
What to give preference to coffee or tea: benefits and harms. Tea or coffee: which drink is better to start your day with?


The benefits and harms of tea and coffee for the human body is an eternal confrontation. Almost everyone starts their day with a cup of refreshing drink. Adherents of tea say that it is much better, and coffee lovers say that only coffee can energize you for the whole day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Scientists have proven that coffee does not bring such a strong harm to the body. However, all sorts of television programs constantly mention the merits of tea of ​​all varieties and make coffee lovers think about changing preferences.

So, the positive effect of tea on:

The positive effect of coffee on:

As a result, it turns out that tea is more beneficial for the body than coffee. As University of Pennsylvania chemistry professor Vinson Joe said, “We should drink coffee or tea. Both drinks contain antioxidants that help to cope with many diseases. If you are not a foodie, drink tea, it is healthier for the heart and has no side effects. If you have problems with pressure or heart, it is better to refrain from coffee and drink tea.

Tea, coffee and dehydration

Another important aspect of drinking tea and coffee is as follows: it is believed that these drinks lead to dehydration. It sounds threatening, so let's try to figure out what's what.

Every day, people around the world drink more than a billion cups of coffee and twice as much tea. Someone just loves these drinks, but for someone the main thing is that they help to recharge their batteries.

Some adherents of a healthy lifestyle strongly recommend drinking eight glasses of water during the day, which is very controversial, as a rule, it is specified that coffee and tea are not taken into account in this norm, because they dehydrate the body.

Coffee and tea contain a large number of different substances, including vitamins, but caffeine is the main focus of attention. By the way, there is very little research on this topic.

Experiment with caffeine

One of the most famous studies was carried out almost a century ago. Only three people participated in the experiment. The bottom line was this: for two winters, three men drank four cups a day, sometimes it was tea, and sometimes just pure caffeinated water. Throughout the experiment, the amount of urine excreted by the experimental subjects was carefully controlled. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that if people abstained from coffee and tea for two months, and began to drink water with the addition of caffeine, then the amount of urine produced doubled. When they started using again, the diuretic effect disappeared.

Too much caffeine increases blood flow to the kidneys and interferes with the absorption of sodium. Excess sodium must be excreted from the body - hence the diuretic effect. But the exact mechanism of operation is still a subject of controversy. When the dose of caffeine is moderate, then the production of urine is very weak. Lawrence Armstrong (USA, University of Connecticut) conducted numerous studies on this topic, and came to the conclusion that caffeine is a mild diuretic, nothing more. In most cases, the amount of urine of the subjects did not depend on whether the water drunk contained caffeine or not. Then you can also use plain water. For some reason, many people believe that if you drink coffee or tea, you will have to constantly run to the toilet.

Scientists, on the other hand, must decide what to give the subjects during the experiment: dissolved caffeine or coffee.

Armstrong's research demonstrates that most scientists give people pure caffeine dissolved in water, rather than coffee or tea, which is usually consumed at home. It is possible that the combination of certain substances contained in these drinks somehow affects the outcome of events.

In the experiment where the subjects did not consume anything other than tea for half a day, no difference in the level of body fluid saturation between people who consumed tea and ordinary boiled water was found.

As for coffee, one experiment did find an increase in the amount of urine up to 50% and an increase in the content of sodium and potassium. But in this case, the participants did not consume caffeine in any form before the study, so for those who are used to coffee, the situation may be different.

The following study found no difference in hydration between coffee and tea drinkers, so there is no definitive conclusion either.

And the most recent scientific work ...

The new work was published by Sophie Keeler from the University of Birmingham.
In this study, urine output was measured, kidney function reflected in a blood test, and the total amount of water in the body was calculated. The male subjects drank four cups of coffee a day, which, you will agree, is more than the norm that the average consumer usually drinks. No data were obtained to confirm that the subjects were dehydrated compared to those who consumed only water.

People can be divided into two camps - tea lovers and coffee lovers. These are the most popular hot drinks in the world, which have won a huge number of supporters. Which of them is more useful, and which is more harmful?

What spoils the color of the teeth more?

Tea and coffee, as well as red wine, compotes and a number of other drinks, can give the tooth enamel a yellowish tint. Dental scientists conducted an experiment, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that coffee has the least effect on the shade of tooth enamel.

What is the best way to wake up in the morning?

Drinks containing caffeine are said to be the best for waking up. From this point of view, coffee undoubtedly wins, because the caffeine content in coffee is 380-650 mg / l, and in tea - 180-420 mg / l. But as it turned out, a high caffeine content does not guarantee the ability of the drink to wake you up in the morning. Personal preference plays a major role in this. Both tea and coffee are equally capable of invigorating. As for tea, it is more conducive to concentration.

What is worse for sleep?

Scientists conducted an experiment that compared the state of participants who drank equal amounts of tea and coffee during the day. The results were expected - the high content of caffeine in coffee led to restless sleep, and even insomnia. Therefore, if you like coffee, but do not want to spoil your sleep, it is better to drink it in the morning.

What is worse for health?

Tea flushes out potassium and magnesium from the body, interferes with the absorption of iron and folic acid, constricts blood vessels, which is especially dangerous for hypertension and atherosclerosis, drinking green tea in large quantities loads the liver. The systematic use of coffee leads to addiction, and also harms the mental health of a person, speeds up the pulse, leaches calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamins B1 and B6 from the body.

What is more beneficial for the health of the body?

Tea (especially green tea) helps to remove heavy metals from the body, strengthens blood vessels, thanks to the tannins it contains. In addition, it helps in the prevention of diabetes, cancer, and stomach diseases. Coffee helps prevent diseases such as asthma, cirrhosis of the liver, heart attack, migraine, and so on. Thus, based on your state of health and personal preferences, you can conclude which of the drinks should be preferred.

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In the endless debate about the superiority of one drink over another, there are countless arguments. However, what is the scientific evidence?

George Orwell could write about Britain: "tea is one of the pillars of civilization in this country."

However, even we Brits have to admit that our national drink is facing stiff competition from the various espressos, cappuccinos and lattes that have flooded our shores.

Despite the risk of getting involved in this eternal and bitter dispute, the reviewer decided to weigh the relative advantages of each of the drinks.

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Of course, we do not take taste into account. We had to comb through the scientific literature to find the real, measurable effect these two drinks have on our bodies and minds.

alarm clock

For most, injecting a dose of caffeine into the body is the first reason we prefer a particular drink. Caffeine is the oil for our engines, which comes at the moment when our body creaks a little early in the morning.

Based solely on the composition of beverages, coffee should easily win: a cup of tea contains about half the stimulant caffeine (40 milligrams) found in a standard cup of brewed filter coffee (80 to 115 milligrams).

However, this is not necessarily reflected in the strength of the awakening shake provided by the drink.

Both drinks produced the same effect on the participants of the experiment, adding vigor in the morning.

In one - I must say, small - study, subjects were given tea or coffee to drink, and it turned out that both drinks produced the same effect on the participants in the experiment, adding vigor in the morning.

Although the results of the experiments were based on subjective feelings of vivacity, it was not possible to identify any obvious differences in the effect of the two drinks and in more objective indicators, for example, in the speed of reaction.

In fact, if you drink tea that is brewed to the same strength as coffee, it has been proven to be more effective at increasing brain focus.

Scientists have concluded that the dose of caffeine in a drink is not everything: perhaps our expectations also determine how alert we will feel, or it is the impression of the taste and smell of our favorite drink that awakens our senses.

Subtotal: It seems that, contrary to logic, tea provides the same powerful boost of energy in the morning as coffee. This category is a draw.

Sleep quality

The most striking difference between tea and coffee comes in that sweet moment when you put your head on the pillow.

Image copyright iStock Image caption Researchers at the University of Surrey found that people who drink coffee tend to have a harder time falling asleep at night.

By comparing people who drink the same amount of tea and coffee on average, researchers from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom confirmed that both drinks are equally beneficial for focusing throughout the day.

However, according to their findings, people who drink coffee have a harder time falling asleep at night, perhaps because the higher caffeine content eventually takes its toll.

In contrast, tea drinkers experienced longer and more restful sleep.

Subtotal: tea provides many of the same benefits that coffee offers, but without sleepless nights - pure tea victory.

Teeth staining

Just like red wine, coffee and tea are known for turning our pearly white teeth yellow and brown. But which drink makes it stronger?

Image copyright getty Image caption Dentists say tea's natural pigments are more likely to stick to tooth enamel than coffee's colorants.

Most dentists seem to agree that natural tea pigments are more likely to adhere to tooth enamel than coffee pigments - especially if you use a mouthwash containing the widely used antiseptic chlorhexidine, which seems to attract microscopic particles. and binds them.

Subtotal: If you want to have a whiter smile, then coffee This is perhaps the lesser of two evils.

Balm for a troubled soul...

It is customary in England to offer "tea and sympathy" to a grieving friend - the idea being that a cup of Earl Gray (bergamot-flavoured black tea) serves as a remedy for the troubled mind.

And in fact, there is some evidence that tea can calm your nerves: Those who drink tea regularly tend to show calmer psychological responses to stressful situations (such as public speaking).

According to some reports, tea can calm the nerves.

Overall, people who drink three cups of tea a day are 37% less likely to develop depression than those who don't drink tea.

Coffee doesn't have that reputation; some people report that coffee makes them feel like their nerves are shattered.

However, there is evidence to suggest that coffee may also be a defense against mental health problems in the long run.

A recent "meta-analysis" (summarizing observations of more than 300,000 participants in an experiment) found that every cup of coffee drunk throughout the day reduces the risk of developing depression by about 8%.

Image copyright iStock Image caption Tea is said to be calming. At least in Britain, many are sure of this.

Other drinks - for example, sweet soft drinks - on the contrary, only increase the risk of developing mental illness.

However, we have to add a fly in the ointment to these results: despite all the efforts that scientists have spent in conducting this kind of research, it is difficult to exclude other factors that may be behind these patterns.

Apparently, it could be that both drinks are a cocktail of nutrients that reduce stress response and boost mood in the long run.

Subtotal: based on limited facts, it can be said that this draw.

…and body balm

Intriguing, though inconclusive, are the findings that suggest that both tea and coffee have many health benefits.

For example, several cups of any of these drinks a day have been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes. (However, the question of how significant this benefit is is still debatable: estimated figures range from 5 to 40%).

Several cups of any of these drinks - tea or coffee - a day reduces the risk of diabetes

Since even decaffeinated coffee provides the same benefits, it seems likely that other nutrients are so responsive to the body's metabolism that it can continue to produce blood glucose efficiently without becoming insulin insensitive, which is the cause of diabetes.

Both drinks do not appear to be very good at protecting the heart.

However, there is some evidence that coffee is better at protecting the heart, while tea appears to be somewhat better at protecting against cancer risk, perhaps due to its antioxidant content.

Subtotal:draw- Surprisingly, both drinks turned out to be health elixirs.

Final verdict

Most of us Brits would have preferred tea to be the clear winner, but we still have to admit that there is not much difference between the properties of these drinks, if you do not take into account personal tastes.

According to the sum of intermediate results, we got a draw. And yet, based solely on the fact that tea allows you to sleep better at night, we tend to call this drink a winner.

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Every person's morning begins with an invigorating drink, some drink coffee, while others prefer tea. But few people know what is more useful than tea or coffee, that's exactly what we'll figure out today.

For many centuries, people have been drinking tea as one of the invigorating drinks. But in our ancestors they treated it with more seriousness, because in those distant times they did not drink it, as now, when they wanted and as much as they wanted. They held tea parties at certain times of the day, most often in the afternoon, and used it to focus attention and clarify thinking.

Green is much healthier in the morning than tea bags.

Tea is drunk in many countries of the world, but the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire pay special attention to it. This drink is universal: it warms in the cold and refreshes in the heat. Many books have been written about it and its beneficial properties are described.

When exactly coffee was discovered, few people know, according to some sources in 850 BC, but there is evidence that much later. In those distant times, one of the shepherds noticed that after his flock eats red berries, it becomes playful and impulsive. But over the years, these berries began to fry and brew a fragrant invigorating drink.

But much later, scientists determined that this drink has useful properties: it invigorates, gives strength, and many others. But it can also be harmful, but first things first.

What are the benefits of tea?

More than once, scientists have conducted studies that relate to the healthier tea and have come to the conclusion that it has a positive effect on human immunity. And thanks to the alkylamine antigens present in black and green tea, substances are produced that help fight various kinds of infections. In addition, it was found that green tea contains vitamins, antioxidants and other components that perfectly expand blood vessels, stimulate the immune system, and normalize metabolism. That is why there is an opinion that it is better to drink a cup of large-leaf green tea in the morning than black. In addition, tea has a positive effect on many organs:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves the condition of the arteries;
  • prevents the formation of caries on the teeth;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • strengthens bones;
  • prevents Alzheimer's disease;
  • improves metabolic processes.

And basically all these positive qualities have a green variety of tea, rich in antioxidants. And it is better to give preference to large-leaf varieties, since they are much more useful than tea bags, where manufacturers most often pour everything they need: an expired product, tea debris, flavorings and many other components that are harmful to the body. But it is worth remembering that tea can be harmful.

Coffee can benefit if you drink the custard variety and no more than 2 cups a day.

When is the best time not to drink tea?

Very often, doctors say that if you drink tea, it can adversely affect the work of the heart, the organs of the digestive tract. It also contributes to the formation of constipation, has a bad effect on the condition of the skin and vision, and besides, it is classified as a soft drug. But in fact, everything is completely different, this opinion of medical workers is erroneous. If you take the amount of tea equal to the amount of coffee, then it will have 2 times more caffeine, but in fact, during preparation, the standard dose is much less. In addition, if you drink white or green tea, then they have even less caffeine than in the black variety and they will not bring much harm to the body, especially if you know the measure and do not use them too often.

What is more useful tea or coffee, why do they like coffee more?

Caffeine, which is present not only in coffee, but also in tea, perfectly invigorates and contributes to a better morning awakening. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, cheers up, increases productivity, and relieves headaches associated with blood vessels. But if you overdrink coffee, then the effect can be the opposite - depression, drowsiness and even inhibition of movements.

Caffeine is not terrible for the body in moderate doses, its overdose is very scary. The positive effect of coffee comes if you drink it no more than 3 cups a day, for orientation you need to know that 1 cup of coffee contains from 90 to 160 mg of caffeine, and almost 3 times less in tea. In addition to the fact that coffee perfectly invigorates, it also has a positive effect on other organs:

  • people who drink coffee are less likely to suffer from malignant tumors of the liver and intestines;
  • prevents Parkinson's disease;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes;
  • prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

Choose the right tea, then it will be most useful.

But despite the fact that coffee perfectly invigorates and has a positive effect, it can still be harmful.

How coffee can harm a person?

Instant coffee is a drink that promotes the development of cellulite. Women who are carrying a baby should remember that they are not recommended to drink coffee, as it adversely affects the fetus. It also removes a large amount of fluid from the body, as it has a diuretic effect and its lack needs to be filled with something.

Many scientists believe that if you drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day, this leads to a decrease in the density of minerals in the bones, yellowing of tooth enamel, diseases of the liver and kidneys, and also exacerbates disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

But what to drink to wake up and cheer up, which of the drinks will not cause serious harm?

Which drink is better to drink in the morning: coffee or tea?

If you do not know the measure and drink this or that drink in unlimited quantities, then it can cause serious harm to the body. Weak tea and properly brewed coffee can even bring benefits, 1-2 cups a day and better in the morning will not adversely affect health. It is also worth remembering that only drinks that have cooled to 60 degrees will benefit, hot ones will harm the mucosa.

Tea cannot be brewed for a long time and no more than 2 times, they are not washed down with medicines and in no case do they drink yesterday's drink. A very bad habit for a person to drink tea or coffee with food, thus, the process of digestion of food is disturbed, the concentration of gastric juice decreases.

Tea or coffee? Who is not familiar with this issue. Some people prefer to drink coffee every morning and ignore tea. And many, on the contrary, prefer to drink a cup of green or black tea. But which of these drinks actually has health benefits and wakes you up in the morning? This will be discussed in this article. In Sting's song there are words: "I don't drink coffee, I always take tea" and here the meaning is that he considers tea healthier than coffee. However, scientists consider both drinks useful, because. they contain active ingredients. But none of the scientists can draw a clear conclusion, which of the two drinks tea or coffee is more beneficial to health.

Common benefits of tea and coffee

  • Both coffee and tea contain antioxidants ().
  • The amount of caffeine in black tea is twice that of coffee: from 2.7 to 4.1% from 1.13 to 2.3%.
  • Coffee, black tea, and green tea contain polyphenols that protect against cancer and heart disease.
  • An interesting fact is that green and black tea come from the same plant, but differ only in the process of processing the leaves. As a result, black tea loses more nutrients than green tea. Therefore, green tea is healthier than black tea. Also, matcha green tea () is considered the most useful tea in Japan.

Do you drink coffee?

Coffee prevents genetic mutations. People who drink coffee regularly have an 80% reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

It also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and protects against Alzheimer's disease and colon cancer.

On the other hand, coffee has harmful effects. Excessive consumption of this drink can lead to insomnia, headaches, and increased pressure.

Scientists believe that coffee should be drunk without sugar.

The benefits of coffee

It is believed that one cup of coffee a day can reduce the risk of skin cancer by 11%. In addition, researchers report that drinking natural coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 56%, especially in women. Men who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, according to recent studies. In addition, people who regularly consume two to four cups of organic coffee a day are less likely to develop heart disease. Conclusion: Coffee is a healthy drink that you can safely drink in the morning.

Do you drink black tea?

A cup of black tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine, i.e. twice as much as coffee.

This drink lowers cholesterol, improves immunity, lowers blood sugar, promotes weight loss.

However, just like coffee, tea is harmful when consumed in excess. Scientists do not recommend drinking more than 2 - 3 cups of black tea per day. In addition, if you suffer from a lack of calcium in the body (), it is not recommended to drink black tea or coffee. Black tea also slows down the absorption of iron, which can lead to anemia.

In general, the effects of the two drinks are similar. Do you drink tea or coffee? This is ultimately a matter of taste, but if you care about your health, then you should not abuse these drinks and use sugar less often.

Green tea

An excellent drink for health and detoxification () is green tea, which is so popular in Asian countries. Studies have shown that people who drank green tea for 6 weeks (4 times a day) decreased the stress hormone (cortisol).

In addition, green tea reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, hypertension by 46% (2-4 cups of tea daily). However, green tea, like black tea, contains the substance tannin, which reduces the absorption of iron in the body and can lead to anemia.

If you want to use tea as a medicine, then do it like the Chinese: pour hot water over the tea, then drain the water and pour boiling water again. Drinking 1 liter of green tea a day reduces the risk of developing liver disease, and drinking 1 liter of coffee a day can lead to miscarriage, reports a Danish researcher.

What drinks contain more caffeine?

Coffee beans contain 2% caffeine. The concentration of caffeine in the finished coffee depends on its preparation, strength. For example, people who prefer not very strong coffee get 80 to 120 milligrams of caffeine (120 ml cup). Espresso coffee contains more caffeine, but it is drunk in smaller quantities 1 cup 50 ml (50 - 60 mg of caffeine).

The tea plant contains 2 to 4% caffeine, i.e. more than coffee. Depending on the processing technology of the leaves, the process of brewing tea, a cup of black tea can contain from 30 to 60 mg of caffeine.

Drinks with caffeine are not recommended to be consumed in excessive quantities. Experts say that even low doses of caffeine contribute to the appearance of irritability, insomnia. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people suffering from heart disease, hyperthyroidism, are not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of a caffeinated drink per day.
