
Blackcurrant pureed with sugar, a proven recipe with a photo. Blackcurrant without cooking - summer freshness and benefits in blanks

Blackcurrant, grated with sugar for the winter, is harvested with us every summer, since the blackcurrant bushes in the country are generous in harvest every year.

Blackcurrant is one of the most useful berries, as you know. Of course, you can’t eat much of it even in season. The berry is quite sour, although it also depends on the variety. The berries of large varieties of blackcurrant, sometimes reminiscent of cherries in size and quite sweet, but still not so much that the collected buckets of berries are eaten fresh. And for the winter, stocking up on tasty vitamins does not interfere with anyone.

For the winter, we make assorted compote from blackcurrants, with red currants. It is so tasty that it is drunk the very first at any feast. The kids just love it!

And the remains of blackcurrant are used for delicious jam, as a rule, we just make blackcurrant grated with sugar: it is tastier and healthier. Such jam is stored only in the refrigerator or in the cellar, otherwise it will turn sour.

Previously, in order to keep blackcurrant jam grated with sugar for a long time, we put quite a lot of sugar: in a ratio of 1: 2. But the jam was too sweet.

As a result, the "scientific poke method" reached the proportions of 1:1.3 and 1:1.4. The jam turns out sweet and sour and is normally stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for blackcurrant jam grated with sugar:


  • per 1 kg of blackcurrant
  • 1.3 - 1.4 kg of sugar

The process is pretty simple.

Wash blackcurrants well to remove foliage and other greens, as well as the remains of dried flowers. Go through. For jam, it is better to select larger berries - they are sweeter: it will take less sugar and blackcurrant jam will be tastier!

Smaller blackcurrant berries are best sent to "assorted" -. This compote always "leaves" faster, although it is also very tasty!

Then the berries must be weighed. It is also necessary to weigh the sugar in the appropriate proportion of 1: 1.3 or 1: 1.4.

1. The main task is to chop currant berries. You can do it the way you want:

Pass through a meat grinder, chop in a chopper in portions

or in a saucepan with an immersion blender,

or you can even crush it with a potato masher or a spoon! If there are few berries and nothing else is at hand.

2. When grinding berries, sugar should be gradually added. Those. and in a meat grinder and in a grinder and in a blender, we must put sugar before grinding and pour part of the pan with grated blackcurrant

I do not put the whole portion at once, but somewhere ½ -2/3 of all the necessary sugar.

When the berries are all ground with most of the sugar, you need to mix everything well in a saucepan, cover with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for a day.

The next day, mix everything well again, if the sugar has melted, add the rest of the portion, mix well with a spoon or blender,

and send it to the fridge

After a day, we take it out, mix well and send it to the refrigerator for another day.

Then you can lay out the grated blackcurrant jam in jars.

The jars must be clean, sterilized, but at the same time COLD, that is, after sterilization they must be cooled, otherwise the jam may ferment.

So, we lay out the grated blackcurrant with sugar in jars under the neck. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar on top, it will serve as a barrier between jam and air.

Now jam jars can be closed with clean nylon lids or simply covered with thick paper and tied with string.

We send for storage in the refrigerator or cellar.

This grated blackcurrant jam with sugar is great for any pastry: it turns out tender, and it can also be put instead of cottage cheese as a filling for.

In a cold winter, just eating such jam with tea is a real pleasure! It hardens and becomes like jelly! Tasty and healthy!

Bon appetit!

Last year we harvested a good crop of blackcurrants, not only enough for jam, but also made a vodka tincture and wine .. we need to post the recipe somehow.

That's all for today! Cook with pleasure and share your impressions in the comments.

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I always have a good harvest of berries, a lot has been planted, so there are a lot of blanks, but my favorite is currants, rubbed with sugar for the winter. Moreover, both red and black, without cooking, frozen in the freezer, or simply sprinkled with sugar.

We in the family call this “living vitamins”. Vitamin C, which decomposes during heat treatment, is completely preserved in such a workpiece. And in the jar, the smells of summer, the aroma of fresh berries and pleasant memories of warm days.

Currants grated with sugar for the winter - recipes

  1. In such a jam without cooking, you need to especially make sure that we don’t get a single unripe or spoiled berry, otherwise everything will quickly ferment and have to be thrown away.
  2. Pour sugar only according to the norm. If it is not enough, then the finished product will not be stored for long, and then only in the refrigerator. A lot of sugar is also not good, the currant is quickly candied, and it is unpleasant to eat it, it crunches on the teeth.
  3. For grated jam, the berries are washed well and scattered on a towel for drying. We do not need water, it quickly provokes the fermentation of the product.
  4. It is better to pack the blank in very small jars, it is better from under the baby puree, just enough for one meal, so that later it does not stand and deteriorate. Be sure to wash the jars with soap and sterilize. I do it in the microwave.
  5. The product is stored, as I already wrote, only in the cold, not higher than +9 degrees.

Calorie content of currants grated with sugar

For a traditional recipe made in proportions of one kilogram of berries for the same amount of sugar, the calorie content in one hundred grams of the product will be 221 Kcal.

For a sweet dessert, this is quite normal, especially considering the many benefits of grated currants.

Blackcurrant grated with sugar according to a traditional recipe

The classic recipe for blackcurrant grated with sugar involves using a sugar rate of one to one and a half. But here you can slightly increase the dose if your berry has high acidity due to the all-weather variety.

We take a kilo of clean and ripe berries and one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar

How to cook currants mashed with sugar:

We first select the berries so that the most ripe ones remain, then we wash them in a colander, you do not need to leave them in water for a long time. After washing, we begin to cut off the tails and all the branches, they are also not needed.

We know that the currant is a strong berry, it is not so easy to chop it. But for grated with sugar, it is desirable to obtain a delicate texture, without large particles of berries.

You can rub it with a wooden masher or rub it through a sieve and mix with sugar. I make it easier and faster, I fall asleep in portions in a blender, and immediately with sugar and grind. It turns out a homogeneous substance and grains of sugar are not felt at all. It remains to decompose everything into jars and roll up. If the workpiece is stored in the refrigerator, then instead of lids, you can tie it with parchment.

Redcurrant without cooking for the winter gelled

As far as you know, red currants are sourer than black ones, which means they require more sugar, but there are more pectins in them, so making vitamin jelly for the winter without boiling is as easy as shelling pears.

We will prepare:

  • A kilo of ripe berries
  • Two kilos of sugar

How to make jam-jelly without cooking:

The berry must first be examined so that green, unripe or spoiled ones are not caught, then we put the currants in a colander and lower them into the water with it, it is better to do this in a basin. We quickly rinse and wait for all the water to glass. We need dry berries.

The next step is chopping berries, it will be a meat grinder or a blender, it doesn’t matter, the main thing for us is to get the berry mass. We will extract the juice from it by rubbing it through a sieve.

Next, stir the juice with sugar, preferably not in an aluminum saucepan. Leave in this form for a couple of hours, only cover with a towel on top. After that, mix and pack in small jars. In a cool place, the jelly will thicken quickly.

Redcurrant, mashed with sugar for the winter

We will cook red currants rubbed with sugar for the winter, not very sweet, this recipe is for those who like it sour. But to store such a product for a short time and only in the cold. After opening the jar, it is better to eat immediately.

We take a ripe berry, without spoiled, dry and clean. We grind it into gruel, my mother just crushes the berries with a fork, but if there are a lot of them, then the process turns out to be too long. Therefore, it is better to arm yourself with modern kitchen appliances.

Mix the berry mass with sugar and in this form let stand for a while so that the sugar disperses. As soon as you stop feeling it on your teeth, prepare jars and put ready-made “live” jam in them.

Currant rubbed with sugar for the winter with orange

I love this live jam. With oranges, it turns out more refined and beautiful. You can tinker a little and remove all the pomace, then you get a beautiful and delicious jelly.

We use ingredients:

  • Per kilo of ripe currant berries
  • One and a half kilos of granulated sugar
  • Two large thin-skinned oranges

Cooking process:

I described how to prepare the berries in the recipes above, and we need to pick up good, ripe, juicy and sweet oranges, preferably with a thin peel, because it will also go into business.

We twist the cleanly washed and dried berries through a meat grinder. Cut oranges, do not peel. We carefully remove the bones from them, we do not need them. Then we also twist and add to the berry.

Pour our fragrant mass with sugar, stir and wait about two hours for the sugar to dissolve. We pack the finished jam in sterile jars.

Blackcurrant, mashed with sugar and raspberries

Grandma's recipe, pureed currants with raspberries. The first remedy for blues in a fierce winter. How delicious it is, especially spread on soft homemade bread, and with fresh milk.

We take:

  • Four glasses of blackcurrant
  • Four glasses of raspberries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

Cooking process:

We prepare berries, in general, it is advisable not to wash raspberries at all so that they are not saturated with water, so take the cleanest. We take a glass or plastic container and lay the berries in layers in it, thickly sprinkling each layer with sugar. We put it in the refrigerator for two days. After we take it out, mix it gently and pack it in jars.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. We wash the berries under running cold water and throw them into a colander. Select all the branches and remove the leaves.
  2. Grind currants with a wooden spoon or using a blender. It is necessary to achieve maximum uniformity.
  3. We transfer the resulting mass into a deep container and fill it with sugar (even one glass with a slide is enough). Everything is gently mixed and left alone for a quarter of an hour.
  4. We lay out the jam in plastic containers, sprinkle the remaining sugar on top and cover tightly with lids.

Important! Such a dessert is allowed to be stored only in the freezer. Otherwise, it will spoil in less than 10 days.

Currant with sugar syrup


  • 1-1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of blackcurrant;
  • 300 ml of drinking water;
  • 20 ml of alcohol.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. We carefully sort out the currants, clean them from sand and possible debris.
  2. We grind it with a wooden spoon, a blender or a quality meat grinder. The resulting mixture is best mixed with a wooden or silicone spatula.
  3. In a deep saucepan, combine sugar with water, put it on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Stir constantly while cooking so that nothing burns.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully strain the contents through cheesecloth, folded in several layers.
  5. After that, boil the syrup again, cool it to 60 degrees and add currants to it. Mix everything gently with a spatula.
  6. Pour jam into sterilized jars. We moisten the circles of parchment in alcohol and cover them with winter blanks. We immediately roll up the preservation and store it until winter in a cool, dark place.

Blackcurrant with raspberry - incredible taste and aroma

Pureed currants with sugar for the winter without cooking go well with other berries. To see this for yourself, just buy the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar (maybe a little less);
  • 1 kg of ripe raspberries;
  • 0.5 kg blackcurrant.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. We wash the berries under cold running water and throw them into a colander.
  2. Rub currants with raspberries alternately through a sieve and sprinkle each portion with granulated sugar.
  3. We put the resulting mass in the refrigerator and forget about it for two days. At least one and a half days.
  4. After the specified time, mix the jam well and lay it out in clean jars. We close them and hide them in the pantry or refrigerator until the onset of cold weather.

"Winter" currant with orange

Citrus fruits give the jam a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma. And to prepare such a delicacy, it is enough to have the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of ripe currants;
  • 1 large orange

The main stages of preparation:

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  1. We wash and sterilize the jars in advance in the usual way. After that, thoroughly rinse and scald the orange with boiling water.
  2. Without removing the peel, cut the citrus into small pieces, remove the seeds and grind it in a blender at high speed. You should get a smooth puree.
  3. We wash the currants under running water and throw them into a colander. We shift it into a deep bowl, add an orange and pour all the granulated sugar.
  4. After thorough mixing, put the future jam in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Stir the mixture every 20-30 minutes.
  5. As soon as the sugar crystals dissolve and turn into syrup, we shift the mass into prepared jars. Sprinkle the top of the jam with a little sugar. Then seal the lids.
  6. We store the dessert in the refrigerator, serve it with tea, pancakes or cheesecakes.

The original recipe for grated currants

If you combine several varieties of currants in one recipe, you get an incredibly tasty preparation with a pleasant aroma. To prepare it, you must purchase in advance:

  • 500 g of blackcurrant;
  • 500 g of red currant;
  • 500 g of white currant;
  • 3.5 kg of granulated sugar.

The main stages of preparation:

  1. We wash the berries under running cold water and carefully sort out so that there are no leaves and twigs left.
  2. Grind different varieties of currants into separate containers so that a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. We take a deep bowl or pan, transfer the resulting puree there and cover it with granulated sugar. Mix well and set aside for 2 hours. During this time, the sugar should dissolve and turn into a syrup.
  4. To make sure this happens, stir the future jam every 20-30 minutes.
  5. At the end of the specified time, pour the winter preparation into clean jars, sprinkle it with sugar and cork with lids.

To make homemade treats even tastier and more aromatic, it is recommended to add a handful of grated raspberries or a few chopped apricots to them.

  1. It is best to use small jars of 0.5 or 1 liter. They are much easier to sterilize and if you don’t like the workpiece, then it will be less of a hassle.
  2. Clean jars and fresh ingredients are the key to successful cooking. Otherwise, the jam will turn sour in a few days.
  3. If you add a leaf of fresh mint to grated currant, it will acquire a new taste and will better protect the body during colds.
  4. It is also allowed to experiment with different spices - cinnamon, cloves, star anise. But you need to be careful with them so as not to interrupt the main taste and not spoil the workpiece.

You can cook currants without adding sugar. But such a blank should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator and no more than two weeks.

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Pureed blackcurrant with sugar is the easiest way to prepare a berry for the winter. The recipe is completely labor-intensive and includes only two ingredients - berries and sugar. This method of harvesting preserves the amazing taste and aroma of fresh currants. Plus, it is ideal for those who do not want (do not know how, do not like) to mess around with cooking jam. After all, you just need to fill a clean berry with sugar, knead it with an ordinary wooden crush and stir several times before closing, watching the miraculous transformation of the berry-sugar mass into a homogeneous, thick jam of a jelly-like consistency. Try it! It is really very, very tasty!


  • blackcurrant - 1 part (1 kg),
  • sugar - 1.5 parts (1.5 kg).

How to prepare pureed blackcurrant for the winter

Let's start with the preparation of currants. So that the jam does not ferment and retains its freshness for as long as possible, the ground berries must be fresh and clean. We sort out the currants, remove the twigs, spoiled berries and debris, rinse thoroughly under medium pressure with warm water and send them to a colander to let the berries dry. You can spread the currants on paper (paper or clean waffle towel) - so it dries faster, plus it's more convenient if you have a lot of berries.

Next, we will grind the dried berry with sugar. Do it in batches. To do this, place a part of the berry in a suitable size vessel (made of glass, plastic or enameled). Sprinkle some of the sugar on top of the berries.

We arm ourselves with a wooden pusher and begin to knead / grind the berry with sugar. After we add a new portion of berries and sugar and grind again.

As a result, you will get a sweet mass of grated berries with noticeable grains of sugar. If some berries do not fall under the crush and remain whole, it does not matter. To me, it tastes even better. But if you are going to harvest grated currants in large volumes, you can use a faster option: twist the berry with a meat grinder or mash with a blender.

Then you need to wait until the sugar dissolves. To do this, we cover the container with the berry mass with gauze, a towel or cling film, be sure to pierce it in several places so that the jam “breathes”, and leave it to stand for 2-3 days.

We do not remove the jam in the refrigerator, we leave it to stand in the room. Every 5-8 hours we look into the container and stir the jam. Already at the first stirring, it becomes noticeable that the sugar dissolves perfectly, and the jam itself acquires the consistency of jelly. But it's too early to close it.

After a couple of days, the consistency of the jam becomes homogeneous, and its color is bright and saturated. My jam stood on the table in the kitchen for 2.5 days.

And now it can be laid out in jars. Be sure to sterilize the jars and let them dry. We take ordinary nylon lids, boil them and also let them dry.

We lay out the jam in jars, filling them approximately to the shoulders.

The rest of the space is filled with sugar. You should get a sugar layer 1-1.5 cm thick.

Do not worry, this sugar will not make the jam sweeter. Within a few hours, this sugar will be saturated with syrup and crystallize, forming a kind of dense “cork” that will protect the jam from fermentation.

Such raw jam will be perfectly stored both in the refrigerator and on the shelf in the pantry (in the refrigerator, however, longer).

From 1 kg of currant I got 2 jars of 500 ml and one small bowl for tea.

Currant mashed with sugar is not just a pantry of vitamins. This is the main healer for coughs, colds, sore throats and other ailments during the autumn-winter cold. It will strengthen the immune system and give the aroma of a sunny summer - but currants rubbed with sugar can be used not only as a medicine.

It is perfect as a filling for baking, and as an additive to pancakes, and as an ingredient in drinks. But will unboiled currants really stand and not turn sour? Yes, if done right. They say that fresh currant berries can be preserved even at room temperature!

Just remember: you need to grind them with sugar manually, without using the metal nozzles of mixers and blenders. Alas, in contact with metal, some of the beneficial vitamins are destroyed. So stock up on grandma's wooden crush - and go!


Recipe for mashed currants with sugar

Remove the currants from the branches, sort, wash and spread on a paper towel so that it dries in the air. Pour dry currants into an enameled wide pan or basin, pour 500 g of sugar and crush well with a crush. It’s better to rub clockwise (we don’t know which is better, but my grandmother advised doing it that way!)

Then add another 500 g of sugar and grind again. Pour in the remaining sugar and rub well again. If currants are stored not in a cool place (in a basement or cellar), but at room temperature, then sugar will be needed not 1.5 kg, but 2 kg. Cover the grated currant with a clean towel so that bees and flies do not climb there.
You need to grind the currants manually - forget about the blender! Currants should be left for 2 days in the open air. This procedure is necessary so that currant fermentation does not begin during storage. In addition, in two days all the sugar will definitely dissolve. The jars where the currants will be laid out should be sterilized and dried in advance. Wash celluloid lids with baking soda and pour over with boiling water.

Remember: currants can also be closed with parchment paper under a string. After 2 days, the currants can be laid out in jars, leaving 3 cm to the end of the neck. Pour 2 cm of sugar into each jar on top and cover with lids or paper. Delicious currants mashed with sugar are ready!
