hours over low heat, pour it into cups again. Of course, the probability that it will not freeze again remains. This can happen if the products used in its preparation contain a small amount of gluten. That is why it is best to put less meat in aspic, but more bones, tails, hooves and legs. For greater confidence in their culinary abilities, gelatin is often added to the jelly. An excellent tool for experienced housewives not to lose face. Gelatin must be poured with warm water. After infusing for 40 minutes, it should increase several times. Next, it is heated over very low heat or a water bath, stirring continuously. The main thing is that it does not boil, otherwise there will be no use from it. After a water bath, the gelatin is filtered and poured into a slightly cooled jelly. After mixing well, pour it into cups. When the liquid reaches room temperature, the jelly can be put in the refrigerator for final solidification.

If the broth does not freeze in the jelly, it means that there is little gelling agent in it. Ordinary gelatin will help fill it. Pour it into a glass jar or glass, fill it with lukewarm water, following the instructions on the package. Usually 20 g of gelatin (or one pack) is enough for 2-3 glasses of liquid (this is both broth and water to dissolve gelatin). Leave the gelatin mixture to swell. Instant gelatin is poured with hot water. But, as practice shows, the water should not be too hot, otherwise lumps are formed that are difficult to dissolve. Transfer the failed jellied meat to a saucepan, put it on the fire, warm it up well. Drain the liquid into a separate bowl, then strain it through cheesecloth. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath or in a microwave until hot, stir, strain through a strainer. Combine with hot broth, if necessary, add salt and pepper. Arrange the meat in molds, pour the broth. Place the warm jellied meat in the refrigerator to set.

The jelly may not freeze due to the fact that the meat was not cooked long enough. If you have free time, go back to the store, buy chicken legs, wings or necks - those parts of the chicken carcass that, after a long boil, make good jelly. You can also use a soup set, which also has enough bones. Boil chicken meat in a small amount of broth, adding spices and salt to taste. Separate the pulp from the bones, strain the broth. Transfer the unfrozen jelly to a saucepan, put on fire. When the jelly-like mass turns into a broth, pour it into another bowl, cool to a warm state, strain. Mix both types of meat, arrange in molds. Combine new and old broth. Fill them with meat. Remove to refrigerator. Tip: If you have leftover broth after boiling meat for a failed aspic, cook a new batch of meat products in it. Then you will get a very strong broth, which will undoubtedly harden. You should not try to thicken the jelly with a simple boil - without adding a second portion of meat or gelatin. The portion of gelatin added during the preparation of the first jelly, when boiled, will lose those properties due to which ordinary broth turns into jelly. Continue Reading How to Clarify Broth for Aspic

Note to the hostess When cooking meat, be sure to remove the fat that appears from the surface of the broth, otherwise it will acquire a greasy aftertaste from a long boil. When heating gelatin, do not bring it to a boil, because its gelling properties disappear from this. It is enough to bring it to such a temperature that the crystals dissolve easily, but the gelatin itself does not boil. Do not put more gelatin than the recipe requires. From this, the dish not only acquires an unpleasant aftertaste, but also becomes very dense, rubbery. The jellied meat should not be placed in the freezer. Once in room conditions after that, it begins to melt intensively. If you took jelly to the balcony in winter and left it overnight, make sure that the temperature on the balcony does not fall below 2–3 °C. If for some reason you do not want to remake the jelly, cook soup from it. But the broth from under the jelly turns out to be rather cloudy, which is not suitable for every soup. Cook such a first dish in which the opaque broth will not be noticeable. It can be borscht, hodgepodge or any puree soup. Ready jelly is stored in a refrigerator in a closed container (so that its aroma is not transferred to other products) for no more than 2-3 days. After a few days, its taste deteriorates sharply, and its appearance also deteriorates.

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Aspic will not turn out perfect if it does not freeze completely or at least a small part of it.

So why doesn't the jelly freeze?

This can be caused by the short time during which it was cooked or by saving on the volume of bones allocated for jelly.

Sometimes a fatal mistake is to constantly add water during or at the end of the broth cooking.

There are several tricks that will help housewives cook the perfect jelly that will harden without the use of gelatin.

Jelly does not freeze, what to do: basic rules and tips

So, we take a pan with a volume of five liters. At the bottom of the pan we put the pork and beef strips. If desired, you can add a tail and even small meat pieces.

Most cooks are of the opinion that adding pork ears to it contributes to the best solidification of jelly. Novice housewives should be warned that pork ears bought on the market will not be easy to process before cooking. Therefore, it is better to buy a semi-finished product in a store or add more broths to the broth.

Pour as much water as needed to completely cover the meat. Bring to a boil over high heat, then drain the water.

Rinse the meat thoroughly under running water and put it back into the pot. After these manipulations, cook the meat for another six hours. It is important to cook over low heat to retain liquid and remove foam.

To prepare jellied meat, you can use a slow cooker - in this case, not a drop of liquid will be lost.

Nuance - do not use bones for the slow cooker - only meat, ears and tail. The kitchen assistant is not able to cook bones with the lid closed - the system breaks.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to your taste, then cool the broth.

When the meat in the broth has cooled down, we separate the meat from the bones with our hands and cut it as thin as possible. Then boil the broth with the addition of bay leaf, pepper and fill it with meat.

Aspic can be put not only on the refrigerator shelf, but also on the balcony in winter time.

The jelly does not freeze, what should I do? You can save it by diluting the gelatin exactly according to the instructions. This step gives a 100% guarantee of solidification on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Gelatin is by no means an artificial product, but natural and absolutely safe for health. It is used to make jelly, aspic dishes, and even. Cooked meals with the addition of gelatin have a positive effect on human skin and joints.

In the food industry, gelatin is produced in the form of leaflets and in powder. One gelatin leaf = 1 tsp gelatin powder. Based on this, we calculate the norm - 2, maximum 3 tablespoons of powder, diluted with water (necessarily cold) for jelly.

Refusal to use gelatin in jelly because of suspiciousness about its taste is unjustified. A specific aftertaste occurs if boiled for more than 7 minutes.

In addition to completing this item, it is necessary to properly dilute the powder. To do this, pour it into a cup of cold water and leave to swell for 30 minutes. Then pour the resulting mass into the broth and boil.

It is not worth boiling for a long time because of the possible addition of a gelatinous flavor to the dish.

How to cook a delicious jelly ...
Basic rules for making a good jelly.
In order to prepare a transparent jelly, you must remember
a few simple rules, following which you can easily
create this culinary masterpiece.

Rule 1. The choice of the main ingredient - meat.
You can cook jelly from any meat (chicken, pork,
beef, pork legs, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right
main product.

It is best to buy such an important component in aspic as meat on
market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen.
Pork legs, which are the key to solidifying the dish, must be
clean well from the bristles, and, if necessary, burn on fire, then
Rinse. You can add any meat of your choice. Will it
chicken, beef or all the same pork jelly - the hostess decides, but
pork legs (to be more specific, the part that ends
hooves) are necessary, then no gelatin is needed.
If the meat is with a skin, then this will also play a good role in
freezing of jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jelly does not play large
roles. The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, and large and
leave the central bone intact. In order to avoid small
bones, pork legs need to be cut in half lengthwise, and then again
in half along the joint.

But, oddly enough, you can not overdo it with meat. Necessary
observe certain proportions, otherwise there is a risk that
the dish still does not freeze: for several pork legs weighing
approximately 700 grams can be taken no more than one and a half kilos
other meat components.

Rule 2

Meat must be soaked before cooking. This procedure is necessary for
in order to remove the remains of clotted blood from the meat. Besides
the skin after soaking will be much softer and more tender.
Taking a pan and placing meat ingredients in it, you need to completely
soak them in cold water, and leave for a few hours (or better for
all night long). In the morning, the meat can be washed again, carefully scraped
pork feet to remove sooty spots. Also peel the skin
other meat components. A small "vegetable" knife is suitable for this
tasks like nothing else. Then you can place the meat in a cauldron and
start cooking.

Rule 3
FIRST water must be drained! The belief of some housewives that
that descaling with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems - not really
It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, because with it
all excess fat and other unwanted components will be removed.
Moreover, the appearance of such a jellied meat will be much more attractive, noticeably
its calorie content will decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant. IN
ideally, you can drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent,
like a baby's tear.
After draining the broth, it is necessary to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water,
which will remove the small stubborn remains of coagulated protein. After that
you can put the meat back for the final cooking. Amount of water
should be above the level of the meat by about 2 centimeters. If quantity
there will be more water, then it will not boil away, as it should be. Hence,
the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process
it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which is also not very favorable
will affect the final result.

It should also be taken into account that in order for the jelly to turn out transparent,
it is impossible to allow a seething boil of the contents of the cauldron. Cook jelly
you need on a small fire, about 6 hours, and then the result will surpass
all expectations.

Rule 4
Spices and seasonings also have their turn.
After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, you can add
whole onion and carrot. If you do this earlier, then all the "charms" from
additions of these ingredients will evaporate with the boiled water.

Salt in aspic also needs to be added after 4-5 hours, because in the process
boiling water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is
the likelihood of simply oversalting the dish.

Allspice, parsley and other spices to taste are better to add minutes
thirty before the end of cooking, then a bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even
the most scrupulous critics.

Rule 5
How long does it take to cook jelly.
- pork jelly (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;
- jelly chicken 3-4 hours;
- jelly beef 7-8 hours.

But the best thing is to cook jelly from assorted meat, then it will turn out
more tasty and rich.

Rule 6
Bones are removed by hand, not a meat grinder.
After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from
pots. It is most convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. The broth must be strained.
through a colander, and preferably through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot,
peppercorns and bay leaf.

Slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted out with your hands, separating it
from bones (you can help yourself with a small knife).
It is better to cut the meat by hand, and not with a meat grinder, as this will
a guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to
break your teeth, do not fall into the plate of any of the guests.
It is better not to throw away skins and cartilage, because they will give the jelly a fortress.
At the bottom of the plate in which the jelly will solidify, you can put greens
or cut out various figures from carrots - this will be wonderful
decorating such an interesting dish. After that, spreading the meat mass in
prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

Rule 7
The right temperature is the key to success. The best place for
solidification of jelly is not a window sill and not even a cold balcony.
The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf
After all, if the jelly is not cold enough, then it will not freeze, and if,
on the contrary, it will freeze, then it will lose all its wonderful taste
quality. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

Rule 8
If the jelly is not frozen (jelly with gelatin)
If the jelly has not frozen, you should not worry. The dish can be easily saved,
pouring it back into a clean saucepan and simmering for a few minutes. Further
it is necessary to dilute the gelatin in a separate bowl according to the instructions on
packaging (dosage should be seen there). Pour the gelatin into the jelly and
mix well, pour into bowls. After such a procedure, the student
will freeze for sure, no doubt.

jelly recipe

To prepare a delicious jelly, you will need the following products:
pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram;
0.5 kg of pork;
one bulb;
2-3 bay leaves;
5-6 peas of allspice;
2-4 cloves of garlic;
2.5 liters of water;
Cold preparation:
1. Prepare the meat: rinse and pour water, soak for a couple of hours.
After that, clean the shank well and cut it into two parts.
2. Pour cold water into a saucepan and place all the meat in it.
3. After boiling, drain the first broth and add 2.5 liters to the meat
cold water.
4. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat as much as possible (so that the broth barely
boiled). Cook jellied meat for 5 hours.
5. Next, put the onion, pepper, salt and bay into the broth
sheet. Let it boil for one more hour.
6. Remove the meat from the pan, and put crushed with a knife blade into the broth
7. Divide the meat into small pieces. Strain the broth through a fine sieve
or a clean cloth.
8. Put the meat into the jellied molds and pour in the broth. Let it harden
(better in the refrigerator on the middle shelf).
9. Serve jelly, pre-garnished with herbs, with mustard or

Blitz tips for cooking jelly

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate several main
tips to help you cook correctly, and most importantly tasty
1. Meat must be fresh.
2. In order for the jelly to freeze better, it is better to take a pork knuckle for cooking or
animal legs.
3. To make the jelly taste good, the meat must first
soak in cold water.
4. It is better to drain the first broth.
5. Spices and seasonings should be put shortly before the end of cooking
jelly to keep their flavor.
6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand.
7. The jelly should solidify at the right temperature - at medium
refrigerator shelf.
8. If the jelly is not frozen, you can simply add gelatin, first
boiling the jelly.
9. Do not add too much water, as the jelly may not
freeze. Too little water is also not the best option.
10. You need to salt the jelly at the end of cooking, so as not to oversalt the dish.

That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. All you need is
carefully choose the meat, and carefully consider its cooking, and then
jelly is doomed to success!

There are a huge number of nations in the modern human world. Each nation has its own special cuisine. The history of the emergence of recipes in the cuisine of each nation plunges far into the past of mankind. And it is very difficult to find out what recipe, at what time, what nation originally had it. But now we know that in all national cuisines there is a dish called jelly.

History has brought us the basic recipe for jelly. This dish is prepared from all kinds of meat and bones by the method of long time jam in water, followed by grinding the mass, pouring the broth and cooling it to a jelly-like state.

Over time, recipes from different nations were combined and added. In Ukraine, at the present hour, jelly is also called differently: jelly, aspic, jelly. It can be prepared from almost all types of fruits, milk, coffee, chocolate, eggs, products of marine origin. It is easy to prepare and has excellent taste.

Aspic and aspic differ a little from each other. Aspic and jelly are prepared from industrially obtained gelatin. Aspic and jelly are prepared from natural products of animal origin that release gelatin. These products include beef and pork head, legs, tails, pig ears, rooster carcass.

Preparation of excellent jelly

Let's take the usual standard recipe, pork and beef with a lot of meat. So, the first step is to choose the right meat. It is advisable to purchase fresh, not frozen, beef meat in the market in an amount of about a kilogram, and the same amount of pork pulp, two pork legs and one rooster. Pay attention to this nuance must be a young rooster. The legs of the pig and the carcass of the rooster must be processed over an open fire. Then clean with a knife and rinse with water. They should not have any feathers or dirt left on them. Cut the rooster into four pieces, the meat into pieces. The second stage: put all this in water for soaking, and after three hours rinse again. The meat should lighten up.

The next step is jam: put all the ingredients in a large saucepan, pressing down a little so that there is no empty space, pour water. This volume requires 8 - 9 liters of water, at the rate of 1 to 1.5. It should be 10 centimeters higher than the meat. We put the container on a strong fire and wait for the water to boil. Some time after the liquid boils, scale will appear, which must be removed. If you skip this moment, the broth will turn out dark. After cleaning the foam, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 5-6 hours, stirring and not adding water. The main thing is that the broth boils a little. Otherwise, the meat will not cook. Some liquid will evaporate, no big deal. When stirring, seeing that the meat moves away from the bones. This is a sign of the approaching end of cooking. At this point, you need to put in the broth, pre-cooked: a couple of large peeled onions and carrots. Salt, pepper for taste, adding black peppercorns. After this procedure, boil the broth for another hour.

Now you need to check the readiness of the jelly. It is done simply. We collect a little boiled liquid in a spoon, apply it on the index and thumb. When rubbing your fingers, stickiness should appear. This is a sign that the broth will subsequently harden, and at the moment it is ready. Add a few sheets of parsley, let it simmer for another 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it stand for a while so that the boil calms down. The next step is to separate the cooked ingredients. Transfer the bones with the separated meat to a separate, large bowl for cooling. Strain the broth through a fine iron sieve. This procedure will make it possible to cleanse the liquid of unnecessary unnecessary ingredients, to achieve purity of the broth. After cooling the meat, separate it from the bones. Chop up large pieces if necessary. We lay out the chopped meat in iron vessels with lids, pour over the strained broth, put in the cold to solidify. The jelly according to the standard recipe is ready. Served on the table in the same dish. For seasoning, mustard or horseradish prepared in advance is used. It also happens that after four hours the jelly has not taken the form of jelly. It needs to be digested.

Correction of the failed jelly

It's a shame, annoying, when you cook, you try, and then once it didn't work out. There is no need to despair. There is a rescue way out of any unfavorable situation. If there is no time in this case, edible gelatin will save. All unfrozen jelly must be collected in a cooking container of the right size. Boil without adding water. Ten minutes after boiling, add 75 grams of swollen gelatin previously soaked in warm water. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour again into vessels and leave in the room for a while. After send to the cold for final hardening.

If you have a little time and desire, you can fix the spoiled jelly without the addition of gelatin. The main reason why the broth does not set is the wrong proportion of liquid and gelatinous bones. You need to purchase from two to three kilograms of bones, which are responsible for the release of gelatin during cooking. It can be chicken legs, beef tails, pork legs. They need to be soaked in water for an hour. Place in a saucepan and fill with water. The liquid should cover the bones by 5 cm. Bring to a boil over high heat, remove the scale. Next, cook on low heat for about three hours. Check the stickiness of the broth with your fingers. In case of poor stickiness, cook for another two hours. If the stickiness on the skin is noticeable, then the broth is ready.

Add spices according to the standard recipe for making jellied meat. Cook another 60 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, salt the broth and put a leaf of parsley. We pluck the meat, discard the bones. We filter the broth. We lay out the meat mass from the failed jelly in portions and fill it with new broth. After cooling to room temperature, we send it to the cold at a temperature of plus two to three degrees.

If you follow the recipe, the cold will always turn out excellent.
