
Bird cherry flour benefits and harms. Pancakes from bird cherry flour

Bird cherry flour is a product that is made from the berries of the bird cherry bush. Fans of original baking will appreciate dishes made with this flour. It should be noted that in the vastness of our country this flour is extremely rare. However, even despite this fact, many people have already managed to appreciate the unique taste and benefits of this product.

Composition and method of production

The raw materials that are used for the manufacture of bird cherry flour are somewhat similar to the raw materials that are used during the production of wheat or rye flour that is familiar to everyone. For the production of bird cherry flour, dried fruits of the bird cherry bush are used, which for many years has not been considered a product used in the field of cooking.

However, it should be noted that people who have ever tried pastries made from bird cherry flour know that bird cherry is an unusual, tasty and spicy ingredient in many dishes. It is impossible not to notice the fact that it will be very problematic to find such flour on the domestic market, since it is not mass-produced. This product is manufactured in small batches, in most cases by individual order, by small firms and enterprises.

Attention! You can make bird cherry flour yourself. To do this, you need to collect the fruits of bird cherry and dry them. Then the bird cherry must be thoroughly ground with a coffee grinder. At the last stage of manufacturing, bird cherry flour must be passed through a fine sieve to remove the bird cherry peel from its composition.

Bird cherry flour is an indispensable ingredient for the preparation of dietary bakery products. Muffins, various desserts and jelly are also made from it. In addition, this product can be used as a natural dye during the production of wines and various alcoholic beverages.

It is worth noting that the composition of bird cherry flour is unique, but at the same time, in terms of components, it is very similar to the composition of a product made from wheat. However, flour made from bird cherry contains a huge amount of various acids of organic origin. For example, it contains citric, ascorbic, and malic acid.

Bird cherry flour contains small amounts of vitamin E, as well as B vitamins such as B1 and B2. However, it contains many micro and macro elements such as cobalt, copper, magnesium. Flour made from bird cherry contains a large amount of fiber, approximately 5 grams of fiber per 100 grams of flour. The advantage of this product is that it is not high in calories (only 120 calories per 0.1 kilogram of flour).

What are the benefits and harms of this product?

In appearance, flour made from bird cherry is somewhat reminiscent of cocoa powder. According to its taste, it has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. It is thanks to such taste qualities that this flour is very much appreciated by many culinary specialists.

However, it should be noted that, in addition to exquisite taste, this product also has a whole list of properties that are useful for the whole organism.

  1. Dishes prepared from this flour contribute to the improvement of the body, the stabilization of metabolism. Also, it should be noted that bird cherry flour, due to its low calorie content, does not harm the figure and maintains a slender body.
  2. Bird cherry fruits are known primarily for their analgesic effect on the body. They are also excellent anti-inflammatory agents. Dishes made from bird cherry fruit flour are an excellent remedy that prevents the occurrence of colds.
  3. Also, by eating this flour, the immune system and the regenerative abilities of the whole organism are strengthened.
  4. It stabilizes the acidity in the stomach and helps to remove dangerous toxins from the digestive system.
  5. Due to the fact that bird cherry flour contains a large amount of antioxidants, as well as substances such as flavonoid and anthocyanin, it can be used as a means to prevent the occurrence of various allergic reactions in the body. The product is also known for its ability to reduce irritation and all kinds of inflammation that have appeared in the body due to exposure to any allergen.

However, despite the large list of positive properties of bird cherry flour, it should be noted that this product also has many contraindications to its use. First of all, this product is not recommended for use as the main ingredient for cooking for pregnant women, as well as for those women who are breastfeeding. It is also necessary to refrain from using this flour for those people who have an individual intolerance to the substances contained in bird cherry.

Recipe for making diet pancakes from bird cherry flour

Bird cherry flour is an excellent ingredient from which you can make diet pancakes. To prepare such pancakes, you need to take flour made from wheat and bird cherry and mix in a ratio of 2 to 1. The dough can be prepared on the basis of ordinary water or milk. For 0.3 liters of liquid, you need to take 2 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of soda, 2 chicken eggs, 1 tsp. salt. All ingredients must be mixed properly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained from them. In order to improve the taste of pancakes, you can also use highly carbonated water along with soda while preparing the dough. The calorie content of such pancakes is only 200 cal.

Video: bird cherry flour cookies

Bird cherry flour is not a product that can be found in any store, but it is very famous in cooking. Due to its unusual, piquant, amazing taste, it is often used in the preparation of bakery products, drinks and other culinary dishes.

Private companies produce it in small batches and supply it to individual culinary outlets. Such flour can be made independently by drying and grinding the fruits of bird cherry in a coffee grinder. The result is a powder that looks like cocoa.

What's in the composition?

The component composition is the same as in wheat flour, but the amount of useful substances is different:

There is more in bird cherry raw materials:

  • fiber (approximately 5 grams);
  • vitamins B1, B2 and E;
  • organic acids such as malic, ascorbic and citric;
  • cobalt and copper.

Bird cherry powder contains less:

  • magnesium (tens of times);
  • calories (per 100 grams of product - 120 calories).

What's the use?

Bird cherry flour is a therapeutic and prophylactic product that reduces the calorie content of the cooked dish. She has absorbed all the beneficial properties of bird cherry fruits, so they use it to solve the following health problems:

  • nausea relief as an antiemetic;
  • healing and disinfection of purulent wounds;
  • elimination of toothache (as a rinse);
  • prevention of viral and colds;
  • strengthening immunity (flour contains vitamins C and P - strong antioxidants that are not produced by our body);
  • relieve pain and inflammation;
  • lowering cholesterol (due to the content of coumarin);
  • cleansing the blood, as well as for healing wounds on the mucous membrane (due to the bactericidal and astringent properties of bird cherry berries);
  • prevention of allergic reactions (due to components such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, antioxidants);
  • reducing the risk of a reaction of the human body (for example, indigestion) to the presence of gluten, sucrose, yeast in pastry products;
  • maintaining youthful skin (thanks to vitamins B1, B2, PP).
  • weight loss.

In folk medicine, bird cherry powder is used to treat: indigestion, tuberculosis, the initial stage of diabetes, enterocolitis and chronic colpitis. It is noticed that it lowers cholesterol levels, increases male potency and stops the development of atherosclerosis.

Are there any disadvantages?

Despite the many advantages of bird cherry flour, it also has disadvantages:

  • not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • may cause irritation of the gastric mucosa;
  • with increased acidity, it can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis;
  • contraindicated in children of younger kindergarten age (to avoid individual intolerance).

For weight loss

Nutritionists consider bird cherry flour an indispensable component in the diet. There are all prerequisites for this:

  • its low calorie content;
  • low content of light hydrocarbons;
  • a sufficiently high content of fiber, which contributes to the burning of fat, as well as the removal of lactic acid and protein products from the body.

What can be cooked?

Bird cherry powder has found wide application in cooking. It gives baked goods a chocolate color, as well as a subtle aroma of rum and almonds. Even in ancient times, in the northern regions of Russia, it was used to prepare a special drink with the addition of honey, and also mixed with other types of flour (wheat, wheat, rye) and prepared fragrant pies, shanezhki and cheesecakes.

Nowadays, it is used for baking pancakes, cakes, pies, muffins, cookies and other sweets. It gives the original apricot taste to compotes, kvass and jelly. Even in the alcoholic beverage industry, the bird cherry component is used as a natural dye for cognacs and wines.

Let's bake something!

For the cake recipe, you will need the following ingredients: one glass of milk, sugar, bird cherry and premium wheat flour, as well as one egg and one teaspoon of baking soda.

  1. Pour bird cherry flour into a deep bowl, pour warm milk into it, mix well and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. In a separate container, grind sugar with an egg, add baking soda, mix well and pour into a mixture of milk and flour.
  3. Pour the prepared mass onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven for half an hour.
  4. Remove the cake from the oven, allow time to cool, cut in half and spread with sour cream (sour cream - 1 cup + sugar - 3 tablespoons + a pinch of vanillin).

Stuffing for bakery products

To prepare the filling you will need:

  • bird cherry flour - 350 grams;
  • granulated sugar or powder - 1 cup;
  • 0.5 cups of hot boiled milk.

Cooking process: pour flour into a saucepan, add milk and sugar, mix and cook everything until thickened. With a cooled mass, we recommend filling cakes, cheesecakes, pies and pies.

delicious muffins

Muffins are also made from bird cherry powder. To prepare them you will need:

  • bird cherry flour - 50 grams;
  • wheat - 0.5 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 0.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration;
  • small pieces of chocolate.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix bird cherry flour with sour cream. The mixture should be infused for 30 minutes.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until a homogeneous white mass.
  3. Add sour cream with bird cherry flour, wheat flour, chocolate and baking powder to the sugar-egg mixture.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Fill the molds with dough (not to the edge) and place in a preheated oven.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes at medium temperature.
  7. Decorate the finished cupcakes with powdered sugar.

Bird cherry flour is used to prepare low-calorie goodies, which allows you to combine business with pleasure without harming your figure and body as a whole. At the same time, culinary masterpieces from it are quite nutritious and are suitable for both the main meal and a quick snack.

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Alexey Fedotov from Transbaikalia opened the world of taiga specialties to LavkaLavka buyers. Of the latest novelties of the range - bird cherry flour. Great product, but few people know how to use it properly. We asked Martha Zdanovskaya, the host of Frau Martha's Culinary Diary, to sort this out.

bird cherry flour- this is a new page in the history of long-loved desserts, even one tablespoon added to the dough can drastically change the flavor of the finished dish. And the thing is that ground bird cherry berries (it is from them that bird cherry flour is made) have a very bright taste and aroma, reminiscent of almond essence, cherry pits and chocolate at the same time. Therefore, the best partners for this magical product will be, first of all, almonds themselves and any other nuts, pears, apricots, of course, chocolate, rum or cognac.

Bird cherry flour has some peculiarities - it compacts the biscuit a little, and therefore the dough “loves” wet, with the addition of a large amount of sour cream, milk or butter. In some cases, wheat flour can be completely replaced with bird cherry flour - and this is good news for those who follow the figure. But most importantly, in order to fill the house with the fabulous aroma of bird cherry pastries and amaze guests and family to the very heart, you will not need much time or complex culinary skills. In any case, if you try to fulfill the recipes that we offer you.

cake ingredients

Delicate cake with sour cream

Let's start with the easiest. Remember the classic recipe for the most banal charlotte? 4 eggs, a glass of sugar, a glass of flour and apples. Easy to remember, prepared in two counts. We remove the apples, change the flour to ground almonds, add 100 grams of bird cherry flour and the simplest sour cream - we get the most delicate cake, elementary and beautiful in its simplicity.

How to cook. Beat 4 eggs for 5 minutes with 200 grams of brown sugar, add roasted almonds (200 grams) ground in a blender, stir in 100 grams of bird cherry flour and a teaspoon of soda slaked in vinegar. Send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Cut the finished cake into two parts and cool. For cream, beat 100 grams of fat sour cream (at least 30%) together with 100 grams of powdered sugar. Put the cream between the cakes, leaving a little to decorate the surface of the cake and refrigerate for 40 minutes.

Delicate cake with sour cream.

Frangipane with bird cherry flour and chocolate glaze

The next option will require a little more attention, well, just a little bit. But as a result, you will be able to please your home with an exquisite and languid classic dessert with Italian roots: frangipane with bird cherry flour and chocolate icing.

Products. 100 grams of ground almonds, 100 grams of sugar, 100 grams of cold butter, 2 eggs, 60 grams of bird cherry flour, 50 ml of rum, 100 grams of dark chocolate (you can take chocolate with nuts), 50 mg of ice cream.

Products for frangipane.

How to cook. Chop the butter with ground almonds, bird cherry flour and sugar in a blender in a few short inclusions to a state of large crumbs. Add eggs and 30 ml of rum, mix everything until smooth. Transfer to a mold, cover with foil on top and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Remove the foil after 25 minutes and bake for another 20 minutes. Cover the cooled frangipane with glaze: a mixture of melted ice cream, 20 ml of rum and chocolate.

Frangipane with bird cherry flour and chocolate icing.

Tart with almond meringue and jam.

Tarts- this is an achievement of French culinary - they also perfectly cooperate with the Siberian bird cherry. Bird cherry flour can be conveniently attached both to the base, adding to shortbread or chopped dough, and to the filling for tarts - to egg, butter, curd and custards and sauces.

Products. For the dough - 150 grams of flour, 50 grams of ground almonds, 30 grams of bird cherry flour, 80 grams of powdered sugar, 100 grams of softened butter, 1 egg. For the filling - 3 proteins, 150 grams of sugar, 100 grams of ground almonds, 30 grams of bird cherry flour. In addition, for the filling in the summer you will need fresh berries or fruits, and in the spring, while nothing has risen yet, 50 grams of necessarily not sweet jam or marmalade (for example, orange-ginger, lemon-ginger or exotic pumpkin-orange).

How to cook. Mix the butter with powdered sugar, add the egg, beat well with a fork. Add wheat and bird cherry flour, ground almonds. Knead the soft dough and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Knead the chilled dough in shape, prick with a fork over the entire surface, cover with parchment with a load (use dry beans) and bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 15 minutes. Then remove the weight and return the tart base to the oven for another 5 minutes. At this point, prepare the filling: beat the proteins until a strong foam, gradually adding sugar. Gently add almonds and bird cherry flour, mix with a spoon, trying not to disturb the airiness of the mixture. Spread the cooled base with jam or marmalade (sprinkle with berries if you have them at hand), put the protein mixture on top. Bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Butter "peasant" from Viktor Olkhovy on lavkalavka.com

How to cook. Soak agar-agar for an hour with water (100 ml). Beat the egg with sugar, add milk and both types of flour, slaked soda. Pour into a mold with high detachable sides and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. If the pie is tall, cut it into two layers. Bring the swollen agar to a boil in a small saucepan, stirring constantly. Pour 300 grams of sugar, reduce the temperature to medium and cook until boiling, remembering to stir. After the liquid boils, boil it for a couple more minutes until the surface begins to foam and the volume increases. Remove from the stove and cool to 80 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, whip the cream to stiff peaks. Add the agar syrup to the cream and beat again. Pour the cake filling onto the cake (or between the cakes if you have two of them). Agar hardens very quickly, so all operations should be done quickly. For the glaze, melt the butter over low heat, stir in the chocolate chopped into large pieces until completely dissolved. Cover the surface of the cake with the resulting icing, and then put it in the refrigerator for several hours. When serving, cut into pieces with a very sharp thin knife!

Bird cherry flour is a product for our area, unfortunately, not very well known. But it has a lot of advantages - ranging from wonderful taste and rich useful composition to dietary properties. Many bakery products are prepared from bird cherry flour, the delicious taste of which, coupled with a valuable composition that carries many benefits, deserves the attention of the masses.


It would seem that in our time you will not surprise anyone with a new kind of flour - almond and coconut, various walnut and pea, pumpkin flour are widespread. However, the bird cherry product in this list stands separately. In Russia, this type of flour is not very common - few people know about its existence, despite the huge number of useful properties and advantages. Therefore, it can be very difficult to find it in mass production, it is made to order by small specialized enterprises.

Bird cherry flour is obtained not from bird cherry grains, but from its dried fruits. Bird cherry is dried in specially created artificial conditions or under the rays of the sun. It is noteworthy that for many years the bird cherry was considered unsuitable for cooking because of its rather bright and spicy composition. In those days, many peoples, including Slavic ones, collected bird cherry berries and added them to pies, decorated dishes with them, cooked compotes, but this plant began to be used as flour quite recently.

Description and characteristics

The epithets “unusual”, “tasty”, “spicy” are ideal for culinary products made from this type of flour. In addition to various kinds of bakery products, kissels are prepared from bird cherry flour, I add it to alcoholic drinks, including wines - as a natural dye. Bird cherry desserts are especially delicious if you brew black tea with them or pour a cup of hot chocolate.

Outwardly, this flour is very similar to cocoa powder - a pleasant brown color, soft silky texture and fine grinding. Its smell is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of almonds, and it tastes sweet, but with bitterness, in a word, really piquant.

Beneficial features

Bird cherry flour is a product not only tasty, but also healthy. Until now, it is believed that it has more drugs than wheat. She is credited with a bile and diuretic effect, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and is widely used in the prevention of colds, to accelerate regeneration and improve immunity. In a word, its application is huge.

Bird cherry flour has long been used in folk medicine. For example, it was believed that products made in half from bird cherry and wheat flour help with diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, and various intestinal disorders. Dishes from bird cherry flour contribute to the stabilization of metabolism.

A sufficient amount of antioxidants and flavonoids allows us to conclude that bird cherry flour is a hypoallergenic product.

If you are not directly allergic to bird cherry, of course. It is able to relieve irritation, itching and inflammation caused by exposure to allergens.

It is also a very low calorie product. The calorie content of 100 grams is only about 120 kilocalories or 500 kJ, which is several times less than other similar products. 67% of its BJU is occupied by complex carbohydrates, which will allow you to use bakery products from this flour when losing weight, on diets or during fasting days.

The remaining 16% are proteins, 17% are carbohydrates. It can also be used in people with glucose intolerance or low glucose tolerance. Nutritionists point out that there is more fiber here than in any other flour, which is due to the fact that the bones and skins, which contain large amounts of fiber, are also ground into flour.

One of the most important features of this flour is the lack of heat treatment. It is thanks to this that substances such as vitamins E, P, B1-B2, zinc, copper, and iron are preserved in its composition. It is also important to note that the composition of bird cherry flour is very "acidic" - it contains a large amount of organic acids, such as citric, malic and ascorbic.

However, if you suffer from an ulcer or gastritis, then you do not need to be afraid of this - a large amount of fruit acids helps to remove toxins from the body and normalizes the acidic environment.

In cosmetology, they especially highlight the fact that bird cherry contains a large amount of vitamin P, otherwise it is a routine that slows down the aging process, and in combination with vitamin C and fruit acids can be used as a good renewing agent. Judging by the reviews, resourceful ladies have long known about this and are already using bird cherry flour as masks and peels, however, mixing it for this with clay, basic fatty oils or other types of flour, such as pumpkin.

All this makes bird cherry flour very useful for entire categories of people (losing weight, eating right, having glucose intolerance), and baking from it tastes no less pleasant than from other types of flour.


Despite a number of advantages, useful properties and rich composition, bird cherry flour should not be consumed at certain periods of life or with certain diseases.

Due to the content of prussic acid in the seeds of bird cherry, this flour is not recommended for pregnant women, during breastfeeding and for children under two years of age. The likelihood that hydrocyanic acid will bring any harm to the body is very small, but with increased sensitivity it is better not to use it. The same applies to allergies to flour and individual intolerance.

It is recommended to bypass bird cherry flour if you have diseases such as ulcers, gastritis. It can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, because the composition of bird cherry berries contains an increased concentration of acids, which cannot be consumed in such diseases.

With chronic constipation, bird cherry flour should also be abandoned - it holds the stool together, which can only exacerbate the problem. Also, because of the "acidic" composition, you should pay great attention to the expiration date of flour if you buy it in a store.

How to cook?

In the vastness of our vast country, this flour is not yet so popular, however, gourmets have already managed to appreciate it. It is not mass-produced, so it will be quite difficult to purchase it - you can even say that it is easier to cook it yourself.

The algorithm of actions for making bird cherry flour at home is simple. The first step is to collect the bird cherry and dry it. In most parts of our country, the best time for this is the period from late July to early September. Next, carefully grind the berries, for example, using a coffee grinder.

A mortar can also help to grind the berries, but this method is very long and requires a lot of strength. When the bird cherry becomes more like finely ground flour, you should rub it through a sieve in order to get rid of the remnants of the peel and too large pieces of bones. You can store such flour for 1 year from the date of manufacture in a closed, dry place.

Where is it used?

In many diets, recipes for various pastries from this flour are often found. These are cookies, and pancakes, and muffins, bread, buns, it is widely used in the preparation of pies. The range is as huge as in the case of ordinary wheat flour. Here are some simple recipes that anyone can repeat.

Pancakes from bird cherry flour

Such pancakes, like everything that is made from bird cherry flour, are rightfully considered dietary. To prepare them, you will need bird cherry flour, wheat flour, milk, water, two chicken eggs, sugar, salt and soda to neutralize acids. The sequence of actions is the same as in the case of ordinary pancakes. Two types of flour are mixed in a separate bowl in a ratio of 2: 1 (more bird cherry flour). Eggs are beaten separately, one teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of sugar are added to them.

Next, 100–200 ml of milk is poured into the eggs, everything is mixed, then flour is added. We stir the composition until smooth and carefully add the rest of the milk or water - we do not pour out all the milk at once, since a thicker mass is easier to make homogeneous. Add a pinch of soda. You can knead the dough either with a mixer or by hand.

At the very end, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough and mix again.

The calorie content of such pancakes will be only about 200 calories, and the taste will be excellent. If desired, such pancakes can be stuffed with filling, for example, low-fat cottage cheese.

Bird cherry brownies

Brownies, which can be baked from bird cherry flour, are considered no less tasty. You will need 100 grams of bird cherry and wheat flour, sugar and butter, 200 ml of milk, 3 eggs and sugar - to taste. You can use pomegranate or nuts as a decoration. You will also need cookie cutters.

Milk should be boiled and poured with bird cherry flour, leave it in this position for 2–2.5 hours. Melt the butter, mix the eggs with sugar - but don't beat it.

Bird cherry flour after time should look like a thick dark paste. Add it to the eggs and sugar, don't forget the butter too. Stir the resulting composition, add wheat flour. The dough will be liquid, for convenience, we advise you to arm yourself with a ladle for filling out forms. Lubricate the molds with vegetable oil. Brownies are placed in the oven, heated to 170 degrees, for 15-17 minutes.

Bird cherry bread

If you are a fan of homemade bread, then you will definitely like the bird cherry bread recipe. It is a little more complicated than making ordinary wheat or pumpkin bread, but the taste is amazing. Take 400 ml of water, bird cherry flour 30 g, wheat flour - 600 g, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, salt - 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 6 g of dry yeast.

First of all, mix wheat flour with yeast in a large bowl, pour bird cherry, as in the case of Brownie, with boiling water (200 ml), add salt and sugar to it. Wait until the boiling water with flour has cooled, and then pour the resulting mixture into the wheat flour. Add the remaining 200 ml of warm water, sunflower oil, mix the dough thoroughly, knead. As a result, it will be soft for a long time and slightly stick to the hands.

Now take another bowl, grease it with sunflower oil and put the dough into it. Now it needs to be covered with a plastic bag and left for an hour and a half. After forty minutes, the dough will need to be kneaded, covered again with a film and left to reach the rest of the time. After its expiration, the dough will rise, become more like traditional bread - all that remains is to give it the shape of a loaf.

The form in which the bread will be baked should be lined with parchment or oiled. You must put the bread in a mold, cover with a cloth and leave to stand for another half hour. During this time, the dough will increase even more, take up the entire form, and then it can be baked.

The oven should be preheated to 200 degrees for the first 10 minutes. It is necessary to bake a dish with steam, substituting a bowl of water under the form. Next, reduce the heat so that the temperature drops to 185, leave the steam, bake for 40 minutes.

Depending on your oven, the baking time may be slightly longer or slightly shorter; on average, bird cherry bread is baked for about an hour.

And also a video recipe for bird cherry cake can be viewed in the next video.

bird cherry flour- a product obtained in the process of processing bird cherry fruits. To obtain high-quality flour, it is required to remove moisture from the fruits with the help of a dryer, after which they are ground to obtain a fine, dry, free-flowing mixture. Bird cherry flour has a specific taste, reminiscent of almonds, cherries and chocolate at the same time.

Calorie content and vitamin composition

Ground bird cherry is a low-calorie product - the nutritional value of one hundred grams of flour is 119 kilocalories, provided that 25% of the total composition of raw materials is occupied by complex carbohydrates. Confectionery and bakery products obtained from bird cherry can be used for weight loss, as their calorie content is several times less than that of similar products made from any other flour.

Bird cherry flour has a low glycemic index, which makes it suitable for people with low glucose tolerance. A feature of grinding is that it is not subjected to heat treatment, due to which the entire spectrum of useful substances is preserved in the composition. Flour is rich in vitamins E and P, it contains minerals in the form of zinc, copper, manganese and iron. There are tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, coumarin, etc. in bird cherry.

Useful properties of flour

Finely ground bird cherry flour is not only edible and tasty, but also beneficial to human health. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, its addition to the composition of baking turns dishes into "medicines", giving them preventive properties. The benefits of bird cherry due to its choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

In alternative medicine, it is believed that if you introduce bird cherry flour into baking in equal proportions with wheat flour, you can get rid of:

  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • colpitis;
  • digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting);
  • enterocolitis, etc.

Contraindications for use

Bird cherry flour in some cases can be harmful to the body, and therefore some contraindications to its use for food purposes are formulated:

  • pregnancy period, breastfeeding, children under two years of age. This is due to the content of amygdalin in the seeds of bird cherry berries, which, in the process of decay, can form poison (hydrocyanic acid). There is very little of this poison in the product, but with an increased sensitivity of the body, it is better to refuse to use flour;
  • chronic constipation. Bird cherry tends to hold the stool together, and in case of violation of the peristaltic function of the intestine and a number of diseases with a similar symptom, intestinal obstruction can occur, which poses a serious threat to human health and life;
  • chronic diseases digestive system. With gastritis and peptic ulcers of the intestines and stomach, an exacerbation of the patient's condition is possible due to the increased content of acids in the composition of bird cherry berries;
  • flour allergy or individual food intolerance.

When buying flour in a store, you should pay attention to its production date and expiration date, since if the conditions and duration of storage of the product are violated, bird cherry grinding can pose a health hazard.

Application in cooking

Bird cherry flour can be bought at the store or cooked at home by drying and grinding the berries. You can make any pastries from flour, adding it to the composition of future pies, cakes and muffins. To prepare a delicious dish of ground berries, you need to combine bird cherry grinding with classic flour (wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal) - this is done in order to give the pastries a pleasant flavor. The use of only bird cherry flour will not give the desired success - such a dough will be bitter.

Simple dishes are prepared from raw materials, such as pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, cookies, biscuits, buns, cheesecakes and even pies. The ingredient goes well with sour berries, so it is best to add blackcurrants, cranberries, and cherries to baking with such flour.
