
Blueberry tincture on moonshine. Recipe for blueberry vodka tincture

Want to make alcohol in your kitchen? This is quite realistic, even if you do not have the right equipment. Craftsmen drive moonshine without an apparatus, why don't you try it? Surely you have almost everything you need to create an elementary distiller at home. Pots, silicone tubes, cold water and a heater - even these tools can be dispensed with in your first experiments as a distiller.

  1. From a three liter jar. We make a hole in the plastic cover. It will need to thread the wire of the immersion boiler. In the same hole you need to insert a hose through which alcohol vapors will be discharged. Seal the hole in the lid.

The hose is connected to the cooler. You can make it yourself (coil from a copper tube) or buy it in a store. We also attach a tube to the second end of the cooler, through which the finished moonshine will drain. Immerse the cooler in a saucepan, which we put in the kitchen sink. Before distilling the moonshine, turn on cold water so that it pours into the pan. Voila! The distiller is ready.

Important: do not heat the jar on an open flame. It is better to put it in a frying pan, on the bottom of which sand is poured with a layer of about a centimeter

  1. "Film-bucket" distiller. We lower a plastic bowl into a metal bucket with mash so that it lies on the surface approximately in the center. Now cover the bucket with a film that is resistant to high temperatures. The film should sag a little in the center. We fix it securely so that the vapors do not leak.

Not far from the “side” of the bucket, we punch a hole with a cocktail tube. The tube can be left in the resulting hole so that it does not close. We turn on the heat, wait a few (about three) hours and take out a plastic bowl filled with alcohol. It is very easy to make such moonshine at home, but the quality will be lame.

  1. Pot Distiller. If you have buckets, basins and pots at home, the problem of how to overtake the mash without a moonshine is not in front of you. We do the following:
  • We take a metal bucket or a large pan, pour 1/2 of the mash into it.
  • Inside we put a smaller metal container. Its upper edge should be 10 centimeters above the waterline. If necessary, use a food-grade heat-resistant stand. We are almost ready with a collection for moonshine.
  • We cover the large (outer) pan with a metal basin or bowl. Ideally, it should be something conically concave inwards. On the bottom (the part inside the pan) of our “lid”, condensed drops of moonshine will drain and fall into the collection. We close the gaps between the distillation cube and the basin (dough, moistened cloth, any other fragile sealant will do).
  • In the upper container - the lid - pour very, very cold water.

Our elementary distiller is ready. We turn on the heating, make sure that the water is constantly cold (change, throw ice), and wait for the result. After three hours, remove the lid and try the moonshine in a small saucepan. Be sure to clean the product before use.

  1. We freeze the mash. There is another way to make moonshine without tools - freezing. The bottom line is that water freezes at 0°, and ethyl alcohol at -118°C. So pour the mash into a metal pan with a small diameter and put it in the freezer. You will have to wait at least 6 hours, but even longer is better. The output will be quite strong, but harmful moonshine. After all, most hazardous impurities also have a low freezing point.

The blueberry plant is a shrub belonging to the Heather family. Blueberry berries have a spherical shape of dark purple color with a slight touch of silver. The fruits in size reach from 0.5 to 1 cm. The flesh of the purple hue does not have a pronounced odor, but has a delicate sweetish aftertaste.

Blueberries are widely used for medical purposes - both for the production of medicines and for the preparation of natural healing products at home.

Unique vitamin complex

Having a beneficial effect on all human organ systems, blueberries contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system and act as an excellent antiseptic natural remedy:

  • Blueberries contain a complex of special substances - antioxidants, which have a preventive effect on the body, preventing the occurrence of cancerous tumors.
  • Protection against the penetration of various slag products into the intestines is provided by the polysaccharide-pectin, which also cleanses the body of the accumulation of salts and removes heavy metals from it.
  • Due to the polyphenols contained in blueberries, the berry is classified as a dietary product, including it in the diet for effective weight loss.

Blueberry leaves are in no way inferior to berries in their beneficial properties, providing a tonic effect along with an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Healthy blueberry drinks

Both blueberries and leaves of the plant bring exceptional benefits to the body, and are used to prepare natural medicines. Medicinal teas, decoctions and fragrant tinctures infused on blueberry leaves can prevent the development of pancreatic diseases, cope with difficult cases of constipation, improve overall well-being and even prolong youth.

The recipe for the preparation of healthy natural drinks based on blueberries is incredibly rich. At the same time, they are prepared simply, and the result exceeds all expectations.

Making homemade blueberry tinctures

The manufacture of blueberry tinctures was engaged in the times of Ancient Rus'. Initially, the drink was based on ripe berries infused with sweet ginger cider. Such an unusual combination of ingredients made the tincture look like kvass. Today, they prefer another technique for preparing a healthy drink using alcohol - alcohol, vodka or moonshine.

The benefits of blueberry tincture for the body

It is not for nothing that blueberries are called the "eye" berry, because it is precisely due to its ability to improve the quality of vision that it has become popular to use the plant for making homemade berry infusions.

A drink made from blueberry leaves has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, providing comfortable digestion and helping with diarrhea. Also, blueberry infusions fight such serious diseases as tonsillitis, pharyngitis and even rheumatism.

Alcohol tinctures on blueberries help with colds, relieving severe symptoms of the disease. A drink made on vodka can be used not only inside, but as lotions with a disinfecting effect for the treatment of burns, ulcers and other skin inflammations.

Technique for preparing blueberry infusions

To prepare blueberry tincture on your own, 40-50-degree alcohol, vodka, purified moonshine and even cognac are used as the basis for a future drink.

Before starting the process of making homemade blueberry tincture with alcohol, it is necessary to carefully select berries in advance. The fruits must be fully ripe and free of mold. Frozen or dried blueberries will also work. Berries that have been frozen must first be properly infused, after allowing excess water to drain. Otherwise, the tincture will turn out to be diluted and lose its rich taste and pleasant aroma.

To enrich the taste of blueberry infusion, various spices and spices are added to the main ingredients - vanilla, lemon zest, cinnamon, cloves, blueberries are also mixed with other berries and sugar is added to the infusion for sweetness.

Use blueberry infusion made at home for preventive and therapeutic purposes should be careful - 1 tbsp. drink in one go.

Alcoholic blueberry tincture is great for serving as a delicious treat for a festive feast.


Blueberry tincture is considered a safe product for health, however, there are a number of contraindications that must be considered before drinking the drink:

  • allergic reactions to individual ingredients from the component composition of the tincture;
  • excess content in the urine of salt deposits of calcium and ethandine acid;
  • problems with the pancreas;

Recipes for homemade blueberry tinctures

To prepare a classic blueberry tincture, you need only two ingredients: 350 grams of berries and 0.5 liters of vodka.

  1. Rinse blueberries thoroughly, drain excess liquid.
  2. Place the blueberries in a jar and, filling with vodka, shake well. It is important that the lid of the jar is tightly closed.
  3. The infusion time of the drink is 2 weeks at room temperature.
  4. You need to keep the jar in a dark corner, periodically shaking the contents - approximately every 3 days.
  5. After 14 days, the blueberry infusion must be filtered using gauze.
  6. Pour the finished tincture into containers for further storage.

The taste of blueberry tincture on vodka is obtained with a pleasant sourness and exudes a delicate berry aroma. Such a drink can be stored for up to 3 years.

Sweet blueberry tincture with alcohol

To add sweetness to the blueberry infusion, sugar is added to the alcohol base of the drink. Many note the similarity of the taste of the finished tincture with liquor, so it can be safely served to guests as a dessert alcoholic drink.

To prepare a sweet blueberry tincture for alcohol, you will need:

  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1.5 kg of blueberries;
  • 250 gr sugar;
  • 250 ml of water.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Blueberries and sugar are poured into the jar, water is gradually added first, then vodka. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Under a tightly closed lid, the jar must be placed in a sunny place.
  3. The exposure time of the tincture is one month.
  4. Every 4 days it is necessary to shake the contents of the jar vigorously so that the ingredients dissolve better.
  5. Ready blueberry infusion is filtered and poured into containers.

Such a sweet blueberry drink of medium strength will delight friends and loved ones for another 3 years.

Moonshine blueberry tincture with citrus notes

To prepare a spicy citrus blueberry tincture on moonshine, you will need:

  • 1 kg blueberries;
  • 750 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of purified moonshine;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • ½ cinnamon stick;
  • orange or lemon peel.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Carefully washed berries are transferred to a deep plate, blueberries are slightly crushed and left for 2.5-3 hours under a gauze cloth.
  2. Grind blueberries through a strainer.
  3. Cinnamon stick and citrus zest are added to the resulting juice. You can add spices to taste.
  4. The drink is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Cool the drink and strain.
  6. To prepare sugar syrup, only water and sugar are used. After cooking, they also cool, then mix it with blueberry-citrus juice.
  7. Moonshine is added to the sweet drink and left to infuse for 3 months. The place for infusion should be warm and dark.
  8. The finished tincture is filtered and filtered, then poured into containers.

Before using blueberry tincture on moonshine, it is recommended to wait another 3 months, keeping the bottle in cool conditions.

Both frozen and dried berries and leaves of blueberries have a long shelf life and do not lose their beneficial properties. To maximize this period for blueberries after drying, you can use simple rules:

  • It is important in the process of drying the plant to protect it from exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Ready dried blueberries should be stored in cloth bags or paper envelopes away from heat sources.

So, dried blueberry berries and leaves will last more than 2 years, suitable for consumption and infusion of healthy natural drinks from them.

Infused with wild blueberry flavors and rich the most powerful a natural antioxidant, this tincture will make a worthy gift, more original than a bottle of wine, or a versatile cocktail ingredient on a festive table. cook homemade blueberry tincture is very simple, like 2x2 ... more precisely like one to two. But first things first.

Universal blueberry tincture recipe

Preparation 5 min

  1. For additional ingredients:
  • It is desirable to grind black peppercorns in a mortar or in a spice mill. After 4-5 days, start tasting the tincture and start filtering when you feel that the peppery witticisms enough. For a berry, 4-5 days is not enough, so first we insist blueberries 1-1.5 weeks and only then add pepper.
  • Before adding the vanilla pod, you need to cut it lengthwise and pull it out after 3-4 days insistence.
  • It is advisable to remove the bay leaf after 2 weeks of infusion, not later. Even better, start tasting the tincture after 2-3 days and remove the leaves before the supposed disaster.
  • Basil "works" quickly, so it should be added after 1-2 weeks of infusion of the berry and start trying the tincture 24 hours after adding the greens - when the taste suits you, Means can be filtered. The basil can be lightly crushed with a pestle or roughly torn with your hands before adding. The same should be done with mint.
  1. To extract more the amount of juice and improve the extraction of the berry can be stewed on fire: pour the washed and dried blueberries into a small saucepan, then put on medium heat and simmer, stirring constantly, until the berry gives a decent amount of juice. Heat treatment of the berry also speeds up the entire technical process and the tincture can be drained after a week.
  2. Do not rush to throw away the spent berry - it will be an excellent ingredient for baking, for example, for muffins. It can also be frozen in forms for ice with water, juice, lemonade, etc. for flavoring other drinks.
  1. For a beautiful blueberry purple tincture, add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice - with a decrease in acidity, blueberry dyes change color to blue.
  2. To soften the taste, the tincture can be sweetened. Start from 1 st. l. for 0.75 l tinctures, further to taste. It is even better to sweeten the tincture with blueberry syrup: mix a quarter cup of water, a quarter cup of sugar and half a cup of blueberries in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, strain, squeeze, cool and use on own discretion. This amount of syrup is designed for 1 liter of tincture, make more to taste. Blueberry syrup will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Several Ways to Drink Blueberry Tincture… Delicious!

Iced blueberry tincture - as simple as 2x2. It is not much more difficult to mix the tincture with tonic, neutral soda, ginger ale or homemade beer, cranberry juice, etc. in your favorite proportions. Homemade blueberry tincture is great with lemonade, especially homemade lemonade. Even better is a drink with frozen honey lemonade:

Blueberry tincture with frozen lemonade

  • 200-320 ml aromatic honey
  • 200-250 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1.5 liters of clean water

To mix 2 servings:

  • 4 tbsp. l. blueberry tinctures
  • 4 tbsp. l. sparkling water
  • 400 ml honey lemonade

Lemonade: place honey and lemon juice in a blender and beat at medium speed until flow 30 seconds. Add water and beat until combined. Refrigerate before use.

Cocktail: in a blender, beat 2 cups of lemonade with 2 cups of chopped ice. Mix in a glass with a volume of 240 ml 2 tbsp. l. tinctures, 2 tbsp. l. sparkling water and frozen lemonade to the top, mix.

And with blueberry vodka, you can prepare many simple, but delicious cocktails. For example:

Cocktail Blueberry Sour / Blueberry Sour

  • 45 ml blueberry tincture
  • 22.5 ml elderberry liqueur
  • 22.5 ml lemon juice
  • 2-3 dashes of floral bitters
  • 30 ml egg white

Dry shake, intensive shake with ice, strain in an old fashion glass with ice.

Cocktail Broken Blueberry / Blueberry Smash

  • 2 lemon wheels
  • 2 lime wheels
  • 3-6 blueberries
  • 2 mint leaves
  • 75 ml blueberry tincture
  • 30 ml elderberry liqueur
  • soda

Squeeze lemon, lime, blueberries and mint in a muddled shaker, add tincture and liquor. Shake with ice, strain in collins with ice, top up with club soda and stir.

Cocktail Blue julep/ Blue Julep

  • 60 ml blueberry tinctures
  • 4-6 mint leaves
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar

Squeeze mint with sugars in a shaker, add tincture and shake with ice. Strain in julep mug with crushed ice. Decorate with a sprig of mint.

Cocktail Scarlett O'Hara / Scarlet O'Hara

  • 60 ml blueberry tincture
  • 22.5 ml aperitif Aperol
  • 22.5 ml orange juice
  • 22.5 ml cranberry juice

Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime twist.

Cocktail Attack of rage / The Temper Tantrum

  • 60 ml blueberry tincture
  • 22.5 ml Amaretto liqueur
  • 22.5 ml liquid cream 10-15%

Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle with grated nutmeg.

Source: http://therumdiary.ru/napitki/nastojki/domashnyaya-nastojka-iz-cherniki.html

Blueberry liqueurs: homemade recipes

Since ancient times, blueberries have been harvested during the season of their maximum ripeness (July-August), harvested by hand and, if necessary, harvested for future use (freezing, drying or cooking). Its berries are used for liqueurs and blueberry liqueurs, for jams, jams and jelly.

Homemade blueberry liqueur recipe

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A, B and C, contain a sufficient amount of calcium, manganese and magnesium, as well as a lot of tannins and pectins, anthocyanins. This allows it to be used in addition to the treatment of patients with digestive disorders ( especially with frequent diarrhea), with diabetes and eye diseases. Blueberries are also useful for the elderly, as well as for beriberi.

Previously, blueberry liquor at home was prepared by simple fermentation, without the addition of alcoholic components. This liquor has a very mild taste, and the strength of the drink is easily adjusted by adding alcohol or vodka (if desired). Initially, the drink turns out to be approximately 14 degrees, so if you decide to increase the degree, then add 150-300 g of alcohol before bottling the drink. The drink can be stored up to 3 years.

For the preparation of blueberry liqueur, try to select only the most ripe berries, picked in dry weather and sorted out (clean and dry). Berries do not need to be washed, so wild yeast will be preserved, which will guarantee the presence of a fermentation process.

Puree the berries with a blender or in any other way convenient for you and transfer the resulting mass to a sterile jar, diligently mixing with sugar and water.

Infuse the future liquor in the dark at room temperature, after covering the container with a cloth and stirring its contents every morning. Having found signs of fermentation, install a water seal on the neck of the container (or put on a medical glove with a hole in your finger) and wait 1-1.5 months until the end of the process and precipitation. With absence signs add raisins or berry sourdough.

At the end of fermentation, filter the infusion through a multi-layered cloth and cotton wool, taste it and, if necessary, add sugar or alcohol, then bottle the future liquor. Cork each of them and soak for another 2-3 months in darkness and cool (you can in the refrigerator).

Homemade blueberry liquor with alcohol

Classic homemade blueberry liqueur is made with just two ingredients: alcohol and blueberries - nothing. superfluous. Such a drink is stored up to 3 years.

  • 500 g 40-45% alcohol;
  • 350 g blueberries.

Pour the sorted and washed blueberries with vodka and close it in the prepared container with a tight lid. Infuse the drink for 2-3 weeks in a dark corner of the room, shaking the jar every few days.

At the end of the term, filter the finished liquor, bottle it, corking them for further storage.

Flavored blueberry vodka liqueur

Moderately strong, but very tasty and fragrant, blueberry vodka liqueur is obtained. Such a dessert drink will wonderfully complement the table for any bachelorette parties and will be a good option for a romantic evening.

  • 1.5 kg of blueberries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 250 g Sahara;
  • 250 g of water.

Sprinkle sugar-sorted and washed blueberries, place put it in a sterile glass jar and fill it with vodka and water, then tightly close the lid. Infuse the future liquor on a sunny windowsill for about a month, shaking it every few days.

After a month, filter the finished liquor, bottle it, corking them, and store the drink for up to 3 years in the cool of a cellar or refrigerator.

Blueberry liqueur with lemon zest

You can use not only fresh berries, but also frozen ones for the blueberry liqueur recipe. It will take you no more than half an hour to prepare the components for further infusion, so try it, you will not regret it.

  • 350 g frozen blueberries;
  • 350 g of vodka;
  • 200 g of sugar syrup (1:1 water and sugar);
  • zest of 0.5 lemon;
  • 3 cloves.

Purée with a fork or blender the entire volume of the pre-thawed berries (without draining the liquid after defrosting), mix it with zest and cloves and transfer to a sterilized glass container. Fill the berry mass with vodka and insist it in the dark and cool for 3 months, stirring once a week.

After this period, prepare sugar syrup from 100 g of sugar and 100 g of water by simply boiling and cooling the mixture. Then filter the tincture obtained from blueberries, mix it with syrup and send it to stand in the same place for another 1 month, then re-filter the finished liquor. Pour it into sterile bottles, seal and store until the moment is right for serving.

Homemade blueberry and strawberry liqueur

To increase the strength of the final drink, replace the water in the components with the same amount of alcohol.

  • 600 g of alcohol;
  • 500 g blueberries;
  • 500 g of strawberries;
  • 300 g of water;
  • 200 g sugar.

Sort and rinse the mixture of berries with running water, mix it with sugar and place in a sterile container for infusion until morning (the berries should release juice).

In the morning, pour water and alcohol into the berry mass, mix everything and insist, covering the jar with a cloth in a cool place for about a month, shaking the contents daily.

Then carefully filter the resulting liquid twice, let it taste for about 5 more days and either cork it for further storage or send it for tasting.

Serve the liquor chilled with fresh berries (raspberries, currants, mountain ash).

Source: http://www.alcorecept.ru/likery/likery-iz-cherniki.html

Moonshine blueberry tincture

How to choose berries for making tincture?

You can use fresh, frozen or dried berries to make the tincture. It is necessary to choose ripe and juicy fruits. The riper they are, the sweeter the blueberry drink will turn out. Berry skin should be strong and whole. Blueberries with mold or rot should be selected.

Fresh fruits should be washed under cold running water to remove dirt and grit. Dried berries also need to be washed in running water. They may have dust on them. It will give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.

The cleaned raw materials are laid out on a horizontal surface covered with a clean cotton towel. It will absorb moisture helping to dry fruits faster.

It should be borne in mind that after such a procedure, stains from juice blueberries.

If a frozen berry is used, it must be freed from ice before preparing the tincture. The liquid that appears after defrosting must be drained. If you leave it, the drink will turn out to be less saturated and acquire an undesirable aftertaste.

It is not necessary to cut and knead the fruits. The tincture will be cloudy. It will be difficult to filter. Fragrant and essential oils, as well as other biologically active substances, successfully overcome the berry shell and accumulate in moonshine during aging. This is a long process, so tinctures are prepared for several weeks and even months.

Experienced winemakers recommend slightly freeze fresh blueberries. As a result of freezing, its fibers will collapse and release more juice into moonshine. Connoisseurs of blueberry tincture lightly fry vegetable raw materials. As a result of this, caramel will appear, which will give the drink a noble taste and a darker shade.

Preparation of classic blueberry tincture

To get a tasty and aromatic drink, you need to use only purified moonshine with a strength of 45-60% vol.

700 g of peeled fruits are poured into a dark glass container. The use of opaque containers is not recommended. It will not allow you to watch the process. If used dried blueberries, the portion should be reduced by 2 times.

You can add more fruit if you like. From this, the taste of the drink will become more saturated. However, the strength of the final product will go down.

Pour 1 liter of moonshine into a vessel with berries. The contents of the container are mixed and closed tightly with a lid. You need to insist the drink in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight.

You can prepare the tincture in the sun. In such conditions, it will turn out less thick and saturated. The liquid will brighten and acquire a rusty hue, and smoked notes will appear in its taste and smell.

Shake the vessel every 3-4 days, mixing the contents. This must be done carefully so that the fruits do not burst. You can mix more often. Shaking helps the substances contained in the berries penetrate the moonshine.

The finished product is first filtered through a fine sieve. The berries are poured into a colander and wait until all the liquid comes out of them (20–30 minutes). It's not worth squeezing them out. Small particles of pulp will get into the drink and make it cloudy. During straining, you need to try not to violate the integrity of the berry shells.

If the drink is cloudy, you can filter it through cotton wool. Vessel with a narrow neck close with a piece of cotton wool and pour tincture into it. To prevent particles of cotton wool from penetrating into the liquid, it is wrapped in gauze.

Blueberry tincture is stored in a dark room with room temperature up to 3 years.

How long does it take to infuse a drink?

The tincture can be consumed after 3 weeks. If leave it for aging up to 45 days, it will turn out to be more saturated and fragrant. Maximum cooking time - 6 months.

The lower the air temperature in the room in which the vessel with the drink is located, the longer it will infuse. Therefore, in a cool room, alcohol is kept a little longer. You can cook it in a week if you heat the liquid to + 50 ... + 55 ° C. However, the process will negatively affect the taste of the product.

During infusion, it is not recommended to open the vessel to check the readiness of the drink. Unwanted microorganisms can get into it. Berries floating on the surface can become moldy. For the first time, it is better to check the readiness of the product only after 2 weeks of aging.

If dried raw materials are used, the drink will infuse longer.

A sign of readiness is the uniformity of the color of the liquid. The color of berries and moonshine should become the same. Contrary to popular belief, berries that float to the surface are not a sign that the tincture is ready.

Sweet blueberry tincture on moonshine

You can make a sweet tincture of moonshine on blueberries, recipe which is not complex. The addition of sugar will allow the fruits to reveal all their taste qualities.

1.5 kg of blueberries and 250 g of sugar are poured into a glass vessel. The products are poured into 1 liter of alcohol, then 250 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature is added. The contents of the vessel are gently mixed. The container is closed with a tight-fitting lid and placed in a place where the sun's rays fall all daylight hours (for example, on the roof of a house or on a balcony). Every 3-4 days you need to gently shake the contents to improve the penetration of biologically active substances from the berries into the moonshine.

After 3-4 weeks, the drink is tasted. The finished liqueur is separated from the berries, transferred to a clean vessel, closed and transferred to storage in a dark room. It must be used within 3 years. Sweet blueberry tincture is an excellent dessert alcoholic drink.

Moonshine blueberry pour with cinnamon and cloves

In the manufacture of liqueurs, more berries and sugar are used than in the creation of tinctures. They are obtained sweet and less strong.

To prepare blueberry liqueur with cinnamon and cloves, you need to select, rinse and dry 1.5 kg of berries. They fall asleep in a jar of the right size. Then add 750 g of sugar, 1.5 cinnamon sticks (whole) and 3 cloves to it.

The container is covered with a piece of clean gauze and placed in a bright place (windowsill). For 3-7 days berries must let juice and wander a little. Every day you need to carefully turn the vessel and shake it slightly, not allowing the berries to sour. Then 0.5 l of purified moonshine is poured into the container, closed with a tight lid and placed in a dark, cool place.

After a month, the liquid is filtered through a fine sieve. The cake is placed in a clean vessel, poured into it with 1 liter of moonshine and left for aging. After 2 weeks, the alcohol is filtered. His mix with infusion of the first plum. If necessary, the product is re-filtered through a cotton-gauze filter. The drink is poured into clean dishes and placed in a dark cool place. After six months, the liqueur will grow old and acquire a rich taste.

Blueberry-strawberry tincture on moonshine

You should definitely try the strawberry-blueberry tincture. It will surprise you with an unusual sour taste and strong strawberry aroma.

500 g of blueberries and 500 g of strawberries are sorted out, washed under water and dried. The berries are placed in glassware and covered with sugar (200 g). When they let the juice out (after 6-8 hours), in vessel add 1 liter moonshine.

The dishes are placed in a cool and protected from sunlight place for 3-4 weeks. Every 3-4 days content must be shaken gently. The finished tincture is filtered through a fine sieve, then re- through a cotton-gauze filter. It is poured into clean bottles and left to ripen in a cool room. In a few days drink can be consumed.

How to clean moonshine?

To get a delicious and fragrant drink, moonshine need to remove impurities and odors. The easiest way to do this is with charcoal. Activated charcoal, which is sold in pharmacies, is made from animal bones. Its pores are too small to hold large molecules fusel oils. When using this substance, it will not be possible to qualitatively clean moonshine.

It is best to use coal that is made for use in wine production (OU-A, BAU-A, DAK brands). It can be purchased at wine shops. Such coal is produced by decomposition of wood at high temperature and without air access (pyrolysis process). Instead of a product for winemaking, you can use coal from filters for water purification, birch substance for barbecues or coconut.

It is important that it be clean and did not contain impurities.

Coal is crushed in a coffee grinder or in a mortar and poured into moonshine through a funnel (40–60 g per 1 liter). You can put a little more charcoal powder, but in no case less. The vessel is closed with a lid and the liquid is infused for 3 days. Longer to keep coal in moonshine should not be. Otherwise, the harmful substances back to the drink.

A funnel is inserted into a clean dish and an ashless liquid is placed in it. filter for cleaning drinks from particles of coal. The liquid is poured using a dropper with a roller feed rate regulator. It is necessary so that the funnel does not overflow with moonshine. It is not necessary to drain all the liquid. The remains of moonshine, in which the sediment is located, are left in the vessel.

Homemade alcohol tinctures are very popular at any feast and are the pride of the hostess. After all, skillfully prepared liqueur has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. Each region, house has its own recipes and raisins, in which lies the whole secret.

You can make your own liqueur from any berries and fruits. To prepare an alcoholic blueberry tincture, you can use fresh, dried, and even frozen berries. It is better, of course, to keep up with the times and use fresh berries for cooking, because nature laid a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients in them during this period. Before use, the berries should be sorted out, spoiled, dried up, remove the stalks from them, washed and dried on a paper towel. You should also prepare alcohol 45-50 degrees, you can take good vodka and even homemade moonshine.

cooking recipes

The simplest and most easily accessible recipe is the use of only two main ingredients: berries and alcohol. Blueberry tincture is prepared as follows. Prepared blueberries - 350 grams are placed in a two-liter jar and poured with alcohol. To obtain a tincture, the composition must be kept in a dark place at a temperature of 18-20 degrees for about three weeks. Shake the jar every three days. Then you need to filter everything. To obtain a clean liquid, we recommend using a cotton-gauze filter. Then the tincture will be clean as a tear.

You can prepare vodka liqueur using a different technology, this will not make its taste worse. Pre-selected and washed berries are placed in a three-liter jar by two thirds and filled with vodka to the top. The dishes with the substance are placed in the sun (it is possible on a window from the sunny side) for ninety days. Once a week, the drink is shaken. After aging, the blueberry tincture is filtered, poured into a clean bottle and stored in a refrigerator or cellar. Both recipes allow you to get a tincture with a sweet and sour taste.

For those who prefer sweet drinks, blueberry alcohol tincture is prepared with added sugar. It will take one and a half kilograms of ripe berries, one liter of alcohol (alcohol, moonshine or vodka), water - a quarter liter and 250 grams of sugar. The products are mixed and placed in a three-liter jar, closed with a tight lid and infused for thirty days in a warm place under direct sunlight. Shake the drink once a week. For filtering use a cotton-gauze filter. The result will surprise you with a delicate sweet taste. Store the product in a cool place.

The tincture of blueberries and vodka with the addition of strawberries will delight you with its excellent taste and aroma. Berries are taken in equal proportions, 500 grams each, you should also add 200 grams of sugar, 600 ml of vodka and 300 ml of water. At the first stage, the berries are mixed with sugar and left for twelve hours. When juice appears, add water and vodka. The tincture is prepared for about a month. During this period, it must be placed in a cool place. Then pass the infusion through the filter and let stand for a week. Refrigerate when serving. With this recipe, you can safely experiment and replace berries, for example, use currants and raspberries instead of strawberries.

From blueberries, rich in pectins, tannins, vitamins, carotene, lactic, succinic, quinic acid, you can prepare a tincture not only on vodka, but also a healing drink on the water, which is used for medicinal purposes and is proudly served to the table.

The recipe is truly unique, because it is elementary simple, and the result is delightful. And so, we take one kilogram of berries, one kilogram of sugar, one and a half liters of water, a teaspoon of ground ginger, a teaspoon of dry yeast, a sprig of rosemary. At the first stage, blueberries are poured with boiling water and infused for 4 days. After that, without draining the water, add sugar, yeast, mix everything, pour into a bottle, make a water seal and leave to ferment for twenty-one days. The next step is to separate the liquid from the cake and add ginger and rosemary to the infusion. For the final preparation of the drink, it must be kept in the cellar for another four months.

If you plan to use the tincture for medicinal purposes, then a single dose is one tablespoon, and this miracle drink can also be safely used as a treat, guests will be satisfied.

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Recipes for delicious blueberry tinctures

To prepare homemade blueberry tinctures, you need ripe, well sorted berries with no signs of spoilage (rotting and mold). They do not have to be fresh, frozen or dried are suitable. In the case of frozen blueberries, the fruits are first thawed and allowed to drain. Dried berries should be added half as much as indicated in the recipes. Preferred alcohol base: vodka, cheap cognac or alcohol with a strength of 40-45 degrees. Well-purified moonshine without an unpleasant odor that interrupts the aroma of blueberries is also suitable. I advise you not to crush the berries, otherwise the tincture will turn out to be very cloudy and it will be very difficult to filter it.

Classic blueberry tincture

The easiest cooking method, in which there is nothing superfluous.


  • blueberries - 350 grams;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) - 0.5 liters.

1. Pour well-washed berries with vodka, mix, close the jar tightly with a lid.

2. Infuse for 14-16 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake the contents of the jar every 3-4 days.

3. Filter the finished tincture through gauze and cotton wool, pour into bottles for storage, close tightly with corks. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Blueberry tincture without sugar

It turns out a drink with a pleasant sour taste and a light aroma of berries.

Sweet blueberry tincture

It tastes like liquor, great as a dessert alcoholic drink.


  • vodka (alcohol 40%) - 1 liter;
  • blueberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • water - 250 ml.

1. Pour blueberries with sugar into a jar, add water and vodka. Mix well.

2. Close the bottle tightly with a lid, put it in a sunny place for 25-30 days. Shake the contents of the jar vigorously every 4-5 days for better dissolution of the ingredients.

3. Filter the resulting tincture through a cotton-gauze filter, then bottle. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Sweet blueberry tincture with alcohol

It turns out a moderately strong drink with a characteristic aroma of blueberries.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

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If you want to see all your friends, drink blueberry liqueurs

Rinse the berries well under running water and dry. Transfer to a jar, add vodka or moonshine, close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Shake the jar periodically. Then drain the infusion through a sieve, and cover the berries with sugar (if dried berries are used, it is better to boil their sugar with a simple syrup with a small amount of water, which is used to pour the berries after maceration). Wait a week until the sugar is completely dissolved, then drain the resulting syrup through several layers of gauze, gently squeezing the berry. Mix infusion and syrup, filter if necessary and bottle. Withstand at least 5-6 months.

Fragrant blueberry liquor on alcohol

  • 1 kg blueberries
  • 0.75 kg sugar
  • 1 liter alcohol
  • 0.4 l water
  • ½ cinnamon stick
  • orange or lemon peel
  • calamus root

Rinse the berries and transfer to a bowl. Slightly crush them with your hands and leave for 3 hours under gauze. Then grind the berry through a sieve. In the resulting juice, add ½ cinnamon stick, a little orange peel to taste and a small slice of calamus root (for example, from a pharmacy, but it is not necessary to add it, although the taste is more interesting). You can also add 1-2 cloves. Put the juice on low heat and boil for about 15 minutes. Cool, strain through a sieve.

From water and sugar, boil a simple sugar syrup, which also needs to be cooled and mixed with juice. Pour the sweetened juice into a jar of a suitable volume, add alcohol and leave the liquor to infuse in a dark, warm place for 3 months. Then strain, filter through a cotton or coffee filter and bottle. Keep at least three months in a cool place.

P.S. All recipes described in this article are equally applicable to blueberries and lingonberries. Often our readers are looking for all the liqueurs without vodka. Recently, we have stopped publishing such recipes, because, in fact, they are dessert or liqueur wines, and this is a topic for a separate article. A recipe for blueberry wine is planned in the near future or by the next berry harvest.


Forest blueberry tincture on vodka

Blueberry tincture was made in Ancient Rus'. The recipe for the preparation of the drink included ripe berries,
cider, ginger and sugar. This tincture was similar to kvass, had good tonic and healing properties. In modern medicine, various drugs are produced on the basis of this berry. Medicinal tincture on blueberries is prepared with alcohol. Berries and leaves of the plant can be used as ingredients.

What are the benefits of blueberry tincture?

Wild berries grow up to 8 mm in diameter. They are quite watery, contain vegetable dyes and a lot of useful substances. Very often, blueberry juice is used in the confectionery industry to color creams used to decorate cakes. The composition of the berry contains a large group of vitamins and other trace elements necessary for the development and vital activity of the human body.

The greatest popularity of blueberries among the people was brought by its ability to significantly improve the vision lost by a person. Sometimes the berry is called the eye. Tincture of blueberry leaf on alcohol is good for diarrhea, sore throat, pharyngitis and even rheumatism. Blueberry tincture with vodka or alcohol can be a good lotion for burns, ulcers and other skin lesions.

Cooking blueberry vodka at home

Blueberry vodka for a festive feast is prepared with the addition of a small amount of sugar. He
reduces the acidity of the drink and is added to the product in the form of a small amount of syrup.

Tip: you need to add a sugar solution to the product at the end of the product infusion process. The syrup acts as a regulator of the strength of the drink and its taste.

The blueberry vodka recipe contains:

1.2 kg of ripe berries;

1.0 liters of vodka.

Before preparing the drink, the berry is cleaned of impurities, washed, allowed to drain and dry. After that, pour it into the prepared container.

Tip: It is best to use ordinary glass jars to prepare the product. They must be clean and free from foreign odors.

The berry is poured to the bottom of a glass jar and poured with vodka. After that, the container is closed with a lid,

Blueberry tincture

the mixture is shaken and sent to a dark corner at room temperature to infuse for two or three weeks. The duration of the infusion process depends on the degree of ripeness of the berry and its juiciness.

To speed up the process, blueberries can be crushed with a wooden pestle or pierced with a needle.

Blueberry tincture is a truly Russian dessert alcoholic drink. Now it is difficult to say when our ancestors began to cook it. However, we can say with full confidence that if you use such alcohol in moderation, it will not only be tasty, but also good for your health.

In addition, it is not difficult to prepare such alcohol at home. Any person can easily cope with this task. The main thing is your desire and the right ingredients.

Classic recipe

We will need the following components:

  • ripe blueberries - 700 grams;
  • high-quality vodka - 1 liter.

To make the tincture really fragrant and tasty, you should carefully consider the choice of blueberries. Only ripe berries are suitable for us. They must be carefully and carefully sorted out in order to discard all the spoiled ones.

If you don't have fresh blueberries, you can also use frozen and dried blueberries. Of course, this will not affect the final taste of the drink for the better, but it will not become critical.

There are two approaches to making blueberry tincture. First, you can crush the berries. This, on the one hand, will make the alcohol a little tastier. But on the other hand, the tincture will turn out to be cloudy. In such a situation, it will be almost impossible to make it transparent. Secondly, you can not crush the berries. Acting in this way, you will end up with a beautiful transparent drink.

Correct actions during preparation.

1. Wash the blueberries properly and pour them into a three-liter jar. Pour vodka there, stir gently and seal tightly with a plastic lid.

2. Transfer the jar to the storage room and insist there for 15-17 days. Every third day you need to vigorously shake the drink.

3. Strain the alcohol through a cotton gauze filter.

On this, the traditional blueberry tincture is ready. You can proceed to the tasting.

Alcohol should be stored in any tightly closed glass container in a cool place. Subject to these recommendations, the shelf life of the product will be about 3 years.

Additionally, be sure to read the publication "".

Recipe with sugar

Many people prefer to cook sweet homemade tinctures. In my opinion, excessive sweetness interrupts the natural taste of the fruit and berry base. But it's still a matter of personal taste.

To prepare a sweet infusion, we need the following ingredients:

  • ethyl alcohol diluted with water (42-45%) - 500 ml;
  • ripe blueberries - 700 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • pure water - 150 ml.

Correct cooking algorithm.

1. Pour the berries and sugar into a suitable glass container. Fill them with water and diluted ethyl alcohol. Mix well.

2. Seal the container tightly with a plastic lid and infuse for a month at room temperature. Shake the container vigorously every 2-3 days.

3. After a month, filter the prepared alcohol through cotton wool.

Sweet blueberry tincture is ready.

Beneficial features

This tincture owes its useful properties to blueberries themselves. This berry is able to comprehensively affect the entire human body. It must not be heat treated. Only in this case you will be able to save - a maximum of vitamins and biologically active substances.

Blueberries are very rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances. It contains: vitamins A, B6, PP and C, pectins, organic acids, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and copper.

Many people know that blueberries are incredibly beneficial for vision. In addition, they have the following effect on the human body:

  • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic;
  • stabilize the functions of all internal organs;
  • significantly improve the functioning of the digestive and urinary systems;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • favorably affect the normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • normalize the female menstrual cycle;
  • slow down the aging process.
