
What is harmful instant noodles. How instant noodles are made: composition and technology

In January 2007, Momofuku Ando, ​​an elderly Japanese man, died, whom very few people knew by name during his lifetime. But he owns one of the main world inventions of the 20th century, which left behind in importance both karaoke and a portable audio player. Momofuku Ando invented doshirak or instant noodles.

Momofuku Ando was born in 1910 in Japanese-occupied Taiwan. His parents died when he was a child and he was raised by his grandparents who owned a clothing company.

At the age of 22, the guy started his own business and moved to Osaka. Things were going well, but after the end of World War II, a recession set in and his company went bankrupt. Ando himself was imprisoned for tax evasion.

The payment of all debts left Mr. Momofuku almost a beggar. Vegetating in food lines in a ruined, hungry Japan, Ando suddenly came across an idea that later changed not only his life, but the fate of the whole world. He decided to spend the remaining funds on the invention of a new product that would not only bring profit, but also be useful to his fellow citizens.

Making instant noodles was no easy task. Indeed, from the very beginning, Ando abandoned the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproducing just dry noodles: the Chinese invented a millennium ago the method of preparing noodles that could be stored for a very long time. Ando's goal was far more ambitious. His noodles had to be not only cheap, but also tasty and quick to prepare. This was what I had to deal with. For his experiments, Ando built a real laboratory kitchen in a barn behind his house in the town of Ikeda.

The equipment was the simplest. A traditional egg noodle machine and a large pot. At first it seemed that the problem posed by Ando was insoluble. The noodles either turned out to be completely tasteless, or were boiled so that they turned into porridge.

The breakthrough came when Ando came up with the idea of ​​spraying noodles with broth from an ordinary garden watering can. Then he himself stirred the noodles so that their top layer was soaked in broth, fried them in palm oil, evaporating the water, and then dried them in the form of briquettes. To cook noodles, you just had to add boiling water to it. Ando came up with the idea of ​​attaching two bags to each block of noodles: one, opaque, contained spices and broth extract, and the other, transparent, contained a small portion of palm oil. At first, the new dish was expensive and considered a delicacy, but within a year, prices dropped and sales began to grow rapidly.

In 1958, the first products of the Nissin Food Products company created by Ando entered the stores and became a real bestseller. And not only among the Japanese. Ando, ​​who often repeated that "there will be peace throughout the world if people do not lack food," did not at all intend to limit himself to the Japanese market. That is why, at first, his instant noodles were only available in chicken flavor under the brand name Chikin Ramen. There was a reason for that. “By using chicken broth in the preparation of our noodles, we managed to get around religious taboos that operate in different countries. Hindus cannot eat beef, and Muslims cannot eat pork, but there is not a single culture, religion or country that prohibits eating chicken,” the Japanese explained. .
Already 12 years later, Nissin Food noodles were known throughout Asia, as well as in Europe and America. However, Ando was not going to stop there.

In 1971, he came up with something that made his noodles perhaps the most popular product on the planet. A novelty from Ando appeared on store shelves - Cup Noodles, sold in a waterproof Styrofoam bowl. Hot water could be added directly to it. There was no more need to shift the noodles, wash the dishes after eating. Ando noodles became truly economical, which was appreciated by students, bachelors, workers who wanted to save time on lunch. And soon after that, dried vegetables began to be added to the noodles, which, boiled in boiling water, created the impression of a full-fledged soup. But this food innovator made the main, literally cosmic breakthrough in 2005. It was then that vacuum-packed instant noodles appeared, created specifically for astronauts. And Ando attributed his longevity to the daily use of noodles of his own invention.

Starting with the production of chicken noodles in plastic bags, Ando has become a real emperor of instant noodles. His company produces almost two dozen types of noodles with a wide variety of flavors and ingredients. The factories of the Ando empire are located all over the world - from the USA and Peru to Germany and Hungary - and supply their products to almost 70 countries. More than 100 million people around the world consume Nissin noodles daily, according to a company spokesperson.
The invention of Ando has long been the property of all mankind. Of course, the world leader in the consumption of instant noodles is, as you might guess, China: the Chinese consume about 30 billion servings of this product a year. China is followed by Japan and Indonesia. On such a scale, the creation of the International Association of Instant Noodle Manufacturers and the fact of the annual World Ramen Summit dedicated to it are not at all surprising. According to this summit, in 2004, earthlings consumed 65.5 billion packages of instant noodles. And, as Ando intended, she continues to save people. Instant noodles were the staple food of those affected by the Asian tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 in the United States. With the light hand of Ando, ​​noodles are now produced by hundreds of companies in different countries of the world. It has a different taste (in Poland, for example, there is borscht-flavored noodles), but in all other respects it differs little from Ando's invention, since manufacturers rather try to emphasize this similarity. When you open noodles from any company, you can be sure that you will find what Ando came up with: a block of noodles and two bags. Transparent - with butter and silver - with broth and spices.

And in 2000, answering a question about the main Japanese invention of the 20th century, the Japanese unambiguously put in the first place not ultra-modern computers or electronic devices, but a simple and nutritious dish familiar to almost every modern person.

Ando's noodles have their drawbacks. Nutritionists and doctors argue about how healthy this food is. Restaurateurs and fighters for good taste complain that, like other fast food products, noodles kill a person's ability to distinguish a gastronomic masterpiece from cheap cooking. Nevertheless, few people doubt that the main goal that Momofuku Ando set for himself has been fulfilled. "Instant noodles have given Mr. Ando his rightful place in the pantheon of human progress. Teach a man to fish and he will feed himself for a lifetime. Give him instant noodles and you don't have to teach him anything anymore," says New York journalist Lawrence Downes. The best epitaph for a bankrupt who has decided to save humanity from hunger cannot be imagined.

Today in the store you can find a huge number of semi-finished products and various fast food. The popularity of such food is very simple to explain - everything is prepared quickly and it turns out delicious. Doshirak noodles are inexpensive, cook in a few minutes and give satiety for a long time. In addition, it is worth mentioning the great taste variety.

Is "Doshirak" harmful?

First, let's look at the composition of the popular instant noodles. It is prepared from four ingredients: eggs, flour, water and salt. As you can see, the composition is simple and even useful. This product contains a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, which provide energy for the human body. When determining whether Doshirak noodles are harmful, special attention should be paid to spices, which make the dish tasty and fragrant. A small sachet contains various stabilizers, preservatives, thickeners and flavor enhancers. For example, meat-flavored noodles contain sodium glutamate and, therefore, with regular use, these substances can cause problems with the digestive system, from upset and heartburn to ulcers.

What is dangerous "Doshirak"?

Comparing the benefits and harms of Doshirak noodles, we can unequivocally come to the conclusion that this product is included in the category of "dangerous". Of course, nothing will happen from one serving, but regular consumption of noodles can lead to the development of serious problems.

Today there is no such person who would not know what "Doshirak" is. But just a few decades ago, this question caused difficulty for many.

How it all started

Every invention is born due to one or another event. And what is "Doshirak"? How did he become known to the world and what prompted his creator to make such a discovery? It happened in Japan in the middle of the last century. In those years, famine raged in the country, and on the streets of many cities one could see endless lines of the poor for food. That's when Momofuku Ando, ​​the owner of a food company, decided to help his fellow citizens. Several years of work were not in vain. The persistent inventor even turned his house into a real laboratory. And soon everyone found out what "Doshirak" is. His appearance was a real breakthrough in the food industry. Now it's no secret to anyone that "Doshirak" is just noodles, though not quite ordinary. It can not only be stored for a long time, but also prepared in just a few minutes. It is worth recalling that the Chinese in the last millennium have already found the opportunity to produce products that did not deteriorate for a long time. But Ando went further in his research. And now not only the Chinese, but also the inhabitants of seventy countries of the world know what "Doshirak" is.

Eternal doubts

As soon as the famous noodles appeared on store shelves, buyers immediately began to ask the same question: Is "Doshirak" harmful or not?" Everyone was interested in what the unusual product was made of and how it can affect the human body. In principle, everything what is included in its composition (flour, salt, dried vegetables, emulsifiers, dyes and food additives) can not have any negative impact.Each component separately is a food product or chemical substance that only has certain properties and does not cause direct harm "The main benefit of "Doshirak" is in its nutritional value. A huge amount of carbohydrates and proteins gives a person vitality and allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. However, it is worth agreeing that 462 kcal is a lot for simple noodles. And therefore, the question is, " Doshirak "harmful or not, nutritionists will answer positively. The same opinion and doctors who believe that stabilizers and emulsifiers in the body act as carcinogens and can cause cancer. In addition, people with a diseased liver are unlikely to be able to eat food with so many spices and all kinds of chemical additives. But if you eat such pasta only occasionally, then there will be no danger. Everything needs a measure.

The history of the famous brand

Noodles "Doshirak" appeared in 1958. At the same time, the brand itself was registered. It is currently owned by Korea Yakult Co. Ltd. In recent years, it has become the undisputed leader in the production of instant food. All over the world, distribution companies and those involved in the import of new unusual products began to appear. Miraculous noodles flooded the shopping market and entered the daily lives of many people. At first, the product was quite expensive and was considered almost a delicacy. But literally a year later, the management decided to reduce the price. This led to an unstoppable increase in sales. Ando himself always believed that there should be no hungry people left on Earth. If everyone is fed, then wars will stop in the world, and humanity will be able to live happily. And the noble idea nevertheless led the famous Japanese to victory. The era of fast food has arrived. Cheap noodles entered every home, and even helped many to solve serious pressing problems.

The price of pleasure

In Russia, the products of the Doshirak brand are also quite popular. The price and rich assortment allow everyone to buy it in any quantity. Nowadays, this product has become the subject of increased demand. Bags of "miracle pasta" for 15 rubles apiece quickly dispersed from hand to hand. The company has always tried to meet the needs of consumers, and in the seventies of the last century, polystyrene packages with noodles went on sale for the first time. They are very convenient, as they do not require additional utensils. Hot water can be poured directly into the packaging bowl. It can also serve as a plate at the same time. The unusual novelty was a real find for bachelors, students and ordinary workers who did not want to spend extra money on expensive meals. Over time, products appeared on sale in containers in the form of cups and in the form of rectangular containers. Its cost was already slightly higher (26-30 rubles apiece), but this only increased consumer demand.

The company is rapidly gaining momentum, and now you can already find not only noodles in the store. Convenient boxes sell oatmeal and mashed potatoes in a variety of flavors. The rather democratic price of new products (20-25 rubles) attracts the attention of new customers even more.

Popularly loved and the main brand of our company - instant noodles "Doshirak" with seven different flavors.

Advantages of our noodles

  • We have added iodine-rich kelp, a source of natural iodine, to the noodles and dried vegetable seasoning.
  • Thanks to high-quality flour and potato starch from Europe, the noodles retain their elasticity and shape after cooking.
  • Products undergo strict quality and safety control at all stages of production.

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, garlic, onion, dry spice concentrate, chicken powder, ginger, chicken flavor, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin.

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501 i, E412, E452 i ), seasonings mixed (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder with vegetables, garlic, roasted red pepper, yeast extract, hot pepper, chicken flavoring, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


kimchi powder, kimchi broth powder, dry spice concentrate, soy sauce, roasted red pepper, garlic, soy paste, whey, maltodextrin, hot red pepper, black pepper, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: Chinese cabbage, soy texturate, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( beef broth powder, soy sauce, garlic, veal flavoring, onion, black pepper), salt, flavor enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


pork broth powder, red pepper, vegetable-based cream substitute (corn syrup, vegetable fat, milk protein, emulsifier -E471), soy sauce, sesame powder, garlic, black pepper, pork flavor, paprika extract), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( corn starch, mushroom powder, lactose, red pepper, whey, maltodextrin, soy sauce, hot pepper, garlic, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak, 90 grams


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base (salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, glucose. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: soy texturate, carrot, onion, kamaboko (fish product), dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Doshirak seafood


Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( seafood powder, roasted red pepper, maltodextrin, squid powder, soy sauce, mussel extract, garlic, shrimp powder, seafood flavor, black pepper, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), glucose, sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning with kamaboko: carrot, soy texturate, onion, dried seaweed (flakes), kamaboko (fish product).

  • Net weight 90 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E 322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E 501i, E412, E452i), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, onion, garlic, chicken flavor, ginger powder, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



mushroom powder, soy sauce, red pepper, sesame powder, whey, garlic, black pepper, antioxidant (E330)), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar , maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrots, onions, mushrooms, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



red pepper, soy sauce, whey, maltodextrin, beef broth powder, onion, black pepper, garlic, beef flavor, red pepper oil, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrot, onion, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E 322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E 501i, E412, E452i), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( bacon extract powder, corn starch, vegetable broth powder, red pepper, soy sauce, red pepper oil, whey, garlic, black pepper, bacon flavoring, ginger powder), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrot, onion, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E 322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E 501i, E412, E452i), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Seasoning broth: broth base ( seafood powder, roasted red pepper, squid powder, soy sauce powder , mussel extract powder, garlic, shrimp powder, seafood flavoring, black pepper, paprika), salt, flavor enhancer (E621), glucose sugar. Dried vegetable seasoning: carrot, soy texturate, onion, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 272mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 276mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, palm oil, modified starch, salt, dried onion, dried kelp (powder), gluten, emulsifier-thickener, beta-carotene dye, complex food additive "Premix". Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, onion, dried seaweed (flakes). Seasoning broth : salt, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate), natural identical flavor, soy sauce powder, glucose, red pepper, black pepper, garlic powder

  • Net weight 70 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 382mm x 276mm x 192mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 48
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 140 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 360mm x 210mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 18
  • Shelf life 12 months



Ingredients: palm oil, premium wheat flour, potato starch, salt. Seasoning broth: salt, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate monosodium glutamate), seasoning powder "beef with mushrooms", flavor identical to natural, flavor identical to natural. Dried vegetable seasoning: textured vegetable protein, carrot, onion. Stew Sauce: Beef, Water, Beef Broth, Flavor Enhancer (Monosodium Glutamate)

  • Net weight 140 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 360mm x 210mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 18
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder). Seasoning broth: broth base (chicken broth powder with vegetables, roasted red pepper, garlic, yeast extract, black pepper, chicken flavor, thickener - guar gum), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, potato starch. Dried vegetable seasoning: carrots, protein product "soy meat" with chicken flavor (flavoring "chicken"), onion. Sauce: water, dry chicken extract, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), preservatives (E211, E202), antioxidant (sodium isoascorbate).

  • Net weight 110 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 280mm x 190mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 16
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder). Bouillon seasoning: broth base (salt, beef extract, beef broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, whey, garlic, black pepper, onion, beef flavor), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar . Dried vegetable seasoning: carrot, beef-flavoured soy texturate (beef flavor), onion. Sauce: water, dry beef extract, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), preservatives (E211, E202), antioxidant (sodium isoascorbate).

  • Net weight 110 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 530mm x 280mm x 190mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 16
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



powdered milk, radish powder, vegetable-based cream substitute, flavor "cheese", thickener - guar gum), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), salt, cheese powder, sugar, potato starch. Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 80 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i). Seasoning broth: broth base ( tomato powder, tomato broth powder, powdered milk, paprika extract, vegetable-based cream substitute(corn syrup, vegetable oil, vegetable protein) , thickener - guar gum), salt, cheese powder, sugar, flavor enhancer (E621), potato starch, maltodextrin. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, carrot, onion, corn.

  • Net weight 80 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 480mm x 266mm x 220mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 12 months

Other flavors



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Sauce: drinking water, vegetable oil, thickener (E1422), sugar, salt, food additive - stabilizer "Hamulsion" (dry egg yolk, salt, guar gum, xanthan gum, maltodextrin), acidity regulator - acetic acid, mustard flavor ”, dye - carotenes, preservatives: potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, antioxidants: ascorbic acid, E385. Seasoning broth: broth base ( red pepper, soy sauce, whey, maltodextrin, vegetable broth powder, garlic, soy paste, beef broth powder, red pepper oil, black pepper, beef flavor, paprika extract), salt, flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, glucose, Valitek-7 vitamin complex. Dried vegetable seasoning

  • Net weight 105 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 505mm x 280mm x 22mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 9 months



Noodles: premium wheat flour, vegetable oil, food additive thickener (acetylated starch), salt, food additive emulsifier "K-300A" (soybean oil, emulsifier E322), gluten, complex food additive stabilizer "premix" (stabilizers: E501i , E412, E452i), mixed seasonings (sugar, yeast extract, vegetable protein, onion, soy sauce powder), dried kelp (powder), dried onion. Sauce: drinking water, vegetable oil, thickener (E1422), sugar, salt, food additive - stabilizer "Hamulsion" (dry egg yolk, salt, guar gum, xanthan gum, maltodextrin), acidity regulator - acetic acid, mustard flavor ”, dye - carotenes, preservatives: potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, antioxidants: ascorbic acid, E385. Seasoning broth: salt, broth base ( chicken broth powder, soy sauce, red pepper, garlic, onion, dry spice concentrate, ginger, chicken flavor, black pepper), flavor and aroma enhancer (E621), sugar, maltodextrin, Valitek-7 vitamin complex. Dried vegetable seasoning: soy texturate, corn, onion, carrot, dried seaweed (flakes).

  • Net weight 105 gr.
  • Carton size(SWM) 505mm x 280mm x 22mm
  • Number of pieces in a box 24
  • Shelf life 9 months
