
Prunes calories per 100. Prunes - calories, nutrients, pros and cons

Cooking prunes is not a difficult process. Selected varieties of plums such as Italian Hungarian are washed well, laid out on a tray and dried for 3-4 weeks under the sun, after covering them with gauze. Then the bones are pulled out of the dried fruit and sprinkled with potassium sorbate a little, using it as a preservative.

After a couple of hours, the prunes are ready to eat. It also happens with bones. And how many calories are in it?

How many calories in prunes

The calorie content of prunes is 241 kcal per 100 g. This is a rather big figure, so for those who want to lose weight, you should not get carried away by overeating dried plums. In addition, they have strong laxative properties.

In most cases, this product serves as an additive to meat dishes and desserts and is very useful for humans.

It is sometimes used in baking and added to yogurt or ice cream.

The benefits of prunes

Prunes contain phenol, which improves the movement of oxygen to cells.

The presence of vitamin K is necessary for bone strength and better blood clotting.

Normalizes blood sugar levels.

Suitable for diet food.

Serves as a laxative and promotes weight loss.

Antioxidants present in prunes protect human cells from damage by unstable molecules that appear as a result of pollution in the body. Moreover, the amount of antioxidants in this product is much greater than in any other fruit.

100 g of prunes contain 14.7 g of sorbitol. It helps the colon to improve its permeability and protects against the occurrence of cancer and hemorrhoids.

How can you lose weight on prunes

Despite the fact that the calorie content of prunes is quite high, it may well become a tool for those who want to lose weight. With skillful use, it can help you lose up to 4 kilograms in a few days. This is facilitated by a sufficient content of a substance such as pectin, which well cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins.

Another 100 g of prunes contains a very large amount of potassium. Its action is aimed at restoring the water-salt balance of the human body, it normalizes blood pressure, the work of the heart and blood vessels, and also has a diuretic effect, which is also important for weight loss.

When choosing prunes, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The fruits should be black in color without a glossy sheen. It is no secret that all products in our time are chemically processed. So, if prunes have a glossy sheen, it means that they have been treated with fats. It should taste sweet, with a little sourness.

For effective weight loss, it is necessary to consume at least 6 pieces of fruits daily to normalize the work of the whole organism and increase its immunity.

It is also proposed to regularly perform unloading days using prunes. Take the fruits, steam them in a water bath and eat 10-15 pieces every 3 hours all day.

Possible side effects

Eating prunes has some minor but still negative side effects. This can be gas formation in the abdomen, diarrhea, as well as addiction to the product. If a person uses prunes for a long time to normalize bowel function, then after stopping its use, the intestines cannot recover on their own without prunes. Therefore, this dried fruit should be introduced into the diet carefully.

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Prunes are dried fruits. They are considered the safest sweets for health. Indeed, dried fruits, unlike pastries, cakes, cookies, do not harm the body. On the contrary, if used correctly, they are useful and even help to lose weight. This may seem surprising given their nutritional value. After all, if you look at how many kcal are in prunes, you might think that he can do nothing to help in losing weight. Nevertheless, it contributes to it due to its special properties.

How nutritious are prunes?

Plum calorie content - 250-300 kcal, depending on the variety. This is quite a lot, as it might seem at first glance. On the other hand, few people can eat more than 200-300 g of these fruits at a time. As for prunes, it is problematic to use it and 100 g at a time, and it is not necessary. Although a lot depends on appetite and how much a person likes this sweet, fragrant product.

What are the benefits of dried fruits?

Oddly enough, the plum retains most of the vitamins and beneficial properties when dried and smoked. Therefore, prunes are an alternative to fresh fruits in winter. This cannot be said about jams and preserves, but dried fruits are another matter. In particular, if you take prunes, the calories of which may seem excessive, then it not only saturates the body with vitamins, but is also a mild laxative. In addition, it cleanses the body of toxins and harmful cholesterol thanks to the fiber and pectin that make up its composition. It also has many other useful properties that cannot be mentioned at least in passing.

What is harmful prunes?

The calorie content of the product, as we found out, is not a minus, but rather a plus. However, prunes have some contraindications. It is necessary to limit the use of these dried fruits for people suffering from diabetes, obesity, pregnant women in the last month and mothers who are breastfeeding. Because prunes cause colic in infants, allergic reactions may occur in pregnant women. As for the first two categories, here you need to consult a doctor who monitors the diet of the wards.

Prunes are dried fruits prepared by drying plums of almost any kind. The best variety for making prunes is Hungarian Italian.

To prepare prunes for weight loss at home, according to reviews, it is necessary to select the best and ripest fruits during the plum ripening season, as well as purchase potassium sorbate, which will serve as a preservative.

After the fruits have been selected, they must be thoroughly washed and laid out on a metal tray. It is best to cover the top of the plums with gauze, as midges will land on them during the drying process. Then a tray with plums must be placed in a place where direct sunlight will fall on them for 3-4 weeks. After the plums are dry, remove the pits from them, put the semi-finished dried fruits on a plate and sprinkle a little potassium sorbate on top. After two hours, freshly prepared prunes, the calorie content of which is high enough, so that it should not be consumed in large quantities, will be ready to eat.

In finished form, despite how many calories are in prunes, it is often an ingredient for cooking meat dishes and various desserts.

Useful properties of prunes

Prunes, which have 241 kcal per 100 g, are an excellent source of phenols, which help improve oxygen supply to cells, as well as vitamin K, which is vital for strong bones and good blood clotting.

The sweet taste and high calorie content of prunes give the impression that these dried fruits are not suitable for dietary nutrition, however, the soluble fibers contained in them can slow down the absorption of glucose and stabilize blood sugar levels, so there will be no harm to the figure if consumed in moderation. But the benefits for the whole organism will be obvious, in addition, the use of prunes for constipation as a laxative is widely known, which also affects the loss of excess weight.

In addition to their high calorie content, prunes also contain many antioxidants that help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that result from abnormal cellular metabolism, smoking, pollution, and UV exposure. Studies show that excess free radicals can contribute to premature aging, skin wrinkling, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Prunes, which are very high in calories, are also a good source of dietary fiber. 100 g of prunes contain approximately 6.1 g of dietary fiber, which is the part of any plant food that the enzymes in the body cannot digest and are not absorbed into the blood. As a result, these fibers remain in the large intestine, where they absorb water and soften the stool, thereby expressing an active effect on the body of prunes from constipation. In addition, prunes contain sorbitol (14.7 g per 100 g), which is a mild stimulant of the colon, improves its permeability and reduces the risk of constipation, colorectal cancer and hemorrhoids.

The high content of antioxidants in prunes is associated with a high level of hydroxycinnamic acids (phenolic compounds) contained in it. Hydroxycinnamic acids present in prunes include neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, which are very effective in scavenging free radicals from the body. In addition to being high in hydroxycinnamic acids and high in calories, prunes are also rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids.

How many calories in prunes: nutritional and energy value

The calorie content of prunes is quite high, but this does not prevent the widespread use of this type of dried fruit in cooking and dietetics.

The nutritional value and calorie content of prunes, based on 100 g of these dried fruits, is:

  • Proteins - 2.18 g;
  • Fats - 0.38 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 63.88 g;
  • Disaccharides - 38.13;
  • Retinol (vitamin A) - 39 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 394 mcg;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.051 mg;
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.186 mg;
  • Calorie content of prunes - 1006 kJ (241 kcal);
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) 1.882 mg
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 0.422 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - 0.205 mg;
  • Folacin (vitamin B9) - 4 mcg;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 0.6 mg;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - 0.43 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 59.5 mcg;
  • Calcium - 43 mg;
  • Iron - 0.93 mg;
  • Magnesium - 41 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 69 mg;
  • Potassium - 732 mg;
  • Sodium - 2 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.44 mg;
  • Fluorine - 4 mcg.

Calorie prunes: an easy diet for weight loss

As you know, the calorie content of prunes is high enough to consider this product an anti-diet, but this is far from the case. These dried fruits have a number of unusual properties that, when using prunes for weight loss, allow you to lose 3-4 kg in just 4-5 days of the diet. Such results are made possible due to the high content of pectins in prunes, which perfectly cleanse the intestines of toxins. Also, 100 g of prunes contain 732 mg of potassium, which helps to restore the water-salt balance of the body, normalizes pressure, is necessary for the work of the heart muscle, and also produces a diuretic effect on the body, which also contributes to weight loss, as well as the action of prunes from constipation. .

When choosing prunes for weight loss, according to reviews, it is very important that dried fruits are bought of good quality: ideally, the fruit should be evenly black in color, not have a glossy sheen - this will indicate its processing with fats, and taste sweet with a slight sourness.

The approximate diet menu for five days is as follows:

  • Day 1: breakfast - 1 hard boiled egg, half a grapefruit, a cup of black coffee without sugar and 2 pcs. prunes, the calorie content of which will be approximately 37 kcal. Lunch - vegetable borscht without potatoes, 50 g black whole grain bread, two walnuts, 8 pcs. prunes and a cup of green tea without sugar. Dinner - one hard-boiled egg, 250 g of any baked fish, 1 orange and a cup of black tea;
  • Day 2: breakfast - 50 g of hard cheese, a cup of black coffee without sugar and 2 pcs. prunes. Lunch - a plate of cabbage soup, 50 g of black whole grain bread, 100 g of boiled lean beef, 2-3 pcs. almonds and green tea. Dinner - salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, 4 pcs. prunes, the calorie content of which will be almost 65 kcal, a cup of black tea;
  • Day 3: breakfast - 50 g of black whole grain bread with a slice of hard cheese and chicken ham, 3 pcs. prunes and coffee without sugar. Lunch - vegetable soup, 50 g black whole grain bread, one tomato, two small boiled potatoes, 2 pcs. prunes and green tea without sugar. Dinner - 50 g black whole grain bread, a glass of 0% kefir or yogurt, 5 pcs. prunes, the calorie content of which will be almost 80 kcal, and a cup of black tea.

The menu of the fourth and fifth days is similar to the menu of the second and third days. It is important to remember that while following a diet, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

In the winter season, dried fruits become very popular. They are able to provide the body with a complete set of vitamins and minerals. Real delicacies include raisins, dried apricots and prunes. We will talk about the latter in the article. How many calories are in dried pitted prunes? Is it possible to use this tasty and healthy fruit in a diet?

black dried fruit

It is difficult to find a person who does not like prunes. Various dishes are prepared with it., used to prepare:

  • meat;
  • salads;
  • desserts.

Before getting to the shelves of supermarkets, dried fruits go through several stages of technological processing. How the process of drying prunes takes place will be interesting to learn for many lovers of healthy delicacies.

For drying fruits, only ripe black plum fruits are selected. The best varieties for drying are considered Hungarian and Renklod, but many other varieties of plums are most often used. During the ripening season, the best ripe fruits are selected, after which the drying process can begin.

Selected plum fruits thoroughly washed and dried on a metal tray. They are dried in the open air, covered with gauze so that insects cannot spoil the fruit. Then they must be exposed to the sun, for about 3-4 weeks. After that, the seeds should be removed from the fruits and treated with glycerin. It will give the dried fruits a characteristic shade. A quality black dried fruit should have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a thick black color.

In order to get 1 kg of the finished product, it is necessary to prepare 5 kg of ripe plum fruits. Despite the long technological process, many vitamins and microelements are preserved in prunes.

Prunes calories per 100 grams

Those who love dried black fruit, but are worried about their figure, should know how many calories this popular delicacy has. It is rich in organic acids and sugar, fiber and mineral content:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • iron.

Energy value of dried black fruit per 100 grams is 231 kcal, of them:

  • proteins - 2.3 gr;
  • fats - 0.7 gr;
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 gr.

On average, 1 fresh prunes weighs about 35 grams and 1 piece contains 14.7 kcal. The dried fruit weighs 7 grams and the calorie content of 1 piece is 16.9 units. Sweet tooth should know that prunes in chocolate weigh 25 grams and 1 delicacy contains 98.3 calories.

With a relatively low calorie content, the optimal ratio BJU prunes by weight per 100 grams looks like this:

  • proteins - 16%;
  • fats - 17%;
  • carbohydrates - 67%.

Dried prunes have long been used in cooking. Dried fruit has excellent taste. It is ideal for preparing a variety of dishes, giving them a pleasant taste and useful properties. It has long been known that prunes help in keeping meat fresh by 90%. It protects meat products from the development of salmonella, E. coli, staphylococcus aureus.

Dried black fruit has a healing effect on the entire body. Vital substances contribute to health promotion. It is often used in the diet of healthy and sick people because has the following properties:

Useful black dried fruit there are also contraindications, it should not be used if there are the following problems:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • tendency to diarrhea.

Prunes in dietetics

Despite the high calorie content of dried fruits, they are actively used for dietary nutrition. Thanks to the unusual properties of prunes, you can lose a few kilograms of excess weight in just 5-6 days of the diet. Pectins and fiber are excellent cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. The diuretic effect of prunes also has a positive effect on weight loss.

It is always important to choose good quality prunes. Such a fruit should have a pleasant appearance with a slight glossy sheen, resilient and fragrant. The fruits should be uniform black in color without a brown tint.

Currently, it is prunes that have become a favorite delicacy of people around the world. And this phenomenon is not accidental. Prunes have been used for medicinal purposes for a long time. So, even in ancient times, it was used in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, gout, kidney disease, and prunes were also actively used to remove water and salts from the human body. The composition of prunes includes fiber and sugary substances, and they, in turn, act as a natural laxative and thereby improve bowel function. But do not forget that a similar effect should be expected from compote from this dried fruit. And besides, many people are afraid that prunes, the calories they consume with it, are far from what they need.

Now, when many are concerned about their figure, when eating this product, people are wondering how many kcal are in prunes? And such interest is quite understandable. Today, many people closely monitor their diet, which is why it is so important for them to know what they eat and what is the calorie content of a particular product. So, prunes, the calorie content of which is, neither more nor less than 231 kcal per hundred grams, are healthy and tasty. Let's see why.

It's no secret that prunes contain all kinds of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates. And it doesn’t matter at all that prunes, whose calorie content is quite high, can affect your figure. After all, it is also very rich in carotene, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine and manganese, as well as vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP. So, for example, vitamins of group P, which are part of prunes, help to significantly reduce blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The presence of potassium helps to support the heart, and also improves muscle function, bile flow; including this element is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys. Thus, all these nutrients and elements make prunes extremely useful in the treatment of diseases of the intestines, liver, heart and, of course, kidneys.

It is also believed that prunes should be eaten in the presence of diseases such as beriberi, anemia, since it is characterized by the presence of antibacterial properties, and this leads to a cleansing of the human body. The content of antioxidants rejuvenates the entire body as a whole. In the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as in various infectious lesions of the body and it is recommended to regularly consume prunes.

Some people have trouble choosing prunes. However, there is only one rule: if you buy prunes in a supermarket or market, then you should pay attention to its color. High-quality prunes should shine, and if you notice even a slight coating of gray or light white, then know that this product is already spoiled.

Modern chefs began to add prunes to all kinds of salads, they are also used as a seasoning for meat, mousses and jelly are prepared from these fruits. However, those who watch their weight and figure should remember that prunes, whose calorie content is 231 kcal per 100 grams, can disrupt your diet with unprecedented ease. Thus, if you decide to treat yourself to this exquisite dried fruit, then be prepared for the fact that tomorrow you will have to give up sweets. After all, even though this product is very useful for your body, you should not forget that prunes have a fairly high calorie content, and, therefore, can bring a few extra pounds.
