
four agreements. Book of Toltec Wisdom

Practical Guide

This little book can completely change your life. Try to follow the Four New Agreements by changing the old agreements that have choked your life - agreements imposed on us by the Dream of the planet, the Dream of society, the Dream of the family - and the hellish dream in which almost all of us live will turn into a Paradise Dream.

Toltec don Miguel Ruiz, a Nagual other than Kastanedovskaya, lineage, concentrated in this little message all the wisdom of the Toltecs, and each, literally each of us can use it without fear.

Don Miguel Ruiz was born and raised in a family of healers in rural Mexico; his mother was a curandera (healer), and his grandfather was a Nagual (shaman). The family hoped that Miguel would master their ancient heritage of teaching and healing people and contribute to the esoteric science of the Toltecs. However, Miguel became fascinated with modern life and chose medical school to become a surgeon.

But one day he almost died, and this incident radically changed his life. One late evening in the early seventies, he fell asleep at the wheel of his car. Woke up the moment the car crashed into a concrete wall. Don Miguel remembers not feeling his body when he pulled two of his buddies out of a wrecked car.

This event stunned him, and he began to deal with his own thoughts. Miguel devoted himself to mastering the ancient wisdom of his ancestors, studying diligently from his mother and taking a course from a shaman in the Mexican desert. In the dream, he was receiving instructions from his late grandfather.

According to the Toltec tradition, the Nagual guides a person on the path of personal freedom. Don Miguel Ruiz - Nagual in the line of the Eagle Knight; he devoted his entire life to spreading the teachings of the ancient Toltecs

Four Agreements

Be direct and honest. Say only what you really mean. Avoid saying things that could be used against you or gossip about others. Use the power of the word to reach truth and love.

Don't take anything personally

Other people's affairs do not concern you. Everything people say or do is a projection of their own reality, their own personal dream. If you develop immunity to other people's views and actions, then you will avoid needless suffering.

Don't make assumptions

Find the courage to ask the right questions and express what you really want to express in case of misunderstanding. Be as clear as possible when communicating with others to avoid misunderstandings, frustration, and suffering. This agreement alone can completely change your life.

Try to do your best

Your opportunities are not always the same: it is one thing when you are healthy, and another when you are sick or upset. Under any circumstances, just make every effort, and you will not have reproaches of conscience, reproaches against yourself and regrets.

In The Four Covenants, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of the beliefs

which rob people of joy and doom them to unnecessary suffering. Based on the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs, the Four Covenants offer rules of conduct that open up tremendous opportunities for rapid change in life in order to find freedom, true happiness and love.


Thousands of years ago, the Toltecs were known throughout southern Mexico as "people of knowledge". Anthropologists speak of the Toltecs as a nation or race, but in fact they were scientists and artists who created their community to research and preserve the spiritual knowledge and customs of the ancients. They came together as mentors (naguals) and students in Teotihuacan, the ancient city of the pyramids near Mexico City, known as "The place where Man becomes God".

For millennia, the Naguals had to hide the wisdom of their ancestors and shroud its existence in mystery. The European conquests and the fact that some students openly abused their abilities made it necessary to protect traditional knowledge from those who were not ready to dispose of it wisely or could deliberately use it for their own gain.

Toltec knowledge, like all sacred esoteric traditions throughout the world, rests on the fundamental unity of truth. It is by no means a religion, but the Toltec tradition honors all spiritual guides who have ever taught on Earth. She also speaks of the spirit, but it is more about a way of life, the hallmark of which is the readiness for internal changes, leading to the achievement of happiness and love.


Smoky Mirror

Three thousand years ago there were exactly the same people as you and me - people who lived near a city surrounded by mountains. One of them studied to become a healer, to comprehend the knowledge of his ancestors. But this man did not always agree with what he had to master. In his very heart he felt that something more must exist.

One day, falling asleep in a cave, he saw his own sleeping body. One night, on the eve of a new moon, he came out of his hiding place. The sky was clear, with thousands of stars shining on it. And then something happened inside him - something that transformed his whole future life. He looked at his hands, felt his body, and heard his own voice say, "I am made of light, I am made of stars."

He looked at the luminaries again and realized that it was not the stars that created the light at all, but rather that the light created the stars. "Everything is made of light," he said, "and the space between created things is not a void." He knew that everything that exists is one living being, and light is the messenger of life that contains all information.

This man realized that although he was made of stars, he himself was not a star. He thought, "I am that which is between the stars." And he called the stars tonals, and the light between the stars - the nagual, realizing that Life, or Intention, creates harmony and space between the heavenly bodies and the light. Without Life, the tonal and the nagual cannot exist. Life is the power of the Absolute, the Higher Power, the all-creating Creator.

His discovery was this: everything that exists is an expression of one living being, which we call God. Everything is God. He came to the conclusion that human perception is nothing but light perceiving light. He considered matter as a mirror - everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of this light, and the world of illusion, Sleep, is like smoke that does not allow us to see ourselves. Our true nature is pure love, pure light, he told himself.

This realization changed his life. As soon as he realized who he really was, he looked around, looked at other people, at nature, and what he saw amazed him. He saw himself in everything: in every person, in every animal, in every tree, in water, in rain, in clouds, in earth. I saw that Life mixes the tonal and the nagual in various ways to create billions of its manifestations.

He got it all in those short moments. He was overwhelmed with a thirst for action, and his heart was full of peace. I couldn't wait to give my discovery to the world. But there were not enough words to explain it all. He tried to tell others about it, but those around him were not able to understand him. People have noticed that he has changed, that his eyes and voice radiate something beautiful. It was found that he no longer makes judgments about events or people. He became a completely different person.

He understood everyone perfectly, but no one could understand him. People believed that he was the incarnation of God, and he, listening to this, smiled and said:

"It's true. I am God. But you are also God. You and I represent the same thing. We are images of light. We are God."

But people still didn't understand him.

He found that he was a mirror for all people, a mirror in which he could see himself. "Every person is a mirror," he said. He saw himself in everyone, but no one saw himself in him. He realized that people see a dream, but do not realize, do not understand who they really are. They could not see themselves in it, for there was a wall of mist or smoke between the mirrors. And this veil is woven from interpretations of the image of light. This is the Dream of humanity.

Now he knew that he would soon forget everything he had been taught. He wanted to remember all his visions and therefore decided to call himself the Smoky Mirror, so as not to forget that matter is a mirror, and the smoke in between is what prevents us from realizing who we are in essence. He said, "I am the Smoky Mirror, for I see myself in all of you, but we do not recognize each other because of the smoke between us. This smoke is the Dream, and you who sleep are the mirror."

"It's easier to live with your eyes closed,

Everything you see is a misunderstanding..."

John Lennon

Chapter 1

Taming and Dream of the planet

Everything you see and hear now is nothing but a dream. Not excepting this moment. You are also dreaming when you are awake.

Dreaming is the main function of the mind, and the mind sleeps all twenty-four hours a day. He sleeps when the brain sleeps, he sleeps when the brain is awake. The difference is that when the brain is awake, there are some material coordinates that make you perceive things linearly. As soon as we fall asleep, they disappear, so the dream has the property of continuously changing.

People dream all the time. Even before we were born, those who lived before us created a boundless dream around them, which we call the "Dream of society", or the Dream of the planet. The planetary dream is a collective dream, made up of billions of individual dreams, which together form the Dream of families, communities, cities, countries, and finally the Dream of all mankind. The dream of our planet includes all kinds of social attitudes, beliefs, laws, religions, diverse cultures and ways of being, governments, schools, political events and holidays.

We are endowed with an innate ability to dream. The people who lived before us made sure that we were visited by exactly the same dreams as the whole society. Outer sleep has many rules, and when a child is born, we capture his attention and implant them in his consciousness. The sleep society uses mom and dad, schools and religion to teach us how to dream.

Attention is the ability to distinguish and focus only on what we want to perceive.

We can see, hear, touch or smell millions of things at the same time, but with the help of attention at our own will, we mentally prefer to perceive this or that. From our very childhood, the adults around us completely captured our attention and, with the help of repetitions, fixed certain information in our minds. So we learned everything we know.

Using attention, we studied the whole reality around us, the external dream. Learned how to behave in society: what to believe and not to believe; what is acceptable and unacceptable; what is good and bad; what is beautiful and ugly; what is right and wrong. All this already existed: all this knowledge, rules and concepts about how to live in the world around.

At school, you sat at your desk and listened to what the teacher was saying. In the temple, they focused on what the priest or church servant said. The same applies to parents, brothers and sisters: they all tried to get your attention. In the same way, we learn to master the interest of other people, we ourselves fight for the attention of others.

Children compete to attract the attention of parents, teachers, friends. "Look at me! Look what I'm doing! Hey, here I am - here." The need for attention persists - even worsens - in adults.

The outer dream grabs our attention and teaches us what we should believe, starting with the language we speak. Language is the code by which people understand and communicate with each other. Every letter, every word in a language is the result of some agreement. We say "a page in a book" and the very word "page" is the result of a contract about how to understand it. As soon as we begin to understand the code, our attention is concentrated and energy is transferred from one person to another.

We didn't choose which language to speak. We did not choose religion or moral values ​​- they existed even before we were born. We have never been able to decide for ourselves what to believe or not to believe. We did not take part in the development of the most insignificant of such agreements. They didn't even choose their own name.

In childhood, we do not have the opportunity to choose our faith, we simply have to agree with the information transmitted by others from the Planetary Dream. The only way to keep information is by agreement. An external dream is able to attract attention, but if we do not agree with the information received, then we do not hold it. As soon as a person agrees, he begins to trust, and this is already called "faith." To believe, you need to trust unconditionally.

We learn this from childhood. Children believe everything that adults say, agree with them, and their faith is so strong that its very internal structure completely controls the Dream of Life. We did not choose these beliefs, we could even rebel against them, but we were not strong enough to win such a rebellion. And as a result of the agreement, we approve and accept other people's beliefs.

I call this process the domestication of human beings. With it, we learn to live and dream. In the process of adapting a person, information from an external dream is transferred to an internal dream, building a system of beliefs. At first, the child is taught what and how to call: mom, dad, milk, bottle. Every day at home, at school, in church, on TV, he is told how to live, what behavior is considered acceptable. The outer dream teaches how to become human. We have a general idea of ​​what "woman" and "man" are. In the same way we learn to judge ourselves, to judge other people, to judge our neighbors.

The process of domesticating children is the same as domesticating a dog, cat, or any other animal. In order to train a dog, we punish him or encourage him. We raise our beloved children in the same way as we train a pet: with the help of a system of punishments and rewards. When a child does what his parents want him to do, he is told: "good boy" or "good girl." If he doesn't, he's a "bad girl" or "bad boy."

When children break the rules, they are scolded; when they obey, they are praised. We were scolded and encouraged many times a day. Over time, a person begins to fear not receiving a reward or being punished. The reward lies in the attention of parents or other people, such as brothers or sisters, teachers, friends. We quickly develop a need to attract the attention of others in order to receive a reward.

The reward causes pleasant feelings, and the person continues to do what is asked of him in order to receive a reward. For fear of punishment or loss of reward, we begin to pretend to be completely different people - just to please someone, to be nice. We try to please our mother and father, the teachers at the school, the priest at the church - this is how the masquerade begins. We pretend to be other people because we are afraid of being rejected.

The fear of being rejected transforms into the fear of not being good enough. Ultimately, a person changes radically. Just copies the beliefs of mommy, daddy, society, religion.

All of our normal tendencies are lost in the process of taming. When we grow up and begin to understand something, we will learn the word "no". Adults say: "Do this, don't do that."

We rise up and say, "No!" We rise because we defend personal freedom. The child wants to be himself, but he is still very small, and adults are big and strong. Over time, he becomes afraid, because he knows that whenever he does something wrong, he will be punished.

The power of domestication is so great that at a certain point a person no longer needs someone to teach him. For mother, father, school or church to "domesticate" us. We have been trained so well that we are already becoming our own trainers. We are self-adjusting animals.

From now on, we can adapt ourselves to the structure of beliefs, using the same system of punishments and rewards. A person punishes himself when he does not follow the rules of the belief system, rewards himself when he considers himself a "good boy" or "good girl".

The device of faith is similar to the Code of Laws that regulate the work of our mind. Questions are excluded: what is written in the Code is the truth. The Code of Laws also substantiates the judgments of a person, even if they contradict his inner essence. In our brain, in the process of domestication, even ethical norms are programmed, which resemble the Ten Commandments. Gradually, these agreements fall into the Code of Laws, which governs our sleep.

There is something in the human mind that judges everyone and everything, including the weather, dogs, cats, literally everything. The Inner Judge uses the Code of Laws to evaluate reality, what we do and what we don't do, what we think and what we don't, what we feel and what we don't feel.

Everything is subject to the tyranny of this Judge. Whenever we do something that goes against the Code, the Inner Judge says we are guilty, we should be punished, we should be ashamed. This happens every day throughout our lives.

There is another part in a person that is constantly the object of judgment - the Victim. She is responsible for everything, both guilt and shame fall on her. This is the part of us that says: "Poor me, poor me: I'm not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, I'm not worthy of love, I'm mediocre." The competent Judge agrees and says, "Yeah, you're not good enough."

All of these processes are based on a belief system that we have not chosen. They are so strong that even years later, when our perceptions change and we try to make our own decisions, we find that this system of attitudes still rules our lives.

Anything that is against the Code of Laws will cause a tickling sensation in your solar plexus, and that sensation is fear. When you violate the Code, emotional wounds make themselves felt, and your reaction to this is to create emotional poison.

Since the contents of the Code of Laws must be true, everything that is contrary to your faith makes you feel insecure, vulnerable. After all, even if the Code is wrong, it still gives rise to a sense of security.

Therefore, it will take a lot of courage for a person to challenge his own beliefs. After all, even knowing that we did not choose them, we realize that it is true that we agreed with them.

The influence of the agreement is so strong that, even though we understand the falsity of its whole concept, we feel guilty and ashamed whenever we go against the rules.

Just as the government has a code of laws that governs the Dream of Society, our belief system is a code of laws that governs our own sleep. All these rules exist in the mind, we believe in them, and the Inner Judge substantiates everything with their help. He makes a decision, and the Victim feels guilty and punished.

But who says that there is justice in this dream?

True justice makes you pay only once for each mistake.

True injustice forces you to pay again and again for every mistake.

How many times do we pay for one mistake? Thousands. Man is the only animal on earth who pays a thousand times for the same oversight.

The rest pay for a mistake only once. But not us. We have a powerful memory. A person stumbles, judges, finds himself guilty - and punishes. If justice exists, then once should be enough - there is no need to repeat. We, remembering, condemn ourselves, again find ourselves guilty and reproach ourselves again, again and again.

A husband or wife will definitely remind you of a mistake so that we can once again condemn ourselves, punish ourselves, plead guilty. Is it fair?

How many times do we make a partner, children, parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember a mistake, we again blame them and convey all the emotional poison that has accumulated in us from injustice, and then make them answer for the same mistake again. Is it fair?

The judge in our head is mistaken, because the system of faith, the Code of Laws, is wrong. The dream is built on a false law. Ninety-five percent of the beliefs that people keep in their minds are lies; we suffer because we believe in him.

Obviously, in a dream, humanity suffers, lives in fear, creates emotional dramas. External sleep is unpleasant; it is a dream of violence, fear, war, injustice. People have different dreams, but in a global sense it is a complete nightmare.

One look at human society is enough to understand how difficult it is to live in it when it is ruled by fear. All over the world we see human suffering, anger, revenge, drug addiction, violence, injustice everywhere. In different countries of the world this manifests itself in different ways, but everywhere fear controls the external dream.

If we compare the Dream of human society with the descriptions of the underworld, which are in all religions of the world, we will see that they are identical.

Religions say that hell is a place of punishment, fear, pain, suffering, a place where fire devours you. Its flame is generated by emotions coming from fear. Whenever we feel anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, we feel a fire burning in us.

People live in an infernal dream.

If we consider hell as a state of mind, then all around us is hell. We are threatened that if we do not fulfill the Commandments, we will end up in hell. Bad news! We are already in hell, including those who tell us about it. A person is not able to condemn another person to hellish torments, because we are already in hell. Of course, people can make hell even worse. But only if we let it happen.

Everyone has their own dream, and like the Society Dream, it is usually dominated by fear. In our own lives, we learn to see the dream of hell. Of course, the same fears in each person manifest themselves in their own way, but everyone experiences anger, jealousy, hatred, envy and other negative emotions. Our dream can turn into a continuous nightmare in which we suffer and live in a state of eternal fear. Why do we need nightmares when we can enjoy a pleasant dream?

All people are looking for truth, justice, beauty. We are eternal seekers of truth, because we believe only in the lies that we have stored in our own minds.

We seek justice because there is no justice in our belief system.

We are always in search of beauty, because no matter how beautiful a person is, we do not believe that beauty is always inherent in him.

We are all looking and looking outside, while everything is already in ourselves. There is no need to specifically look for any truth. Wherever you look, it is everywhere, but the conventions and beliefs that we keep in our heads do not allow us to see it.

We are blind and therefore do not see the truth. What blinds us is the false beliefs we keep in our heads. We need to be right and others wrong. We trust what we believe, and our beliefs condemn us to suffering. We live as if in darkness, not seeing beyond our own noses. We are in an unreal fog.

This fog is a dream, your own dream about life, what you believe in, your ideas about yourself, agreements with other people, with yourself, even with God.

Your mind is a mist, which the Toltecs called mitote (pronounced MIH-TOE"-TAY).

The mind is a dream where thousands of people speak at the same time and no one understands each other. This state of human consciousness is a big mitote, and it prevents people from seeing their essence.

In India it is called mitote maya which means "illusion". This is a person's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis "I".

Mitote is what you believe about yourself and the world, about all the ideas and algorithms of your consciousness. We are unable to see our own essence, to see that we are not free.

That is why people resist life. Most of all they are afraid to live. The most important fear is not death, but the risk of staying alive: the risk of living and expressing one's essence. People are most afraid of being themselves. We have learned to live according to the wishes of other people, according to other people's views on things, because we are afraid that we will not be accepted, that we are not good enough for someone.

In the process of adaptation, a person in an effort to become better creates an image of perfection. The idea of ​​what it should be to be accepted. We especially try to please those who love us - mother and father, brothers and sisters, priest and teacher. Wishing to please them, we create an ideal, but we do not correspond to it. We create an image, but it is devoid of reality. From this point of view, we will never achieve perfection. Never!

Not being perfect, we reject ourselves. And the level of such rejection of ourselves depends on how others around us have succeeded in destroying our integrity. After "domestication" it is no longer about being good enough for someone. We are not good enough for ourselves because we do not live up to our own ideas of perfection. We cannot forgive ourselves for not becoming what we would like to be - or, more precisely, what we should have become in accordance with our beliefs. We cannot forgive ourselves for imperfections.

We know that we do not correspond to who we should be according to our faith, and hence the feeling of falsehood, the collapse of hopes, dishonor. We try to hide, pretend to be completely different people. As a result, we feel inadequate and put on a mask so that others do not notice it.

We are very afraid that suddenly someone will see that we are not who we say we are. And we judge others according to our ideas of perfection, and, naturally, these "others" do not correspond to it.

We humble ourselves to please others. We even physically harm our own body, if only we were accepted. Teenagers use drugs so that their peers do not turn away from them. They do not know that they are denying themselves. Rejected because they are not what they pretend to be. They drove something into their heads, but they cannot achieve it, and hence the feeling of shame and guilt. People endlessly punish themselves for not conforming to what they seem to be supposed to be. They judge themselves and use others to be judged.

More often than others, we condemn ourselves, but the Judge, the Victim and the belief system make us do it. Of course, there are people who talk about how a husband or wife, mother or father condemn them, but you know that we condemn ourselves much more.

We are our own strictest judges. If we make a mistake in public, we try to deny the mistake and hush it up. But as soon as we are left alone with ourselves, the Judge becomes unusually strong, the guilt is huge, and we feel stupid, worthless, unworthy.

In all your life, no one has judged you as much as you yourself. Others can't do it more than yourself. If someone steps over the limit, you will most likely just walk away. But if a person condemns you a little less than you yourself do, you will stay with him and endure him endlessly.

If you judge yourself excessively, then you even allow yourself to be beaten, insulted, trampled into the dirt. Why? Because your belief system says, "I deserve it. This person is doing me a favor by staying with me. I'm not worthy of love and respect. I'm not good enough."

Everyone needs to be accepted and loved by those around him, but we usually do not favor ourselves. The more we are able to love ourselves, the less we are subject to self-judgment, the reason for which is the rejection of ourselves. Rejection is motivated by the image of unattainable perfection. Our ideal is the cause of selflessness; Therefore, we do not accept ourselves and others as they are.

Prelude to a new dream

You have a thousand agreements and agreements with yourself, the people around you, your own life dream, God, society, parents, spouse, children. But the most important of them - the very first - with themselves. In these agreements, you tell yourself who you are, what you feel, what you believe in, how you should behave. This is how personality is formed.

The conventions are: "This is who I am. I believe in this. I can do this, I can't do this. This is real, this is fantasy; this is possible, this is not."

Taken alone, one agreement does not create much problems, but we have many of them, and this makes us suffer, makes us losers. If you want to live a full and happy life, you must find the courage to break these fear-based agreements that claim your personal power. Those agreements based on fear require a lot of effort from us, and those based on love help to save energy and even increase it.

From birth, any person has a certain personal strength, which is restored each time during rest. Unfortunately, we spend it first on creating agreements, and then on their implementation. All these arrangements dissipate our energy, and as a result, a person feels powerless. We only have enough strength for daily survival, since most of it is spent on the fulfillment of contracts that do not release us from the trap of the Planetary Sleep. How can we transform the dream of our life when there is not enough strength to change even the smallest agreement?

When we see that such agreements govern our lives, and we do not like our dream, we need to change the agreements. When we're ready for it, here are four new agreements to help get rid of the fear-based and energy-draining ones. Breaking such an agreement, a person each time renews the energy spent on its creation. If you are ready to accept the four new agreements, they will give you enough power to change the entire system of the old ones.

It will take great will to accept these Four Covenants, but if you can decide to start acting on them, then life will simply be transformed. You will see how all this hellish drama will dissipate. Instead of living in an infernal dream, you create a new dream - your own heavenly dream.

Chapter 2

First Agreement

Your word must be perfect

The first Agreement is the most important and therefore the most difficult to implement. It is so important that it allows you to rise to that level of existence, which I call heaven on earth.

The first Agreement is that: Your word must be impeccable.

It sounds very simple, but it is incredibly powerful.

Why are there such requirements for the word? The word is the power that you create yourself. Your word is a gift that comes directly from God. Regarding the creation of the universe, the Gospel of John says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Through the word you express creative energy. The being of all things is created with the participation of the word. Whatever language you speak, your intentions are expressed through the word. What you see in a dream, you feel that you really are - everything finds its embodiment in the word.

A word is not just a sound or a graphic symbol. The word is power, the powerful ability of a person to express himself and communicate, think - and thus create the events of his life.

People can talk. No other animal on Earth is capable of this. The word is the most powerful tool of man; it is a magical tool. But, like a double-edged sword, it can both give rise to an amazingly beautiful dream and destroy everything around. One facet is the abuse of the word, which creates real hell. The other is the accuracy of the word, which creates beauty, love and heaven on earth. Depending on how it is used, the word can liberate or enslave. It is difficult to imagine the full power of the word.

Any spell is based on a word. It is magical in itself, but its abuse is black magic.

The Word is so powerful that it can change lives or destroy millions of people. Once upon a time, one person in Germany, with the help of a word, manipulated an entire state with a fairly high level of education of its citizens. By the power of his speeches, he plunged the country into a world war. Convinced people to commit unheard of atrocities. With a word, he fueled human fear, and, like a huge explosion, murder and war enveloped the whole world. People killed people because they were afraid of each other. For centuries to come, humanity will remember Hitler's word based on beliefs and conventions born of fear.

The human mind is fertile ground. Opinions, ideas, concepts are seeds. You throw a seed into the ground, a thought, and it sprouts. The word is like a seed, and the human mind is extraordinarily fertile! The only difficulty is that it is often used to sow seeds of fear.

The mind of any person is fertile, but only for those seeds that he is ready to accept. That is why it is so important to see what kind of seeds the soil of our mind is being cultivated for and to prepare it for the seeds of love.

Hitler sowed fear; its abundant harvest caused catastrophic destruction. Remembering the formidable power of the word, we cannot but realize that what comes out of our mouths has colossal power. As soon as fear or doubt takes root in the head, a whole string of dramatic events can happen.

The word is like witchcraft, and people use it like black magicians, mindlessly conjuring each other.

Each person is a magician, and he can either conjure someone or remove the spell. Expressing our opinions and views, we constantly resort to spells.

For example, I meet a friend and express to him an idea that just came into my head. I Say: "Hmm! You have the complexion of a potential cancer patient." If he listens to me and agrees to this, within a year he will have cancer. That's the power of the word.

In the process of your "domestication" parents, brothers and sisters said something about you without thinking at all. You listen to their opinion, and fears constantly overcome you: but I really swim badly, a useless athlete, I write clumsily.

Having captured attention, the word is introduced into consciousness and changes the system of attitudes for better or worse.

Here is another example: you believed that you were stupid, and this thought has been sitting in you for as long as you can remember yourself. This agreement is a tricky one: there are many ways to make you think you're stupid. You do something and at the same time you think: "Of course, I would like to be smart, but I'm stupid, otherwise I wouldn't do it." There can be many thoughts in the head, but it is precisely this belief in our own thoughtlessness that has entered the mind, and we only think about it all day long.

This little book can completely change your life. Try to follow the Four New Agreements by changing the old agreements that have choked your life - agreements imposed on us by the Dream of the planet, the Dream of society, the Dream of the family - and the hellish dream in which almost all of us live will turn into a Paradise Dream.

Toltec don Miguel Ruiz, a Nagual other than Kastanedovskaya, lineage, concentrated in this little message all the wisdom of the Toltecs, and each, literally each of us can use it without fear.

Don Miguel Ruiz was born and raised in a family of healers in rural Mexico; his mother was a curandera (healer), and his grandfather was a Nagual (shaman). The family hoped that Miguel would master their ancient heritage of teaching and healing people and contribute to the esoteric science of the Toltecs. However, Miguel was fascinated by modern life and chose medical school to become a surgeon.

But one day he almost died, and this incident radically changed his life. One late evening in the early seventies, he fell asleep at the wheel of his car. Woke up the moment the car crashed into a concrete wall. Don Miguel remembers not feeling his body when he pulled two of his buddies out of a wrecked car.

This event stunned him, and he began to deal with his own thoughts. Miguel devoted himself to mastering the ancient wisdom of his ancestors, studying diligently from his mother and taking a course from a shaman in the Mexican desert. In the dream, he was receiving instructions from his late grandfather.

According to the Toltec tradition, the Nagual guides a person on the path of personal freedom. Don Miguel Ruiz - Nagual in the line of the Eagle Knight; he devoted his entire life to spreading the teachings of the ancient Toltecs

In The Four Covenants, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of the beliefs that rob people of their joy and doom them to unnecessary suffering. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs, the Four Covenants offer rules of conduct that open up tremendous possibilities for quickly changing lives in order to find freedom, true happiness and love. Toltecs

Thousands of years ago, the Toltecs were known throughout southern Mexico as "people of knowledge". Anthropologists speak of the Toltecs as a nation or race, but in fact they were scientists and artists who created their community to research and preserve the spiritual knowledge and customs of the ancients. They came together as mentors (naguals) and students in Teotihuacan, the ancient city of the pyramids near Mexico City, known as "The Place Where Man Becomes God."

For millennia, the Naguals had to hide the wisdom of their ancestors and shroud its existence in mystery. The European conquests and the fact that some students openly abused their abilities made it necessary to protect traditional knowledge from those who were not ready to dispose of it wisely or could deliberately use it for their own gain.

Toltec knowledge, like all sacred esoteric traditions throughout the world, rests on the fundamental unity of truth. It is by no means a religion, but the Toltec tradition honors all spiritual guides who have ever taught on Earth. She also speaks of the spirit, but it is more about a way of life, the hallmark of which is the readiness for internal changes, leading to the achievement of happiness and love.

Miguel Ruiz (don Miguel Ángel Ruiz)
Nickname - Don (Don) Miguel Ruiz (don Miguel Ruiz).
Toltec don Miguel Ruiz, a Nagual other than Kastanedovskaya, lineage, concentrated in this little message all the wisdom of the Toltecs, and each, literally each of us can use it without fear.
Don Miguel Ruiz was born in 1952 and grew up in a family of healers in rural Mexico; his mother was a curandera (healer), and his grandfather was a Nagual (shaman). The family hoped that Miguel would master their ancient heritage of teaching and healing people and contribute to the esoteric science of the Toltecs. However, Miguel was fascinated by modern life and chose medical school to become a surgeon.
But one day he almost died, and this incident radically changed his life. One late evening in the early seventies, he fell asleep at the wheel of his car. Woke up the moment the car crashed into a concrete wall. Don Miguel remembers not feeling his body when he pulled two of his buddies out of a wrecked car.
This event stunned him, and he began to deal with his own thoughts. Miguel devoted himself to mastering the ancient wisdom of his ancestors, studying diligently from his mother and taking a course from a shaman in the Mexican desert. In the dream, he was receiving instructions from his late grandfather.
According to the Toltec tradition, the Nagual guides a person on the path of personal freedom. Don Miguel Ruiz - Nagual in the line of the Eagle Knight; he devoted his entire life to spreading the teachings of the ancient Toltecs. One of Miguel's most important accomplishments as a Nagual is his connection between the wisdom of the Toltecs and other spiritual traditions, in particular Buddhism and Christianity.
In 2002, he suffered a massive heart attack, and now his son runs the business.

His most famous and influential work, The Four Agreements, was published in 1997 and sold over 4 million copies. It was featured on the Oprah show and defends personal freedom from the conventions and beliefs that we have made with ourselves and others and that we ourselves create limitations and unhappiness in our lives. Ultimately, it's about finding your own wholeness, self-love, and peace in this reality.

This little book can completely change your life. Try to follow the Four New Agreements by changing the old agreements that have choked your life - agreements imposed on us by the Dream of the planet, the Dream of society, the Dream of the family - and the hellish dream in which almost all of us live will turn into a Paradise Dream.

Toltec don Miguel Ruiz, a Nagual other than Kastanedovskaya, lineage, concentrated in this little message all the wisdom of the Toltecs, and each, literally each of us can use it without fear.

Don Miguel Ruiz was born and raised in a family of healers in rural Mexico; his mother was a curandera (healer), and his grandfather was a Nagual (shaman). The family hoped that Miguel would master their ancient heritage of teaching and healing people and contribute to the esoteric science of the Toltecs. However, Miguel was fascinated by modern life and chose medical school to become a surgeon.
But one day he almost died, and this incident radically changed his life. One late evening in the early seventies, he fell asleep at the wheel of his car. Woke up the moment the car crashed into a concrete wall. Don Miguel remembers not feeling his body when he pulled two of his buddies out of a wrecked car.

This event stunned him, and he began to deal with his own thoughts. Miguel devoted himself to mastering the ancient wisdom of his ancestors, studying diligently from his mother and taking a course from a shaman in the Mexican desert. In the dream, he was receiving instructions from his late grandfather.

According to the Toltec tradition, the Nagual guides a person on the path of personal freedom. Don Miguel Ruiz - Nagual in the line of the Eagle Knight; he devoted his entire life to spreading the teachings of the ancient Toltecs

Four Agreements

Your word must be perfect
Be direct and honest. Say only what you really mean. Avoid saying things that could be used against you or gossip about others. Use the power of the word to reach truth and love.

Don't take anything personally
Other people's affairs do not concern you. Everything people say or do is a projection of their own reality, their own personal dream. If you develop immunity to other people's views and actions, then you will avoid needless suffering.

Don't make assumptions
Find the courage to ask the right questions and express what you really want to express in case of misunderstanding. Be as clear as possible when communicating with others to avoid misunderstandings, frustration, and suffering. This agreement alone can completely change your life.

Try to do your best
Your opportunities are not always the same: it is one thing when you are healthy, and another when you are sick or upset. Under any circumstances, just make every effort, and you will not have reproaches of conscience, reproaches against yourself and regrets.

In The Four Covenants, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of the beliefs
which rob people of joy and doom them to unnecessary suffering. Based on the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs, the Four Covenants offer rules of conduct that open up tremendous opportunities for rapid change in life in order to find freedom, true happiness and love.


Thousands of years ago, the Toltecs were known throughout southern Mexico as "people of knowledge". Anthropologists speak of the Toltecs as a nation or race, but in fact they were scientists and artists who created their community to research and preserve the spiritual knowledge and customs of the ancients. They came together as mentors (naguals) and students in Teotihuacan, the ancient city of the pyramids near Mexico City, known as "The place where Man becomes God".

For millennia, the Naguals had to hide the wisdom of their ancestors and shroud its existence in mystery. The European conquests and the fact that some students openly abused their abilities made it necessary to protect traditional knowledge from those who were not ready to dispose of it wisely or could deliberately use it for their own gain.

Toltec knowledge, like all sacred esoteric traditions throughout the world, rests on the fundamental unity of truth. It is by no means a religion, but the Toltec tradition honors all spiritual guides who have ever taught on Earth. She also speaks of the spirit, but it is more about a way of life, the hallmark of which is the readiness for internal changes, leading to the achievement of happiness and love.

Introduction - Smoky Mirror

Three thousand years ago there were exactly the same people as you and me - people who lived near a city surrounded by mountains. One of them studied to become a healer, to comprehend the knowledge of his ancestors. But this man did not always agree with what he had to master. In his very heart he felt that something more must exist.

One day, falling asleep in a cave, he saw his own sleeping body. One night, on the eve of a new moon, he came out of his hiding place. The sky was clear, with thousands of stars shining on it. And then something happened inside him - something that transformed his whole future life. He looked at his hands, felt his body, and heard his own voice say, "I am made of light, I am made of stars."

He looked at the luminaries again and realized that it was not the stars that created the light at all, but rather that the light created the stars. "Everything is made of light," he said, "and the space between created things is not a void." He knew that everything that exists is one living being, and light is the messenger of life that contains all information.

This man realized that although he was made of stars, he himself was not a star. He thought, "I am that which is between the stars." And he called the stars tonals, and the light between the stars - the nagual, realizing that Life, or Intention, creates harmony and space between the heavenly bodies and the light. Without Life, the tonal and the nagual cannot exist. Life is the power of the Absolute, the Higher Power, the all-creating Creator.

His discovery was this: everything that exists is an expression of one living being, which we call God. Everything is God. He came to the conclusion that human perception is nothing but light perceiving light. He considered matter as a mirror - everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of this light, and the world of illusion, Sleep, is like smoke that does not allow us to see ourselves. Our true nature is pure love, pure light, he told himself.

This realization changed his life. As soon as he realized who he really was, he looked around, looked at other people, at nature, and what he saw amazed him. He saw himself in everything: in every person, in every animal, in every tree, in water, in rain, in clouds, in earth. I saw that Life mixes the tonal and the nagual in various ways to create billions of its manifestations.

He got it all in those short moments. He was overwhelmed with a thirst for action, and his heart was full of peace. I couldn't wait to give my discovery to the world. But there were not enough words to explain it all. He tried to tell others about it, but those around him were not able to understand him. People have noticed that he has changed, that his eyes and voice radiate something beautiful. It was found that he no longer makes judgments about events or people. He became a completely different person.

He understood everyone perfectly, but no one could understand him. People believed that he was the incarnation of God, and he, listening to this, smiled and said:

"It's true. I am God. But you are also God. You and I represent the same thing. We are images of light. We are God."

But people still didn't understand him.

He found that he was a mirror for all people, a mirror in which he could see himself. "Every person is a mirror," he said. He saw himself in everyone, but no one saw himself in him. He realized that people see a dream, but do not realize, do not understand who they really are. They could not see themselves in it, for there was a wall of mist or smoke between the mirrors. And this veil is woven from interpretations of the image of light. This is the Dream of humanity.

Now he knew that he would soon forget everything he had been taught. He wanted to remember all his visions and therefore decided to call himself the Smoky Mirror, so as not to forget that matter is a mirror, and the smoke in between is what prevents us from realizing who we are in essence. He said, "I am the Smoky Mirror, for I see myself in all of you, but we do not recognize each other because of the smoke between us. This smoke is the Dream, and you who sleep are the mirror."

"It's easier to live with your eyes closed,
Everything you see is a misunderstanding..."
John Lennon

Chapter 1 - Domestication and the Dream of the Planet

Everything you see and hear now is nothing but a dream. Not excepting this moment. You are also dreaming when you are awake.

Dreaming is the main function of the mind, and the mind sleeps all twenty-four hours a day. He sleeps when the brain sleeps, he sleeps when the brain is awake. The difference is that when the brain is awake, there are some material coordinates that make you perceive things linearly. As soon as we fall asleep, they disappear, so the dream has the property of continuously changing.

People dream all the time. Even before we were born, those who lived before us created a boundless dream around them, which we call the "Dream of society", or the Dream of the planet. The planetary dream is a collective dream, made up of billions of individual dreams, which together form the Dream of families, communities, cities, countries, and finally the Dream of all mankind. The dream of our planet includes all kinds of social attitudes, beliefs, laws, religions, diverse cultures and ways of being, governments, schools, political events and holidays.

We are endowed with an innate ability to dream. The people who lived before us made sure that we were visited by exactly the same dreams as the whole society. Outer sleep has many rules, and when a child is born, we capture his attention and implant them in his consciousness. The sleep society uses mom and dad, schools and religion to teach us how to dream.

Attention is the ability to distinguish and focus only on what we want to perceive.

We can see, hear, touch or smell millions of things at the same time, but with the help of attention at our own will, we mentally prefer to perceive this or that. From our very childhood, the adults around us completely captured our attention and, with the help of repetitions, fixed certain information in our minds. So we learned everything we know.

Using attention, we studied the whole reality around us, the external dream. Learned how to behave in society: what to believe and not to believe; what is acceptable and unacceptable; what is good and bad; what is beautiful and ugly; what is right and wrong. All this already existed: all this knowledge, rules and concepts about how to live in the world around.

At school, you sat at your desk and listened to what the teacher was saying. In the temple, they focused on what the priest or church servant said. The same applies to parents, brothers and sisters: they all tried to get your attention. In the same way, we learn to master the interest of other people, we ourselves fight for the attention of others.

Children compete to attract the attention of parents, teachers, friends. "Look at me! Look what I'm doing! Hey, here I am - here." The need for attention persists - even worsens - in adults.

The outer dream grabs our attention and teaches us what we should believe, starting with the language we speak. Language is the code by which people understand and communicate with each other. Every letter, every word in a language is the result of some agreement. We say "a page in a book" and the very word "page" is the result of a contract about how to understand it. As soon as we begin to understand the code, our attention is concentrated and energy is transferred from one person to another.

We didn't choose which language to speak. We did not choose religion or moral values ​​- they existed even before we were born. We have never been able to decide for ourselves what to believe or not to believe. We did not take part in the development of the most insignificant of such agreements. They didn't even choose their own name.

In childhood, we do not have the opportunity to choose our faith, we simply have to agree with the information transmitted by others from the Planetary Dream. The only way to keep information is by agreement. An external dream is able to attract attention, but if we do not agree with the information received, then we do not hold it. As soon as a person agrees, he begins to trust, and this is already called "faith." To believe, you need to trust unconditionally.

We learn this from childhood. Children believe everything that adults say, agree with them, and their faith is so strong that its very internal structure completely controls the Dream of Life. We did not choose these beliefs, we could even rebel against them, but we were not strong enough to win such a rebellion. And as a result of the agreement, we approve and accept other people's beliefs.

I call this process the domestication of human beings. With it, we learn to live and dream. In the process of adapting a person, information from an external dream is transferred to an internal dream, building a system of beliefs. At first, the child is taught what and how to call: mom, dad, milk, bottle. Every day at home, at school, in church, on TV, he is told how to live, what behavior is considered acceptable. The outer dream teaches how to become human. We have a general idea of ​​what "woman" and "man" are. In the same way we learn to judge ourselves, to judge other people, to judge our neighbors.

The process of domesticating children is the same as domesticating a dog, cat, or any other animal. In order to train a dog, we punish him or encourage him. We raise our beloved children in the same way as we train a pet: with the help of a system of punishments and rewards. When a child does what his parents want him to do, he is told: "good boy" or "good girl." If he doesn't, he's a "bad girl" or "bad boy."

When children break the rules, they are scolded; when they obey, they are praised. We were scolded and encouraged many times a day. Over time, a person begins to fear not receiving a reward or being punished. The reward lies in the attention of parents or other people, such as brothers or sisters, teachers, friends. We quickly develop a need to attract the attention of others in order to receive a reward.

The reward causes pleasant feelings, and the person continues to do what is asked of him in order to receive a reward. For fear of punishment or loss of reward, we begin to pretend to be completely different people - just to please someone, to be nice. We try to please our mother and father, the teachers at the school, the priest at the church - this is how the masquerade begins. We pretend to be other people because we are afraid of being rejected.

The fear of being rejected transforms into the fear of not being good enough. Ultimately, a person changes radically. Just copies the beliefs of mommy, daddy, society, religion.

All of our normal tendencies are lost in the process of taming. When we grow up and begin to understand something, we will learn the word "no". Adults say: "Do this, don't do that."

We rise up and say, "No!" We rise because we defend personal freedom. The child wants to be himself, but he is still very small, and adults are big and strong. Over time, he becomes afraid, because he knows that whenever he does something wrong, he will be punished.

The power of domestication is so great that at a certain point a person no longer needs someone to teach him. For mother, father, school or church to "domesticate" us. We have been trained so well that we are already becoming our own trainers. We are self-adjusting animals.

From now on, we can adapt ourselves to the structure of beliefs, using the same system of punishments and rewards. A person punishes himself when he does not follow the rules of the belief system, rewards himself when he considers himself a "good boy" or "good girl".

The device of faith is similar to the Code of Laws that regulate the work of our mind. Questions are excluded: what is written in the Code is the truth. The Code of Laws also substantiates the judgments of a person, even if they contradict his inner essence. In our brain, in the process of domestication, even ethical norms are programmed, which resemble the Ten Commandments. Gradually, these agreements fall into the Code of Laws, which governs our sleep.

There is something in the human mind that judges everyone and everything, including the weather, dogs, cats, literally everything. The Inner Judge uses the Code of Laws to evaluate reality, what we do and what we don't do, what we think and what we don't, what we feel and what we don't feel.

Everything is subject to the tyranny of this Judge. Whenever we do something that goes against the Code, the Inner Judge says we are guilty, we should be punished, we should be ashamed. This happens every day throughout our lives.

There is another part in a person that is constantly the object of judgment - the Victim. She is responsible for everything, both guilt and shame fall on her. This is the part of us that says: "Poor me, poor me: I'm not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, I'm not worthy of love, I'm mediocre." The competent Judge agrees and says, "Yeah, you're not good enough."

All of these processes are based on a belief system that we have not chosen. They are so strong that even years later, when our perceptions change and we try to make our own decisions, we find that this system of attitudes still rules our lives.

Anything that is against the Code of Laws will cause a tickling sensation in your solar plexus, and that sensation is fear. When you violate the Code, emotional wounds make themselves felt, and your reaction to this is to create emotional poison.

Since the contents of the Code of Laws must be true, everything that is contrary to your faith makes you feel insecure, vulnerable. After all, even if the Code is wrong, it still gives rise to a sense of security.

Therefore, it will take a lot of courage for a person to challenge his own beliefs. After all, even knowing that we did not choose them, we realize that it is true that we agreed with them.

The influence of the agreement is so strong that, even though we understand the falsity of its whole concept, we feel guilty and ashamed whenever we go against the rules.

Just as the government has a code of laws that governs the Dream of Society, our belief system is a code of laws that governs our own sleep. All these rules exist in the mind, we believe in them, and the Inner Judge substantiates everything with their help. He makes a decision, and the Victim feels guilty and punished.

But who says that there is justice in this dream?

True justice makes you pay only once for each mistake.

True injustice forces you to pay again and again for every mistake.

How many times do we pay for one mistake? Thousands. Man is the only animal on earth who pays a thousand times for the same oversight.

The rest pay for a mistake only once. But not us. We have a powerful memory. A person stumbles, judges, finds himself guilty - and punishes. If justice exists, then once should be enough - there is no need to repeat. We, remembering, condemn ourselves, again find ourselves guilty and reproach ourselves again, again and again.

A husband or wife will definitely remind you of a mistake so that we can once again condemn ourselves, punish ourselves, plead guilty. Is it fair?

How many times do we make a partner, children, parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember a mistake, we again blame them and convey all the emotional poison that has accumulated in us from injustice, and then make them answer for the same mistake again. Is it fair?

The judge in our head is mistaken, because the system of faith, the Code of Laws, is wrong. The dream is built on a false law. Ninety-five percent of the beliefs that people keep in their minds are lies; we suffer because we believe in him.

Obviously, in a dream, humanity suffers, lives in fear, creates emotional dramas. External sleep is unpleasant; it is a dream of violence, fear, war, injustice. People have different dreams, but in a global sense it is a complete nightmare.

One look at human society is enough to understand how difficult it is to live in it when it is ruled by fear. All over the world we see human suffering, anger, revenge, drug addiction, violence, injustice everywhere. In different countries of the world this manifests itself in different ways, but everywhere fear controls the external dream.

If we compare the Dream of human society with the descriptions of the underworld, which are in all religions of the world, we will see that they are identical.

Religions say that hell is a place of punishment, fear, pain, suffering, a place where fire devours you. Its flame is generated by emotions coming from fear. Whenever we feel anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, we feel a fire burning in us.

People live in an infernal dream.

If we consider hell as a state of mind, then all around us is hell. We are threatened that if we do not fulfill the Commandments, we will end up in hell. Bad news! We are already in hell, including those who tell us about it. A person is not able to condemn another person to hellish torments, because we are already in hell. Of course, people can make hell even worse. But only if we let it happen.

Everyone has their own dream, and like the Society Dream, it is usually dominated by fear. In our own lives, we learn to see the dream of hell. Of course, the same fears in each person manifest themselves in their own way, but everyone experiences anger, jealousy, hatred, envy and other negative emotions. Our dream can turn into a continuous nightmare in which we suffer and live in a state of eternal fear. Why do we need nightmares when we can enjoy a pleasant dream?

All people are looking for truth, justice, beauty. We are eternal seekers of truth, because we believe only in the lies that we have stored in our own minds.

We seek justice because there is no justice in our belief system.

We are always in search of beauty, because no matter how beautiful a person is, we do not believe that beauty is always inherent in him.

We are all looking and looking outside, while everything is already in ourselves. There is no need to specifically look for any truth. Wherever you look, it is everywhere, but the conventions and beliefs that we keep in our heads do not allow us to see it.

We are blind and therefore do not see the truth. What blinds us is the false beliefs we keep in our heads. We need to be right and others wrong. We trust what we believe, and our beliefs condemn us to suffering. We live as if in darkness, not seeing beyond our own noses. We are in an unreal fog.

This fog is a dream, your own dream about life, what you believe in, your ideas about yourself, agreements with other people, with yourself, even with God.

Your mind is a mist, which the Toltecs called mitote (pronounced MIH-TOE"-TAY).

The mind is a dream where thousands of people speak at the same time and no one understands each other. This state of human consciousness is a big mitote, and it prevents people from seeing their essence.

In India it is called mitote maya which means "illusion". This is a person's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis "I".

Mitote is what you believe about yourself and the world, about all the ideas and algorithms of your consciousness. We are unable to see our own essence, to see that we are not free.

That is why people resist life. Most of all they are afraid to live. The most important fear is not death, but the risk of staying alive: the risk of living and expressing one's essence. People are most afraid of being themselves. We have learned to live according to the wishes of other people, according to other people's views on things, because we are afraid that we will not be accepted, that we are not good enough for someone.

In the process of adaptation, a person in an effort to become better creates an image of perfection. The idea of ​​what it should be to be accepted. We especially try to please those who love us - mother and father, brothers and sisters, priest and teacher. Wishing to please them, we create an ideal, but we do not correspond to it. We create an image, but it is devoid of reality. From this point of view, we will never achieve perfection. Never!

Not being perfect, we reject ourselves. And the level of such rejection of ourselves depends on how others around us have succeeded in destroying our integrity. After "domestication" it is no longer about being good enough for someone. We are not good enough for ourselves because we do not live up to our own ideas of perfection. We cannot forgive ourselves for not becoming what we would like to be - or, more precisely, what we should have become in accordance with our beliefs. We cannot forgive ourselves for imperfections.

We know that we do not correspond to who we should be according to our faith, and hence the feeling of falsehood, the collapse of hopes, dishonor. We try to hide, pretend to be completely different people. As a result, we feel inadequate and put on a mask so that others do not notice it.

We are very afraid that suddenly someone will see that we are not who we say we are. And we judge others according to our ideas of perfection, and, naturally, these "others" do not correspond to it.

We humble ourselves to please others. We even physically harm our own body, if only we were accepted. Teenagers use drugs so that their peers do not turn away from them. They do not know that they are denying themselves. Rejected because they are not what they pretend to be. They drove something into their heads, but they cannot achieve it, and hence the feeling of shame and guilt. People endlessly punish themselves for not conforming to what they seem to be supposed to be. They judge themselves and use others to be judged.

More often than others, we condemn ourselves, but the Judge, the Victim and the belief system make us do it. Of course, there are people who talk about how a husband or wife, mother or father condemn them, but you know that we condemn ourselves much more.

We are our own strictest judges. If we make a mistake in public, we try to deny the mistake and hush it up. But as soon as we are left alone with ourselves, the Judge becomes unusually strong, the guilt is huge, and we feel stupid, worthless, unworthy.

In all your life, no one has judged you as much as you yourself. Others can't do it more than yourself. If someone steps over the limit, you will most likely just walk away. But if a person condemns you a little less than you yourself do, you will stay with him and endure him endlessly.

If you judge yourself excessively, then you even allow yourself to be beaten, insulted, trampled into the dirt. Why? Because your belief system says, "I deserve it. This person is doing me a favor by staying with me. I'm not worthy of love and respect. I'm not good enough."

Everyone needs to be accepted and loved by those around him, but we usually do not favor ourselves. The more we are able to love ourselves, the less we are subject to self-judgment, the reason for which is the rejection of ourselves. Rejection is motivated by the image of unattainable perfection. Our ideal is the cause of selflessness; Therefore, we do not accept ourselves and others as they are.

Prelude to a new dream
You have a thousand agreements and agreements with yourself, the people around you, your own life dream, God, society, parents, spouse, children. But the most important of them - the very first - with themselves. In these agreements, you tell yourself who you are, what you feel, what you believe in, how you should behave. This is how personality is formed.

The conventions are: "This is who I am. I believe in this. I can do this, I can't do this. This is real, this is fantasy; this is possible, this is not."

Taken alone, one agreement does not create much problems, but we have many of them, and this makes us suffer, makes us losers. If you want to live a full and happy life, you must find the courage to break these fear-based agreements that claim your personal power. Those agreements based on fear require a lot of effort from us, and those based on love help to save energy and even increase it.

From birth, any person has a certain personal strength, which is restored each time during rest. Unfortunately, we spend it first on creating agreements, and then on their implementation. All these arrangements dissipate our energy, and as a result, a person feels powerless. We only have enough strength for daily survival, since most of it is spent on the fulfillment of contracts that do not release us from the trap of the Planetary Sleep. How can we transform the dream of our life when there is not enough strength to change even the smallest agreement?

When we see that such agreements govern our lives, and we do not like our dream, we need to change the agreements. When we're ready for it, here are four new agreements to help get rid of the fear-based and energy-draining ones. Breaking such an agreement, a person each time renews the energy spent on its creation. If you are ready to accept the four new agreements, they will give you enough power to change the entire system of the old ones.

It will take great will to accept these Four Covenants, but if you can decide to start acting on them, then life will simply be transformed. You will see how all this hellish drama will dissipate. Instead of living in an infernal dream, you create a new dream - your own heavenly dream.

Chapter 2 - First Agreement
Your word must be perfect

The first Agreement is the most important and therefore the most difficult to implement. It is so important that it allows you to rise to that level of existence, which I call heaven on earth.

The first Agreement is that: Your word must be impeccable.

It sounds very simple, but it is incredibly powerful.

Why are there such requirements for the word? The word is the power that you create yourself. Your word is a gift that comes directly from God. Regarding the creation of the universe, the Gospel of John says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Through the word you express creative energy. The being of all things is created with the participation of the word. Whatever language you speak, your intentions are expressed through the word. What you see in a dream, you feel that you really are - everything finds its embodiment in the word.

A word is not just a sound or a graphic symbol. The word is power, the powerful ability of a person to express himself and communicate, think - and thus create the events of his life.

People can talk. No other animal on Earth is capable of this. The word is the most powerful tool of man; it is a magical tool. But, like a double-edged sword, it can both give rise to an amazingly beautiful dream and destroy everything around. One facet is the abuse of the word, which creates real hell. The other is the accuracy of the word, which creates beauty, love and heaven on earth. Depending on how it is used, the word can liberate or enslave. It is difficult to imagine the full power of the word.

Any spell is based on a word. It is magical in itself, but its abuse is black magic.

The Word is so powerful that it can change lives or destroy millions of people. Once upon a time, one person in Germany, with the help of a word, manipulated an entire state with a fairly high level of education of its citizens. By the power of his speeches, he plunged the country into a world war. Convinced people to commit unheard of atrocities. With a word, he fueled human fear, and, like a huge explosion, murder and war enveloped the whole world. People killed people because they were afraid of each other. For centuries to come, humanity will remember Hitler's word based on beliefs and conventions born of fear.

The human mind is fertile ground. Opinions, ideas, concepts are seeds. You throw a seed into the ground, a thought, and it sprouts. The word is like a seed, and the human mind is extraordinarily fertile! The only difficulty is that it is often used to sow seeds of fear.

The mind of any person is fertile, but only for those seeds that he is ready to accept. That is why it is so important to see what kind of seeds the soil of our mind is being cultivated for and to prepare it for the seeds of love.

Hitler sowed fear; its abundant harvest caused catastrophic destruction. Remembering the formidable power of the word, we cannot but realize that what comes out of our mouths has colossal power. As soon as fear or doubt takes root in the head, a whole string of dramatic events can happen.

The word is like witchcraft, and people use it like black magicians, mindlessly conjuring each other.

Each person is a magician, and he can either conjure someone or remove the spell. Expressing our opinions and views, we constantly resort to spells.

For example, I meet a friend and express to him an idea that just came into my head. I Say: "Hmm! You have the complexion of a potential cancer patient." If he listens to me and agrees to this, within a year he will have cancer. That's the power of the word.

In the process of your "domestication" parents, brothers and sisters said something about you without thinking at all. You listen to their opinion, and fears constantly overcome you: but I really swim badly, a useless athlete, I write clumsily.

Having captured attention, the word is introduced into consciousness and changes the system of attitudes for better or worse.

Here is another example: you believed that you were stupid, and this thought has been sitting in you for as long as you can remember yourself. This agreement is a tricky one: there are many ways to make you think you're stupid. You do something and at the same time you think: "Of course, I would like to be smart, but I'm stupid, otherwise I wouldn't do it." There can be many thoughts in the head, but it is precisely this belief in our own thoughtlessness that has entered the mind, and we only think about it all day long.

But one day someone will grab your attention and use words to explain that you are smart. You will trust this person and make a new agreement. As a result, there are no thoughts of stupidity, no stupid deeds. The spell is broken by the power of the word. And vice versa, if you believe that you are stupid, and someone, having captured your attention, says: “Yes, I have never met you more stupid,” the agreement will be strengthened and gain even greater strength.

Now let's look at what precision means. This refers to its impeccability, "sinlessness" - in English impeccability. Impeccable is derived from the Latin pecatus, which means "sin". And the prefix im in the word impeccable means "without", that is, impeccable means "without sin."

Various religions talk about sin and sinners, but let's look at what it really means to sin. Sin is what you do against yourself. What you feel, what you believe, or what you say against yourself. You act contradictory when you condemn or reproach yourself for anything. Being flawless is just the opposite. To be impeccable means not to go against yourself. When you are perfect, you are responsible for your actions, but do not judge or shame yourself.

From this point of view, the concept of sin passes from the plane of morality or religion into the plane of common sense. Sin begins with self-denial. Self-denial is the gravest "sin". To use religious terminology, self-denial is a "mortal sin", that is, leading to death. On the other hand, impeccability leads to life.

To be impeccable in words means not to use the word against yourself. If I meet you on the street and call you stupid, then obviously I use the word against you. But in reality - against myself, because I will be hated for this, and hatred does not bode well for me. Therefore, if I get angry and throw out all the emotional poison with the help of a word, then I will use it against myself.

If I love myself, then I will show this feeling in my relations with others, and at the same time I will be accurate in words, because their impact will cause an adequate reaction. If I love, then they will love me. If I offend, then I will be offended. If I am grateful, then I will be grateful. If he is selfish in his relationship with you, then he will be selfish with me. If I use the word to cast a spell, then I will be cast as well.

Perfection in words is the right use of energy. Perfection means using energy for the sake of truth and self-love. If you accept yourself, the truth will pierce you, cleansing from the inside of emotional poison. But it is difficult to accept such an Agreement, because we are accustomed to something else. When communicating with others and, more importantly, with ourselves, we are used to lying. We are not perfect in words.

In hell, the power of words is abused. People use it to curse, reproach, judge, destroy. Of course, there is also a word for good, but not too often. We mainly use it to spread poison: to express anger, jealousy, envy, hatred. The word, this white magic, the most powerful gift of mankind, we use against ourselves.

The man is planning revenge. He creates chaos with his words. Uses the word to provoke hostility between races, different people, families, nations. People misuse the word quite often, and in this way they create and perpetuate a hellish dream. The misuse of the word also consists in the fact that we pull each other down and keep each other in a state of fear and doubt. Since the human word is magic, and the misuse of the word is black magic, we constantly resort to the latter, without even knowing about the magical properties of the word.

For example, one very kind, intelligent woman dearly loved her daughter. But one day she returned home after a bad day at work, tired, with a terrible headache. She wanted peace and quiet, and her daughter at that time sang and jumped merrily. The girl did not understand how her mother felt; she was in her own world, hovering in her dream. The daughter felt wonderful, and therefore she sang louder and louder, expressing joy and love. All this increased the mother's headache, and for a moment she lost her composure. The woman glared at the adorable little girl and said, "Shut up! You have a disgusting voice. Shut up now!"

The truth is that the mother simply couldn't stand the noise, not that the girl's voice was disgusting. But the daughter believed her mother, and at that moment she had an agreement with herself. After this incident, she no longer sang, because she believed that her disgusting voice would get on everyone's nerves. At school, the girl was constantly ashamed and, if she was asked to sing, she refused. She even had difficulty communicating with others. This new agreement changed everything in the child.

She believed that she had to suppress her emotions in order to be accepted and loved.

Whenever a person hears someone's opinion and believes it, he makes a contract that becomes part of his belief system.

The little girl grew up, but even though she had a beautiful voice, she never sang again. One spell was enough for her to develop a whole complex. And the most loving person is to blame for this - his own mother. The woman paid no attention to the consequences of her word. She did not notice that she resorted to black magic and cast a spell on her daughter. She simply did not realize the power of the word, and therefore she cannot be blamed. The mother repeated what her own parents and others had repeatedly done to her. They misused their word in the same way.

How many times do we do this with our children? We throw out such judgments on them, and then they live with a spell for many years. Lovers expose us to the action of black magic, not knowing what they are doing. That is why we must forgive them: they do not understand what they are doing.

Another example: you wake up in the morning with a happy feeling. You feel great, spend an hour or two in front of the mirror, preening. One of your best friends says, "What's wrong with you? You don't look good. You look ridiculous in this dress."

And that's it. This is enough to plunge a person into hell. Perhaps a friend wanted to hurt you. She succeeded. Behind her remark stood the full power of the word. If you accept this opinion, then an agreement will appear, to which you will subsequently give your strength. Such a statement becomes black magic.

The spell is difficult to break. The only thing that will overcome it is a new agreement based on truth. Truth is the most important part of an impeccable word. On one side of the sword is a lie that creates black magic, and on the other is the truth that frees us from it and can make us free.

Pay attention to the daily communication of people and think about how many times they conjure each other. Over time, such interaction turns into completely black magic, which is commonly called gossip.

Gossip is the worst kind of black magic, because it is the purest poison. We learned to gossip by agreement. Even in childhood, we heard how adults around us incessantly slandered, gossiping about others. They discussed even complete strangers. Emotional poison was transmitted with their gossip, and we learned to accept it as a normal way of communicating.

Gossip has become the main form of relationships between people. This bad feeling brings us closer. There is an old saying: "Two pair of boots". In hell, people don't want to suffer alone. Fear and torment are the most important component of world sleep; with their help, he suppresses us.

If we compare the human mind to a computer, then gossip can be compared to a virus. A computer virus is an algorithm written in a programming language that matches other codes, but intends to harm. This code is embedded in the software of the machine out of the blue. After that, it starts to work incorrectly or stops functioning altogether, as the programs issue conflicting messages.

So is human gossip. Let's say after a long wait, you start listening to a new course from a new teacher. On the very first day, you accidentally meet someone who has already listened to it, and he take it and say: "A frail teacher from him! He doesn't know what he's talking about - some kind of pervert!"

Both the word and the emotional charge with which it was spoken are instantly imprinted in the mind, although you do not know for what purpose it was done. Your acquaintance may not have passed the exam or made some guesses based on their own fears and prejudices, but because you are used to absorbing information like a child, some gossip is remembered on the way to the classroom. The teacher starts talking, and you feel the poison activate inside you, and you do not realize that you are looking at the teacher through the eyes of a gossip. Then you start sharing with other classmates, and they look at the lecturer in exactly the same way: as a frail specialist and a pervert. You no longer like his course of lectures, and you soon decide to leave him. You blame the teacher, and gossip is to blame.

All these misunderstandings can be caused by one small computer virus. One little misinformation can disrupt communication between people, infecting everyone it touches and making it contagious to others. Imagine that whenever gossip is passed to you, a virus is introduced into your mind, disrupting your ability to think clearly. Then imagine that, in an attempt to straighten your thoughts and reduce the effect of the poison, you turn into a gossip and spread the virus further.

Now imagine the endless repetition of this pattern in communication between people on Earth. As a result, all people can read information only through channels that are infected with a spreading virus. Let me remind you that the Toltecs called it mitote, which is a chaotic dissonance constantly sounding in the mind.

Black magicians, or "computer hackers" deliberately spreading a virus, are even more dangerous. Recall how you or someone else got angry and wanted revenge. Out of revenge, they said something to a person or about him, wanting to spread the poison and make him think badly of himself. As children, we do it thoughtlessly, but when we grow up, we begin to calculate ways to hurt other people. We deceive ourselves, claiming that we gave the enemy what he deserved.

Seeing the world through the lens of a virus can justify the most cruel behavior. We do not see that the misuse of the word plunges us even deeper into hell.

For years, we've been exposed to gossip and incantations not only in other people's words, but also in how we use them on ourselves. We constantly turn to ourselves and say things like: "Oh, I'm getting fat and I look ugly. I'm getting old. My hair is falling out. I'm stupid and I don't understand anything. Nothing will come of me, and I will never achieve perfection." See how we turn the word against us? We should have figured out what it is and what it does to us long ago.

If you accept the First Agreement "be perfect in words", then you are on the verge of changes that can take place in your life. First in relation to yourself, and then in communication with other people, especially with those whom you love the most.

Think about how much you gossip about the person you love most in order to get strangers to approve of your point of view. How many times have you attracted people's attention and spread poison about your loved ones to justify your own considerations? Your opinion is just your point of view. This is not necessarily true. It is based on your beliefs, ego and dream. We create all this poison and distribute it to others just to justify our point of view.

If you have accepted the First Covenant and are impeccable in your words, the emotional poison will be removed from your thoughts and all your communications, including your beloved dog and cat.

Impeccability and accuracy in the use of the word will protect you from someone else's black magic. Bad thoughts arise only when the mind provides them with fertile ground. And if you are precise, there is no such ground for the words of black magic. It will rather be fertile ground for words of love. Such accuracy and perfection of your word can be measured by the level of self-love. The degree of self-love and feeling for oneself is proportional to the quality and integrity of the word. If the word is impeccable, you feel good, you are happy and calm.

With the help of the Agreement on the impeccability of the word, one can overcome the hellish dream.

Now I am planting such a seed in your thoughts. Whether it will germinate or not depends on how fertile ground they are for the seeds of love.

You decide whether to conclude a contract: I am impeccable in my words.

Grow this seed in your thoughts, and as it grows, it will give rise to many seeds of love in place of seeds of fear. Thanks to the First Agreement, the type of grains for which your mind is fertile soil will change.

Be perfect in words. This First Agreement must be made if you want to be free, happy, if you want to overcome that type of existence that is hell.

The word has great power. Use it correctly. Use the word to share love. Resort to white magic starting with you. Tell yourself how amazing you are, how great you are. Tell me how you love yourself.

Use the word to break teenage petty agreements that make you suffer.

It's possible. Perhaps because I did it, and I'm no better than you. No, we are the same. You have the same mind, the same body, we are people. If I have been able to break old agreements and create new ones, then so can you. I can be perfect with a word, why can't you? This agreement alone can change your life. The accuracy of the word can lead you to personal freedom, to great success and prosperity; fear will pass and be transformed into joy and love.

Think what you are capable of with a flawless word. With it, you can overcome a bad dream and live a different life. You can be in heaven among thousands of people living in the underworld, because you are immune to it.

You can reach the kingdom of heaven through the Agreement: Your word must be impeccable.

Chapter 3 - Second Agreement
Don't take anything personally

The next three Agreements follow from the First.

The second is: Take nothing personally.

Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally. Recall the example given: when I, not knowing you, meet you on the street and say: “Yes, you are terribly stupid!”, then in reality this statement will concern me.

You can only take it personally for the reason that you yourself believe in it. Maybe you think to yourself: "How does he know? Is he a clairvoyant? Or is my stupidity already visible to everyone?"

You take the statement to heart because you agree with it. As soon as this happens, the poison enters you and you are trapped in a hell of a dream. And you get caught because of a sense of self-importance. Which, together with suspiciousness, are extreme expressions of egoism, because each of us believes that everything revolves around his "I". During training or taming, people get used to taking everything upon themselves. We feel like we are responsible for everything. Me, me, me - always me!

But those around you are not acting for you. And guided by their own motives. Each person lives in an individual dream, in his own consciousness; he is in a world completely different from ours. Taking something personally, we assume that people are oriented in our reality, and we try to combine our world and theirs.

Even in a very personal situation, when you are literally insulted, this does not concern you. Everything that people say, do, or judge is in accordance with the conventions of their own minds. Their point of view is conditioned by the program of domestication, "domestication".

If someone speaks out about you: "Just look how fat you are," do not pay attention, because in fact this person is associated with individual feelings, beliefs and views. He tried to give you poison, and if you take his judgment personally, the poison will penetrate you. Suspiciousness makes a person a victim of predators, black magicians. They take possession of him with a slight remark and pass on any kind of poison, and if he takes it personally, he swallows the poison.

You absorb emotional waste and it instantly becomes yours. But if you do not take anything personally, then you can survive in hell. Immunity to poison in the midst of hell is the gift of this Covenant.

When you take it personally, you feel offended and seek to defend your own beliefs by creating conflicts. You make an elephant out of a fly, because you always have to be right, and others are not. You prove your infallibility by imposing your own opinion.

Your actions and feelings are only a projection of your personal dream, a reflection of your own agreements. Words, deeds and opinions corresponding to them have nothing to do with me.

No matter what you think of me, your personal considerations do not interest me. I don't take it personally when they say, "Miguel, you're the best," but I also don't take it personally if they say, "Miguel, you're the best."

I know that when you are happy, you will say: "Miguel, you are just an angel!" But if you get angry: "Oh Miguel, you are the devil incarnate! You are disgusting. How can you say such a thing?"

Neither of these work for me. Because I know myself. I don't need to be recognized. I don't need anyone to say, "Miguel, you're doing a good job!" or "How dare you!"

No, I don't take it personally. No matter what you think, feel, I know it's your problem, not mine. This is how you see the world. Mine can't be here, because it's about you, not about me. Others have their own view, determined by their own belief system, and therefore their judgments about me concern not me, but themselves.

You can even say: "Miguel, it hurts me to listen to you." However, you do not suffer from what I say, but from the wounds that my words chafe. You are hurting yourself. I can't take it personally in any way. And not because I don't believe or don't trust you, but because you look at the world with different eyes - your own. A canvas or a motion picture is created in your head; you are the director, producer and star in it. All the rest are in secondary roles. After all, this is your movie.

Its concept is conditioned by agreements with life. Your opinion is dear to you. And the truth in it is only yours. Be mad at me, and I know that you are dealing with yourself. I'm just a reason to be angry. You are angry because you are afraid, you are dealing with fear. If not, then you won't be angry with me either. If you are not afraid, then do not hate me and you will not be jealous or sad.

If you live without fear, if you love, then there is simply no place for the emotions mentioned above. And if so, then the state of health will be good. When you feel good, everything around you is beautiful. When the environment is great, you will be happy. You love the world as you love yourself. You like being who you are. You are satisfied with yourself because you enjoy your life. I like the film with your direction, I like agreements with life. You are at peace with yourself and happy. You live in a state of grace, and everything around you is magnificent. In this state of grace, you love everything that is in your perception.

No matter what people do, feel, think, or say, take nothing personally. If they say how beautiful you are, they are not doing it because of you. You yourself know this. There is no need to listen to other people saying this. Don't take anything personally. If someone shot you in the head with a gun, it was nothing personal. Even in such an extreme situation.

Your own opinion of yourself is not necessarily true, so don't take personally what sounds in your mind. The mind has the ability to chat with itself, but it is also able to hear information from other realms. Sometimes you hear a voice, but its source is unclear. Maybe he is from another reality, where there are living phenomena similar to the human mind. The Toltecs called them Allies, In Europe, Africa and India - Gods.

Our consciousness also exists at the level of Gods. Our mind also lives in their reality and is able to perceive it sensually. Consciousness sees with the eyes and perceives the waking reality. But it is also able to see without the help of the eyes, although the mind is hardly aware of this. The mind does not function in one dimension. There are ideas that were not created by your mind, but perceived by it. You have the right to believe or not to believe these voices, and not to take their statements personally. A person can choose whether or not to trust the voices of his own consciousness, just like deciding what to believe and what to agree with in a planetary dream.

In addition, consciousness is able to talk to itself and listen to itself. It is divided like a body. For we can say, "I have a hand, and I can shake the other hand with it and feel it." Consciousness can talk to itself. One part of him speaks and the other listens. Serious difficulties arise when thousands of parts of your consciousness begin to speak at the same time. Remember, it's called a mitote?

It can be compared to a huge bazaar where thousands of people are talking and trading at the same time. Each of them has their own thoughts and feelings, their own point of view. The algorithms of consciousness - our conventions - are not necessarily compatible with each other. Each contract is like a separate living being with its own personality and its own voice. Numerous agreements so categorically contradict each other that a large-scale war breaks out in my head. The existence of mitote explains why people are not always aware of what they want, how they want it, and when. They are confused because some parts of the mind want one thing and other parts want another.

One part of consciousness objects to some thoughts and actions, while the other part supports them. These small creatures create an internal conflict, because they are alive, and each has its own voice. Only by making an inventory of our own agreements, we will reveal all the conflicts in the mind and ultimately bring order to the chaos of mitote.

Don't take anything personally, because otherwise you will torment yourself over nothing. People are committed to suffering in varying degrees and at different levels and support each other in maintaining that commitment. They agree to help each other suffer. If you want to be insulted, you can see for yourself - it's easy to do. If you associate with people who feel the need to suffer, something will make you insult them. As if written on their foreheads: "Please hit me." They need an excuse for their suffering. Their propensity to suffer is nothing but a daily reinforced agreement.

You will find people lying to you everywhere, and as your understanding of this grows stronger, you will notice that you are also lying to yourself. Don't expect people to tell the truth, because first of all they lie to themselves. You have to believe in yourself and choose whether or not to trust what you are told.

When we really see other people as they are, without taking anything personally, they will not be able to hurt us either by word or deed. Are you being lied to? Well, okay. They lie because they are afraid. They are afraid that suddenly you will find that they are imperfect.

Taking off the social mask hurts. When people say one thing and do another, you are fooling yourself if you do not notice their actions. But when you are honest with yourself, you can protect yourself from emotional pain. It can be quite painful to tell yourself the truth, but you don't have to attach yourself to that pain. Recovery is not far off: a little time, and everything will work out.

If someone treats you without love and respect, consider it a blessing if such a person leaves your life. If he does not leave, then your suffering will continue for many years. Such withdrawal is painful for a while, but after a while your heart will be healed. And you can make your own choice. You will see that in order to make the right choice, you need to trust yourself first, and not others.

If you develop a strong habit of not taking anything personally, you can avoid many disappointments. Anger, jealousy and envy will disappear, and even sadness will evaporate.

When the Second Covenant becomes a habit, you will see that nothing else can bring you down to hell. You will begin to feel boundless freedom. By an agreement not to take anything personally, immunity to black magicians is developed, and there is no such spell that would work on you. Let the whole world gossip about you, but immunity will not allow you to take gossip at your own expense. Someone may deliberately send emotional poison at you, but if you do not take everything personally, it will not affect you. And in this case, it becomes worse for the poisoner, and not for you.

See how important this Agreement is? Taking nothing personally makes it easier for you to get rid of many of the habits and conventions that keep you in a hellish sleep and cause unnecessary suffering. By fulfilling the Second Agreement, you break dozens of small teenage agreements that cause you torment. Through the first two agreements, you are freed from three-quarters of the agreements that keep you in hell.

Write this Agreement on paper and hang it on your refrigerator so that it constantly reminds you: Take nothing personally.

Once this becomes a habit, you won't have to rely on what others do or say. You will need only your truth to be responsible for your choice. You are not responsible for the actions of others, you are only responsible for yourself. When you understand this and take nothing personally, you are unlikely to be hurt by the rash remarks or actions of others.

If you adhere to this Agreement, you will be able to travel the world with an open heart and no one will hurt you. You will say "I love you" without fear of being ridiculed or rejected. Ask for what you need. Say "yes" or "no" as you see fit - without guilt or self-judgment. You can always follow your heart. Even in the middle of hell, you will have peace and joy inside. You will be able to stay in your bliss, and hell will be powerless.

Chapter 4 - Third Agreement
Don't make assumptions

Third Agreement: Make no assumptions.

We have a habit of speculating about everything. The difficulty lies in our belief that they are true. We could swear that our assumptions are real. Speak them out about what people are doing or thinking (taking it personally) and then blame them and send emotional poison. That is why every time, uttering conjectures, we are asking for trouble. We express them, we misinterpret them, we take them personally, and out of nothing we create huge troubles.

The suffering and drama of your life is the result of guessing and taking everything personally. Consider this judgment for a moment. The whole variety of managing relationships between people comes down to controlling conjectures and taking everything personally. Our hellish dream is based on this.

We create a huge amount of emotional poison just by making assumptions and taking everything personally, because we usually start discussing our hypotheses as well. Remember, gossip is a hell of a dream way of communicating and passing poison to each other. We are afraid to ask someone to explain what we do not understand, and therefore we make guesses and are the first to believe in them; then we defend them and prove someone wrong. It is always better to ask questions than to make assumptions, because they bring us suffering.

A large mitote in the human mind creates a continuous chaos that makes us misinterpret and misunderstand literally everything. We see and hear only what we want to see and hear. We don't take things as they are. We have a habit of breaking away from reality, plunging into dreams. In our imagination, we invent literally everything. Not understanding something, we speculate about the meaning of what is happening. When the truth comes out, the bubble of our dream will burst, and we will see that in reality everything was completely different.

For example, you meet a girl at the mall that you like. She waves and smiles at you and then leaves. Based on this, you can build various guesses. In turn, on the basis of assumptions, much can be imagined. And you really want to believe that fantasy and turn it into reality. On the basis of guesses, a whole dream arises, and you can believe: "Oh yes, he likes me." In your mind, even some kind of connection between you appears. You may even get married in this dreamland. But fantasy exists only in your head, in your dream.

In fact, in relations between people because of speculation, problems constantly arise. We often assume that our partners know what we think and we don't need to tell them what we want. We assume that they will certainly do what we want them to do, because they understand us perfectly. If they don't live up to our expectations, we feel hurt and say, "You should have known."

Another example: you decide to get married and you think that your partner views marriage the same way you do. You start living together and find out that this is not entirely true. A serious conflict arises, but you still do not even try to explain yourself. The husband returns home from work, and the wife makes a scandal. He doesn't understand why. Maybe it's due to speculation. Without saying what she wants, she assumes that her husband knows her so well that he can guess desires. Like he can read minds. The wife is upset because the husband did not live up to expectations. Speculation in relationships between people leads to frequent quarrels, difficulties, misunderstandings with those whom we seem to love.

In any relationship, we may assume that others should guess what we want and that we don't need to be told what we really want. And they intend to do what we want, because they know us very well. If it turns out that we were deceived in our conjectures, then we feel offended and think: "How could you? You should have known." Again, we speculate that the other person knows what we want. On the basis of such an assumption, a whole dramatic situation arises, but we do not stop and continue in the same spirit.

The human mind works in a very interesting way. People have a need to justify, explain and understand everything in order to feel safe. We have millions of questions that need to be answered, because there are a lot of things that the mind cannot explain. It doesn't matter if the answer is correct - any gives us a sense of security. That's why we make assumptions.

If we are told something, we make assumptions, and if not, we do it anyway to satisfy the need for knowledge and communication. Even when we hear something incomprehensible, we make guesses as to what it means, and then believe in them. We make all sorts of assumptions because we dare not ask.

People so hastily and unconsciously speculate because there are conventions for such communication. We agreed that it was not safe to ask, that if people love us, they should know what we want and how we feel. If we believe in the correctness of our guess, then, defending our position, we will even go so far as to destroy relations.

We assume that everyone looks at life the way we do, that everyone thinks, feels, judges, allows themselves to make mistakes just like we do. This is the most important speculation that people allow themselves. And so they are constantly afraid to be themselves in public. Because they believe that everyone will condemn, call to account, insult, accuse us, because we ourselves do this. We reject ourselves before people do.

This is how the human mind works.

We also speculate about ourselves, which leads to internal conflicts. "I feel like I can do it." Let's say you made that assumption and then realized you couldn't. You overestimate or underestimate yourself because you did not bother to ask questions and give answers to them. Perhaps you need to better understand the situation.

Or stop lying to yourself about your true desires.

Often in relationships with people you like, you have to find reasons to justify your sympathy for them. You see only what you want to see and deny that there are qualities in a person that you don't like. Fooling yourself just to be right. Then make assumptions, and one of them is: "My love will transform this person."

But it's not. Your love won't change anyone. If others change, it is because they want to, not because you can influence them.

Then something happens between you and you feel resentful. Suddenly you start to see things that you didn't want to see before, but now everything is seasoned with your emotional poison. So, you need to justify your pain and blame the other for your own choice.

Love does not need to be justified: it is either there or it is not. True love perceives others as they are, without trying to change.

If we seek to change someone, it means that we do not like him very much. Of course, when you decide to live with someone, make an agreement, it is better to do it with a person who matches your ideas. Find someone you don't need to change. It is much easier to find a person who matches your ideas than to try to change him. And this person should love you the way you are, so that he does not want to redo anything. If others want to change you, it means they don't really like you for who you are. Why be with someone in whose eyes you don't live up to their expectations?

We need to be ourselves and not misrepresent ourselves. If you love me the way I am, fine, take it. If not - "All the best. Find someone else." It may be harsh, but such communication means that our personal agreements with others are clear and precise.

Imagine the day you stop making assumptions about your partner or any other person in your life. You will completely change the nature of communication, it will no longer be burdened by conflicts due to erroneous assumptions.

To keep from speculation - ask questions. Let there be no ambiguity in communication. If you don't understand, ask. Have the courage to ask questions until everything falls into place, and then do not flatter yourself that everyone already knows about the situation. When you get the answer, you will know the truth, and there will be no need for guesswork.

Gather your courage and ask about what interests you. The respondent has the right to say "no" or "yes", but there is always the right to ask. Similarly, everyone has the right to ask you a question, and you can answer "yes" or "no".

If you don’t understand something, it’s better to ask again and find out everything without resorting to speculation. The day you stop making assumptions, communication will be pure and clear, devoid of emotional poison. In the absence of guesswork, your word becomes impeccable.

The purity of communication will change your relationship with loved ones, and with everyone else. There will be no need for guesswork, because everything will become clear. This is what I want, and this is what you want. In such a circle of communication, the word becomes impeccable. If people could communicate using the exact word, there would be no wars, violence, misunderstandings. All the contradictions of humanity can be resolved through normal, open communication.

So, Third Agreement: Don't make assumptions.

Simple in words, but in reality, as I understand it, no. Because most of the time we do just the opposite. We do not even know our own habits and attachments. And the first step is to recognize them and understand the meaning of this Agreement.

But this is not enough. The information or idea is just seeds in your mind. We need real action. Repeated steps in this direction will strengthen your will, nourish the seeds, and create a solid foundation for developing a new habit. After repeated repetitions, new agreements will become your second "I", and you will see how the magic of the word will transform you from black to white magician.

The white magician uses the word to create, to give, to share, to love.

This Agreement alone will completely change your habits, your whole life.

When you completely transform a dream, a miracle happens in your life.

Everything you need comes easily because you are full of spirit. You master intent, spirituality, love, grace and life.

This is the goal of Toltec.
This is the path to personal freedom.

Chapter 5 - Fourth Agreement
Try to do your best

There is another agreement, it turns the previous three into established habits. The fourth Agreement concerns the operation of the previous ones: Try to do everything in the best possible way.

Under any circumstances, always try to do your best - no more and no less.

But keep in mind that your opportunities in this regard are not constant. Everything is alive, and everything changes in time, and sometimes your efforts result in high quality, and sometimes not so much. When you rest and get up in the morning with fresh strength, your possibilities are greater than in the late evening when you are tired. You can do more when you are healthy than when you are sick; when sober than when drunk. Your potential will depend on whether you are in a great and happy mood or upset, angry, jealous.

Depending on the disposition of the spirit, a person's capabilities can change every minute, hour by hour, day by day. They change over time. As you develop the habit of the four new Accords, your level of "best" will increase.

Regardless of this level, do your best - give it your all. If you overdo it, then spend more energy than necessary, and as a result, there will not be enough strength. During processing, a person exhausts the body and harms himself, and it takes longer to reach the goal. But, if you are not diligent, despair, self-condemnation, guilt, regret will appear.

Just do the best you can under all circumstances. It doesn't matter if you're sick or tired, as long as you always do your best. And you have nothing to blame yourself. And if so, then there will be no feelings of guilt, reproaches of conscience, self-flagellation. Giving all your best, you will remove the spell from yourself.

One person wanted to overcome suffering and went to a Buddhist temple to find a Master who would help him. Turning to the teacher, he asked:
- Master, if I meditate for four hours a day, how long will it take to overcome suffering?
He looked at him and said:
“If you meditate for four hours a day, perhaps you will achieve transformation in ten years.
Thinking that he could do better, the man asked:
- Oh Master, if I meditate eight hours a day, how long will it take to overcome suffering?
The teacher looked at him and replied:
“If you meditate eight hours a day, maybe twenty years.
“But why will it take longer if I increase the meditation time?” the man asked.
The teacher replied:
“You are not here to sacrifice joy or life. You are here to live, be happy and love. If you can, try and get it to two hours of meditation, and instead you're talking about eight. As a result, you will get tired, you will be distracted from the main thing, you will not enjoy life. Make every effort and perhaps you will understand that, regardless of the duration of meditation, you are able to live, love and be happy.

By doing your best, you can live a rich life. You will have a high working capacity, you will do a lot for yourself, because you will devote yourself to the family, society and so on. But the feeling of a happy and full life comes as a result of high activity. By doing the best he can, a person becomes active.

Such a life is action out of love for life and action, and not in the hope of reward. Most people, on the other hand, do just the opposite: they act only when they expect reward, they do not enjoy the process itself. And therefore they are not given to anything entirely.

For example, most people go to work every day only with the thought of a salary, money that they will receive for the work they do. They barely wait until Friday or Saturday, when they get paid, to relax. They work for remuneration, and as a result, work becomes a burden. They avoid active actions, work becomes a burden, and they are not particularly zealous.

Such people work hard all week, suffer from overload, from fatigue, because they feel obliged, and not because they like it. They have to work, because they have to pay rent, support their families. Despair gnaws at them. When they receive a reward they are no longer happy about it. They have two days off to do what they want. And what do they do? They try to run away. They get drunk because they are at odds with themselves. They hate their own lives. When we disgust ourselves, there are many ways to hurt ourselves.

On the other hand, when the action itself becomes the goal, without the expectation of reward, you will find yourself enjoying everything you do. The reward will come, but you are not attached to it. Without hoping for encouragement, a person can get even more than he imagined. If we enjoy our work, if we always do our very best, then we really enjoy life. We are not bored, joyful, no despair.

When you do this, you do not give the "Judge" the opportunity to judge or accuse you. If you give your all and the Judge tries to judge you by your Code of Laws, then the answer is: "I did my best." There are no regrets.

Fulfilling this agreement is not easy, but it does liberate a person.

When you do your best, learn to perceive yourself. But you need to understand what you are doing and learn from your own mistakes. It means doing something in the best possible way, honestly evaluating the results and continuing this practice. It raises your awareness.

"Doing your best" doesn't feel like work because you enjoy what you do. When you enjoy the process and don't leave a bad aftertaste, you know you're doing your best. Trying because you want to, not because you have to, trying to please the Judge or others.

If you act because you have to, then there is no way to really do the best you can. Then it's better not to do it. No, you do your best because being able to do so makes you happy. When it's "best" conditioned to enjoy your work, you act out enjoying it.

Action is the fullness of life. Inaction is its denial.

Passivity - sitting for years in front of the TV because of the fear of living and risking to prove yourself. Self-expression is an action. You may have a lot of wonderful ideas in your head, but only action changes something. Without the implementation of the idea, nothing will manifest itself, there will be no result and no reward.

A good example is the story of Forrest Gump. He had no special ideas, but he acted. I was happy, because in everything I gave all the best. He did not hope for promotion, but was generously rewarded.

To act is to live. You have to take a chance - gather your courage and express your dream. This is not the imposition of your dream on others, because everyone has the right to self-expression.

Doing your best is a great habit. I give myself to everything I do and feel. Making the best of everything in my life has become a ritual because I do it by choice.

This Agreement, like any faith, is taken by personal choice. I turn everything into a ritual and at the same time I always try to do it as well as possible.

Showering is a ritual for me, by this action I tell my body how much I love it. I feel and revel in the water washing my body. I try to fulfill its requests, give it its due and receive what it gives me.

In India, there is a puja ritual. Idols representing various incarnations of God are bathed, fed, and their love is dedicated to them. Even mantras are sung. The idol itself is of no importance. The important thing is how the ritual is performed, how people say: "I love You, Lord."

God is life. He is life in action. The best way to say "I love You, Lord" is to live your days doing your best. The best way to say "Thank You, God" is to leave the past alone and live in the moment, here and now. Give life what it demands. If you let go and stop worrying about the past, you allow yourself to live in the present. To leave the past alone is to enjoy the dream that is happening right now.

If you are living in a dream of the past, you are not enjoying what is happening right now because you always want things to be different from what they are. You live right now, in this moment, and you simply do not have time for all these memories. If you do not enjoy what is happening right now, you belong to the past and live only half. Because of this - self-pity, suffering, tears.

You are born with the right to happiness. The right to love, experience bliss and share love. You are a living person - so live and enjoy. Don't resist the life penetrating you, because it is God penetrating you. Your existence proves the existence of God, the existence of life and energy.

We do not need to know or improve anything. What matters is being, risking and enjoying life. Say "no" when you want to say "no" and say "yes" when you want to say "yes". You have the right to be yourself.

But you can only be yourself when you do your best. If this is not so, then you yourself deny the right to be yourself. These seeds must be cultivated in your thoughts. You do not need knowledge or cumbersome philosophical constructions. You don't need to be accepted. You express your divinity by the fact of your own life and love for yourself and others. With the words "Hey, I love you," God expresses Himself.

The first Three Agreements will only work if you do your very best.

Do not expect that you will immediately succeed in always being impeccable in words. Your habits are too strong and firmly entrenched in your thoughts. But you can do whatever you can.

Don't think you'll never take anything personally; just do your best for it.

Do not dream that you will never make assumptions, and yet you can try to live that way.

If you do the best you can, the habits of abusing the word, taking everything personally and assuming will weaken and gradually leave you. You should not judge, feel guilty, punish yourself if you cannot fulfill these agreements. Do your best and there will be a sense of relief, even as you continue to guess, take it personally, and not always be perfect with your words.

If you always give your best, you will master the process of transformation. The master grows out of practice. Perfection will make you a specialist. Everything you ever learned was memorized after repetition. You learned to write, drive, and even walk by repetition. Thanks to him, you have mastered your native language. It's all about action.

If you are impeccable in your search for personal freedom, love for yourself, then you will find that it is a matter of time and come to what you want. It's not about seeing or sitting in meditation for hours. You have to rise up and be human. You have to respect a man or a woman. Honor your body, enjoy it, love it, nourish it, purify and heal your body. Exercise and do whatever pleases him. This is a puja for your body, a covenant between you and God.

It is not necessary to worship the idols of the Virgin Mary, Christ or Buddha. You can do it if you want, if it pleases you. Your body is a manifestation of God and everything will change for you when you learn to respect it. If you give love to the body and each of its organs, then you will sow the seeds of love in your thoughts and, when they grow up, you will love, honor and respect your body immensely.

Then every action will turn into a ritual with which you honor God. After that, the next step is to worship the Almighty with all thoughts, feelings, faith, even every "right" or "wrong". Every thought turns into communication with God, and you begin to live in a dream without judgment, without sacrifice, without the need to gossip and abuse the word.

If you fulfill all Four Agreements, then you will not have to live in hell. In no case. If you are impeccable in words, do not take anything personally, do not make assumptions, always try to do everything in the best way, then your life will be beautiful. You are in complete control of it.

The Four Agreements - the result of mastering the transformation - is one of the achievements of the Toltecs. You are turning hell into heaven. The dream of the planet is transformed into your heavenly dream.

That's all knowledge - take it and use it.

Here are the Four Agreements, you just need to accept and respect their meaning and strength.

Just try to fulfill the Agreements with honor. You can make an agreement today:

I will follow these Four Agreements to the best of my ability.

It is so simple and logical that even a child will understand. But you need to have a very strong will to fulfill them. Why? Because there are obstacles in our way. Everyone around you will try to disrupt the implementation of the new agreements, everything around you will unite in order for us to violate them.

The problem is with the other conventions that make up the Dream of the planet. They work and they are very strong.

Therefore, one must be a great hunter, a great warrior, capable of defending the Four Covenants at the cost of one's life. Your happiness, freedom, lifestyle depends on it. The goal of a warrior is to overcome this world, avoid hell forever. As the Toltecs teach us, the reward must transcend the human experience of suffering, become the incarnation of God. This is the reward.

We really need to exert every effort to fulfill the Agreements. At first I didn't expect to do it. He fell many times, but got up and went forward. Again fell and again - forward. I didn't feel sorry for myself. In no case. He said: "If I fall, then I have enough strength and mind to get up. I'll do it anyway!" I got up and went. Fell, and again - only forward. And each time it got easier. However, in the beginning it was incredibly difficult.

So if you fall, don't blame yourself. Don't give your Judge the pleasure of making you a victim. No, be hard on yourself. Get up and make an agreement again. "Well, I have broken the pact to be impeccable in words. But I will start over. Today I will fulfill the Four Agreements. I will be impeccable in words, I will not take anything personally, I will not make assumptions, I will do everything in the best way."

If you break the contract, start again tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. It will be difficult at first, but day by day it gets easier until one day you find yourself in control of your life. Through the Four Covenants. You will be surprised at how your life has changed.

You don't have to be a religious person or go to church every day. Love and self-respect grow within you. Can you do it. If I did, then you can too. Don't think about the future. Keep your attention on today, stay in the present moment. Just live for today. Always do your best to keep these Agreements, and it will soon become easy to do so.

Today a new Dream begins.

Chapter 6 - The Toltec Path to Freedom
Rejection of old agreements

EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT FREEDOM. All over the world different people, different races, different countries are fighting for freedom. But what is freedom? In America we say we live in a free country. But are we really free? Are we free to be ourselves? The answer is no, we are not free. True freedom has to do with the spirit of man, it is the freedom to be yourself.

Who is stopping us from doing this? We blame the government, the weather, parents, religion, God. But in fact, who does not allow us to be free? We ourselves. What does it mean to be free? So we get married and say that we have lost our freedom; but we get divorced, and we don't become free. What's stopping you? Why can't we be ourselves?

We remember that a long time ago we were independent, and we liked it, but we forgot what freedom really is.

We observe a child of two, three, four years old - this is a free human being. Why? Yes, because he does what he wants. Man is a wild being. The same as an undomesticated flower, tree, animal! We see a wide smile on the face of a two-year-old man - he is having fun. He knows the world. Don't be afraid to play. At this age, children are afraid of pain, hunger, they are afraid that their desire will not be fulfilled, but they do not care about the past, there are no worries about the future, they live only in the present.

Very young children are not afraid to express their feelings. They are so loving that when they feel love, they dissolve in it. Don't be afraid to love. Here's a description of a normal person. As children, we are not afraid of the future and are not ashamed of the past. As humans, we strive to enjoy life, to play, to learn, to be happy, to love.

But what happens to adults? Why are we not? Why not free? We can say from the point of view of the Victim that something sad happened to us, and from the point of view of the warrior that what happened to us is normal. It so happened that we have a Code of Laws, a great Judge and a Victim live in us, who rule over our lives. We are no longer free because the Judge, the Victim and the belief system do not allow us to be ourselves. As soon as the program of our mind was filled with this garbage, we lost happiness.

Such learning from person to person, from generation to generation is considered quite normal in human society.

No need to reproach your parents for raising you in their own image. After all, they taught what they themselves learned! They tried, but if they infringed on us in some way, then this is the result of their domestication, their fears, their beliefs. They could not influence their programming, and therefore could not behave differently.

Do not blame your parents or those who distorted both your life and yourself. But the time has come to stop this corruption, to free yourself from the tyranny of the Judge by rebuilding the foundation of your own agreements. The time has come to get rid of the role of the Victim.

The real you is a child who will never grow up. Sometimes this little child comes out when you are having fun or playing, when you are happy, drawing, writing poetry, playing the piano, expressing yourself in some way. The happiest moments of your life are those when your essence comes out, you don't care about the past, you don't care about the future. When you are like a child.

But there is something that changes everything. We call it duty. The judge says: "Wait, you are a mandatory person, you have something to do, you have to work, go to school, earn a living." These responsibilities must be remembered. Our face changes and becomes serious again. If you look closely at how children play adults, you can see how their facial expressions change. "I'll be a lawyer" - and immediately the face matures. We go to court and see just such faces - that's the way we are. Still children, but already lost their freedom.

The desired freedom is the freedom to be yourself, to express yourself. But if we look at our lives, we will see that most of the time we please others so that they accept us; we do not live for pleasure. That's what happened to our freedom. And in our society and in all others in the whole world, we see that out of a thousand people, nine hundred and ninety-nine are completely "domesticated."

Worst of all, most of us don't even know we're not free. Something inside tells us that this is so, but we do not realize what is the matter and why.

Most people live and do not understand that the Judge and the Victim direct their minds, and therefore they have no chance to be free. Realizing this is the first step towards independence. To be free, we need to know that we are not free. Before solving a problem, you need to understand what it is.

Awareness is always the first step, because if there is no awareness, nothing can be changed. If you do not know that your mind is wounded and full of emotional poison, you cannot begin to cleanse and heal the wounds, and then you will continue to suffer.

There is no point in suffering. Realizing this, you can be indignant and say: "Enough!" You can start looking for ways to heal and transform your sleep. The dream of the planet is just a vision. He's not even real. If you go into it and challenge your beliefs, you will see that most of the attitudes that have wounded your mind are far from the truth. See that years of suffering are wasted. Why? Yes, because the belief system put into your head is based on a lie.

That is why it is so important to become the master of your own Dream. That is why Toltecs are masters of dreaming. Your life is the manifestation of your own dream; this is art. You can change your life at any time if sleep is not a joy. Dream Lords create a masterpiece from their lives; control dreams by making choices. Everything has effects, and the dreamer is aware of those effects.

Being a Toltec is a way of life. There are no leaders and followers in this path. The Toltec has its own truth, and you live by it. Toltec becomes wise, becomes wild and becomes free again.

There are three Arts that enable people to become Toltecs. The first is the Art of Consciousness. It means being aware of who we really are. The second is the Art of Transformation, the transformation of oneself. It is the ability to change, to be free from tameness. The third is the Art of Intention. Intention, from the Toltec point of view, is the part of life that makes it possible to transform energy. This is a living being, invisibly containing all energy, what we call "God". Intention is life itself, it is unconditional love. Therefore, the Art of Intention is the Art of Love.

One of the functions of the brain is the transformation of material energy into emotional energy. Our mind is a factory of emotions. And we say that dreaming is the main function of the brain.

Our freedom is to use our mind and body ourselves, to live our lives and not the life of a belief system.

When we find that the mind is ruled by the Judge and the Victim, and our "I" is cornered, we have only two choices.

The first is to continue to live like this, surrendering to the mercy of the Judge and the Victim, to exist within the framework of the Dream of the planet.

But being a warrior does not always mean winning the war: we can win or lose, but we always do our very best and have at least a chance to be free again.

At best, belonging to the warrior caste makes it possible to overcome the Dream of the planet and turn an individual dream into a heavenly one.

Heaven, like hell, exists within our consciousness. This is a place of joy, where we are happy and can love and be ourselves as we wish. A person is able to reach paradise while still alive, for this one does not have to wait for death. God is omnipresent and the kingdom of heaven is everywhere, but first we need eyes and ears to see and hear this truth.

Of course, easier said than done. And all because the Judge and the Victim rule our minds.

The third decision is called Death Initiation. Initiation by death is found in many traditions and esoteric schools around the world.

Now let's look at each method in more detail.

The Art of Transformation: Second Attention Sleep
You already know that the dream you are in right now is the result of an outer Dream that has captured your attention and provided you with beliefs. The process of domestication can be called first attention sleep, because that is how your attention was first used to create the first dream of your life.

One way to change yourself is to focus on agreements and beliefs, to change the agreement with yourself.

By doing this, you are reusing your attention, creating a second attention dream, or a new dream.

The difference is that you are no longer innocent. As a child, it was different: you had no choice. But you are no longer a child. Now - you choose what to believe and what not. Including faith in yourself.

The first thing to notice is the fog that is present in your mind. Understand that you are dreaming all the time. Only then can you convert it. If you understand that all the trouble in your life is from faith, and what you believe in is unrealistic, then you can begin to change everything.

However, in order to really change the faith, you need to focus on what exactly you want to transform. You need to know which conventions to convert before you can change them.

The next step is to understand what self-limiting, fear-based beliefs are making you unhappy. You review the entire system of attitudes and agreements, starting to change something in the process. The Toltecs called it the Art of Transformation, and it is true mastery. You master it by changing fear-based agreements - agreements that make you suffer - and you choose to program your own mind.

This can be done by learning and accepting an alternative faith like our Four Covenants.

The Four Agreements are designed to help you in the Art of Transformation, to help you let go of restrictive conventions, to empower yourself, to become stronger. The stronger you are, the more agreements you can refuse until the moment comes when you get to the core of the foundations of all agreements.

Moving to the basics is what I call going into the desert. There you meet the demons face to face. After returning from the desert, the evil spirits will become angels.

The four new Agreements give tremendous power. Removing the spell of black magic from your mind requires a lot of personal effort.

Every time you give up another old agreement, you become stronger. It is necessary to start with the rejection of small contracts, which requires less effort. When they are finished with, your strength will increase so much that you can take on the main demons in your mind.

For example, a little girl who was forbidden to sing grew up. Now she is twenty years old. She has not sung since. The girl is able to overcome the belief that she has a bad voice by saying to herself: "I will still try to sing, even if it comes out badly." She can then imagine someone clapping their hands and telling her, "Oh! That was great." So you can undermine a petty teenage agreement, but not eliminate it. However, now she has a little more strength and courage to try again and again until the agreement finally disappears.

This is one of the ways to get out of hellish sleep. But when you refuse an agreement that makes you suffer, you must replace it with a new one that will make you happier. This will protect against the return of the previous agreement. If the new has completely replaced the previous, then the old has no way back, and from now on the consciously concluded agreement will operate.

We have a lot of ingrained beliefs in our heads that can make this process seem hopeless. Therefore, you need to be patient and go step by step, slowly. Your current life is the result of many years of domestication. And in one day it will not be possible to reverse the order of things.

Refusal of agreements is a very difficult matter, because in each we put the power of the word (which is the power of our will).

The same amount of energy will be required to change the agreement. We will not succeed if we put less effort into its transformation than into its conclusion, because all the power of our personality is invested in the implementation of already existing agreements.

Here the situation is the same as with a strong habit: we get used to the individual condition, no matter how terrible it may be. Get used to anger, jealousy, self-pity. To beliefs that tell us: "I'm not worthy, I'm not smart enough. There's no point in trying. Let others try - they are better than me."

All these old contracts that govern our life Dream are the result of their repeated repetition. Therefore, for the adoption of the Four Agreements, it is also necessary to launch a repetition mechanism. Constant reference to new Agreements expands your opportunities. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Warrior Discipline: Controlling Your Own Behavior
Imagine that you wake up early in the morning, you are overwhelmed with enthusiasm. The mood is wonderful. You are happy, you have an excellent charge for the whole day. And at breakfast there was a big quarrel with your spouse, your mood deteriorated. You go crazy, and most of your energy is spent in anger. After a skirmish, you feel emptiness, you just want to go and cry. You feel so tired that you go to your room, fall off your feet and try to put your feelings in order. The day passes in torment. I don’t have the strength to take on anything, I want to hide from everything.

Every morning we wake up with some kind of charge of mental, emotional and physical strength that we spend during the day. If we allow feelings to drain our strength, we will not have enough of them either for ourselves or for others.

Your view of the world will depend on emotions. When you are upset, everything around you is not right, not your way. Everything is not to your liking, including the weather: whether it's raining or the sun is shining, it's equally bad. When you are sad, the environment causes melancholy, you want to cry. Look at the trees and they evoke sadness; see the rain and the world looks hopeless. Perhaps you feel a sense of hopelessness, and you want to protect yourself, because you do not know where to expect a blow from. You don't trust anyone or anything. And all because you look at the world through the eyes of fear!

Imagine that the human mind is like your skin. Touching healthy skin is a wonderful feeling. The surface of the body is made for perception, and the feeling of touch is wonderful. Now imagine that you have an injury - an infected cut. It is worth touching - a flash of pain, you are trying to cover and protect the wound. Any touch is unpleasant, because it causes suffering.

Now imagine that all people have skin diseases. No one can touch anyone, because it will hurt. Everyone has wounds, so infection is considered normal, suffering too; that's how it is with us.

Can you imagine our communication if all people in the world had such a skin disease? It would hurt even to wrap someone in an embrace. We would have to stay away from each other.

The human mind is exactly like an infected skin. Each has its own body, covered with infected wounds. Each is infected with emotional poison - the poison of those feelings that make you suffer. For example, hatred, anger, envy, sadness.

Injustice opens the wounds of consciousness, and we respond with emotional poison, guided by our beliefs and concepts of what is good and what is bad. The mind is so wounded and poisoned by the taming process that people find it normal.

Everyone thinks so, but I don't.

We are dealing with the dysfunctional Dream of the planet, and the psychic dysfunction is called FEAR. The symptoms of the disease include all the emotions that make people suffer: anger, hatred, sadness, envy, jealousy, betrayal. When the fear is too great, the thinking mind begins to fail, and this is called a mental disorder. Psychotic behavior occurs when the mind is so frightened and the wounds hurt so much that it seems better to cut off the outside world.

If we realize that we have a diseased state of mind, then we will understand that there is a cure. Stop suffering. It will take the truth first to open the emotional wounds, remove the poison, and heal the sores. How it's done? We must forgive those who offended us. Not because they deserve it, but because we love ourselves so much that we no longer want to pay for injustice.

Forgiveness is the only way to heal. We resort to it because we have compassion for ourselves. We can stop being indignant and declare: “Enough!

First we need to forgive our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, God.

By forgiving God, you can finally forgive yourself. Once you forgive yourself, the self-reflection in your mind is over. You begin to accept yourself, and self-love will become so strong that you will finally accept yourself for who you are. This is how freedom begins. And the key to it is Forgiveness.

You will know that you have forgiven someone when you see him and do not experience any feelings. Hear the name and don't respond. When they touch what was your wound, and it will not hurt, you will understand that you have really forgiven.

The truth is like a scalpel. It is painful because it opens up crusted ulcers to heal them. The lie is what we call the denial system. It is good that we have it, because it allows us to cover the wounds and continue to act. But once the wounds and poison are gone, there is no need to lie anymore. And the system of denial is not needed, because you can touch a healthy mind, like healthy skin, and there will be no pain. When the consciousness is purified, the touch is pleasant.

The problem with most people is that they have no control over their emotions. Human behavior is controlled by feelings, and not a person controls his feelings. Losing self-control, we say what we do not want and do what we do not want.

That is why it is so important to be impeccable in words and become a spiritual warrior. You must learn to control your emotions so that you have the strength to change agreements based on fear, to escape from the underworld, to create your own paradise.

How can we become warriors? Warriors all over the world have common features. They realize. It is very important. We know that there is a war going on in our minds and it requires discipline. But discipline is not a soldier, but a warrior. Not an externally imposed discipline about what to do and what not to do, but the discipline to be yourself in any situation.

The warrior has control. Not control over another person, but control over your own emotions, your essence. You lose control when you suppress your emotions, believing that to suppress is to control. The main difference between a warrior and a victim is that the latter suppresses, while the former curbs his emotions. Victims suppress because they are afraid to show feelings, to say what they want. Another thing is to curb. It means holding on to emotions and expressing them at the right time - not earlier and not later. That is why warriors are impeccable. They are in complete control of their emotions and therefore their behavior.

Death Initiation: Embrace the Angel of Death
The last way to achieve personal freedom is to prepare for the Initiation by death, to make Death itself your teacher. The angel of death can teach us how to live. We learn that we can cease to exist at any moment; we have only the present for life. We really do not know if we will die in a hundred years or tomorrow. Not known. We think there are many more years to come. But is it?

If a person goes to the hospital and the doctor says that he has one week left to live, what should he do? As already mentioned, there are two choices. Since a person dies, he must suffer and tell everyone: "Woe to me - I will die" - and play out a whole drama.

Another choice is to use every moment to be happy, to do what pleases you. If there is only a week of life left, let's enjoy it. Experience the fullness of being.

We can say, "I'll be myself. I'm not going to vegetate anymore, pleasing others. I won't care what they think of me. If I die in a week, it doesn't matter. I'm still being myself."

The angel of death can teach us to live each day as if it were the last day of our lives and there would be no tomorrow. Every morning you can start with the words: "I woke up, I see the sun. I am grateful to him, everything and everyone for living, I can be myself one more day."

This is how I see life.

The angel of death taught me to be completely open, to know that there is nothing to be afraid of. And, of course, I treat my loved ones with love, because this may be the last day when I can tell them how much I love them. I don't know if I'll see you again, and that's why I don't want to quarrel with you.

What would happen if I seriously quarreled with you, threw out all the accumulated emotional poison, and you died the next day? R-time! Oh God, the Judge will not leave me alone, and I will reproach myself for everything I have said to you. I will even reproach you for not saying how much I love you.

I can share with you the love that makes me happy. Why should I deny that I love you? It doesn't matter if there is reciprocity. One of us may die tomorrow. I am happy that right now I can say how much I love you.

Life in the Dream of the planet is like death. Surviving the Initiation by death receives a wonderful gift: resurrection. To do this, you need to rise from the dead, live, be yourself again. To be resurrected means to be, like a child, untamed, unrestrained and free.

This is what, according to the Toltecs, the angel of death teaches us. He comes to us and says: “You see that everything that exists belongs to me, and not to you. Your house, spouse, children, car, career, money - everything is mine. If I want, I can take it away, but for now - use ".

If we surrender to the angel of death, we will be happy always and forever. Why?

Because he takes away the past, making it possible for life to continue. At every moment of the past, the angel of death takes away the dead part, and we live in the present.

How can you enjoy the present while trying to live in the past?

Why do we need the burden of the past if we live in the dream of the future?

When are we going to live in the present?

This is what the angel of death teaches us. Don't dream about the future, focus on today and live in the present. One day. Do everything to fulfill these Agreements, and soon it will not be difficult for you.

Today is the beginning of a new Dream.

Chapter 7 - A new dream
Heaven on Earth

I want you to forget everything you have learned in life. This is the beginning of a new understanding, a new Dream.

The dream you are living in is your own creation. This is a perception of reality that a person can change at any time. It is in your power to create hell and heaven. Why not change your dream? Why not use the mind, imagination, emotions to see a dream of paradise?

Turn on your imagination and amazing things will happen. Imagine that you have the opportunity to see the world with different eyes, to see what you choose for yourself. Every time you open your eyes, you will see the world in a completely different way.

Close your eyes, then open and see.

You will see love coming from the trees, love flowing from heaven, love overflowing with light. You will absorb love from everything around you. This is a state of bliss. You directly perceive love from everything around you, including yourself and other people. Even when people around you are sad or angry, and behind these feelings you are able to recognize love.

I want you to use your imagination and renewed perception to see your new life, a new dream, a life where you don't have to justify your existence and where you can be yourself.

Imagine being allowed to be happy and enjoy life. Your life does not conflict with the lives of others.

Imagine that you are living and expressing your dreams without fear. You know what you want, when you want it and what you don't want. You can change your life as you wish. You are not afraid to ask for what you need, say yes or no.

Imagine that you don't care what others say. You no longer adjust your behavior to someone else's gossip. You are not responsible for anyone's opinion. You don't have to control anyone, and nobody controls you.

Imagine living and not judging anyone. You easily forgive everyone and refuse judgments on anyone's address. You don't have to fight to be right and someone else wrong. You respect yourself and others, and they respect you.

Imagine living without the fear of loving and not being loved. Don't be afraid to be rejected and you don't need to be accepted. You can say, without shame or the need to justify yourself, "I love you." You can walk the world with an open heart and not be afraid of insults.

Imagine that you are not afraid to take risks and explore life. Do not be afraid to lose something, live in this world and die.

Imagine loving yourself just the way you are. Love your body, love your feelings just the way they are. Know that you are perfect the way you are.

The reason I'm asking you to do this is because it's all quite possible! You are able to live in a state of grace, happiness, in a heavenly dream. But in order to experience this dream, one must first understand what it is.

Only love brings such bliss. Bliss is synonymous with love. To be in love is to be blessed. You are floating in the clouds. You see love everywhere. And so you can always live. You can, because others have done it, and they are the same as you. They are blissful because they have changed their agreements and have a different Dream.

Once you get a feel for what it means to live in bliss, you will love it. You will understand that heaven on earth is true, it really exists.

As soon as you realize that there is a paradise and you can live in it, it will depend on you whether you strive for it or not.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus told us about the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of love, but people were not ready to hear it. They said, "What are You talking about? My heart is empty, I don't feel the love that You speak of; I don't feel the peace you bring with you." You don't have to do anything. Just imagine that this message of love is possible, and you will find its echo in yourself.

The world is beautiful and full of wonders. Life can be very simple when love becomes a way of being.

You can always love. The choice is yours. You may not have a reason to love, but you can because love makes you blissful. Active love brings happiness. She gives peace. Changes your perception.

Everything can be looked at with loving eyes. You realize that love is all around you. With such a life, the fog in thoughts dissipates. Mitote leaves you alone forever. People have been striving for this for centuries. Happiness has been sought for thousands of years. Happiness is a lost paradise. People have worked so hard for this, and it is part of the evolution of the mind. This is the future of humanity.

This way of life is possible, and it is in your hands. Moses called it the Promised Land, Buddha called it nirvana, Jesus called it paradise, Toltecs called it the New Dream.

But there is no reason to suffer. Your choice is the only cause of suffering. Looking at your life, you will find many reasons for torment, but you will not find a serious reason. The same goes for happiness.

Its only justification is your choice. Both happiness and suffering are a matter of your choice.

We may not be able to escape the fate of man on earth, but we have a choice: the fate of a sufferer or a happy fate.

Suffer or love and be happy.

Live in hell or heaven.

I choose heaven.

Please take a moment, close your eyes, open your heart and feel the love that comes out of it.

I want you to understand my words with your mind and heart and feel the powerful presence of love. Together we will create an extraordinary prayer to communicate with our Creator.

Focus your attention on the lungs - as if you only have them. Feel the pleasure of the lungs expanding to meet the greatest need of the human body - the need to breathe.

Take a deep breath and feel the air fill your lungs. Feel it like love. Pay attention to the connection between the air and the lungs - this is a love connection.

Let them fill with air until the body wants to push it out.

And then - exhale - bliss again. After all, pleasure is experienced by satisfying any needs of the human body. Breathing is a great pleasure. One breath is enough to always be happy, enjoy life. Enough to be alive.

Do you feel how wonderful it is to be alive, how wonderful to feel love? ..

Prayer for freedom
Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask You to come and share with us the communion of love. We know that Your real name is Love, that to communicate with You means to share Your vibration and its frequency, because You are the only Essence in the Universe.

Help us today to become like You, to love life, to be life, to be love.

Help us to love the way You do, without conditions, expectations, obligations, unconditionally.

Help us to love and accept ourselves without thinking that You consider us guilty and we expect punishment.

Help unconditionally love each of your creations, especially other people, especially those who live nearby: loved ones and people whom we try so hard to love. For by rejecting them, we reject ourselves, and by rejecting ourselves, we reject You.

Help unconditionally love others for who they are. Help to accept them as they are, without trial, for if we judge them, we find them guilty, we accuse and want to punish.

Now cleanse our hearts of emotional poison, free our minds from any judgment so that we can live in perfect peace and love.

Today is a special day. We again open our hearts to love, to say to each other sincerely and without fear: "I love you."

Now we place ourselves in Your hands. Come to us, become our voice, eyes, hands, hearts, so that together with everyone you can partake of love.

Today, Creator, help us to become like You. Thank you for all the gifts today, especially the freedom to be yourself. Amen.

Prayer for love
We are about to share a beautiful dream - a dream you will love forever.

A beautiful warm, sunny day is in full swing. You hear the birds, the wind, the river. Go to the water. An old man is meditating near the shore, and you see how a wonderful multi-colored radiance comes from his head. You try not to disturb him, but he notices your presence and opens his eyes. They are full of love and smile.

You ask the old man how he manages to radiate such a beautiful radiance. Ask if he can teach you to do the same. He replies that many, many years ago he asked his teacher about the same.

The elder begins to tell you about himself: “My teacher opened his chest, took out his heart and extracted a beautiful flame from it. Then he opened my chest, my heart and placed a small flame in it. He again inserted the heart into my chest, and I immediately felt love, for the flame he placed in my heart was his own love.

The fire in my heart grew and turned into a huge fire; however, that flame did not burn, but cleansed everything that it touched. It touched every cell of my body, and the body responded with love. I became one with my body, but my love was greater. The fire touched all my feelings and they turned into a strong and intense love. I loved myself - completely and unconditionally.

But the fire continued to burn, and I had a need to share my feeling. I decided to put a little love into every tree. They responded to me in return, and I became one with the trees, but my love did not stop and grew.

I put a particle of love into every flower, blade of grass, earth, they responded with love, and we became one.

My love continued to grow and spread to all the animals in the world. They responded with love, and we became one. But the love continued to grow.

I placed its particle in every crystal, pebble on the ground, in dust, in metals, they answered me with love, and we became one with the earth. Then I decided to put my feeling into water, oceans, rivers, rain, snow. They reciprocated, and we became united.

And my love keeps growing. I decided to give it to the air, to the wind. I felt a strong connection with the earth, the wind, the oceans, nature, and my love grew.

I turned my head to the sky, the sun, the stars, put a particle of love into each star, into the Moon, into the Sun, and they answered me the same. We became one with the moon, the sun, the stars, and my love grew.

I put a particle of my feeling into every person, and we became one with all of humanity. Wherever I go, whoever I meet, I see myself in their eyes, because I am a part of everything, because I love.

Then the old man opened his chest, took out the heart with that wonderful flame inside, and placed the flame in your heart. Now this love is growing inside of you.

From now on, you are one with the wind, water, stars, nature, with all animals and people. You feel the heat and the radiance of light from the flame in your heart.

Your head radiates wonderful multicolor. The radiance of love emanates from you, and you pray:
Thank you, Creator of the Universe, for Your gift of life. Thank you for giving me everything I ever needed. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind. Thank you for living in me with your love, pure and boundless spirit, warm and radiant light.

Thank you for using my words, eyes, heart, to give from the bounty of Your love wherever I go. I love you the way you are, and I am your creation, and I love myself the way I am. Help me keep love and peace in my heart. Make love my new life to live in love for the rest of my days. Amen.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my mother Sarita, who taught me selfless love; to my father, José Luis, who taught me obedience; to my grandfather, Leonardo Macias, who gave me the key to the Toltec mysteries; as well as to his sons Miguel, José Luis and Leonardo.

I want to express my admiration and gratitude to Gaia Jenkins and Trey Jenkins for their dedication.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Janet Mills, publisher and editor, who believed in me. Thanks also to Ray Chambers for showing me the way.

I would like to pay tribute to my dear friend Jeanie Gentry, whose ideas and faith won my heart.

I would like to pay tribute to the many people who gave me their free time, invested their soul and strength in support of the teachings. First of all, these are Gae Buckley, Ted and Peggy Ress, Christina Johnson, "Redhead" Judy Frubauer, Vicki Molinar, David and Linda Dibble, Bernadette Vigil, Cynthia Wootton, Alan Clark, Rita Rivera, Catherine Chase, Stephanie Bureau, Todd Caprilian, Glenna Quigley, Allan & Randy Hardman, Cindy Pascoe, Tink & Chuck Cowgill, Roberto & Diane Pez, Siri Jan Singh Khalsa, Heather Ash, Larry Andrews, Judy Silver, Carolyn Hipp, Kim Hofer, Mercedeh Heradmand, Diana & Skye Ferguson, Carey Kropidlowski, Steve Hasenburg, Dara Salur, Joaquin Galvan, Woody Bobb, Rachel Guerrero, Mark Gershon, Colette Michaan, Brandt Morgan, Kathryn Kilgore (Kitty Kaur)

Michael Gilardi, Laura Haney, Mark Kloptin, Wendy Bobb, Ed Fox, Jari Jeda, Mary Carroll Nelson, Amari Magdelana, Jane-Anne Doe, Russ Vinable, Gu & Maya Khalsa, Mataji Rosita, Fred & Marion Vatinelli, Diane Laurent, V J. Polich, Gale Dawn Price, Barbara Simon, Patti Torres, Kay Thompson, Ramin Yazdani, Linda Lightfoot, Terry Gorton, Dorothy Lee, J. J. Frank, Jennifer and Jean Jenkins, George Gorton, Tita Weems, Shelley Wolfe, Gigi Boyce, Morgan Drasmin, Eddie Von Sonn, Sydney de Jong, Peg Hackett Kensin, Germaine Botista, Pilar Mendoza, Debbie Rund Caldwell, Bea LaScalla, Eduardo Rabasa, Cowboy.

Practical Guide

This little book can completely change your life. Try to follow the Four New Agreements by changing the old agreements that have choked your life - agreements imposed on us by the Dream of the planet, the Dream of society, the Dream of the family - and the dream of hell in which almost all of us live will turn into a Paradise Dream.

Toltec don Miguel Ruiz, a Nagual other than Kastanedovskaya, lineage, concentrated in this little message all the wisdom of the Toltecs, and each, literally each of us can use it without fear.

Don Miguel Ruiz was born and raised in a family of healers in rural Mexico; his mother was a curandera (healer), and his grandfather was a Nagual (shaman). The family hoped that Miguel would master their ancient heritage of teaching and healing people and contribute to the esoteric science of the Toltecs. However, Miguel was fascinated by modern life and chose medical school to become a surgeon.

But one day he almost died, and this incident radically changed his life. One late evening in the early seventies, he fell asleep at the wheel of his car. Woke up the moment the car crashed into a concrete wall. Don Miguel remembers not feeling his body when he pulled two of his buddies out of a wrecked car.

This event stunned him, and he began to deal with his own thoughts. Miguel devoted himself to mastering the ancient wisdom of his ancestors, studying diligently from his mother and taking a course from a shaman in the Mexican desert. In the dream, he was receiving instructions from his late grandfather.

According to the Toltec tradition, the Nagual guides a person on the path of personal freedom. Don Miguel Ruiz - Nagual in the line of the Eagle Knight; he devoted his entire life to spreading the teachings of the ancient Toltecs

Four Agreements

Be direct and honest. Say only what you really mean. Avoid saying things that could be used against you or gossip about others. Use the power of the word to reach truth and love.

Other people's affairs do not concern you. Everything people say or do is a projection of their own reality, their own personal dream. If you develop immunity to other people's views and actions, then you will avoid needless suffering.

Don't make assumptions

Find the courage to ask the right questions and express what you really want to express in case of misunderstanding. Be as clear as possible when communicating with others to avoid misunderstandings, frustration, and suffering. This agreement alone can completely change your life.

Your opportunities are not always the same: it is one thing when you are healthy, and another when you are sick or upset. Under any circumstances, just make every effort, and you will not have reproaches of conscience, reproaches against yourself and regrets.

In The Four Covenants, Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of the beliefs

which rob people of joy and doom them to unnecessary suffering.Based on the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs, the Four Covenants offer rules of conduct that open up tremendous opportunities for rapid change in life in order to find freedom, true happiness and love.


Thousands of years ago, the Toltecs were known throughout southern Mexico as "people of knowledge". Anthropologists speak of the Toltecs as a nation or race, but in fact they were scientists and artists who created their community to research and preserve the spiritual knowledge and customs of the ancients. They came together as mentors (naguals) and students in Teotihuacan, the ancient city of the pyramids near Mexico City, known as "The place where Man becomes God".

For millennia, the Naguals had to hide the wisdom of their ancestors and shroud its existence in mystery. The European conquests and the fact that some students openly abused their abilities made it necessary to protect traditional knowledge from those who were not ready to dispose of it wisely or could deliberately use it for their own gain.

Toltec knowledge, like all sacred esoteric traditions throughout the world, rests on the fundamental unity of truth. It is by no means a religion, but the Toltec tradition honors all spiritual guides who have ever taught on Earth. She also speaks of the spirit, but it is more about a way of life, the hallmark of which is the readiness for internal changes, leading to the achievement of happiness and love.


Smoky Mirror

Three thousand years ago there were exactly the same people as you and me - people who lived near a city surrounded by mountains. One of them studied to become a healer, to comprehend the knowledge of his ancestors. But this man did not always agree with what he had to master. In his very heart he felt that something more must exist.

One day, falling asleep in a cave, he saw his own sleeping body. One night, on the eve of a new moon, he came out of his hiding place. The sky was clear, with thousands of stars shining on it. And then something happened inside him - something that transformed his whole future life. He looked at his hands, felt his body, and heard his own voice say, "I am made of light, I am made of stars."

He looked at the luminaries again and realized that it was not the stars that created the light at all, but rather that the light created the stars. "Everything is made of light," he said, "and the space between created things is not a void." He knew that everything that exists is one living being, and light is the messenger of life that contains all information.

This man realized that although he was made of stars, he himself was not a star. He thought, "I am that which is between the stars." And he called the stars tonals, and the light between the stars - the nagual, realizing that Life, or Intention, creates harmony and space between the heavenly bodies and the light. Without Life, the tonal and the nagual cannot exist. Life is the power of the Absolute, the Higher Power, the all-creating Creator.

His discovery was this: everything that exists is an expression of one living being, which we call God. Everything is God. He came to the conclusion that human perception is nothing but light perceiving light. He considered matter as a mirror - everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of this light, and the world of illusion, Sleep, is like smoke that does not allow us to see ourselves. Our true nature is pure love, pure light, he told himself.

This realization changed his life. As soon as he realized who he really was, he looked around, looked at other people, at nature, and what he saw amazed him. He saw himself in everything: in every person, in every animal, in every tree, in water, in rain, in clouds, in earth. I saw that Life mixes the tonal and the nagual in various ways to create billions of its manifestations.

He got it all in those short moments. He was overwhelmed with a thirst for action, and his heart was full of peace. I couldn't wait to give my discovery to the world. But there were not enough words to explain it all. He tried to tell others about it, but those around him were not able to understand him. People have noticed that he has changed, that his eyes and voice radiate something beautiful. It was found that he no longer makes judgments about events or people. He became a completely different person.

He understood everyone perfectly, but no one could understand him. People believed that he was the incarnation of God, and he, listening to this, smiled and said:

"It's true. I am God. But you are also God. You and I represent the same thing. We are images of light. We are God."

But people still didn't understand him.

He found that he was a mirror for all people, a mirror in which he could see himself. "Every person is a mirror," he said. He saw himself in everyone, but no one saw himself in him. He realized that people see a dream, but do not realize, do not understand who they really are. They could not see themselves in it, for there was a wall of mist or smoke between the mirrors. And this veil is woven from interpretations of the image of light. This is the Dream of humanity.

Now he knew that he would soon forget everything he had been taught. He wanted to remember all his visions and therefore decided to call himself the Smoky Mirror, so as not to forget that matter is a mirror, and the smoke in between is what prevents us from realizing who we are in essence. He said, "I am the Smoky Mirror, for I see myself in all of you, but we do not recognize each other because of the smoke between us. This smoke is the Dream, and you who sleep are the mirror."

"It's easier to live with your eyes closed,

Everything you see is a misunderstanding..."

John Lennon

Chapter 1

Taming and Dream of the planet

Everything you see and hear now is nothing but a dream. Not excepting this moment. You are also dreaming when you are awake.

Dreaming is the main function of the mind, and the mind sleeps all twenty-four hours a day. He sleeps when the brain sleeps, he sleeps when the brain is awake. The difference is that when the brain is awake, there are some material coordinates that make you perceive things linearly. As soon as we fall asleep, they disappear, so the dream has the property of continuously changing.

People dream all the time. Even before we were born, those who lived before us created a boundless dream around them, which we call the "Dream of society", or the Dream of the planet. The planetary dream is a collective dream, made up of billions of individual dreams, which together form the Dream of families, communities, cities, countries, and finally the Dream of all mankind. The dream of our planet includes all kinds of social attitudes, beliefs, laws, religions, diverse cultures and ways of being, governments, schools, political events and holidays.

We are endowed with an innate ability to dream. The people who lived before us made sure that we were visited by exactly the same dreams as the whole society. Outer sleep has many rules, and when a child is born, we capture his attention and implant them in his consciousness. The sleep society uses mom and dad, schools and religion to teach us how to dream.

Attention is the ability to distinguish and focus only on what we want to perceive.

We can see, hear, touch or smell millions of things at the same time, but with the help of attention at our own will, we mentally prefer to perceive this or that. From our very childhood, the adults around us completely captured our attention and, with the help of repetitions, fixed certain information in our minds. So we learned everything we know.

Using attention, we studied the whole reality around us, the external dream. Learned how to behave in society: what to believe and not to believe; what is acceptable and unacceptable; what is good and bad; what is beautiful and ugly; what is right and wrong. All this already existed: all this knowledge, rules and concepts about how to live in the world around.

At school, you sat at your desk and listened to what the teacher was saying. In the temple, they focused on what the priest or church servant said. The same applies to parents, brothers and sisters: they all tried to get your attention. In the same way, we learn to master the interest of other people, we ourselves fight for the attention of others.

Children compete to attract the attention of parents, teachers, friends. "Look at me! Look what I'm doing! Hey, here I am - here." The need for attention persists - even worsens - in adults.

The outer dream grabs our attention and teaches us what we should believe, starting with the language we speak. Language is the code by which people understand and communicate with each other. Every letter, every word in a language is the result of some agreement. We say "a page in a book" and the very word "page" is the result of a contract about how to understand it. As soon as we begin to understand the code, our attention is concentrated and energy is transferred from one person to another.

We didn't choose which language to speak. We did not choose religion or moral values ​​- they existed even before we were born. We have never been able to decide for ourselves what to believe or not to believe. We did not take part in the development of the most insignificant of such agreements. They didn't even choose their own name.

In childhood, we do not have the opportunity to choose our faith, we simply have to agree with the information transmitted by others from the Planetary Dream. The only way to keep information is by agreement. An external dream is able to attract attention, but if we do not agree with the information received, then we do not hold it. As soon as a person agrees, he begins to trust, and this is already called "faith." To believe, you need to trust unconditionally.

We learn this from childhood. Children believe everything that adults say, agree with them, and their faith is so strong that its very internal structure completely controls the Dream of Life. We did not choose these beliefs, we could even rebel against them, but we were not strong enough to win such a rebellion. And as a result of the agreement, we approve and accept other people's beliefs.

I call this process the domestication of human beings. With it, we learn to live and dream. In the process of adapting a person, information from an external dream is transferred to an internal dream, building a system of beliefs. At first, the child is taught what and how to call: mom, dad, milk, bottle. Every day at home, at school, in church, on TV, he is told how to live, what behavior is considered acceptable. The outer dream teaches how to become human. We have a general idea of ​​what "woman" and "man" are. In the same way we learn to judge ourselves, to judge other people, to judge our neighbors.

The process of domesticating children is the same as domesticating a dog, cat, or any other animal. In order to train a dog, we punish him or encourage him. We raise our beloved children in the same way as we train a pet: with the help of a system of punishments and rewards. When a child does what his parents want him to do, he is told: "good boy" or "good girl." If he doesn't, he's a "bad girl" or "bad boy."

When children break the rules, they are scolded; when they obey, they are praised. We were scolded and encouraged many times a day. Over time, a person begins to fear not receiving a reward or being punished. The reward lies in the attention of parents or other people, such as brothers or sisters, teachers, friends. We quickly develop a need to attract the attention of others in order to receive a reward.

The reward causes pleasant feelings, and the person continues to do what is asked of him in order to receive a reward. For fear of punishment or loss of reward, we begin to pretend to be completely different people - just to please someone, to be nice. We try to please our mother and father, the teachers at the school, the priest at the church - this is how the masquerade begins. We pretend to be other people because we are afraid of being rejected.

The fear of being rejected transforms into the fear of not being good enough. Ultimately, a person changes radically. Just copies the beliefs of mommy, daddy, society, religion.

All of our normal tendencies are lost in the process of taming. When we grow up and begin to understand something, we will learn the word "no". Adults say: "Do this, don't do that."

We rise up and say, "No!" We rise because we defend personal freedom. The child wants to be himself, but he is still very small, and adults are big and strong. Over time, he becomes afraid, because he knows that whenever he does something wrong, he will be punished.

The power of domestication is so great that at a certain point a person no longer needs someone to teach him. For mother, father, school or church to "domesticate" us. We have been trained so well that we are already becoming our own trainers. We are self-adjusting animals.

From now on, we can adapt ourselves to the structure of beliefs, using the same system of punishments and rewards. A person punishes himself when he does not follow the rules of the belief system, rewards himself when he considers himself a "good boy" or "good girl".

The device of faith is similar to the Code of Laws that regulate the work of our mind. Questions are excluded: what is written in the Code is the truth. The Code of Laws also substantiates the judgments of a person, even if they contradict his inner essence. In our brain, in the process of domestication, even ethical norms are programmed, which resemble the Ten Commandments. Gradually, these agreements fall into the Code of Laws, which governs our sleep.

There is something in the human mind that judges everyone and everything, including the weather, dogs, cats, literally everything. The Inner Judge uses the Code of Laws to evaluate reality, what we do and what we don't do, what we think and what we don't, what we feel and what we don't feel.

Everything is subject to the tyranny of this Judge. Whenever we do something that goes against the Code, the Inner Judge says we are guilty, we should be punished, we should be ashamed. This happens every day throughout our lives.

There is another part in a person that is constantly the object of judgment - the Victim. She is responsible for everything, both guilt and shame fall on her. This is the part of us that says: "Poor me, poor me: I'm not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, I'm not worthy of love, I'm mediocre." The competent Judge agrees and says, "Yeah, you're not good enough."

All of these processes are based on a belief system that we have not chosen. They are so strong that even years later, when our perceptions change and we try to make our own decisions, we find that this system of attitudes still rules our lives.

Anything that is against the Code of Laws will cause a tickling sensation in your solar plexus, and that sensation is fear. When you violate the Code, emotional wounds make themselves felt, and your reaction to this is to create emotional poison.

Since the contents of the Code of Laws must be true, everything that is contrary to your faith makes you feel insecure, vulnerable. After all, even if the Code is wrong, it still gives rise to a sense of security.

Therefore, it will take a lot of courage for a person to challenge his own beliefs. After all, even knowing that we did not choose them, we realize that it is true that we agreed with them.

The influence of the agreement is so strong that, even though we understand the falsity of its whole concept, we feel guilty and ashamed whenever we go against the rules.

Just as the government has a code of laws that governs the Dream of Society, our belief system is a code of laws that governs our own sleep. All these rules exist in the mind, we believe in them, and the Inner Judge substantiates everything with their help. He makes a decision, and the Victim feels guilty and punished.

But who says that there is justice in this dream?

True justice makes you pay only once for each mistake.

True injustice forces you to pay again and again for every mistake.

How many times do we pay for one mistake? Thousands. Man is the only animal on earth who pays a thousand times for the same oversight.

The rest pay for a mistake only once. But not us. We have a powerful memory. A person stumbles, judges, finds himself guilty - and punishes. If justice exists, then once should be enough - there is no need to repeat. We, remembering, condemn ourselves, again find ourselves guilty and reproach ourselves again, again and again.

A husband or wife will definitely remind you of a mistake so that we can once again condemn ourselves, punish ourselves, plead guilty. Is it fair?

How many times do we make a partner, children, parents pay for the same mistake? Every time we remember a mistake, we again blame them and convey all the emotional poison that has accumulated in us from injustice, and then make them answer for the same mistake again. Is it fair?

The judge in our head is mistaken, because the system of faith, the Code of Laws, is wrong. The dream is built on a false law. Ninety-five percent of the beliefs that people keep in their minds are lies; we suffer because we believe in him.

Obviously, in a dream, humanity suffers, lives in fear, creates emotional dramas. External sleep is unpleasant; it is a dream of violence, fear, war, injustice. People have different dreams, but in a global sense it is a complete nightmare.

One look at human society is enough to understand how difficult it is to live in it when it is ruled by fear. All over the world we see human suffering, anger, revenge, drug addiction, violence, injustice everywhere. In different countries of the world this manifests itself in different ways, but everywhere fear controls the external dream.

If we compare the Dream of human society with the descriptions of the underworld, which are in all religions of the world, we will see that they are identical.

Religions say that hell is a place of punishment, fear, pain, suffering, a place where fire devours you. Its flame is generated by emotions coming from fear. Whenever we feel anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, we feel a fire burning in us.

People live in an infernal dream.

If we consider hell as a state of mind, then all around us is hell. We are threatened that if we do not fulfill the Commandments, we will end up in hell. Bad news! We are already in hell, including those who tell us about it. A person is not able to condemn another person to hellish torments, because we are already in hell. Of course, people can make hell even worse. But only if we let it happen.

Everyone has their own dream, and like the Society Dream, it is usually dominated by fear. In our own lives, we learn to see the dream of hell. Of course, the same fears in each person manifest themselves in their own way, but everyone experiences anger, jealousy, hatred, envy and other negative emotions. Our dream can turn into a continuous nightmare in which we suffer and live in a state of eternal fear. Why do we need nightmares when we can enjoy a pleasant dream?

All people are looking for truth, justice, beauty. We are eternal seekers of truth, because we believe only in the lies that we have stored in our own minds.

We seek justice because there is no justice in our belief system.

We are always in search of beauty, because no matter how beautiful a person is, we do not believe that beauty is always inherent in him.

We are all looking and looking outside, while everything is already in ourselves. There is no need to specifically look for any truth. Wherever you look, it is everywhere, but the conventions and beliefs that we keep in our heads do not allow us to see it.

We are blind and therefore do not see the truth. What blinds us is the false beliefs we keep in our heads. We need to be right and others wrong. We trust what we believe, and our beliefs condemn us to suffering. We live as if in darkness, not seeing beyond our own noses. We are in an unreal fog.

This fog is a dream, your own dream about life, what you believe in, your ideas about yourself, agreements with other people, with yourself, even with God.

Your mind is a mist, which the Toltecs called mitote (pronounced MIH-TOE"-TAY).

The mind is a dream where thousands of people speak at the same time and no one understands each other. This state of human consciousness is a big mitote, and it prevents people from seeing their essence.

In India it is called mitote maya which means "illusion". This is a person's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis "I".

Mitote is what you believe about yourself and the world, about all the ideas and algorithms of your consciousness. We are unable to see our own essence, to see that we are not free.

That is why people resist life. Most of all they are afraid to live. The most important fear is not death, but the risk of staying alive: the risk of living and expressing one's essence. People are most afraid of being themselves. We have learned to live according to the wishes of other people, according to other people's views on things, because we are afraid that we will not be accepted, that we are not good enough for someone.

In the process of adaptation, a person in an effort to become better creates an image of perfection. The idea of ​​what it should be to be accepted. We especially try to please those who love us - mother and father, brothers and sisters, priest and teacher. Wishing to please them, we create an ideal, but we do not correspond to it. We create an image, but it is devoid of reality. From this point of view, we will never achieve perfection. Never!

Not being perfect, we reject ourselves. And the level of such rejection of ourselves depends on how others around us have succeeded in destroying our integrity. After "domestication" it is no longer about being good enough for someone. We are not good enough for ourselves because we do not live up to our own ideas of perfection. We cannot forgive ourselves for not becoming what we would like to be - or, more precisely, what we should have become in accordance with our beliefs. We cannot forgive ourselves for imperfections.

We know that we do not correspond to who we should be according to our faith, and hence the feeling of falsehood, the collapse of hopes, dishonor. We try to hide, pretend to be completely different people. As a result, we feel inadequate and put on a mask so that others do not notice it.

We are very afraid that suddenly someone will see that we are not who we say we are. And we judge others according to our ideas of perfection, and, naturally, these "others" do not correspond to it.

We humble ourselves to please others. We even physically harm our own body, if only we were accepted. Teenagers use drugs so that their peers do not turn away from them. They do not know that they are denying themselves. Rejected because they are not what they pretend to be. They drove something into their heads, but they cannot achieve it, and hence the feeling of shame and guilt. People endlessly punish themselves for not conforming to what they seem to be supposed to be. They judge themselves and use others to be judged.

More often than others, we condemn ourselves, but the Judge, the Victim and the belief system make us do it. Of course, there are people who talk about how a husband or wife, mother or father condemn them, but you know that we condemn ourselves much more.

We are our own strictest judges. If we make a mistake in public, we try to deny the mistake and hush it up. But as soon as we are left alone with ourselves, the Judge becomes unusually strong, the guilt is huge, and we feel stupid, worthless, unworthy.

In all your life, no one has judged you as much as you yourself. Others can't do it more than yourself. If someone steps over the limit, you will most likely just walk away. But if a person condemns you a little less than you yourself do, you will stay with him and endure him endlessly.

If you judge yourself excessively, then you even allow yourself to be beaten, insulted, trampled into the dirt. Why? Because your belief system says, "I deserve it. This person is doing me a favor by staying with me. I'm not worthy of love and respect. I'm not good enough."

Everyone needs to be accepted and loved by those around him, but we usually do not favor ourselves. The more we are able to love ourselves, the less we are subject to self-judgment, the reason for which is the rejection of ourselves. Rejection is motivated by the image of unattainable perfection. Our ideal is the cause of selflessness; Therefore, we do not accept ourselves and others as they are.

Prelude to a new dream

You have a thousand agreements and agreements with yourself, the people around you, your own life dream, God, society, parents, spouse, children. But the most important of them - the very first - with themselves. In these agreements, you tell yourself who you are, what you feel, what you believe in, how you should behave. This is how personality is formed.

The conventions are: "This is who I am. I believe in this. I can do this, I can't do this. This is real, this is fantasy; this is possible, this is not."

Taken alone, one agreement does not create much problems, but we have many of them, and this makes us suffer, makes us losers. If you want to live a full and happy life, you must find the courage to break these fear-based agreements that claim your personal power. Those agreements based on fear require a lot of effort from us, and those based on love help to save energy and even increase it.

From birth, any person has a certain personal strength, which is restored each time during rest. Unfortunately, we spend it first on creating agreements, and then on their implementation. All these arrangements dissipate our energy, and as a result, a person feels powerless. We only have enough strength for daily survival, since most of it is spent on the fulfillment of contracts that do not release us from the trap of the Planetary Sleep. How can we transform the dream of our life when there is not enough strength to change even the smallest agreement?

When we see that such agreements govern our lives, and we do not like our dream, we need to change the agreements. When we're ready for it, here are four new agreements to help get rid of the fear-based and energy-draining ones. Breaking such an agreement, a person each time renews the energy spent on its creation. If you are ready to accept the four new agreements, they will give you enough power to change the entire system of the old ones.

It will take great will to accept these Four Covenants, but if you can decide to start acting on them, then life will simply be transformed. You will see how all this hellish drama will dissipate. Instead of living in an infernal dream, you create a new dream - your own heavenly dream.

Chapter 2

First Agreement

Your word must be perfect

The first Agreement is the most important and therefore the most difficult to implement. It is so important that it allows you to rise to that level of existence, which I call heaven on earth.

The first Agreement is that: Your word must be impeccable.

It sounds very simple, but it is incredibly powerful.

Why are there such requirements for the word? The word is the power that you create yourself. Your word is a gift that comes directly from God. Regarding the creation of the universe, the Gospel of John says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Through the word you express creative energy. The being of all things is created with the participation of the word. Whatever language you speak, your intentions are expressed through the word. What you see in a dream, you feel that you really are - everything finds its embodiment in the word.

A word is not just a sound or a graphic symbol. The word is power, the powerful ability of a person to express himself and communicate, think - and thus create the events of his life.

People can talk. No other animal on Earth is capable of this. The word is the most powerful tool of man; it is a magical tool. But, like a double-edged sword, it can both give rise to an amazingly beautiful dream and destroy everything around. One facet is the abuse of the word, which creates real hell. The other is the accuracy of the word, which creates beauty, love and heaven on earth. Depending on how it is used, the word can liberate or enslave. It is difficult to imagine the full power of the word.

Any spell is based on a word. It is magical in itself, but its abuse is black magic.

The Word is so powerful that it can change lives or destroy millions of people. Once upon a time, one person in Germany, with the help of a word, manipulated an entire state with a fairly high level of education of its citizens. By the power of his speeches, he plunged the country into a world war. Convinced people to commit unheard of atrocities. With a word, he fueled human fear, and, like a huge explosion, murder and war enveloped the whole world. People killed people because they were afraid of each other. For centuries to come, humanity will remember Hitler's word based on beliefs and conventions born of fear.

The human mind is fertile ground. Opinions, ideas, concepts are seeds. You throw a seed into the ground, a thought, and it sprouts. The word is like a seed, and the human mind is extraordinarily fertile! The only difficulty is that it is often used to sow seeds of fear.

The mind of any person is fertile, but only for those seeds that he is ready to accept. That is why it is so important to see what kind of seeds the soil of our mind is being cultivated for and to prepare it for the seeds of love.

Hitler sowed fear; its abundant harvest caused catastrophic destruction. Remembering the formidable power of the word, we cannot but realize that what comes out of our mouths has colossal power. As soon as fear or doubt takes root in the head, a whole string of dramatic events can happen.

The word is like witchcraft, and people use it like black magicians, mindlessly conjuring each other.

Each person is a magician, and he can either conjure someone or remove the spell. Expressing our opinions and views, we constantly resort to spells.

For example, I meet a friend and express to him an idea that just came into my head. I Say: "Hmm! You have the complexion of a potential cancer patient." If he listens to me and agrees to this, within a year he will have cancer. That's the power of the word.

In the process of your "domestication" parents, brothers and sisters said something about you without thinking at all. You listen to their opinion, and fears constantly overcome you: but I really swim badly, a useless athlete, I write clumsily.

Having captured attention, the word is introduced into consciousness and changes the system of attitudes for better or worse.

Here is another example: you believed that you were stupid, and this thought has been sitting in you for as long as you can remember yourself. This agreement is a tricky one: there are many ways to make you think you're stupid. You do something and at the same time you think: "Of course, I would like to be smart, but I'm stupid, otherwise I wouldn't do it." There can be many thoughts in the head, but it is precisely this belief in our own thoughtlessness that has entered the mind, and we only think about it all day long.

But one day someone will grab your attention and use words to explain that you are smart. You will trust this person and make a new agreement. As a result, there are no thoughts of stupidity, no stupid deeds. The spell is broken by the power of the word. And vice versa, if you believe that you are stupid, and someone, having captured your attention, says: “Yes, I have never met you more stupid,” the agreement will be strengthened and gain even greater strength.

Now let's look at what precision means. This refers to its impeccability, "sinlessness" - in English impeccability. Impeccable is derived from the Latin pecatus, which means "sin". And the prefix im in the word impeccable means "without", that is, impeccable means "without sin."

Various religions talk about sin and sinners, but let's look at what it really means to sin. Sin is what you do against yourself. What you feel, what you believe, or what you say against yourself. You act contradictory when you condemn or reproach yourself for anything. Being flawless is just the opposite. To be impeccable means not to go against yourself. When you are perfect, you are responsible for your actions, but do not judge or shame yourself.

From this point of view, the concept of sin passes from the plane of morality or religion into the plane of common sense. Sin begins with self-denial. Self-denial is the gravest "sin". To use religious terminology, self-denial is a "mortal sin", that is, leading to death. On the other hand, impeccability leads to life.

To be impeccable in words means not to use the word against yourself. If I meet you on the street and call you stupid, then obviously I use the word against you. But in reality - against myself, because I will be hated for this, and hatred does not bode well for me. Therefore, if I get angry and throw out all the emotional poison with the help of a word, then I will use it against myself.

If I love myself, then I will show this feeling in my relations with others, and at the same time I will be accurate in words, because their impact will cause an adequate reaction. If I love, then they will love me. If I offend, then I will be offended. If I am grateful, then I will be grateful. If he is selfish in his relationship with you, then he will be selfish with me. If I use the word to cast a spell, then I will be cast as well.

Perfection in words is the right use of energy. Perfection means using energy for the sake of truth and self-love. If you accept yourself, the truth will pierce you, cleansing from the inside of emotional poison. But it is difficult to accept such an Agreement, because we are accustomed to something else. When communicating with others and, more importantly, with ourselves, we are used to lying. We are not perfect in words.

In hell, the power of words is abused. People use it to curse, reproach, judge, destroy. Of course, there is also a word for good, but not too often. We mainly use it to spread poison: to express anger, jealousy, envy, hatred. The word, this white magic, the most powerful gift of mankind, we use against ourselves.

The man is planning revenge. He creates chaos with his words. Uses the word to provoke hostility between races, different people, families, nations. People misuse the word quite often, and in this way they create and perpetuate a hellish dream. The misuse of the word also consists in the fact that we pull each other down and keep each other in a state of fear and doubt. Since the human word is magic, and the misuse of the word is black magic, we constantly resort to the latter, without even knowing about the magical properties of the word.

For example, one very kind, intelligent woman dearly loved her daughter. But one day she returned home after a bad day at work, tired, with a terrible headache. She wanted peace and quiet, and her daughter at that time sang and jumped merrily. The girl did not understand how her mother felt; she was in her own world, hovering in her dream. The daughter felt wonderful, and therefore she sang louder and louder, expressing joy and love. All this increased the mother's headache, and for a moment she lost her composure. The woman glared at the adorable little girl and said, "Shut up! You have a disgusting voice. Shut up now!"

The truth is that the mother simply couldn't stand the noise, not that the girl's voice was disgusting. But the daughter believed her mother, and at that moment she had an agreement with herself. After this incident, she no longer sang, because she believed that her disgusting voice would get on everyone's nerves. At school, the girl was constantly ashamed and, if she was asked to sing, she refused. She even had difficulty communicating with others. This new agreement changed everything in the child.

She believed that she had to suppress her emotions in order to be accepted and loved.

Whenever a person hears someone's opinion and believes it, he makes a contract that becomes part of his belief system.

The little girl grew up, but even though she had a beautiful voice, she never sang again. One spell was enough for her to develop a whole complex. And the most loving person is to blame for this - his own mother. The woman paid no attention to the consequences of her word. She did not notice that she resorted to black magic and cast a spell on her daughter. She simply did not realize the power of the word, and therefore she cannot be blamed. The mother repeated what her own parents and others had repeatedly done to her. They misused their word in the same way.

How many times do we do this with our children? We throw out such judgments on them, and then they live with a spell for many years. Lovers expose us to the action of black magic, not knowing what they are doing. That is why we must forgive them: they do not understand what they are doing.

Another example: you wake up in the morning with a happy feeling. You feel great, spend an hour or two in front of the mirror, preening. One of your best friends says, "What's wrong with you? You don't look good. You look ridiculous in this dress."

And that's it. This is enough to plunge a person into hell. Perhaps a friend wanted to hurt you. She succeeded. Behind her remark stood the full power of the word. If you accept this opinion, then an agreement will appear, to which you will subsequently give your strength. Such a statement becomes black magic.

The spell is difficult to break. The only thing that will overcome it is a new agreement based on truth. Truth is the most important part of an impeccable word. On one side of the sword is a lie that creates black magic, and on the other is the truth that frees us from it and can make us free.

Pay attention to the daily communication of people and think about how many times they conjure each other. Over time, such interaction turns into completely black magic, which is commonly called gossip.

Gossip is the worst kind of black magic, because it is the purest poison. We learned to gossip by agreement. Even in childhood, we heard how adults around us incessantly slandered, gossiping about others. They discussed even complete strangers. Emotional poison was transmitted with their gossip, and we learned to accept it as a normal way of communicating.

Gossip has become the main form of relationships between people. This bad feeling brings us closer. There is an old saying: "Two pair of boots". In hell, people don't want to suffer alone. Fear and torment are the most important component of world sleep; with their help, he suppresses us.

If we compare the human mind to a computer, then gossip can be compared to a virus. A computer virus is an algorithm written in a programming language that matches other codes, but intends to harm. This code is embedded in the software of the machine out of the blue. After that, it starts to work incorrectly or stops functioning altogether, as the programs issue conflicting messages.

So is human gossip. Let's say after a long wait, you start listening to a new course from a new teacher. On the very first day, you accidentally meet someone who has already listened to it, and he take it and say: "A frail teacher from him! He doesn't know what he's talking about - some kind of pervert!"

Both the word and the emotional charge with which it was spoken are instantly imprinted in the mind, although you do not know for what purpose it was done. Your acquaintance may not have passed the exam or made some guesses based on their own fears and prejudices, but because you are used to absorbing information like a child, some gossip is remembered on the way to the classroom. The teacher starts talking, and you feel the poison activate inside you, and you do not realize that you are looking at the teacher through the eyes of a gossip. Then you start sharing with other classmates, and they look at the lecturer in exactly the same way: as a frail specialist and a pervert. You no longer like his course of lectures, and you soon decide to leave him. You blame the teacher, and gossip is to blame.

All these misunderstandings can be caused by one small computer virus. One little misinformation can disrupt communication between people, infecting everyone it touches and making it contagious to others. Imagine that whenever gossip is passed to you, a virus is introduced into your mind, disrupting your ability to think clearly. Then imagine that, in an attempt to straighten your thoughts and reduce the effect of the poison, you turn into a gossip and spread the virus further.

Now imagine the endless repetition of this pattern in communication between people on Earth. As a result, all people can read information only through channels that are infected with a spreading virus. Let me remind you that the Toltecs called it mitote, which is a chaotic dissonance constantly sounding in the mind.

Black magicians, or "computer hackers" deliberately spreading a virus, are even more dangerous. Recall how you or someone else got angry and wanted revenge. Out of revenge, they said something to a person or about him, wanting to spread the poison and make him think badly of himself. As children, we do it thoughtlessly, but when we grow up, we begin to calculate ways to hurt other people. We deceive ourselves, claiming that we gave the enemy what he deserved.

Seeing the world through the lens of a virus can justify the most cruel behavior. We do not see that the misuse of the word plunges us even deeper into hell.

For years, we've been exposed to gossip and incantations not only in other people's words, but also in how we use them on ourselves. We constantly turn to ourselves and say things like: "Oh, I'm getting fat and I look ugly. I'm getting old. My hair is falling out. I'm stupid and I don't understand anything. Nothing will come of me, and I will never achieve perfection." See how we turn the word against us? We should have figured out what it is and what it does to us long ago.

If you accept the First Agreement "be perfect in words", then you are on the verge of changes that can take place in your life. First in relation to yourself, and then in communication with other people, especially with those whom you love the most.

Think about how much you gossip about the person you love most in order to get strangers to approve of your point of view. How many times have you attracted people's attention and spread poison about your loved ones to justify your own considerations? Your opinion is just your point of view. This is not necessarily true. It is based on your beliefs, ego and dream. We create all this poison and distribute it to others just to justify our point of view.

If you have accepted the First Covenant and are impeccable in your words, the emotional poison will be removed from your thoughts and all your communications, including your beloved dog and cat.

Impeccability and accuracy in the use of the word will protect you from someone else's black magic. Bad thoughts arise only when the mind provides them with fertile ground. And if you are precise, there is no such ground for the words of black magic. It will rather be fertile ground for words of love. Such accuracy and perfection of your word can be measured by the level of self-love. The degree of self-love and feeling for oneself is proportional to the quality and integrity of the word. If the word is impeccable, you feel good, you are happy and calm.

With the help of the Agreement on the impeccability of the word, one can overcome the hellish dream.

Now I am planting such a seed in your thoughts. Whether it will germinate or not depends on how fertile ground they are for the seeds of love.

You decide whether to conclude a contract: I am impeccable in my words.

Grow this seed in your thoughts, and as it grows, it will give rise to many seeds of love in place of seeds of fear. Thanks to the First Agreement, the type of grains for which your mind is fertile soil will change.

Be perfect in words. This First Agreement must be made if you want to be free, happy, if you want to overcome that type of existence that is hell.

The word has great power. Use it correctly. Use the word to share love. Resort to white magic starting with you. Tell yourself how amazing you are, how great you are. Tell me how you love yourself.

Use the word to break teenage petty agreements that make you suffer.

It's possible. Perhaps because I did it, and I'm no better than you. No, we are the same. You have the same mind, the same body, we are people. If I have been able to break old agreements and create new ones, then so can you. I can be perfect with a word, why can't you? This agreement alone can change your life. The accuracy of the word can lead you to personal freedom, to great success and prosperity; fear will pass and be transformed into joy and love.

Think what you are capable of with a flawless word. With it, you can overcome a bad dream and live a different life. You can be in heaven among thousands of people living in the underworld, because you are immune to it.

You can reach the kingdom of heaven through the Agreement: Your word must be impeccable.

Chapter 3

Second Agreement

Don't take anything personally

The next three Agreements follow from the First.

The second is: Take nothing personally.

Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally. Recall the example given: when I, not knowing you, meet you on the street and say: “Yes, you are terribly stupid!”, then in reality this statement will concern me.

You can only take it personally for the reason that you yourself believe in it. Maybe you think to yourself: "How does he know? Is he a clairvoyant? Or is my stupidity already visible to everyone?"

You take the statement to heart because you agree with it. As soon as this happens, the poison enters you and you are trapped in a hell of a dream. And you get caught because of a sense of self-importance. Which, together with suspiciousness, are extreme expressions of egoism, because each of us believes that everything revolves around his "I". During training or taming, people get used to taking everything upon themselves. We feel like we are responsible for everything. Me, me, me - always me!

But those around you are not acting for you. And guided by their own motives. Each person lives in an individual dream, in his own consciousness; he is in a world completely different from ours. Taking something personally, we assume that people are oriented in our reality, and we try to combine our world and theirs.

Even in a very personal situation, when you are literally insulted, this does not concern you. Everything that people say, do, or judge is in accordance with the conventions of their own minds. Their point of view is conditioned by the program of domestication, "domestication".

If someone speaks out about you: "Just look how fat you are," do not pay attention, because in fact this person is associated with individual feelings, beliefs and views. He tried to give you poison, and if you take his judgment personally, the poison will penetrate you. Suspiciousness makes a person a victim of predators, black magicians. They take possession of him with a slight remark and pass on any kind of poison, and if he takes it personally, he swallows the poison.

You absorb emotional waste and it instantly becomes yours. But if you do not take anything personally, then you can survive in hell. Immunity to poison in the midst of hell is the gift of this Covenant.

When you take it personally, you feel offended and seek to defend your own beliefs by creating conflicts. You make an elephant out of a fly, because you always have to be right, and others are not. You prove your infallibility by imposing your own opinion.

Your actions and feelings are only a projection of your personal dream, a reflection of your own agreements. Words, deeds and opinions corresponding to them have nothing to do with me.

No matter what you think of me, your personal considerations do not interest me. I don't take it personally when they say, "Miguel, you're the best," but I also don't take it personally if they say, "Miguel, you're the best."

I know that when you are happy, you will say: "Miguel, you are just an angel!" But if you get angry: "Oh Miguel, you are the devil incarnate! You are disgusting. How can you say such a thing?"

Neither of these work for me. Because I know myself. I don't need to be recognized. I don't need anyone to say, "Miguel, you're doing a good job!" or "How dare you!"

No, I don't take it personally. No matter what you think, feel, I know it's your problem, not mine. This is how you see the world. Mine can't be here, because it's about you, not about me. Others have their own view, determined by their own belief system, and therefore their judgments about me concern not me, but themselves.

You can even say: "Miguel, it hurts me to listen to you." However, you do not suffer from what I say, but from the wounds that my words chafe. You are hurting yourself. I can't take it personally in any way. And not because I don't believe or don't trust you, but because you look at the world with different eyes - your own. A canvas or a motion picture is created in your head; you are the director, producer and star in it. All the rest are in secondary roles. After all, this is your movie.

Its concept is conditioned by agreements with life. Your opinion is dear to you. And the truth in it is only yours. Be mad at me, and I know that you are dealing with yourself. I'm just a reason to be angry. You are angry because you are afraid, you are dealing with fear. If not, then you won't be angry with me either. If you are not afraid, then do not hate me and you will not be jealous or sad.

If you live without fear, if you love, then there is simply no place for the emotions mentioned above. And if so, then the state of health will be good. When you feel good, everything around you is beautiful. When the environment is great, you will be happy. You love the world as you love yourself. You like being who you are. You are satisfied with yourself because you enjoy your life. I like the film with your direction, I like agreements with life. You are at peace with yourself and happy. You live in a state of grace, and everything around you is magnificent. In this state of grace, you love everything that is in your perception.

No matter what people do, feel, think, or say, take nothing personally. If they say how beautiful you are, they are not doing it because of you. You yourself know this. There is no need to listen to other people saying this. Don't take anything personally. If someone shot you in the head with a gun, it was nothing personal. Even in such an extreme situation.

Your own opinion of yourself is not necessarily true, so don't take personally what sounds in your mind. The mind has the ability to chat with itself, but it is also able to hear information from other realms. Sometimes you hear a voice, but its source is unclear. Maybe he is from another reality, where there are living phenomena similar to the human mind. The Toltecs called them Allies, In Europe, Africa and India - Gods.

Our consciousness also exists at the level of Gods. Our mind also lives in their reality and is able to perceive it sensually. Consciousness sees with the eyes and perceives the waking reality. But it is also able to see without the help of the eyes, although the mind is hardly aware of this. The mind does not function in one dimension. There are ideas that were not created by your mind, but perceived by it. You have the right to believe or not to believe these voices, and not to take their statements personally. A person can choose whether or not to trust the voices of his own consciousness, just like deciding what to believe and what to agree with in a planetary dream.

In addition, consciousness is able to talk to itself and listen to itself. It is divided like a body. For we can say, "I have a hand, and I can shake the other hand with it and feel it." Consciousness can talk to itself. One part of him speaks and the other listens. Serious difficulties arise when thousands of parts of your consciousness begin to speak at the same time. Remember, it's called a mitote?

It can be compared to a huge bazaar where thousands of people are talking and trading at the same time. Each of them has their own thoughts and feelings, their own point of view. The algorithms of consciousness - our conventions - are not necessarily compatible with each other. Each contract is like a separate living being with its own personality and its own voice. Numerous agreements so categorically contradict each other that a large-scale war breaks out in my head. The existence of mitote explains why people are not always aware of what they want, how they want it, and when. They are confused because some parts of the mind want one thing and other parts want another.

One part of consciousness objects to some thoughts and actions, while the other part supports them. These small creatures create an internal conflict, because they are alive, and each has its own voice. Only by making an inventory of our own agreements, we will reveal all the conflicts in the mind and ultimately bring order to the chaos of mitote.

Don't take anything personally, because otherwise you will torment yourself over nothing. People are committed to suffering in varying degrees and at different levels and support each other in maintaining that commitment. They agree to help each other suffer. If you want to be insulted, you can see for yourself - it's easy to do. If you associate with people who feel the need to suffer, something will make you insult them. As if written on their foreheads: "Please hit me." They need an excuse for their suffering. Their propensity to suffer is nothing but a daily reinforced agreement.

You will find people lying to you everywhere, and as your understanding of this grows stronger, you will notice that you are also lying to yourself. Don't expect people to tell the truth, because first of all they lie to themselves. You have to believe in yourself and choose whether or not to trust what you are told.

When we really see other people as they are, without taking anything personally, they will not be able to hurt us either by word or deed. Are you being lied to? Well, okay. They lie because they are afraid. They are afraid that suddenly you will find that they are imperfect.

Taking off the social mask hurts. When people say one thing and do another, you are fooling yourself if you do not notice their actions. But when you are honest with yourself, you can protect yourself from emotional pain. It can be quite painful to tell yourself the truth, but you don't have to attach yourself to that pain. Recovery is not far off: a little time, and everything will work out.

If someone treats you without love and respect, consider it a blessing if such a person leaves your life. If he does not leave, then your suffering will continue for many years. Such withdrawal is painful for a while, but after a while your heart will be healed. And you can make your own choice. You will see that in order to make the right choice, you need to trust yourself first, and not others.

If you develop a strong habit of not taking anything personally, you can avoid many disappointments. Anger, jealousy and envy will disappear, and even sadness will evaporate.

When the Second Covenant becomes a habit, you will see that nothing else can bring you down to hell. You will begin to feel boundless freedom. By an agreement not to take anything personally, immunity to black magicians is developed, and there is no such spell that would work on you. Let the whole world gossip about you, but immunity will not allow you to take gossip at your own expense. Someone may deliberately send emotional poison at you, but if you do not take everything personally, it will not affect you. And in this case, it becomes worse for the poisoner, and not for you.

See how important this Agreement is? Taking nothing personally makes it easier for you to get rid of many of the habits and conventions that keep you in a hellish sleep and cause unnecessary suffering. By fulfilling the Second Agreement, you break dozens of small teenage agreements that cause you torment. Through the first two agreements, you are freed from three-quarters of the agreements that keep you in hell.

Write this Agreement on paper and hang it on your refrigerator so that it constantly reminds you: Take nothing personally.

Once this becomes a habit, you won't have to rely on what others do or say. You will need only your truth to be responsible for your choice. You are not responsible for the actions of others, you are only responsible for yourself. When you understand this and take nothing personally, you are unlikely to be hurt by the rash remarks or actions of others.

If you adhere to this Agreement, you will be able to travel the world with an open heart and no one will hurt you. You will say "I love you" without fear of being ridiculed or rejected. Ask for what you need. Say "yes" or "no" as you see fit - without guilt or self-judgment. You can always follow your heart. Even in the middle of hell, you will have peace and joy inside. You will be able to stay in your bliss, and hell will be powerless.

Chapter 4

Third Agreement

Don't make assumptions

Third Agreement: Make no assumptions.

We have a habit of speculating about everything. The difficulty lies in our belief that they are true. We could swear that our assumptions are real. Speak them out about what people are doing or thinking (taking it personally) and then blame them and send emotional poison. That is why every time, uttering conjectures, we are asking for trouble. We express them, we misinterpret them, we take them personally, and out of nothing we create huge troubles.

The suffering and drama of your life is the result of guessing and taking everything personally. Consider this judgment for a moment. The whole variety of managing relationships between people comes down to controlling conjectures and taking everything personally. Our hellish dream is based on this.

We create a huge amount of emotional poison just by making assumptions and taking everything personally, because we usually start discussing our hypotheses as well. Remember, gossip is a hell of a dream way of communicating and passing poison to each other. We are afraid to ask someone to explain what we do not understand, and therefore we make guesses and are the first to believe in them; then we defend them and prove someone wrong. It is always better to ask questions than to make assumptions, because they bring us suffering.

A large mitote in the human mind creates a continuous chaos that makes us misinterpret and misunderstand literally everything. We see and hear only what we want to see and hear. We don't take things as they are. We have a habit of breaking away from reality, plunging into dreams. In our imagination, we invent literally everything. Not understanding something, we speculate about the meaning of what is happening. When the truth comes out, the bubble of our dream will burst, and we will see that in reality everything was completely different.

For example, you meet a girl at the mall that you like. She waves and smiles at you and then leaves. Based on this, you can build various guesses. In turn, on the basis of assumptions, much can be imagined. And you really want to believe that fantasy and turn it into reality. On the basis of guesses, a whole dream arises, and you can believe: "Oh yes, he likes me." In your mind, even some kind of connection between you appears. You may even get married in this dreamland. But fantasy exists only in your head, in your dream.

In fact, in relations between people because of speculation, problems constantly arise. We often assume that our partners know what we think and we don't need to tell them what we want. We assume that they will certainly do what we want them to do, because they understand us perfectly. If they don't live up to our expectations, we feel hurt and say, "You should have known."

Another example: you decide to get married and you think that your partner views marriage the same way you do. You start living together and find out that this is not entirely true. A serious conflict arises, but you still do not even try to explain yourself. The husband returns home from work, and the wife makes a scandal. He doesn't understand why. Maybe it's due to speculation. Without saying what she wants, she assumes that her husband knows her so well that he can guess desires. Like he can read minds. The wife is upset because the husband did not live up to expectations. Speculation in relationships between people leads to frequent quarrels, difficulties, misunderstandings with those whom we seem to love.

In any relationship, we may assume that others should guess what we want and that we don't need to be told what we really want. And they intend to do what we want, because they know us very well. If it turns out that we were deceived in our conjectures, then we feel offended and think: "How could you? You should have known." Again, we speculate that the other person knows what we want. On the basis of such an assumption, a whole dramatic situation arises, but we do not stop and continue in the same spirit.

The human mind works in a very interesting way. People have a need to justify, explain and understand everything in order to feel safe. We have millions of questions that need to be answered, because there are a lot of things that the mind cannot explain. It doesn't matter if the answer is correct - any gives us a sense of security. That's why we make assumptions.

If we are told something, we make assumptions, and if not, we do it anyway to satisfy the need for knowledge and communication. Even when we hear something incomprehensible, we make guesses as to what it means, and then believe in them. We make all sorts of assumptions because we dare not ask.

People so hastily and unconsciously speculate because there are conventions for such communication. We agreed that it was not safe to ask, that if people love us, they should know what we want and how we feel. If we believe in the correctness of our guess, then, defending our position, we will even go so far as to destroy relations.

We assume that everyone looks at life the way we do, that everyone thinks, feels, judges, allows themselves to make mistakes just like we do. This is the most important speculation that people allow themselves. And so they are constantly afraid to be themselves in public. Because they believe that everyone will condemn, call to account, insult, accuse us, because we ourselves do this. We reject ourselves before people do.

This is how the human mind works.

We also speculate about ourselves, which leads to internal conflicts. "I feel like I can do it." Let's say you made that assumption and then realized you couldn't. You overestimate or underestimate yourself because you did not bother to ask questions and give answers to them. Perhaps you need to better understand the situation.

Or stop lying to yourself about your true desires.

Often in relationships with people you like, you have to find reasons to justify your sympathy for them. You see only what you want to see and deny that there are qualities in a person that you don't like. Fooling yourself just to be right. Then make assumptions, and one of them is: "My love will transform this person."

But it's not. Your love won't change anyone. If others change, it is because they want to, not because you can influence them.

Then something happens between you and you feel resentful. Suddenly you start to see things that you didn't want to see before, but now everything is seasoned with your emotional poison. So, you need to justify your pain and blame the other for your own choice.

Love does not need to be justified: it is either there or it is not. True love perceives others as they are, without trying to change.

If we seek to change someone, it means that we do not like him very much. Of course, when you decide to live with someone, make an agreement, it is better to do it with a person who matches your ideas. Find someone you don't need to change. It is much easier to find a person who matches your ideas than to try to change him. And this person should love you the way you are, so that he does not want to redo anything. If others want to change you, it means they don't really like you for who you are. Why be with someone in whose eyes you don't live up to their expectations?

We need to be ourselves and not misrepresent ourselves. If you love me the way I am, fine, take it. If not - "All the best. Find someone else." It may be harsh, but such communication means that our personal agreements with others are clear and precise.

Imagine the day you stop making assumptions about your partner or any other person in your life. You will completely change the nature of communication, it will no longer be burdened by conflicts due to erroneous assumptions.

To keep from speculation - ask questions. Let there be no ambiguity in communication. If you don't understand, ask. Have the courage to ask questions until everything falls into place, and then do not flatter yourself that everyone already knows about the situation. When you get the answer, you will know the truth, and there will be no need for guesswork.

Gather your courage and ask about what interests you. The respondent has the right to say "no" or "yes", but there is always the right to ask. Similarly, everyone has the right to ask you a question, and you can answer "yes" or "no".

If you don’t understand something, it’s better to ask again and find out everything without resorting to speculation. The day you stop making assumptions, communication will be pure and clear, devoid of emotional poison. In the absence of guesswork, your word becomes impeccable.

The purity of communication will change your relationship with loved ones, and with everyone else. There will be no need for guesswork, because everything will become clear. This is what I want, and this is what you want. In such a circle of communication, the word becomes impeccable. If people could communicate using the exact word, there would be no wars, violence, misunderstandings. All the contradictions of humanity can be resolved through normal, open communication.

So, Third Agreement: Don't make assumptions.

Simple in words, but in reality, as I understand it, no. Because most of the time we do just the opposite. We do not even know our own habits and attachments. And the first step is to recognize them and understand the meaning of this Agreement.

But this is not enough. The information or idea is just seeds in your mind. We need real action. Repeated steps in this direction will strengthen your will, nourish the seeds, and create a solid foundation for developing a new habit. After repeated repetitions, new agreements will become your second "I", and you will see how the magic of the word will transform you from black to white magician.

The white magician uses the word to create, to give, to share, to love.

This Agreement alone will completely change your habits, your whole life.

When you completely transform a dream, a miracle happens in your life.

Everything you need comes easily because you are full of spirit. You master intent, spirituality, love, grace and life.

This is the goal of Toltec.

This is the path to personal freedom.

Chapter 5

Fourth Agreement

Try to do your best

There is another agreement, it turns the previous three into established habits. The fourth Agreement concerns the operation of the previous ones: Try to do everything in the best possible way.

Under any circumstances, always try to do your best - no more and no less.

But keep in mind that your opportunities in this regard are not constant. Everything is alive, and everything changes in time, and sometimes your efforts result in high quality, and sometimes not so much. When you rest and get up in the morning with fresh strength, your possibilities are greater than in the late evening when you are tired. You can do more when you are healthy than when you are sick; when sober than when drunk. Your potential will depend on whether you are in a great and happy mood or upset, angry, jealous.

Depending on the disposition of the spirit, a person's capabilities can change every minute, hour by hour, day by day. They change over time. As you develop the habit of the four new Accords, your level of "best" will increase.

Regardless of this level, do your best - give it your all. If you overdo it, then spend more energy than necessary, and as a result, there will not be enough strength. During processing, a person exhausts the body and harms himself, and it takes longer to reach the goal. But, if you are not diligent, despair, self-condemnation, guilt, regret will appear.

Just do the best you can under all circumstances. It doesn't matter if you're sick or tired, as long as you always do your best. And you have nothing to blame yourself. And if so, then there will be no feelings of guilt, reproaches of conscience, self-flagellation. Giving all your best, you will remove the spell from yourself.

One person wanted to overcome suffering and went to a Buddhist temple to find a Master who would help him. Turning to the teacher, he asked:

Master, if I meditate for four hours a day, how long will it take to overcome suffering?

He looked at him and said:

If you meditate for four hours a day, perhaps you will achieve transformation in ten years.

Thinking that he could do better, the man asked:

O Master, if I meditate eight hours a day, how long will it take to overcome suffering?

The teacher looked at him and replied:

If you meditate eight hours a day, perhaps twenty years.

But why will it take longer if I increase the meditation time? the man asked.

The teacher replied:

You are not here to sacrifice joy or life. You are here to live, be happy and love. If you can, try and get it to two hours of meditation, and instead you're talking about eight. As a result, you will get tired, you will be distracted from the main thing, you will not enjoy life. Make every effort and perhaps you will understand that, regardless of the duration of meditation, you are able to live, love and be happy.

By doing your best, you can live a rich life. You will have a high working capacity, you will do a lot for yourself, because you will devote yourself to the family, society and so on. But the feeling of a happy and full life comes as a result of high activity. By doing the best he can, a person becomes active.

Such a life is action out of love for life and action, and not in the hope of reward. Most people, on the other hand, do just the opposite: they act only when they expect reward, they do not enjoy the process itself. And therefore they are not given to anything entirely.

For example, most people go to work every day only with the thought of a salary, money that they will receive for the work they do. They barely wait until Friday or Saturday, when they get paid, to relax. They work for remuneration, and as a result, work becomes a burden. They avoid active actions, work becomes a burden, and they are not particularly zealous.

Such people work hard all week, suffer from overload, from fatigue, because they feel obliged, and not because they like it. They have to work, because they have to pay rent, support their families. Despair gnaws at them. When they receive a reward they are no longer happy about it. They have two days off to do what they want. And what do they do? They try to run away. They get drunk because they are at odds with themselves. They hate their own lives. When we disgust ourselves, there are many ways to hurt ourselves.

On the other hand, when the action itself becomes the goal, without the expectation of reward, you will find yourself enjoying everything you do. The reward will come, but you are not attached to it. Without hoping for encouragement, a person can get even more than he imagined. If we enjoy our work, if we always do our very best, then we really enjoy life. We are not bored, joyful, no despair.

When you do this, you do not give the "Judge" the opportunity to judge or accuse you. If you give your all and the Judge tries to judge you by your Code of Laws, then the answer is: "I did my best." There are no regrets.

Fulfilling this agreement is not easy, but it does liberate a person.

When you do your best, learn to perceive yourself. But you need to understand what you are doing and learn from your own mistakes. It means doing something in the best possible way, honestly evaluating the results and continuing this practice. It raises your awareness.

"Doing your best" doesn't feel like work because you enjoy what you do. When you enjoy the process and don't leave a bad aftertaste, you know you're doing your best. Trying because you want to, not because you have to, trying to please the Judge or others.

If you act because you have to, then there is no way to really do the best you can. Then it's better not to do it. No, you do your best because being able to do so makes you happy. When it's "best" conditioned to enjoy your work, you act out enjoying it.

Action is the fullness of life. Inaction is its denial.

Passivity - sitting for years in front of the TV because of the fear of living and risking to prove yourself. Self-expression is an action. You may have a lot of wonderful ideas in your head, but only action changes something. Without the implementation of the idea, nothing will manifest itself, there will be no result and no reward.

A good example is the story of Forrest Gump. He had no special ideas, but he acted. I was happy, because in everything I gave all the best. He did not hope for promotion, but was generously rewarded.

To act is to live. You have to take a chance - gather your courage and express your dream. This is not the imposition of your dream on others, because everyone has the right to self-expression.

Doing your best is a great habit. I give myself to everything I do and feel. Making the best of everything in my life has become a ritual because I do it by choice.

This Agreement, like any faith, is taken by personal choice. I turn everything into a ritual and at the same time I always try to do it as well as possible.

Showering is a ritual for me, by this action I tell my body how much I love it. I feel and revel in the water washing my body. I try to fulfill its requests, give it its due and receive what it gives me.

In India, there is a puja ritual. Idols representing various incarnations of God are bathed, fed, and their love is dedicated to them. Even mantras are sung. The idol itself is of no importance. The important thing is how the ritual is performed, how people say: "I love You, Lord."

God is life. He is life in action. The best way to say "I love You, Lord" is to live your days doing your best. The best way to say "Thank You, God" is to leave the past alone and live in the moment, here and now. Give life what it demands. If you let go and stop worrying about the past, you allow yourself to live in the present. To leave the past alone is to enjoy the dream that is happening right now.

If you are living in a dream of the past, you are not enjoying what is happening right now because you always want things to be different from what they are. You live right now, in this moment, and you simply do not have time for all these memories. If you do not enjoy what is happening right now, you belong to the past and live only half. Because of this - self-pity, suffering, tears.

You are born with the right to happiness. The right to love, experience bliss and share love. You are a living person - so live and enjoy. Don't resist the life penetrating you, because it is God penetrating you. Your existence proves the existence of God, the existence of life and energy.

We do not need to know or improve anything. What matters is being, risking and enjoying life. Say "no" when you want to say "no" and say "yes" when you want to say "yes". You have the right to be yourself.

But you can only be yourself when you do your best. If this is not so, then you yourself deny the right to be yourself. These seeds must be cultivated in your thoughts. You do not need knowledge or cumbersome philosophical constructions. You don't need to be accepted. You express your divinity by the fact of your own life and love for yourself and others. With the words "Hey, I love you," God expresses Himself.

The first Three Agreements will only work if you do your very best.

Do not expect that you will immediately succeed in always being impeccable in words. Your habits are too strong and firmly entrenched in your thoughts. But you can do whatever you can.

Don't think you'll never take anything personally; just do your best for it.

Do not dream that you will never make assumptions, and yet you can try to live that way.

If you do the best you can, the habits of abusing the word, taking everything personally and assuming will weaken and gradually leave you. You should not judge, feel guilty, punish yourself if you cannot fulfill these agreements. Do your best and there will be a sense of relief, even as you continue to guess, take it personally, and not always be perfect with your words.

If you always give your best, you will master the process of transformation. The master grows out of practice. Perfection will make you a specialist. Everything you ever learned was memorized after repetition. You learned to write, drive, and even walk by repetition. Thanks to him, you have mastered your native language. It's all about action.

If you are impeccable in your search for personal freedom, love for yourself, then you will find that it is a matter of time and come to what you want. It's not about seeing or sitting in meditation for hours. You have to rise up and be human. You have to respect a man or a woman. Honor your body, enjoy it, love it, nourish it, purify and heal your body. Exercise and do whatever pleases him. This is a puja for your body, a covenant between you and God.

It is not necessary to worship the idols of the Virgin Mary, Christ or Buddha. You can do it if you want, if it pleases you. Your body is a manifestation of God and everything will change for you when you learn to respect it. If you give love to the body and each of its organs, then you will sow the seeds of love in your thoughts and, when they grow up, you will love, honor and respect your body immensely.

Then every action will turn into a ritual with which you honor God. After that, the next step is to worship the Almighty with all thoughts, feelings, faith, even every "right" or "wrong". Every thought turns into communication with God, and you begin to live in a dream without judgment, without sacrifice, without the need to gossip and abuse the word.

If you fulfill all Four Agreements, then you will not have to live in hell. In no case. If you are impeccable in words, do not take anything personally, do not make assumptions, always try to do everything in the best way, then your life will be beautiful. You are in complete control of it.

The Four Agreements - the result of mastering the transformation - is one of the achievements of the Toltecs. You are turning hell into heaven. The dream of the planet is transformed into your heavenly dream.

That's all knowledge - take it and use it.

Here are the Four Agreements, you just need to accept and respect their meaning and strength.

Just try to fulfill the Agreements with honor. You can make an agreement today:

I will follow these Four Agreements to the best of my ability.

It is so simple and logical that even a child will understand. But you need to have a very strong will to fulfill them. Why? Because there are obstacles in our way. Everyone around you will try to disrupt the implementation of the new agreements, everything around you will unite in order for us to violate them.

The problem is with the other conventions that make up the Dream of the planet. They work and they are very strong.

Therefore, one must be a great hunter, a great warrior, capable of defending the Four Covenants at the cost of one's life. Your happiness, freedom, lifestyle depends on it. The goal of a warrior is to overcome this world, avoid hell forever. As the Toltecs teach us, the reward must transcend the human experience of suffering, become the incarnation of God. This is the reward.

We really need to exert every effort to fulfill the Agreements. At first I didn't expect to do it. He fell many times, but got up and went forward. Again fell and again - forward. I didn't feel sorry for myself. In no case. He said: "If I fall, then I have enough strength and mind to get up. I'll do it anyway!" I got up and went. Fell, and again - only forward. And each time it got easier. However, in the beginning it was incredibly difficult.

So if you fall, don't blame yourself. Don't give your Judge the pleasure of making you a victim. No, be hard on yourself. Get up and make an agreement again. "Well, I have broken the pact to be impeccable in words. But I will start over. Today I will fulfill the Four Agreements. I will be impeccable in words, I will not take anything personally, I will not make assumptions, I will do everything in the best way."

If you break the contract, start again tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. It will be difficult at first, but day by day it gets easier until one day you find yourself in control of your life. Through the Four Covenants. You will be surprised at how your life has changed.

You don't have to be a religious person or go to church every day. Love and self-respect grow within you. Can you do it. If I did, then you can too. Don't think about the future. Keep your attention on today, stay in the present moment. Just live for today. Always do your best to keep these Agreements, and it will soon become easy to do so.

Today a new Dream begins.

Chapter 6

Toltec Road to Freedom

Rejection of old agreements

EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT FREEDOM. All over the world different people, different races, different countries are fighting for freedom. But what is freedom? In America we say we live in a free country. But are we really free? Are we free to be ourselves? The answer is no, we are not free. True freedom has to do with the spirit of man, it is the freedom to be yourself.

Who is stopping us from doing this? We blame the government, the weather, parents, religion, God. But in fact, who does not allow us to be free? We ourselves. What does it mean to be free? So we get married and say that we have lost our freedom; but we get divorced, and we don't become free. What's stopping you? Why can't we be ourselves?

We remember that a long time ago we were independent, and we liked it, but we forgot what freedom really is.

We observe a child of two, three, four years old - this is a free human being. Why? Yes, because he does what he wants. Man is a wild being. The same as an undomesticated flower, tree, animal! We see a wide smile on the face of a two-year-old man - he is having fun. He knows the world. Don't be afraid to play. At this age, children are afraid of pain, hunger, they are afraid that their desire will not be fulfilled, but they do not care about the past, there are no worries about the future, they live only in the present.

Very young children are not afraid to express their feelings. They are so loving that when they feel love, they dissolve in it. Don't be afraid to love. Here's a description of a normal person. As children, we are not afraid of the future and are not ashamed of the past. As humans, we strive to enjoy life, to play, to learn, to be happy, to love.

But what happens to adults? Why are we not? Why not free? We can say from the point of view of the Victim that something sad happened to us, and from the point of view of the warrior that what happened to us is normal. It so happened that we have a Code of Laws, a great Judge and a Victim live in us, who rule over our lives. We are no longer free because the Judge, the Victim and the belief system do not allow us to be ourselves. As soon as the program of our mind was filled with this garbage, we lost happiness.

Such learning from person to person, from generation to generation is considered quite normal in human society.

No need to reproach your parents for raising you in their own image. After all, they taught what they themselves learned! They tried, but if they infringed on us in some way, then this is the result of their domestication, their fears, their beliefs. They could not influence their programming, and therefore could not behave differently.

Do not blame your parents or those who distorted both your life and yourself. But the time has come to stop this corruption, to free yourself from the tyranny of the Judge by rebuilding the foundation of your own agreements. The time has come to get rid of the role of the Victim.

The real you is a child who will never grow up. Sometimes this little child comes out when you are having fun or playing, when you are happy, drawing, writing poetry, playing the piano, expressing yourself in some way. The happiest moments of your life are those when your essence comes out, you don't care about the past, you don't care about the future. When you are like a child.

But there is something that changes everything. We call it duty. The judge says: "Wait, you are a mandatory person, you have something to do, you have to work, go to school, earn a living." These responsibilities must be remembered. Our face changes and becomes serious again. If you look closely at how children play adults, you can see how their facial expressions change. "I'll be a lawyer" - and immediately the face matures. We go to court and see just such faces - that's the way we are. Still children, but already lost their freedom.

The desired freedom is the freedom to be yourself, to express yourself. But if we look at our lives, we will see that most of the time we please others so that they accept us; we do not live for pleasure. That's what happened to our freedom. And in our society and in all others in the whole world, we see that out of a thousand people, nine hundred and ninety-nine are completely "domesticated."

Worst of all, most of us don't even know we're not free. Something inside tells us that this is so, but we do not realize what is the matter and why.

Most people live and do not understand that the Judge and the Victim direct their minds, and therefore they have no chance to be free. Realizing this is the first step towards independence. To be free, we need to know that we are not free. Before solving a problem, you need to understand what it is.

Awareness is always the first step, because if there is no awareness, nothing can be changed. If you do not know that your mind is wounded and full of emotional poison, you cannot begin to cleanse and heal the wounds, and then you will continue to suffer.

There is no point in suffering. Realizing this, you can be indignant and say: "Enough!" You can start looking for ways to heal and transform your sleep. The dream of the planet is just a vision. He's not even real. If you go into it and challenge your beliefs, you will see that most of the attitudes that have wounded your mind are far from the truth. See that years of suffering are wasted. Why? Yes, because the belief system put into your head is based on a lie.

That is why it is so important to become the master of your own Dream. That is why Toltecs are masters of dreaming. Your life is the manifestation of your own dream; this is art. You can change your life at any time if sleep is not a joy. Dream Lords create a masterpiece from their lives; control dreams by making choices. Everything has effects, and the dreamer is aware of those effects.

Being a Toltec is a way of life. There are no leaders and followers in this path. The Toltec has its own truth, and you live by it. Toltec becomes wise, becomes wild and becomes free again.

There are three Arts that enable people to become Toltecs. The first is the Art of Consciousness. It means being aware of who we really are. The second is the Art of Transformation, the transformation of oneself. It is the ability to change, to be free from tameness. The third is the Art of Intention. Intention, from the Toltec point of view, is the part of life that makes it possible to transform energy. This is a living being, invisibly containing all energy, what we call "God". Intention is life itself, it is unconditional love. Therefore, the Art of Intention is the Art of Love.

One of the functions of the brain is the transformation of material energy into emotional energy. Our mind is a factory of emotions. And we say that dreaming is the main function of the brain.

Our freedom is to use our mind and body ourselves, to live our lives and not the life of a belief system.

When we find that the mind is ruled by the Judge and the Victim, and our "I" is cornered, we have only two choices.

The first is to continue to live like this, surrendering to the mercy of the Judge and the Victim, to exist within the framework of the Dream of the planet.

But being a warrior does not always mean winning the war: we can win or lose, but we always do our very best and have at least a chance to be free again.

At best, belonging to the warrior caste makes it possible to overcome the Dream of the planet and turn an individual dream into a heavenly one.

Heaven, like hell, exists within our consciousness. This is a place of joy, where we are happy and can love and be ourselves as we wish. A person is able to reach paradise while still alive, for this one does not have to wait for death. God is omnipresent and the kingdom of heaven is everywhere, but first we need eyes and ears to see and hear this truth.

Of course, easier said than done. And all because the Judge and the Victim rule our minds.

The third decision is called Death Initiation. Initiation by death is found in many traditions and esoteric schools around the world.

Now let's look at each method in more detail.

The Art of Transformation: Second Attention Sleep

You already know that the dream you are in right now is the result of an outer Dream that has captured your attention and provided you with beliefs. The process of domestication can be called first attention sleep, because that is how your attention was first used to create the first dream of your life.

One way to change yourself is to focus on agreements and beliefs, to change the agreement with yourself.

By doing this, you are reusing your attention, creating a second attention dream, or a new dream.

The difference is that you are no longer innocent. As a child, it was different: you had no choice. But you are no longer a child. Now - you choose what to believe and what not. Including faith in yourself.

The first thing to notice is the fog that is present in your mind. Understand that you are dreaming all the time. Only then can you convert it. If you understand that all the trouble in your life is from faith, and what you believe in is unrealistic, then you can begin to change everything.

However, in order to really change the faith, you need to focus on what exactly you want to transform. You need to know which conventions to convert before you can change them.

The next step is to understand what self-limiting, fear-based beliefs are making you unhappy. You review the entire system of attitudes and agreements, starting to change something in the process. The Toltecs called it the Art of Transformation, and it is true mastery. You master it by changing fear-based agreements - agreements that make you suffer - and you choose to program your own mind.

This can be done by learning and accepting an alternative faith like our Four Covenants.

The Four Agreements are designed to help you in the Art of Transformation, to help you let go of restrictive conventions, to empower yourself, to become stronger. The stronger you are, the more agreements you can refuse until the moment comes when you get to the core of the foundations of all agreements.

Moving to the basics is what I call going into the desert. There you meet the demons face to face. After returning from the desert, the evil spirits will become angels.

The four new Agreements give tremendous power. Removing the spell of black magic from your mind requires a lot of personal effort.

Every time you give up another old agreement, you become stronger. It is necessary to start with the rejection of small contracts, which requires less effort. When they are finished with, your strength will increase so much that you can take on the main demons in your mind.

For example, a little girl who was forbidden to sing grew up. Now she is twenty years old. She has not sung since. The girl is able to overcome the belief that she has a bad voice by saying to herself: "I will still try to sing, even if it comes out badly." She can then imagine someone clapping their hands and telling her, "Oh! That was great." So you can undermine a petty teenage agreement, but not eliminate it. However, now she has a little more strength and courage to try again and again until the agreement finally disappears.

This is one of the ways to get out of hellish sleep. But when you refuse an agreement that makes you suffer, you must replace it with a new one that will make you happier. This will protect against the return of the previous agreement. If the new has completely replaced the previous, then the old has no way back, and from now on the consciously concluded agreement will operate.

We have a lot of ingrained beliefs in our heads that can make this process seem hopeless. Therefore, you need to be patient and go step by step, slowly. Your current life is the result of many years of domestication. And in one day it will not be possible to reverse the order of things.

Refusal of agreements is a very difficult matter, because in each we put the power of the word (which is the power of our will).

The same amount of energy will be required to change the agreement. We will not succeed if we put less effort into its transformation than into its conclusion, because all the power of our personality is invested in the implementation of already existing agreements.

Here the situation is the same as with a strong habit: we get used to the individual condition, no matter how terrible it may be. Get used to anger, jealousy, self-pity. To beliefs that tell us: "I'm not worthy, I'm not smart enough. There's no point in trying. Let others try - they are better than me."

All these old contracts that govern our life Dream are the result of their repeated repetition. Therefore, for the adoption of the Four Agreements, it is also necessary to launch a repetition mechanism. Constant reference to new Agreements expands your opportunities. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Warrior Discipline: Controlling Your Own Behavior

Imagine that you wake up early in the morning, you are overwhelmed with enthusiasm. The mood is wonderful. You are happy, you have an excellent charge for the whole day. And at breakfast there was a big quarrel with your spouse, your mood deteriorated. You go crazy, and most of your energy is spent in anger. After a skirmish, you feel emptiness, you just want to go and cry. You feel so tired that you go to your room, fall off your feet and try to put your feelings in order. The day passes in torment. I don’t have the strength to take on anything, I want to hide from everything.

Every morning we wake up with some kind of charge of mental, emotional and physical strength that we spend during the day. If we allow feelings to drain our strength, we will not have enough of them either for ourselves or for others.

Your view of the world will depend on emotions. When you are upset, everything around you is not right, not your way. Everything is not to your liking, including the weather: whether it's raining or the sun is shining, it's equally bad. When you are sad, the environment causes melancholy, you want to cry. Look at the trees and they evoke sadness; see the rain and the world looks hopeless. Perhaps you feel a sense of hopelessness, and you want to protect yourself, because you do not know where to expect a blow from. You don't trust anyone or anything. And all because you look at the world through the eyes of fear!

Imagine that the human mind is like your skin. Touching healthy skin is a wonderful feeling. The surface of the body is made for perception, and the feeling of touch is wonderful. Now imagine that you have an injury - an infected cut. It is worth touching - a flash of pain, you are trying to cover and protect the wound. Any touch is unpleasant, because it causes suffering.

Now imagine that all people have skin diseases. No one can touch anyone, because it will hurt. Everyone has wounds, so infection is considered normal, suffering too; that's how it is with us.

Can you imagine our communication if all people in the world had such a skin disease? It would hurt even to wrap someone in an embrace. We would have to stay away from each other.

The human mind is exactly like an infected skin. Each has its own body, covered with infected wounds. Each is infected with emotional poison - the poison of those feelings that make you suffer. For example, hatred, anger, envy, sadness.

Injustice opens the wounds of consciousness, and we respond with emotional poison, guided by our beliefs and concepts of what is good and what is bad. The mind is so wounded and poisoned by the taming process that people find it normal.

Everyone thinks so, but I don't.

We are dealing with the dysfunctional Dream of the planet, and the psychic dysfunction is called FEAR. The symptoms of the disease include all the emotions that make people suffer: anger, hatred, sadness, envy, jealousy, betrayal. When the fear is too great, the thinking mind begins to fail, and this is called a mental disorder. Psychotic behavior occurs when the mind is so frightened and the wounds hurt so much that it seems better to cut off the outside world.

If we realize that we have a diseased state of mind, then we will understand that there is a cure. Stop suffering. It will take the truth first to open the emotional wounds, remove the poison, and heal the sores. How it's done? We must forgive those who offended us. Not because they deserve it, but because we love ourselves so much that we no longer want to pay for injustice.

Forgiveness is the only way to heal. We resort to it because we have compassion for ourselves. We can stop being indignant and declare: “Enough!

First we need to forgive our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, God.

By forgiving God, you can finally forgive yourself. Once you forgive yourself, the self-reflection in your mind is over. You begin to accept yourself, and self-love will become so strong that you will finally accept yourself for who you are. This is how freedom begins. And the key to it is Forgiveness.

You will know that you have forgiven someone when you see him and do not experience any feelings. Hear the name and don't respond. When they touch what was your wound, and it will not hurt, you will understand that you have really forgiven.

The truth is like a scalpel. It is painful because it opens up crusted ulcers to heal them. The lie is what we call the denial system. It is good that we have it, because it allows us to cover the wounds and continue to act. But once the wounds and poison are gone, there is no need to lie anymore. And the system of denial is not needed, because you can touch a healthy mind, like healthy skin, and there will be no pain. When the consciousness is purified, the touch is pleasant.

The problem with most people is that they have no control over their emotions. Human behavior is controlled by feelings, and not a person controls his feelings. Losing self-control, we say what we do not want and do what we do not want.

That is why it is so important to be impeccable in words and become a spiritual warrior. You must learn to control your emotions so that you have the strength to change agreements based on fear, to escape from the underworld, to create your own paradise.

How can we become warriors? Warriors all over the world have common features. They realize. It is very important. We know that there is a war going on in our minds and it requires discipline. But discipline is not a soldier, but a warrior. Not an externally imposed discipline about what to do and what not to do, but the discipline to be yourself in any situation.

The warrior has control. Not control over another person, but control over your own emotions, your essence. You lose control when you suppress your emotions, believing that to suppress is to control. The main difference between a warrior and a victim is that the latter suppresses, while the former curbs his emotions. Victims suppress because they are afraid to show feelings, to say what they want. Another thing is to curb. It means holding on to emotions and expressing them at the right time - not earlier and not later. That is why warriors are impeccable. They are in complete control of their emotions and therefore their behavior.

Death Initiation: Embrace the Angel of Death

The last way to achieve personal freedom is to prepare for the Initiation by death, to make Death itself your teacher. The angel of death can teach us how to live. We learn that we can cease to exist at any moment; we have only the present for life. We really do not know if we will die in a hundred years or tomorrow. Not known. We think there are many more years to come. But is it?

If a person goes to the hospital and the doctor says that he has one week left to live, what should he do? As already mentioned, there are two choices. Since a person dies, he must suffer and tell everyone: "Woe to me - I will die" - and play out a whole drama.

Another choice is to use every moment to be happy, to do what pleases you. If there is only a week of life left, let's enjoy it. Experience the fullness of being.

We can say, "I'll be myself. I'm not going to vegetate anymore, pleasing others. I won't care what they think of me. If I die in a week, it doesn't matter. I'm still being myself."

The angel of death can teach us to live each day as if it were the last day of our lives and there would be no tomorrow. Every morning you can start with the words: "I woke up, I see the sun. I am grateful to him, everything and everyone for living, I can be myself one more day."

This is how I see life.

The angel of death taught me to be completely open, to know that there is nothing to be afraid of. And, of course, I treat my loved ones with love, because this may be the last day when I can tell them how much I love them. I don't know if I'll see you again, and that's why I don't want to quarrel with you.

What would happen if I seriously quarreled with you, threw out all the accumulated emotional poison, and you died the next day? R-time! Oh God, the Judge will not leave me alone, and I will reproach myself for everything I have said to you. I will even reproach you for not saying how much I love you.

I can share with you the love that makes me happy. Why should I deny that I love you? It doesn't matter if there is reciprocity. One of us may die tomorrow. I am happy that right now I can say how much I love you.

Life in the Dream of the planet is like death. Surviving the Initiation by death receives a wonderful gift: resurrection. To do this, you need to rise from the dead, live, be yourself again. To be resurrected means to be, like a child, untamed, unrestrained and free.

This is what, according to the Toltecs, the angel of death teaches us. He comes to us and says: “You see that everything that exists belongs to me, and not to you. Your house, spouse, children, car, career, money - everything is mine. If I want, I can take it away, but for now - use ".

If we surrender to the angel of death, we will be happy always and forever. Why?

Because he takes away the past, making it possible for life to continue. At every moment of the past, the angel of death takes away the dead part, and we live in the present.

How can you enjoy the present while trying to live in the past?

Why do we need the burden of the past if we live in the dream of the future?

When are we going to live in the present?

This is what the angel of death teaches us. Don't dream about the future, focus on today and live in the present. One day. Do everything to fulfill these Agreements, and soon it will not be difficult for you.

Today is the beginning of a new Dream.

Chapter 7

new dream

Heaven on Earth

I want you to forget everything you have learned in life. This is the beginning of a new understanding, a new Dream.

The dream you are living in is your own creation. This is a perception of reality that a person can change at any time. It is in your power to create hell and heaven. Why not change your dream? Why not use the mind, imagination, emotions to see a dream of paradise?

Turn on your imagination and amazing things will happen. Imagine that you have the opportunity to see the world with different eyes, to see what you choose for yourself. Every time you open your eyes, you will see the world in a completely different way.

Close your eyes, then open and see.

You will see love coming from the trees, love flowing from heaven, love overflowing with light. You will absorb love from everything around you. This is a state of bliss. You directly perceive love from everything around you, including yourself and other people. Even when people around you are sad or angry, and behind these feelings you are able to recognize love.

I want you to use your imagination and renewed perception to see your new life, a new dream, a life where you don't have to justify your existence and where you can be yourself.

Imagine being allowed to be happy and enjoy life. Your life does not conflict with the lives of others.

Imagine that you are living and expressing your dreams without fear. You know what you want, when you want it and what you don't want. You can change your life as you wish. You are not afraid to ask for what you need, say yes or no.

Imagine that you don't care what others say. You no longer adjust your behavior to someone else's gossip. You are not responsible for anyone's opinion. You don't have to control anyone, and nobody controls you.

Imagine living and not judging anyone. You easily forgive everyone and refuse judgments on anyone's address. You don't have to fight to be right and someone else wrong. You respect yourself and others, and they respect you.

Imagine living without the fear of loving and not being loved. Don't be afraid to be rejected and you don't need to be accepted. You can say, without shame or the need to justify yourself, "I love you." You can walk the world with an open heart and not be afraid of insults.

Imagine that you are not afraid to take risks and explore life. Do not be afraid to lose something, live in this world and die.

Imagine loving yourself just the way you are. Love your body, love your feelings just the way they are. Know that you are perfect the way you are.

The reason I'm asking you to do this is because it's all quite possible! You are able to live in a state of grace, happiness, in a heavenly dream. But in order to experience this dream, one must first understand what it is.

Only love brings such bliss. Bliss is synonymous with love. To be in love is to be blessed. You are floating in the clouds. You see love everywhere. And so you can always live. You can, because others have done it, and they are the same as you. They are blissful because they have changed their agreements and have a different Dream.

Once you get a feel for what it means to live in bliss, you will love it. You will understand that heaven on earth is true, it really exists.

As soon as you realize that there is a paradise and you can live in it, it will depend on you whether you strive for it or not.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus told us about the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of love, but people were not ready to hear it. They said, "What are You talking about? My heart is empty, I don't feel the love that You speak of; I don't feel the peace you bring with you." You don't have to do anything. Just imagine that this message of love is possible, and you will find its echo in yourself.

The world is beautiful and full of wonders. Life can be very simple when love becomes a way of being.

You can always love. The choice is yours. You may not have a reason to love, but you can because love makes you blissful. Active love brings happiness. She gives peace. Changes your perception.

Everything can be looked at with loving eyes. You realize that love is all around you. With such a life, the fog in thoughts dissipates. Mitote leaves you alone forever. People have been striving for this for centuries. Happiness has been sought for thousands of years. Happiness is a lost paradise. People have worked so hard for this, and it is part of the evolution of the mind. This is the future of humanity.

This way of life is possible, and it is in your hands. Moses called it the Promised Land, Buddha called it nirvana, Jesus called it paradise, Toltecs called it the New Dream.

But there is no reason to suffer. Your choice is the only cause of suffering. Looking at your life, you will find many reasons for torment, but you will not find a serious reason. The same goes for happiness.

Its only justification is your choice. Both happiness and suffering are a matter of your choice.

We may not be able to escape the fate of man on earth, but we have a choice: the fate of a sufferer or a happy fate.

Suffer or love and be happy.

Live in hell or heaven.

I choose heaven.

And you?


Please take a moment, close your eyes, open your heart and feel the love that comes out of it.

I want you to understand my words with your mind and heart and feel the powerful presence of love. Together we will create an extraordinary prayer to communicate with our Creator.

Focus your attention on the lungs - as if you only have them. Feel the pleasure of the lungs expanding to meet the greatest need of the human body - the need to breathe.

Take a deep breath and feel the air fill your lungs. Feel it like love. Pay attention to the connection between the air and the lungs - this is a love connection.

Let them fill with air until the body wants to push it out.

And then - exhale - bliss again. After all, pleasure is experienced by satisfying any needs of the human body. Breathing is a great pleasure. One breath is enough to always be happy, enjoy life. Enough to be alive.

Do you feel how wonderful it is to be alive, how wonderful to feel love? ..

Prayer for freedom

Today, Creator of the Universe, we ask You to come and share with us the communion of love. We know that Your real name is Love, that to communicate with You means to share Your vibration and its frequency, because You are the only Essence in the Universe.

Help us today to become like You, to love life, to be life, to be love.

Help us to love the way You do, without conditions, expectations, obligations, unconditionally.

Help us to love and accept ourselves without thinking that You consider us guilty and we expect punishment.

Help unconditionally love each of your creations, especially other people, especially those who live nearby: loved ones and people whom we try so hard to love. For by rejecting them, we reject ourselves, and by rejecting ourselves, we reject You.

Help unconditionally love others for who they are. Help to accept them as they are, without trial, for if we judge them, we find them guilty, we accuse and want to punish.

Now cleanse our hearts of emotional poison, free our minds from any judgment so that we can live in perfect peace and love.

Today is a special day. We again open our hearts to love, to say to each other sincerely and without fear: "I love you."

Now we place ourselves in Your hands. Come to us, become our voice, eyes, hands, hearts, so that together with everyone you can partake of love.

Today, Creator, help us to become like You. Thank you for all the gifts today, especially the freedom to be yourself. Amen.

Prayer for love

We are about to share a beautiful dream - a dream you will love forever.

A beautiful warm, sunny day is in full swing. You hear the birds, the wind, the river. Go to the water. An old man is meditating near the shore, and you see how a wonderful multi-colored radiance comes from his head. You try not to disturb him, but he notices your presence and opens his eyes. They are full of love and smile.

You ask the old man how he manages to radiate such a beautiful radiance. Ask if he can teach you to do the same. He replies that many, many years ago he asked his teacher about the same.

The elder begins to tell you about himself: “My teacher opened his chest, took out his heart and extracted a beautiful flame from it. Then he opened my chest, my heart and placed a small flame in it. He again inserted the heart into my chest, and I immediately felt love, for the flame he placed in my heart was his own love.

The fire in my heart grew and turned into a huge fire; however, that flame did not burn, but cleansed everything that it touched. It touched every cell of my body, and the body responded with love. I became one with my body, but my love was greater. The fire touched all my feelings and they turned into a strong and intense love. I loved myself - completely and unconditionally.

But the fire continued to burn, and I had a need to share my feeling. I decided to put a little love into every tree. They responded to me in return, and I became one with the trees, but my love did not stop and grew.

I put a particle of love into every flower, blade of grass, earth, they responded with love, and we became one.

My love continued to grow and spread to all the animals in the world. They responded with love, and we became one. But the love continued to grow.

I placed its particle in every crystal, pebble on the ground, in dust, in metals, they answered me with love, and we became one with the earth. Then I decided to put my feeling into water, oceans, rivers, rain, snow. They reciprocated, and we became united.

And my love keeps growing. I decided to give it to the air, to the wind. I felt a strong connection with the earth, the wind, the oceans, nature, and my love grew.

I turned my head to the sky, the sun, the stars, put a particle of love into each star, into the Moon, into the Sun, and they answered me the same. We became one with the moon, the sun, the stars, and my love grew.

I put a particle of my feeling into every person, and we became one with all of humanity. Wherever I go, whoever I meet, I see myself in their eyes, because I am a part of everything, because I love.

Then the old man opened his chest, took out the heart with that wonderful flame inside, and placed the flame in your heart. Now this love is growing inside of you.

From now on, you are one with the wind, water, stars, nature, with all animals and people. You feel the heat and the radiance of light from the flame in your heart.

Your head radiates wonderful multicolor. The radiance of love emanates from you, and you pray:

Thank you, Creator of the Universe, for Your gift of life. Thank you for giving me everything I ever needed. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind. Thank you for living in me with your love, pure and boundless spirit, warm and radiant light.

Thank you for using my words, eyes, heart, to give from the bounty of Your love wherever I go. I love you the way you are, and I am your creation, and I love myself the way I am. Help me keep love and peace in my heart. Make love my new life to live in love for the rest of my days. Amen.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my mother Sarita, who taught me selfless love; to my father, José Luis, who taught me obedience; to my grandfather, Leonardo Macias, who gave me the key to the Toltec mysteries; as well as to his sons Miguel, José Luis and Leonardo.

I want to express my admiration and gratitude to Gaia Jenkins and Trey Jenkins for their dedication.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Janet Mills, publisher and editor, who believed in me. Thanks also to Ray Chambers for showing me the way.

I would like to pay tribute to my dear friend Jeanie Gentry, whose ideas and faith won my heart.

I would like to pay tribute to the many people who gave me their free time, invested their soul and strength in support of the teachings. First of all, these are Gae Buckley, Ted and Peggy Ress, Christina Johnson, "Redhead" Judy Frubauer, Vicki Molinar, David and Linda Dibble, Bernadette Vigil, Cynthia Wootton, Alan Clark, Rita Rivera, Catherine Chase, Stephanie Bureau, Todd Caprilian, Glenna Quigley, Allan & Randy Hardman, Cindy Pascoe, Tink & Chuck Cowgill, Roberto & Diane Pez, Siri Jan Singh Khalsa, Heather Ash, Larry Andrews, Judy Silver, Carolyn Hipp, Kim Hofer, Mercedeh Heradmand, Diana & Skye Ferguson, Carey Kropidlowski, Steve Hasenburg, Dara Salur, Joaquin Galvan, Woody Bobb, Rachel Guerrero, Mark Gershon, Colette Michaan, Brandt Morgan, Kathryn Kilgore (Kitty Kaur)

Michael Gilardi, Laura Haney, Mark Kloptin, Wendy Bobb, Ed Fox, Jari Jeda, Mary Carroll Nelson, Amari Magdelana, Jane-Anne Doe, Russ Vinable, Gu & Maya Khalsa, Mataji Rosita, Fred & Marion Vatinelli, Diane Laurent, V J. Polich, Gale Dawn Price, Barbara Simon, Patti Torres, Kay Thompson, Ramin Yazdani, Linda Lightfoot, Terry Gorton, Dorothy Lee, J. J. Frank, Jennifer and Jean Jenkins, George Gorton, Tita Weems, Shelley Wolfe, Gigi Boyce, Morgan Drasmin, Eddie Von Sonn, Sydney de Jong, Peg Hackett Kensin, Germaine Botista, Pilar Mendoza, Debbie Rund Caldwell, Bea LaScalla, Eduardo Rabasa, Cowboy.
