
Chips are bad for health. Are there any benefits to chips? How to make potato chips at home

It's a pity, but only when you grow up (primarily with your brains) do you begin to understand that you need to be aware of all the food you eat. Then comes the realization of everything that parents talked about when they did not buy chips in the store. Pay attention to teenagers who spend evenings on a bench. They almost always have a pack of crisps in their hands. I really hope that this article will be read by a large number of young people. And I will try to convey to the minds of everyone the main harm of chips on the human body.

I very often witness how children go home from school and chew food of dubious quality along the way. I so want to take away this “garbage” from them and hand over an apple! I believe that all of us, adults, should not just talk about the fact that chips and crackers are harmful. It is necessary to argue, provide solid evidence and convince the younger generation not to destroy themselves deliberately.

There are 2 ways to make chips. The first involves thin potato shredding, and then heat treatment. The second is the formation of chips from the finished potato mixture. It is worth noting right away that the very first chips and those produced by the USSR differed markedly in composition from today's ones.

The production of such a product is very profitable at present. Potatoes are inexpensive, it is convenient to store them without any special conditions, the cooking process is simple, and ready-made raw materials can be sold at the price of several kilograms of this same potato. Despite the fact that this vegetable is good for our health, manufacturers manage to turn it into a poison with the help of additives so that it is tasty and stored for a long time. All this is not in favor of the consumer.

Composition of a pack of chips

When you really want to buy them, turn the package over and read the composition. I will not give a complete list of components, as it may vary. But I will mention especially not useful and dangerous ingredients. Among them:

  • flavor enhancers (sodium glutamate, sodium inosinate, sodium guanylate);
  • synthetic flavors;
  • trans fats;
  • acidity regulators;
  • dyes;
  • emulsifiers.

The harm of chips on the human body

  1. Prolonged frying of potatoes in oil leads to the accumulation of carcinogens in the product. Especially if the oil is not the best freshness. Carcinogen in Latin means "give birth to cancer." Good start, isn't it? According to oncologists, almost 8 out of 10 people with malignant tumors got them as a result of exposure to the body of carcinogens.
  2. Trans fats depress the immune system, provoke cancer, worsen men's health. They also inhibit the work of an enzyme that is able to neutralize carcinogens inside our body. Eating trans fats increases the risk of heart disease.
  3. Chips contain acrylamide, a dangerous toxic substance formed during cooking. It affects the liver, kidneys, central nervous system. Leads to weight loss and weakness in the limbs. Complete elimination of this substance from the body takes from a couple of months to a year.
  4. Frequent use leads to obesity, the development of diabetes, an increase in blood cholesterol (read), disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and in children, allergic reactions.
  5. Flavor enhancers and flavorings are considered permitted additives, but there are 2 factors to consider: how much is allowed to add them and how often can we use them? We do not control either the first or the second. These additives can cause nausea, blood pressure spikes, heart palpitations, and drowsiness.

Try to set the chips on fire. They light up instantly and burn out very quickly. Most likely, this is due to the large amount of oily substances in their voids and on the surface.

How to cook chips at home?

Take a few peeled potatoes, thinly slice them with a shredder, slicer or vegetable peeler. Rinse slices well with water to remove excess starch. Then pat them dry with a paper towel. Take a plate, but parchment is better, and put the potatoes not too close to each other. Salt to your liking. Microwave for up to 4 minutes. The power of each oven and the thickness of the shredder is different, so you should be guided by the situation.

The chips should dry out noticeably and change color to golden. Let them cool down a bit and get a crunch. I cooked in this way, I really liked it. Such a delicacy should surprise your family members, and for children it will be a real discovery. The most important thing is the excellent taste and safety of such a product.

Where to buy safe chips?

Did you know that they are not only made from potatoes? There may also be corn, rice, coconut, seaweed, black and white beans, lentils. You can buy chips which are absolutely safe for adults and children. In their composition you will not find trans fats, flavors, flavor enhancers, but only natural ingredients.

Video about the dangers and effects of chips on the body

Educate yourself, do not convince your consciousness that "once you can and nothing will happen." I was able to get away from the harmful and dubious a long time ago, so I believe that everyone can do it. I hope that I was convincing and was able to prove the harm of chips on the human body. Write in the comments if you are addicted to chips and snacks, how often you allow children to eat such products. Only healthy food for everyone!

Hello, dear readers! Today I want to raise a topical issue that worries me personally, let's talk about the dangers of chips for our health. In the modern world, all kinds of snacks and chips are becoming increasingly popular. They are one of the favorite snacks among teenagers and not only around the world. People owe the appearance of potato chips to the simple cook of the millionaire Vanderbilt. During one dinner party, the tycoon repeatedly returned fried potatoes to the kitchen due to the fact that the pieces were too large. Once again, the chef cut the potatoes into thin slices and deep-fried them. The owner liked this dish and, thanks to him, gained worldwide fame.

What are chips made of?

Many consumers believe that chips are made from real potatoes. It seems that these are thin vegetable slices, fried in a special way. Potatoes are present in most people's diets and are not considered particularly harmful, so potato snacks are treated the same way. In fact, those who think so are mistaken. Only 10 - 15 years ago, chips were made from real potatoes and were rightly called "potato chips".

Unfortunately, the food industry does not stand still, and in the modern version, chips are a complex culinary and chemical substance. This modern surrogate consists of regular flour and modified soy starch. When ingested, starch is converted into glucose, which accumulates in the liver, which leads to natural obesity.

Harm chips

Excessive consumption of chips, like any fast food, leads to negative consequences for the human body. Firstly, despite its small size, this product has a high calorie content. Chips in combination with sugary sodas or especially contribute to obesity.

During numerous medical studies, it was possible to find out that the daily use of chips entails:

  • heartburn;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If this product is used for a long time, then there is an excess of cholesterol, and the formation of plaques in the vessels. In addition, an excessive amount of carcinogens in this snack can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors. This is due to the excess amount of carcinogens in its composition. Everyone knows that salt is present in large quantities in the composition of chips. Its excess leads to malfunctions in metabolism and addiction. Chips are most harmful for children and adults prone to obesity.

What do chips contain

It's no secret that chips are a fried product. The fats that are used are cheap and unrefined. In addition, in order to save money, several servings of chips are fried in the same boiling fat. To give the product a particularly attractive taste and aroma, they add a flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate. A person can develop addiction to this supplement, because they want to eat delicious food more and more. In order to make “flavored chips…”, various flavors are added to them.

The most harmful components present in chips are trans-fatty acids. Scientists have proven that they are harmful regardless of the amount of use. The second harmful element of chips is acrylamide. It is toxic and can lead to mutations. The third dangerous substance is glycidamide. This element can cause cancer cells to grow and destroy DNA.

Are there any benefits to eating chips?

We should not expect any benefit for our body from eating chips. Yes, it may seem tasty and give a momentary pleasure to a person, but is the momentary pleasure worth the big and serious health problems later. If you really want potato chips, well, you can cook them at home once, but then again, this is also harmful, although not as bad if you buy a pack of chips in the store.

What diseases can be caused by substances contained in chips

- Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Chips are a fried dish that uses low-quality fats for cooking. They are usually fried for 30 seconds or longer. During this time, they accumulate harmful fat, which contributes to high cholesterol. This leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

-Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Daily use of chips in 30-40 days leads to heartburn, which is considered a precursor to diseases of the intestines and stomach.

- Development of oncological diseases. Chips contain a high amount of carcinogens - acroelin, acrylamide, glycidamide and others. They have mutagenic properties, destroy human genes and can lead to the growth and development of cancerous tumors.

- Obesity. Carcinogens and high calorie content of the product itself can lead to obesity. Chips are often consumed as a snack for beer or carbonated drinks. This combination enhances the negative impact of products on health and is especially dangerous for the accumulation of fats in body tissues.

Why chips are harmful to a growing organism

Caring parents try to avoid chips in the child's diet as long as possible. The harm to a growing organism is obvious:

  • May cause allergies;
  • Irritate the intestines, which can lead to the development of chronic diseases;
  • lead to obesity;
  • Reduce appetite;
  • They disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Children often copy the eating habits of their parents, so it is worth limiting not only children, but also yourself in the use of this dangerous product. I am always surprised when I see how parents buy chips for their young children, eat them themselves and feed the child with this poison. I confess that my children have never eaten chips at home, although I understand that I will not be able to protect them from this forever, but so far it is in my power to avoid meeting children with this harmfulness.

Harm of chips for pregnant women

During pregnancy, many women experience changes in tastes and desires. Often there is a desire to eat salty or spicy foods.

Increased consumption of salts and spices can lead to swelling, increased pressure and kidney problems. Chips in large quantities are harmful to any person. For a future mother, this is especially dangerous, since the risk increases that the baby will be born with an allergy or he will have a weak immune system.
Thus, chips are one of the most harmful products invented by mankind. It is advisable to completely exclude them from the diet of your family. It is better to discover new tastes of more healthy and natural products.

In my youth, I, like all today's teenagers, ate chips, and I really liked them, what a pity that then my parents did not tell me how serious the harm could be from this momentary pleasure. You can, of course, close your eyes to all the information about the harmfulness, but then you will have to regret it for a long time, and health, as you know, is the greatest happiness. Don't we have anything else to eat? Each of us always has a choice, you can choose health or illness, everyone will decide for themselves. I don’t want to scare, instruct and teach anyone here, I made my choice in favor of excluding chips from my life and did not lose anything from this separation. Dear readers, how do you feel about chips, do you buy them for your children? Express your point of view on this issue, share your experience in the comments.

With respect and love, Elena Kurbatova.

Chips very popular among the modern population. They are consumed both as an independent snack and as an addition to beer. There are people who think that chips made from natural potatoes. Indeed, at first glance, everything is simple: cut the potatoes into thin plates and fry in oil. In fact, everything is not so.

Manufacturers of this delicacy do not use potatoes at all to make chips. The main element is wheat and corn flour. Starch is also added there. Very often the last ingredient is of low quality. It is obtained from genetically modified soybeans. Dough is made from all the ingredients, plates are formed and fried in fat, often the cheapest. The frying process should take about 30 seconds, but even this requirement is not met by all manufacturers.

In order for the product to have any taste, a variety of additives are added to the chips that mimic the taste of bacon, cheese, and other things. These fragrances are of synthetic and natural origin. Monosodium glutamate is used to enhance the taste of the treat. It is he who is responsible for the bright taste and aroma of chips.

Origin of modern chips

This appetizer is a young product and appeared by chance. It was in America in 1853 in August. In one restaurant, the Dutchman Cornelius van der Bilt publicly scolded the chef of the establishment that he served potatoes, coarsely chopped. The visitor gave the cook 3 minutes to serve "normal potatoes". This went on several times. George Krum decided to take revenge on Cornelius and cut the vegetable into very thin plates, fried in a large amount of oil. The pieces turned out to be very dry, it was impossible to prick them on a fork.

To the chef's surprise, the famous tycoon liked the new dish and asked for more crispy potatoes. The appetite with which the Dutchman crunched the delicacy infected other visitors as well. They also ordered this dish for Krum. The next day, word of the crispy potato spread far and wide, and before the opening of the restaurant, a line of people gathered to try the dish.

The benefits of chips

Despite the questionable composition of the product, chips are very tasty. Crunchy with them, you can calm your nerves, relieve accumulated stress. This is where the usefulness of the product lies. Fans of chips are advised not to buy a treat in the store, but to cook it on their own - you will both enjoy and benefit.

Harm chips

  • It has been noticed that after eating chips every day for a month, heartburn will occur, gastritis, intestinal diseases may develop, even if the person was absolutely healthy.
  • Chips have hydrogenated fat, which provokes the formation of "bad" cholesterol. As a result, plaques form in the vessels, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis develops.
  • Carcinogenic substances in the product are almost 500 times higher than normal. Due to the constant use of chips, oncological diseases develop.
  • The amount of salt in chips exceeds all reasonable limits. Its excess in the human body disrupts bone growth, causes heart disease.
  • For a child's body, the main enemy in chips is additives. They are introduced into the product in large quantities, so they can provoke severe allergies.
  • 100 g of delicacy contains about 30 g of carcinogenic fat. People who are overweight chips cannot be used.
  • The production technology of the product is such that all the vitamins previously contained in the root crop are destroyed.

Of the huge number of brands, types of chips, the most harmful are crispy, thin plates. You need to fry them for no more than 20 seconds, but manufacturers do not comply with this parameter. It is these products that attract lovers of salty. No one thinks that the harm they bring far exceeds the pleasure of crunching.

The least harm from a wide range of crunches is caused by air chips. They are roasted for about 5 minutes, but during this time they do not gain as many carcinogens as other types.

  1. Everyone knows the brand of Pringles chips. Their composition of natural potatoes contains 42%, and everything else is corn flour, rice. In 2008, Gamble decided to take legal action in the UK. The application was as follows - do not officially consider the company's products as chips. The organization could not pay 17.5% VAT, thus significantly reducing costs. The first instance granted the claim, but the Court of Appeal annulled the decision. The product is still called chips.
  2. Pringles products are packaged in a tube type jar. It was created by Fred Bohr and patented his invention. The chemist was very proud of this product. In his will, he indicated that his ashes should be buried in a similar jar. The descendants fulfilled the will of Fred Bohr.
  3. Even 150 years ago, dried potatoes were a delicacy of rich people. Chips served only in expensive establishments.
  4. Pringles pioneered the production of chips based on dry mashed potatoes.
  5. In America, they opened a special research institution, where they developed a new recipe for chips, experimented with new flavors.
  6. Chip fans can add a new holiday to their calendar - Potato Chip Day. It is celebrated on March 14th.

Chips at home

To obtain chips in the amount usually offered in bags, you will need one potato. You need enough oil to cover the container by a few centimeters.

  • Potatoes are peeled and washed well, after which they are cut into very thin circles. If there is a vegetable cutter, then it will greatly facilitate the process.
  • The slices must dry. To do this, a towel or napkin is suitable.
  • Oil is poured into the container, brought to a boil.
  • Potato mugs should be thrown into the oil carefully, try not to touch each other. You can stir the slices a little.
  • When chips will acquire a golden hue, they can be pulled out onto a plane covered with a dry cloth - it will absorb excess oil.
  • Salt is added immediately while the delicacy is hot.

Potato chips consistently top the rankings of the most unhealthy foods. Nutritionists are convinced that the popularity of this type of fast food is the main reason for the “rejuvenation” of many diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Paradox: potatoes are a dietary product containing a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Doctors strongly recommend that patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers include mashed potatoes in their diet. But it is worth subjecting the same vegetable to short-term frying in a large amount of vegetable oil - and the doctors unanimously recognize the dish as poison. To understand whether the harm of chips is not exaggerated, consider their features.

History of potato chips

Classic potato chips are thin slices of potatoes deep fried and seasoned with salt (sometimes additional spices). The dish was invented on August 24, 1853 by George Crum, a restaurant chef in Saratoga (USA).

On that memorable day, the establishment was visited by the millionaire Vanderbilt. An important guest brought the chef to a white-hot: Vanderbilt sent a dish of fried potatoes back to the kitchen several times, claiming that the slices were cut too thick. In the end, Krum cut the tubers into the thinnest, translucent “petals” with a razor and deep-fried them. The picky customer liked the golden crispy slices.

Soon Saratoga Potatoes came into vogue in the United States, and Mr. Krum, with the support of Vanderbilt, opened a chip factory.

Features of different types of chips

During the 20th century, chips "conquered" the whole world. True, now this delicacy bears little resemblance to the original version.

Today's chips contain so many flavorings, dyes and flavorings that they are a product of the chemical industry rather than the food industry.

The main types of potato chips:

  • "crisp" - thinly sliced ​​fried potatoes with a short shelf life. Due to the absence of dyes in the composition, the product does not have a very presentable appearance, but causes minimal harm to health;
  • chips made from thin slices of potatoes (smooth or corrugated). For production, tubers of genetically modified varieties are used: regular shape, high starch content. So that the fried slices do not crumble, the pulp is impregnated with special additives;
  • flour chips: wheat, corn, potato, and genetically modified soy starch. The puree-like mass is rolled out in a thin layer, cut into plates of various shapes and fried. The content of potato flour in the product depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer; cheap chips often do not have it at all. A pleasant aftertaste of potatoes to fast food is given by chemical additives;
  • fluffy chips are crispy puffy figures made from toasted potato mass that are deep-fried for only 10 seconds, so these chips are less harmful than slices and plates with a heat treatment of about 30 seconds.

Due to the large amount of oil and chemical additives, potato chips from some manufacturers do not smoke, but burn with an open fire.

The effect of chips on the human body

The harm of potato chips is due to several factors:

  • when heated to 160°C, the beneficial fatty acids contained in sunflower oil decompose, forming carcinogenic compounds. Therefore, even homemade fried potatoes are not very useful. But chips manufacturers do not use sunflower oil for frying, but the cheapest palm oil. To reduce the cost of production, several batches of chips are fried in the same oil, and not poured after a single use. As a result, a toxic substance, acrolein, is formed in the hot fat;
  • when frying, potato starch decomposes, the ingredients react to form acrylamide, a toxin that adversely affects visual acuity, the condition of the liver, kidneys and nervous system;
  • with prolonged heating, acrylamide decomposes, and instead glycidamide is formed, a potent carcinogen that disrupts the process of DNA synthesis and promotes mutations. Potato fast food is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women;
  • a flavor enhancer, monosodium glutamate, must be added to the product. The substance acts almost like a drug: a person who is accustomed to monosodium glutamate, food without it seems insipid and tasteless. But products with glutamate, such a person is able to eat much more than is required for saturation. Therefore, there are so many overweight people among fast food lovers;
  • salt in chips is much more than in ordinary dishes. Salt has the ability to retain water in the body, which leads to edema, and enhances the secretion of gastric juice. And since dry, completely devoid of vitamins, but high-calorie chips enter the stomach, the likelihood of irritation of the mucous membrane increases;
  • in 100 g of chips - 30% fat, that is, two tablespoons.

Regular abuse of chips leads to the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, allergies and other serious diseases. Due to the lack of vitamins in the product, brain activity worsens, depression develops. A person feels a serious deterioration in well-being after a month of daily eating chips.

How to convince kids to give up chips

Because of the offbeat, colorful TV commercial, it's normal to indulge in junk food while watching a movie or TV show. It is very difficult to explain to a child why you can’t eat chips if everyone around you tells how delicious it is.

In 2013, an experiment was conducted in one of the Dnepropetrovsk schools: a rat in a living corner was fed exclusively with chips for 20 days. By the end of the experiment, the animal was bald and almost blind. An autopsy revealed that the rodent's liver had begun to decompose. After such an experience, the whole school refused fast food.

Chemical additives that give the chips a taste cause allergic reactions, disrupt the sebaceous glands. Teenagers who often eat fast food develop a purulent rash, including on the face. Those who squeeze out abscesses, scars remain for life.

All manufacturers' claims about the benefits of chips do not stand up to scrutiny. To suppress the feeling of hunger, it is much easier and healthier to eat an apple, an orange, a handful of raisins, a roll.

If you really want delicious potato slices, then it is better to fry them yourself. Once every few months, you can buy store-bought chips, but even a healthy person can cause heartburn.

The benefits of potato chips are highly questionable, but the harm is real. In order to preserve beauty and health for a longer time, it is necessary to abandon chemical fast food and wean children from it.

One of the most common potato products are chips. This product is often called a favorite delicacy by both adults and children. Most people have heard that such a snack is not recommended by nutritionists, but few know how significant the harm of chips is. Perhaps, having learned how harmful chips are, many gourmets would change their attitude towards this product.

Chips have long enjoyed a dubious reputation, but the demand for this product is consistently high. The appetizer itself does not have special taste qualities, therefore it was the taste of fat with the addition of dyes and enhancers that conquered gourmets. According to scientists, the reason for everything is the property of chips to cause addiction akin to drugs.

What's wrong with chips?

To understand how dangerous the harm of chips that affects the human body, you need to analyze the composition of the product. This information is replete with unpleasant facts that may surprise you. The chips contain the following ingredients.

  • cancer-forming substance

The product significantly exceeds the norm of acrylamide, which is released during frying potatoes and acts on the body as the strongest carcinogen that provokes gene mutations and the development of malignant tumors.

  • hydrogenated fat

This fat makes up a third of the product and is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, causing:

  1. atherosclerosis;
  2. hypertension.

As a result of animal experiments, researchers have established the existence of a "fat hangover": after eating chips:

  1. memory worsens;
  2. loss of concentration;
  3. thought process slows down.
  • Acrolein

At high temperatures, fats and glycerin form a poison that:

  1. irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx and bronchi;
  2. contributes to the development of tumors;
  3. destroys blood DNA, liver and kidneys
  • Dyes, preservatives and aromatic additives. Because of them appear:
  1. metabolic disorders;
  2. inflammation of the intestines and pancreas (pancreatitis);
  3. irritation of the stomach lining (gastritis);
  4. unstable acidity of gastric juice;
  5. allergy;
  6. decreased immunity;
  7. caries.
  • Monosodium glutamate

It is a versatile flavor enhancer that in large quantities:

  1. depresses the work of the brain;
  2. destroys nerve cells;
  3. leads to the appearance of gastric ulcer;
  4. causes diabetes and migraines;
  5. reduces vision;
  6. enhances appetite;
  7. dulls the sensitivity of taste buds, as a result of which food without glutamate seems too insipid.

The main component - fried potatoes with flour - is a high-calorie carbohydrate food that guarantees:

  1. increased levels of cholesterol and blood sugar;
  2. weight gain.

Learning to Minimize Harm

If you can't resist tempting crunchy bites, eat them at least once a week after meals. In the store, to choose the least harmful ready-made chips, carefully read the composition and buy a product without:

  • aromatic mixtures and dyes;
  • synthetic flavors: it is better to take chips with natural chili, sesame, paprika;
  • preservatives.

The slices should not be too large and uniform: this indicates that dry mashed potatoes with dough or genetically modified potatoes were used for their preparation.

After making sure what harm store chips do, you can cook this delicacy yourself - not only from potatoes, but also using pieces of vegetables or fruits. The dish should be cooked in the oven to prevent the formation of harmful substances during frying.
