
Black Ceylon tea: useful properties. Ceylon tea for vivacity, energy and good mood Ceylon large leaf tea

High-quality and good large-leaf black tea is highly valued by true gourmets and tea aesthetes. Possessing amazing taste and useful properties...

Large-leaf Ceylon tea: how to brew it correctly?

High-quality and good large-leaf black tea is highly valued by true gourmets and tea aesthetes. Possessing amazing taste and useful properties, this drink has remained in demand and popular for many centuries. Suitable for holding memorable tea ceremonies, long leaf black tea becomes an indispensable attribute in receiving guests and organizing friendly meetings.

Rules for choosing and brewing a drink

Black Ceylon loose leaf tea is grown in China, India and Sri Lanka. At the same time, real Ceylon tea grows in mountainous provinces located at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level. It is here that ideal conditions are created for growing an extremely tasty tea leaf. It produces an incredibly aromatic drink that has a dark red color. Its taste qualities are on top - when it is used, a pleasant tart aftertaste is felt, the finished drink invigorates and tones. You can buy Ceylon loose leaf tea at the most "delicious" prices in our online store.

In addition to the competent choice of quality products of the desired variety, it is necessary to be able to properly brew loose leaf tea. This is necessary in order not to spoil the tea leaf and to achieve maximum disclosure of its taste.

What should be remembered when brewing a really tasty drink?

  • it is necessary to use freshly boiled water, heated only once, the temperature of which is 90-95 degrees;
  • the process of brewing black long leaf tea is best done in a porcelain, earthenware or faience teapot;
  • for 250 ml of water, approximately 3-4 g of tea leaves should be used;
  • it takes about 4-5 minutes to brew the drink.

Compliance with these principles of brewing a tea drink will allow you to fully reveal the bouquet of its tastes and aromas, getting the maximum pleasure from the tea drinking process. Moreover, if you do not know which large-leaf black tea is better to choose, it makes sense to study the recommendations of experts or personally test each of the varieties you are interested in.

Where can I buy quality tea products

Do not know what you can buy black large-leaf Ceylon tea in Moscow? Our online store offers its customers a wide selection of high-quality and incredibly tasty drinks that can satisfy the wishes of the most demanding tea gourmets. The price of black large-leaf tea presented in the corresponding catalog will be affordable for each of the buyers, which will make cooperation with our store even more pleasant and profitable for you.

It is difficult to say exactly when for the first time a person tried this drink, amazing in its properties - black Ceylon tea. It has been at least several millennia since people began to use this product. In Russia, this drink warms well after being in severe frost. In England, it is an essential attribute of meetings and home gatherings. In Central Asia, with the help of tea, the unbearable heat of the deserts is overcome. It can be drunk both hot and cold, with the addition of ice.

History of Ceylon tea

To date, China and India remain the leaders in the cultivation and processing of tea leaves. The third position is firmly held by Sri Lanka. Ceylon black tea grown here has long won respect around the world.

Until 1870, Ceylon was famous for its coffee. But an unexplored disease has struck most of the coffee plantations on the island. The British, whose colony at that time was the island, reoriented agriculture to the cultivation of tea. The mountainous terrain and climate created all the necessary conditions for this. Real black Ceylon tea is grown in the provinces of Uva, Dimbula, Nuwara Eliya. These areas are located at altitudes of at least 2000 meters. Clean mountain air is an ideal condition for the growth of elite. The remaining areas of the island are also involved in the cultivation of such plants. But such tea is considered second-rate and is used as an additive for more expensive products.

The most famous varieties on the world market are Ceylon black teas such as Pekoe, Dust and Silver Tips.

Types of tea

Ceylon black tea is a fragrant drink of dark red color. When used, a pleasant astringency is clearly felt. This product perfectly tones and invigorates. Ceylon black tea is divided into types depending on the area and growing conditions.

The most valuable varieties are sown in the highlands of the island of Sri Lanka. The height at which this tea is grown starts from 2000 meters. Nuwara Eliya has one of the largest processing plants for such crops. Elite varieties give the drink a golden soft color. The product itself has the finest aroma and low viscosity.

Uva, Dimbula and Uda are located at altitudes from 800 to 1500 meters above sea level. The tea cultures of these regions are suitable for the preparation of medium and large strength drinks, each of which has its own unique taste.

Kandy tea, grown on the plateaus, will best satisfy the desire of gourmets who love a rich aroma. This drink goes well with milk.

Black Ceylon tea

The name "beach" drink was due to merchants from Russia. The Chinese phrase "Bai Hoa" actually means the presence and number of small cilia on the surface of the tea leaf. They are called tips. The taste and aroma of the drink is directly related to this characteristic. It is a mistake to consider any tea in loose form as long leaf. This drink is easily identified by the presence of small tea leaves.

Ceylon black contains a large amount of vitamins - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium. All this is constantly necessary for the human body in large quantities. When brewing, a color close to black should be obtained. The presence of tea leaves of a light shade indicates poor processing of the product or a fake. Quality can also be judged by how the tea leaves are rolled. A strong tight curl indicates the original. Leaves should not crumble and be sluggish. Long leaf Ceylon tea is divided into small-leaf and large-leaf.

Ceylon loose leaf tea

Whole leaves from the top of the tea tree are used for this product. And the largest specimens are selected. Most often, young buds come across with leaves. Whole leaves are twisted into small balls. When brewed, they bloom. Unspoiled leaves best preserve the qualities and properties of the drink.

Large-leaf black Ceylon tea differs from others in a longer brewing time. It has the greatest astringency and pronounced aftertaste. In terms of substances that tone the body, loose leaf tea is far ahead of its counterparts.

A drink made from large leaves is somewhat more expensive than other varieties.

Ceylon white tea

Ceylon teas delight us with a huge variety. White, black, turquoise, green, with and without additives - each variety has its own connoisseurs.

The elixir of immortality - that's what they call This species is grown in only two places on the planet - in China and Sri Lanka. This product has a short shelf life, it is difficult to store and transport it for a long time. The collection is made only twice a year, namely in September and April. Do it exclusively in the morning. So you can get the presence of the greatest amount of useful substances. These difficulties are more than compensated by the efficiency with which the drink affects the human body. For medical purposes, white tea is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology and toothache. It is antiviral, heals wounds and prevents tumors. Such a product will not be able to reveal its properties if it is brewed in hot water.

White tea is known for the following varieties: "Green Snow", "White Peony" and "Silver Needles".

Turquoise tea

Sulfur Dragon Tea is the name given to this product in Asia. Turquoise drink differs from other varieties in the complexity and laboriousness of the collection. The leaves are specially withered, calcined with hot air until the necessary fermentation is achieved. According to its characteristics, turquoise tea is located between green and black.

The main effect that it has is to improve metabolism and burn fat. Turquoise drink is one of the best weight loss remedies.

Black Ceylon tea: useful properties

Useful properties of this product are determined by its unusual composition. Basic vitamins: A, B, C, K and P. These substances contribute to the improvement of the cardiovascular system. Of the trace elements, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine can be noted.

What else is useful black Ceylon tea? The properties of this drink are endless. You can make a long list of them. Black tea includes a large amount of amino acids that are essential for the human body. The leaves contain a significant amount of essential oils. Black tea is one-third composed of astringency depends on the content of tannin and kahetin.

tea properties

  • The drink we are considering is a low-calorie product. This property is used in many types of diets.
  • Black Ceylon tea prevents the penetration of viruses and infections into the body. This allows you to use it as a prophylactic against colds.
  • Frequent use of the drink in the diet prevents the development of such an ailment as atherosclerosis.
  • Black Ceylon tea has a positive effect on the human nervous system. The drink has a calming effect, relieving depression and neurosis, strengthens sleep and eliminates anxiety. But at the same time, with a large dose, tea can cause a completely opposite reaction.

  • It removes toxins and cleanses the body of harmful substances - this is perhaps one of the main beneficial properties of black tea. Thanks to the drink, you can get rid of excess weight and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Black tea removes sand from the kidneys.
  • It helps to increase the activity of the brain.
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Drinking tea, even in small quantities, relieves fatigue, invigorates and tones the body.
  • The ability to renew cells enhances immunity.
  • Regular consumption of black tea prevents cell aging and is the key to longevity.
  • Black tea serves to enhance the sexual function of a person.

Happy tea!

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Good day, dear readers! We all love to enjoy a cup of tea, sitting in a warm pleasant company or at the workplace. We cannot even imagine that once this drink did not exist. Ceylon tea is one of the most loved drinks in the whole world.

So, for example, in Russia it is an excellent warming drink on cold days. In England, not a single friendly gathering can do without it. Residents of Central Asia quench their thirst with it. Thus, it is customary to drink tea in cold and hot form, depending on the area, customs of the country and weather conditions.

Previously, coffee was grown in Ceylon, and it brought a good harvest. However, at one point, a fungal disease struck the coffee plantation, which led to a sharp decline in production. It was not possible to restore the plantations, and they gradually began to be destroyed. This incident led to the beginning of tea cultivation.

The first production of tea for sale was founded in 1867 by James Taylor. His tea plantation did not take up much space, only 77 sq.m.

However, over time, James expanded it and opened a tea factory. This factory produced the first batch of Ceylon tea in 1873.

A few years later, the tea plantation outnumbered the coffee plantations, which meant that the drink was to the taste of many. Thus, Ceylon tea began to be supplied throughout Europe.

To control the quality of tea leaves, the Tea Chamber was opened, which controlled all tea production. By the way, it still exists.

In 1934, a ban was introduced, which prohibited the supply of low-grade tea abroad.

The year 1965 became almost the main year for Ceylon tea, as it began to be considered the leader among similar teas around the world.

Today, people can no longer imagine a single day without this drink, which is so loved by the whole world. The tea business in Sri Lanka is thriving and continues to delight connoisseurs with amazing taste and aroma.

Types of Ceylon tea

Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka comes in many varieties. It is chosen depending on personal taste preferences.

Ceylon black tea is the main product that is produced in Sri Lanka. When it is brewed, a thick dark drink is obtained. Its taste is tart. It has tonic and invigorating properties.

Depending on the growing conditions of tea and the area of ​​its cultivation, black tea is divided into types. So, tea is grown on the following plantations:

  • Nuwara Eliya. It is an alpine plantation located 2000 m above the sea. Elite Ceylon tea is grown here, which is so preferred by many gourmets. The finished drink has a light color, mild taste, which has a slightly low viscosity. Tea grows on plantations where there are many eucalyptus trees and wild mint, which determine the taste of the finished drink;
  • Uda Pussellava. The finished drink from tea grown here has an average strength;
  • Dimbula. The taste of delicacy from this plantation is bright. It can be very rich or have a medium strength;
  • Uva. The tea collected here is part of various tea blends. In each case, due to the different composition, it has a different taste;
  • Kandy. Tea grown here gives the finished drink a bright rich taste, so lovers of strong varieties will definitely like it;
  • Ruhuna. This is the strongest tea grown in Ceylon. Due to some features of the soil, tea leaves become black, which gives the drink prepared from them a dark infusion color and astringent taste.

It is worth saying a little about how tea is grown and harvested. Approximately 1 million people work on tea plantations, among which there are a large number of women from 12 years old. Some of the workers work on plantations from generation to generation, who live nearby in specially equipped barracks.

The highest grade of tea is harvested only by hand by plucking a bud with two adjacent leaves.

The highest grade of tea is harvested only by hand by plucking a bud with two adjacent leaves. No tools are ever used to collect raw materials, everything is always done by hand. The most professional tea pickers are able to collect about 20 kg of elite raw materials per day. This is a lot, because the product is quite small and needs to be collected, selecting the right one.

After assembly, the product is moved and processed. The processing stage includes drying of raw materials, fermentation, roasting and packaging of products.

The following types of Ceylon tea are most popular:

  • Ceylon black tea. In fact, it is bai in Russia, and the correct one sounds "Bai Hoa", which means the presence of small eyelashes on tea leaves. It is they who give the drink the taste that it possesses. It should be noted that not every tea in loose form can be considered long leaf. Small tea leaves in finished form will help to determine the drink. This type of tea has a large number of nutrients, so it includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.
    The color of the finished drink should be close to black. If you find light parts of tea in the composition, then the product has undergone poor processing or it is completely fake. The original long leaf Ceylon tea has black leaves and a tight twist. There is a division into large and small leaf types.
  • Ceylon large leaf tea. For the manufacture of the product, only whole leaves located at the top of the tree are taken. Here, only the largest leaves are selected, which are then rolled into balls. After the drink is brewed, they will open and take their original shape.
    It takes more time to prepare the drink than to brew small-leaf tea. Its taste will be distinguished by astringency and bright taste. Large-leaf black Ceylon tea is more expensive than other similar varieties.
  • White tea. In another way, it is called the elixir of immortality. It is stored for a fairly short time, so it is very difficult to transport it to other countries. Compared to other types of tea, white tea is picked very rarely, only twice a year. It is customary to collect only in the morning, since at this time you can get a lot of useful substances from it.
    A drink made from white tea can be used for medicinal purposes: for toothache, heart disease, and even oncology. It helps prevent the appearance of tumors, and also has a healing effect.
  • Green Ceylon tea. This type of drink is produced only on the Uva plantation, you will not find it anywhere else. Its rich aroma is not comparable to Chinese similar varieties. The drink has a nutty and malty taste, which are more pronounced in the finished drink.
  • Turquoise tea. For its manufacture, the collected leaves wither in a special way. In terms of taste, we can say that this drink has something in between black and green. It helps burn excess fat and improves metabolism.

The use of Ceylon tea can prevent some diseases. Thus, the following useful properties can be distinguished after stable consumption of the drink:

  • The product has a fairly low calorie content, which allows you to enjoy it on diets. The only caveat is that the low calorie content is only maintained when pure tea is used without the addition of sugar, milk or cream;
  • It has a property that helps improve immunity and prevents various viruses. In this regard, it is recommended to drink the drink in cold weather to prevent various colds;
  • Constant, but moderate consumption of the drink helps to prevent atherosclerosis;
  • A beneficial effect on the nervous system has been noted. The drink does not excite her, but rather helps to calm down and eliminate anxiety. However, it is important to remember that excessive consumption of the drink can lead to the opposite effect: nervous excitability and insomnia;
  • Helps the body to cleanse itself of harmful substances, toxins and toxins. Thus, the drink allows you to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, restore metabolism, and also helps to remove excess fat;
  • Prevents urolithiasis and eliminates sand in the kidneys;
  • Stimulates the work of the brain;
  • Prevents the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • Tea has a tonic and invigorating property;
  • Prevents aging, which allows you to live longer;
  • Enhances sexual function.

The only thing that is important to remember when drinking tea is that the drink should not be abused, in view of the appearance of insomnia or nervous breakdowns.

Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka: all brands

The main symbol that says that the tea is collected according to all the rules and grown in Sri Lanka is a lion with a sword. It is this symbol that speaks of quality assurance. All firms that produce this product in Sri Lanka affix this logo.

Foreign manufacturers cannot affix such a mark. This is the main distinguishing mark of tea companies in Sri Lanka. Lion with a sword guarantees the quality standard that was set by the Tea Chamber.

The main symbol that says that the tea is collected according to all the rules and grown in Sri Lanka is a lion with a sword.

Good Ceylon tea can only be purchased in the original packaging from the manufacturer with the "Lion with a Sword" symbol.

Ceylon tea: stamps

Among the most popular brands of Ceylon tea are the following:

  • Orange Pekoe has large thin leaves. It has a fruity flavor that distinguishes it from others;
  • Broken Orange Pekoe is a medium leaf tea. It will appeal to lovers of a strong and aromatic drink.
  • Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings. A very strong drink. It can rightfully replace coffee;
  • Flowery Pekoe. It has a balanced taste and strong infusion;
  • Flowery Orange Pekoe. Features a golden tip at the end of the leaf. Due to this, it has a sweet and pleasant taste.

Tea is a drink that is consumed all over the world. It is grown and produced in several countries, one of which is Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Every year, the CIS countries and Russia buy about 50,000 tons of tea products from Ceylon alone. Ceylon tea has been praised by tea experts and is believed to have long surpassed the Indian varieties from which it was bred. Those who have not yet become an admirer of this drink should get to know it better, learn about its history.

At the beginning of the 19th century, coffee was grown in Ceylon, but at one point the coffee plantations were struck by a fungal disease, the crop died, which led to a decline in production. Just at that time, the Scotsman James Taylor began to breed tea. His tea plantation occupied only 77 square meters. meters, but soon it was expanded. Taylor opened a tea factory. In 1873, the first batch of Ceylon tea was released. Many people liked Ceylon tea, its sales increased, it began to be supplied to European countries.

In Sri Lanka, the Tea House was opened, which is still working. She is in charge of tea production. 1965 can be called a turning point in, it was officially recognized all over the world. At present, it is difficult to imagine what would have happened if there were no Ceylon tea. Tea production in Sri Lanka continues to flourish, delighting connoisseurs of the drink with its taste and aroma.

Types of Ceylon tea

Black tea is the main type of tea produced in Ceylon. It has a dark thick infusion and astringent taste. The drink has invigorating and tonic properties. Black tea is divided into types according to growing conditions. grown on several plantations:

  • Ruhuna. It is the strongest tea grown on the island. Due to the characteristics of the local soil, the tea leaves are of a special black color, and the infusion is dark, with a tart taste.
  • Kandy. This variety will appeal to those who love strong tea varieties. From the tea bushes that are grown here, a delicious drink of brightly saturated color is obtained.
  • Uva. Most often, tea from this plantation is included in blends. It always turns out a different taste depending on the composition.
  • Dimbula. This tea has a bright taste. The infusion can be medium strength or saturated.
  • Uda Pussellava. A drink from this plantation of medium strength.
  • Nuwara Eliya. At an altitude of more than 2000 meters, the Nuwara Eliya plantation is located, which is grown there, which tea gourmets like. The drink has a mild taste, light color, with a small viscosity. The taste of the finished drink is influenced by the presence of wild mint and a large number of eucalyptus trees on the plantation.

Tea of ​​elite varieties is harvested only by hand. Collectors pinch a kidney with two adjacent leaves. Professional pickers can collect up to 20 kilograms of tea leaves per day. This is a lot considering that the tea is carefully selected. After assembly, the tea leaves are sorted and processed. Processing of raw materials includes: drying, fermentation, roasting and packaging of products.

Popular varieties of Ceylon tea

For its production, only whole, large leaves are used. They roll into balls. After brewing, each ball opens, the leaves take their original shape. To prepare a drink from loose leaf tea, more time is needed. But it is worth it, because the tea will turn out with a bright taste, special astringency. The cost of this variety is much higher than the cost of tea of ​​other varieties.

In the homeland of the drink, it is called Bai Hoa due to the presence of small cilia on the tea leaves. In Russia, this black Ceylon tea is known to everyone as long leaf. It is worth remembering that not every tea can be called long leaf. When ready, real tea has small tea leaves. This variety contains in its composition a large amount of useful substances: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium.

Long leaf tea has a very dark infusion. If the tea turned out to be light, the tea leaves were not processed enough, or you purchased a fake. Real tea has black leaves, completely twisted.

Turquoise tea from Ceylon. To obtain this amazing drink, tea leaves wither in a special way. This variety is at an intermediate level in the line of basic teas. It has the ability to improve metabolism and burn excess fat.

Green tea. Sri Lanka is famous for its black tea, but green tea is grown only on one Uva plantation. In terms of its aroma, it cannot be compared with traditional Chinese green teas. This drink has pronounced malt and nutty flavors.

White tea. The variety is valued all over the world, it is called the drink of immortality, because it has beneficial properties that are not inherent in other varieties. It is practically not transported to other countries, since it is stored very little and does not tolerate transportation well. It meets twice a year. It is customary to drink it in the morning to recharge with useful substances for the whole day. The drink is used for pain in the heart, toothache, oncology. White tea has a healing effect, it helps prevent tumors.

Application of Ceylon tea

Ceylon tea has many useful properties, after regular use of the drink it can prevent various diseases:

  • Tea is a low-calorie product, it can be used in diets, provided that sugar and cream are not added to the tea.
  • Improves immunity, prevents the development of various viruses. It is recommended to drink a drink in the off-season, this helps prevent the development of colds, reduce the risk of getting the flu.
  • Regular consumption of the drink will prevent atherosclerosis. But you should not abuse the drink.
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system. The drink helps to eliminate anxiety, calm down. But do not forget that a large amount of tea can cause the opposite effect, lead to insomnia, nervous excitability.
  • Enhances sexual function.
  • Prevents early aging.
  • Tea has a tonic and invigorating effect.
  • Stimulates the work of the brain.
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins. The drink improves metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, promotes weight loss.
  • Prevents thrombophlebitis from developing.
  • Eliminates sand in the kidneys, preventing urolithiasis.

Ceylon tea brands

A lion with a sword is the only symbol that indicates that tea is grown and produced in accordance with all the rules on about. Sri Lanka. This is a quality mark, it is placed on all tea packages on the island. Foreign producers cannot put such a mark on their tea packages.

The most popular brands of tea:

Orange Pekoe. Differs in fruity taste, has large thin leaves.

Broken Orange Pekoe. Medium-leaf tea, it will appeal to lovers of a fragrant and strong drink.

Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings. It can replace coffee as it is the strongest of all brands.

Flowery Orange Pekoe. Tea of ​​pleasant taste, with unusual sweetness. Distinguished by a golden tip on the leaves.

Flowery Pekoe. It has a strong infusion and a balanced taste.

Rules for making Ceylon tea

It is not enough to buy high-quality Ceylon tea, it must be prepared correctly. For everything to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Filtered or soft water must be used.
  2. Do not reuse boiled water. You need to wait until the water starts to boil and remove from heat. Wait a couple of minutes and brew the tea leaves.
  3. Tea is brewed in the following proportion: for each cup of tea, take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. For a fortress on a teapot add one more spoon.
  4. The teapot is doused with boiling water before putting tea leaves in it.
  5. It takes 3-5 minutes to prepare a drink.
  6. The tea leaves must be stored in a hermetically sealed container so that the aroma does not disappear, its taste is not lost.
