
How to decorate a red velvet cake. Red Velvet Cake

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

red velvet cake

3 hours

360 kcal

5 /5 (4 )

Not so long ago, a friend shared a recipe for a very unusual red cake - Red Velvet. I cooked it for the first time, but the result exceeded all expectations, so I want to offer you the recipe for this velvet cake.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: cake mold, mixer, bowl for whipping cream.

Required products

Flour450 g
Eggs4 things.
Butter150 g
Sugar400 g
Refined sunflower oil400 g
cocoa powder1.5 st. l.
Kefir370 g
Soda1.3 tsp
Salt0.25 tsp
Baking powder2.5 tsp
Red food coloring (gel)2-3 tsp
Cream (33-35%)300 g
Curd (cream) cheese400 g
Powdered sugar150 g

Features of product selection

For the Red Velvet cake, which will be prepared according to the recipe with the photo below, it is better to take fresh eggs and choose kefir with cream of the highest fat content. In addition, dyes also play an important role. Ordinary food dry dyes will not be able to bring the expected result, so immediately buy only gel options.

Initially, in order to tint the cakes, confectioners used "carmine" - a dye prepared from female cochineal aphids of the Canary Islands.

History of the Red Velvet Cake

The Red Velvet dessert was described in detail by James Beard in his book American Cookery in 1972, and in addition to the classic one, he also presented several original recipes for preparing this delicacy (there are three recipes for this dessert in the book).
The main difference between the recipes is the combination of fat and butter, but all included the use of red food coloring.

During the Second World War, instead of special dyes, bakers used ordinary boiled beetroot, which helped to achieve the desired color for the cake (this is the ingredient in baby food that may also be mentioned in some modern Red Velvet recipes).

In the 1940s and 1950s, the described dessert was presented as an exclusive recipe for the Eaton's chain, whose restaurants and bakeries were located throughout Canada. All employees faithfully kept silence and did not disclose the dessert recipe, which is why many people believed that the invention of the dessert really belongs to the founder of the network, Flora Eaton.

How to make red velvet cake at home

Most often, the preparation of any cake begins with baking cakes, and for this you need to make the right dough. In our case, this process takes place in the following sequence:

  1. We take all the eggs and add sugar to them, beating all the ingredients with a mixer for 3-5 minutes (the result should be a light, slightly thickened mass);

  2. Pour quick soda into a container with prepared kefir and mix everything gently;

  3. We also add gel dye here, mixing it thoroughly until a uniform color of the liquid is formed (it should acquire a bright red color, for which, if necessary, the amount of dye should be increased);

  4. Add refined vegetable oil (odorless) to the colored kefir and mix everything again;
  5. In a separate bowl, mix and sift through a sieve (preferably fine) flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, adding a little fine salt to them;

  6. Add the egg mass to the flour and the rest of the ingredients and pour in the mixed colored butter and kefir, after which we beat everything with a mixer until a homogeneous (without lumps of flour) bright red composition;

  7. Thus, we have got a biscuit dough, which now needs to be divided into two halves and placed in two detachable forms, the diameter of which is 20-22 cm (for greater convenience, cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper);

  8. Our biscuit is ready and can be placed in the oven, where at a temperature of 180 ° C it will be baked for about 30-40 minutes (you can check the readiness of the dough with a regular toothpick: if it remains dry after piercing the dough, then this indicates the readiness of the cake , which means that it can already be removed from the oven);

  9. After they have cooled completely, cut the cakes lengthwise into two parts, so that in the end we get four cakes.

  10. Now it remains only to prepare the cream to soak the Red Velvet biscuit, giving it an amazing taste.

Red Velvet Cream Cake Recipe

I must say that if many housewives bake a biscuit according to one recipe, then some of them cannot decide on the cream for the delicious Red Velvet cake for a long time. I often came across recipes that do not include butter, however, as personal practice shows, it is better that it be present in the cream. Therefore, at a low speed of the mixer, mix the softened butter and cream cheese, gradually adding powdered sugar to them (the result should be a homogeneous, smooth composition).

The oil must be at room temperature, which will simplify the process of mixing with other ingredients.

Then we take well-chilled cream (you can even hold it a little in the freezer) and also beat it to a very dense state, after which we slowly add it to the cheese-butter mass. Gently mixing all the ingredients, you get an excellent cream for the Red Velvet dessert, which is quite easy to prepare at home.

How to beautifully decorate and serve a Red Velvet Cake

When we have both the cream and the cake layers ready, all that remains is to combine them and assemble the dessert. To do this, take a wide and flat plate, put one cake on it and apply the first portion of the cream on top. Then we put another cake on it and again carefully distribute the cream layer. Thus, you need to collect all the cakes.

We apply the rest of the cream on the last cake and the sides of the cake and level the surface with a spatula or the blade of a large knife. So our cake will turn out more accurate.

And of course, last but not least, the Red Velvet cake (the second name of the dessert, the recipe of which is presented above) should be beautifully decorated. To do this, you can prepare some more cream and, using a curly nozzle, draw something on the top of the cake. Although confectionery topping, fresh berries or even mint leaves are also good for decorating a dessert.

Red Velvet Cake (original recipe - Red Velvet Cake) is a red-colored chocolate biscuit cake topped with cream cheese cream, in some recipes curd cream or mascarpone cream. The red color of the biscuit in the cake is achieved by adding natural or artificial colors to the dough.

The history of the red velvet cake originates in South American cuisine, and the name of the cake - Red Velvet Cake - still causes controversy among culinary experts about its origin. Some claim that the "red" is related to the brown sugar used in the classic recipe (brown sugar was traditionally called red); although more often the name is associated with a biscuit of a red hue and a velvet structure.

Traditionally, the red hue in the original Red Velvet Cake recipe was derived from a chemical reaction between cocoa powder, acetic acid, and buttermilk (in today's recipe, this has been replaced by kefir), which is why Red Velvet cake was often referred to as the "Devil's food."

The fact is that cocoa contains anthocyanins - substances that give a red tint to some berries and vegetables - and exposure to vinegar with buttermilk made it possible to reveal this natural dye. However, due to modern alkaline processing of cocoa, anthocyanins are neutralized, therefore, in order to achieve a rich shade, coloring must be added to the red velvet cake layers.

But the combination of baking soda with vinegar and kefir still gives the red velvet cream cheese cake its famous airy, light velvet texture. At first glance, the cake recipe may seem somewhat complicated - the dry ingredients will have to be mixed separately from the liquid ones - but the result will be a delicious cake made from vegetable oil.

Testoved advises. Vegetable oil in the recipe can be replaced with butter - for the amount of products indicated in the cake recipe, 200 g of butter (softened or melted) will be enough.

What is the substitute for food coloring in Red Velvet?

Color the Red Velvet cake with artificial dyes or replace them with any natural red dyes, such as beetroot juice (from the juice of boiled beets). Just keep in mind that no natural dye will give the cake such a rich shade as artificial. You can go the other way and do without dyes at all - it is beautiful in and of itself.

Does the cake need to be soaked?

In many recipes, the red velvet biscuit is quite dry, so it must be soaked, but today's recipe is not one of them: the biscuit is moderately moist, so the Red Velvet Cake remains fresh for a long time.

How to decorate a velvet cake?

To decorate the cake, you can use biscuit crumbs (see recipe tips), nuts, confectionery sprinkles, fruits, berries. For a special occasion, such as Valentine's Day, you can bake a red velvet heart-shaped cake; if you are making a cake with mastic or white chocolate icing, it is better to reduce the amount of cake cream in the recipe.

Red Velvet Cake Recipe

20 minutes to prepare

1 hour to prepare

380 kcal per 100 g

Cake Red Velvet Cake (Red Velvet, Red Velvet) - a delicious chocolate cake with snow-white cream cheese cream, which is easy to make at home.

Is Red Velvet Cheese Cream Cake Delicious - make a cake at home according to this classic American recipe and see for yourself.

For cakes

  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • baking soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml + for lubrication;
  • brown sugar - 300 g;
  • large chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • red food coloring - 2 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • freshly brewed coffee - 100 ml;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • white wine vinegar - 0.5 tbsp.

For cream

  • butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 400-450 g;
  • cream cheese - 400 g.


  1. Sift flour, salt, baking soda and cocoa into a large bowl.
  2. Separately, beat the sugar with vegetable oil with a mixer or food processor for several minutes, until white.
  3. Add the eggs, one at a time, while continuing to beat, as well as the coloring and vanilla.
  4. Mix the third part of the sifted flour into the egg-butter mixture.
  5. In a separate bowl, mix kefir with cooled coffee, add half to the dough, beat.
  6. Stir in half of the remaining flour into the dough, continue beating.
  7. The remaining kefir is combined with vinegar, driven into the dough.
  8. Then pour the rest of the flour into the dough and beat thoroughly again.
  9. We grease three forms with a diameter of 20 cm with oil. From baking paper, cut out circles of the desired diameter, line the bottom of the molds with them, oil them.
  10. We divide the dough into shapes and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 35-40 minutes, check the readiness with a toothpick.
  11. Remove from oven and cool in molds for 10 minutes.
  12. We turn the forms over onto a wire rack (suitable from the oven), take out the cakes and remove the paper. Leave until completely cool.
  13. To prepare the cream, cut the butter at room temperature into pieces and beat with a mixer for a couple of minutes, until white and creamy.
  14. Sift the icing sugar into the butter, adding it in three steps and without stopping the beating.
  15. Add a third of the cream cheese to the butter, beat for a couple of minutes. We make sure that the butter and sugar do not settle on the walls of the cup. We repeat the procedure two more times.
  16. Let's start assembling the cake. We put the first cake on a dish or cake dish and spread a few tablespoons of cream over it, not reaching 1-2 cm to the edge. We stack all three cakes in this way.
  17. Cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream.
  • If the dough sticks to the walls, separate it from the mold with a knife. Or, to make it easier to remove the cakes, you can use detachable forms.
  • If the cakes have risen too much and did not flatten while cooling on a wire rack, cut off the middle, chop and use the crumbs for decoration.
  • It is important not to “overthrow” the cream while whipping, otherwise it will turn out to be too liquid, and it will be difficult to apply it to the cake.

This cake is a cult dessert for all the sweet tooth of the world. It was created by unknown American chefs in the 20th century. The original Red Velvet cake recipe will surprise you with its ease of preparation.

Red Velvet Cake Recipe

The combination of bright red cakes and snow-white cream is the hallmark of a cake that you can never confuse with anything. To taste, the juicy porous structure of the Red Velvet cake differs from other types with an unexpected chocolate aftertaste.

In order for the famous dessert not to lose its reputation, it is necessary to take high-quality products for it. But their number in the recipe is approximate and is selected individually for each production.

According to the recipe for the Red Velvet Cake for the dough, collect the following ingredients:

  • Premium flour - 300–400 g.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Cocoa - a tablespoon.
  • Eggs - 3-4 (depending on size).
  • Refined vegetable oil - 300 ml.
  • Sour-milk products (a combination of heavy cream and sour cream or fatty kefir) - 300 ml.
  • Salt - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Soda - a teaspoon (and if baking powder - two).
  • Red gel color - 2 tsp

By the way, this cake originated at a time when there were no food colors yet - only natural products were used. And the Red Velvet cake without dye received its original color thanks to a special variety of cocoa that was then available in America. In combination with soda and hot water, it gave a red tint.

The current culinary specialists who do not recognize synthetic dyes do not have that kind of cocoa either. But they found a way out: red beet juice, combined with lemon and pomegranate, is added to ordinary cocoa powder. Only soda is not used in this case - only baking powder.

The cream is prepared from the following products:

  • Cottage cheese or cream cheese - 300-400 g.
  • Butter - half a pack or a little more. You cannot replace it with spread or margarine.
  • A variant of this cream with whipped cream instead of butter is possible. Cream prepare a glass and a half.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.
  • Vanilla for scent.

This composition of the cream for "Red Velvet" makes it stable, makes it possible to carefully process the vertical sides of the cake.

How to make red velvet cake

The process of making this cake is no different from others: you bake the cakes, prepare the cream, assemble and decorate the product:

  • For the dough, you can immediately collect all the ingredients and beat with a mixer. Or break it down into stages: collect all liquid products and add soda and dye to them, separately all dry products with baking powder, then combine and mix well with a mixer until smooth. The dough is more or less liquid.
  • Divide it into two or three parts. Bake the cakes in a small detachable form, brushing it with butter.
  • The oven temperature is 180 degrees. Baking time - 20–40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer. When pressed with a finger, the finished cake should spring well. Be careful: if the dough is not baked enough, the cakes will fall off, and if you overcook, they will not be juicy enough.
  • Wrap the cooled cakes tightly with cling film so that there are no voids in which condensation can collect. Put it in the fridge for a few hours, at least two. This must be done to strengthen the structure of the biscuit, which cannot be cut immediately: it will deform or crumble.
  • Prepare the cream depending on the selected ingredients. If with butter, then mix cottage cheese, butter and powdered sugar and beat for about five minutes. Remember: for the right consistency, the cheese must be cold, and the butter must be softened. You will achieve a snow-white color if you first beat the butter with sugar, and then add the cheese.

If you choose the option with cream, then beat them separately until airy (seize the moment so that it does not turn into butter). In another bowl, grind cream cheese with powdered sugar. Then add cream into it in parts, gently mixing with a spoon.

The cream is sometimes made colored, for example, pink. To do this, add raspberry juice to it. If you do not mix too much, it will turn out with marble stains.

  • Cut the cooled cakes with a long sharp knife or thread into two layers each. Get 4 or 6. If you are going to cover the sides of the cake with cream, do not cut the ends, they will not be visible anyway. But, if you intend to build a bright red turret with white layers, cut the edges of the cakes very evenly, best of all - with a special metal culinary ring. In the original, this cake is built as a strict, even cylinder.

Dry the resulting trimmings in the oven and chop. Such a crumb will become an additional option for decorating the cake.

  • Spread all the cakes with an even layer of cream, stacking one on top of the other. Make the last layer even, smoothing with a hot knife. You can leave it like this, but you can also spread cream on the side of the cake. If you want to sprinkle with red crumbs, cool the cake so that the cream does not smear, then apply the crumbs. As you can see, the external design of the cake is different. If you are a skilled cook, decorate the top with creamy petals or flowers.

Master the preparation of the original cake with all the tricks, surprise your guests and join the large army of Red Velvet fans.

Cake "Red Velvet" - a delicious dessert with an original appearance. Bright red cakes, snow-white cream - a contrast that gives the cake a peculiarity and originality. However, the popularity of the dessert is explained not only by its catchy appearance, but also by the combination of the divine taste of porous, slightly moist cakes and delicate, soft butter cream.

Red Velvet Cake - General Cooking Principles

The uniqueness of this cake is in its appearance. Usually, the composition of the cakes includes the available ingredients: eggs, flour, kefir, sugar, sometimes cocoa. The bright red color is given by the added dye. It is permissible to use beets for coloring.

Cream for the cake is made on the basis of curd cheese, cream and powdered sugar. There are variations of the cream: add sour cream, milk, vanilla and other ingredients to taste.

To decorate the cake, use the remains of cream or icing. You can experiment and diversify the dessert by adding decorations - canned fruits or berries, nuts as a final touch.

1. Red Velvet Cake: A Classic Recipe

Ingredients for the crust:

Eggs - 4 pcs.;

Cocoa - 30 g;

Flour - 650 g;

Odorless sunflower oil - 2 cups;

Kefir - 370 g;

Finely ground salt - 5 g;

Sugar - 500 g;

Soda - 45 g;

Red dye - 40 g.

For cream:

Fatty cream - 350 g;

Cream cheese cottage cheese - 400 g;

Powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the eggs with sugar and beat for 5 minutes until a thick white mass.

2. Pour soda into kefir without quenching with vinegar, stir well.

3. Pour red dye into kefir with soda, stir until a uniform red color is obtained. In the case of a pale color, the dye dose can be increased.

4. Pour sunflower oil into red kefir (only odorless).

5. Add cocoa and salt to the sifted flour. Pour all this into the egg mass and at the same time pour the red fermented milk mixture. Beat again until a smooth mass without lumps and obtaining a rich red color.

6. We take 2 detachable containers with a diameter of 22 cm for baking, cover them with parchment, do not grease the sides and pour out the biscuit dough.

7. We put the molds in a hot oven and bake the cakes for half an hour at a low temperature. After this time, we introduce a toothpick into the cakes, if it is dry, then they are ready. Take the molds out of the oven and cool.

8. We take out the cold semi-finished product for the cake from the molds and cut it lengthwise into 2 parts, we do the same with the second semi-finished product. The result is 4 equal cakes.

Cream preparation:

1. Whip cold cream until stiff.

2. Pour powdered sugar into a cup, put not cold cream cheese to it. Whisk a little.

3. Mix cream cheese with cream, slowly stir with a wooden spoon.


1. We place 1 cake on a flat dish, put a small portion of cream on it.

2. Cover with the second cake on top, put the second part of the cream in the same way. And so with the rest of the cakes. The result should be a strip of red biscuit and a strip of white cream.

3. Put the remaining cream on the top of the last cake, level it and grease the sides of the cake with it.

4. As a cake decoration, you can use various sprinkles, fresh berries, mint leaves, or make more cream and squeeze out different patterns with a pastry syringe.

5. We send the cake to the refrigerator for 3 hours.

2. Cake "Red Velvet" without dye

Dough Ingredients:

Beets - 1 pc.;

Lemon juice (one fruit);

Vinegar - 20 ml;

Sugar - 200 g;

Sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons;

Butter - 150 g;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Vanilla - 20 g;

Cocoa - 20 g;

Flour - 204 g;

Soda - 15 g.

For cream:

Drain oil - 150 g;

Homemade curd cheese - 300 g;

Powdered sugar - half a glass.

For cottage cheese:

Milk - 1 l;

Kefir - 0.5 l;

Salt - 15 g;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Citric acid - 5 g.

Making curd cheese:

1. Boil milk over low heat.

2. As soon as the milk boils, pour out the kefir and stir well until the milk coagulates.

3. Spread the curdled mass in a colander to drain moisture.

4. Beat the egg with citric acid and add curdled milk, stir thoroughly until smooth and the cheese is ready.

Test preparation:

1. Add lemon juice and vinegar (wine can be used) to the chopped beets, and grind in a food processor.

2. Put sour cream into beetroot puree and mix well.

3. In a small cup, beat sugar with butter, put eggs, vanillin, beetroot puree and mix thoroughly until smooth.

4. Pour the dry ingredients into the finished red mass, stir well.

5. Divide the resulting dough in half, put it in parchment-lined molds and bake at a low temperature for about half an hour.

6. Cool the baked cakes at room temperature.

Cream preparation:

1. Mix butter with powdered sugar and beat, at the same time add curd cheese to them and beat again, until fluffy.

2. Put in the refrigerator.


1. We put one cake on a serving plate, coat with cream, cover with a second one.

2. Coat the sides and surface of the cake with the remaining cream.

3. From above we deposit cream balls with a syringe, and on top of them we put some fresh berries or pomegranate seeds.

3. Red Velvet Cake: Original Recipe

Dough Ingredients:

Chocolate without additives - 85 g;

Sugar - 500 g;

Eggs - 4 pcs.;

Refined oil - 250 ml;

Vanillin - 20 g;

Flour - 520 g;

Soda - 6 g;

Salt - 1 g;

Beets - 1 pc.;

Dye for dough red - 10 g.


Cream with a fat content of 35% - 400 ml;

Cream cheese - 330 g;

Mascarpone - 330 g;

Vanillin - 10 g;

Powdered sugar - 260 g.

Cooking method:

1. Beat sugar, eggs, butter, vanillin at medium power.

2. Mix flour with soda, salt and pour melted chocolate into them, boiled beetroot puree and pour out the dye. We stir well.

3. We spread the finished dough in three forms, in equal quantities, bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

4. We cool the baked cakes.

Cream preparation:

1. Whip the chilled cream until fluffy.

2. Mix whipped cream with cream cheese and mascarpone.

3. For flavor, add vanillin and powdered sugar, stir well.

4. We coat the cakes with the prepared cream.

5. We put whipped cream patterns on top of the cake, and put raspberries on top of them.

4. Cake "Red Velvet" in a slow cooker


Creamy cottage cheese - 300 g;

Butter - half a pack;

Sugar - 400 g;

Vanillin - 25 g;

Cocoa - 50 g;

Sunflower oil, odorless - 2 tbsp. spoon

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Salt - half a teaspoon;

Flour - 500 g;

Yogurt - 250 g;

Red dye - 10 g;

Acetic essence - 10 g;

Soda - 10 g.

Cooking method

1. Beat butter with sugar until airy.

2. Add eggs, dye, cocoa, vanillin, salt to the whipped creamy mass.

3. In a few steps, we introduce flour, kefir and slaked soda.

4. Divide the dough into 2 parts.

5. We put the slow cooker in the “baking” mode, pour the dough into the container and bake for 50 minutes. Similarly, the second part of the test.

6. We coat the baked, cooled cakes with the glaze prepared in this way: beat the creamy cottage cheese with butter, sugar and vanilla until a stable consistency.

7. We also coat the surface and sides of the cake with creamy icing.

5. Red Velvet Cake: Raw Beetroot Recipe


Beets - 1 pc.;

Juice from one lemon;

Wine vinegar - 50 ml;

Pomegranate sauce - 20 g;

Flour - 5 tbsp. spoons;

Cocoa - 20 g;

Soda - 5 g;

Salt - a pinch;

Butter - an incomplete pack;

Sugar - 300 g;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Kefir - 1 incomplete glass;

Mascarpone - 200 g;

Powdered sugar - 50 mg.

Cooking method

1. Add vinegar, pomegranate sauce and lemon juice to chopped raw beets.

2. Simultaneously mix flour with cocoa, soda and salt.

3. Beat slightly melted butter with sugar and eggs.

4. Pour kefir into whipped butter with sugar in 2 parts, pour dry ingredients and beat again for 1 minute.

5. Add the beets to the whipped dough.

6. We spread the finished dough in 2 forms, on parchment paper, put it in a preheated oven, bake for 30 minutes, at a low temperature.

7. Cool the cakes and coat everything with icing, which we do as follows: beat cream cheese with mascarpone, beetroot juice and powdered sugar.

8. You can put berries or nuts on the surface of the cake.

6. Red Velvet Cake: Andy Chef's Recipe


Flour - 450 g;

Sugar - 400 g;

Cocoa - 45 g;

Salt - 5 mg;

Soda - 2 mg;

Eggs - 3 pcs.;

Odorless vegetable oil - 300 ml;

Buttermilk - 350 ml;

Dye - 10 g;

Cream cheese - 1 cup;

Mascarpone - 350 g;

Powdered sugar - 300 g;

Cream cheese - 280 g.

Cooking method

1. Sift the flour and mix it with cocoa, sugar, salt, soda, add eggs and whipped butter. Mix thoroughly.

2. Pour the buttermilk with dye into the resulting mass, beat everything with a mixer for 1 minute.

3. Divide the dough into 2 forms and bake for 20 minutes at a moderate temperature.

4. We cool the cakes.

5. In the meantime, make the cream: beat cream cheese with cream cheese and powder until a stable white mass.

6. We coat all the cakes with cream, along with the top and sides. Sprinkle the entire surface of the cake with chopped chocolate and beautifully lay out the walnut pieces.

To make the cakes beautiful, use split forms for baking them or cover a regular baking dish with oiled parchment paper.

Be sure to thoroughly beat and mix both the cream for the cake and the dough for the cake, then the structure will be much more tender, which will charitably affect the taste of the finished treat.

Before serving, keep the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours so that the cakes have time to soak and moisten.

If you want to bring some bright colors to life to cheer you up, then the Red Velvet cake will help you succeed in this (the recipe may be familiar to someone under the name Red Velvet).

An exquisite dessert, consisting of colorful cakes colored with beetroot juice, in tandem with snow-white cream, has gained popularity among the sweet tooth of the whole world.

A herbaceous plant familiar to many from the amaranth family has several species. Beets are cultivated in almost all corners of our country, of course, except for Antarctica. And we are used to this, considering the plant to be folk of our own origin.

So, modern varieties of beets, of course, have already become our national product, but the history of the origin of the vegetable is far from our lands. The varieties that have been bred and taken root on our land come from wild beets, which grew exclusively on the soils of India and the Far East.

The product gained fame and demand centuries ago. Beets were an integral part of the daily diet of the ancient Romans, Greeks and Arabs. Only here they did not eat root crops, but only leaves that were soaked in wine. The root crop itself was considered a medicinal product, and was used only in certain circumstances required for the patient.

In Rus', beets appeared a long time ago and were brought from Byzantium, approximately, in the 10th century. The Slavic people not only baked it in the oven, but also served it. It was believed that the root crop gives strength to the heroes, and our beauties blushed their cheeks.

Ingredients for 12-14 servings

To prepare the test we need:

4 pieces of chicken eggs

450 grams of flour

1 st. a large spoonful of cocoa powder

400 ml refined vegetable oil

370 grams of kefir (can be homemade)

¼ teaspoon fine salt

400 grams of sugar sand

2 tsp (heaped) baking powder (baking powder)

⅓ tsp (without a slide) baking soda

3 teaspoons of red helium food coloring (natural coloring can be used: concentrated syrup or juice of cherries, beets, raspberries or other berries)

vanilla sugar sachet or vanilla extract

For the cream filler:

300 grams of butter or natural cream (high fat)

400 grams of cream cheese or full fat cottage cheese

150-200 grams of powdered sugar

3 art. tablespoons of milk (but it is acceptable not to use)




mixer or whisk

deep bowls

form for baking

knife, silk thread or wire

parchment paper

cake platter

How to make red velvet cake

At the beginning of the start of the process of preparing dough for dessert, turn on the oven. We need it to accept the dough for baking at a stable temperature of 170-180 °.

So, let's start preparing the dough.

In a convenient container for kneading liquid dough, pour kefir, where we add our quick baking soda. Stir and leave the composition for a few minutes alone.

While the soda is quenched in kefir, let's beat the granulated sugar with eggs.

Dividing eggs into proteins and yolk is not worth it. Using a mixer, we will need to beat the eggs and sugar into a light, thickened mass for about 5-7 minutes.

Pour the required volume to the fermented milk composition with slaked soda. Thoroughly knead the composition until completely homogeneous and coloring the product in a bright red tone.

It is worth noting: For cooking, it is best to use beets - they are the brightest and most colorful. To do this, we rub a small beetroot on a fine grater, pour the mass with acidified lemon water (so that the composition does not lose color). We put the beets on a small fire, and bring the mixture to a boil. Drain the colored water, squeeze the pulp. You can add a little granulated sugar to the red water, and boil it down slightly to thicken the consistency.

Provided that, relative to the use of the specified amount of dye, we get a pale shade, we simply increase the dosage of the coloring agent.

To the already red kefir, we add the refined odorless vegetable oil prepared for use.

Sift the flour through a sieve to saturate with oxygen and remove random impurities. In a dry bowl, mix all our dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa powder. Let's stir the mixture.

Add the dry mixture to the egg mixture. Next, pour the colored kefir with oil there. Beat everything with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

As a result, we get a red biscuit dough, which can be divided into equal parts, so that we have four full-fledged cakes. Or we bake the entire volume in two approaches (divide the dough in two), and then divide each in half lengthwise.

It is worth noting: It is permissible not to lubricate the biscuit baking dish for the Red Velvet cake with vegetable oil. We already have enough oil (vegetable) in the dough so that the cake does not stick to the container. You can line the bottom with parchment paper if you don't trust your mold.

The process of baking a biscuit lasts about 40-45 minutes, but you look at your oven, and check the readiness with a wooden or toothpick.

When the biscuit has completely cooled, divide the base for the cake into two parts.

A little trick: If there is no long thin knife among the kitchen utensils, then you can cut a tall biscuit lengthwise using a silk thread or wire. Stretch the wire with your fingers and gently draw along the cake.

We do the same with the second portion of the biscuit dough.

As a result, we get four full-fledged beautiful red shortcakes.

How to make cream for Red Velvet Cake

Distribute the cream filler evenly throughout the base.
