
What is coffee good for the body? Coffee: instant or in beans. Useful properties and effect of coffee

I told you how to gradually and smoothly get rid of caffeine addiction and stop drinking coffee in liters. If, thank God, you don’t have such an addiction and never have, then you don’t have to completely give up coffee. You just need to know and understand what kind of coffee can you drink, and which one is absolutely impossible; what time of day is best to drink coffee; I will also tell you a terrible secret about the invigorating properties of coffee: is coffee really invigorating, or is it a myth? In general, after reading this article, you will know how to choose the right coffee learn to identify good coffee from bad and also find out what type of coffee is preferable to drink.

The structure of the coffee bean

I will start my story about coffee a little from afar. To understand why coffee needs to be handled exactly as I will describe further, you first need to know what is inside the coffee bean, it is from there that “legs grow”.

The coffee bean consists of two shells: outer and inner. The outer shell contains the alkaloid caffeine, and the inner shell contains the alkaloid theobromine.

whole grain coffee

If we drink coffee from whole grains (whole grain coffee / freshly ground coffee), then the drink contains two alkaloids at once. Caffeine starts to act immediately and its effect lasts for 20-25 minutes.

Action of caffeine:

- constricts the vessels of all organs, and on the contrary expands the kidneys;

- blood pressure rises in all organs;

- improves renal blood flow (hence the diuretic effect of coffee).

After 25 minutes, the effect of caffeine wears off and theobromine begins to act.

Theobromine action:

- expands all the vessels of the organs, and narrows the renal vessels;

- blood pressure decreases;

- renal blood flow worsens (hence, pulling pains in the kidneys are possible)

Theobromine phase works for 60 minutes.

It is because of this action of theobromine that decent establishments always bring a cup of water with a cup of coffee. Drinking water after 20-25 minutes helps the kidneys not to enter a state of impaired blood flow.

This is with regard to whole grain coffee and its effect on the body, and now we move on to the popular and cheaper version of coffee - instant coffee.

Instant coffee

In the manufacture of instant / granulated coffee, the outer shell of the coffee bean is removed (it goes to the production of medical caffeine-containing drugs and caffeine-based fat burners) and only the inner shell, theobromine, is left. The outer shell, as we remember, is caffeine itself, the actions of which are known to us (see above). It turns out that when buying instant coffee, you buy CAFFEINE-FREE coffee, which practically completely lacks the first caffeine phase (which causes the "peppy"), and the second theobromine phase immediately acts. To be precise, the caffeine content in instant coffee does not exceed 6-7%, which is almost the same as in regular coffee.

Have you ever noticed that after instant coffee, it’s not that you don’t get any vivacity, but on the contrary, you want to go to bed? Personally, I calmly drank instant coffee at night earlier and could easily fall asleep after 15 minutes, and this did not affect my sleep in any way. And all because the invigorating effect of coffee can only be obtained from coffee in which the outer shell, caffeine, has not been removed. But even here you need to remember that even after such whole coffee, after 20-25 minutes, the theobromine phase will STILL come, which you can partially neutralize with water, and nothing else. So remember the golden rule:



If you drank two cups of coffee, then after 20 minutes you are already drinking four cups of water, and so on. And those extra cups are not included in your daily water requirement, which you should definitely drink. You can calculate the daily rate of water using the following formula:

Your weight in kg x 50 ml of water

For example, if you weigh 50 kg, then your norm will be: 50 x 50 \u003d 2.5 liters of water per day.

But back to our coffee. Due to the fact that many people rush to work in the morning and literally drink their coffee on the go, they simply don’t have time to remember that they need to drink an extra two glasses of water, so I don’t recommend anyone to drink coffee in the morning. Yes, and in general, your body asks in the morning not for coffee, but for ordinary WATER, so do not upset it in the morning.

Why water and not coffee?

The role of water in our body is colossal, and I will not repeat school material and say how much% of a person consists of water, I think everyone already knows this. But few people know that you should start your morning not with coffee or tea, but with a glass of raw water. It is water, and not a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, that helps our body wake up and properly start all metabolic processes inside.
Water speeds up metabolism for the WHOLE day, and coffee (and then only with its proper use and only whole grain coffee) - only for a couple of hours. In the morning, all the cells of our body are dehydrated, since they did not receive water for 7-8 hours, and when in the morning we do not replenish the needs of our body and cells, then what kind of high metabolism and weight loss can we talk about? All processes are very slow, the process of fat oxidation is completely stopped, and all this is due to a lack of water balance in the body. Therefore, make it a rule for yourself: get up - brush your teeth, wash your face and drink one glass of clean, unboiled water, so you will activate the normal functioning of your body and help spin up your metabolism.

 For reference

Edema from water should not be afraid, they swell not because of water, but, on the contrary, because of its lack in the body. When the body is dehydrated (and coffee, as we know, is a strong diuretic), then all the cells of the body begin to intensively store water from various sources, causing swelling. That is why, in order to lose weight and not swell, you need to drink plenty of water.

Now, let's find out what kind of coffee you can drink without harm to health.

What coffee to choose?

Instant coffee is loved by many, primarily because of its availability and ease of use: poured into a cup, poured with boiling water - and the coffee is ready, this makes it very popular and most bought, but I want to warn you against drinking instant coffee.

Instant coffee is not only a caffeine-free drink, devoid of all invigorating properties, but also a real POISON! It has been proven that instant/granular/powder coffee has carcinogenic properties and leads to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, etc.). In the production of instant coffee, the cheapest variety of Robusta is used, it is much worse than the expensive variety of arbic in terms of taste and aroma. For example, Nescafe, the world leader in the coffee market, does not even hide the fact that they use only Robusta in the production of their instant coffee. But this is not the worst thing about instant coffee, a cheap variety is only “flowers”. Berries include phosphates (toxic compounds) and other artificial additives. Phosphates in coffee are added to enhance extraction, dyes are added to obtain a rich coffee color, flavorings are added to give a more concentrated coffee aroma. You may not find all this on the packaging, since modern quality control is very “not very good”, and manufacturers indicate on the packaging only what they consider necessary.

Especially manufacturers often hide the presence of phosphates in their products, which lead to calcium leaching from the body, as well as to ulcers, gastritis, stomach cancer. This compound is quite toxic, it is widely used not only in coffee, but also in, as well as in the chemical industry (powders, detergents, etc.).

But this does not mean now that you can not drink coffee. I will please you: you can drink coffee if you do it without fanaticism and correctly. So, what coffee to choose?

Coffee that you can drink without fear for health - it is natural bean or ground coffee at a low roast (1-3). This coffee is completely safe as long as you keep the +2 glasses of water rule in mind. It is better to drink coffee during the day, and not immediately after waking up. As for coffee and training, the situation is as follows.

Coffee and sports

Pre-workout coffee

Everyone probably knows about the fat-burning properties of coffee. I often see guys and girls at the bar in the fitness club drinking coffee before and after training. Why go far - many fat burners are made on the basis of caffeine. But is caffeine really capable of activating the fat burning process, or is it all tales?


There is not a single scientific study that confirms that coffee can burn fat. Yes, coffee can increase metabolism by increasing body temperature, increasing blood pressure and increasing heart rate, but it CANNOT burn fat directly! The slimming and fat-burning properties of coffee are associated precisely with.

And people think that a cup of coffee before a workout will help burn fat, so some drink not even one serving, but two or three at once. Doing so is IMPOSSIBLE!


They also drink coffee in order to cheer up after a hard day before training or, on the contrary, wake up (those who train in the morning). But we already know that the invigorating effect of coffee lasts a maximum of half an hour, after which a completely opposite process occurs. Moreover, it is your nervous system that “excites” these first half an hour, but not your body. What happens to your body? When you drink a cup of coffee, your central nervous system is activated and your muscles, on the contrary, relax. It turns out that you seem to be full of strength and energy, ready to break all records (as your brain tells you), but less than half an hour passes and your muscles are in non-combat readiness, which work only at 50-70% of their capabilities. From this follows the conclusion: Drinking coffee before a workout is NOT EFFECTIVE, neither in terms of fat loss, nor in terms of additional energy.

 Exceptions to the rules

If you are engaged in the HIIT principle, and the duration of your training does not exceed 30 minutes, then you can drink a cup before training natural whole grain coffee.

Coffee after workout

As for the question of whether to drink coffee after a workout or not, then everything is clear - NO. If drinking coffee before your workout is in principle possible, if your training is short and intense, then drinking coffee after training is not recommended for anyone.

Coffee blocks protein from getting into the muscles to repair them, and also prevents growth hormone, which is released during and after exercise, from doing its fat-burning functions. It turns out that drinking a cup of coffee after a workout, even if it is natural, you stop the process of fat burning in the body with your own hands.

This concludes my story about coffee, and I hope that this article was useful to you. At least now you know exactly how coffee affects the body, and by what mechanisms this happens; how to choose coffee, and what degree of roasting it should be; what kind of coffee is good, and which one should not be used at all. Well, and most importantly, you learned why it is undesirable to drink coffee before a workout and absolutely not after.

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

Is coffee useful or harmful, many scientists are trying to figure out this question. And so far no one has found a definitive answer. In the same way as unambiguously say how much you can drink this drink without harm to health.

German scientists from the Institute for Healthy Nutrition have recently completed research. The studies lasted more than five years, more precisely - 67 months. More than 2,000 ordinary Germans took part in the experiment. The results obtained surprised many. It turned out that the most useful coffee is not coffee in beans and not freshly ground, but elite coffee in capsules.

According to the German scientist Albert Gescheftgaber, who led the research, this coffee guarantees that our body receives the greatest amount of useful substances that are contained in its grains. Capsular coffee is able to retain the aroma and all useful trace elements for years.

Due to the fact that capsule coffee has not yet become widespread, the most useful coffee is natural, which is freshly made from freshly ground coffee beans. Instant coffee is inferior to natural coffee in terms of taste, as well as the strength of the aroma, and, of course, in terms of its usefulness. But the thing is that instant coffee does not contain: lipids, mineral salts, tannins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and tannins contained in the grain. The only thing that remains in instant coffee is caffeine; in instant coffee, it acts more aggressively on the body. Things are no better with decaffeinated coffee. Removal of caffeine is impossible without the use of organic solvents. They are already in caffeinated coffee, they form chemical compounds that are very dangerous for our body, which can develop cancer. And if you have any health problems, then it is better to give up coffee, or try to reduce the amount of caffeine.

How to reduce caffeine content?

Each type of coffee has a different amount of caffeine content. In the "arabica" of this substance invigorating the body is 1/3 less than in the "robusta". In addition, when brewing a drink, you can resort to some tricks.

Eg, so that caffeine cannot completely pass from coffee beans to water, its brewing time must be reduced to a minimum. To do this, ground grains are poured not with cold water, as is usually done, but with hot water. Then put on fire and bring to a boil. After you need to strain the drink and pour into cups.

There are a lot of varieties of coffee in the world. Experts counted more than two hundred. Of these, the main ones are Robusta and Arabica. They differ in taste. Arabica has a bitter and strong taste. Robusta has the most caffeine. This coffee has an invigorating effect.

Although doctors continue to argue that coffee is harmful to health, the number of coffee lovers is not decreasing, but rather increasing. It is known that coffee perfectly invigorates due to the caffeine contained in the grains. According to some scientists, it is better not to use caffeine for those people who applied to medical institutions with heart problems. At the same time, an experiment conducted by Japanese scientists showed that daily consumption of ground coffee or coffee beans, which are rich in antioxidants, reduces the risk of liver cancer in humans. Instant coffee is contraindicated for those who have certain problems with the stomach, besides the use of such coffee in some cases leads to metabolic disorders, as well as the formation of cellulite.

According to connoisseurs of this invigorating drink, high-quality coffee is made only from beans. Such coffee has the best aromatic and taste qualities. It is believed that coffee beans are very expensive, so many refuse it. Actually the price is different. Coffee bags have different weights, and a 100-gram package of coffee will yield more than the same package of ground coffee (photo 1).

You need to buy such coffee in specialized stores, for example, in this http://coffe.kiev.ua/category/coffee/kupit-coffe-v-zernah/gimoka/. Also coffee beans are much easier to store. For ground coffee, you need an airtight jar, but for beans, an ordinary dry and clean bag is suitable. In addition, coffee beans have a shell that does not allow the beneficial substances to evaporate. The grains should have a matte sheen and be free of cracks. Fresh grains retain oiliness for a long time. If the beans have faded and have a gray tint, then this may mean that either they were stored for a very long time, or the integrity of the package was violated during transportation (photo 2).

The taste of coffee will depend on how the beans were roasted. Dark roasted grains have a rich aroma. Unroasted grains have almost no smell and have a grayish color. A light drink is obtained from light brown grains. With a strong roast (French), the beans are dark brown. The dark chocolate color of the beans is obtained by double roasting (continental). The beans turn black when Italian roasted. Such coffee has a strong bitterness (photo 3).

Aromatic coffee is obtained from freshly ground beans, ground before brewing. Grind grains in a coffee grinder. The result is a fine grind. Substances that are contained in the grains quickly disappear. The aroma of coffee will be saturated if no more than 5 minutes pass between grinding the beans and brewing coffee (photo 4).

Unlike instant coffee, natural coffee has a bright taste. From such a drink, a person receives a greater charge of vivacity. Also, this coffee contains potassium, magnesium and fatty acids, which prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. Ground coffee is also useful for the cardiovascular system, but if you consume no more than two cups of this aromatic drink per day.

As for instant coffee, its main advantage is the speed of preparation. That is why he is so popular. Manufacturers claim that instant and natural coffee have the same amount of caffeine. But instant coffee has fewer calories, so if you decide to stick to a diet, it is better to give preference to such coffee (photo 5).

What coffee do you prefer? Why? What grind and type of coffee?

Preference is given exclusively to "natural". Why? Perhaps natural is the best coffee to date. , then the taste is clearly not the same, and the effect of coffee on the body is completely different. From natural coffee, I am impressed exclusively by “India” and “Bourbon (Brazil)”. Why? Bourbon - first of all, it is balanced and has an excellent taste and aroma. India - I often drink it in the morning. Coffee of this kind tends to invigorate and increase energy. In the morning, I advise you to drink a similar type of coffee preparation: “ristretto” or “espresso”. In the afternoon, “latte” or “americano”, perhaps doppio. Grinding "Bourbon", I use 7-8, on a regular coffee grinder, and "India" from 6-7.5.

Turk? Soluble? Coffee machine?

I prefer to brew in Turkish. Turk with a volume of 250 ml. In my opinion, this is the ideal option. Fill the Turk with sugar (optional), pour water to the level of the neck (about 1-2 cm in volume without topping up to the end), and after that I fall asleep coffee. In my experience, there should be no more than two teaspoons of coffee. When the water begins to boil, do not stir the coffee. It should only be mixed at the end. When the foam starts, mix again and put on a small fire. At this pace, it will stay with you for 2-3 minutes, and then just take off the coffee.

Favorite recipe and cooking method?

There is nothing really complicated about the recipe. My answer is written in a condensed form at the top, it is worth adding to it that the preparation of coffee takes about 10 minutes. If you have, then it will be more difficult. You will have to choose the right approach to this case. If gas, then it's easier, no more than 10 minutes. When you remove the cezve, do not immediately pour coffee! Let the Turk stand for at least 20 seconds. Carefully pour the coffee and be aware that there may be a lot of sediment at the end.

Tea or coffee? What do I drink more often?

I drink coffee more often. Tea is very rare. Tea once or twice a week, and about 3-4 cups of coffee a day.

How do you feel after drinking coffee?

Excellent! Bourbon - relaxes and gives energy. India - charges and invigorates. After it, sleep tends to fade into the background.

My coffee mania

What could be better than a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning? Yes, anything, as many people as there are so many opinions, someone drinks herbal tea with a drop of honey, someone drinks a large glass of instant cocoa, someone is content with a glass of water on an empty stomach, but for me coffee has been leading the list for many years. pleasures. My friends know about my passion and always bring me back from their travels.

I like to try something new, but classic Arabica is still my favorite.

The most fragrant and rich coffee is coffee ground just before brewing. I don't like , so my little hand mill is the way to go. The most correct grinding is the smallest, “to the dust”.

For brewing, I use a Turk, copper is best, not very large, but with thick walls. I put a teaspoon of ground coffee, half a teaspoon of sugar and salt on the tip of a knife, you can add a pinch of cardamom, a cinnamon stick, and someone prefers hot pepper! Spices allow you to shade the shades of taste and smell of coffee.

Pour cold water (however, if you are in a hurry, you can pour hot water), the level should be about 1 cm below the narrowest point of the Turks, and put on a small fire. When the foam starts to rise, mix gently with a spoon. The foam will settle, but after a while it will begin to bubble again. Stir again and again until it stops settling. This means that the liquid has warmed up evenly and the coffee is ready.

For me, an obligatory part of the coffee ceremony is drinking a freshly brewed drink from a thin-walled porcelain cup. Everyone at home knows that as soon as I poured myself a cup of coffee, the rest of the world ceased to exist for me. And let the whole world wait!

For me, coffee is the main energy drink. I use a Nespresso coffee machine at work, but the pleasure of making my own coffee outweighs the desire to save time and get myself a coffee machine at home.

My addiction to coffee

For home I prefer natural soluble sublimated. Coffee is prepared quickly and without any problems, in the morning every minute is precious. But more like bean coffee.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to cook in a Turk, for more flavor.

I rarely drink tea, more coffee, about once every 2 days. Still, it's very harmful. Sometimes I go to coffee houses, where you can try many different types of coffee, in coffee houses I like cappuccino more to taste, with its wonderful milky layer.

After coffee, the mood rises, a surge of emotional activity, a desire to do something. And just to feel the smell, and the taste of this aromatic drink is worth a lot, the most important thing is to drink slowly. When studying at the university, going on a break, I bought coffee 3 in 1, went outside and lit a cigarette. A very strong psychological relief in just five minutes, and I'm ready to continue to gnaw on the granite of science.

How I like to make coffee: take coffee beans, pass through a coffee grinder (necessarily through a manual grinder, you can already smell it), pour water into a Turk a little less than a glass, add coffee with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2, bring to a boil. After pour into a mug and add whipped cream.

Regards Nonex.

Coffee, coffee with ice cream and what cats love

A morning cup of coffee is a ritual for me. I only drink ground coffee. After trying different varieties, I settled on Lavazza coffee, although I sometimes buy Alvorada coffee. Of the coffee varieties, I prefer Qualita oro or Espresso. I like them for their taste, aroma and feeling of cheerfulness after drinking a cup. Coffee is better to brew, but if I'm in a hurry, I just pour boiling water over it. But the taste of Lavazza coffee does not get worse from this. This summer my children brought me a real silver cezve from Turkey, and now when I brew my favorite coffee in it, it tastes even better.

I drink coffee in the morning and in the afternoon, in a small cup. Feeling great after Lavazza coffee, cheerful mood. The rest of the time I drink green tea.

I love adding cinnamon and cloves to my coffee. They give it a peculiar aroma and an unusual aftertaste. I mix them with coffee, add water, mix again and cook over low heat. Sometimes I add sugar and vanilla, or I drink coffee with a slice of lemon smeared with honey. I also love coffee with ice cream, especially in summer.

I have been drinking Lavazza coffee for many years, and for me it is a symbol of a good day and good mood.

Traditional cup of coffee

Every morning I drink a cup of black Nescafe Gold instant. For me it has become a good and kind tradition. That's how it is in my family. Of course, a more correct and meticulous process of brewing coffee is to prepare it in a copper cezve. By adding ground black pepper and salt at the tip of the knife, thus sharpening its taste and aroma.

The modern rhythm of life does not always give us free time, but at the same time we cannot give up small weaknesses. Instant coffee is ideal for these purposes. I do not use special devices, a coffee machine or a Turk. A teaspoon of coffee, sugar and boiling water. What could be easier. But the mug must be small. So the aroma will be thick, and the taste will be rich.

In small doses, coffee has a beneficial effect on the entire body. I use it once a day and only in the morning. Thus, he invigorates me and energizes me, because there is a whole working day ahead. We must always remember that the abuse of something is always a bad habit. This rule also applies to tea, which I also drink once a day.

I believe that in such a balance of habits and beneficial effects, we always have the right not to give up the pleasant little things that make our life so wonderful and interesting.

Ivan, Nizhny Novgorod

Coffee is my friend

Our family buys Nescafe Classic granulated and instant coffee. I prefer to just brew instant coffee, because I have long been accustomed to this method. It is very simple, it turns out delicious, and all these complex delights are simply beyond my power, and even so much faster. The company for me, in general, is not fundamental, it's just that we are used to Nescafe.

I drink coffee once a day or every other day, regardless of the time of day. More often it turns out to drink tea. After drinking coffee, my state of health practically does not change, except that there was a pleasant warmth in the body. But I don’t feel either cheerfulness or, on the contrary, drowsiness (like my mother, coffee instead of sleeping pills suits her).

This is how I usually make coffee for myself. I take 1 teaspoon with a hill of coffee for a cup, pour it with hot water (not boiling water, it’s more suitable for tea. When the kettle boils, I wait 5 minutes, and only then pour coffee). Then I add 2-3 teaspoons of condensed milk (I prefer Vologda condensed milk), stir. The wonderful drink is ready.

I always drink coffee with something - with a sandwich, a cookie, etc. I just can't. Sometimes - with bitter or milk chocolate.

Coffee - The drink of the gods

No drink gives as much energy and vivacity in the morning as a cup of brewed coffee. Personally, I prefer coffee brewed in a copper cezve. It seems to me that in this way its aroma and taste are preserved. Waking up from the smell of roasted coffee beans from Petrovsky Sloboda is the key to a successful day.

In order to diversify the taste of your favorite drink, you can cook it with cinnamon. There are a lot of recipes for this drink, so every coffee lover will be able to choose a recipe to their liking. You need to pour a teaspoon of coffee into the Turk, pour it with water, heat it over a fire for a few seconds. Then add a third teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of sugar. The mixture is poured into a glass of water and boiled over low heat. As soon as you see that the foam in the Turk has risen, part of the drink must be removed from the heat and poured into a cup. Put the rest of the drink back on the fire, after it rises, remove from heat and pour into a cup.

After that, it remains only to enjoy a wonderful drink.

Not everything is coffee in beans

When it comes to the choice of coffee, I like natural, grain. There is not too much - "Colombo", which produces coffee of two types of grinding: coarse and fine. I tried both and decided that it is better to take a fine grind (for my taste). "Colombo" has a pleasant mild aroma and has a rich taste, besides, the quality of the grains themselves pleases.

I brew my drink exclusively in Turku - and the taste is richer, and the aroma is felt from the very first minutes of preparation. I drink coffee every day, at the same time - in the morning. During the rest of the day I drink more tea (two or three mugs a day). However, it is after I drink a mug of coffee that I feel good: cheerfulness, clarity of mind appear and my mood rises. In addition, I often have a headache in the morning, and after a cup of coffee the pain goes away.

I know several recipes for preparing my “miracle potion”, but the most favorite, perhaps, is with the addition of salt. The secret is very simple: you take ordinary coffee beans (who prefers which brand), grind them through a coffee machine. Next, it must be cooked in a Turk until a boil. Just before the coffee boils, add two teaspoons of sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Then everything is mixed and you can drink.

Magic drink - coffee

Coffee for me is not just an opportunity to wake up in the morning and cheer up. It is a charming smell and a magical taste. Of the instant ones, at the moment I prefer Swiss coffee Egoiste Platinum - this is coffee in a hurry, so to speak, a backup option.

But when there is time and a desire to pamper yourself, then this is natural Italian Lavazza coffee. Lavazza, Crema Gusto - strong, rich, fragrant and always with foam. Or Lavazza Rossa - strong, with foam and slight bitterness. I love to cook it in Turkish. The most common recipe for cooking: for 1 serving I take 2 tsp. ground coffee, 1 tsp cane sugar and about 150 ml of water. Depending on my mood, I can add a pinch of cinnamon or cardamom. And an indispensable addition to a cup of coffee should be chocolate or chocolates, especially Comme il faut. That's when you can consider that the day was a success. With each sip drunk, the mood rises, strength and the desire to do something good, to surprise yourself and this world appear.

A morning cup of coffee is a must. Then during the day another 2-3 cups of this magical drink, and sometimes a cup in the evening. You might get the impression that I'm a terrible coffee drinker. However, I will never refuse a cup of freshly brewed green or fruit tea, especially Rooibos.

coffee nostalgia

I am a young mother. I like coffee very much and before pregnancy I drank 3-4 cups of Lavazza-type brewed coffee a day. My work was connected with mental activity, and here you can’t do without coffee, well, simply. To be honest, it was not easy to give up coffee after learning about pregnancy. Naturally, the dose had to be reduced - I limited myself to a cup of coffee a week, as they say "on holidays." Decaffeinated coffee, as an alternative, did not suit me at all. It's like eating soy instead of meat.

Now I am breastfeeding a child, so I continue to limit myself in the pleasure of drinking a cup, another. I’m afraid that after a cup of strong coffee I won’t be able to put the child to bed, since I myself noticed earlier that after 2 cups drunk after 10 pm, it somehow becomes not up to sleep. So for now, you have to be content with black tea and nostalgic for the “Coffee and Milk Shake at Home”.

Homemade coffee and milk shake recipe

  1. 1 serving of strong brewed coffee;
  2. 1/2 glass of milk;
  3. 1 portion of ice cream ice cream;
  4. sugar;
  5. cinnamon.

Brew strong coffee in a Turk. Leave to cool. In the meantime, pour milk into a glass for a blender and throw ice cream in a piece, continuing to beat the cocktail with a blender. Pour in coffee and beat until foamy. Pour into a tall glass, sprinkle with cinnamon, insert a straw. For lovers of sweets, in coffee, after boiling, add sugar and stir well.

Not many of us understand the difference when it comes to the production of ground and instant black coffee.

The truth is that the production of ground black coffee is quite simple and black coffee can be produced even at home outdoors. All you have to do is find and buy green coffee beans, roast the beans in the oven and... your personal roasted coffee is ready!

Unlike black ground coffee, the production of instant coffee is much more complex. After all, it is not enough just to grind it, you must first process the coffee beans, then boil them and make an extract of coffee extract from them at high pressure and temperature. A concentrate is produced from the extract obtained in this way. Then, in a dry place protected from light, the concentrate is dried and turned into a powder, which becomes the basis of instant coffee. This would be difficult to carry out at home due to the lack of necessary equipment and facilities.
Many people believe that black ground coffee has a higher concentration of caffeine than instant coffee. Perhaps this impression is made due to the more intense color and aroma.

The truth is that thanks to the complex and precise production technology of instant coffee, the level of caffeine in it is 2.5 times higher than in ground roasted black coffee! But since we usually use a lot more ground coffee powder for our strong morning cup of coffee with breakfast, we get more caffeine from quantity alone.
Coffee powder is made up of different types of coffee beans, and because the quality of the beans can actually change during shipping from port to factory, different types of coffee beans require different roast levels. Typically, a sour taste indicates less roasting, as opposed to a more bitter taste, resulting from prolonged roasting. This applies to both ground and instant coffee. By the way, in the world, as you know, the standard of real classic high-quality and strong coffee is "Italian roast", which is completely incompatible with any "sourness" in taste, but has a powerful purely "coffee" aroma! (For example, about).
No matter how strong coffee you drink, your body gets used to the one type of coffee you usually drink, so when you change the type and brand of your usual coffee (for example, if you decide to drink instant coffee after drinking ground coffee for a long time, and vice versa), you most likely, immediately cheer up very much as if you drank a double portion of coffee. Therefore, our subjective perception of coffee and the caffeine in it cannot be underestimated. The proof of this is the use of decaffeinated coffee (coffee in which the caffeine is completely removed): despite the fact that there is no caffeine, drinking a cup of decaffeinated coffee will miraculously "cheer up"))) ... mysticism)))
