
Blackcurrant for the winter without cooking - simple recipes (with sugar, jam, jelly). Currants with sugar without any cooking to preserve the maximum benefits of the berries

Currant is one of the most useful berries, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and certain trace elements. However, it is rather difficult to preserve them during pasteurization, since even a short-term treatment with boiling water reduces the content of useful substances by a third. That is why experts recommend using the recipe for currants mashed with sugar, as it completely eliminates any heat treatment.


For this recipe, you only need sugar and the berry itself. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions so as not to spoil the taste. For one kilogram of currants take two kilograms of sugar.

If there are no scales, then the recipe for currants mashed with sugar suggests that this proportion in glasses will be 4 to 6.5. You will also need vodka, but its amount is measured based on one can of two to four tablespoons.

Product selection

Considering that currants with sugar will be prepared without cooking, the issue of choosing berries should be taken very carefully. They should not be ripe, but not overripe. Also, the use of a product with obvious signs of disease, mold or damage to the outer shell (peel) is not allowed.

The fact is that the shelf life depends on this, since even the increased acidity of berry juice and the presence of a preservative such as sugar will not be able to protect the product from bacteria that have got inside the fruit and develop there for a certain time. That is why, before starting work, the currants are sorted out and washed thoroughly.


  • A typical recipe for currants mashed with sugar involves the complete grinding of berries. For this, it is better to use a blender, but a meat grinder is also suitable. You can also use the old technique, rubbing the fruit through a sieve, but this process is laborious and time consuming.
  • At the next stage, sugar is introduced into the resulting puree. At the same time, it is thoroughly mixed, but it is not necessary to achieve complete dissolution.
  • Then the recipe for currants mashed with sugar involves distribution into jars. However, they must first be sterilized.
  • Next, small circles are made of paper, according to the size of the neck of the container. They are carefully soaked in vodka, after which they are lowered into the container directly on the puree. This is done in order to stop the fermentation process on the surface, which means it is worth pouring a few more tablespoons of vodka on top.
  • At the final stage, the jar is closed with a plastic lid, which was previously scalded with boiling water. At the same time, it will expand a little, and after closing it will sit tightly in place during the cooling process. Therefore, banks are not placed in a warm place, but immediately placed in a refrigerator or cellar.
  • Some housewives prefer to use ordinary parchment paper with a thread to close the jars, or simply close the lid without vodka and a paper liner. However, the shelf life of such products is greatly reduced, and the requirements for the place of detention increase.


It should be said right away that currants grated with sugar for the winter should be stored in a cool room. The temperature should not be higher than +1. Therefore, for these purposes, it is worth using a cellar or a refrigerator.

Given this feature of this product, a large number of berries cannot be harvested. Therefore, it is worth using other recipes in parallel, where blackcurrant with sugar is subjected to heat treatment.

When the jam is ready, it does not need to be turned over, as is done during sterilization. In fact, this is contraindicated, since the alcohol cork will be broken. That is why the jar should not be shaken, but stored only in an upright position.

  • For work, it is best to use enameled or glassware. The fact is that the high acidity of the juice allows it to react with the metal, which will affect the taste and quality of the final product. Given this, a wooden or plastic spoon must be used for stirring.
  • It is necessary to lay mashed potatoes in hot jars that have just gone through the sterilization process. At the same time, some cooks recommend performing this procedure over steam, and immediately close the container with a lid. This minimizes the chance of bacteria getting in.
  • Such blackcurrant with sugar can be used as an independent dish. At the same time, it is quite suitable for making compotes or ordinary jam. If, during storage, it was found that the product began to ferment, then alcoholic beverages can also be made from it.
  • When the jar is opened, the first thing to do is to remove the paper and a thin layer from the surface. After this, the jam must be consumed completely, since its shelf life in this form will not exceed three days.


Not only very tasty, but also one of the most useful and easy-to-prepare supplies for the winter is currants mashed with sugar. After all, this cold jam, unlike the traditional one, does not need to be boiled for a long time, that is, subjected to heat treatment, during which most of the vitamins are destroyed. Well, and who still prefers a boiled dessert, so that it turns out to be more useful, we recommend preparing five-minute jam, which is cooked for a minimum of time, due to which it has maximum benefit.

How to sort berries, do they need to be dried?

As we have already noted, the main advantage of cooking red and black currants mashed with sugar and five-minute jam is the absence of a long heat treatment. However, this is also a serious drawback of these methods of harvesting berries, especially for long-term storage. Berry grated with sugar remains fresh. If the nuances of preparation and storage are not observed, the workpiece will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, follow all the rules and recommendations below.

Currant berries need to be sorted out and dried

Let's start with the berries. This must be approached very responsibly. It is in no way allowed that at least one rotten or crushed berry, as well as any garbage, gets into the jam being prepared. After all, if a "carrier" of microbes or bacteria gets into the blanks, they may soon deteriorate. Then briefly soak the selected berry. And then first I wash it and only after that we cut off all the tails (stalks) from it. We also remove branches from red currants.

Next, the currant should be dried. Designed for grinding with sugar is especially good. Ideally, it should be completely dry. Moisture in cold-cooked food is completely useless. It will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for the life and development of microbes in the workpiece. And this will affect the duration of storage.

Then the berry must be crushed, grind. For five-minute jam, it is usually left whole. The best, but also the most time-consuming way to grind currants is using a wooden spoon and a sieve. The resulting mass will be tender, since the skins and seeds of the berries will not fall into it. We throw the currants into a sieve and rub it over an enameled dish with a wooden spoon. An easier and faster way to grind berries is to use a meat grinder or blender.

The easiest way to grind currants is with a blender

Next, we prepare jam (cold or five minutes) in an enamel bowl according to the selected recipe. Moreover, we make both black and red currants mashed with sugar according to the same recipes. Five-minute jam from these berries too. If necessary, you only need to take into account that red currants are sourer than black ones, and accordingly adjust the amount of sugar offered in the recipe, up or down. In the general case, further preparation of cold jam consists in adding sugar to the grated berry, which is then thoroughly mixed with it.

Sugar in this type of preparation is not only a sweetener, but also a preservative. Therefore, do not forget that not only taste, but also the duration of storage of jam depends on its quantity.

The following recipes provide approximate storage times and recommendations for storage (depending on the amount of sugar used). Then we lay out the finished jam (cold or five minutes) in jars (preferably with a capacity of 0.5–1 l), which must be thoroughly washed, sterilized, and then dried beforehand. Lids for closing must also be prepared in the same way. How to clog a berry grated with sugar and what to do with it further is described in the proposed recipes.

Pour the dessert for five minutes and immediately roll it up still hot, just removed from the stove. And then, turning it upside down, we install it on a dense and preferably warm thing spread out in any room on the floor, and wrap the same one on top. Then we transfer the five-minute cooled down to room temperature to a place intended for long-term storage: a cellar, a basement or a refrigerator, if there is room in it. In the recipes proposed below, cold jam and five minutes are prepared only from currants. But you can add other berries. It will also need to be carefully prepared (sorted and washed), and if rubbed, then along with currants. The amount of sugar in the recipe is left the same, and the berries - then it will be common.

Video: Red and black currant jam

The ratio of berries to sugar can be any. It is selected based on how sour the canned currant turned out to be, and according to one's own preferences for the degree of sweetness of the jam. Below are 3 main, one might say basic, options for preparing a cold currant dessert, which practically cover the entire spectrum of sweet tastes. If necessary, they can always be corrected.

The ratio of berries to sugar can be any

A classic recipe. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2–1.5 kg.

We grind the prepared currant berries, and then fall asleep with sugar. Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which we cover the currant-sugar mass with something and put it in the refrigerator for one day. During the time the jam is in the refrigerator, it will need to be thoroughly mixed 2-3 times. Why is it necessary? During the day, the sugar will completely dissolve and will be mixed with the secreted juice, and will also soak the grated berries. And this will later avoid fermentation during storage.

Then we lay out the berries grated with sugar in prepared jars, and if we want this jam to stand longer, be sure to cork it with metal rolling lids, and store it only in a place intended for long-term storage, including a refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life of a healthy dessert reaches 6 months or more.

Recipe with a ratio of currants to sugar 1:2. Useful jam turns out to be sweet, for some to cloying, but it is stored much longer. This recipe is great for harvesting fresh currants with sugar for the winter. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Grind the prepared currants, sprinkle the grated berries with sugar. Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which the currant-sugar mass is immediately laid out in jars. It is enough to cork them with tightly closed plastic or metal screw caps, because there is a lot of sugar in this cold jam. A healthy dessert prepared according to this recipe will not ferment, and it can simply be stored in a cool, dark place. But if we want it to stand for a year or longer, then it is better to close it with rolling lids and send it to be stored in a refrigerator, cellar, basement.

Recipe for an invigorating sour and most healthy cold currant jam with a minimum amount of sugar. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2–0.5 kg.

Grind the prepared berries, and then add almost all the sugar (leave a little). Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which we lay out the currant-sugar mass in plastic containers. Sprinkle the jam on top with the remaining sugar, close the lids that come with the containers, and put it in the freezer. There grated currant will be stored for a very long time, but it is better to eat it within a year.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" currant

Under the name of five minutes, it will take not much more time than preparing the previous options from grated berries. But you get a blank that at the same time differs little from cold jam in terms of the amount of vitamins it contains, and from traditional (long-cooked) - to taste. For the simplest recipe you will need: berries - 1 kg; sugar - 1.5 kg; water - 2/3 cup.

Cooking five-minute jam will take quite a bit of time

Heat water with sugar, stirring, until boiling. Then we throw berries into the resulting syrup. We heat everything until it boils and then cook for exactly 5 minutes. Stir the jam occasionally throughout the cooking time. All is ready! We wish you good luck in the culinary arts!

Over the weekend, my husband's parents gave us "vitamins" from the village - a whole package of black currants. We ate a little of it whole, of course there is still a lot left. It is a pity that so many vitamins will be lost, products tend to deteriorate. The mother-in-law freezes whole vegetables and fruits, they even bought a special freezer, but we don’t have one yet, and there’s almost nothing to freeze, we live in the city, but we manage with conservation. Jam can be boiled, but vitamins are lost during heat treatment, so in order to preserve vitamins for the winter, I decided to close blackcurrant grated with sugar in jars. So the vitamins will be preserved, and in the winter there will already be a finished product.

I will not talk about all the beneficial properties of blackcurrant, it is almost impossible to list them all, but in winter it perfectly complements the diet. Where do I use it? Yes, anywhere - I add it to cottage cheese desserts, grease biscuit rolls, pies, add it to jelly, to tea for colds.

How to grind blackcurrant with sugar?

Grinding currants is easy. You only need two main products:

  • black currant itself - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 - 2 kg

To begin with, the blackcurrant must be sorted out, the berries must be selected from the twigs and ponytails. I do not know what kind of this currant, sort it out quickly. With the help of my daughter (in the frame of her hand), we did it in 20 minutes.

I took a bucket of ice cream, weighed it, it turned out about 900g. I have an old canter, but the weight shows the exact one. Sugar turned out 1.5 of the same bucket.

I washed the blackcurrant under cold running water and left it in a colander so that all the water was glassed.

Then the dry blackcurrant was twisted through a meat grinder. Some housewives pour sugar along with berries into a meat grinder and there they are ground. This is how you feel comfortable.

The resulting mass was covered with sugar and mixed well. Stir again after 1 hour. This must be done so that the sugar dissolves better.

During this time, I washed half-liter jars, sterilized them over steam for 10 minutes. It is imperative to sterilize the jars so that the currants stand longer and do not grow moldy. In dirty jars, harmful bacteria can remain and currants will quickly deteriorate.

I also doused the nylon lids with boiling water.

She spread the grated blackcurrant into prepared jars, closed the lids and put them in the refrigerator. There they will be stored.

It turned out from 1 kg of berries 3 half-liter jars of finished blackcurrant grated with sugar and a small vase to eat. This is not the first time I have rubbed berries with sugar like this: both raspberries and red currants. The jars are in the refrigerator until spring, and the jam does not grow moldy, does not sour, and is perfectly preserved. So I recommend that you also keep the vitamins of the currant grated with sugar for the winter.

Currant mashed with sugar is not just a pantry of vitamins. This is the main healer for coughs, colds, sore throats and other ailments during the autumn-winter cold. It will strengthen the immune system and give the aroma of a sunny summer - but currants rubbed with sugar can be used not only as a medicine.

It is perfect as a filling for baking, and as an additive to pancakes, and as an ingredient in drinks. But will unboiled currants really stand and not turn sour? Yes, if done right. They say that fresh currant berries can be preserved even at room temperature!

Just remember: you need to grind them with sugar manually, without using the metal nozzles of mixers and blenders. Alas, in contact with metal, some of the beneficial vitamins are destroyed. So stock up on grandma's wooden crush - and go!


Recipe for mashed currants with sugar

Remove the currants from the branches, sort, wash and spread on a paper towel so that it dries in the air. Pour dry currants into an enameled wide pan or basin, pour 500 g of sugar and crush well with a crush. It’s better to rub clockwise (we don’t know which is better, but my grandmother advised doing it that way!)

Then add another 500 g of sugar and grind again. Pour in the remaining sugar and rub well again. If currants are stored not in a cool place (in a basement or cellar), but at room temperature, then sugar will be needed not 1.5 kg, but 2 kg. Cover the grated currant with a clean towel so that bees and flies do not climb there.
You need to grind the currants manually - forget about the blender! Currants should be left for 2 days in the open air. This procedure is necessary so that currant fermentation does not begin during storage. In addition, in two days all the sugar will definitely dissolve. The jars where the currants will be laid out should be sterilized and dried in advance. Wash celluloid lids with baking soda and pour over with boiling water.

Remember: currants can also be closed with parchment paper under a string. After 2 days, the currants can be laid out in jars, leaving 3 cm to the end of the neck. Pour 2 cm of sugar into each jar on top and cover with lids or paper. Delicious currants mashed with sugar are ready!

Blackcurrant is a berry loved by many, which, in addition to its bright taste, also has exceptionally useful properties. For example, it is used to saturate the body with vitamin C. After all, a small handful of berries is enough to get the daily allowance, since the content of this vitamin in it is very high.

In addition, it is used to prevent various viral and other diseases. It is also interesting that not only berries are used, but also leaves. They also have healing properties.

As soon as it is not eaten - fresh, frozen, in jam or in the form of compote. Grated blackcurrant with sugar for the winter is also quite popular. After all, it is in winter that all its useful qualities are so necessary. And this recipe is worth dwelling on in more detail. This currant is very easy to prepare, and the result will always be excellent.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Black currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook grated blackcurrant with sugar (jam for the winter without cooking)

First you need to prepare the currant itself. Wash the berries in water at room temperature several times.

After - the water is drained, and we sort out the currants. We remove debris, ponytails, leaves and other debris.

When the currant is prepared, you need to grind it to get a homogeneous mass. The easiest way to do this is with an immersion blender.

Some grind currants in a meat grinder, you can do it like that.

It should be noted that the dishes, blender and meat grinder must be very clean, because our jam is alive. Despite the fact that we use a large amount of sugar, jam can turn sour if not kept clean.

Now you can cover the grated berries with sugar. Almost all of the sugar comes out.

Then prepare the jars, they must be sterilized. You can do this in advance or when the currants are ready. Put grated currants with sugar in prepared jars.

And sprinkle the currants with the remaining sugar on top.

It is better to store live jam without currant cooking in the refrigerator. You can roll up if you want.

It can be eaten as a dessert or for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It can be served in special vases, it will be very tasty for tea, with cookies. Many people like to eat this jam with fresh white bread, a simple sandwich can turn into a wonderful dessert.

On a note

As you can see, everything is really simple. And the preparation of such currants will not take much effort or a lot of time. And the benefits will be huge. It is believed that it is in this form that the berry will retain all its vitamins and nutrients. Whereas after cooking they are partially lost.

  • The absence of cooking during the cooking process obliges you to strictly adhere to the recipe, as well as storage conditions. For example, if you do not put the indicated amount of sugar, but put less, then the currant will quickly deteriorate. You can’t overdo it here either - the dessert will simply be candied.
  • Some housewives can diversify the recipe by adding, for example, other berries. Raspberries, cherries, etc. There is also an opinion that before laying in jars, currants should be left for 1 day. This is done so that the sugar dissolves better. In this case, the mass must be mixed and strictly monitored so that fermentation does not begin.
  • And, in addition, it is important to be very careful to ensure that only whole and fresh berries get into the harvest. Even one sour berry can ruin everything.

In a word, following simple rules and knowing some subtleties, you can easily prepare a very tasty and extremely healthy dessert that will appeal to everyone, young and old.
